
jcastrorick_h: your tank looks awesome00:39
jcastro2 coreys?00:39
rick_hjcastro: 600:39
jcastrorick_h: ooooh nice! (wrt. the shave)00:39
rick_h6 cories, 6 rainbows, down to 8 harlequin and 8 cardinal tetras00:39
rick_hone rubber nose pleco, 3 chinese algae eaters00:39
rick_hone of the harelquins committed suicide jumping out the tank :/00:39
jcastroJill is traumatized by our last die off00:41
rick_hyea, my wife wasn't happy00:41
jcastrothough I personally want to just double down00:41
rick_hshe told me "I don't want to know about these things..."00:41
rick_hyea, I mean fish are fragile and you lose some.00:41
rick_hthe two main ones you could tell were sick/not schooling with the others00:41
rick_hI told the wife "oooh, that's a bad sign..."00:42
rick_hand got yelled at for saying that00:42
rick_htwo days later....poor fishies00:42
rick_hbut 3 out of the what...over 30 I conider a good run00:42
jcastroI was doing awesome00:42
jcastroit's the one getting stuck in the filter00:42
rick_hand the guys in tehre are starting to really get some good color going, feeding real stuff vs flake ftw!00:42
jcastroand turning it into a filter of ammonia death for like a week before I found it00:43
rick_houch, yea I try to do a quick count each morning00:43
rick_hso I've caught most of them next day00:43
jcastroMy tank was humming just fine until then00:45
jcastroeverything was awesome00:45
rick_hshave was good, learned a lot, next one will be better00:45
jcastroit was like a perfect SimCity00:45
rick_hthe brush is crazy00:45
rick_hheh, aw3esome00:45
jcastroit's all about the prep00:45
rick_hthe blades tripped me up, didn't realize they'd be that small/bendy00:45
rick_halmost feel like plastic they're so thin00:46
jcastroyeah I always flip out when changing them00:46
jcastroremembering the long sides are sharp00:46
jcastrobut the other ones, not so much00:46
rick_hI was thinking like the razor blades you'd get at the hardware store00:46
rick_hpretty stiff00:46
jcastroah, right00:46
jcastrowhat blades?00:46
jcastroI am trying the gillette 7 oclocks next00:47
rick_hjust the defeault merkur one that came with the razor00:47
rick_hit came with some other ones, box of 1000:47
rick_hso I've got 11 blades to work with for now00:48
rick_hI'm sure I'll try something out and find some stuff00:48
jcastro11 weeks worth!00:49
jcastroI like the merkur ones, they're my favorite so far00:49
jcastrothe only ones I suck with are the Lord ones ...00:49
rick_hgood to know00:49
jcastroI think depends on the face and the person00:50
jcastroFrom what I can gather it's easy to fall into monster-cable-type idiocy with this stuff00:50
rick_hyea, seems to be the idea, interchange more parts to find what works for you00:50
rick_hyea, I don't think I shave enough to get that into it00:50
jcastroheh yeah00:50
rick_hI'm a twice a week shaver, would love a little more, but don't think I'll be doing it twice a day nuts or anything00:51
jcastroI have this waking nightmare of craig watching the scrollback and being like "what happened to you guys."00:51
rick_hheh, I think I've already left him like that.00:54
jjesseyeah i tuned this whole channel out lately00:55
jjessesounds like some extreme makeover?00:55
jcastrowell, what do we normally talk about at 9pm on a monday?00:55
jjessewell you were talking about it at 9am this morning as well00:56
rick_hoh crap, not allowed to do that lately00:56
jjessei learned that jcastro shaved 4 times in the army00:56
jjesseor something silly00:56
snap-ljcastro: Too late01:22
snap-lFigure you gents are busily manscaping and such01:22
jcastrowe're brogramming01:22
* rick_h does a twitch...damn word01:23
snap-lHah, latest Prog magazine has a newspaper in the style of "Thick as a brick"01:25
jrwrenit reminds me of queer eye for the straight guy.01:29
jrwren'cept even teh queer didn't teach proper shaving.01:29
jrwrenthe show instead got sponsors liek gillette and the hawked the latest 3, 4,5,6,7 blade razors that dont' work nearly as well as a proper shave.01:30
jrwrenhow about: straight eye for the straight guy. real shaving, none of that sissy shit.01:30
snap-ljrwren: You expected something else?01:30
snap-ltsk tsk, it's all about the marketing01:30
jrwrensnap-l: expected: no.  wanted: of course.01:30
rick_hbah, couldn't get all the way to pep8 in one shot01:34
rick_hgoing to take some effort... https://github.com/buriy/python-readability/pull/15/files01:34
