
thomibschaefer: ping?02:52
bschaeferthomi, pong02:52
thomibschaefer: remember how my ibus tests were failing? Do you think I can reset the ibus stuff by removing ~/.config/ibus?02:53
bschaeferthomi, im not actually sure. It could also be something the ibus-anthy is store else where02:54
bschaeferlet me look up if there is an easy way to reset ibus-anthy02:55
thomibschaefer: thanks. Also, I'm collecting a large number of unity branches... trying to keep them all small and ewasy to review. If you get a chance to look at them that'd be great.02:55
bschaefercool, do you have some links?02:56
bschaeferalso had a random question about memory leaks. If you have a dynamically allocated gchar* and shove it into a glib::String(), would that be a mem leak?02:57
bschaeferas the deconstructor shouldn't delete the gchar* since it's a primitive type02:57
bschaeferif you never delete the gchar* you shove into the glib::String thinking the glib::String handles it...03:00
bschaeferthumper, you might know ^ (if your not busy!)03:01
thumperhi bschaefer03:02
thumperI'm not really here03:02
thumperif you have a gchar* that you don't have ownership of, it should not be in a glib::String03:02
thumperglib::String are particularly for gchar* objects created by glib03:02
thumpernot new, not malloc03:03
thumperas it does a g_str_free (or whatever it is)03:03
bschaeferok, because the bamf_view_get_name returns a g_strdup03:03
thumperok, that should go in glib::String03:03
thumperg_strdup returns a new string03:03
thumperwhich the caller needs to free03:03
bschaeferand it is put into a glib::String, and valgrind complains of a mem leak03:03
thumperthat won't be it then...03:04
thumperyou have to be careful03:04
thumperyou need to make sure that the destructor for glib::string is called before the valgrind atexit handler kicks in03:05
thumperotherwise it is a "possibly lost"03:05
bschaeferyeah, I think it's not a real leak03:05
thumperI feel like I'm going to regret this03:05
thumperbut where is it?03:05
bschaefer0x8E433B0: unity::launcher::BamfLauncherIcon::BamfLauncherIcon(_BamfApplication*) (BamfLauncherIcon.cpp:60)03:05
bschaeferthomi, im getting ibus-anthy source code atm. It usually has a configure thing in there...let me check03:06
thumperpastebin the entire loss record?03:06
thumperthomi: set a commit message and land this plz https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/unity/autopilot-attribute-feature/+merge/10182303:10
bschaeferugg its all in xml one sec I have to find it03:10
thomithumper: trunk is unfrozen? or do I need UNBLOCK?03:10
thumperthomi: I think you are fine03:11
thumperthomi: I didn't realise you could use a generator expression for making a dict03:11
thomiok, done. Let's see how it goes.03:11
thumperthomi: I would have used dict([key, value for ...])03:11
thomithumper: huh?03:11
thumperreturn {k.replace('-','_'):v for k,v in state_dict.iteritems() }03:11
thomiheh, I never thought to do it that way :)03:11
thumperdoes that really work?03:12
thumperyep, I guess it does03:12
thomi*sigh* - I just realised that lp-propose has helpfully put me as the reviewer on all my merge proposals :-/03:14
bschaeferthumper, http://paste.ubuntu.com/933472/03:14
bschaeferI had been looking at this other mem leak for a couple hours...that one was a definite loss dealing with a map...but ran out of ideas :(03:16
thumperthomi: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/unity/wait_for-to-use-testtools-exception/+merge/102198 needs fixing03:16
thumperbschaefer: ok, this loss record is around valgrind thinking that the icon itself wasn't cleaned up03:17
thumperbschaefer: as it is a std::string member variable it is complaining about03:17
thomithumper: that's a good idea (checking for the match attribute).03:18
* thumper wanders off again...03:18
bschaeferooo ok, so it thinks it isn't cleaned up because the deconstructor for that string hasn't been called yet, but it will soon03:18
bschaefer(I've wasted to long on those kind of false positives haha)03:19
bschaeferthomi, hmm im looking at the setup.py for ibus-anthy and Im not sure if I see a reset.03:20
bschaeferill look some more!03:20
thomibschaefer: ok, don't worry about it too much... I can survive without. It'd be nice to make these anthy test a bit more solid though03:23
bschaeferthomi, I just have to figure out what language you switch to when you hit space03:23
bschaeferthen I can google better haha03:24
