
sentriz|netbookdoes anyone know the name of  the package for the default ubuntu movie player? i wanna remove it00:00
sentriz|netbookdoes anyone know the name of  the package for the default ubuntu movie player? i wanna remove it00:00
ProfessorBaconanyone able to run unity without random freezing?00:00
sentriz|netbookhow to find the name of a package?00:01
tbrown2012Can I install Photoshop cs5 or something on ubuntu using winehq00:02
RyuGunsTheoretically possible.00:02
rhin0trying to get bash command to run another command00:02
rhin0just need to bash then ssh from applet00:02
trismsentriz|netbook: totem00:02
yeikrhin0, what do you mean?00:02
rhin0i need bash <commandname> where commandname is ssh00:03
rhin0so I can put it into an applet00:03
rhin0and have an applet ot get into system00:03
ProfessorBaconrhin0: "ssh --help"?00:03
rhin0no its bash00:03
aaastbrown2012 is virtualbox an option00:03
rhin0I need to know hwo to get bash to issue a command on run00:03
MrUnagirhin0: on un of what00:03
ProfessorBaconrhin0: what shell are you in?00:04
rhin0but it runs same as bash00:04
ProfessorBaconrhin0: have you tried to run terminal00:04
yeikrhin0, are you trying to do this in code? why do you need to run bash then a command?00:04
rhin0in a single command line00:04
rhin0bash "commandname"00:04
xio3would it be safe to store /var on a ram partition?00:05
yeikssh | bash00:05
Jordan_Uxio3: No.00:05
ProfessorBaconbash and ssh?  i don't see the connection00:05
itaylor57rhin0 is talking about the run progam from applications menu00:05
JonMarkGoBoohbah - Where can I find mirrors?00:06
rhin0I want to be able to type from bash shell "bash ssh@servername" and get in00:06
rhin0so I can put that on an applet00:06
xio3Jordan_U: any reason why?  it looks like mostly temporary stuff00:06
ProfessorBaconrhin0: why not just use "ssh user@host"?00:06
Jordan_Uxio3: Counterexamples: /var/www/ /var/log/00:06
BoohbahJonMarkGo: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors00:07
ProfessorBaconrhin0: what's the end result you are looking for00:07
xio3Jordan_U: it is a desktop system so /var/www i think is of no concern. /var/log is probably not either...00:07
rhin0that worked00:07
* yeik laughs00:08
rhin0gotta get all applets set up -- work faster00:08
* rhin0 has zillions of taskbar applets00:08
aciculaxio3: doing that will break your package managment for one00:08
xio3acicula: that was the underlying wonder i had actually00:09
Jordan_Uxio3: /var/lib/dpkg/00:09
yeikxio3, i believe the /temp can be moved00:10
xio3Jordan_U & acicula: any suggestions for how i can boot a basic x session in read-only and/or overlay to ram and then mount an encryption partition and restart x?00:10
yeikbut why waste a ram partition on something like that?00:10
aciculaxio3: /var/{lib,spool,cache} all hold information you want to keep over a reboot. you can use tmpfs storage for /tmp but not for /var00:10
aciculaxio3: eh that sounds fairly convoluted, what are you trying to achieve?00:11
yeikxio3, ram partitions are best for either temporary data that is processing (ie something that needs quick access) or something you use a lot, and copy it to ram from the fs, and make sure they are synced.00:11
xio3acicula: i want a gui to mount an encrypted partition; then be able to upgrade the programs. i don't want any added programs beyond the basic os software to be visible when the system is off.00:12
yeikxio3,  why not dual partition, and use a bootable file that you keep on the usb drive?00:13
xio3yeik: i'm not sure if i follow.00:13
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yeikxio3, your trying to have a secure operating system, then one that has all your other stuff that nobody can access right?00:14
xio3yeik: yes.00:14
yeikdo you need both?00:14
xio3yeik: i'm trying to avoid having an advisory decipher what a system is being used for. the entire system might be run from a usb flash drive. if the flash drive is looked at there would be an encrypted partition with data/programs that are not on with a basic operating system.00:15
yeikxio3, so something like truecrypt does with windows.00:16
xio3yeik: yes00:16
xio3yeik: i think truecrypt has you enter a password before a GUI is up though00:16
xio3yeik: i've designed systems like the one i've described before with 10.04 although am looking to design a new one with ubuntu 12.04.00:17
yeikxio3, you could do something like that http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=31807500:17
yeikxi03, you could also create a virtualbox image and put it in an encrypted file container.00:17
DrManhattanok so I want to make sure the gui doesn't start - what's the app - preferably a console app - to adjust my services00:18
yeikDrManhattan, runlevel?00:18
zykotick9DrManhattan: "technically" with upstart - there isn't one...00:18
DrManhattanI used to use rcconf - but I am quite rusty with Ubuntu00:18
bastidrazorDrManhattan: you want to boot to a prompt instead of the GUI?00:18
DrManhattanbastidrazor, correct, like old-school runlevel 300:19
zykotick9DrManhattan: i'm not sure you sure trust rcconf with moder ubuntu/upstart - but you could try it...00:19
zykotick9!text | DrManhattan00:19
ubottuDrManhattan: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode00:19
bastidrazorDrManhattan: /etc/default/grub   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=     add text that line then save.  sudo update-grub00:20
yeikDrManhattan, why not install ubuntu server? i don't think it has a gui00:20
DrManhattanzykotick9, I need to do that by default00:20
DrManhattanthanks bastidrazor00:20
DrManhattanyeik, it's on a VM and I need the easycap driver00:20
bastidrazorDrManhattan: you'll need to enclose that in quotes.. ="text"00:20
agoodmI have a simple issue with pulse audio... it seems to be mixing my audio output with my microphone for skype causing a lot of feedback...00:20
xio3yeik: the virtual emulation thing would work although is of an inferior design to what i'd like to achieve. i don't think that link described what i'm trying to do either. they are talking about setting up multiple partitions for multiple operating system and encrypting them i think.00:21
DrManhattanI believe the kernel used for desktop is better for zoneminder camera response as well00:21
zykotick9DrManhattan: fyi bastidrazor suggestion will work, but it's not addressing the "service" issue directly ;)00:21
DrManhattanbastidrazor, just adding it to the existing line within the quotes is fine, right?00:22
bastidrazorDrManhattan: yes00:22
yeikxio3, i don't think there is an easy way to do what you want, not sure but you might be able to encrypt a fs, and when you decrypt it, use chroot, or something similar, and run the "hidden" os with your programs along that path.00:22
DrManhattanzykotick9, that's silly, it accomplishes the same thing as you're telling me to do without having to do it manually every time00:22
xio3yeik: yea; that is more along the lines of what i'm thinking00:22
DrManhattanso my only problem now is i'm going to have to run/make a custom script to run mplayer for 2 seconds before zoneminder fires up if I can't find some more advanced configuration options - but if/when I get that done, I'll have a VM that uses 9 dollar usb easycaps over USB00:24
xio3yeik: i think what i might be able to do is setup a partition scheme where the basic os exists then mount an overlay file system to an encrypted partition after x is up. then remount root in r/w and and restart x.00:24
DrManhattanif there's any way I can get them to use a usb hub (doubtful) then I can set up some pretty heavy duty security systems that aren't hardware dependent00:25
yeikxio3, sounds really complicated. good luck.00:25
DrManhattanOh hell no, it still booted up into the gui login00:25
xio3yeik:    :)   complicated only begins to describe it. i have to get more familiar with it. i think you can remount root if the system is partitioned right.00:26
yeikxio3, why the trouble for this?00:26
agoodmubuntu is using the wrong microphone input00:26
DrManhattanGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash text"00:26
DrManhattanlol I have to update-grub don't I?00:27
xio3yeik: top secret.00:27
yeikxio3, well, i was just thinking that it isn't really secure, especially if your swap partition is open and it uses swap00:27
xio3yeik: there is more to this than meets the eye. you are only hearing the first half.00:27
DrManhattanyeah I forgot that update-grub00:28
DrManhattanim used to grub1 - sorry about that00:28
xio3yeik: yea- there are a whole lot of things that need to be done in addition to what i'm inquiring about at the moment.00:28
yeikxio3, the easiest, quickest, and most secure option is virtualbox vm. and those are portable, and encrypted.00:28
yeikor can be encrypted00:29
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xio3yeik: the only part which i'm unsure of at the moment is how to get x up and running to mount an encrypted filesystem- and then be able to 'restart' it using a different root file system.00:29
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yeikxio3, why restart? just create a new x session.00:30
xio3yeik: again- i'm not terribly interested in the virtual box method. it is easier although wouldn't work as well for the user base.00:30
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yeikxio3, you can use opennx,00:30
xio3yeik: i'm not sure how to create a new x session00:30
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GuiriHow can I create an SSH jail with a shell?  Most of the openssh sftp guides take away shell access.00:31
xio3yeik: that might work... i've done something similar. the thing with that is it complicates things.00:31
xio3yeik: it is sort of like running virtual box...00:31
yeikxio3, sounds like its already complicated.00:31
xio3yeik: it is. even a virtual box setup is pretty complicated actually.00:32
yeikxio3, virtualbox is easy. i can set one up in no time, clone it, and make it 1 clock for users.00:33
xio3yeik: there are actually a variety of issues with virtualbox. for one you are duplicating the amount of space necessary.00:34
binnyhey! =)00:35
binnyI'm trying to change my apache port. but it doesn't seem to be working and i have NO clue why00:35
yeikxio3, your going to have to duplicate the space anyway, your talking about two os's unless you keep the linux kernel and everything the same at all times, between them, and link everything that is the same.00:35
binnyI added Listen 8080 to the ports.conf00:36
binnyand when i goto localhost:8000 it gives me nothing00:36
xio3yeik: yep- that is what i'm thinking. i think as long as the software on the base os is in sync it should be possible to restart x with a different configuration.00:36
binnyand advice as per what could have gone wrong?00:37
binnythanks =)00:37
aciculaxio3: whats your goal which such a complicated setup?00:37
DrManhattanso I guess my only real issue is getting things installed on software raid00:38
DrManhattanI'll address that when 12.04 final comes out, because the last LTS installed just fine00:38
xio3acicula: i wish i could tell you. i guess i can inform you of the gist of it. trying to keep a variety of users on a single platform that can't be distinguished from another group of users all while having a different set of applications.  those applications could indicate what group a particular person was associated. this could be dangerous.00:39
yeikDrManhattan, i thought you were using a virtual machine? maybe i haven't been paying attention00:39
DrManhattanyelk - I was, that's all wrapped up now. It works great!00:39
yeikxio3, all your trying to do is keep what programs users have access to seperate?00:39
yeikDrManhattan, ok good. just didn't think virtual machine and software raid went together (for most people anyway)00:40
DrManhattanthis is for a standard generic in house ubuntu box on real hardware, I have tried out a few different versions of the installer and the only thing that works on my nvraid box with raid of any sort is 10.0400:40
DrManhattan11.10 and 12.04 both wont do it.00:41
DrManhattana real disappointment really00:41
yeiki know sometimes the depreciate drivers00:41
yeikis it older hardware?00:41
DrManhattanNot really00:41
DrManhattanjust nvraid00:41
aciculaxio3: use sandard ubuntu with encrypted home and store whatever applications you want to hide in the home?00:41
DrManhattanI would consider nvraid obscure for linux00:41
invaderDoes anyone how a an Ubuntu app that works with windows 7 "More Secure" mode?00:42
yeikDrManhattan, you might be able to put the driver in 12.0400:42
yeikinvader, what do you mean, windows 7 "more secure" mode?00:42
DrManhattanyeik, oh yeah its easy post install, but pre-install, you can't  parition the raid devices or install to them00:43
DrManhattanyou can create a raid device but when you go back to the partitioner, the raid device doesn't show up00:43
yeikDrManhattan, so you need a pre-install environment. you can install a newer version of linux from an older bootable disk.00:43
invaderyeik, In windows 7 you  can for RDP select "Less Secure" and "More Secure" more secure uses TLS for RDP.00:44
DrManhattanyeik, I don't know whats newer than 12.0400:44
xio3yeik: umm.... for example. if you have two groups which use two separate sets of applications and an attacker doesn't know which group the person is associated they could just look at the applications used. it would then determine if the user is part of a group that is of interest to the attacker.00:44
yeikDrManhattan, nothing now.00:44
DrManhattanto be honest I just want to be able to put bios raid on and use it, but dodmraid doesn't seem to cut it00:44
yeikinvader, so, you need TLS rdp application in linux.00:45
DrManhattanI still just end up seeing the two devices as if it were in ide compat mode00:45
DrManhattanand debian testing does the same, but 10.04 lts picks up hardware and software raid just fine00:45
DrManhattanthere's no easycap module for 10.04 though00:45
invaderyeik, yes correct for RDP.00:45
invaderyeik, From googling around I cant really find anything.00:46
xio3acicula: i'm not sure storing the applications in the home would work. you would need to be able to boot with root in a read-only mode, install the application, and then reboot, and still be able to access the application. is this not basically what i was describing? i would think x would need to be restarted.00:47
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bcardarellaI have a simple command: echo "sometext" > somefile   that I want to run as sudo but when I put sudo in front I believe sudo is just being called on 'echo' instead of the '>' command. How would I get the later?00:49
aciculaxio3: you would just boot a normal ubuntu, mount the home and setup the paths such that programs in the home directory can also be executed. No need for rebooting or installing anything. If you wanted to you could use a read only root file system with an in memory overlay with that yes.00:50
agoodmI have a really weird audio problem00:50
bastidrazorbcardarella: echo 'stuff' | sudo tee /path/to/somefile00:50
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yeikinvader, not sure, freerdp looks like it might00:50
bcardarellabastidrazor: ah yes, pipe. I always forget about that. Thank you :)00:50
bastidrazorbcardarella: you may also want to look at adding 'tee -a' for append. without it it'll overwrite the contents00:51
itaylor57bastidrazor, +100:51
yeikxio3, is this on a network attached computers? you could mount a fs remotely that adds the apps they have access to, or like acicula was saying, add it to the path.00:52
yeikDrManhattan, not sure about that. but it sounds like you just need the right drivers, if you could add them to the live-cd and installation i think it would work.00:52
bastidrazorbcardarella: you're welcome00:53
DrManhattanyeik, that would be pretty tight00:53
elderekois it going to mess anything up to have both i386/x64 versions of opengl/mesa libraries installed?00:53
DrManhattanyeik, but even with software raid it does this, so I don't think it's a driver issue00:53
yeikDrManhattan, you mean hardware raid? software raid is high level, hardware is low level.00:54
xio3yeik: that might work.  as long as you can mount the encrypted partition once x starts. how would you get the desktop to recognise the applications after the home was mounted?00:54
DrManhattanyeik, it gives me the error I discussed earlier with the created raid devices not appearing in the partitioner with software raid00:55
xio3yeik: if that would work i would think you would at a minimum need to restart x or log the user in/out.00:55
xio3yeik: or maybe start x, your encryption program, and then the login manager.00:56
yeikxio3, not really. applications are just like windows, an exe. if you have access to it, (and shared libraries that might be in use) you can run it.00:56
yeikxio3, not sure how your window manager works, but i think there should be a way to add those programs to the window manager application list as well00:57
DrManhattanI just hope zoneminder will let me view /dev/dvb devices00:57
yeikxio3, the hard thing will be if you use apt or dpkg to install00:57
yeikDrManhattan, i haven't tried lots of raids, i have seen too many of them fail. but when i do set them up, they just work. So i'm afraid im not much help really.00:58
DrManhattanalthough I'm half tempted to throw two bttv and a 713x alongside the ati 550pro and just use those as my zoneminder devices00:58
DrManhattanyeik, same here - especially in linux00:58
xio3yeik: that is the idea.. having a normal system.00:58
DrManhattanI've always loved the simplicity and performance of software raid in linux of many flavors00:59
DrManhattanbut these are betas and the such we're discussing anyhow - it works just fine in both forms in the lts release00:59
DrManhattanwell 11.10 isnt "beta" but it isnt "stable" either00:59
xio3yeik: i think it is probably doable to simply use an overlay file system though and simply restart x.00:59
dihi228hey all, does ubuntu use synaptic package manager like lubuntu?01:00
DrManhattanIm going to give software raid a shot on ich10 right now - my bet is itll work fine01:00
DrManhattanNvraid is so fecal that nvidia gave up on it01:00
yeikxio3,  you still have the duplicate files, and you would have to overlay everything. i just don't know how that would work well. or even if it would.01:00
xio3yeik: i would think the only things that would be impacted are daemons01:00
zykotick9dihi228: ubuntu software center is probably consider the default package manager01:00
dihi228i'm trying to install the ESR version of Firefox, 10.0.3...but alas only FF 11 is available in synaptic....any ideas how to do this?01:00
xio3yeik: i think i'm understanding why you are saying things would be duplicated now.01:01
xio3yeik: you are right. they probably would be over time.01:01
yeikxio3, you seem to be worried about security after someone is in the system... looking at the applications that are listed. that isn't good.01:02
schultzadoes dockbarx work with cinnamon?01:03
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l_rwhen will ubuntu be out01:03
xio3yeik: you have to presume the user knows the medium was confiscated. otherwise this is a pointless endeavour.01:04
invaderyeik, Hmm that might work. Thanks man.01:04
xio3yeik: border crossings might be a good example. if the medium is taken all bets are off.01:04
xio3yeik: however they wouldn't be able to determine the use of the device.01:05
zykotick9schultza: cinnamon is not really supported here.  do you have it running on ubuntu?01:05
yeikxio3, if the medium is taken, encrypted user folders should be enough.01:05
gerzelOk I got an odd problem  I got a new monitor.  And recently did a long over-due upgrade of my packages.  Running 11.04.  On my old monitor, flash video plays with normal colors.  On my new monitor flash plays with red/blue reversed.  I can't find any other application where this problem exists.  It is browser independant in firefox, chrome and opera.  The only thing that seems to matter is which screen it is played on.01:06
xio3yeik: encrypted users folders wouldn't protect a user from someone discovering what applications are used.01:06
gerzelOther colors on the same screen are normal01:06
tbrown2012Installing Microsoft 2010 in Ubuntu I deed not know that it was possible01:06
xio3yeik: or at least what applications were installed.01:06
scientesTBoxley-Server, it is with !wine or !codeweavers01:06
yeikxio3, the only way to do that, is to compile the packages yourself, and store them in an encrypted container, then mount it.01:06
scientes!wine | tbrown201201:07
ubottutbrown2012: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:07
scientes!crossover | tbrown201201:07
scienteshmm no info for crossover01:07
xio3yeik: as you mention with the virtual box example there are ways to do it.01:07
scientestbrown2012, http://www.codeweavers.com/products/01:07
yeikxio3, yes, but i was stating the way you are talking01:08
scientestbrown2012, but libreoffice is recommended over office, it supports the same file formats01:08
xio3yeik: you might be right.01:08
schultzazykotick9: no... i dont have it running at the moment... i have gnomenu and dockbarX running01:08
tbrown2012I deed not need help with winehq I was just saying that I cant belive that installing windows microsoft office in ubuntu I already installed it so dont need help01:08
yeikxio3, see, if you use ubuntu properly, apt-get etc, dpkg all have a few locations that are written to.01:08
yeikxio3, other than that, encrypt the whole hard drive.01:08
franklinrHello, I need help with SSH tunneling. I have putty on Windows and I want to tunnel traffic to Ubuntu's VPN connection, but so far my web traffic goes through eth1 instead of the VPN connection. What can I do?01:09
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xio3yeik: encrypting the whole disk is an option. the issue though is how do you get a GUI up to mount the encrypted partition?01:09
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xio3yeik: while you can do this before x is up (mounting an encrypted partition) this is not an option in this scenario.01:10
Guest70641where the HECK is my XP ISO suppose to go and where is my virtual hard disk suppose to go on Virtualbox01:10
xio3yeik: if this were easy others would have done it. i have no doubts.01:10
zykotick9Guest70641: #vbox might help as well01:10
tbrown2012Will When I loaded office word it  went but my computer frezzed01:11
yeikxio3, others do it. just don't need a gui. and most that do, use windows. hence they have checkpoint, pgp, truecrypt, etc.01:11
* yeik will bbl01:11
xio3yeik:  :) right. it's not an issue of automating it. it's a matter of making it easier.01:11
xio3yeik: or making it less scary.01:11
scientesxio3, dm-crypt and ecryptfs01:12
scientesecryptfs works on top of the filesystem, dm-crypt below it01:12
scientesecryptfs is more flexible because of this01:12
xio3scientes: have you been following along.  i'm not sure you understand the goals.01:12
scientesnope not at all01:13
scientesbut those are the two real options01:13
scientestruecrypt is not recommended as it has a funny license01:13
scientesand cannot become a part of debian/ubuntu/fedora etc unless it is relicensed01:13
scientesits also kinda bloaty compared to the very good ecryptfs, etc01:14
xio3scientes: we are discussing ways to mount an encrypted root partition in x essentially. we aren't concerned about the encryption program. and i would agree with your statement on truecrypt.01:14
sentriz|netbooki did 'sudo apt-get install wine' now i have an eula with <Ok> at the bottom - how do i accept?01:15
xio3scientes: the goal is to hide which programs are installed from an adversary.01:15
zykotick9sentriz|netbook: TAB then enter i think01:15
scientesxio3, why? that seems silly01:15
xio3scientes: the programs installed can suggest what a system is being used for. for instance at a border crossing where nobody knows what the system is used for and they are essentially going on a fishing expedition.01:16
BullSharkwould somebody please send me the output of apt-get build-dep --simulate aircrack-ng ?01:16
BullSharkno root/sudo needed01:16
jgrevichAfter upgrading to precise dev branch my optical drive devices have a 1 after them (e.g. /dev/dvd -> /dev/dvd1).  How can i change that back?  I tried creating a new symlink but it was reverted after restart.01:16
xio3scientes: i'll give you a good example. there may be a set of applications one wants to make available for a particular group. if you actually installed those applications then it would give your association away with a particular group.01:17
scientesxio3, that is very silly, just use dm-crypt and be done with it01:17
xio3scientes: how would you use dm-crypt with a gui?01:17
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scientesxio3, dm-crypt for the whole damn thing01:17
xio3scientes: which part is silly ?01:17
scientesxio3, that way they can only see your kernel01:17
scientesxio3, thinking about such little things as "what applications are installed" where there are so many other things to worry about01:18
xio3scientes: again; this is something targeted at users who don't know how to turn on a computer (potentially) so a command line is not acceptable.01:18
scientesxio3, but if that is what you want you could certainly do it with overlayfs01:18
zykotick9BullShark: :p (unhelpful, but what you asked for) E: Unable to find a source package for aircrack-ng01:18
xio3scientes: this is one issue. there are hundreds of other issues i have worked on and resolved.01:18
scientesxio3, or even just btrfs (but btrfsdoesn't have transparent cncryption yet)01:19
xio3scientes: lol, we were just talking about overlayfs (or aufs)01:19
scientesoverlayfs with encryption for the overlayfs would work01:19
BullSharkzykotick9 ☠ do you know have universe/multiverse enabled?01:19
scientesand you would get a little better speed than dm-crypt in some cases01:19
xio3scientes: again- how would you do that though?01:19
zykotick9BullShark: i'm missing source repos, thus that error01:19
shapeI LOVE UBUNTU!!!! I'm not joking!! <301:19
scientesxio3, just use the ubuntu usb stick installer, but dm-crypt the overlay filesystem01:19
xio3scientes: you need to be in x when you go to mount the encrypted partition01:19
scientesthats pretty simple01:19
scientesxio3, thats silly and doesn't work01:20
BullSharkzykotick9 ☠ im using an ubuntu derivative that has no source repos available =( pisses me off01:20
scientesyou have to encrypt home (at least) or you are just wasting time01:20
xio3scientes: dm-crypt with the usb installed does not give users a GUI to mount the encrypted root partition does it?01:20
scientesxio3, "mount root"01:20
scientesxio3, you dont understand what "root" means do you?01:21
scientesxio3, thats why you are very silly01:21
xio3scientes: no, i do.01:21
scientesthis whole thing is very silly, just encrypt everything and be done with it01:21
BullSharkwould somebody please send me the output of apt-get build-dep --simulate aircrack-ng ?01:21
scientesand if someone asks for the password tell them to fuck off01:21
Piciscientes: mind the language here please.01:22
scientesput the whole system on a SD card if you are so inclined xio301:22
xio3scientes: are you trying to drive me nuts? it isn't that simple. WHERE is the GUI in the solution you are suggesting01:22
scientesthat way you can have some notion of evil maid avoidance too, with SD card booting01:22
scientesxio3, it has ZERO to do with a GUI01:22
xio3scientes: i give up. you don't have a clue what you are talking about.01:22
BullSharkwould somebody please send me the output of apt-get build-dep --simulate aircrack-ng ?01:23
scientesxio3, just install the whole system to a SD card, and carry around with it01:23
xio3scientes: how does that solve the problem i'm describing.01:23
xio3scientes: it doesn't.01:23
scientesxio3, what you are talking about isn't a problem01:23
scientesxio3, the problem is that you just arn't encrypting everything01:23
xio3scientes: and how would you know?01:23
scientesxio3, which is the only sane solution01:23
xio3scientes; do you even know what the problem is?01:24
xio3scientes: and simply saying it isn't a problem is not a solution.01:24
BullSharkBullShark shape Vampire0_ ihavnoth satyanash _Synergy_ traviscj Fyodorovna Toph2 Logan_ akeooo MrJones_ franklinr WillMarshall jgrevich mwpf zhao Onixs Auron_Debian chocolates kypor tualatrix Gurty` Riberty moes blitzkrieg3 renato moondiamond eldereko agoodm brodude Gallomimia kafrune Pretto eggonlea erpo olli dz2 gueriLLaPunK DavidLevin _schism_ Num83rGuy invader emet dax x0rs_w bugaloo hww6119 pmp6nl01:24
