
Sarvattcant just install ginn and reassign the 4 finger tap gesture?00:01
cndSarvatt, no00:10
cndunity has a root window grab00:10
cndwhich takes precedence00:11
cndthere's no way to override it without telling unity to stop doing it00:11
cndSarvatt, it sounds like maybe our touch stack shouldn't listen to touches that are below a certain threshold for pressure or width00:11
cndmaybe you could play around with utouch-frame to make it ignore touches until they cross a threshold?00:12
RAOFSarvatt: Winning!00:55
bjsniderRAOF is a big chuck sheen fan01:49
RAOFAm I?01:50
brycehyes he's a wizard01:50
RAOFI should use “wizard” as a superlative more often.01:50
Sarvatthmm http://paste.ubuntu.com/933420/02:19
* Sarvatt wonders why he always finds bugs at 11pm when hes trying to go to sleep :)02:20
RAOFBecause your tired brain is less able to filter out all the strange behaviour :)02:22
bjsnideranswer: it's the curse of working from home02:22
Sarvattcnd: which update in the past week actually turned the 4 finger gestures back on?02:26
Sarvatti cant find it in the changelogs02:26
Sarvattits getting triggered from 2 finger scrolling 100% for sure, switched how i'm scrolling and absolutely only doing 2 finger :(02:28
SarvattWarning: failed to get previous touch value02:28
SarvattGRAIL WARNING (v3/slice.cpp:GetValues:207): failed to get touch from frame02:28
Sarvattthose get spammed when it happens02:28
Sarvattheh whole screen is stuck orange now that i figured out what 3 finger pinch does02:31
SarvattRAOF: caught the bouquet? :)02:33
RAOFSarvatt: It didn't get thrown :)02:34
Sarvattoh all the bridesmaids have the same one in an earlier pic02:34
RAOFAh, yes.02:35
cndSarvatt, there were some fixes in unity 5.1002:36
cndin particular, three touch pinch was fixed so it works again02:37
cndand three touch gestures in general work again due to a fix in the window finding code02:37
cndnothing really changed in four touch handling though02:37
Sarvattthats... weird02:38
Sarvattit 100% for sure wasnt working a week ago02:38
* Sarvatt disables coasting and hopes that has a knock off effect at stopping making dragging trigger it then02:39
cndSarvatt, there may have been some fixes in the utouch stack02:39
cndbut nothing really comes to mind02:39
Sarvattif that fixes it i'm gonna be bummed, the coasting is super nice02:41
Sarvattdowngrading to synaptics
Sarvattoh freaking fun, that actually does seem to have fixed it02:44
* Sarvatt gives it a day to be sure but i could trigger it just 2 finger scrolling for 10 seconds before making it pop up the dash02:44
RAOFThat sounds like the dash is receiving scroll events or somesuch?02:46
Sarvattwell its getting stuck sending touch events that arent really happening for some reason, i had 3MB of Warning: failed to get previous touch value in ~/.xsession-errors with
Sarvattfrom ~8 hours uptime02:48
Sarvattthat stinks, coasting was nice :)02:49
Sarvattits definitely fixed not popping up the dash all the time on macs with
cndSarvatt, I'm not sure how coasting could be involved02:50
cndbut we have coasting turned off anyways in ubuntu02:50
cndbecause synaptics coasting is a terrible hack02:50
Sarvattcnd:  have you seen ignore the commit message in the patch, it was altered when it got uploaded02:51
Sarvatti'd bet 10 beers at uds that patch was causing the spurious dash popups on bcm5974, been scrolling for 5 minutes now and havent triggered it02:53
cndSarvatt, are you turning the momentum on yourself?02:54
cndit should be disabled ootb02:54
cndhow is it getting turned on?02:55
Sarvattstraight stock, with that patch coasting works out of the box02:55
cndthere's a problem here...02:55
Sarvattwhen its coasting its getting stuck sending craploads of invalid touch events and eventually thinking 2 fingers touch is a 4 finger touch02:55
Sarvattif i interrupt the coast and change directions the dash pops up02:56
cndI don't understand why it would be sending touch events02:58
cndbut still, coasting should be off by default02:58
Sarvattwhats the coasting property you're thinking of?02:59
Sarvattwith 2 finger scroll coasts with no changes, its definitely on03:00
cndI'm pretty sure that in the past I patched ubuntu's synaptics to disable scroll coasting03:01
cndbut I confirm it is enabled by default03:01
cndSarvatt, this is the bug I was thinking of: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xorg-driver-synaptics/+bug/72864303:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 728643 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Kinetic scrolling improperly interacts with modifier keys" [Undecided,Won't fix]03:09
cndI guess I remember the resolution wrong03:09
Sarvattfiled https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/983614 to follow up on tomorrow, i cant keep my eyes open anymore and have to pass out :)03:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 983614 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "The dash is opening spuriously with on bcm5974 touchpads with xserver-xorg-input-synaptics" [Undecided,New]03:13
Sarvattcnd: bugfix: make clickpads have a button area is still an ok "bug fix" imo personally even still this late :) only people who complained were on apple where the button area is blocked with the upstream synaptics xorg.conf.d file03:37
Sarvatthave you ever seen a non apple without a button area? i haven't03:37
Sarvattlots of bugs on it that could be closed03:39
* Sarvatt feels bad for complaining when it was initially enabled now when disabling it for macs was such an easy fix03:42
cndSarvatt, there's nothing stopping you from proposing the fix?05:00
cndI won't stand in your way :)05:01
cndI think it would probably be fine either way, but I don't have a strong enough opinion to fight for it05:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 982710 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Nvidia 295.40 - Ubuntu 12.04 Beta 2 Fresh Install (slow performance in Unity 3D, and EQ Overflow)" [High,Triaged]11:35
cprofittNvidia has acknowledged and is aware11:35
tjaaltonseb128: btw, I think we should drop the current wacom patch on g-s-d and go with http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=e40cb71a910164d1cb2c366d3c001eeaac79aaaf instead (edited to apply)13:53
seb128tjaalton, feel free to do an upload ;-)13:53
tjaaltonseb128: oh right, sure13:53
seb128tjaalton, I though that was not working though?13:53
tjaaltonseb128: it isn't but it's a step in the right direction13:54
tjaaltoncurrent one actually regresses for some13:54
tjaaltonsince the function returns random data13:54
tjaaltonoh, it's already in 3.4.1, so we're good :)13:57
tjaaltonor is it13:57
tjaaltonit is13:58
seb128tjaalton, right14:04
seb128tjaalton, it got merged before the tarball14:05
brycehheh https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48652#c3916:47
ubottuFreedesktop bug 48652 in DRM/Intel "only external screen is working with asus zenbook ux31e [CPU eDP]" [Major,New: ]16:47
hyperairRAOF: ping. do you happen to find that the pixel-perfect scrolling from synaptics hangs up every now and then in precise?17:54
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