bschaeferthomi, you could trying re-installing ibus-anthy haha03:24
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bschaeferthomi, sweet figured it out!03:34
bschaeferthomi, go to ~/.anthy03:34
thomiwhat's the secret sauce?03:34
bschaeferand remove last-record03:35
bschaeferyup :), I knew it had to be somewhere haha03:35
thomithanks for your help!03:35
bschaeferidk why they just don't have a reset button haha. No problem!03:35
bschaeferI guess most people who use that program understand Japaneses03:36
thomibschaefer: still around?04:54
bschaeferthomi, yup04:54
thomiI made the ibus tests more awesomeer: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/unity/ibus-test-to-wait_for-feature/+merge/10223604:55
bschaeferneed a review of that ibus branch?04:55
bschaeferjust saw haha :)04:55
thomiless code is always a good thing.04:56
bschaeferthomi, AWESOME! haha, let me grab the branch and make sure all the ap test pass :)04:57
bschaeferi mean ibus only test04:59
bschaefernot all haha04:59
bschaeferthomi, forgot my schoosl wireless is crap, so I had to hop on there wired connection, running the ap test now05:01
bschaefercode wise, it looks really good :)05:01
bschaeferthomi, hmm would you know why during the anthy ap test for the hud it press down a couple times?05:07
thomibschaefer: nope, does it cause the test to fail?05:07
thomiI hadn't noticed05:07
bschaeferone of them, and it caused your problem05:07
bschaeferwith anthy, it pressed 2 down during the 'system' test changing my preferences05:08
bschaeferalso it seems to run the same string test multiple times in anthy only05:08
bschaeferit tries 'system' then 'system' back to back when I run it :(05:08
bschaeferthomi, nevermind about the back to back05:12
bschaeferit is because the anthy has 2 commit keys haha05:12
bschaeferugg im starting to get tired05:12
bschaeferyour branch looks good approved :)05:12
thomiworking on fixing the launcher tests now :-/05:13
bschaefero, there are a lot in there...05:13
bschaeferIm hoping to actually fix a memory leak sometime soon haha.05:14
trijntjeHi all, I noticed that the files-lens ignores files on separate mountpionts by default. Is there a way to whitelist certain mountpoints?08:51
davidcalletrijntje, I don't think there is. mhr3? ^08:51
mhr3trijntje, there is - /etc/updatedb.conf08:53
mhr3but i'd be careful, there are reasons those are disabled08:54
trijntjemhr3: what should I be careful about? I only want to allow some partitions I mount by default08:59
apwdidrocks, i have that stacking issue again, i am starting to feel it occurs when you do an update which brings unity but you have not yet logged out to start using the new one, would that make _any_ sense ?09:09
didrocksapw: I can't say it make sense to me at least, as the old .so file is still used09:09
didrocksapw: I think it's maybe just a coincidence09:09
didrocksapw: sam is you man for that, definitively09:10
apwdidrocks, no i don't think it does, but i've had it twice recently and both times when i was updating i am pretty sure09:10
* apw is also reminded that -proposed is kept enabled by default ...09:10
didrocksoh, -proposed is enabled by default?09:12
Cimididrocks, I don't think it is09:19
Cimididrocks, I had to enable proposed to test new unity09:19
Cimididrocks, I installed in 11.1009:19
blueyedIs it possible to exclude windows (e.g by app name) from being collapsed in the alt-tab switcher? (like gnome-terminal) I would rather have 4 separate entries in the first place.10:14
ochosihi everyone, i have a question: what does a gtk-theme need to show up in unity's theme selector? (mine doesn't show up)10:44
Cimiochosi, I guess it should be in /usr/share/themes11:07
seb128ochosi, Cimi: what do you call "unity's theme selector"?11:08
Cimiseb128, I guess he is referring to the appearance applet11:09
seb128Cimi, right, well that has an hardcoded list of supported themes, that doesn't pick any theme installed11:09
seb128i.e it's only the light themes, the a11y themes and the GNOME one when installed11:09
Cimigood then11:09
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ochosiCimi: that's where it is. i guess i was wondering whether the theme itself needed anything special it doesn't need for other desktops11:24
ochosiseb128: hardcoded theme-list? so how can unity-users install/use new themes from the e.g. the interwebs then?11:24
Cimiochosi, they need to use external tools11:25