BullSharkcryptodira gridbag zlynx glebihan_ DaemonFC conan testerdude Guiri sary yashshah_ dv310p3r skaet mfisch extraclassic alang machiolate Lace57 nightknight takenori Richard_Cavell picklehead cjs226 maum jsurfer Shojo fission6 SaRSAeOL chson Katherine_ occamsquattro calebe kforbz__ rbrooks specious_ specious Yojiro zeph97 cyphase JayWalker_ xio3 aguitel dagerik MrUnagi alexim JonMarkGo ProfessorBacon jasonwert01:24
scientesxio3, dont you realize you can install a whole system on a SD card? and how does doing that with dm-crypt not solve your problems?01:25
FloodBot1BullShark: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:25
BullSharkGhostFreeman Doonz jakko Dubaco1 bobweaver A402df439 Calif mirco__ ratts zruty violinappren Nullifi3d semeion Barridus jimi_c Targen Nano Daekdroom daintihood Milos_SD mrrothhcloud__ CloudLogan esnip dwon jyooruje JonEdney n0sq w0rst mimor iceroot Captain_Proton beasty denysonique magicJ spacebarbarian githogori PreZGN andygray awolfson htk denir JoFo``_ a_p3rson crose ogra_ ede dmiles_afk tDawg Nisstyre01:25
scientesthanks pangolin01:25
Gallomimiawhat the fuck.01:25
pangolin!language | Gallomimia01:25
ubottuGallomimia: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:25
Gallomimiawhat the firetruck!01:25
scientesGallomimia, its a !list type script01:25
JayWalker_Do not spam BullShark.01:25
shapehe just wanted attention01:25
Logan_Please do not comment on spam.01:25
Nullifi3dfagasaurus rex01:25
scientes!language | Logan_01:26
mi3scientes, the guy got banned!01:26
ubottuLogan_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:26
Gallomimiawell he got it. can i make my server floodping him now?01:26
scientesoh whoops Nullifi3d was meant for01:26
Logan_scientes: No worries. :-)01:26
Nullifi3di love how i got kicked for no reason01:26
Nullifi3dgg niggers01:26
Gallomimiahe's still in the not-server channel01:26
xio3scientes: dm-crypt may be part of the solution although normally it asks for a password in the terminal01:26
scientesxio3, thats the only sane way to do it01:27
xio3scientes: tell me why is that the only way to do it. there are other ways to solve this problem because i've implemented them.01:27
scientesxio3, well its stupid to boot twice, and that seems to be what you are talking about01:28
scientessimply to have a password prompt that is pretty01:28
xio3scientes: ideally you would not need to boot twice. i agree that this is not ideal. however it does solve the problem if it worked. it does work with the right software (virtual emulation, etc)01:29
xio3scientes: we don't want to use virtual emulation though.01:29
scientesxio3, if you want pretty password, then use ecryptfs01:29
scientesxio3, and home-directory installation01:30
xio3scientes: it isn't about a "pretty password"01:30
scientesxio3, your adversion to typing in a password at a boot prompt01:30
xio3scientes: cryptfs with home directory wouldn't solve the problem of preventing an attacker from discovering which applications were installed.01:30
scientesxio3, this is all silly, because once the attacker has access to your machine you are already screwed01:31
scientesxio3, because of the evil maid attack01:31
vexaxvhey guys how do i change my default version of python01:31
xio3scientes: it isn't silly. the assumption is once your media is confiscated then all bets are off. however you still don't want the attacker to determine what is on the medium or what applications. those applications can indicate how or if to pursue you.01:32
scientesxio3, then just use dm-crypt01:32
xio3scientes: you miss the point of the exercise. how do you get  dm-crypt to work with x?01:33
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scientesxio3, you could certainly boot twice, and use kexec to get a really cute password prompt, but that doesn't take away the fact that such an excercise is silly01:33
vexaxvdoes nobody know how to change the default version of python??01:34
xio3scientes: thank you. that is the answer. it doesn't matter if it is silly.01:34
pangolinscientes, are you going to offer any helpful advice or just keep reapting that you think something is silly, because I am really on the verge of removing yuo from this channel for having a bad attitude. See /msg ubottu !behelpful01:35
scientespangolin, he just said he liked my solution01:35
schultzahow do i remove old kernels from the boot menu?01:35
scientesschmidtm, precise puts it in a sub menu by default01:36
pangolinscientes, Doesn't change the fact that he had to rip it from you after you called his idea silly multiple times01:36
bastidrazorschultza: unintsall them01:36
grom358my sound has stopped working, how ideas? When I go into the pulse mixer it says I have no hardware devices01:36
aciculaschultza: if you remove old kernels they will dissapear from the boot menu01:36
DrManhattanhow hard is it going to be to go from 12.04 beta 2 to final?01:36
bastidrazorDrManhattan: a simple 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' will do once released01:36
pangolinscientes, read the !guidelines and the !codeofconduct please. I am not going to give you much more latitude01:36
jayarhow do i resize the screen?01:37
scientesjayar, system-settings-->display01:37
xio3pangolin: i completely understand his reasons for calling this silly.  humorous.  the attack he is referring is real.    :)01:37
jayari mean special settings01:37
vexaxvpangolin, do u know how to change your default python?01:37
jayari have ubuntu running with my 46" screen, but it sticks past the edges a lil on all sides01:37
scientesxio3, your best bet on prevent evil maid is to use coreboot and to insert your password to a linux kernel booted off the flash,01:37
jayarneed to bring it in like a half inch all the way around01:38
pangolinvexaxv, I do not , sorry.01:38
emetdid someone page me01:38
Gallomimiajayar you need to engage a feature called underscan01:38
pangolinemet, it was a nick spammer. ignore it.01:38
xio3scientes: that isn't the goal or what is being prevented against though01:38
Gallomimiaemet someone paged everyone.01:38
justdaveprecise is failing to correctly detect the available resolutions on my TV (oneiric did correctly detect them). Any ideas?01:38
scientesxio3, but even with the biggest, 64MB/8 megabytes, you arn't going to fit in X1101:38
vexaxvpangolin, thats okay, i dont suppose u know how to uninstall something when u installed from source do you?01:38
justdaveit's a Samsung TV, pangolin thinks it's a laptop display01:38
grom358cat /proc/asound/cards says I have no soundcards.. WTF.. this was working last time01:38
justdave(hardware is intel video Mac Mini)01:38
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jayarGallomimia: underscan, cool thnx. i'll look into it01:39
xio3scientes: the evil maid attack is different... slightly.01:39
OEPHi, is it a problem if my Ubuntu 11.10 install won't update to the 3.0 kernel is this supposed to happen for some computers?01:39
scientesxio3, yeah truecrypt i guess has what you are talking about, a fully functional "dummy system"01:40
xio3scientes: truecrypt doesn't work with gnu/linux.... not the feature in question.01:40
ubukouhey all , i ve been having trouble finding how to assign mouse buttons that arent used in my mouse, it seems that compiz has a list of 20 buttons but the ones that i need arent there.. (maybe i need to map them in my xorg.conf(?)  ) any ideas ?01:41
scientesxio3, you should check out TRESOR01:41
shapeIs it just me or does VLC in linux not come with the option to enable hardware acceleration? I know in windows there is a box to tick this. Do I have to install vaapi?01:42
=== Nano is now known as nekura
xio3scientes: i'm familiar with it01:42
ubukoubump ?01:43
OEPshape: AFAIK, my install came with HW acceleration by default01:43
xio3scientes: i refreshed my memory kexec and i'm pretty sure it doesn't do what what we need it to do01:44
aaasanyway to share a wireless speaker with several computers..say you want a sepeaker in the bathroom that any one taking a shower can connect to and send audio from their own computer01:45
shapeOEP: Can you please print screen from me and show me where that is? Because I've looked for more than 24 hours into this. And that was the conclusion I came to. When I play H.264 both my CPU cores are 100%01:45
shapeOEP: And it would seem strange that vlc wouldnt implement this into linux but have it as an option in windows right out of the box. So I was wondering if I actually have to install vaapi01:46
xio3scientes:then again; maybe it does. scope: reboots from the livecd to a newly installed ubuntu system.01:47
OEPshape: Tools -> Preferences -> Video -> Accelerated video output? That what you're talking about?01:47
shapeOEP: No, I'm talking about GPU acceleration.01:49
shapeOEP: my processor wouldnt be working 100% if GPU acceleration was enabled.01:49
petafileIs there a way to not antialias fonts in a single app (gnome-terminal), not system wide?01:49
gerzelFlash player is switching Red/Blue on one screen but not the other.  Anyone have any ideas what's up with this?01:50
scientesxio3, kexec can load a kernel and an initrd with any command line parameters, so yes it does what you need, however some hardward doesn't work with kexec, cause it cant handle reinitilization01:50
OEPshape: Gotcha. I thought I remember seeing that option if you choose th "All" radio button on the Video screen; however I couldn't check that for you on this machine (doubt it would support it, potato chip GPU)01:51
xio3scientes: do you know of any examples/tutorials on this?01:51
jgrevichwould it be considered a bug if do-release-upgrade to precise dev branch overwrites /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistend-cd.rules ?  (it causes all drives to be renamed with a 1 after them)01:52
shapeOEP: I see. I'm looking into it right now. I will let you know how if I get to fix it. The only problem is h.264 being choppy which most people experience.01:53
zykotick9jgrevich: reask in #ubuntu+101:53
=== Afteraffekt is now known as Afterraff`
jgrevichzykotick9: thanks, what is #ubuntu+1?01:54
OEPshape: Better than my setup. Currently all h.264 video for me is just green in VLC. :P01:54
zykotick9jgrevich: alpha/beta support01:54
zykotick9!precise | jgrevich01:54
ubottujgrevich: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+101:54
jgrevichzykotick9: ah, thanks!01:54
DrManhattandoes anyone know of a program that lets you use a modem as an answering machine and have custom answers for certain numbers?01:55
DrManhattana linux equivalent of phonetrayfree01:55
JonMarkGoDrManhattan - Check out Twilio01:55
DrManhattanotherwise I am going to run a winxp VM but I would REALLY like to avoid that01:56
DrManhattanthanks jon01:56
jgrevichDrManhattan: google voice ;)01:56
erpoDrManhattan: Google voice will do that for free online.01:56
jgrevicherpo: I was joking. not exactly01:56
DrManhattanI dont want to have it route my phone clals01:56
erpojgrevich: I didn't see your line before I hit enter.01:56
jgrevicherpo: what if you want to do it outside of googles servers?01:56
DrManhattanI want to be able to plug in a modem and have it screen calls01:57
erpojgrevich: No idea.01:57
DrManhattanonly answer certain numbers, otherwise leave it alone01:57
sinistradI upgraded to 11.04, and now my software raid is claiming I have degraded raid. I do have mirroring set up, but the RAID is for data, not my OS. My OS drive still won't boot correctly though. I think it is using UUID instead of /dev/sda style of addressing. Any suggestions?01:57
erpoDrManhattan: Google voice can do that.01:57
erpoDrManhattan: What is your application?01:57
DrManhattanerpo, no, I'm sorry but it cant01:57
DrManhattanerpo - my home phone line01:57
DrManhattannot an application01:57
jgrevichDrManhattan: the easiest solution is probably gvoice, but that isn't the same as what you could do through a modem.01:57
DrManhattanyeah hold on01:58
Dragonforcesomeone can help-me to fix webcam problem with the cam "bison webcam m560x" ?01:58
DrManhattana linux equivalent of that01:58
teligardWhat is a good text editor (gui based) that I can install.  I keep having the misfortune of dealing with wine and notepad, adn really hate it.01:58
DrManhattangedit should be in there by default01:59
jgrevichDrManhattan: http://linuxgazette.net/120/smith.html sounds  like a start01:59
sudiptateligard:gedit is a good one01:59
teligardthank you01:59
sudiptateligard:and there is vim01:59
Umo111teligard : sublime text 201:59
teligardI have to manually install it01:59
DrManhattanjgrevich, I'm going to bookmark that, thanks, but I was REALLY hoping for a packaged solution02:00
sudiptaUmo111, yeah that 2....a minimal ide02:00
teligardwill it strip out any characters from notepad?02:00
jgrevichDrManhattan: http://alpha.greenie.net/vgetty/02:00
DrManhattanI doubt it will take much overhead to run a winxp VM on vbox headless with usb passthrough using only that program02:00
DrManhattanoo vgetty is old school02:00
teligardI seem to be running into an odd issue with my fstab and mounting of shares, and think it may be related to the fstab being edited in notepad02:00
scientesteligard, yeah, you have to strip out the carriage returns and return to POSIX newlines02:01
jgrevichDrManhattan: yeah, I'm not sure how active these projects are02:01
DrManhattanits all good I'll just turn off all the services and everything in xp and take out everything with overhead and just run phonetray on it02:01
teligardscientes: how would I go about doing that?02:01
jgrevichDrManhattan: Looks like VOCP may be another option02:01
DrManhattanI bet itll still be lower overhead than what they run on the server core versions now02:02
scientesteligard, lots of ways, id use sed, but gedit can do it IIRC02:02
DrManhattanooh thanks vocp is a step in the right direction02:02
OEPteligard: dos2unix is a command line utility which fixes Windows newlines02:02
teligardI'll look up the params for that02:03
DrManhattanwtf their website is out02:03
teligardThank you all for the reommendations02:03
teligardhopefully this will fix my wierd issues with the mounting02:04
DrManhattanwell that sucks02:04
DrManhattanvocp looks even better than phonetray02:05
DrManhattanI would love that02:05
jgrevichDrManhattan: There should be other references02:05
jgrevich9 yeas is a long time w/o a release http://freecode.com/projects/vocp02:06
teligardugh, didn't fix it02:06
DrManhattanso much random, old, spammy garbage, it's like wading through that giant ball of plastic in the pacific02:07
jgrevichDrManhattan: well, that's the great thing about open source02:07
jgrevichDrManhattan: someone who cares should breath some life into the project and put it on github or the like02:07
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DrManhattanjgrevich, I guess I'll have to make do with my answering machine and phonetray on a vm in the meanwhile02:08
Pinkemena_Dhi, does anyone know how to bind lynx to a specific network interface or ip?02:08
teligardthe fstab issue is wierd.  When I reboot, my shares appear to have mapped, and I can do whatever I need to do.  If, for whatever reason, I need to remount the shares, and I do a "mount -a", the system tells me that my /etc/fstab lines are bad, or that cifs is not supported (I've made certain tat cifs-utils is installed)02:08
DrManhattanI doubt itll burn much in the way of cpu overhead02:08
jgrevichDrManhattan: sounds like good inspiration to build something better :)02:08
ubukouI found where were the keys on my mouse i was looking for maped. Im trying to setup some of my mouse clicks to do things, like 'initiate move window' i was wondering if there is a chance to configure 2 mouse buttons to do the same thing. Not combined, each time i will be using one.02:08
DrManhattanthe problem is without their site there's no docs02:08
ubukouany ideas?02:09
DrManhattanjgrevich, I hear you, if there's still vocp around anywhere and it works im all over it02:09
DrManhattanI'd love to give diff messages for each number and then go to VM02:09
teligardbrb.  rebooting to see if my smbfs install fixes the issue or not02:09
DrManhattanpersonalized messages along with call screening02:10
shapewhat is the opposite command for add-apt-repository , I tried remove-apt-repository and it didnt work02:10
sudiptashape, apt-get remove02:11
Daekdroomshape, add-apt-repository --remove02:11
DaekdroomIf it's a PPA, you should try installing the ppa-purge package.02:11
DaekdroomBecause it'll revert the packages as well.02:12
Cyberspaceloashape: I'd avoid guessing at commands02:12
=== Afterraff` is now known as Afteraffekt
Pinkemena_Dhi, is it possible to tell lynx to use a specific networking interface, it wont conect on the right one...02:12
shapeDaekdroom: Yeah it's a ppa02:12
shapeand I tried that command and it tells me still that "You're about to add this ppa"02:12
helpme111i'm looking for lan statistic program that shows tcp retransmission rate02:12
xangua!ppapurge | shape Daekdroom02:12
OEPPinkemena_D: you shouldn't have to specify a network interface for lynx to work02:12
skelPinkemena_D: your routes aren't setup if its not using the right one02:12
jayarit just came back up, and it can see the other computers on the network, but no other computers can see it... cant even SSH into it02:13
xangua!ppa-purge | shape Daekdroom02:13
ubottushape Daekdroom: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html02:13
Pinkemena_Di am not trying to access the internet, i am entering a web interface for a network device02:13
skelanyone know how to make gnome3 look better then the ubuntu default?02:13
NQTropicanyone know a gui web browser the displays websites as text only?02:13
shapexangua: Thanks!02:13
sudiptaskel:better as how?02:13
xanguayou can install themes and icons with gnome-tweak-tool skel02:14
skelsudipta: as in, it's not a plain bar that says applications / Places.02:14
jayarNQTropic: use chrome and disable everything in options02:14
skelxangua: I'm on extensions.gnome.org and none of the extensions have the option for on/off like they do on my 11.1002:14
skelxangua: and I had to add additional ppa's to get that to happen02:15
CyberspaceloaNQTropic: you can also use a command line based browser02:15
cocolosWhen I vnc into my ubuntu machine and I try to run a qt application I get:  xlib: extension "NV-GLX" missing on display ":1.0".02:15
cocolosany one know?02:15
sudiptaskel:u dont like the unity? use gnome fallback02:15
sinistradI'm able to boot the degraded raid array, but I'm not sure how to fix it. "mdadm --assemble --scan" didn't seem to have an effect02:15
skelsudipta: doesn't gnome-fallback make it work like gnome 2?02:16
NQTropicyer I know those options Cyberspaceloa & jayar , but was wondering if there was anything else02:16
sudiptaskel:yup....if that's you want...02:16
DrManhattanif i want to install with software raid on 12.04 I have to use the alternate?02:17
teligardWell, that didn't work02:18
rvbhello, is it possible to unplug and then plug my usb gsm modem via command line?02:18
CyberspaceloaNQTropic: sorry, I don't know of any02:18
warmIs there a way to convert .ttc  to .ttf  and how?02:18
teligardIs there a different location that ubuntu stores a shre list (like an fstab, but not fstab) that launches at boot time?02:18
rvbmy problem is that the modem is on a remote location that i can't physically unplug it so i have to do it remotely, via command line if possible02:18
teligardrvb: are you ableto get into the system remotely and run at commands?02:19
teligardAnd to what degree are you trying to "unplug" the modem?02:20
teligardjust drop the connection, or?02:20
teligardIf you're simply trying to hang up, I believe there is something like Hn to hangup02:24
rvbteligard: like trying to simulate a physical unplug/unplug so that the system can re-read the modem02:25
rvbbecause it shows in the lsusb, trouble is with gammu (sms gateway), it can't detect it .. the only way it can is to unplug/plug the modem02:25
WHAT_UPsay i have some script i want to run in a terminal on a samba server. i have nautilus open to exactly the folder containing it, but it won't allow me to double click the file to run the script. unfortunately, the "path" in nautilus starts with smb://, so it's not like i can just cd there via terminal. what do i do?02:26
sacarlsonWHAT_UP you might be able to right click on the file and change properties to make the file executable, then double click it to run02:31
WHAT_UPsacarlson: tried that. apparently the fact that it's on a samba server prevents you from change permissions02:31
WHAT_UPsacarlson: which makes sense02:31
sacarlsonWHAT_UP if you don't have write privs or the file is on an ntfs drive with no perms change posible then you would have to copy and paste the file to a location you can change the privs and run from there02:32
DrManhattandoes ubuntu server have a pae enabled kernel available?02:32
teligardrvb: did that help any?02:33
sacarlsonDrManhattan: yes02:33
DrManhattanyeah 12.04 doesn't let me partition my raid devices02:35
DrManhattansoftware raid is not functioning for me on that02:36
cocolosWhat's an alternative to using vnc to remote desktop onto my ubuntu machine02:37
bazhang!12.04 | DrManhattan02:37
ubottuDrManhattan: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+102:37
DrManhattanYeah I hear you bazhang02:37
DrManhattanit doesn't make my butt any less hurt over the matter02:37
DrManhattantrying out server now02:37
bazhangDrManhattan, /join #ubuntu+102:38
bazhangOblomov ins particular02:39
bazhangminus the s02:39
WHAT_UPsacarlson: thanks02:39
teligardcocolos: FreeNX would be one02:39
teligardcocolos: another would be XDMCP02:40
erpococolos: ssh -X02:40
cocolosteligard: would that solve my problem of my opengl library not being incompatible with that X server02:40
cocoloserpo: tried but no luck, I am trying to run an opengl program02:40
erpococolos: Which program?02:40
DrManhattanbazhang, they have no love for me there.02:40
* DrManhattan starts crying02:41
bazhangDrManhattan, just be patient.02:41
cocoloserpo: my own which is integrated with qt02:41
* DrManhattan patiently hangs himself :)02:41
cocoloserpo: I get this error 'extension "NV-GLX" missing on display ":1.0"'02:41
ubukouanyone knows how to configure two buttons on the mouse to do the same thing ? i found the line that refers to the action i want compiz to perform when pressing it.. it is "s0_initiate_button = Button12" in what syntax should i write it so that i get button 11 and button 12 to do the same action ?02:42
* yeik laughs02:42
teligardcocolos: what happens if you go to a terminal screen (ctrl-alt-F1) and do sudo xinit -- :102:42
teligardShould start an xsession that you can access by ctrl-alt-f802:43
cocolosteligard: I get a fatal error02:44
cocolosteligard: want a screenshot of error?02:45
cocolosteligard: would I just have to use another client?02:45
teligardI'm just trying to think of what's actually causing the error.  You're running nVidia, or so I assume from the error02:46
cocolosthat's correct02:46
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derpHey all, I am having some odd issues with 12.04 and I really cannot fathom what might be going on. I have an USB wifi receiver which works very well except sometimes my computer simply decides that it does not want to load webpages. I have full bars, none of the other computers in the house has this issue.02:46
teligardHave you tried reinstalling the nvidia drivers?02:46
cocolosno I have not02:46
teligardJust grasping at straws, but might want to try that02:47
derpIt seems random, but I can replicate it with no problem by plugging in another USB device. Every time I plug a second USB device in, it will not load anything. It even drops local network connections.02:47
cocolosdoes vnc send images or does it do something fancier?02:47
cocolosteligard: could it be how I setup vncserver?02:48
derp.... but it still gives me full bars.02:48
teligardvnc sends an image, then refreshes the changed portions of the screen, if I rememer correctly, as part of it's compression scheme02:48
cocolosI find it weird that I get these errors only when I vnc and not when i am physically on the machine02:49
teligardI wouldn't think that the vncserver would be influencing the x session, but I'd be inclined to have someone else confirm that, as I'm still a bit of a newbee02:50
bazhang!12.04 | derp02:50
ubottuderp: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+102:50
teligardThere are alot of people in here a whole lot better versed in the workings than I am02:50
sacarlsoncocolos: sounds like your app is working with video02:50
bazhangderp, /join #ubuntu+1 for that02:51
cocolossacarlson: it's just opengl + cuda + qt02:51
sgo11hi, I can create a socks proxy server very easily with ssh. but how can I change it to https proxy? I am trying to ask android sdk manager to use my socks proxy, but unfortunately, the android sdk manger only supports https proxy. thanks.02:52
Meat5hieldHey guys, I have an ubuntu computer that is failing to boot. I get dumped to a shell after grub it, because "the disk does not exist".It may also help to mention that it tells me "Common problems:9acc45c2d21" while busy dumping me to shell. Anyone have any idea whats up02:53
sgo11http proxy is fine with me too. just want some easy configuration to map my socks proxy to http proxy. thanks.02:53
ubukouanyone knows how to configure two buttons on the mouse to do the same thing ? i found the line that refers to the action i want compiz to perform when pressing it.. it is "s0_initiate_button = Button12" in what syntax should i write it so that i get button 11 and button 12 to do the same action ?02:54
cocolosteligard: I was told that 'opengl library is incompatible with that X server'02:55
cocolosteligard: and to use something else other than vnc or fix the incompatibility….any clue?02:56
teligardcocolos: that doesn't make sense to me, as I use opengl with X server02:57
SueDeNymQuick question: I recently got a Chromebook and installed Ubuntu 11.10 on it. I would like to get the function keys working with minimal effort. Guides indicate that I should install and use "keytouch", which appears to have been deleted from the repository. Should I try to download and install it myself or am I out of luck with that approach?02:57
teligardso I don't understand the error02:57
cocolosteligard: maybe more what it says would help?02:57
bazhangSueDeNym, keytouch-editor you mean?02:58
bazhang!info keytouch-editor | SueDeNym02:58
ubottuSueDeNym: keytouch-editor (source: keytouch-editor): create keyboard files for keytouch. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.2.0~beta-3 (oneiric), package size 89 kB, installed size 388 kB02:58
teligardAgain, I'm very much a neophyte in this, and don't want to misguide you02:58
SueDeNymkeytouch-editor is still in the repository, but as best I can tell it still needs keytouch to actually work02:58
bazhangSueDeNym, installed and tried?02:59
SueDeNymit allows me to create config files02:59
SueDeNymbut there's one I can download that matches my specs02:59
derpIf I have two grub instances can I switch the flagging to the inactive one and delete the one that is flagged?03:00
SueDeNymbut it doesn't actually make the changes03:00
bazhangderp, 12.04 support is in #ubuntu+1 as I've said03:00
cocolosteligard: just thought i'd show you here's the error in it's completeness http://pastebin.com/0w9u3Wi803:01
derpbazhang: This isnt about 12.04.03:01
teligardcocolos: looking now...03:01
bazhangderp, you are using 12.04, correct?03:01
derpNope. 10.0403:02
cocolosteligard: much appreciated03:02
derpI want to get rid of the second partition and restore the space it took up on my laptop.03:02
teligardcocolos: no problem03:02
bazhangderp, you just said you were using 12.0403:02
shapeWhat does this mean: "If you really want to compile without asm, configure with --disable-asm."03:03
derpbazhang: I have three machines in my home runing ubuntu, two run 10.04, one runs 10.04 and has a 12.04 partition on it.03:03
shapeI ran the command "./configure -enable-shared"03:03
sacarlsonMeat5hield: boot from another partition or a live cd and do fsck /dev/sdaX  on the drive that is having the problem or something like this http://www.ehow.com/how_6865088_fix-disk-errors-linux.html03:03
teligardcocolos:  Did you make any changes in your xconfigurator or anything?03:03
teligardVery odd error03:03
cocolosi changed the xstartup03:04
teligardcocolos: what if you change it back?03:04
cocolosteligard: essentially followed this http://bit.ly/fvbBMD03:04
teligardThe errors you're having are really peculiar to me.  Seems more like a configuration issue than a conflict03:05
cocolosi see03:05
sacarlsonderp: if the partition isn't used you can use disk utility to reformat the parition,  it will also enable you to umount the drive from there if needed.  be sure you don't have anything like /home mounted on it03:05