rick_hthat time when you submit a pull request and wait for someone on the other side of the world to get around to peeking at it...02:14
Shakes808Hello all,02:30
Shakes808I have a question if you could be so kind :D02:31
rick_hdepends on the question, but shoot02:32
Shakes808I am new to Linux and am installing and configuring GIT02:32
Shakes808I am going through the progit.org tut02:32
Shakes808What should I use for a diff tool?02:33
rick_hI just use git diff02:33
rick_hif you want you can use an external program. I think meld is pretty good with a gui, or gdfiff if you're a good vim users02:33
rick_hbut I'd suggest getting comfy with the normal git diff output02:34
Shakes808I am going to try using VIM02:34
Shakes808I have Eclipse downloaded as well02:34
Shakes808So GIT comes with a Diff tool?02:34
Shakes808Do I need to install it or does it come with the package?02:34
rick_hgit diff is just a git command that will output a diff for you02:34
Shakes808alright, looks like i have it already :D02:35
Shakes808Thank you02:37
rick_hnp, have fun02:37
Shakes808So question about that02:49
Shakes808I put in what they suggested for the colors and all that jazz, but when I go to open vim I get"02:50
Shakes808"Error detected while processing /home/aaron/.vimrc:02:51
Shakes808line   3:02:51
Shakes808E185: Cannot find color scheme green02:51
Shakes808Press ENTER or type command to continue02:52
Shakes808It goes into vim but doesn't hold the configurations that I put in per the site02:52
Shakes808User Error! I miss spelled greens03:16
=== ebarch_ is now known as ebarch
snap-lGood morning11:32
snap-lLatest OMC is up11:32
rick_hparty on!11:34
snap-lAnd, just because I can't seem to win when it comes to smart phones: I asked Ting if it would be possible to upgrade to the Motorola Photon to get a phone to me sooner11:35
snap-lchecked the device list: Photon is nw shipping in 2-3 weeks11:36
rick_hoh hmmm, :/11:36
rick_hok yea not sure on the photon as an ok phone11:36
snap-lbut my inner child wants new toys.11:36
snap-lrick_h: I have some of those pocket references. I don't find I use them nearly as often as I think I would11:37
rick_hI do like the regex one11:37
rick_hI don't use the python one much admittingly11:38
rick_hI think the key is they have to be kept right in front of you11:38
rick_hthen there's that brousch guy11:39
snap-lALthough I don't have the ebook version of the regex book.11:40
rick_hwell not a fan of htem as ebooks11:40
snap-lbut that's $4.99 as an upgrade, so no hurry11:40
rick_hjust not good for that11:40
* snap-l decides to take the pocket reference books to work11:41
snap-lGod, the Python "Pocket Reference" is 210 pages.11:42
rick_hwell it's for a whole lang11:42
rick_hI got that one in ebook and never ever use11:42
brouscheh, what aboot me?11:43
snap-lI want to know what it is about Mr. Lutz that makes his books so damn huge.11:43
brouschgood grpug last night. 2 new guys, 2 old guys came back, 3 python jobs mentioned11:44
rick_hgot my branch merged into the readability library, think I'm going to try to take ownership of it11:46
brouschof the project?11:47
rick_hyea, she says she's in maint mode, but already have 6 todo items to fix up on it11:47
rick_hand there's a fork that's done a ton of good work on it I want to cherry pick 20 commits or so11:47
rick_hbut it's go no tests, no build, poor setup.py setup, no pep8...it needs a lot of <311:48
brouschcarpe forkum11:48
rick_hyea, but I want my changes on pypi11:50
rick_hso unless I fork/rename/etc but why if I can get commit rights or even maintainership?11:50
rick_hspeaking of modern-package-template from yesterday http://kennethreitz.com/repository-structure-and-python.html12:01
rick_hthough note he doesn't advocate the src directory which a lot of commenters do12:01
brouschi'm not sureabout src12:01
brouschseems unnecessary12:02
rick_hwell it won't work on heroku :/12:02
rick_hbut I like it12:02
brouschpydev tries to do it by default12:02
rick_hit splits up the clear package bits from virtualenv and other things12:02
brouschso you and pydev agree on something12:02
rick_hno I mean... that... crap12:03
brouschrick_h: o'reilly is looking for reviewers for "Fitness for Geeks" http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920015475.do?imm_mid=083cf6&cmp=em-code-ug-ug-nl-apr1212:07
rick_hgood stress uh oh12:11