ochosiCimi: right. i wasn't aware of that. is that a design decision?11:26
seb128ochosi, dunno, gnome-tweaks, ubuntu-tweaks11:26
Cimiochosi, gnome 3 one11:26
seb128ochosi, it's just a non supported feature, GNOME has no theme selector, we add one to allow changing between the 2 light themes variants11:26
seb128then we added the a11y themes as well and the GNOME one for gnome-shell users11:26
seb128ochosi, I guess it could be improved to pick any installed theme, it's just no a priority on the list of things to fix,work on11:27
ochosii see11:27
seb128if you want to work on it patches are welcome I guess11:27
ochosii've been the artwork-lead of xubuntu for a few releases now and i thought it'd be nice if our default theme supports unity as well11:27
ochosi(that's the background)11:27
ochosisry, not too much of a coder11:28
seb128no technical reason to not do it11:28
ochosiyou mean support unity? yeah, that was easy enough basing it off ambiance's unity.css11:28
ochosithe technical reason not to would be that users can't (easily) switch to the theme anyway :)11:29
seb128well they can with gnome-tweak, ubuntu-tweak, etc11:29
ochosii'm just used to easily change themes in xfce and iirc in gnome2 it was also straight-forward11:30
seb128but yeah, that's something we can look at fixing next cycle, as said it started small just to be able to select which light theme variant to use11:30
seb128GNOME decided that the themes is part of the desktop design and not something to tweak I think11:30
seb128i.e it's part of the shell visual identify11:31
seb128that's why they dropped the option11:31
ochosithat's a strange decision from my point of view, but anyway, it's a gnome-decision i guess11:31
zgregI hope they add some more configuration options11:31
zgregfor example for font size11:31
seb128it's there11:31
zgregthe accessibility settings are useless11:31
ochosiyeah, not being able to change themes feels like pre-windowsxp11:31
seb128in the accessibility panel11:31
zgregthey are the coarse...11:32
zgregerr, too coarse11:32
seb128I guess you could argue with them to get a slider with extra granularity11:32
zgregwhat do you want, reasonable font size, miniscule fonts, or huge fonts? :D11:32
zgregthere's nothing inbetween11:32
ochosiseb128: anyway, thanks for the update. i guess i'll try to push the unity-support to -proposed and publish a quick howto on planet.ubuntu11:35
seb128ochosi, you're welcome11:35
ryehm, selecting Radiance makes the panel menu text glyphs looks blurred at the right edge.12:02
ryebut when you invoke the menu, label redraws and becomes correct12:03
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ryecould somebody from Unity team switch to Radiance - this is what I see - http://ubuntuone.com/4eMA9RedmLP8lsYHVozV1z12:13
ryeIt's even worse with the bold typeface of window titles12:13
zgregugh, looks like subpixel rendering is broken with that theme, for some reason12:14
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ryeas if by default text is using a different subpixel rendering type setting12:15
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ryebug #983923  but it is weird12:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 983923 in light-themes (Ubuntu) "Subpixel rendering type of Radiance panel menus is wrong" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98392312:37
ryeam I correct that unity panel is gtk3?12:49
seb128rye, yes12:53
ryeeh, i guess I cannot find any way I can influence the Radiance theme atm, bug filed, back to U1 stuff13:02
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malindavidcalle: I have made some of the files needed for packing my lens13:27
malinI can push it to launchpad and I need help with some few things. What I am missing filling in in the different files and so on :)13:28
davidcallemalin, ok. I have a meeting in ten minutes, but I will give it a look later in the afternoon.13:28
malinthank you davidcalle  :)13:30
malinhm. I did something wrong. There is just one file in the project :S13:31
malinwell, fixed: here is the latest revision: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~malinkb/unity-buss/unity-buss-experimental/files13:33
davidcallemalin, ping15:46
malindavidcalle: ping ping :)15:47
malinor ping pong. here I am :)15:47
davidcallemalin, I've pushed a branch on your project15:47
malinah :)15:48
davidcallemalin, with the packaging fixes15:48
davidcallemalin, I've made a merge proposal, you have to review it and accept it :)15:48