teligardIs that all you need to do is view the ubuntu desktop from windows?03:06
cocolosteligard: not sure what I added03:06
Meat5hield@sacarlson Thanks, i'll try that03:06
jimmythekidi just found a major hole that gives shell access03:06
jimmythekidbout to release a security memo on it03:07
jimmythekidmay be able to maintain root03:07
teligardjimmythekid: which version?03:07
bazhangjimmythekid, how does this relate to ubuntu support03:07
jimmythekidit looks like 10+03:08
jimmythekidthought all should know03:08
jimmythekidi gotta work on it more first03:08
jimmythekidsee if i can gain root through it03:08
bazhang!bug | jimmythekid03:08
ubottujimmythekid: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:08
shapeCan someone please tell me what "./configure" does or point me to a wiki page? I've been searching with no luck03:08
cocolosteligard: from mac os x yes just gotta view and I guess remote control so I can open the program03:09
bazhangjimmythekid, file a bug, no need to talk about what might or might not be03:09
jimmythekidyea well i want every1 to know03:09
Petroxshape: ./configure is a tool, included in most source tarballs, that is for you to help compiling the software03:09
bazhangjimmythekid, its not a bug. no need to chat about it here03:09
jimmythekidumm actuallyt03:10
jimmythekidits a major bug03:10
bazhang!compile | shape03:10
ubottushape: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall03:10
bazhang!ot | jimmythekid03:10
ubottujimmythekid: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:10
jimmythekidits a HUGE bug03:10
bazhangjimmythekid, thats enough. stop.03:10
teligardcocolos: did you back up your .vnc folder first?03:10
shapePetrox: I tried running it and I got this: ""If you really want to compile without asm, configure with --disable-asm.""03:10
Petroxshape: it's for "detecting" the environment, which you will compile the software in03:10
cocolosteligard: nope03:10
rredd4installing a brand new ubuntu, is it possible to use the free space from the windows hd?  windows will not start up and i need some files03:10
bobweaver!cve | jimmythekid03:10
cocolosteligard: did this a while ago03:11
wyldejimmythekid: then if you were a responsible hacker you would report it properly to the right people to patch the problem before a public announcement.03:11
drecuterredd4: install wine03:11
Petroxshape: all the programs have different configure tool, so I don't know what your exact problem is. But you should check the "README" and "INSTALL" files for prerequisites (dependencies)03:11
Petroxshape: you're probably missing some packages, libs or tools03:12
shapePetrox: I see. Thanks for the link! It worked for a different program03:12
Petroxshape: maybe even a gcc03:12
rredd4drecute I don't have ubuntu installed yet, want to use the free space from the windows partition03:12
shapeSo it's like you said, I was probably missing some packages Petrox03:12
cocolosteligard: any ideas?03:12
drecuterredd4: yeah. go ahead03:12
Petroxshape: gl03:13
drecutebut make sure the filesystem is ext303:13
shapePetrox: Thanks! I'm actually trying to install vaapi and ffmpeg and it's giving me nightmares03:13
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rredd4is there an option to use windows free space in the install?  I don't remember one03:14
teligardI'm trying to think of what might be a solution ( starting with what the original .vnc folder and xstartup contained)03:14
teligardAlways good to go back to a working model, and go from there03:14
PetroxI don't know vaapi, but ffmpeg is not the easiest thing to compile, I think it has a lot of dependencies03:14
PetroxAnd I'm sure you can find a compiled one in some repository03:14
drecuterredd4: you will have to create the partition first03:15
cocolosteligard: not sure if it this worked before, this is the first time that I am running an opengl + qt app03:15
shapePetrox: I see. Thanks again! :)03:15
drecutedo it on windows but don't format it03:15
rredd4drecute windows does not boot, at all03:16
drecutewhen you boot to bios, you should see the partition. select it and install ubuntu there03:16
sacarlsonrredd4: if you delete the partition you want to install ubuntu on, with like fdisk or other partition tool , ubuntu will auto expect you want to install in the freespace and ask before it touches your windows partition03:16
PetroxCan someone please paste me (http://paste.ubuntu.com/) a dpkg --get-selections on a 12.04 default desktop 32bit install?03:16
drecuterredd4: insert ubuntu cd and boot with it03:16
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bazhangPetrox, 12.04 is in #ubuntu+103:17
PetroxI've just upgraded a machine, and gdm does not start, maybe I'm missing a package, and a default getselections would set me back on track03:17
teligardwhat happens if you uninstall vnc (sudo apt-get remove vnc4server vnc4-common vinagre vino) and remove the .vnc folder, and we try to go through the process?03:17
drecuteduring install, you will see the partitions including that of windows03:17
teligardare you game?03:17
Petroxbazhang: thx, sry03:17
cocolosteligard: let me give it a shot03:17
rredd4drecute there are 3 patitions on this hd, two are to small to install ubuntu onto.  the one that is big enough is the windows partition and I don't want to write over that partition, just us the unused portion of that partition03:19
rredd4maybe parted will do it03:19
drecuterredd4: go ahead03:20
drecuteuse the windows partition you have and it will work03:21
sacarlsondrecute: sounds like rredd4 wants to keep his windows, if the 2 small partitions that are usable aren't big enuf he might have to resize his windows partition,  and better to do that it windows03:23
drecuteyeah. I told him that03:23
cocolosteligard: wow…I can vnc in but it's all messed up can't see anything03:23
teligardcocolos: messed up: please explain?03:24
sacarlsondrecute: you might want to try partition magic or something like that to resize the windows side.  you just need about 5 - 10 gb for ubuntu03:24
drecuterredd4: listen to sacarlson03:25
rredd4sacarlson drecute  ok, i can do that, resize partion03:25
cocolosteligard: it's just grey03:25
teligardI'd say you need to set your windows manager03:25
cocolosteligard: can't see anything from my desktop or anything03:25
rredd4sacarlson drecute I just want to keep windows partition long enough to get some files, the windows is ? out the window forever!!!03:26
cocolosteligard: my cursor is an X03:26
teligardyep: we just need to set the window manager (looking up directions now)03:26
drecuterredd4: looks like you are scared of the obvious03:27
drecutejust go into computer management on windows and resize the disk03:27
rredd4drecute scarlson how small can i make the partition and still have enough room for ubuntu?03:27
rredd4drecute  windows does not work03:28
teligardcocolos: What window manager are you using normally?03:28
teligardfind in the xstartup where it says twm03:28
cocolosteligard: I can't vnc in now…I am still shed though03:28
rredd4drecute  i get the bsod03:28
sacarlsonrredd4: I would recomend minimal of 4gb  but you can find smaller versions of linux to use as temp untill you have space available03:28
the_real_crimperXFS or EXT4?03:29
drecuterredd4: if you dont want to partition, get a live ubuntu cd and run it03:29
rredd4scarlson drecute  ty03:29
bazhangthe_real_crimper, whats the full question03:29
rredd4drecute to slow03:30
drecutedont install it03:30
rredd4drecute would piss off my gf03:30
the_real_crimperbazhang, i'm setting up a RAID and need to decide on a filesystem03:30
drecutewhen you get to the desktop, just access you windows files03:30
bazhangthe_real_crimper, then say that03:30
imbezoli'm running a classic gnome session. i have no clickable icons on the panel and i can't right click it to add anything.. what is it that's not running on the panel?03:30
bazhangimbezol, which panel is this03:31
rredd4i will have to come back to to that part drecute, its been awhile.  forgot the command03:31
the_real_crimperbazhang, your thoughts on XFS and EXT4 in a RAID setup?03:31
rredd4sacarlson drecute thanks for help03:31
sacarlsonthe_real_crimper: any extX will do  ext4 the default03:31
drecutethe_real_crimper: if Linux has got zfs, I will recommend that03:31
bazhangimbezol, is this 11.04, 11.10 or what03:32
drecutethe_real_crimper: try lvm03:32
the_real_crimperdrecute, for what reason?03:32
imbezolbazhang: 11.10... http://imbezol.org/misc/gnome.png03:33
drecutethe_real_crimper: what you asked for03:33
the_real_crimperdrecute, i mean, what's the key feature of ZFS that makes it preferable ?03:33
imbezolbazhang: it's like a small app that's part of gnome isn't running03:33
imbezolbazhang: that area between the time and the menu on the left as well as between the time and the volume adjust on the right, is not clickable or right clickable03:34
drecutetons of features03:34
drecutereplication, recovery, simplicity (no partitioning)03:35
imbezolbazhang: actually.. i can drag and drop icons on from the menu03:35
drecutei can zone entire ubuntu on solaris using zfs03:36
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the_real_crimperi see03:36
magn3tsAnyone have any compact hardware NAS that allow you to install ubuntu on them??03:37
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xui2if id want to unmount the root partition and then mount a different partition as root, can i do that?03:38
sacarlson1xui2: yes chroot03:39
xui2sacarlson1; and unmount the current root partition?03:39
drecutexui2: you can do that when you are in the new one03:40
xui2drecute: hmm ok going to try this03:40
sacarlson1xui2:  here's an example http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/03:40
Chaosadnd1Hi all, i was scolded earlier about still using webmin on ubuntu server 11.10 and was told to switch to zentyal, anyone have available the how to link that I cant seem to find?03:41
bazhang!ebox | Chaosadnd103:42
ubottuChaosadnd1: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).03:42
Chaosadnd1There you are ubottu, thanks :)03:42
Chaosadnd1I guess my question is, can you still administer samba shares ect with zentyal? Was having trouble finding screenshots?03:43
w0undhow's it going guys03:45
rectecHi. ]03:45
jesse__i think my keyboard is messed up, how do I check that?03:46
jesse__keyboard mapping*03:46
jesse__ah nevermind, i was in japanese mode T_T03:47
rectecits all good. im busy writing my question sorry i cant help :)03:48
doc|mobileanyone know of a fix for a nvidia_96 module not found error from X? Just started a few days ago.03:50
bazhangdoc|mobile, what version of ubuntu?03:51
shapeI use the command locate vlc | grep bin    and it gives me  /usr/bin/vlc  . Yet I try to enter it and gives me "cd: /usr/bin/vlc: Not a directory"03:51
doc|mobilebazhang: xubuntu 11.1003:51
bazhangdoc|mobile, got the bug link?03:51
rectecI've been having some big issues with Adobe Flash today. It started off by crashing during certain parts of a video, then the plugin refused to start at all, simply crashing. So I started Flash Aid and installed Flash from the repos, which didn't fix the problem. So I kept trying different flash versions with different tweaks and it didnt fix. Finally, I have ended up with this: http://imgbin.org/images/7737.jpeg . I have no idea ho03:51
rectecw to fix this. I've also been having flash issues with my other install of Ubuntu (Precise). I've tried both Gnash and Lightspark, but they do not suffice.03:51
bazhangshape, its an app03:51
recteci'll probably post this to the forums if i dont get help here...03:52
doc|mobilebazhang: nope, I don't know if one related actually exists. I did find https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-96/+bug/626974 but I'm not sure it's related03:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 626974 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-96 (Ubuntu Maverick) "ABI change in xorg 1.9 breaks legacy nvidia-96 drivers in Maverick" [Medium,Fix released]03:52
shapebazhang: So is bin then its main directory? I need to know so I can recompile it03:52
bazhangshape, why would you need to compile vlc03:52
shapebazhang: I installed vaapi so I can enable GPU acceleration.03:53
shapebazhang: http://wiki.videolan.org/VLC_VAAPI03:53
shapebazhang: Recompile VLC: make clean && make <<< I dont know where to use this command.03:53
ludlowwhats up with apt-get update tonight?  Keeps getting stuck at release .rpg ?03:53
sacarlsonshape: when you compile a custom you might put it in your local bin space so you can run eather one the new and old03:54
bazhangdoc|mobile, that looks to be from Maverick; and fixed; perhaps file a new one?03:54
doc|mobilebazhang: yeah, though a note at the bottom says it has occurred again. Figured it'd be related as the dates match my issue fairly closely. Was hoping someone hear knew of a fix03:55
bazhangshape, you should read the compiling how to from the wiki we linked you earlier03:55
shapeokay! thanks03:55
shapeI thought I almost had it :(03:55
bazhangshape, checking for a PPA might be easier if this is very new to you03:55
shapeoh I had to download the otehr stuff through PPA, but you still have to recompile VLC03:56
shapebazhang: Oh, you mean to get a VLC with VAAPI already enabled?03:56
doc|mobilebazhang: ok, this is weird. I removed nvidia-96 and nvidia-current (had re apt-get installed them) and then re-installed nvidia-current and now it's working... very weird03:56
bazhangshape, yeppers03:57
bazhangdoc|mobile, that is odd. a good bug, for once03:57
doc|mobilebazhang: heh, now my fonts look grainy. sigh03:58
doc|mobilebazhang: thanks for replying at least03:58
sacarlsondoc|mobile: I had the grainy font problem before with my nvidia but I can't recall what I did to fix it, good news is it is fixed so you do have hope03:59
xui3Currently I have /dev/sda1 mounted as my root (/) filesytem. I want to change this to /dev/sda2 without rebooting. I asked this question earlier and I don't think I was clear about it. Ultimatley I need to unmount /dev/sda1 after i have /dev/sda2 mounted as root (/).04:00
escottxui3, thats hard to do in general because you need every process except your own stopped04:01
doc|mobilesacarlson: heh, maaaan... :)04:01
maykoi am having horrible problems with my microphone on Lubuntu. It is extremely sporadic in picking up anything. I need my mic so I can have a telephone. I've looked through the usual results from google/ubuntu forums and can't get anywhere. my friends are telling me i should stop wasting time wiht linux. I'm getting incredibly depressed and frustrated. help?04:01
xui3escott: yea. if I drop to a shell can it be done?04:01
escottxui3, maybe im not sure. its what the initrd does, but i've never considered what happens to the initrd after the chroot04:02
xui3escott: any suggestions on what i might search for that would give me more info on how to go about it?04:02
teligardcould someone look over this for me and tell me what I'm doing wrong?  http://pastebin.com/4kUTUQSc04:02
escottxui3, the problem with starting bash and then typing chroot is that isn't the chroot syscall but the chroot binary, which forks a new shell (so you have to exit twice)04:03
xui3escott: hmm04:04
escottxui3, but i would unpack the initrd (you can just gunzip it and loop mount it) and see what it does04:05
sacarlsondoc|mobile: it's something like a setting for cleartype System > Preferences > Fonts > Rendering and Details...  It is the "ClearType" settings for Gnome, the default for which was not right for my monitor.  also look for anti aliasing04:05
doc|mobilesacarlson: I'm using xfce and I think I found it. Thanks!04:06
sysadamini have a possibly silly question04:07
sysadaminwhen i connect to a VPN using nm-openvpn, where is the pid file writte?04:08
sysadaminits seemingly not writing a pidfile, when i would like it to04:08
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ScaI'm running ubuntu 11.04.  How do I upgrade my version of Gimp (I've got 2.6.11)?04:09
meeti have got this windows based game which i want to install in lubuntu.any suggestions?04:09
bazhang!appdb | meet04:10
ubottumeet: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:10
bazhangmeet install wine, check the appdb /join #winehq for support04:10
maykothe mike is working. dunno what i did. maybe if i never touch pavucontrol again it'll be fine. fukkitall.04:10
steve__after my last update i lost video support and am a noob04:10
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bazhangSca, compile, or find a PPA, or upgrade version of ubuntu to more recent04:11
meetthanks bazhang04:11
bazhangsteve__, video support for what04:11
bazhang!details | steve__04:12
ubottusteve__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:12
steve__i'm almost useless at the prompt04:12
steve__the last update about a week ago04:12
Scabazhang, can you suggest the ppa that i need?04:12
bazhangsteve__, just tell us, all on one line04:12
steve__when i rebooted it went to text04:13
bazhangSca, search the ppa search page on launchpad yet?04:13
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details04:13
roastedQuestion - What DDNS clients do you guys use? I'm trying to find a free service that has a native linux update client.04:13
osamaobamaHow do I add "Desktop volume control"? It's not there any more and I don't know why or how to restore it. "System Settings > Startup Applications Preferences> [ x ] Show desktop volume control" does not help!04:14
bazhangsteve__, yes, so its recovery mode? low graphics mode?04:14
steve__no just text04:14
teligardroasted: zoneedit04:14
meetosamaobama do you have the panel at top or bottom?04:15
osamaobamameet: Bottom.04:15
wylderoasted: no-ip , noip2 is in repos I believe04:15
meetright click it -> add items to panel04:15
osamaobamameet: That does not work either.04:16
StepNjump_Hi is anyone aware of a virus that was activated on 13 April Friday? A lot of my files were deleted on that date and I didn't do it.04:16
osamaobamameet: Thats the weird thing.04:16
Scabazhang, thanks04:16
meetosamaobama: why? what happens when u right click it04:16
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osamaobamameet: Nothing at all04:16
osamaobamameet: I only get options when I right click on icons04:17
meetosamaobama: what version r u using?04:17
osamaobamameet: version 11.1004:17
roastedwylde: removed in 12.04 :(04:17
roastedwylde: thanks to debian pulling it, last I heard.04:17
meetosamaobama: i am using the same version. ok on right clicking the icons there should be a option like add/remove panel items. is it there?04:18
roastedwylde: I ran no-ip's tarball on 12.04 but it won't update... I left my rig run for 2 days and it was set for 30 min interval, no update04:18
steve__is there a command i can type to fix my video?04:18
osamaobamameet: No...04:18
wylderoasted: shame, I used it on my server. It's still 10.04 though. I don't see why the client they have wn't work still on 12.04.04:18
osamaobamameet: How do I reset my GNOME preferences?04:18
bazhangsteve__, we need tons more info than "its only text"04:18
osamaobamameet: delete ~/.gnome*?04:19
schultzawhat is the best source control management?04:19
roastedwylde: not sure. The tarball is easy to install... make... make install... then it asks you for your acct email and pw, update interval, etc.04:19
roastedwylde: but it just aint updating here. makes me think I should take my ddns service elsewhere since Im not married to this url04:19
wylderoasted: wellt hat's a bugger. heh I'll be looking for a workaround at eol for it then. lol04:19
steve__sorry I'm sure it's a standard prompt04:19
teligardroasted:  there are scripts to update your ip04:19
roastedwylde: I might check out zoneedit that teligard recommended... haven't heard of that one.04:19
roastedteligard: scripts?04:20
roastedteligard: does it not work automatically when I put in my info?04:20
wylderoasted: neither have I. At least I have a while yet before EOL on 10.04 server, to have to worry about it :)04:20
teligardI've been using it for about 10 years now04:21
teligardWorks well04:21
steve__oh I forgot to mention my display is a viewsonic that prefers 1280x102404:21
teligardLet me see if they've made any new edits to automate the whole process.04:21
wyldeteligard: yeah, I've been using no-ip that long, if not longer. At one point I even had a registered domain I managed with them. Shame their client isn't working in 12.04.04:22
meetosamaobama: using unity or gnome>04:22
teligardWouldn't think it would be hard to tweak the code to work04:23
roastedteligard: how's this look? http://support.no-ip.com/customer/portal/articles/363278-installing-the-linux-dynamic-update-client04:23
roastedlooks easy enough04:23
roastedI just had no idea you had to do more with it04:23
wylderoasted: I haven't used them before but I've seen dyndns listed in harware routers, no idea what state they, or their services are in currently though.04:23
steve__isn't there some kind of configurator i can run ?04:23
ubottuVersion Control Systems offered for Ubuntu: Centralized: !CVS, !Subversion  | Distributed: Bazaar-NG(!bzr), Codeville, Darcs, !git, Mercurial, Monotone, SVK, tig.04:24
roastedwylde: dyndns killed their free dns.04:24
roastedwylde: as a result, dyndns is dead to me. :D04:24
wylderoasted: ahh ok, good to know.04:24
roastedwylde: I think a lot of routers banked on using dyndns because, why waste time adding anybody else if dyndns is free?04:24
schultzaroasted: what do you recommend?04:24
meetosamaobama: unity does not give the option to remove or add the indicators directly i guess. u can use gnome extentions using gnome tweak or sumthng like that04:24
roastedwylde: but I've had issues with routers updating it properly anyway. some work predictably, some dont, etc. alwyas hit or miss.04:25
roastedwylde: I much prefer the installed client for the server itself.04:25
wylderoasted:  true, but at the same time I was using no-ip lol.04:25
roastedschultza: for what?04:25
teligardI was going to say that wylde is the pro with no-ip, but what you sent me seems pretty straight forward.04:25
roastedteligard: that directed at me?04:25
schultzaroasted: alternative free dyndns04:25
teligardroasted: yes, sorry :-)04:25
roastedschultza: I've used free.afraid.org. Works great but terrible documentation on getting it working. no-ip has been decent so far, but I'm a little bummed their GUI got pulled from the repos (not no-ips fault, debians fault)04:26
bazhangroasted, this is getting offtopic04:26
roastedI think debian cited old code or potential bug or something with no active maintainer, so they pulled it. jerks. <_<04:26
schultzadebian's or ubuntu's?04:26
roastedbazhang: hardly, we're discussing ddns in conjunction with linux. thanks though.04:26
bazhang!ot | roasted schultza teligard04:27
ubotturoasted schultza teligard: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:27
roastedschultza: yeah, it came from debian, filtered down to ubuntu, from what I heard.04:27
bazhangroasted, wrong place for it04:27
roastedbazhang: again, no issue here.04:27
roastedwylde: you use no-ip on a server or desktop?04:27
bazhangroasted, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks04:27
wylderoasted: 10.04.4 server04:27
roastedbazhang: we're discussing an ubuntu issue here. thanks.04:27
roastedwylde: server as in, CLI?04:28
wylderoasted: CLI04:28
horusofozwill ubuntu 12.04 support usb3 on my asus z68-m Pro mobo?04:28
teligardbazhang: my apologies04:28
bazhanghorusofoz, #ubuntu+1 for that please04:28
sysadaminnobody knows how to make network-manager write a pid file when connecting to an openvpn?04:29
steve__is there a noob chanel so i won't have to bother anyone with stupid questions?04:30
teligardsteve__: there are no stupid questions04:30
paulus68steve__: questions are never stupid in my opinion everybody has gone through this process so shoot if we can help we will do so04:30
teligardI'd say that, atleast in the linux space, there's never a point where you know everything.04:31
steve__would it be easier to go back to my last known good or redo my video?04:31
wyldeteligard: well, the one not asked usally = stupid question. :)04:31
teligardwylde: good point :-)04:32
PakLanghi guys04:32
PakLanganyone using 12.04?04:32
teligardSteve__: I generally try to go back to my last known good configuration04:32
Ben64steve__: try giving more details on the problem you're having, including what happened before04:32
Ben64!precise | PakLang04:32
ubottuPakLang: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+104:32
steve__I updated to the next version of ubuntu and when i rebooted it went to the prompt04:34
teligardsteve__: I would recommend, however, laying everything out as has been mentioned, because the more the detail, the easier to debug :-)04:34
PakLangcanonical is developing ubuntu phones?04:34
Ben64steve__: from which version to which version? what video card?04:34
steve__I have a dell demension 4600 with nvidia04:34
steve__version 11 i think , the one that came out about two weeks ago04:35
mgeneralAnyone hearing of random logouts/lockups/reboots/Xorg crashes in 12.04 64bit?04:35
Ben64!precise | mgeneral04:35
ubottumgeneral: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+104:35
Ben64steve__: are there any errors when you start ubuntu?04:36
mgeneralThank you, I'm aware it is in beta testing. I'm trying to narrow down a bug and seeing if anyone else is experiencing the same thing.04:36
teligardsteve__: cat /etc/*-release04:37
Ben64mgeneral: this channel is not for 12.0404:37
teligardit will give you the OS specifics04:37
mgeneralThat's more helpful than your !precise | ;-)04:37
steve__not that i remember i can reboot to it and come back if it will help04:37
Ben64mgeneral: not if you read the entire message04:37
steve__before i do this how do i nshut down from text?04:39
teligardsteve__: I don'tthink that's necessary (probably running 11.10)04:39
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Ben64steve__: poweroff04:39
steve__that sounds right04:40
teligardsteve__: sudo shutdown -r now04:40
teligardfor reboot04:40
teligardsudo shutdown -h now04:40
teligardto halt04:40
steve__thanx is there anything else i should check b4 i go04:41
teligardSo, to the issue at hand.  You're running a Dell 4600 with an nVidia card, likely running 11.1004:42
teligardnow for the problem you're experiencing04:42
steve__after my last update i lost my vid04:42
teligardIf I remember correctly, you're unlable to log into X, and are being dropped directly to the shell04:42
steve__x server i think04:43
teligardDid yuo make any changes to any config files (xconfig,etc)?04:43
steve__update might have04:44
wylde!info jockey-cli04:44
ubottuPackage jockey-cli does not exist in oneiric04:44
teligardHere is what I'd do: I'd try to find the system log file or x log file and review the last 50 or so lines04:45
teligardWhich will probably layout the error(s) your running up against04:45
steve__isnt there a video config program i can run ?04:45
teligardwylde: do you knwothe path the the x log files?04:45
wylde/var/log/Xorg something. Moment04:46
teligardI know in older version there was xconfigurator04:46
teligardactually, xConfigurator04:46
steve__how do i run xConfigurator04:47
teligardsteve__: sometimes it's best to review the information generated by the OS/apps, as it may clear up things without potentially causing additional issues (plus you'll be a pro in no time regarding x server :-) )04:48
Ben64the nvidia install probably didn't carry over for some reason to the new version04:48
steve__ok what do u recomend04:48
Ben64should check the X log mentioned above to see why it isn't starting first04:48
LukeNukemare all the files inside init.d04:49
LukeNukemrun automatically on startup04:49
steve__how do i do that?04:49
wyldesteve__:  I always had to reinstall my nvidia drivers after an update that involved a kernel update. (when I was using the drivers fron nvidia itself).04:49
Ben64cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit04:49
teligardsteve__: cd /var/log04:49
Ben64then give us the resulting link04:49
teligardok, thx Ben6404:50
Ben64wylde: the nvidia drivers should not be installed from the website with ubuntu04:50
PakLangany idea how to make ubuntu (using 12.04) green,save electricity/power consumption friendly?04:50
steve__it offered ver 93 the first time and another not recomended i think 11704:50
wyldeBen64: yep, I had problems after that so I just started using the ones supplied through jockey.04:51
Ben64PakLang: 12.04 support/discussion in #ubuntu+104:51
steve__how do i fix it from the prompt?04:51
teligardBen64: wouldn't you typically do and apt-get install nvidia-glx04:52
Ben64steve__: you should give us the log file first04:52