brouschgood stress?12:14
rick_hfrom the book description12:15
brouschah, at the end12:15
brouschi had to install the ginormous XCode and the XCode Command Line Utilities (an additional giant download) just to get virtualenvs working on OSX12:32
rick_hheh, I don't get devs on osx sometimes but oh well12:32
brouschand then i needed an additional apt-like program called homebrew to install the poppler library12:33
brouschi cannot live like this12:33
jrwrenbrousch: why not? brew is really nice.12:58
jrwrenbrousch: and IIRC there is some way you can install xcode command line utils without full xcode.12:58
brouschmaybe, but the instructions i found had you go through XCode->Prefs->downloads and download it from inside of xcode12:59
rick_hyea, I think armin setup the command line tools only package or something13:01
jrwrenbrousch: me too. i've no idea how to get them wihtout full xcode.13:02
jrwrenbut i use full xcode occasionally, so I'm find with snagging it13:02
rick_hsorry, kenneth did it I guess then13:03
rick_hsee if it shows up in homebrew for you13:03
jrwrenhttps://github.com/downloads/kennethreitz/osx-gcc-installer/GCC-10.7-v2.pkg  looks like that it one option13:05
rick_hor that I guess13:05
brouschbah, well it's done now. my gigabytes are occupied13:06
rick_hwell for future reference13:06
jrwrenyou might not be able to brew install it becuase it installs to system paths and brew does not install things to system paths.13:06
rick_hyea, just going off the email there13:06
jrwrenfrom __future__ import print_function #pros?cons?14:26
brouschi think it just works in 2.714:27
brouschis that for 2.6?14:27
rick_hmaybe 26?14:27
rick_hmake sure to test it first14:28
rick_hpro if you can use it14:28
jrwreni'm not sure how to tell the difference.14:28
jrwrenprint("hi"); works no matter what.14:29
rick_hlooks like it works in python 2.614:29
rick_hjrwren: yea, but doens't print without () error if that's imported?14:29
rick_hjrwren: yea, so testing it on my 2.6 ec2 box14:29
rick_hif you import print_function it makes `print 'test'` a syntax error14:30
rick_hand that imports in 2.614:30
jrwrenbut the function syntax works either way.14:30
jrwrenah, so it just makes the old syntax error.14:30
jrwrenok, I get it.14:30
jrwrenanyone used proxmox ? looks like pretty sweet virtualization14:32
jjesseanyone watching tDiscovery land at Dulles Airport?14:33
jjesselooks like its finally coming in after a flyby of DC14:34
snap-lHow poetic. ;)14:40
snap-l"Hey DC, get a glimpse of how great America was"14:41
jjessemaybe they should've done this more often so we would still have a shuttle program14:41
snap-lNah, because then they'd bitch for the added air travel.14:42
jjessewell people are now interested in the shuttle14:43
jjesseshould've done that earlier14:43
snap-lMaybe they'll get interested in the XPrize contenders14:43
snap-lMaybe NASA can compete then. ;)14:44
rick_hbwuhahah, upload stupid @#$#@ to pypi, I just point requirements.txt at my git repo!14:44
snap-lrick_h: Context, or we'll label you raving mad14:45
rick_hthe readable maintainer merged my branch in, but uploaded an .egg to pypi14:45
snap-lAh, OK14:45
rick_h.egg == no pip install == no heroku since it uses pip requirements.txt14:45
rick_hso I ping'd a heroku guy, found outit supports git installs14:46
rick_hand thus bypass stupid paackage mantainer and just use my fork for heroku so it works14:46
brouschcarpe forkum!14:47
rick_hyep, though I now have commit bits14:48
rick_hso I can commit to her git repo, but still need to get her to upload proper source dists14:48
rick_hso merged in a makefile with a make upload command that forces sdist :)14:48
rick_hbwuahhahaha, I'll makify the world!14:48
rick_hand `make heroku` is complete and my app is updated14:48
rick_hsometimes I just love software, work around all the problems and just make it go14:49
brouschdoes make work on windows?14:54
rick_hno idea, who cares :P14:54
brouschwell, you're assuming the maintainer can run make14:55
snap-lrick_h: ^^15:58
JonEdneyGood morning folks.15:59
rick_hsnap-l: yay15:59
rick_hhowdy JonEdney15:59
snap-lApparently it's in Farmington Hills17:08
snap-lAnd no, it's not tjagoda's house.17:08
greg-gbut he goes there daily17:10
greg-gto apparently listen to jazz and get photo ops with mascots17:11
snap-lActually, it was Wireless Giant17:11