malinokey :)15:49
davidcallemalin, then, you will almost be able to build it automatically in your PPA :)15:49
davidcalleThere is a last tiny step to do this.15:49
malinoki :) I would like to have an explonation in detail on how to do this, so I can do it my self next time :) Maybe there is a tutorial :)15:51
malinbut I am so thankfull that you are spending your time helping me with this :)15:52
davidcallemalin, I'm pretty sure there is a comprehensive packaging tutorial somewhere. I'll ping you if I find one.15:54
davidcallemalin, the last step will be to create a recipe for your package on Launchpad. It's just a form to fill when you click "create packaging recipe" on your branch page.15:56
malinthanx davidcalle :) So what does the packagin recipe need to contain?15:58
davidcallemalin, a name for your recipe (whatever you want), the PPA, the version of Ubuntu you want to build for and the recipe text (maybe I'm wrong, but it should be already filled by Launchpad, if no, it's just http://paste.ubuntu.com/934153/ )16:00
malinokey :)16:03
malinhm.. I set it to approve, but I cannot se it is merged yet16:04
davidcallemalin, you have to merge it manually, read my comment on the merge page :)16:07
malinah, I see :)16:09
malinI did:16:11
malinbzr pull lp:unity-buss16:11
malinNo revisions or tags to pull.16:11
davidcallemalin, that's because you already are in the folder of your project. What does bzr status gives?16:15
malindavidcalle: I think I made it, just skiped the step16:16
malinand continued with merge instead16:16
malinbut hm.. dosen't seemded to work. Will check br status16:17
davidcalleOk. The step was just to be sure you were merging on a clean version of your project. Clean as in "equal to what's in your trunk on Launchpad".16:17
malinthis is what I did: http://pastebin.com/J4Bt5vef16:17
malinI see16:17
davidcallemalin, from what I see on Launchpad, it worked :)16:18
malinah it did? Cause the browser just try to load the browse code page, but it dosen't finish. I am trying to browse it once again16:19
malindosen't load16:19
malinyeah it looks merged, but I cannot watch my code :S16:20
malinit just freeze on loading16:21
davidcallemalin, Launchpad is apparently in maintenance for a few minutes : https://plus.google.com/u/0/109129028036222996031/posts/FBixu3QNQVk16:22
malinaha, that explains all :)16:22
malinbut thank you so much for helping me :) I am so happy to get it packed soon, and spread this :)16:23
malinnice. you found me at google + :)16:27
davidcallemalin, heh, I'm glad people are making their own lenses. :)16:27
malinyeah :)16:27
malinI think Jo-erlend told me I could make my own lenses, and then I just did :)16:28
malinThis is the first thing I have made who is usefull and finished :) Well, there is some few improvements I will add before I will call it version 1.016:29
davidcallemalin, yeah, version 1.0 is always a bug step :)16:31
malinit is, and I think version 0.9 is very close... :)16:33
bdrungCimi: around?16:34
Cimibdrung, in 30 mins16:34
malinoh lord, I can browse the code again :) meaning I will get it packed16:38
bdrungCimi: hi. do you have time to help me debugging bug #955376 and #981289?17:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 981289 in light-themes (Ubuntu) "Window list entries colored in white instead of dark (GNOME Classic / Ambiance theme)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98128917:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 955376 in light-themes (Ubuntu) "Text color under Ambiance in top panel of GNOME Classic is dark gray instead of white" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95537617:08
Cimibdrung, might be a :insensitive state for the first one17:09
Cimisorry I meant the latter17:10
Cimifor the first one instead17:10
* Cimi looks17:10
Cimithis is probaby a missing match17:10
CimiI think someone did changes, but I didn't have time to approve17:10
bdrungi failed in finding a correct name to match17:11
Cimitry merging this branch into lp:light-themes17:11
Cimiand see if that fixes for you17:11
bdrungCimi: i have to leave now. i will be back in ~2 hours. then i will test this branch and report back.17:13
Cimibdrung, ok, I will leave too but I think I'll be online tonight17:13
bdrungbut i doubt that this branch will fix the theme issue.17:14