Ben64teligard: no04:52
teligardas su04:52
PakLangben thanks04:52
steve__ok ill be back in a few thnx again04:52
teligardsteve: I think what Ben64 is getting at is that it's best to make sure of the problem before trying to fix it (like using a sledgehammer on a fly)04:53
Ben64teligard: pretty much, yeah04:53
wyldeteligard: !? how'd you know I was a millwright?! lol :P04:53
teligardlol :-)04:53
blithenThis is the help irc right?04:56
teligardI'm still trying to resolve my @#$% network share issues.   It's like 11.10 has two files for mapping network paths on boot04:57
teligardblithen: for ubuntu 11.10 and lower04:57
blithenI'm having network issues in 11.10. I can connect wired no problem, I'm just having PAINFULLY slow speeds. Here's my network card info: http://pastebin.com/JxkQNgtA04:58
teligardWell, I should say 11.04/LTS adn 11.1004:58
wyldeteligard: oh? Ummm, I don't believe 11.04 = LTS04:59
teligardI meant 11.04, 11.04LTS and 11.1004:59
teligardshoot.  My back05:00
wylde10.04 LTS? lol05:00
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
teligardbad (the idiot coming out in me.... big suprise there)05:00
wyldeteligard: no worries, my fingers are quite frequently illiterate. lol05:00
teligardI try to pass things off as my fingers being dyslexic, but in this case, it was simple stupidity :-)05:01
tron1984how do I make ubuntu run perfect windows programs05:04
schultzais there a good guide for git installation?05:04
bazhang!appd | tron198405:04
bazhang!appdb | tron198405:05
ubottutron1984: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help05:05
ubottutron1984: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:05
bazhangtron1984, install wine, check the appdb, /join #winehq for particular app help05:05
gbaalhi @all can I having an error  in installing ntfs configuration05:06
gbaalthis is my error05:06
gbaalTraceback (most recent call last):05:06
gbaal  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 972, in simulate05:06
gbaal    trans.unauthenticated = self._simulate_helper(trans)05:06
gbaal  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 1096, in _simulate_helper05:06
gbaal    return depends, self._cache.required_download, \05:06
FloodBot1gbaal: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:06
wylde!pastebin | gbaal05:06
ubottugbaal: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:06
teligardcould someone please review this (fstab) and tell me the errors of my ways?  http://past.ubuntu.com/933532     running Ubuntu 11.10.  On initial boot, the paths are mapped, however, if I have to unmount and remount, I get advised that I have errors in the fstab file.05:08
tron1984I have wime, what is aapdb05:08
steve__i learned how to shutdown and find my version but not get my log05:09
bazhanghttp://appdb.winehq.org   <------ tron198405:09
tron1984i have wine what is appdb05:09
bobo37773teligard: Wrong url05:09
bazhangtron1984, check there. then /join #winehq05:09
bazhangtron1984, I just told you05:09
teligardoops, http://paste.ubuntu.com/93353205:09
teligardThanks bobo3777305:10
ubottugit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)05:10
gbaalHi all I have an error --->http://paste.ubuntu.com/933536/05:11
steve__how do i get my log info?05:11
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
teligardsteve__: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit05:12
teligardprovided you have pastebinit installed05:12
bobo37773teligard: The only thing I can think of is the space after the comma on column 4. Are you sure that spaces are okay like that in fstab. Notice how "nodev,noexec,nosuid" are all in the same column? Other then that I am not sure. That thing sure is messy looking though :p05:12
teligardIf you don't, install in like this: sudo apt-get install pastebinit05:13
steve__how do i type that bar?05:14
codemaniachello i am having problem with the layout of a lua conky05:14
teligardshift \05:14
codemaniacit was somehow shifted05:14
steve__thnx I'll be back|05:15
gbaalI having error in Ubuntu software Center --->http://paste.ubuntu.com/93353605:15
gbaal@all hi and thanks in advance^05:15
bazhanggbaal, what does installing from the command line do05:16
gbaalbazhang,  I just install java sun  -->http://softwareinabottle.wordpress.com/2011/11/17/install-sun-jdk-6-on-ubuntu-11-10/05:17
bobo37773teligard: Yeah I think those spaces are wrong.05:17
shapeHow can I use the terminal to go in my hard drive? I tried cd: /dev/sdb1: Not a directory05:17
goddarddoes MSN not work with linked accounts?05:17
bazhangshape, to do what?05:17
teligardbobo37773: I'll update and see hat happens :-)05:17
ANubshape: u need to create a directory and then use mount command to mount it on that05:17
shapebazhang: to view the folders05:17
=== Dorito is now known as Guest70932
ANubthen u can get in the drive by cd to that directory05:18
shapebut it won't copy everything to that directory correct? It would just be like a virtual directory05:18
bobo37773teligard: Yeah just change "credentials=/root/.xbmc/.smbcredentials, iocharset=utf8, file_mode=0777, dir_mode=0777" to "credentials=/root/.xbmc/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777"05:19
ANubshape: u can mount the drive with "wr" option meaning writing capability05:19
ANubthen u can play havoc with it...:)05:19
gbaalbazhang, i did a sudo apt-get05:19
shapeANub: but how come nautilus just mounts it when i click on it that fast and I can change files, etc. yet in the terminal I can't cd to it.05:20
shapeANub: without doing what you suggested.05:21
xtremewell, this is a embarresing question, but do i require antivirus for linux?05:21
blithenIm using Ubuntu 11.10 and cant connect to the internet using a wired connection.05:21
teligardbobo37773: It appears to be successful :-)  It's really strange, because I had only just recently added those spaces for readability when posting into pastebin.  Oh well, as long as it works :-)  Thank you so very much!05:21
ANubshape: yeap NAUTILUS does that....but in the background same process is executed as ive mentioned05:22
blithen@Xtreme no.05:22
teligardblithen: I thought you just said it was going very slow05:22
bobo37773teligard: Yeah no problem. A lot of programs are like that. Glad to help05:22
blithenYeah that changed apparently. :-$05:23
shapeANub: very interesting! Thanks a lot. Do you happen to have a link where I can read about mounting HDD and messing with the files?05:23
teligardblithen: have you tried "sudo ifconfig eth0 down"  and then waiting about 15 seconds and doing "sudo ifconfig eth0 up"  (this assumes that the interface that you are referring to is the eth0 interface)05:23
deper29hey, I'm having some troubles. I *think* the problem is with java, but I'm not entirely certain. I am trying to build android from source(I know, different channel, but you guys are generally smarter). the output I'm getting when I try to build is http://pastebin.com/cUs48Dtk it seems to work fine on my other machine, so I'm not to sure what I'm doing wrong :S05:24
ANubshape: u can use "man mount" command from terminal05:24
teligardblithen: also, is the interface pulling an IP and the appropriate DNS settings?05:24
codemaniaccan anyone tell me where i can upload screenshots like pastebin ?05:24
ANuball the options are available there05:24
foo357Hello, how can I "recursively" sum up the size of a particular kind of file in a directory?05:24
shapeANub thanks!05:25
gbaalhi any idea what wen't wrong ---?http://paste.ubuntu.com/93353605:25
Fyodorovnacodemaniac, http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add05:25
codemaniacthanks Fyodorovna05:25
Fyodorovnacodemaniac, np.05:25
foo357What I mean is that there is a directory with subdirectories, they contain files with a ending ".foo", how can I sum up the total size of all ".foo" files?05:26
teligardgbaal: as wth most items, this is out of my league05:26
blithenTeligard that seems to have fixed the nor connecting problem. And yes eth0 is pulling the right settings05:26
teligardgbaal: wish I could help05:26
teligardblithen: awesome05:26
cfeddeis there some utility like keepass or passwordsafe on ubuntu?05:27
blithenStill getting slow speeds to  rhe update server though trying a different one noq.05:27
bazhangcfedde, keepassx?05:27
blithenThe* now* im on my tablet lol.05:27
teligardcfedde: keepass is out for ubuntu as well05:28
codemaniacwhy my conky looks drifted?05:28
codemaniacany ideas05:28
bobo37773cfedde: keepassx05:28
teligardblithen: might try bringing up a browser and going out to http://speedtest.net05:28
teligardsee if it's a problem with your connection speed, or the server you're trying to access05:29
teligardThose update servers can be pretty loaded down05:29
cfeddebobo37773 bazhang teligard thanks05:29
codemaniacany ideas ubuntuites?05:29
bazhangcodemaniac, no need to repost that05:29
deper29anyone have any suggestions?05:30
blithenI keep having to bring it up and down to even keep a connection.05:31
teligardblithen: have you checked your cabling?05:31
teligardprobably a stupid question, but thought I'd throw it out there05:32
blithenYeah ill try restarting my router now05:32
xtremejust one question,  why we dont require av for linux?05:33
xtremeav = antivirus?05:33
teligardwas going to say that the next step would be to ... bypass the router05:33
cfeddextreme: no one seems to be targeting linux for viruses these days.05:33
xtremeeveryone really hates windows05:33
cfeddewindows is a bigger footprint.05:34
teligardWindows tends to be the "platform of choice" to exploitation.  The developers working on linux are much more responsive05:34
teligardxtreme: Windows has it's place, but other os's are better developed imho05:35
bobo37773The exploits are probably easier to write too.05:35
cfeddeand it's easier to get admin priv on windows.05:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:35
cfeddemost users run as admin.05:35
ANububottu: wats the difference between #ubuntu-offtopic and #defocus channels05:37
ubottuANub: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:37
teligardblithen: how are you fairing?05:37
shapeANub: I did it, I mounted through command line, wohoo. Thanks!05:38
shapeANub: I understand now Nautilus makes that directory: "i.e. media/storage" is that correct?05:39
teligardWell, thanks for helping me through my issues this eve, but I'm going to head off to bed.  I'll talk at you later :-)05:39
=== Barry_Lutz is now known as Karmen
xtremewhat are software like apt-get called?? and which other software like apt-get can i use with ubuntu?05:41
dddyyyyyyyyhow i can install the same version of firefox on ubuntu? i'd like to install five firefox and five chrome on ubuntu05:42
xtremeonly one question dddyyyyyyyy, why the hell u want to do it?05:42
bazhangxtreme, the package managers?05:42
hemanthxtreme, they are called package handling utility, aptitude is another one05:42
KarmenIs this the right place for help with Ubuntu server?05:43
soreaudddyyyyyyyy: maybe you want different users05:43
dddyyyyyyyyxtreme: for fun05:43
ANubI've got a question........Since Ubuntu is Opensource and freeware.....why new version is released every 6 months (too fast).....why cant Ubuntu just keep on fixing the issues and then major developments are released in new version05:43
xtremeyes, pakage managers. cools thanks. so which else can i use on ubuntu?05:43
steve__I'm back after some kind of upgrade when i did what u said it gave me http://paste.ubunu.com/933548/05:43
darbehi guys05:43
dddyyyyyyyysoreau: i don't need different users05:43
blithenteligard, it's definitely my connection in ubuntu. I bypassed the router and it's still having troubles.05:43
hemanthxtreme, aptitude05:44
steve__btw that driver is nvidia 173.14.3005:44
darbe I have upgrade error  http://paste.ubuntu.com/933552/05:44
blithenI'm gonna try 12.04, the only problem I had on there was sound coming out of only my headphones, I'd rather work through that then a no internet problem.05:44
darbedo you know why I get error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/933552/05:44
xtremehemanth can i use yum too?05:44
blithendarbe, please don't spam.05:45
hemanthxtreme, yes; sudo apt-get install yum and use it05:45
xtremeand which else are there like apt-get and yum?05:45
blithendarpe, have you tried sudo apt-get update?05:45
darbeblithen: i am sorry. just i try to get attention05:46
hemanthdarbe, Failed to process /etc/kernel/postrm.d at /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-3.0.0-16-generic.postrm line 328 so you got the error05:46
darbehemanth: how can i fix that?05:47
darbehemanth: sudo apt-get -f install doean't work05:47
Ben64xtreme: yum on ubuntu is unsupported05:47
hemanthdarbe, it's trying to remove linux-image-3.0.0-16-generic (--remove) and are you on the same?05:47
hemanthBen64, sudo apt-get install yum, does install yum, no?05:48
darbehemanth: what do you mean by are you on the same?05:48
Ben64hemanth: it does05:48
hemanthdarbe, are you on 3.0.0-16?05:49
steve__did i send u a log?05:49
darbehemanth: where can I check it?05:49
hemanthdarbe,  uname -r05:50
steve__was i suposed to get http//... after typing cat/var ect.05:51
gbaalhow can i have write access in ntfs?05:51
KarmenDoes a Intel SE7501BR2 Dual CPU Socket 604 Motherboard Server Board work with Ubuntu Server?05:52
=== teligard is now known as zzz-teligard
darbehemanth: 3.0.0-17-generic05:52
belaidany one here05:53
hemanthdarbe, dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep 3.0.0.-17| awk -F' ' '{ print $2 }'05:53
hemanthbelaid, no05:53
belaidany girls in here05:53
tokinwhitemanHey guys, Ubuntu 12.04 beta 2, my ryhthymbox player freezes when i point the file path to my winodows music file, is that normal?05:53
Ben64!precise | tokinwhiteman05:53
ubottutokinwhiteman: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+105:53
KarmenAnyone that is willing to help another here?05:53
belaidam uograding to 2.04 now05:54
darbehemanth: i did and then i upgraded it didn't worked05:54
hemanthdarbe, what is there are /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-3.0.0-16-generic.postrm line 32805:54
darbehemanth: 328   system ("run-parts --verbose --exit-on-error --arg=$version " .05:56
steve__I thought typeing cat/var/log/Xorg.0.log|pastebinit would show me a log not a website?05:57
hemanthdarbe, remove ur  linux-image-3.0.0-16-generic05:57
brianp1992i dare05:58
darbehemanth:  let me try05:58
=== acfun is now known as yang
hemanthsteve__, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log| pastebinit, yes; you need a space after cat05:58
hemanthbrianp1992, i double dare05:58
darbehemanth: i cannot I get same error05:59
bobo37773tokinwhiteman: Rhythmbox is a pretty heavy program with a lot of features and I have experienced it freezing from time to time on various distros.05:59
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hemanthdarbe, new error?05:59
darbehemanth: same05:59
steve__ok what should happen to confirm i did itr right05:59
hemanthdarbe, how are you removing it?05:59
brianp1992hemanth, i tripple dog dare05:59
darbehemanth: sudo apt-get remove  linux-image-3.0.0-16-generic05:59
xtremeguys, how to run software under different username?06:00
hemanthdarbe, do that dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep 3.0.0.-16| awk -F' ' '{ print $2 }' and sudo aptitude remove, to remove everything that is listed06:00
brianp1992sudo username06:00
xtremethanks :)06:00
hemanthsteve__, what are you getting?06:00
darbehemanth: awk: cmd. line:1: fatal: cannot open file `and' for reading (No such file or directory)06:01
hemanthdarbe, dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep 3.0.0.-16| awk '{ print $2 }'06:02
hemanthsteve__, that means it's working fine06:02
darbehemanth: it worked i think06:02
steve__ok now what?06:02
silv3r_m00nhow to open gnome network manager from terminal ?06:03
darbehemanth: i try to upgrade it is still not working06:03
hemanthsteve__, what's ur problem?06:03
hemanthdarbe, did you do a remove?06:03
hemanthdarbe, from whatever  dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep 3.0.0.-16| awk '{ print $2 }' listed06:03
steve__nvidia driver 173.14.3006:04
darbehemanth: i don't think so06:04
steve__it was 93 at install06:04
steve__upgrade changed it i think06:05
hemanthdarbe, you need to remove it06:05
darbehemanth: how?06:05
xtrememicrosoft is Mother-Fucking, Son-OF-A-Bitch corpration. why the fuck terrerist dont blow them up?06:05
silv3r_m00nok nm-applet06:07
bazhangxtreme, that language and thinking has no place here06:07
bobo37773xtreme: It is better if people use windows. If everyone used gnu / linux then it would probably suck. Also, that is a little offtopic06:07
bazhang!guidelines | xtreme06:07
ubottuxtreme: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines06:07
steve__how do i roll back vid driver?06:07
Ben64steve__: try running "sudo jockey-text"06:08
steve__just type that? then what?06:09
Ben64that should let you choose a driver to install06:09
steve__ben64 was that 4 me?06:10
steve__thnx brb06:10
steve__I'm not sure how but it booted fine that time but i tryed to get here in xchat but it would not start so i am back in pc linux06:21
ActionParsnipsteve__: could you ping
steve__now or in ubuntu?06:22
ActionParsnipsteve__: in ubuntu06:22
ActionParsnipHi kaushal06:23
kaushalis there a way of popup when someone ping me in gmail on firefox ?06:23
steve__i'll try brb06:23
kaushali mean gmail chat06:23
kaushalActionParsnip: hi06:23
kaushalor chrome browser06:23
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
ActionParsnipkaushal: in which application are you chatting?06:23
kaushalActionParsnip: inside gmail interface06:23
kaushali mean using browser06:24
ActionParsnipkaushal: there may be an extension or addon for the browser. Pidgin can certainly do it06:24
ActionParsnipalphanum: howdy06:26
alphanumhow are you?06:26
alphanumwhat ya doing?06:27
ActionParsnipalphanum: on the way to work.06:27
spy6hi there06:28
alphanumActionParsnip, can I make money please?06:29
alphanumsup spy06:29
bazhang!ot | alphanum06:29
ubottualphanum: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:29
alphanumbazhang: sry06:29
cryptodirai have just upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04..... how do i make the bottom bar reappear and get my widgets back on the top bar?06:30
spy6i'm trying to start unity-2d via x2go ... until 12.04 it worked with starting "gnome-session --session=ubuntu-2d" after connect ... starting unity-2d via lightdm works ... did there anything change?06:30
spy6when calling "gnome-session --session=ubuntu-2d" via x2go the launcher doesn't appear06:30
ActionParsnipSpy6: are you using precise now?06:30
spy6actionparsnip: yes06:30
ActionParsnipSpy6: then ask in #ubuntu+1 please06:31
spy6actionparsnip: thanks ;)06:31
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bazhangsavr, hi06:33
savrmy gem environment is pointing to rubygems 1.8.11 and to ruby 1.9.306:33
savrhow do I point rubygems to the correct version06:34
savrupdate-alternatives: error: no alternatives for rubygems.06:34
scientessavr, there is a rubygems1.9.1 and rubygems1.8 in the repos06:35
savrscientes, no there isn't06:35
scientessavr, and the versions of rubygems does not track the version of ruby06:35
sxlan3how can i watch movies from ubuntu???...06:35
savrI only got rubygems at 1.8.11 and rubygems1.806:35
bazhangsxlan3, dvd? or what06:36
fidelsxlan3: using some kind of movie-player app. there are tons available for ubunut (i.e. VLC)06:36
scientessavr, oh, you havn't install rubygems1.806:36
sxlan3o mean....from cuevana.tv06:37
savrscientes, I tried it...06:37
scientessavr, it might be caused by lack of versioned depends, just type gem1.806:37
scientessavr, or fix the link06:37
scientessavr, but you really should be using ruby 1.906:38
savrgem1.8 is worse06:38
scientesthe 1.8 series is EOL06:38
savr - RUBYGEMS VERSION: 1.8.1506:38
savr  - RUBY VERSION: 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]06:38
FloodBot1savr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:38
scientessavr, thats what you want06:38
savrscientes, I know I have nothing to do with ruby1.806:38
scientessavr, oh, wait, the versions are just like that06:38
savrI don't want it on my system06:38
scientessavr, they are versioned seperately06:38
scientessavr, apt-get remove ruby1.806:39
savrits been a headache trying to run 1.906:39
scientessavr, apt-get install ruby-1.9.1-full (that IS 1.9.3, trust me)06:39
_r00t_Hi, this is strange .... can you upgrade from 11.10 to the beta via do-release-upgrade -d ? src : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview/Beta206:39
scientes_r00t_, yes you can06:40
savrscientes, I have done all that. rails depends on 1.806:40
_r00t_scientes: wow that's odd ! I'm sure you couldn't do that before ! :/06:41
scientessavr, gem install rails06:41
savrwhich is screwed up!06:41
scientessavr, gems are very poorely packaged, you just need to use the gem command06:41
LinSkyrate anyone that have a Lenovo Edge E520? need pointers to get the video card running on better resolution, and sound keys on the keyboard are not working06:42
savrthat should make life a lot easier06:42
scientessavr, but make sure to get rid of ruby1.8 first06:42
LinSkyrateim running kernel 3.2.606:42
bazhangLinSkyrate, what version of ubuntu06:43
savrscientes, rials shouldn't even be packaged then06:43
scientessavr, ruby gems package much better in debian06:43
_r00t_scientes: so once I upgrade to the beta will I be able to do-release-upgrade once 12.04 LTS goes live ?06:43
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:43
bazhang!final | _r00t_06:43
ubottu_r00t_: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.06:43
scientesbazhang, thats what i was looking for :P06:44
scientessavr, yeah ubuntu also has a broken rvm package06:44
bazhangLinSkyrate, that kernel is from where? and what version of ubuntu06:44
scientessavr, debian is currently alot more successful with gems, also fedora06:44
savrscientes, yep I complained about that yesterday and was told to go to #ubuntu-offtopic06:44
_r00t_ok thanks06:45
LinSkyratebazhang, its from Backtrack 5 R2 (same in ubuntu clean install)06:45
savrscientes, java swt is also broken in ubuntu 12.4... maybe it should be 12.5 this year06:45
bazhangLinSkyrate, bt is not supported here06:45
scientessavr, the recent kernel update broke nvidia propritary06:45
scientes3.2.0-20 +06:46
scientes3.2.0-19 +06:46
bazhang!backtrack | LinSkyrate06:46
ubottuLinSkyrate: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition06:46
bazhangLinSkyrate, /join #backtrack-linux for support06:46
scientessavr, but gem1.9 itsself works06:46
savrscientes, i know right. I don't know how they plan for a LTS release in April.06:47
scientesdebian and ubuntu really should become one project at some point06:47
LinSkyratebazhang, thnx for you effort06:47
scientessavr, well, thats how they have always done it.....06:47
savrthey never had so many broken packages06:47
bazhangsavr, this is not the place for that06:47
savrERROR:  While executing gem ... (Errno::EACCES)06:48
savr    Permission denied - /var/lib/gems/1.9.106:48
savrdoes gem 1.9 require sudo now?06:48
savrgem 1.8 would prompt for the password when it required root06:49
savrscientes, rubygems is still pointing to 1.806:50
scientessavr, do you have gem1.9 ?06:51
_r00t_dist-upgrade is confusing :/06:51
scientes*or gem1.9.106:51
savrand it also is pointing to 1.806:52
scientessavr, gem1.9.1 environment06:52
scientessavr, you need to be root to install gems06:52
scientesunless you use home installtion, its a command line switch06:53
savrbut it is pointing to 1.806:53
scientesyou sure, paste gem1.9.1 environment06:53
The_BROSSkype lost sound. Help me to fix it06:53
scientescause above it looks like its point to 1.9.106:54
magn3tsUmmmm.... how do I see what the ubuntu installer is doing?06:55
magn3tsAnd why, oh why is it telling me 'removing conflicting operating system files'06:55
savr1.9.1 is the same output06:55
gh0stCONNECT irc.freenode.net06:55
magn3tsIt should have formatted the drive.06:55
gh0stoops :P06:55
magn3tsasked another way, where the heck does ubiquity log to?06:55
scientessavr, thats pointing to the right place, the version of rubygems is not the version of ruby06:55
magn3tsThe built in console is a useless joke06:55
scientes  - RUBY VERSION: 1.9.3 (2011-10-30 patchlevel 0) [x86_64-linux]06:55
scienteshttps://rubygems.org/ <--1.8.22 is latest version06:56
magn3tsPlease. Can someone tell me where ubiquity logs to?06:57
The_BROSAnybody can help me with skype sound?06:57
savrscientes, rubygems was at version 1.8.15 while I still had ruby1.806:58
savrso its gone done some versions06:58
scientessavr, rubygems is now part of ruby1.9+ source package, so you can complain against them for a package update, but things are working fine06:59
scientesmight be too late for precise however06:59
savrmeh ok thanks for all your help06:59
Dadanopanis there a way to change the icons displayed in the unity launcher?06:59
scientesDadanopan, yes, they are listed in the respective .desktop files07:00
coolroothow can i change ubuntu logo from the upper left corner?07:00
savr gem update --system is disabled on Debian....07:00
scientessavr, and for good reason....07:00
savrdon't know why they are using an older version for ruby1.9 vs 1.807:00
savryeah I know07:00
Dadanopanscientes, thank you, where can i find the folder?07:00
scientessavr, it probably has to do with the import mechanisms from debian07:00
scientesDadanopan, dpkg -L packagename | grep desktop07:01
steve__I'm back but now from ubuntu thnx guys youv'e been a great help can we use a mike ad or cam with this ap?07:01
savris unity installable on debian07:01
scientesDadanopan, and maybe dpkg -L packagename-common | grep desktop07:01
savrsounds like maybe I should switch :/07:01
Dadanopanscientes, i'll try it07:01
scientessavr, it would probably install cleanly, its just a compiz plugin07:01
scientessavr, you could also download and install rvm07:02
savryeah I can also go to linux from scratch or slackware07:02
scienteswell thats the mess that is ruby packaging07:02
scientesthere is also debgem07:03
scientesnever have used it however07:03
scientesfedora has a hot script to convert gems to rpms, and there is something like it for debs07:03
savrits nice to have ubuntu  keep you lazy07:03
scientessavr, http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/gem2deb07:03
syddrafHas anyone had any success in setting up a PS3 Media Server on Ubuntu?07:03
scientessavr, but really, if you use ruby, you have to use gems, there is no way around it ATM07:04
_genuser_hello people.07:04
_genuser_This program is not developed anymore and is only provided for compatibility. Use avconv instead (see Changelog for the list of incompatible changes).07:04
_genuser_that's the output of ffmpeg on ubuntu.07:04
scientes_genuser_, what were you trying to do?07:04
_genuser_that's a warning on ffmpeg. is it just the ubuntu version that changed to avconv? or is it the actual software?07:05
scientes_genuser_, avconf is in libav-tools07:05
scientes_genuser_, its most likely upstream ffmpeg, or at the least debian, highly doubt ubuntu would do that07:05
_genuser_scientes: oh interesting.07:05
_genuser_the ffmpeg main page doesn't say anything tho.07:06
coolrootanyone? i want to change my ubuntu logon from the upper left corner to somethin hehe07:06
scientes_genuser_, but that is just for a specific functionality you are trying to use07:06
scientes_genuser_, and it could be ffmpeg calling some other program that is spitting out that warning07:06
DrManhattanhas anyone here installed v4l-dvb?07:07
scientes_genuser_, libav is a ffmpeg thing07:07
steve__any info on the mike and or cam?07:07
scientesas you can tell by the similar web design07:07
DrManhattanI need to get a v4l2 interface for my dvb device07:07
_genuser_scientes: hmm, I just typed in ffmpeg <enter>. but as long as the program keeps development.... :)07:07
azertyuhello there07:08
scientes_genuser_, "FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec - the leading audio/video codec library. See the documentation for a complete feature list and the Changelog for recent changes. "07:09
scientes_genuser_, i think they just want you to use the other command name07:09
_genuser_#ffmpeg says that ubuntu uses a fork that is renamed avconv. but the main app is still in dev.07:10
scientesahh, wow then its a ubuntu thing07:10
Dadanopanscientes, i've found the folder and changed the icon, should i logout and restart my session, becouse the icon didn't changed in the launcher.07:10
scientesDadanopan, yeah you have to log out and in07:10
Dadanopanok, thank u so much :)07:10
scientesDadanopan, or do whatevertheycallthedipsplaymanagetnow --replace07:10
scientesits alt-f2 "r" in gnome-shell07:11