jrwrenTIL: if you don't have /etc/resolv.conf but do have dns in nss hosts, glibc will automatically try localhost, and if you have dns on localhost, it will work.17:16
rick_hummm, nice?17:16
jrwrenIMO its weird.17:16
rick_h<3 this little powergen battery thing. Forgot to charge the mifi...no problem.17:38
snap-lMan, I need to get a new music drive19:06
snap-l99% with 8GB left19:06
snap-lof a 640 GB drive19:06
JonEdneyThats a lof of music..19:07
greg-ggeebus, mirroring jamendo, bandcamp, .. what else?19:07
snap-lCD rips19:16
snap-lall FLAC19:16
greg-gyou know, if I had a workable CD drive in my possesion, I might do that19:19
greg-gas it is, the closest I have is my shelf stereo but even the cd player on that makes noises of impending death19:19
greg-gx-series all the way, baby19:19
brousch1i have an external usb cd/dvd burner19:21
brousch1has lasted for many years19:21
greg-gyeah, might need to do that at some point when I have a bit more time on my hands to backup all my CDs before they bit rot19:27
brousch1you can just buy them again19:28
snap-lI haven't seen much bit rot on my discs19:29
snap-land I have discs dating back to high school19:29
greg-gI'd rather not contribute to the creation of more plastic-based music discs19:29
greg-gsnap-l: unpossible19:29
* snap-l treats his discs like a librarian19:30
* greg-g prevents self from making an old joke19:30
greg-gI sure didn't, my are in a 200-disc case that has been in the sun way too many times19:30
snap-lgreg-g: I probably have discs that are older than you are.19:30
snap-l1988 is when I started getting CDs.19:31
greg-gI"M NOT THAT YOUNG!19:31
* greg-g was born in '8219:31
snap-lI think the only thing that might be older than you is some alvin and the chipmunks records. :)19:32
brousch1greg-g: i meant buy them again in digital format19:32
* snap-l was a musical square in elementary school.19:32
brousch1snap-l: did you get those from the battle creek cereal festival?19:32
greg-gbrousch1: :(19:33
snap-lbrousch1: eh?19:33
brousch1guess not19:33
snap-lI have no idea what you're talking about. :)19:37
snap-lDo you mean some flexidiscs?19:37
brousch1no, as a kid i got free cheesy records like alvin and the chipmunks from the battle creek longest breakfast table thing19:38
snap-lbrousch1: Huh, never heard of it19:39
snap-lGod, I <3 archive.org19:40
snap-lI currently see 32 items created by that account. Please contact us again when you have created 50 items19:40
snap-l(asked about creating a collection)19:40
jrwren1988! that is when cd players cost $100019:40
snap-lI had a portable CD player19:41
snap-lit cost $250 or something like that.19:41
jrwreni didn't know what a cd was until 91ish19:41
jrwrenno, that can't be eright.19:41
snap-lFolks were starting to get them when I was in high school19:41
snap-lI saved up an entire summer of caddying to get a CD player19:42
brousch1i got one from aol in the mail around 1993 before i had a computer. i hung it up because it was so pretty19:42
jrwrenoh yeah, I had a portable in 91 too.19:42
jrwrenmaybe as early as 89.19:42
snap-lThat was sophmore year into junior year19:42
jrwreni forgot entirely.19:42
snap-lI remember the first three albums I bought19:42
jrwrensnap-l: you are my age, old man?19:42
snap-lgraduated in 198919:42
snap-lso a little older.19:43
jrwrenah, no my youngest cousins age.19:43
jrwrenat SRT i worked with 4 or 5 people that were class of '8919:43
jrwrenwhich is a high mode given a 20 person company19:43
greg-gwhoa, segphault mentioned my literally 4 minute blog post on twitter20:12
greg-gI was wondering why my views were going crazy but my short link (goo.gl) wasn't showing anything :)20:12
=== AaronThul_ is now known as AaronThul
snap-lHey, there's AaronThul21:01
jcastroand there he goes22:19
jcastrorick_h: please charm bookie so we can serve it over spdy, because why not: http://www.jorgecastro.org/2012/04/17/want-to-mess-with-spdy-easily-come-experiment-with-it-via-juju/22:19
greg-gwhen did github's 404 page image move on mouse over?22:50
Blazeixsince forever, i think23:01
Blazeixat least a long time23:01
greg-goh, well then, apparently I'm not a big mouse user23:03
greg-gI can't make sense of this table: http://sopatrack.com/bills.html23:27
greg-gspecifically HR 1 and HR 235423:28
greg-g(how they label the vote going)23:28
rick_hjcastro: lol23:52
rick_hjcastro: I did give it a go of juju'ing it23:59

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