ryeCimi: may i inquire you about this too - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/983923/+attachment/3083260/+files/Radiance-jagged.png - bug #98392317:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 983923 in light-themes (Ubuntu) "Subpixel rendering type of Radiance panel menus is wrong" [Undecided,New]17:16
ryethe title is how i see it being at the point, but I was not able to find anything particularly different in Radiance theme (vs Ambiance)17:16
shnatselI'm writing ulatencyd configs for Ubuntu, including Unity. Among other things it can set higher or lower priority (niceness) to specific processes. I've raised priority for UI components and unity-panel-service, but I'm not sure what priority should I set to unity-applications-daemon and lenses. Any hints?19:15
davidcallemalin, I've noticed you are building for Oneiric too. You shouldn't, as Precise lenses don't work on Oneiric. :)19:16
malindavidcalle: ah. Didn't know. Then I have to change it :)19:17
malindavidcalle: I got builds for i386 only. Belived I would get it for all19:17
davidcallemalin, it's ok : unity-lens-buss_0.9-0~22~precise1_all.deb  notice the "all" at the end.19:18
malinah, so it is right?19:19
malinyeah, it state all, so I have to change i386 in launchpad then?19:19
malincause the architecture tag states i386 and not all, but I see, the package is right19:20
davidcalleshnatsel, I think they should be on low priority, they are really punctual tasks. But I'm not sure. mhr3 ?19:20
shnatseldavidcalle: it depends on what they do. If they are doing something only responding to user's request, they should be higher priority to be more responsive. If they work mostly in background, they should be low priority to make way for user's real tasks.19:22
davidcallemalin, no it's fine. "All" is specified in your debian/control file and Launchpad fallbacks on the i386 tag in this case. That's normal.19:23
davidcalleshnatsel, then I was right not to be sure. They are an almost inexistent background noise and need to be super responsive on user's request.19:26
davidcalleshnatsel, my bad.19:26
shnatseldavidcalle: both lenses and applications daemon?19:28
jo-erlendis it still necessary to restart Unity in order for new lenses to become available? I thought I read about some command to reload, but that might be in another context.19:28
davidcallejo-erlend, still necessary, yes. The command is just a request that has been made... Let's hope it's here for 12.10.19:30
jo-erlendyes, that's sort of a big deal.19:30
davidcalleshnatsel, lenses = daemons, the visible dash chrome is managed by compiz.19:31
shnatseldavidcalle: and what unity-applications-daemon do?19:32
davidcalleshnatsel, it's the lens.19:32
shnatseldavidcalle: it's not directly a lens and I couldn't find any docs about it19:33
shnatseldavidcalle: ah, sorry, my bad, indeed it is19:33
shnatseldavidcalle: thanks! I'll raise priority and propose the configs upstream once I test them a bit more.19:33
davidcalledavidcalle, thanks!19:34
davidcalleshnatsel, ok, now you see it, I'm eating and especially drinking quite a lot right now :)19:34
shnatseloh, by the way... I normally work for elementary, as the OS guy. I have conducted an extensive research about near-term performance optimization, there are 5 items and ulatecnyd is one of them (that's why I'm asking). Here are the results, in case you're interested: http://shnatsel.blogspot.com/2012/04/5-ideas-that-every-desktop-os-should.html19:37
shnatselall those items can be used in Ubuntu, but I have no idea where to submit this.19:39
malindavidcalle: thank you again for all help19:39
malinand thanks to mhall119 too for helping19:39
malinand everyone else who have helped me :)19:40
malinI will do some few fixes on this lense, and then start on another one I think :)19:40
davidcalleshnatsel, ubuntu-devel mailing list I guess19:41
shnatseldavidcalle: thanks! will do19:41
davidcallemalin, another one? That's great :) Any ideas?19:41
davidcalleshnatsel, np19:41
jo-erlendmalin, there's also a Quickly template in the works now. It should simplify and speed up the creation of single-scope lenses dramatically.19:52
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malinjo-erlend: coool20:33
jo-erlendmalin, yes, it doesn't seem to work, but you can see how it's supposed to work here: developer.ubuntu.com/2012/04/how-to-create-a-wikipedia-unity-lens-for-ubuntu20:40
bdrungCimi: that branch didn't fix it, but I found a branch that fixes it: https://code.launchpad.net/~eye-zak-devel/light-themes/fixes-lp954437/+merge/9729520:50