kiama2005Ubuntu 11.10 does not recognise the floppy drive any idea's07:11
scientesklaas, did it work previously? (have you plugged it in correctly, and correctly configured it in the BIOS)07:11
Dadanopanyes, but here in unity alt+f2 "r" dont work, i'll give it a try by log ou, and in. the icon already changed in the dash07:12
kiama2005Yes it did.07:12
steve__can we use a mike and cam in xchat?07:13
scientessteve__, no, IRC is a 25 year old protocol with no audio or video support07:13
azertyui just reboot my machine , now i got a black screen where it written grub07:13
scientessteve__, but it has been used for file sharing with the DCC SEND feature07:13
azertyusomething like that grub>   i don't know what i have to do ?07:14
steve__is there another program that does?07:14
scienteskiama2005, it worked in ubuntu too? (im not sure the device name, but i would suspect you have to manually mount)07:14
coolrootskype ym msn07:14
coolrootirc is a text-based chat07:14
scientessteve__, empathy, which is installed by default, and ekiga07:14
coolrootthat makes it awesome!07:15
scientessteve__, empathy will work with Google Talk07:15
Dadanopanscientes, thank u it works :)07:15
scientes(which is also voice/video)07:15
steve__ok thnx07:15
azertyuanyone there ?07:16
azertyui just reboot my machine , now i got a black screen where it written grub07:16
azertyusomething like that grub>   i don't know what i have to do ?07:16
scientesDadanopan, if you dont have root you can also use ~/.local/share/applications (not sure about last folder name)07:16
scientesazertyu, are you getting to initrd prompt?07:16
kiama2005Scientes How do I do that?  No mount  menu.07:16
azertyui think the grub prompt07:17
Dadanopanscientes, ok i'll also try that but it works when i open nautilus with root07:17
scienteskiama2005, mount /dev/fd0 /mnt07:17
scienteskiama2005, you might need mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt07:18
scientesand that is for the A: floppy, /dev/fd1 is the B: floppy07:18
scientesDadanopan, opening gui apps as root is risky, i recommend using nano to edit as root, there is alot less complexity and possibility for error07:19
kiama2005Scientes I will try both your suggestions  Thanks.07:20
azertyuanyone ?07:21
scientesazertyu, do you get an error from grub? like "root device not found"07:21
codemaniachello how can i remove the upper panel in ubuntu 11.10 , i am using gnome classic07:23
azertyun o error07:23
scientesazertyu, and you might also ask in #grub07:23
scientesazertyu, try holding shift while it boots, to get a kernel menu07:23
codemaniacthe upper panel consists file edit view etc07:23
codemaniachello how can i remove the upper panel in ubuntu 11.10 , i am using gnome classic nick07:24
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magn3tsCan anyone please tell me where in this green planet ubiquity logs to?07:32
magn3tsthis is just lies: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUbiquity07:36
magn3tsthe files there either don't exist or contain nothing to do with ubiquity.07:36
az3rممم في حدا بحكي عربي هون07:45
=== MasterOf1isaster is now known as MasterOfDisaster
xharx__when i try to use the update manager i get the following errors: http://pastebin.com/B48n9ekW. What can I do?07:50
Wildbatis there a free app that can ocr scaned multipages PDF files?07:52
deper29hey, I am having trouble with a library thing. I am getting this error: jar: error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:52
deper29anyone know what that could be?07:52
deper29running 10.04 64 bit07:52
matanyaxharx__: http://en.newinstance.it/2009/06/22/the-following-signatures-were-invalid-badsig-40976eaf437d05b5-ubuntu-archive-automatic-signing-key/07:53
matanyaWildbat: did you try gocr?07:54
torporcan someone tell me why my fresh ubuntu 12.04 (32bit) install only sees 2gigs of the 8gigs of RAM in my PC?07:55
torporat BIOS boot the PC reports 8gigs, but 'free' within the booted system shows only 2gigs.07:56
Wildbatmatanya, nope will do now :>07:56
matanyayou are using 32 bit07:56
torporyeah but isn't it possible to tell 32-bit kernel to use all 8-gigs of RAM?07:56
matanyatorpor: 32bit can see up to ~3.5 gig07:56
matanyatorpor: not a trivial way07:56
torporok so i have to switch to 64-bit .. drats.  i thought there was some trick with PAE that would sort it.07:57
matanyago with 64bit07:57
DJonestorpor: You're probably better asking in #ubuntu+1 which is the support channel for 12.04 until its released, there may be a known bug that the people testing it will know about07:57
torporDJones: thanks, will do07:57
matanyaI doubt you get a better answer07:57
torpori really thought it was possible to address more ram with 32-bit linux07:58
matanyait is, just not easily07:58
matanyabetter with a native 64bit syytem07:59
JohnnyricoMCPerformance-wise it's also better to use 64bit than to mess around with physical address extension08:00
JohnnyricoMCand more complex calculations (read: calculations with greater values) can be done in 64bit than in 32-bit, which means a theoretical performance boost.08:01
pirxhello! does anyone use a keylogger? i trioed "logkeys" from apt, but it just refuses to write anything to any logfile08:04
Wildbatmatanya, no luck08:04
pirxi want to see how many times a day i write "ssh", hehe08:04
matanyaWildbat: last try - Tesseract08:06
torporpirx: history | grep ssh08:06
monadistonce you've searched something in vim.. say [esc] /searchthisword08:07
monadisthow do you unhilight the matches after you're done08:07
monadistthe hilight still shows for me even after i exit command mode08:07
torpormonadist: /sdofawefa08:08
monadisttorpor, haha! that was clever :)08:08
psypher246hello all. I'm trying to get a 32bit version of Chromium and java to work on a 64bit system. I have downloaded chromium from http://www.chromium.org and java 7 32 bit and unzipped. Al per several instructions I found online the standard is to symlink libnpjp2.so to the /usr/lib32/chromium-browser/plugins/ folder. that did not work. I have also tried to symlink it to the /opt/google/chrome/plugins/ as well and have also tried the --enable-extensions08:12
psypher246switch when running the ./chrome-wrapper binary. any ideas?08:12
FloodBot1psypher246: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:12
torpordf -h08:12
=== chris_ is now known as Guest31430
pirxtorpor: the history doesnt work for 2 reasons unfortunately. 1(no date/time) 2(a shell doesnt write to the history file until it exits)08:13
matanyapsypher246: why use 32bit?08:13
jacquesdupontdhi everyone08:14
matanyapirx: add to .bashrc: export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%d/%m/%y %T "08:15
matanyathis will solve problem 108:15
psypher246matanya: cos I have several java apps that dfon't work on 64bit java and linux08:15
matanyaI really hate mixed 32/64 system08:16
matanyasorry, don't know.08:16
jacquesdupontdI am receiving Internet via a desktop computer composed of 2 wifi card wlan0 (receiver) and wlan1 (broadcaster if possible) , i know how to share my connection over an ad hoc network created on wlan1 but as most of smartphones are not detecting Ad-hoc networks i would like to create an virtual Infrastructure mode network as you can do it with only 1 card in winshit seven with a soft named virtual router that creates a virtual08:16
jacquesdupontdshare it via an Infrastructure network08:16
psypher246matanya: yeah, but i'd rather that than having to run a VM just to connect to a vpn and then have no access to my real desktop anyway08:17
jacquesdupontdAnyone who knows how to do it in a very simple way ?08:17
Xtremeguys, where can i get list of repositories for apt-get?08:18
psypher246jacquesdupontd: have u tried this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing08:18
Xtremei want to install new version of apache08:18
matanyapsypher246: I do have access to the real desktop, but well, there probably a way I'm not aware of08:18
jacquesdupontdyes Xtreme08:18
jacquesdupontdit talks about how to share connection via ad-hoc networks08:18
Xtremejacquesdupontd: huh?08:19
matanyaXtreme: what sort of list?08:20
psypher246matanya: I have been suffreing with this issue for 3 years now, constantly hacking things to work. using a 32bit browser binary and linkiing 32bit java to it is the most simple stable way to do it. I am currently using swiftfox but that stops me from using 64firefox at the same time. I never use chromium soMi thought it could work that way too. Chromium just doesn't want to pick up my plugin08:20
Xtremeapt-get repo list.. to install from multiple servrs08:20
matanya/etc/apt/sources.list ?08:22
Xtremethank you08:22
elkyEr, i've bumped a key combination and it's put numbers on all the unity icons and made the dock stop hiding. How to undo?08:22
jacquesdupontdXtreme i would like , if possible a simple interface creating or managing an Wifi Sharing Infrastrucure mode network to share it with one of my card , thing is i had checked on internet and begun removing network manager to download wicd then i also tried hostapd but no real result , i don't know where it fails08:22
jacquesdupontdics service is failing to start08:23
psypher246elky: hit super a cuple of times, try also super+w, that sometimes dislodges it08:23
elkypsypher246, yay thanks08:24
psypher246elky: annnoying stupid huh? but it's better in precise so far08:25
Xtremethere is something else for ics,, u need to set forward in iptables08:25
elkypsypher246, looks like it's kind of intentional but poorly thought out08:25
elkypsypher246, i'm on precise, forgot about that when i asked here :308:26
Xtremei dont know exactly08:26
Xtremebut i will get back to u08:26
psypher246elky: oh. ok yeah i get it sometimes. I don;'t think it's intentional08:26
pirxmatanya: also, i have my history set to noclobber (no duplicates), so 2 problems remain:) i need a keylogger08:27
elkypsypher246, seems to be toggled with super+w, can reliably make it happen08:27
psypher246just tried it a coupel of times, not happening my side, what GFX driver u using?\08:28
matanyapirx: so disable it for a day08:28
_r00t_Hi chaps, does anyone know what is the name of the script that runs when you ssh to ubuntu that gives you the number of updates/security updates ?08:30
jacquesdupontdOk i'm gonna try to test to share Wifi in Infrastructure mode via Firestarter and Dhcp308:31
WaraudonA samba server on Ubuntu, with a share having guest ok enabled, and read only disabled. It's possible to browse the contents of the share from another machine, but not actually read any files?08:31
WaraudonIs SELinux enabled by default in any edition of Ubuntu?08:32
matanyaWaraudon:  read disabled mean can't browse08:33
Jordan_UWaraudon: No. Ubuntu uses Apparmor rather than SELinux.08:33
Waraudonmatanya: "read only" is set to "no", but "guest ok" is set to "yes", should that not allow read and write access?08:35
matanyaif read is set to no, files can't e shown08:35
WaraudonThe thing is that the files can be browsed08:36
Waraudonbut not accessed08:36
_r00t_ladies and gentlemen ?08:36
_r00t_Does anyone know what is the name of the script that runs when you ssh to ubuntu that gives you the number of updates/security updates ?08:36
matanyait doesn't work that way08:36
WaraudonThat's what I don't understand. The share can be browsed, but any attempts to open a file from the share or otherwise access it results in an Access Denied error.08:36
Ben64_r00t_: the stuff is in /etc/update-motd.d/08:37
matanyaWaraudon: a file has rwx permission, yes?08:37
matanyaif it lack the r permission, you can't open it08:37
_r00t_thanks Ben6408:38
matanyayou must have read permission to read files08:38
Waraudonmatanya: Since "guest ok" is enabled, I assume the file must have the read permission globally?08:38
matanyano, I just allows guest to log in08:39
matanyayou need to implicit the permission you want08:39
matanya*it just08:39
Waraudonmatanya: What user would be accessing the files if the login is "guest"?08:40
matanyadepends on the file permission08:40
matanyawhat is the file permission?08:41
zakidineHi anyone to help?08:44
LiamRiggsSFJumping back on the Ubuntu ship after years of being away. looking for themes for Gnome 3.x where is the best place to get them?08:44
DJones!themes | LiamRiggsSF08:44
ubottuLiamRiggsSF: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:44
LiamRiggsSFahhh thanks08:45
matanyazakidine: ask, don't ask to ask08:45
alvesjnrhi all. which is the simple image visualizer on ubuntu, which I can call by command line?08:46
michael_mbputterly strange, just created a .ssh folder inside user directly and added authorized_keys2 with my public key details, however, I cannot login with public keys, ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid.  I've even checked the sshd_config for RSAAuthentication yes, PubkeyAuthentication yes08:47
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matanyamichael_mbp: on server side?08:47
fred-frithe evolution version in synaptic is old08:48
llutz_michael_mbp: try renaming the file into "authorized_keys"08:48
michael_mbptried that too08:48
michael_mbpmatanya: aye08:48
kim_I have problems with the new intalltion of xubuntu 12.04, the CPU-Temp is too high,... 58° but there is no cpu load over 2% (htop)08:48
zakidinematanya,  oh thanks, sorry okay, i changed the "country" in the update server config08:49
llutz_michael_mbp:checked permissions/ownership of .ssh and contents? should be 700/60008:49
zakidinethis morning i had a notif about "flash player installer something"08:49
zakidinei tryed to update it but it didnt work08:49
michael_mbpthey are08:49
kim_echo -e '\x6d\x6f\x6f' | xargs apt-get , did not help,.. :(, any idea how to solve this prob ?08:49
llutz_michael_mbp: use "ssh -vvv user@host" to get more verbose errors08:49
zakidinei had "Morocco" as server, now yesterday i chosed France08:49
matanyazakidine:  what was the error?08:49
zakidineguess that's why :(08:50
michael_mbpah good idea08:50
zakidinei dont know08:50
matanyazakidine: no output?08:50
michael_mbpdebug2: we sent a publickey packet, wait for reply  --> debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password08:51
Waraudonmatanya: I don't have access to the machine, but I know the files were created with whatever default permissions user files are created with in Ubuntu. Presumably no read access to other users08:51
bluekhi,every one...i want to update qt4 version to 4:4.7.0,my system versison is 10.04,i can't ,help me..08:52
michael_mbpseems it can't do DSA08:52
michael_mbpfor some reason08:52
matanyazakidine: run in terminal sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgarde and paste the output to ubuntu pastebin (see topic)08:53
coolroothow can i reinstall compiz fusion thru terminal? what's the command? it seems my old compiz fusion won't start runnin when i'll click it08:53
matanyaWaraudon: you must find out the umask08:53
zakidinewhat topic :(08:53
dalek_hey is anyone here familiar with using empathy to chat between ubuntu computers on a local LAN through the "people nearby" account? I am having problems with connections between clients breaking.08:54
michael_mbpit tries id_rsa08:54
matanyazakidine: typo /topic08:54
michael_mbpwhich I don't have as my key is rsa08:54
michael_mbp*my key is dsa08:54
llutz_michael_mbp: ssh -i yourkeyfile user@host08:54
michael_mbpOffering DSA public key: /Users/me/.ssh/id_dsa08:54
michael_mbpdoesn't seem like it's accepting the dsa08:55
matanyawhy not use RSA?08:55
michael_mbpbeen using DSA without any issues before08:56
_r00t_Anyone know how to find out how many times a machine has been upgraded ? I'm looking in /var/log/dist-upgrade08:57
_r00t_for clues08:57
matanyamichael_mbp: RSA is stronger08:57
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michael_mbpmatanya: thanks, noted for future ref08:57
jribmichael_mbp: do you have encrypted homes enabled on the server?08:58
michael_mbphow can I check for it?08:58
dalek_Is empathy-chat version in Ubuntu 11.10 NOT compatible with empathy-chat version 2.34.0 in Ubuntu 11.04?08:58
michael_mbpfrom cli, as I didn't install the os.08:58
michael_mbpyou might be onto something...08:58
jribmichael_mbp: check for some .ecrypt* in /home or your $HOME08:59
jribI forget how it works currently -_-08:59
michael_mbphmm nothing of the sort in /home08:59
michael_mbpyou don't mean ~ right?08:59
jribmichael_mbp: check both...09:00
michael_mbpdid nothing there09:00
jribmichael_mbp: is ecryptfs-utils not installed?09:00
jribmichael_mbp: then it's not the issue.09:01
michael_mbpdoesn't look like it's crypted09:01
jribmichael_mbp: are you sure you copied your pubkey correctly?09:01
_r00t_come on ubuntu superstars :)09:01
_r00t_Anyone know how to find out how many times a machine has been upgraded ? I'm looking in /var/log/dist-upgrade09:02
llutz_michael_mbp: did the account work with dsa-key before?09:02
compdoc_r00t_, upgraded or updated?09:02
michael_mbpfirst time I'm trying this on a new server09:02
jrib_r00t_: count the number of releases since it was installed?09:02
compdocupdating happens daily09:02
mathewsI installed kubuntu-desktop on my ubutnu 11.04 system and tried to remove it but it still not removed.I removed all kubuntu threads from synaptic and by the purge command in terminal too.But it still there!09:03
_r00t_compdoc: upgraded ... like do-release-upgrade09:03
jribmichael_mbp: pastebin: ls -ld ~ ~/.ssh ~/.ssh/authorized_keys09:03
_r00t_jrib: interesting - how do I do that ?09:03
jribmichael_mbp: (on the server)09:03
jrib_r00t_: what version was originaly installed?09:03
serardhello al09:03
serardon my ubuntu 11.10 the left bar is disappearing. how can I make it stay ?09:04
mathewsI installed kubuntu-desktop on my ubutnu 11.04 system and tried to remove it but it still not removed.I removed all kubuntu threads from synaptic and by the purge command in terminal too.But it still there! Any idea to remove it?09:04
michael_mbplooks fine jrib09:04
llutz_michael_mbp: /etc/ssh/*host_dsa*   does exist on server?09:04
jribmichael_mbp: pastebin...09:04
_r00t_jrib: that's the question :) I don't really know, for one of my machines it looks like 10.10 but the other one has been upgraded many time possibily all the way from edgy days09:04
mathewsserard, it is the unity launcher and it disappear when u point the mouse there09:05
michael_mbpits there09:05
_r00t_the best I can come up with is : find /var/log/dist-upgrade -type f | xargs grep -i 'DEBUG lsb-release' .... surely there's a better way ?09:06
mathewsserard, it is the unity launcher and it appear when u point the mouse there09:06
michael_mbplet me try a RSA key09:06
compdoc_r00t_, how about .bash_history?09:06
_r00t_compdoc: no that's no good mate09:07
michael_mbpahhh !!!!09:08
michael_mbpmy fault09:08
_r00t_find /var/log/dist-upgrade -type f | xargs grep -i 'DEBUG lsb-release' << actually I can live with this as it shows the number of times an upgrade has been requested09:08
llutz__r00t_: just "grep -ri 'DEBUG lsb-release' /var/log/dist-upgrade/*"09:08
_r00t_llutz_: yep09:09
jribmichael_mbp: what was wrong?09:09
michael_mbpgood ol' vi to the rescue09:09
michael_mbpnano was pasting it in strange09:10
jribmichael_mbp: in the future just use ssh-copy-id09:10
_r00t_michael_mbp: nice ! vi or vim FTW09:10
SkyNetMasterhi, can someone advice how to measure used memory when library is open with dlopen?09:10
michael_mbpah vim > vi09:11
michael_mbpI'm using MacVim for work at least09:11
myherowhat has happened to by desktop -http://pzy.be/v/2/Screenshot+at+2012-04-17+143010.png09:11
serardmathews, no it doesnt appear ! I have to stroke <Super> to make it appear09:11
serardmouving the mouse near it doesnt make it appear09:12
zakidinemyhero, your desktop has been pimped09:12
myheromeans ??? n how ??? n what to do now ?09:13
zakidineseems like your ubuntu needed a "retart" because of an update09:13
dalek_Is empathy-chat version in Ubuntu 11.10 NOT compatible with empathy-chat version 2.34.0 in Ubuntu 11.04?09:13
myheroyes its showing to restart coz of update but i didnt restarted09:14
michael_mbpthanks gius09:14
michael_mbpappreciate the help, really.09:14
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myhero@zaki......what to do now ?09:16
mehuli'm not familiar with ubuntu.. but seems like a lot of things are going wrong now that I'm using it..09:16
mehule.g. touchpad randomly stops working09:16
mehulusing an hp machine09:16
mathewsmehul, did u run additional drivers?09:17
mehulyeah i installed restriced drives09:17
mathewsmehul, moreover try the mouse from the preference menu and configure it09:18
mehuldoes ubuntu require login/out or restart after changing any configs like windows does?09:19
mathewsmehul,  mostly not required but sometimes it needs09:19
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:20
chiliblueI have a kworld 399u dvb-t tuner, I have the right modules for it, although they didn't come up when I inserted the usb stick I have been able to modprobe them. The dvb-t device doesn't show up in tvheadend, how can I check that it is actually working?09:24
codesleuthin Ubuntu 11.10, how do you block all outgoing traffic in UFW then allow specific rules just for outgoing?09:25
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vectorshelvehow to start firefox from command line ?09:25
Codesleuth(Ubuntu server btw, need command lines)09:25
CelltechuNetbootin /tmp is out of space? How09:26
Codesleuthoh ok, I just figured out: ufw default deny outgoing09:27
Codesleuthand: ufw allow out to any port 8009:28
Codesleuthsolve xD09:28
dalek_Is empathy-chat version in Ubuntu 11.10 NOT compatible with empathy-chat version 2.34.0 in Ubuntu 11.04?09:32
mathewsdalek_, ur qstn not clear...but seems u have dependencies issue09:33
coolrooti just happened to remove a panel in the bottom part....im running chrome xchat and more apps but i can't see it now how can i get that panel back where i can see all my running applications? :(09:33
mathewscoolroot, just click an empty area on the top panel and select add new panel09:34
dalek_mathews, just wanted to know if the two versions are supposed to be compatible with each other as I am having problems communicating between the two versions..09:35
mathewscoolroot, then click on the bottom panel u just created and select add to panel and select window list from it09:35
dalek_using the "people nearby" option over a LAN09:36
mathewsdalek_, I am very sorry about it.but see any thread in www.askubuntu.com09:36
coolrootthanx mathews09:37
mathewsdalek_, go there and just type empathy on the search box09:37
dalek_mathews, I've tried searching askubuntu, but find it extremely difficult to find any information specific to my problem...   I have posted more details of the problem on the forum here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196030309:39
mathewsdalek_,  good. wait and see.09:40
Attiehi all, does anyone know about the ivi-remix project?09:41
mathewsAttie, http://blog.canonical.com/2011/12/21/ubuntu-ivi-remix-next-release/09:43
Attiemathews: yeah, any idea if its still going?09:44
mathewsAttie, sorry ....I am very newbie about it.09:44
Attieok, no worries - cheers anyway :)09:44
dalek_well, it's back to waiting on the forum again for me.09:47
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mathewsadministrator turns guest!09:51
robertzaccourin kdenlive I'm trying to make a composited window transparent in picture in picture. Transparency works, but just for a short time. How do I extend it throughout the entire video?09:57
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MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  the #ubuntustudio channel is more multimedia oriented, better ask there10:06
safebinWhats going on in here?10:10
MonkeyDustsafebin  this is the ubuntu support, for general chit-chat, type /join #ubuntu-offtopic10:11
trezyuhello i got ubuntu lucid10:14
trezyuwhy i can't find menu.lst ?10:15
jrib!grub | trezyu10:15
ubottutrezyu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)10:15
robertzaccourtrench, Lucid will stop being supported later this month10:16
trezyui can't find this path /boot/grub/menu.lst ?10:17
UnKwntrench, why you dont try precise10:17
trezyuwhere it is ?10:17
jribrobertzaccour: that's not true10:17
robertzaccourjrib, its not? I though LTS is 2 years supported10:17
jribrobertzaccour: used to be 3 on desktop and 5 on server (but future LTS are planned to be 5 years on both desktop and server I believe)10:18
robertzaccouroh its 3 years thats right10:18
robertzaccouroh ok10:18
mathewstrezyu, see in the file system10:18
MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  it's Maverick that's eol, Lucid is supported one more year10:18
jribtrezyu: read the link ubottu gave you.10:18
trezyupath ?10:18
robertzaccourMonkeyDust, yeah just read that10:18
jribtrezyu: the link tells you how to configure grub210:19
trezyuwell i got a broken grub10:19
trezyusince last reboot i got a black screen where i just only got the grub cli10:20
ActionPa1sniptrezyu: www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video/SR107004910:20
trezyusomething like grub>10:20
ActionPa1sniptrezyu: just take SR1070049 off that10:20
trezyuSR1070049 ?10:22
trezyuthe link not working10:22
mathewstrezyu, see this http://odzangba.wordpress.com/2011/05/14/455/10:24
mathewstrezyu, use a live disk of ubuntu10:25
ActionPa1sniptrezyu: www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video/10:30
Laiceanyone anygood with proxies :)10:30
ActionPa1sniptrezyu: as I said, same link, just remove the last bit, nothing technical10:30
Laiceessentially what i'm trying to do is very simple, when someone connects to .org , apache proxies to our .org.uk , but i'm struggling to get it working10:31
trezyuit is an server10:31
trezyuhp server10:31
ActionPa1sniptrezyu: doesn't matter at all10:32
trezyunot your link not wokring10:32
ActionPa1sniptrezyu: you use the desktop CD/USB to boot to, then chroot to the installed OS where you can perform grub updates and so forth10:33
lawltoadhi, what draws the background normally? somthign died on a reboot and now its nto drawn... instead theres just after iamges of whatever xwindows were open before10:34
mathewstrezyu, see this.what Action...said that to remove the last thread from the link..this is it http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video10:34
ActionPa1sniplawltoad: nautilus10:34
lawltoadActionPa1snip, so I had previously disabled desktop icons... but its been drawing the background, but its stopped sudently after a recent reboot10:35
lawltoadandy ideas on how to fix it?10:35
robertzaccourHow do I start 2 commands in 2 different terminal tabs at the same time?10:36
novato1hola buenos dias10:39
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:39
apramanhow to install guest additions in ubuntu server10:40
MonkeyDustapraman  you mean virtual box guest additions?10:41
JamesMRIs there an Ubuntu One channel?10:41
apraman@monkeydust yes10:41
fl1bbl3its in the menu10:42
fl1bbl3if you want the keyboard shortcut10:42
MonkeyDustapraman  there's a workaround, don't remember how I did it, lemme check10:43
apramanok monkeydust10:43
ActionPa1sniprobertzaccour: gnome-terminal --tab-with-profile=default -x "commands"    maybe10:43
MonkeyDustapraman  don't remember and would have to start all over, I downloaded the file, renamed it and hard-linked it to the appropriate folder10:44
ActionPa1sniplawltoad: press ALT+F2 and run:  nautilus -q10:44
apramanMonkeydust ok, can i install using CLI10:45
MonkeyDustapraman  with wget, but i don't have the exact link10:46
apramanMonkeyDust ok, let me try with wget10:46
* apraman slaps apraman around a bit with a large trout10:47
xr00tany body want 2 help here ?10:54
deper29xr00t, what did you say your problem was again?10:54
MonkeyDustxr00t  this is the help channel, so go ahead and ask your question10:54
ActionPa1snipxr00t: ask and see10:54
xr00twhat is the best c compiler for ubuntu ?10:55
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:55
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ActionPa1snipxr00t: if you are compiling, install build-essential10:59
rocket16Hey guys, I can't get Jamendo or Magnature show up on my rhythmbox. :( It's version 2.95, and even the plugins are not shown in the menu10:59
xr00tcan i use adobe photoshop cs 5 with wine in ubuntu 11.10 ?11:03
deper29how could I include the FUSE module in a kernel?11:04
Kartagisxr00t: in theory you can11:05
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases11:06
Kartagisdeper29: re-compile11:06
geirhaxr00t: #winehq should be better equipped to answer that.11:06
deper29Kartagis, I kind of know that. I'm new to kernel building a bit. I'm wanting to compile it on machine A but install it on machine B11:07
Kartagisdeper29: are the architectures same?11:07
