
waltmanTOO quiet01:20
* ChinnoDog drops a crate of pins on the floor01:41
* InHisName sneaks off with crate of pins for sewing project01:52
ChinnoDogMake me a halloween costume so pleia2 doesn't put punk bunny ears on me again02:13
teddy-dbearall you have to do is hope pleia2 isn't around you come next halloween02:17
ChinnoDogaww, I would never hope that02:17
teddy-dbearthen bunny ears are you :-D02:18
teddy-dbearsleep time02:19
InHisNameChinnoDog: R U afraid of bunny ears ?  What about dog ears ?02:53
JonathanDGood morning.09:32
rmg51morning JonathanD09:54
JonathanDMorning rmg5109:56
JonathanDWhats up?09:56
rmg51just the usual09:56
rmg51reading the paper, getting ready for work09:56
JonathanDSounds good10:49
JonathanDI'm playing some wii boxing :)10:49
InHisNameI'm feeding little kids.  Then teeth brushing, then one goes to pre-school.11:40
InHisNamebtw - good morning11:40
InHisNameHi Ya, JonathanD14:22
MutantTurkeymorning folks14:58
MutantTurkeybirds were chirping this morning14:58
MutantTurkeyi hate them14:58
MutantTurkeyi want them to die14:58
MutantTurkeythey cause me grief because I cannot sleep past 4:30 or so14:58
=== Joe_CoT is now known as NewJersey
=== NewJersey is now known as Joe_CoT
ChinnoDog /kick NewJersey15:11
=== Joe_CoT is now known as IRC_SERVER
=== IRC_SERVER is now known as Joe_CoT
=== Joe_CoT is now known as Joe_LOL
ChinnoDogjedijf: "formed beef"?17:20
jedijfChinnoDog: what?17:37
ChinnoDogThat is not a very appetizing way of describing lunch.17:38
waltmanformed...into WHAT?17:40
=== Joe_LOL is now known as Joe_CoT
jedijfoh typos17:46
jedijftoo excited17:46
jedijfcorned beef17:46
jedijfautocorrect maybe17:46
ChinnoDoglol. And here I thought that post was about hamburgers17:49
jedijfwaltman: with menus these days....chicken, it seems17:52
jedijfif it were formed beef ^^^^17:53
ChinnoDogYou could have been talking about pink slime burgers18:07
adomanyone have experience doing batch jobs of ID3 tag info for MP3s? still have to check google18:33
ChinnoDogI use Picard for that stuff18:39
=== Joe_CoT is now known as coed
=== coed is now known as Joe_CoT
adomu know how in Nautilus you can press Ctrl+2 for the detailed look when viewing files/folders...how do i make that default?19:19
Joe_CoTadom, Edit-> Preferences, Views tab, Default View19:21
=== Joe_CoT is now known as kmv2005
=== kmv2005 is now known as Joe_CoT
pleia2Joe_CoT is having an identity crisis today19:42
Joe_CoTlol, sorry19:43
Joe_CoTI'm in a silly channel that changes nicks a lot, I always struggle between being left out and looking like a weirdo in the other channels19:43
pleia2lamalex: you ubuntu membership expires (you're supposed to click on the "renew" button!)19:43
pleia2do you want to be readded?19:44
lamalexmeh no not really. i just work on unity, i dont really do anything ubuntu-memberish anymore19:45
lamalexoh hm will i lose my ubuntu.com email if I dont19:45
lamalexactally that's ok i think ill just get less spam19:45
pleia2and your cloak in IRC (they go through them ever 6 months or so)19:45
pleia2and we'll remove you from the ubuntu planet19:46
lamalexi dont blog anyway, but the cloak19:46
Joe_CoTI lost my ubuntu membership a while ago19:46
Joe_CoTI'll miss handing out my business cards and my ubuntu.com email address. oh well19:46
pleia2you don't "lose" it, you fail to renew it ;)19:46
pleia2it's not like you need to go through a process or anything, it's a single click in launchpad19:47
Joe_CoTyeah but I hadn't done anything worth renewing it19:47
pleia2it's not dependent upon activity, you're an ubuntu member for life as long as you care enough to click renew19:47
Joe_CoTI thought it was, I thought you needed to reapply19:47
JonathanDthats some hard work there, all that clicking.19:48
Joe_CoTnow i'll have to consider whether I want to be an ubuntu member, even though I don't do anything with it anymore D:19:48
ssweenylamalex, you can have a canonical cloak if you lose the ubuntu one19:48
lamalexo word19:48
Joe_CoTI just have a freenode donator one now19:48
lamalexi want a cloak that says lamalex/shitmaster19:49
JonathanDlamalex: rather unlikely to happen :)19:49
Joe_CoTfound an organization called shitmaster, and then apply to have it recognized by freenode19:50
JonathanDJoe_CoT: he'd have to have an org named lamalex for his desired structure.19:50
lamalexright i got it wrong19:51
lamalexi want19:51
Joe_CoTsomeone in one of the other channels caused me to check nickserv info for various nicks. I realized mine's been registered for 5 years. Then I realized pleia2's been registered for 10 D:19:51
JonathanDI only have 6.19:51
JonathanDI may have to steal a few of pleia2's years.19:53
pleia2my ubuntuforums.org profile is crazy old too19:53
pleia2Join Date19:54
pleia2March 12th, 200519:54
pleia2I think back then you needed to be registered to search, so I did19:55
pleia2(I was testing it out on some laptop or something)19:55
Joe_CoTyour IRC nick predates Ubuntu, though19:55
Joe_CoTUbuntu was the reason I got on IRC19:55
pleia2I used to just hang out in our LUG channel, and Debian was here back then19:55
Joe_CoTwell, Freenode IRC19:55
JonathanDI followed some people here from a silly webchat.19:56
JonathanDand some other stuff happened in between.19:56
MutantTurkeyerr hey folks20:07
MutantTurkeyI wish there was like a molex 2 usb converter20:08
MutantTurkeydoes that even make sense?20:08
Joe_CoTmolex 2 usb? as in to get molex power from a usb?20:10
MutantTurkeyJoe_CoT: Yes22:20

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