mhall119jo-erlend: it works, at least for david and I (and a few others I've heard from)20:50
mhall119jo-erlend: what problem are you having with the quickly template?20:50
mhall119jo-erlend: it's still complaining about not having the .service file?20:51
jo-erlendmhall119, yup.20:59
mhall119jo-erlend: that's very strange, it shouldn't even *try* to do that when the lens daemon is already running...21:00
mhall119jo-erlend: the lens process is printing that error, or something else?21:00
jo-erlendmhall119, let me repeat it and see.21:01
jo-erlendmhall119, hmm. Different results now. I'm beginning to think it might've been a pebcak.21:13
jo-erlendmhall119, Why does the article recommend quickly install? It seems to me that recommending "quickly package", install the deb and restart unity would be better.21:17
mhall119jo-erlend: "quickly install" does the minimum amount necessary to allow testing via "quickly run"21:20
mhall119also, fyi, you don't need to run "quickly install" if yu add/remove categories or change your .lens file, you don't have to do it for changes to the search function to be picked up21:21
mhall119you *only* need to run quickly install in those scenarios, not "don't21:21
jo-erlendoh, ok. I see.21:21
jo-erlendin other words, it should've been called "quickly testrun" or something? :)21:22
mhall119or something, but I couldn't think of a better something21:26
mhall119I'm thinking "addlens" now, but it's too late for 12.0421:27
jo-erlendmhall119, I don't think it's a big problem. But it would be nice if the article was updated to better explain what quickly install does and what to expect.21:32
davidcallejo-erlend, the *surprise* Unity restart?21:34
jo-erlenddavidcalle, for instance, yes. And the large amount of scary text that appears in the terminal.21:35
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davidcallejo-erlend, you are right, but I didn't want to break the tutorial with scary things (developing lenses leads anyway to several unity --restart, with everything it involves). I'll see if I can directly update it myself tomorrow and add some kind of warning.21:38
jo-erlendyou can have it in the intro, before the tutorial itself starts. Something about how lenses aren't usually added and removed all the time, and that it will be started automatically at login, etc.21:42
jo-erlendbut it's really annoying that this is necessary in 12.04.21:43
jo-erlendI'm wondering if a lens-updater can be added as its own program without requiring a Unity restart?21:43
davidcallejo-erlend, lens updater?21:45
jo-erlendyes, I mean some program to refresh the lenses in Unity without having to restart Unity itself.21:45
jo-erlendit's not a big deal in any case though.21:50
malinhow do I reverse the result-list?21:51
malinI changed my lens so it display several answers again, but the newest result is placed last. I want it on top21:52
malinI tried to add reverse to this: model = search.props.results_mode by writing: model = search.props.results_mode.reverse <<--didn̈́t work21:52
malinit didn't work to write model.reverse() on a single line either21:53
davidcallemalin, create a list of results, reverse it, then append each result to the model.21:53
malinyeah, so I should actually write the results to a textfile first, and then add them to the model. Then I think I implemnt it in next version :)21:54
davidcallemalin, not to a text file, just to a variable :)21:54
malindavidcalle: ah, so it's enough to put it in a variabel?21:54
malinhm.. but I do have put it to a variabel already21:55
malinor does it need its own variabel. I need an array I guess?21:55
davidcallemalin, I don't know how you separate your results from your initial string of results. But create a list "results_list = []", then for each one, "results_list.append(result)". Then results_list.reverse (). And "for result in results_list:" model.append etc.21:57
davidcallemalin, not sure I'm clear :) Need to go to sleep ;)21:58
malinI need to sleep too :) but I can try something like that :) thank you very much21:58
malinHave a good night21:58
davidcallemalin, you too!21:58
Teestermhall119: Ping22:02
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bdrungCimi: around?23:14
Cimibdrung, no :)23:51
bdrungCimi: in which timezone do you live?23:51
Cimibdrung, London23:52
Cimi(Italian guy in London :))23:52

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