deper29now, do I have to download FUSE? because that would put it into machine A would it not? when I want to include the module on machine B's kernel11:07
deper29different architecture11:08
ActionPa1snip!appdb | xr00t11:08
ubottuxr00t: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:08
=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
xr00ttnx all11:08
Kartagisdeper29: it's trivial, but you might be able to compile for multiple architectures11:09
BenHuris it advisable to give ubuntu 12.04 to a linux-newbie as soon as it is released? or better play it save, install 11.10 and have some progs to be at a lower version?11:09
KartagisBenHur: imo, latter11:09
deper29Kartagis, I'm trying to compile kernel for my phone. I'm in the make menuconfig right now, but not sure where I could enable FUSE module if it's in here, or if I'd have to download it and put it in here somehow11:10
BenHurKartagis, i thought i might wait a month or two and then just update the 11.1011:10
jribBenHur: I'd suggest 12.04: LTS and unity was 6 months younger in 11.10 :)11:11
mathewsBenHur, newer release has always buggy and it requires repairs.so better to stay away for a while and enter11:11
Kartagisdeper29: you don't need to download FUSE afaik11:12
ActionPa1snipBenHur: I'd say it was pretty stable, there will be niggles immediately after release though.11:13
deper29Kartagis, so I should just be able to include it in the menuconfig?11:13
MonkeyDustBenHur  as soon as I get Multysystem to work, I will install 12.0411:13
Kartagisdeper29: yea, take a look at the initial file, that should tell you where to enable FUSE11:14
BenHurKartagis, jrib mathews ActionPa1snip , thank you all... think i'll install 11.10 and upgrade to 12.04 after some weeks11:14
jribBenHur: right, if you want to install something now, 12.04 hasn't been released yet so I would go with 11.1011:15
BenHuroh, speaking of upgrade... is there anything that would keep me from upgrading from 10.04 to 12.04 straight? i have a 10.04 system and i'm not sure if i can skip 11.1011:16
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »11:16
ActionPa1snipBenHur: LTS to LTS upgrades are fully supported11:16
jribBenHur: upgrading between LTS releases directly IS supported; you can go from 10.04 to 12.04 directly11:16
deper29Kartagis, how do I look at the initial file?11:17
sacarlsonwith a mini.iso install of ubuntu 10.04 I got the following error: ” no kernel modules were found….” but i continue the installation and i got the following: 2. “no disk drive was detected…..”.  is there any work around for this?11:17
BenHurActionPa1snip, jrib nice :D11:17
Kartagisdeper29: go into menuconfig, then save & exit. that should write a file which you can use less(1) on11:18
deper29and so just search for FUSE when I less?11:18
serialkhello, i've got a problem since I tried to upgrade to 11.1011:20
Xut-GSalut all11:20
Atlantic777I have a init script in /etc/init/ for redmine and I can use it as "service redmine start" but how to add it to startup with update-rc.d? update-rc.d looks in /etc/init.d/ and there is different kind of scripts.11:21
serialkmy X server doesn't start11:21
serialkwhen I try to startx it says 'module nvidia_current_updates not found'11:21
serialkand 'no screens found'11:21
serialkIt works when I remove my xorg.conf but without the drivers, and when I try to do nvidia-xconfig i have the same problem11:22
ActionPa1snipserialk: how did you install the driver and what nvidia chip are you using?11:23
serialkI installed it a loooong time ago, it happend when I did the upgrade11:24
deper29Kartagis, thanks a bunch! got it, just compiling now :)11:24
_r00t_great.... do-release-upgrade failed on me11:24
_r00t_do not reboot11:24
ActionPa1snipserialk: did you upgrade in the same release, or to the next release?11:25
serialkto the next release11:25
serialkmy card is nVidia GT21611:25
ActionPa1snipserialk: so what release do you have now?11:25
serialkthe last one, 11.1011:26
ActionPa1snipserialk: I suggest you remove the driver and boot to the desktop, then reinstall it11:26
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ubottuNatale: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:35
SeLEctLo lads, im trying to fix my grub after i did a windows 7 install. I tried using boot-repair, but it always got stuck at ''scanning systems. this may require several minutes".11:37
SeLEctSo i decided to try it manually instead.11:37
SeLEctUsing this guide. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling_GRUB2 . but when i type sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdb1 . It says "mkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/boot': Read-only file system"11:38
SeLEctAnyone have an idea?11:39
panxhello i've problem with flash/html5 -> http://img7.imagebanana.com/img/0ndko03r/s338.png11:40
airtonixi have a fundamental problem with flash too11:43
serialkActionPa1snip: the driver assistant says the installation has failed11:44
serialkand in jockey.log I got this :11:44
serialk2012-04-17 13:43:20,617 WARNING: modinfo for module nvidia_current_updates failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_current_updates11:44
ActionPa1snipserialk: run:   sudo apt-get install nvidia-current11:47
ActionPa1snipserialk: much easier than that GUI thing11:47
jasonmsphey all.  I'm using bluefish for some editing.  When I right click and open with it is not opening the files in another tab, but a new window.  Is there a way to make Ubuntu know it should open the file in the existing running instance of bluefish?11:47
jribjasonmsp: can you figure out how to do it on the command line?11:48
serialkActionPa1snip: nvidia-current is already installed11:48
jribjasonmsp: by "it" I mean: open a file in a new tab in an existing instance of bluefish11:48
serialk(but I removed it just before …)11:48
deper29serialk, what kind of videcard do you have?11:49
jasonmspjrib: understood..  let me try.. brb11:49
serialknVidia GT21611:49
ActionPa1snipserialk: then you need to uninstall that to11:50
serialkokay now i removed nvidia*11:51
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jasonmspjrib:  manpage says just add -c (bluefish -c file.html)  but it only works if you run the first one from the command line trailing with an & to run in the background.11:54
jasonmspjrib: if an existing instance is running and you do bluefish -c filename it still opens a new window.11:55
jribjasonmsp: if you open up a file in bluefish using the gui, then do "bluefish -c newfile", does newfile display in a new window still?11:55
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jasonmspjrib: no11:56
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jribjasonmsp: so it opens in a new tab in that case?11:56
jasonmspwait.. yes sorry..11:56
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jasonmspjrib: if an existing instance is running (opened by GUI) and you do bluefish -c filename it still opens a new window.11:56
floripondiasoi floripondia11:57
floripondiaqe hable algien11:57
FloodBot1floripondia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:57
jrib!es | floripondia11:57
ubottufloripondia: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:57
nliciHi everybody !short question i sent pictures from my phone to my computer (of course to ubuntu 11.10)i see that it receives the picture but i can not able to find the files pictures .11:58
Atlantic777!ask | floripondia11:58
ubottufloripondia: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:58
jribfloripondia: do you have a support question?11:58
serialkokay ActionParsnip now everything is removed, I just apt-get install nvidia-current ?11:58
paulus68!ot | floripondia11:58
ubottufloripondia: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:58
floripondiahello my name is floripondia, I threety years old11:58
deper29serialk, yes, do thta11:58
JohnnyricoMCoh great11:58
floripondiain spanish please11:58
JohnnyricoMCthen join #ubuntu-es11:59
floripondiaI spanish11:59
serialkand then I reboot ?11:59
floripondiaFucking you11:59
ubottufloripondia: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:59
Partyschaumhi, just upgraded from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS beta2. somehow i've the xubuntu splash screen installed. anyone knows how to switch back to the standard ubuntu splash screen?11:59
floripondiaShe like sex, she like porn11:59
fl1bbl3if it walks like a troll and quacks like a troll, its probably a troll11:59
JohnnyricoMCcan we get this idiot out of here already? It's painfully obvious he's only here to act stupid and not to ask an ubuntu-related question11:59
Guest98239Hi, how to push a stream to flash media server with ffmpeg?12:00
ubottuPartyschaum: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+112:00
JohnnyricoMCthankx Tm_T12:00
Tm_Tplease leave commenting out12:00
nliciany answers?12:00
jasonmspOk where were we?12:00
jasonmspjrib:  did you see my last?12:00
JohnnyricoMC[13:56:13] <jrib> jasonmsp: so it opens in a new tab in that case?12:00
JohnnyricoMC[13:56:16] <jasonmsp> wait.. yes sorry..12:00
jasonmspjrib: command line opens new window if a GUI launched instance is already running.12:01
jribjasonmsp: yes.  I don't know.  It seems like -c is not behiving properly.  Did you check if there's a channel, mailing list, or forum for bluefish you could try? (assuming you don't want to try to read the source code to see what -c really does)12:01
Guest98239 Hi, how to push a stream to flash media server with ffmpeg?12:01
serialkdeper29: the driver is not running apparently :]12:02
Partyschaumubottu: ok, thx12:02
deper29serialk, are you in low graphics mode then?12:02
deper29or are you in cli?12:02
serialkX is running but my screen isn't detected and my resolution is horrible12:03
jasonmspjrib: looking now.  Can't read C.  =(12:03
jribjasonmsp: i'm digging through the bug tracker to see if I see anything: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=specific&order=relevance+desc&bug_status=__open__&product=bluefish&content=current+window12:03
decksmasheri have ubuntu 10.10 maverick. i want to use fluxbox, so i was wondering if i download it and use it will it transfer all my programs over.?12:03
deper29serialk, under system > administration > hardware drivers, is it enabled?12:04
ActionParsnipdecksmasher: maverick is EOL12:04
jasonmspjrib: thx12:04
JohnnyricoMCquick question for those of us who do preseeding: to install the bare minimum with a working GUI, I need to put "tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard" followed by "tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard" in my seed-file, correct?12:04
Lintdecksmasher, of course your program will work, but youĺl have to create menu entries for them manually12:05
JohnnyricoMCwoops, didn't properly copy the second-line12:05
decksmasherlint thank u.12:05
jribjasonmsp: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=609739 no feedback and it's from 2010.  But it claims to just quote the mailing list so there may be more discussion there12:05
ubottuGnome bug 609739 in application "Cannot open files from windows explorer in already open Bluefish window" [Normal,New]12:05
JohnnyricoMC"tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard" /n "d-i pkgsel/include string openssh-server build-essential vim nano x-window-system-core gnome-core gdm"   , correct?12:05
JohnnyricoMCminus vim, nano, openssh-server and build-essential :s12:06
serialkdeper29: there are two nVidia drivers and none of them is activated12:06
deper29activate one12:06
jasonmspjrib: looking.  thx12:07
sssssss1How can I cancel all printer jobs from the terminal?12:07
sssssss1what is it12:07
JohnnyricoMClprm cancels print jobs that have been queued for printing. If no arguments are supplied, the current job on the default destination is cancelled. You can specify one or more job ID numbers to cancel those jobs or use the - option to cancel all jobs.12:08
jribjasonmsp: here's the thread on the mailing list: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.bluefish.user/81912:08
Kacojoin #sdl12:08
Kacooops :-D12:08
paulus68JohnnyricoMC: seems to be correct12:08
jasonmspjrib: thx12:08
JohnnyricoMCthanks paulus6812:08
jribjasonmsp: ironically it ends with "I added a bug report for this issue, so we don't forget it." :P12:08
JohnnyricoMCin your case sssssss1, it would probably be something like "lprm -P [printername] -"12:09
serialkdeper29: the installation fails12:09
serialk2012-04-17 14:08:39,948 WARNING: /sys/module/nvidia_current_updates/drivers does not exist, cannot rebind nvidia_current_updates driver12:09
paulus68JohnnyricoMC: still strugling myself here with the preseed *it's a lot harder to preseed ubuntu then windows xp lol12:09
JohnnyricoMCI noticed12:09
sssssss1output ----> No active jobs on **PRINTERNAME**!12:09
JohnnyricoMCI had to mess around A LOT with boot parameters because Ubuntu doesn't obey the first few lines of a preseed-file :s12:09
sssssss1but there's one! I show you a screen if you want12:10
JohnnyricoMCtry without the -P [printername]12:10
paulus68JohnnyricoMC: especially when you enter the language stuff it seems to ignore them completly12:10
jasonmspjrib: Got it..  preferences....    Thanks!12:10
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deper29serialk, on both drivers?12:10
jribjasonmsp: oh it worked?12:10
JohnnyricoMChere's the line of kernel options I had to add on top of feeding the preseed-location: "lang=english locale=en_GB console-setup/layoutcode=en_GB priority=critical interface=auto netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 "12:11
sssssss1JohnnyricoMC: already did... the same output12:12
JohnnyricoMCThere's probably some unnecessary options in there, but since these things tend to disobey in the 2nd half of my shift, I couldn't be bothered to start sifting out which ones I really need and which ones I don't12:12
JohnnyricoMCsssssss1, is the print job preventing other jobs from starting?12:12
sacarlsonI'm failing to get mini.iso to install for ubuntu 10.04,  has anyone had success with mini.iso install with any other version of ubuntu ?12:12
paulus68JohnnyricoMC: that's what I mean you have to type a lot before you are able to launch the preseed and then you need to do them again12:12
sssssss1JohnnyricoMC: yes, it is.12:12
JohnnyricoMCI presume you've tried Sudo?12:13
jasonmspjrib: yes.  The preferences lists it under Files -> Misc - uncheck 'Open commandline files in new window'  even though it wasn't command line launched (right click and open..) it worked.12:13
JohnnyricoMCfortunately I'm just feeding the kernel options with cobbler12:13
jribjasonmsp: great :)12:13
jasonmspjrib: yes. Thank you.12:13
trezyuActionParsnip: not working you tuto12:13
sssssss1JohnnyricoMC: of course.... it says that there are no active jobs12:13
sssssss1I know12:13
paulus68JohnnyricoMC: especially when you use these files as reference debconf-get-selections --installer > file_selections |debconf-get-selections >> file_selections12:14
sssssss1That's why I'm here12:14
jasonmspback to work.  Enjoy your morning, noon or night all..12:14
JohnnyricoMCFortunately, I don't do that paulus68, my task is simply to set up a system that allows unattended installs on VM's :)12:15
JohnnyricoMCsssssss1, have you tried restarting the cups daemon?12:15
paulus68JohnnyricoMC: can you install a pxe server on an excisting server or is it better to do this seperatly?12:15
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JohnnyricoMCI bet it's possible to do on an existing server12:16
JohnnyricoMCyou just need to run a dhcp-server and a tftp-server12:16
paulus68JohnnyricoMC: ok12:16
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JohnnyricoMCthe whole "server" I'm using for the system is just a VM running CentOS12:16
trezyuhello there12:16
trezyuanyone ?12:16
Guest8550hi everyone, is it possible that my rtorrent autostart script doesn't work because of encrypted home ?12:16
Picisacarlson: I've done a number of mini installs with that disc, what seems to be the issue?12:17
paulus68JohnnyricoMC: well going back to work talk to you later12:17
JohnnyricoMCwith the dhcp-daemon set to only give out leases to machines that have a MAC-address generated by VMWare. That way none of the physical computers in the network should notice the presence of that PXE server12:17
deper29serialk, did the other driver work?12:17
JohnnyricoMCsssssss1, any luck with restarting the cups daemon?12:18
paulus68JohnnyricoMC: ok thanks12:18
serialkdeper29: no.12:18
serialkwait, I reinstall EVERYTHING12:18
deper29serialk, what do you mean, EVERYTHING?12:18
Guest8550had anyone configured rtorrent to startup automaticaly ?12:19
sacarlsonPici: it seem to just sit waiting for something after I select a repository12:19
Picisacarlson: Check the other VTs to see if any errors were noted.12:20
ActionParsnipserialk: proprietary drivers can make release changes painful12:20
sacarlsonPici: vts?  I doing it from virtualbox if that makes any difference12:20
Phazorxhow do i change user locale on 10.04 server (not system wide)?12:20
ActionParsnipPhazorx: so just for one command?12:21
Picisacarlson: alt-f2, f3, etc12:21
deper29serialk, you could use the proprietary nvidia binary from their website?12:21
PhazorxActionParsnip: for user, permanently12:21
sacarlsonPici: oh I tried that but then it goes to my the host of my virtualbox12:22
Phazorxthe locale i want to change to is already available, but defualt is different and user was created with default one12:22
ActionParsnipPhazorx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables12:22
boxfireSo I am not a regular ubuntu user, but I am setting up a lab for my boss. We do both normal lab use activities and compute jobs. Is there a way to get the computers to suspend only if the compuer is idle in terms of user input AND idle in terms of jobs?12:22
ActionParsnipPhazorx: http://www.bash-linux.com/unix-man-setlocale.html12:23
PhazorxActionParsnip: so add lolcale setting to user's profile ?12:23
Guest8550does anyone use rtorrent ?12:23
sssssssJohnnyricoMC: loooool it neither works with a reboot12:23
ActionParsnipGuest8550: I'm sure many do12:23
ActionParsnipPhazorx: could add it in ~/.bashrc12:23
sacarlsonPici: I've tried a few different archives including us. jp. th. ...  I wonder if there is a way to do an alt f2 from inside a virtualbox?12:23
ssssssssomeone can please tell me how to cancel everything in the print list?12:23
sssssssI'm becoming crazyyyy12:24
PhazorxActionParsnip: which one is more correct?12:24
Guest8550does anyone who use rtorrent use also autostart script ? :D12:24
Phazorxassuming that user can change shell12:24
Phazorxi mean ~/.profile sounds more reasonable12:24
Phazorxif ubuntu reads that on login12:24
Picisacarlson: I suspect that you don't have virtualbox's networking setup properly.12:24
=== Partyschaum is now known as Partyschaum^away
rumbaHi guys. What libssl version does Ubuntu 11.10 come with? Or where can I find a list of packages grouped by Ubuntu version?12:25
Picirumba: http://packages.ubuntu.com12:25
sacarlsonPici: I checked virtualbox with lubuntu on the same host and the network is working fine on that one12:25
ActionParsnip!info libssl12:26
ubottuPackage libssl does not exist in oneiric12:26
Picisacarlson: with the same networking settings? i.e, bridged, or nat, or whatever works.12:26
rumbaThanks, Pici!12:26
ActionParsnipPhazorx: try either :)12:26
sacarlsonPici: yes but I think I'll try nat,  I've been using bridged12:26
Phazorxheh... okay12:26
Phazorxthanks ActionParsnip12:26
rumba!info libssl0.9.812:26
ubottulibssl0.9.8 (source: openssl098): SSL shared libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.8o-7ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 845 kB, installed size 2264 kB12:26
rumba!info libssl1.0.012:26
ubottulibssl1.0.0 (source: openssl): SSL shared libraries. In component main, is important. Version 1.0.0e-2ubuntu4.2 (oneiric), package size 951 kB, installed size 2672 kB12:26
rumbaSo... both 0.9.8 and 1.0.0 are available? packages.ubuntu.com lists them as being in "universe" and "security" respectively.12:28
JohnnyricoMCWell I'm out of ideas sssssss, not a linux-expert at all, but I try to help when I think I can12:28
sssssssok JohnnyricoMC, np12:28
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
rumbaHow do I choose between one and the other?12:29
ActionParsniprumba: different package names12:29
rumbaAh, no dash between name and version12:30
sacarlsonPici: change to nat settings in virtualbox for mini.iso failed to help still end up with a blue screen after being asked for what archive to use12:30
sacarlsonPici: I guess I will need to try it on a real system to proceed from here12:31
Picisacarlson: I really have a feeling that theres an error on another virtual terminal, but you'd need to get vbox's alt button mapping worked out to see ut12:32
sacarlsonPici: ok I'll google that vbox's alt button mapping  that at least gives me hope12:33
ActionParsnipsacarlson: try different hardware in the vbox setting12:33
Picisacarlson: You might try asking in #vbox as well, for that part.12:33
sacarlsonActionParsnip: what hardware settings can I change?12:34
zozyhi there12:34
sacarlsonActionParsnip: maybe a different network adapter nic?12:37
zozyis there anybody who succesfully compiled the vmware server modules under 2.6.32?12:37
usaHey is there an Ubuntu server arm port I can use for raspberry pi?12:37
Picisacarlson: I had some issues with the nic selection on my last vbox install... let me check which one I eventually went with.12:37
sacarlsonPici: oh cool12:37
ActionParsnipsacarlson: sure, why not :)12:37
sacarlsonok only 6 different nics to choose from12:37
sacarlsonthat will only take me less than 10 minits12:37
pwasekis there a way i can register my ubuntu workstation to my 2003 DNS server.  I see it gets a dhcp request but its not reigstering in the DNS on my server any suggestions12:37
fabiobikhi! its possible to compile ubuntu to our specific hardware? whats the benefit of compile?12:38
aciculafabiobik: yes, ussually nothing12:39
ActionParsnippwasek: set the DNS server in your DHCP server, the Ubuntu DHCP client will use what it is told12:39
Picisacarlson: I used the paravirtualized network adapter, in bridged mode.12:39
ActionParsnipfabiobik: the OS will be more catered to your hardware rather than generic, you may see  a small increase in speed but regular updates will probably overwrite your work#12:41
sacarlsonPici: wow that would have been the last on the list that I was going to try,  I already tried the top and midle12:42
yzhdyesterday I was syncing cm7 source. My PC ran out of battery, so it turned off. How can I continue the sync from where it stopped from?12:43
yzhdso it won't re download everything again.12:43
serialkI followed http://askubuntu.com/questions/66339/how-do-i-solve-this-nvidia-driver-download-error and it works !12:43
fabiobikacicula: yes?12:44
aciculafabiobik: nvm,typo,  my sausage fingers were acting up12:45
sacarlsonPici: ok looks stuck again with the paravirtualized network adapter oh but I have it set to nat so I'll try one more12:45
squaregoldfishyzhd: If the sync software is any good at its job, it should detect what it's downloaded and not re-fetch. Is this svn/git/?? ?12:46
KoltHi! I have a sony vaio laptop, and I upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 and its not even bootable, and neither is in recovery mode or with previous versions. With previous versions its a blank black screen with moust.12:49
KoltWhat do I do now to make it usable?12:50
zykotick9Kolt: for 12.04 support ask in #ubuntu+112:51
Koltzykotick9: ty12:51
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horse01kolt: maybe waiting for the end of this month the "new release"?12:52
MonkeyDust12.04 install was no success here, either12:56
gulzarit works12:57
AntazeWavehellloo gulzar12:57
sacarlsonFor switch between virtual consoles into guest Linux works following:    Alt + HOST KEY + F1...F7  is what I'm told will work in virtual box so what is the HOST key?12:57
gulzarAntazeWave: Hi12:57
MonkeyDustsacarlson  try right ctrl12:58
cornfeedis there any way to tell apt to skip dpkg --configure ?12:58
zykotick9sacarlson: i'd suggest you try super (windows) key12:58
zykotick9sacarlson: sorry, i think MonkeyDust is correct12:58
L3topscarlson right ctrl... and if it is virtualbox, typically it is just right ctrl + f112:58
=== giovy is now known as Giovy2121
* L3top ususally uses f212:59
sacarlsonMonkeyDust: and others ya I figured it out but I had already changed that to right shift in my experments but I got it now thanks13:00
mogajam getting this error : ERROR: Gem bundler is not installed, run `gem install bundler` first. .... i have installed gem bundler already13:00
MonkeyDustwhat's gem bundler?13:01
miaogemaybe you can reboot13:01
miaogeto have a try13:01
ms_hunterany irc channel for networking or security13:06
sacarlsonlast message I get from tty4 in virtualbox for a mini.iso install when it gets stuck is "good signature from ubuntu automatic signing" then it gets stuck13:07
Atlantic777ms_hunter: try #networking13:07
dskwms_hunter: try ##security too13:07
ms_hunterdskw :when i try to log in it ....it says u need to be invited13:08
dskwoh. do you have a registered nick?13:08
ms_hunterAtlantic777:are u sure i need not to be invited for this13:08
ms_hunterdskw :no13:08
ms_hunterdskw :how can i get one13:08
cornfeedis there any way to tell apt to skip dpkg --configure ???13:09
dskwms_hunter: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#registering13:09
jmkgreenanyone else getting "bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file." when apt-get updating?13:11
jmkgreenon 11.1013:11
Supranowhat is the easiest way to get kernel 2.6 in ubuntu oneiric including source and headers?13:11
Suprano(as packages)13:12
ms_hunterthanks dskw13:12
dskwyou're welcome13:12
jmkgreenam I looking at something out of date in sources.list?13:12
sacarlsonin my mini.iso install I do see debug: resolver (libnewt0.52): package doesn't exist (ignored), I'm seeing some bugs that might relate to this but not sure if they relate13:20
ypahnuhello, I'm running ubuntu on vm, but disk size it's low , if I create a new disc image how can I bind them?13:21
L3topscarlson apt-cache search libnewt13:22
L3topypahnu: what vm13:23
ypahnuOracle VM box13:23
L3topAnd you did not choose a dynamically expanding disk type clearly13:23
ypahnuI guess not.. I think i did fixed size13:24
SeasealHello i have a problem with audio, can somebody please help me?13:24
MonkeyDust!ask| Seaseal13:24
ubottuSeaseal: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:24
ypahnuL3top, it's dinamimc alocated after all.. I just checked it now.. why it's telling me that I have low disc space !?13:25
L3topAdding another disk is quite easy, "binding" I dunno about. It is also possible to increase the size of the vdi... but I would have to look at how... something to do with dd I am sure.13:25
L3topbecause the host disk is low on space?13:25
ypahnuno host disk.. have pleanty of space13:25
L3topthen it is just warning you as it gets to the edge of the dynamically moving size.13:26
ypahnuand vdi it's dinamic alocated.. why is this happening?13:26
SeasealSo my microphone was not working, so i opened "Sound Settings" from top. When i was in Hardware tab, i switched my "Internal Audio" device profile to "Analog Stereo Input" (I think it was "Analog Stereo Duplex").13:26
SeasealIn Output tab I had: Internal Audio and RV635 Audio Device(Radeon HD 3600 Series), In Input tab I had: Internal Audio and LifeCam VX-300013:26
Seaseal"Internal Audio" on both tabs are now gone. I changed "Internel Audio" device profile to "Analog Stereo Duplex" again but it is not working.13:26
ypahnubut it's linux warning13:26
ypahnushouldnd't be vm warning?13:26
_MarcusHow do I move around the list that GRUB shows at boot? I want Windows to be the first. I already set the default selected to 4, but I want Windows to be at the top13:26
L3topYou could probably cp some large directory and then delete it to make the warning go away. The reason it is warning you is because it IS running out of disk space. The OS doesn't understand that your VM changes the disk size.13:26
MonkeyDustSeaseal  in a terminal, type alsamixer, if you see MM, got there and press m (MM stands for Mute)13:27
L3topI assumed it was an OS error, not vm13:27
ypahnuL3top. thanks for the tips.. I will do just that13:27
claude2_anyone know if theres a fix/workaround for this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rsyslog/+bug/78917413:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 789174 in rsyslog (Ubuntu) "rsyslog fails to create tcp socket." [Undecided,Confirmed]13:29
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mooperdI have an old PATA hard disk with an ubuntu installation on it. The computer has died but I need to extract the contents of a database on the partition. I am not getting any keyboard during the boot and the boot is getting stuck on the network drivers and disk UUID bits.13:35
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sacarlsonL3top:  the return for apt-cache search libnewt show it exists on archive.ubuntu.com  and even after I manualy changed to that archive I get the same error in mini.iso of ubuntu 10.04 I see this but but not sure relates https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/foundations-bugs/2011-December/056943.html13:35
MonkeyDustmooperd  if you have more than one pc in the same network, you can use SSH13:35
mooperdMonkeyDust: That would be nice but the boot is not getting that far. also the interface on the computer is not really linux compatable.13:36
L3topsacarlson: Did you try manually installing it?13:36
tapashi, what version of Qt does the current ubuntu ship with?13:37
MonkeyDustmooperd  interface makes no difference13:37
_MarcusHow do I install Java JDK and JRE on Ubuntu?13:37
L3topmeaning apt-get install libnewt0.5213:37
_MarcusHi zeld13:37
fideltapas: apt-cache policy packagename13:37
MonkeyDust!java| _Marcus13:37
ubottu_Marcus: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.13:37
mooperdMonkeyDust: in order to ssh into the machine. you need a working network interface13:37
sacarlsonL3top: it doesn't get far enuf in the install to enable installing anything13:37
tapasi don't have it installed yet\13:37
tapaslooking for a distro with a very current Qt :D13:37
_MarcusThank you MonkeyDust13:37
MonkeyDustmooperd  that is true :)13:37
L3topQt what?13:38
zeldhi _Marcus i need some old package about dapper drake :) i know that are too old, but i need the gcc-2.65 and libstdcc++ library13:38
MonkeyDust!pm| Seaseal13:38
ubottuSeaseal: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:38
fideltapas: http://packages.ubuntu.com/13:38
sacarlsonL3top: I'm running mini.iso 10.04 from virtualbox ,   I would like to try from a real box to see if it will duplicate or if it's virtualbox dependent13:38
_Marcuszeld: If you are looking for old GNU software, then try GNU's FTP13:38
L3topI am sure it will behave the same way on both sacarlson. The mini.iso is the one which dlds everything from the net that you desire, yes?13:39
_Marcuszeld: http://ftp.gnu.org/old-gnu/ or ftp://ftp.gnu.org/old-gnu/13:39
mistralhi everyone!:)13:39
zeldi tried to search on http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ but not in GNU's FTé13:39
_MarcusHi mistral13:39
zeld_Marcus: thanks :)13:39
L3topWhy are you using the mini.iso just out of curiosity sacarlson?13:39
SeasealI typed alsamixer and changed all MMs to 00s13:39
SeasealBefore I've joined the channel, i did ubuntu-bug audio check and the program sent signals to my speakers and i heard them. Also it said this:13:39
Seaseal"You don't seem to have configured PulseAudio to use the card you want output from (Internal Audio - HDA Intel).13:39
Seaseal You can fix that using pavucontrol or the GNOME volume control. Continue anyway?"13:39
SeasealI installed pavucontrol and it looks like GNOME volume control.13:39
FloodBot1Seaseal: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:39
SeasealMy "Internal Audio" device disappeared on Input and Output tabs, i just want to add them back. So it will work again hopefully.13:39
_Marcus!pastebin | Seaseal13:40
ubottuSeaseal: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:40
tapasfidel: oh ok, thanks.. i suppoe libqt 4.7 is recent enough to give it a shot..13:40
sacarlsonL3top: I was working on a auto install that failed and this seems to be what is causing it13:40
zeld_Marcus: but these pakcage are not deb but source package :S13:40
zeldif is possible i need the .deb package :)13:40
SeasealI'm also sorry, first time here.13:40
_Marcuszeld: I do not know where to find .deb packages, sadly :(13:40
_MarcusSeaseal: It's okay, just remember to use a pastebin next time13:41
sacarlsonL3top: until I can get it to manualy install I can't auto install13:41
zeldme too :D thanks :')13:41
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sacarlsonL3top: I was also working on a local repository to get it to install faster but again stuck here13:41
L3topYeah... you are doing very odd things. your local repo probably doesn't have the prerequisite packages and however you have set this up doesn't have access to outside perhaps. Hard to say13:42
cindirellanobody know how can  do to install a wireless connection??? Tks13:43
sacarlsonL3top: no I droped local repository to isolate so that's not it13:43
_Marcuscindirella: What, exactly, do you mean?13:43
MonkeyDust!wifi| cindirella start here13:43
ubottucindirella start here: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:43
_MarcusOr just do that13:43
bindibindirella? :|13:43
bindipretty sure it's cindirella13:43
sacarlsonl3top: pici has told me he's installed many ubuntu 10.04 with mini.iso with no problem so I'm stuck as to what might be different13:45
nliciHi!i passed some pictures through bluetooth but i can not able to find the transfered pictures on my computer even it was written that the files were sent .13:45
nlicihelp please13:45
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SeasealI have Ubuntu 11.10, i heard terms like ALSA, PulseAudio, but i don't know which one is controlling my audio. I want to know if i can reset everything like i was installing Ubuntu. Because my device is missing on both Input and Output tabs.13:46
zeal18<Seaseal> try alsamixer13:48
L3topI have done them as well. 1004 is LTS, I have never had an issue with normal installs. I don't know what your issue is. I would suspect network...13:48
MonkeyDustnlici  look in the Public folder13:48
L3topSeaseal: amixdigital=$(amixer | grep "Simple" | cut -d' ' -f4,5,6 | sort | uniq); for output in $amixdigital; do amixer sset $output unmute; amixer sset output 80%; done 2>/dev/null; alsactl store13:49
zeld_Marcus: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu :)13:49
L3topThat will unmute everything and set all volumes to 80%13:49
zeldnow i'm happy :D13:49
L3topI dont need to see the flood of returns which shows this has happened.13:49
_Marcuszeld: :D13:50
pwasekis there a way i can register my ubuntu workstation to my 2003 DNS server.  I see it gets a dhcp request but its not reigstering in the DNS on my server any suggestions13:50
sacarlsonL3top: I'm begining to think it's my service provider as I've tried 4 or more archives with no luck13:51
_Marcussacarlson: You're having trouble installing Ubuntu with mini.iso?13:52
sacarlson_Marcus: yes13:52
SeasealOkay guys, i found my solution here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/112303/new-sound-devices-show-up-in-hardware-but-not-input-or-output, i typed "killall pulseaudio" and my devices came back!13:52
sacarlson_Marcus: mini.iso with 10.04  but I think I've also tried 11.10 with no luck13:52
zeal18<Seaseal> so simple ))13:53
_Marcussacarlson: Do you need mini.iso?13:53
sacarlson_Marcus: I was having the same problem with alternate install that I did need13:53
fellayaboyhow do i delete all partitions in a memory card and make it into one solid fat3213:53
zipateihi folks...13:53
_Marcussacarlson: And you're sure that computer is connecting to the internet?13:53
ActionParsnipfellayaboy: use gparted13:53
sacarlson_Marcus: as mini.iso is about the same as alternate without the build in repository13:54
sacarlson_Marcus: yes as the last message says it got good signatures I assume that might mean it has internet and I see in virtualbox the blinking net13:55
_MarcusHi Ginjiro13:55
GinjiroHello, Marcus.13:55
_Marcussacarlson: Strange.. Did you try multiple archives?13:56
meganerdpwasek: check  /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf, you also need to change some settings on the 2003 DHCP/DNS server to allow non authentcated changes13:56
SomelauwHi, I noticed that in a few cases evince displays pdf's differently than adbobe reader. Are these bugs in evince?13:56
zipateiI I need a little help. My cousin has an Intel(R) 965GM x86/MMX/SSE2 graphics card with open source drivers.13:56
zipateiDo you see two black bars (one on the right one on the left).13:56
zipateiWe report in launchpad this situation, but does anyone can help to report the best place?13:56
sacarlson_Marcus: yes I've tried us. jp. th.  one more13:56
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sacarlson_Marcus: it must be a virtualbox thing13:57
_Marcussacarlson: That is strange. I have no idea13:57
ypahnuL3top: I rezise the disk now I got 24G Free of Unallacated Space, I can Create Partition. this will extend the main partition ?13:57
_Marcussacarlson: Though I do remember when I tried it on Virtual Box, it took me several tries13:57
weather15If i download and install the Ubuntu 12.04 Beta 2 will I have to re-install when the release comes out or will the beta become the release?13:57
zipateilaunchpad report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/97688713:57
sacarlson_Marcus: ok I'll just have to shut something down to try it on a real box13:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 976887 in mesa (Ubuntu) "[Intel® 965GM x86/MMX/SSE2 ] black side strips in games" [Undecided,Incomplete]13:57
zipateiubottu... yes ,I did that I reported this13:58
ubottuzipatei: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:58
zipateiubottu: :) cool13:59
weather15If I download and install the Ubuntu 12.04 Beta 2 will I have to re-install when the release comes out or will the beta become the release through updates?13:59
ActionParsnipweather15: no you will upgrade seamlessly14:00
ActionParsnipweather15: please keep 12.04 based questions in #ubuntu+1 til release day14:00
weather15ActionParsnip: Thanks. I really wanted to get my PC setup with an LTS but didn't want to wait till next week. I'll keep that in mind.14:00
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Sidewinderweather15, You could also install 10.04 (it's supported until 2013), it's LTS; then upgrade to 12.04 at your leisure.14:02
L3topwhy would you do that ypahnu? If you have free space, you have free space14:02
SidewinderOops, gone..14:03
=== Guest86445 is now known as xxoo
ypahnuL3top, it's show on disk utility 6.4G ext4 then Free 14GB,, I guess I need to format this to add to the 6.4GB14:04
L3topIf you want a separate partition, I would just create another disk in vbox settings.14:04
nliciany help please14:04
L3topthen you did something strange... I have no idea what gparted will do trying to extend the size of a partition of a dynamically expanding virtual disk14:05
ActionParsnipnlici: ask away14:06
L3topI said to just copy a dir in the vm and delete it because the message was bothering you.14:06
L3topthat would not do that.14:06
mooperdIf I am copying a 40GB ext file system using dd from one partition to another on a different disk. Do I have to complete all 40GB or just the bits with data on. I am getting an error. "EXT-fs error (device sda3): ext3_lookup:deleted inode referance: 1233232; cannot access home / media / bin: Input output error"14:06
nlicipassed some pictures from my phone to computer (ubuntu) i can not able to find them even tough it was written the pictures passed throuh , i checked all the files couldnt fine14:06
nlicihow can i find the pictures14:07
Atlantic777nlici: how have you transfered them? Bluetooth, USB cable?14:08
skelnlici: how did you copy them?14:08
L3topmooperd: you need to run fsck -f /dev/sda from some other environment, like a live disk.14:08
L3topmooperd: do NOT mount the disk prior to running fsck.14:08
nliciand now i can not find them14:08
nliciit does not ask where to save14:08
mooperdL3top: so do the dd, then fsck, then mount it?14:08
Atlantic777nlici: there's default folder for files received via bluetooth, iirc.14:09
MonkeyDustnlici  normally it's Public14:09
nliciwhich one is it this is the question :)14:09
L3topYou need to check the disk prior to the dd14:10
L3topor the mount14:10
nimesh_accenturehow do i check which file system is used by ubuntu?14:10
L3topmooperd: boot to live disk, run the fsck, then go back to wherever you are doing whatever you are doing.14:11
mooperdL3top: why live disk?14:11
L3topnimesh_accenture: df -T14:11
TimeKillaWhat's the social channel again? Forgot to save it?14:11
L3topmooperd: because the disk cannot be mounted when you run fsck or it will explode14:11
_Marcusmooperd: Because when you're using Live Disk, it wont mount the disk you want to edit14:11
MonkeyDustnlici  just tried, look in your Home folder14:11
mooperd_Marcus: ah, automounting is all turned off anyway14:12
bazhangTimeKilla, #ubuntu-offtopic14:12
nlicii looked to all but no pictures very funny is there any thing like in windows part to find by wriitngthe file name?14:12
TimeKillaTy, bazhang :)14:12
mooperdL3top: _Marcus: Why will it explode the parition14:13
harsh343how to kill the program I am using titanium and it is not reponding14:13
nsabdflnlici: did you try searching in dash?14:13
harsh343what i can do when i type kill they ask me job id14:13
nsabdflif you know the file names, that is..14:13
_Marcusmooperd: I am 95% he meant it will explode the partition figuratively. But you cannot edit a partition that is in use, so you need to use the Live CD14:14
MonkeyDustnlici  try locate filename14:14
mooperd_Marcus: The partition is not in use!14:14
_Marcusmooperd: Then you shouldn't need the live cd14:14
nsabdflharsh343: try killall <program name>14:14
mooperddoes dd not handle inodes or something?14:15
nsabdflor try finding PID of the process u want to kill14:15
L3topThe DISK cannot be in use14:15
harsh343nsabdfl, no process found14:15
L3topcannot be mounted14:15
ypahnuL3top: why ?! how?14:16
nsabdflharsh343: what exactly are u trying to kill14:16
L3tophuh? sorry I was talking to mooperd.14:16
davividalhow can I downgrade my nvidia-current? I'm using 295.40 and I want to go back to 295.33, so my Unity will work again.14:16
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:16
L3topI am afk... btw.14:16
harsh343nsabdfl, titanium studio14:16
MonkeyDust!downgrade| davividal14:17
ubottudavividal: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.14:17
_MarcusPici: Ironically, you forgot to add "| L3top"14:17
davividalMonkeyDust, I don't want to downgrade ubuntu, I want to downgrade nvidia-current.14:17
Pici_Marcus: it was a reminder to a number of people.14:17
nsabdflharsh343: are u sure its running?14:17
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ypahnuhttp://goo.gl/CLmmu how to add this Free space to the 6.4GB ?14:17
harsh343nsabdfl, titanium studio is running but not responding anything14:17
harsh343how can i show the running program through command line14:18
nsabdflharsh343: do you know the process name?14:18
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harsh343nsabdfl, no14:18
nsabdflharsh343: top displays running processes14:18
zozyharsh343: how do you mean show?14:18
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harsh343Zol, means running process14:19
naftilos76hi everyone, i am migrating from KDE kmail2 to evolution or thunderbird because kmail2 is a total failure after kmail->kmail2. Bugs, bugs, bugs and more bugs...Can anybody please give me his/her feedback regarding the use of evolution or thunderbird operation? I will use IMAP to sync with my server. Have you had any problems with it?14:19
Xtremeguys, how can i associate firefox for apt protocol?14:19
harsh343nsabdfl, where is top ?14:19
nsabdflnaftilos76: thunderbird's awesome. go ahead14:19
fidelnaftilos76: thunderbird works pretty good - seems less resource-hungry the nevolution to me14:19
nsabdflharsh343: type top in terminal.14:19
usaHey is there an Ubuntu server arm port I can use for raspberry pi?14:20
fidelnaftilos76: there is a thunderbird ppa available as well in case you want latest versions14:20
naftilos76thanks guys, i have already tried thunderbird and seems to work flawlessly. anyone else?14:20
_Marcususa: Last time I checked, Raspberry Pi was too weak for servers, much less an every day desktop computer14:20
harsh343nsabdfl, thanks its works14:20
MonkeyDustthunderbird is in the repos, no ppa needed14:20
harsh343for me14:20
nsabdflharsh343: welcome.. :)14:20
MonkeyDustnaftilos76  http://products.secureserver.net/email/email_thunderbird.htm14:21
harsh343actually I am giving space eveytime thats why i am unable to kill them, correct is killall TitaniumStudio14:21
ami_random one: does anyone have a pinterest invite they could hook me up with?14:22
ActionParsnip_Marcus: its more than enough for a samba server14:22
ActionParsnipami_: how is that related to ubuntu support?14:22
ami_it's not in anyway14:22
ActionParsnipami_: then it's offtopic here14:23
ami_hence is being a random one14:23
_Marcusami_: Try #ubuntu-offtopic14:23
ami_it is I apologise14:23
ami_thanks Marcus14:23
Xtremeand also, can anyone tell me a nice video player for ubuntu.. nice = good sound effects and supports all formats. like jetaudio in windows14:23
SidewinderXtreme, Try Totem..14:24
zipateiyes... Totem is cool... missing a option to save ratio... but is excelent14:25
ActionParsnipXtreme: each player uses a central repository of codecs, so all players can play all formats as long as the system has the codecs14:25
Xtremeguys i am not able to install adobe flash14:26
Xtremedont know why, i am getting msg download failed14:26
ActionParsnipXtreme: install gnome-mplayer vlc ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs (I assume 32bit OS) from medibuntu, you'll be able to play most thinsg14:26
ActionParsnipXtreme: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc14:26
XtremeActionParsnip: thanks, i will to it..14:26
Xtremei think its 10.0414:27
=== rico is now known as [snake]
ActionParsnipXtreme: and the output of:  uname -m14:27
ActionParsnipXtreme: enable the partner reop and install adobe-flashplugin14:28
XtremeActionParsnip: how to?14:28
_MarcusHi [snake]14:30
XtremePackage adobe-flashplugin is not available, but is referred to by another package.This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source14:31
[snake]I am using openoffice writer on Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit. I am using the right-to-left writing feature, but it's not functioning. When it types out it stays in "left to right" format except it's pushed over to the right margin. which if I wanted that I'd just hit the right margin button. what could the problem be?14:32
L3topXtreme: flashplugin-installer I believe.14:33
L3top!info flashplugin-installer lucid14:33
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 20 kB, installed size 172 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)14:33
XtremeConnecting to archive.canonical.com||:80... connected.HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found2012-04-17 20:04:29 ERROR 404: Not Found14:35
[snake]WAIT A SECOND.... I hit the comma after a bunch of text and it started to write the correct right-to-left way.14:36
[snake]why doesn't it work for my normal hebrew typing?14:37
mikkelbAny music producers around?14:37
davividalhow can I downgrade my nvidia-current? I'm using 295.40 and I want to go back to 295.33, so my Unity will work again.14:37
AaronMTAre OS upgrades via the update-manager usually safe?14:39
_Marcus!offtopic mikkelb14:39
mikkelbsorry _Marcus14:40
[snake]nvm.... I think it's just simply an issue with my font14:41
nimesh_accenturehow do i create a new partition inside an existing partition?14:41
JonathanEllisI have Ubuntu 11.10 installed on my laptop. Just in the last couple of days the touchpad mouse behaviour has become more and more odd. Often the left mouse button doesnt register clicks and sometimes the mouse seems to be dragging even when I dont have a mouse button depressed. Any ideas please?14:41
JonathanEllisnimesh_accenture: You cant create a partition inside a partition, only in unallocated space. You can resize a partition to create unallocated space that you can then create more partitions inside using gparted. You will need to run this from a live CD if you need to resize partitions that are mounted14:43
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dusfi have installed openoffice through the software centre but i don't see the packages visible in applications menu > office. where can i find it please?14:44
dusfopenoffice is different than libre office, yes?14:44
DJonesdusf: Libreoffice is an updated version of openoffice14:44
JonathanEllisdusf: You can try customising the menu to see if openoffice is just not shown14:44
toootHi guys, just installed ubuntu 11.10.   The problem is that unity 3d does not start (It did work when I test runned it from flash stick)14:45
davividaltooot, do you have a nvidia card?14:45
davividaltooot, same problem here. It's a driver problem. I'm using Unity 2D for the time being. If you figure out what to do, please tell me :)14:46
toootok :)14:46
KaosMcRageAnyone know how to get Ubuntu 11.10 dynamic resolutions working as a guest VM in VirtualBox? (yes, guest additions are installed)14:46
saulotoledohello! I have 2 Apache VirtualHosts running the same SSL file (for tests only) in 2 different ports. When I activate the SSL, for both VirtualHosts PHP save the same session files and, since both run with different users (using itk module instead prefork), if I run one, the other receives a permission error, like this:  open(/var/lib/php5/sess_likukr84qpdu2rt81dj6ap18c6, O_RDWR) failed:...14:47
saulotoledo...Permission denied (13)        Already checked, the session file is saved with the permissions of the first user, but boh should be different session files, not the same. What's the problem?14:47
saulotoledoAll I found about this problem was this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88606414:47
ActionParsnipdavividal: unity2d makes unity nice and stable14:47
Xtremeguys i downloaded abode from their server, now is there anything i can do to install it?14:47
greenithi, i have 3 computers +1 server running ubuntu @home... would it be efficient, if i set up an ubuntu-mirror or should i just update like i do right now? i just think about a mirror because of the releas of 12.04 coming closer and i want to update every computer as fast as possible ;)14:48
davividalActionParsnip, it doesn't look as smooth as normal-Unity for me. :( It's working (it's what really matters), but it isn't as beautiful.14:48
syddraf_For some reason, firefox and a terminal window are launching on boot. They are not listed in the startup programs GUI. Is there something in terminal that I can check that would control boot programs?14:48
nimesh_accentureJonathanEllis: thx!14:49
greenitsyddraf_, you can look if there is anything in /etc/rc14:50
KaosMcRagesyddraf_: check your .xsession14:50
greenitsyddraf_, you can look if there is anything in /etc/rc.local14:50
bazhangdeadmund-bot, hi14:50
deadmundbazhang: I'm writing a bot! :P14:51
jbwivguys, I suspect (based on reading bug reports) that pm-utils is causing some unwanted disk writes. I proceeded to uninstall it with apt, but apt wants to uninstall gnome-session as well? Anyone know why/how to get around?14:52
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:52
auronandaceXtreme: adobe what? reader? flash?14:53
Xtremei am trying to install since when14:53
syddraf_greenit: There is nothing in /etc/rc.local except for "exit 0"14:53
azizblackboxi have install KDE desktop to Linuxmint but when i switch to KDE i dont see my Terminal Konsole. But i have xterm and uxterm... or xterm and uxterm is my console ? i confused lol..14:53
auronandaceXtreme: what is wrong with the one in the repo?14:53
greenitsyddraf_, thats ok14:53
bazhangazizblackbox, get mintsupport then14:53
Xtremefile not found error14:53
bazhang!mintsupport | azizblackbox14:54
ubottuazizblackbox: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:54
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auronandace!flash | Xtreme14:54
ubottuXtreme: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:54
azizblackboxbut there is fine dude14:54
bazhangazizblackbox, pardon?14:55
KaosMcRagesyddraf_: anything in ~/.xsession ?14:55
azizblackboxi only confuse with my terminal console ..14:55
syddraf_KaosMcRage: No such file or directory.14:55
KaosMcRagesyddraf_: ok, just making sure (I think that might be a bit old school)14:56
azizblackboxTerminal console and xterm is same ???14:56
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bazhangazizblackbox, mint is not supported here. please take it to the proper channel14:56
azizblackboxoh k..14:57
syddraf_Any other ideas about where this could be launching?14:58
greenithi, i have 3 computers +1 server running ubuntu @home... would it be efficient, if i set up an ubuntu-mirror or should i just update like i do right now? i just think about a mirror because of the releas of 12.04 coming closer and i want to update every computer as fast as possible ;)14:58
Xtremeauronandace: can i pm u?14:58
Rienzilladon't set up a mirror :)14:58
Rienzillaif bandwidth is REALLY an issue, set up a transparent caching proxy14:59
auronandaceXtreme: i'd rather you keep it in the channel14:59
auronandaceXtreme: thanks for asking14:59
Xtremewell,  ("Setting up flashplugin-installer ( ...Downloading...--2012-04-17 20:27:46--  http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_11.1.102.63.orig.tar.gzResolving archive.canonical.com..., to archive.canonical.com||:80... connected.HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found2012-04-17 20:27:48 ERROR 404: Not Found.")  is the error i15:01
Xtremeam getting. so i was wondering is there a way i can give it a alternative download location?15:01
Picigreenit: You could use apt-cacher-ng or squid-deb-proxy or any of the other simular projects.15:01
Xtremelike the one on my desktop. tar.gz?15:01
intelligentfoolhello all, newb here, trying to setup phpmyadmin on my ubuntu 11.04 server and keep getting 404 errors. I've added the include to my apache.conf file but still no luck. can anyone help me out?15:02
Xtremecoz plugin installer is getting downloaded and installed fine15:02
Xtremebut the main flash archive is unable to be downloaded15:03
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Piciintelligentfool: all you need to do is make a symlink from /etc/apache2/conf.d/ to point at /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf and then reload apache.15:03
ActionParsnipXtreme: if you extract that and put the .so file in your browser's plugins folder it will be used15:03
intelligentfoolPici, i've already done that as well15:03
XtremeActionParsnip: tried that too. extracted .so file, copied all /usr files to resp folder15:04
Xtremeno joy15:04
greenitPici, can i install apt-cacher-ng on the server for example and update the other computers through it then?15:04
Picigreenit: yes.15:04
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greenitPici, good, thats what i wanted, thx :)15:04
mquasarhi all, i'm running ubuntu server on a VM, I'd like to mount some shared folders at login but without asking for the password, how can I do this?15:05
Picigreenit: I have squid-deb-proxy setup on my network, as it uses avahi to automatically change the settings on my laptop so I don't need to make changes manually when I'm not at home.15:05
Xtremecan anyone tell me location of ./flashplugin-installer?15:06
Xtremei will manually try to run it15:06
intelligentfoolPici, any other suggestions? :(15:06
ActionParsnipXtreme: what browser do you use?15:06
ActionParsnipXtreme: you only need the .so15:07
Pl3nar1ushello all15:07
Piciintelligentfool: what url are you trying to load it with? (feel free to obsfucate the domain if its publically facing)15:07
ActionParsnipXtreme: run:  mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins   then copy the file to that folder#15:07
Xtremeac okay doing it15:07
intelligentfoolthe folder isn't in my /var/www/ but i'm assuming the symlink takes care of that no?15:08
Piciintelligentfool: it should.15:08
Piciintelligentfool: are there any errors in /var/log/apache2/ ?15:08
intelligentfoollet me double/triple check the symlink then15:08
intelligentfoolyea, lots of "file does not exist"15:09
intelligentfoolguess my symlink is borked15:09
Xtremetime to see if it works15:09
XtremeActionParsnip: cool, it works15:10
Xtremelook like i was pasting it in wrong folder15:10
Xtremei was putting it in /usr folder15:11
Xtremethanks :)15:11
ubottugiovaxt600: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:13
veebullhello, I need to look up what version of a package is slated for 12.04... can someone point me in the right direction?15:13
Piciveebull: http://packages.ubuntu.com15:13
cosmicfireshow do I edit my application menus in xfce?15:13
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MonkeyDustcosmicfires  try alacarte15:14
intelligentfoolPici, "ls -ll /etc/apache2/conf.d/" shows "phpmyadmin.conf -> ../../phpmyadmin/apache.conf", is that not right?15:14
veebullPici, got it, thanks!15:14
Piciintelligentfool: thats right.  And the www-data user can read the file?15:14
cosmicfiresalacarte isn't installed and it wants to install a bunch of gnome stuff I installed xfce to get away from gnome 315:15
intelligentfoolPici, stupid question…. how do i check? :)15:15
Piciintelligentfool: Just paste the full output of ls -ll for that file.15:15
recon_tvhi all, got a web cam that wont work in xubuntu , it's working in my ubuntu 10.04 lts though, cant remember if i installed anything on the 10.04 rig . any suggestions? here is the output of lsusb http://paste.ubuntu.com/934062/15:17
intelligentfoolPici, you mean from where the symlink is or the actual real file?15:17
intelligentfoolyou can't ls a file, right? :)15:17
Piciintelligentfool: the actual file, not the symlink. sure you can.15:18
ActionParsniprecon_tv: which release of Xubuntu?15:18
recon_tvActionParsnip: 11.04 I believe15:19
intelligentfoolso in this case the real file is the ../../myphpadmin/apache.conf right?15:19
intelligentfoolcause i'm not sure where that actually is15:19
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Piciintelligentfool: Its in /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf15:19
MonkeyDustrecon_tv  what's the outcome of lsb_release -sd15:19
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fcbemergency, I need help. a question of life and death, if not worse. I want to watch soccer tonight and TV isn't working right. xaw tv shows a picture, but has horrible picture quality (no deinterlacing?), doesn't show a picture anymore when I resize the window or go fullscreen, and sound is not working. tvtime doesn't find channels at all.15:19
recon_tvActionParsnip: Ubuntu 11.1015:20
ActionParsniprecon_tv: did you try it in cheese?15:20
ActionParsnipfcb: hardly life and death15:20
recon_tvActionParsnip: yes, trying to remember if i had to get something to get it to work on other machine15:20
intelligentfoolPici, i get this - http://pastebin.com/qXdsTJE315:20
recon_tvcheese just start with all menu items grayed out15:20
intelligentfool-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1057 2011-09-14 14:57 /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf15:20
intelligentfoolcrap, just meant to post the link sorry15:21
Piciintelligentfool: thats fine, and the permissions look fine too.15:21
* intelligentfool scratches head15:22
ActionParsniprecon_tv: does it work in a Precise liveCD?15:22
Piciintelligentfool: You installed phpmyadmin from the package repositories, right?15:23
recon_tvActionParsnip: no idea15:23
zipateitoday is the last day for bugfixes right?15:23
intelligentfoolyea, i even tried running the script again to make sure i checked the apache tab15:23
zipateiHow late can send bugfix program today?15:24
ActionParsniprecon_tv: I'd try it, just to test15:24
intelligentfoolI just took over a site and moved it to a new sever, so setting up the database is the last piece left (i think/hope)15:24
dackyshawnu took over a site? like legally?15:25
recon_tvhmm, problem is how do i test it on a live CD, there is no veccam software15:25
intelligentfooldackyshawn, haha, yes :)15:25
auronandacezipatei: bugfixes for what?15:25
dackyshawnoh ok15:25
mrAlmondHi everyone15:25
SlypeGood day to all15:26
mrAlmondDoes anyone knows how and where ubuntu stores 3G sim pin ?15:26
mrAlmondis there a database or a text file?15:26
intelligentfoolPici, you've been a great help so far and i've got to run but any other things i should be checking?15:26
zipateiimagine, i developer of monter rpg 2 game.15:27
ratcheermrAlmond: I don't know, but you could try looking in Seahorse (manages keys)15:27
zipateiand we have some bugfixes corrections15:27
IboSwhere to find driver for this network card ?15:27
IboSEthernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Zonet Zen3200 (rev ff)15:27
auronandacezipatei: why are you asking in #ubuntu?15:28
zipateii can send this for repository of ubuntu 12.04, today?15:28
ratcheerIboS: ralinktech.com15:28
mrAlmondratcheer : I'm going to look at the network manager source code15:28
recon_tvtring liveusb15:28
ratcheerIboS: No, sorry, wrong company15:28
zipateibecause your repository's of ubuntu 12.0415:28
IboSratcheer: i've installed a new network card on my pc15:28
IboSbut it's not working15:29
dackyshawnIbos shouldnt need a driver15:29
IboSthe card is and RTL8139D15:29
ratcheerIboS: Run "sudo lspci -v" and see what the chipset is.15:29
ratcheerIboS: Also, whether there is a "module in use" for it.15:30
toootHi guys, if anybody has problems with getting unity 3d to work on nvidia driver (espcially optimus ones) just do "sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia*"   and reboot15:31
toootthis helped15:31
IboSratcheer: hum things are bad see http://pastebin.ca/213725715:31
IboSratcheer: i only pasted the most interesting15:31
ratcheerIboS: I cannot connect to pastebin.ca, for some reason.15:31
zipateitoot, why remove?15:32
zipateitooot, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/96219115:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 962191 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "[7100] Poor performance ubuntu 12.04 on nvidia geforce 7100 / nforce 630i [10de:07e1]" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:33
ratcheerIboS: Yes, that looks bad.15:33
ratcheerIboS: Does your system have firmware for that card?15:33
IboSlsmod ?15:34
ratcheerTry looking at Realtek's web site and see if you can find firmware and driver.15:34
ActionParsnipIboS: dmesg | grep -i firm    will show what is going on15:35
afidegnumI have cheap and reliable hosting spaces. and I need some partners to help sell the spaces I have a nice deal for you if interrested,15:35
=== esm is now known as Guest30765
Piciafidegnum: Please do not advertise  in this channel.15:36
zipateiActionParsnip : [    0.164593] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored15:36
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IboSActionParsnip: i've got absolutely nothing15:36
ActionParsnipIboS: thats good, no warnings or errors about firmware :)15:37
IboSlet's be more precise15:37
IboSi've too network cards actually15:37
IboSone integrated which works well15:37
IboSand a pci one15:38
IboSifconfig returns only the integrated one15:38
IboSsudo lshw -C network15:42
IboSreturns the integrated one too15:42
IboSwhere to check if my card is supported ?15:43
ActionParsnipIboS: use the product kline which identifies the chip, use the name to find guides15:45
ratcheeribos: There is no Linux driver on the Realtek web site. http://www.realtek.com/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=6&PFid=6&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false#RTL8100B%28L%29/RTL8100C%28L%29/RTL8101L/RTL8139C%28L%29%3Cbr%3ERTL8139C%28L%29+/RTL8139D%28L%29/RTL8100%28L%29%3Cbr%3ERTL8130/RTL8139B%28L%2915:47
Didoana aho ya ayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa15:48
ratcheerDern. There are even drivers for BeOS. Just not for Linux.15:49
ActionParsnipBeOS is dead :)15:50
chenwjuse haiku!15:50
IboShow to produce my own driver15:50
=== hacker is now known as Guest4627
Star2012did they fix the lan connection issue yet15:52
recon_tvActionParsnip: thx for the help, cam just started working after i rebooted15:53
recon_tvno idea why15:53
moonpythonHey. Is it possible to stop a partition from showing up in the GRUB loader?15:56
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SeasealHello, i want to restart ALSA but when i do "sudo invoke-rc.d alsa-utils restart", it says "/etc/init.d/alsa-utils not found", i reinstalled alsa-utils with SPM but it still gives same error, and i can't find the file alsa-utils in /etc/init.d15:57
gr33n7007hNeed advice about a good tv player part from myth any ideas??15:58
Xtremeanyone knows where is apache config file placed on ubuntu distro?16:00
gr33n7007hI was looking at kaffeine player for my hauppage digital tv receiver as anyone ever used it?16:01
IboShow to contact mark shuttleworth ?16:02
IboShe could make a driver for me16:02
compdocXtreme, its not the one in /etc/apache2  ?16:03
mysteryI don't know!16:03
bazhangmonitortft, stop that16:04
Xtremethere is a conf file there, but settings are not used from that file16:04
monitortftIboS stupid?16:04
|Anthony|is there any risk of non-local security breaches if a user account is in the nopasswdlogin group?16:04
IboSmonitortft: it's no so stupid man i want my card working16:04
IboShow to make my own driver then ?16:05
xskydevilxHi, I'm on Lucid and when I try installing something, I get an error saying to close other programs like synaptic update manager etc, but I don't have those open. Any help?16:06
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ActionParsnip|Anthony|: more than likely yes, if it means the user needs no passwords to do anything16:06
ActionParsnip!aptfix | xskydevilx16:07
ubottuxskydevilx: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:07
xzhttp://files.lesiuk.net/android/ <-- when of the best video tutorial about writing apps for android16:07
|Anthony|ActionParsnip, there is a pw on the acct, just added user to group nopasswdlogin16:07
ActionParsnip|Anthony|: what does the group do?16:07
bazhangxz, what does that have to do with ubuntu support16:08
|Anthony|ActionParsnip, htpc in the living room16:08
|Anthony|i'd actually like to make the acct have limited permissions, like maybe read and execute only16:09
ratcheerIboS: There are tons of bugs and questions on Launchpad for RTL813916:09
|Anthony|actually, is there a way to limit the number of active logins a user may have?16:10
ActionParsnip|Anthony|: you still haven't said what the group does16:11
|Anthony|ActionParsnip, it runs xbmc --standalone from lightdm login16:12
ActionParsnip|Anthony|: you can add that to your startup, it doesn't need a group16:13
ActionParsnipIboS: did you try blacklisting 8139cp16:13
|Anthony|ActionParsnip, nopasswdlogin is an existing group, i added the xbmc user to the group. The user is able to start xbmc in standalone mode, de not needed16:14
Seasealxz: are they narrated? and English?16:17
ActionParsnip|Anthony|: I thought xbmc added itself to the options at login...16:19
ActionParsnip|Anthony|: so instead of Gnome etc, you can log into the xbmc session etc16:20
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|Anthony|yes, thats correct16:20
=== CrazEd is now known as Guest16556
|Anthony|but the account you use to access the standalone xbmc still has a pw on it16:20
Rodrigohow can i change my theme in ubuntu16:21
ActionParsnip|Anthony|: why not configure autologin in lightdm and have the default user and session set...16:24
thunder1212i need help16:26
ActionParsnipthunder1212: ask away16:27
thunder1212ActionParsnip, hi, i have a huawei ec 306 modem and its not being detected by network manager! i am using ubuntu 11.04 .16:28
ActionParsnipthunder1212: run:  lsusb    you will see an 8 character hex ID. use it to find guides16:29
cable_where can i get help?16:30
cable_need help install java16:30
auronandace!java | cable_16:30
ubottucable_: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.16:30
thunder1212ActionParsnip, plz have a look at these .. http://code.google.com/p/wl500g/source/browse/branches/rt-n/usb_modeswitch/data/usb_modeswitch.d/12d1%3A1505?r=318816:31
thunder1212ActionParsnip, also this guide, http://duopetalflower.blogspot.in/2010/05/configuring-bsnl-evdo-capitel-3g-usb.html16:31
cable_can get that in software center16:31
ldiamondHow do I add stuff on the top panel in Unity? Like CPU Usage graph, CPU scaling applet, etc16:31
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ActionParsnipcable_: check PM16:33
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thunder1212ActionParsnip, from the searched at google, i have found that the modem is not getting detected bcoz of usb modeswtich.. so i tried ubuntu 11.10 also still no help, then i gave fedora a try and after updates it was automatically detected there.. so any way i can get the latest verision of usb-modeswitch and network manager16:34
whitekidneyhow come when you are copying files that the new status window created doesn't show up on the task bar?16:34
ActionParsnipthunder1212: what is the Hex ID of the device?16:35
ActionParsnipldiamond: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc16:36
thunder1212ActionParsnip, ID 12d1:150516:36
ActionParsnipthunder1212: http://www.zyxware.com/articles/2252/setting-up-reliance-netconnect-wireless-broadband-modem-on-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot16:37
ldiamondActionParsnip, Oneric16:37
ActionParsnipthunder1212: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=181458316:37
mikkelbThanks again guys for posting to http://soundcloud.com/groups/open-source-producers - a new music movement in the making!16:37
SubjectOneis there an application, that simulate real transparancy ( so i can see my icons and underlaying apps ? )16:38
bazhangmikkelb, wrong channel16:38
Jordan_USubjectOne: What do you mean by "simulate"? Compiz provides real transparancy.16:41
SeasealI can't find alsa-utils in /etc/init.d, i need to find it, I reinstalled alsa-utils with SPM, still no file there.16:41
PiciSeaseal: SPM?16:43
auronandacesynaptic package manager?16:44
[necr0n]i have alsa-store and alsa-restore scripts in /etc/init.d/. both scripts are part of alsa-utils package16:44
kantlivelongis it possible  to suspend+hibernate like the older tuxonice kernels?16:44
SubjectOnexrand ? or something, dunno the correct name16:47
ubottuivan__: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:48
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coolroothttp://pastebin.com/9kztPF6p <---- what does it means?16:51
SeasealPici, synaptic package manager, yeah.16:51
compdoccoolroot, is that from a clamav scan?16:52
Amal-isaThis Is Spaaaaam!!! Seriously, just click this referral link http://gamekey.4b42.com/?id=113605 Need only 30 clicks. If you are like this games you also can get free keys =)16:52
gvocoolroot: whatever you were running is flagging hidden files as suspicious.16:52
SeasealHow can i reset my alsa and pulseaudio settings to default?16:52
Xtremeguys, which was the command to add user admin group..16:53
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Xtremeu told me last time, but dumb me, i forgot16:53
SeasealI found "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset 0" command but it's from a thread of year 2006.16:54
coolroothow can i change my alt+tab function? like i want to rotate my desktop coz my default here is when i do alt+tab it only shows programs on the applications running on the 1st window i want to access my 2nd window while doing alt+tab how can i do that?16:54
SeasealWhat's the new way of resetting all ALSA and PulseAudio settings to system default?16:55
SeasealI mean everything16:55
gvoXtreme You can use the System/Users and Groups.16:57
ldiamondHow do I add stuff on the top panel in Unity? Like CPU Usage graph, CPU scaling applet, etc... // Oneric\16:58
Xtremenot there16:58
gvoXtreme: what version of Ubuntu?16:58
ActionParsnipcoolroot: look in ccsm16:59
Xtremethere was a coomandline, like user add or something16:59
Xtremeuseradd, username usergroup something16:59
gvoCreates a new group.16:59
csharpXtreme: 'sudo usermod -G admin <username>'17:00
Xtremethanks csharp17:01
ActionParsnipcsharp: you forgot -a17:01
[necr0n]I have a problem with a partition on fake raid. it's on a fake raid. dmraid says status is ok, but one of 3 partitions can't be mounted or checked for errors. Here is some output http://pastebin.com/EU1iYpVF I don't know at all what to do :(17:01
csharpActionParsnip: yes - you're right17:02
csharptoo bad (s)he left :-/17:03
ActionParsnipcsharp: gotta watch that stuff, can cause issues17:03
satyanashIn xen cloud project, adduser and useradd run the same binary..17:06
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fishcookerhwo to kill ubuntu from spesifik  bash17:08
fishcookerwith who17:08
Picifishcooker: Er, can you rephrase the question./17:09
ActionParsnipfishcooker: do you mean kick a specific user off?17:09
fishcooker$ who17:09
fishcookerthere is several user17:10
ActionParsnipfishcooker: and you want to kick one off?17:10
fishcookerhow to kick the spesific one from17:10
fishcookeryip2 actionparsnip17:10
ActionParsnipfishcooker: sudo killall -u nameofuser17:10
mafiaboyi upgraded vlc to 2.01 and now no audio17:10
ActionParsnip!info vlc17:13
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.12-2~oneiric1 (oneiric), package size 1375 kB, installed size 3516 kB17:13
ActionParsnipmafiaboy: I suggest you contact the PPA maintainer17:13
johwirI need a mini-pcie 3g card. Which ones have good support in the current kernel?17:16
Kanerixjohwir: um... to answer that I'd have to go into the kernel configs...17:18
wylde!hardware | johwir17:19
ubottujohwir: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:19
lotuspsychjeadobe flash plugin crashed on lubuntu ocelot, any clue?17:19
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Kanerixlotuspsychje, Something crashed. Do we have anywhere near enough data to determine why?17:21
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fishcookeractually im on it too17:21
fishcookerpts/0.. pts/1.. pts/217:22
fishcookerim on pts/217:22
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* Mourad` I want Root free valid 100% give me prve plsssssssssssss /msg Mourad`17:22
johwirwylde: That page (and its links) do not tell me if any specific 3g-cards are supported or not.17:23
DrManhattanI am using ubuntu 12.04, I was wondering if it is possible to get a v4l interface to my dvb card?17:24
johwirSo do any of you guys have a mini-pcie 3g card running that works flawlessly? In that case give me the lspci info..17:24
DrManhattanI just want to use the svideo input on it anyhow17:24
PiciDrManhattan : Precise/12.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.17:24
DrManhattanok , then on 11.1017:25
DrManhattanit's more of an ubuntu-whatever is working or not question anyhow17:25
xskydevilxHi there! I'm having problems with opening Minecraft in Ubuntu. I installed both the Sun JRE, and Open JDK (JRE) but they both simply don't open the minecraft.jar.17:25
baderhello to all17:26
wadHow do I launch a new instance of the terminal program, from the command-line?17:26
i7cwad: what terminal are you using?17:26
johwirwad: x-terminal-emulator17:27
CoJaBoAny idea what this means? :  => /dev is using 100.0% of 1008MB17:27
wadGNOME TErminal 3.0.117:27
i7cok, solved ^^17:27
koshyxskydevilx, did you try running it in consolde mode ? like "java -jar minecraft.jar" ?17:27
i7cwad: so you can either do what johwir said, or type gnome-terminal17:27
beandogwad: look at running screen or tmux or byobu, might make life easier17:27
wadi7c, ah, okay.17:27
xskydevilxkoshy, It said "Invalid or corrupt jarfile minecraft.jar".17:27
beandogwad: nohup gnome-terminal &17:27
wadbeandog, I'm a bug screen fan.17:27
beandogwad: or ctl shift alt t17:27
xskydevilxBut it works fine on Windows.17:27
koshyxskydevilx, then I believe the error message is self explanatory ;)17:28
beandogor is it ctl shift t17:28
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out and !UbuntuTV17:28
beandogyah, 2nd one.17:28
wyldejohwir: anything on this page useful to you? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/Hardware/3G17:28
xskydevilxkoshy, It works fine in Windows.17:28
wadI've always got multiple tabs of my terminal open, but sometimes I want a new one. :)17:28
koshyxskydevilx, make sure that the JRE you're running is the Sun/Oracle JRE17:28
i7cwad: i bound a shortcut to my terminal. i press super-t and i can make 200 windows per second :)17:28
xskydevilxkoshy, How do I check, again?17:29
ActionParsnipwad: tried guake?17:29
wadi7c, I do one better than that: I have mine set up to launch whenever I log in. :)17:29
koshyxskydevilx, I'd say "which java", then "ls -l <the file name it tells you>"17:29
wadkoshy: ls -l `which java`17:29
uttrokadgood evening. i have a bit of a noob question. I need to reset a users locale on a headless system. can some one point me to a resource which explains how to do this from the command line?17:29
koshywad: totally17:29
xskydevilxkoshy, Seems to be fine.17:31
baderbof0im bader form kuwait17:31
baderbof0about u17:31
koshyxskydevilx, try checking the version and compare to the version of the JRE you have in windows, just to be sure it's not old or something17:31
bazhang!ot | baderbof017:31
ubottubaderbof0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:31
xskydevilxkoshy, yep, both running ver 6. I hate when something like this happens.17:32
CoJaBo..its possible to write files into /dev? o_O17:32
koshyxskydevilx, so do I :/ Are you sure the file didn't get corrupted when you transfered it to linux, or something like that ?17:32
koshyxskydevilx, I used to run minecraft on linux, I think they provide a shell script or something, I can check if you want17:33
xskydevilxkoshy, if you have free time, please.17:33
koshyxskydevilx, sure, hold a second17:33
ActionParsnipCoJaBo: you can but it's tempfs afaik17:35
milen8204Hello all, I am trying to burn one CD whit Brasero more then hour :) is it normal ? I am using Brasero for the first time.17:35
ActionParsnipmilen8204: Could try xfburn :)17:36
koshyxskydevilx, nothing fancy; for the server I just use /usr/javajdk/bin/java -Xmx1288M -Xms512M -jar minecraft_server.jar where the -Xm? just allocate some memory17:36
CoJaBoActionParsnip: Yeh, I found a 1GB /def/sdf file. No clue how it got there, the login screen was complaining about /dev being full17:36
koshyxskydevilx, /usr/javajdk is a local path, not a standard ubuntu path17:36
auronandacemilen8204: how big is the iso? is it a dvd? how slow are you burning?17:36
xskydevilxkoshy, I guess I can try running it like that.17:37
koshyxskydevilx, yea but make sure to change the /usr/javajdk to match your Sun JDK ou JRE installation path17:37
milen8204auronandace, I am trying to burn Lubuntu.iso on CD 700 MB, on 10x speed17:38
auronandacemilen8204: that shouldn't take an hour17:38
xskydevilxkoshy, Actually, you know what I did? I downloaded an old minecraft.jar file and forced the update and it ran it then. Yeah, it's a weird way to do it but it works.17:39
milen8204auronandace, I thing so but I am on creating a sum17:39
xskydevilxkoshy, Though one thing to note, I think I could set like how much memory java could use in Windows using some parameters. Have you ever done that?17:41
koshyxskydevilx, this is precisely what the -Xmx (max memory) and -Xms (minimum memory I believe) do17:41
koshyxskydevilx, the examples I gave are good for my particular world and server, you mileage may vary; if you have lots of ram you can increase them a bit, I remember I was a bit short17:42
xskydevilxkoshy, I've got 3 gigs. How much do you think I should give it?17:42
thunder1212ActionParsnip, nothing worked...17:43
koshyxskydevilx, I'd say (pure "magic ball"-type guess) Xms1024M and Xmx2048M assuming your computer doesn't have to do much in parallel17:44
thunder1212ActionParsnip, isn't there some unique method to configure modems ..17:44
koshyxskydevilx, the best is to try17:44
xskydevilxkoshy, will do.17:44
thunder1212ActionParsnip, let the method be a complex one but it should work!!17:45
PatrickChow would I go about installing 11.10 on an external HDD?17:45
thunder1212ActionParsnip, nothing worked...?17:47
xtgyalhi "flashplugin-installer" seems to have done an automated update and now it won't work in Chromium or Firefox, I'm on Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot17:49
xtgyalI tried uninstalling and reinstalling it but still doesn't work17:49
thunder1212xtgyal, go to adobe website and download from there17:49
xtgyalit wants me to download a tar.gz where do I unpack it?17:50
thunder1212i need help17:50
xskydevilxkoshy, Works like a charm! Only if the FPS is better. How much are you getting?17:50
xtgyalI can select between YUM for Linux, tar.gz, or .rpm17:51
koshyxskydevilx, I honestly don't remember, I wasn't playing at all :) I only set the server up for a few friends, but I never really played; I remember minecraft is a resource hog17:51
thunder1212xtgyal, anywhere u feel like.. then copy the libflashlyer.so17:51
xtgyal.tar.gz is the best of the three?17:51
xskydevilxI'm getting around 30-45fps, koshy.17:52
koshyxskydevilx, this looks okay, isn't it ?17:52
xskydevilxkoshy, I was hoping to get 70 but I guess that's just dreaming on Linux.17:52
thunder1212xtgyal, copy the libflashplayer.so file to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins17:52
xtgyalhold on a minute17:52
koshyxskydevilx, I don't see why linux would be slower than windows17:52
thunder1212xtgyal, this is to be done considering you have removed the previous installs17:53
xskydevilxkoshy, yeah, I'm just messing around. I'm getting 55-60 whereas on Windows I'd get 30 fps :)17:53
thunder1212i have some problem and i need help17:54
koshythunder1212, go ahead and explain17:54
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thunder1212koshy,  hi, i have a huawei ec 306 modem and its not being detected by network manager! i am using ubuntu 11.04 .17:55
RoastedAnybody ever customize Apache's directory listing before? Trying to get a grasp on how to do it, what files to edit, etc...17:55
antajeethi i was a big fan of linux back in 2006-7 i left it because of driver support for my devices. Has the situation changed can u use windows drivers for printers graphics card basically use windows drivers in linux?17:55
Roastedantajeet, there's very little need to these days.17:56
xtgyalit won't let me paste, think its a permissions issue17:56
koshythunder1212, please enter "lsusb" in a terminal and copy/paste the line about the huawei modem so that I can investigate17:56
Roastedantajeet, I haven't ever had the desire to use a windows driver in linux and I've used it since 2006.17:56
thunder1212xtgyal, yes you open a terminal and do sudo nautilus17:56
Roastedantajeet, that said, my scanner doesn't work in linux, but my scanner is also a lexmark that is worthy of nothing less than a garbage can.17:56
gvoantajeet: there are linux drivers for most devices today.17:56
xtgyalok gimme a min17:56
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Pici!gksudo | thunder1212 xtgyal17:57
ubottuthunder1212 xtgyal: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:57
thunder1212koshy, the id is 12d1:150517:57
koshythunder1212, I found this http://yuriytkach.blogspot.fr/2011/11/cdma-huawei-ubuntu-linux.html17:57
auronandaceantajeet: any brands you are thinking of in particular?17:57
gvoantajeet: grab a recent live cd/dvd and see if it finds your devices.17:57
koshythunder1212, I don't read russian but I think you can try what it seems to say17:57
koshythunder1212, do you want me to explain the steps ?17:57
thunder1212xtgyal, follow as it says17:57
nitroX_xtgyal: try this, download .tar.gz file and run: sudo /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/install_plugin adobe-flashplugin.tar.gz17:57
xtgyalyes just a sec17:57
antajeetso u can't use win drivers in linux it hasn't changed yet17:57
antajeetwell thx guys for the help17:58
gvoantajeet: Some wireless drivers with ndiswrapper.17:58
auronandaceantajeet: maybe you don't understand the differences17:58
koshythunder1212, I'm pretty sure it's a udev rule problem, also make sure you have the "option" kernel module installed17:58
onoez_omgi have a problem with dsniff package and compilation from stable or latest sources under my ubuntu, any help appreciated17:58
gvoantajeet: You don't need to run windows drivers.17:58
thunder1212koshy, yes pl explain the steps..17:58
xtgyalusr/lib/mozilla/plugins yes?17:58
xtgyalthe .so file?17:58
antajeetwhat u mean?17:59
thunder1212koshy, whats option kernel modules17:59
gvoantajeet: there are native linux drivers for many if not most of the devices, printers, scanners, crts, etc.17:59
auronandaceantajeet: windows is a completely different ecosystem compared to unix-like operating systems17:59
xtgyalok I pasted the libflashplayer.so file17:59
xtgyalanything else?17:59
thunder1212xtgyal, yes17:59
koshythunder1212, does your modem appears as a CD drive ?18:00
antajeetok thx for the help18:00
thunder1212koshy, no18:00
Robson92hi everyone, could somebody help me with networking in ubuntu server? it suddenly stopped working and I have no idea what to do :/18:00
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thunder1212xtgyal, now check whether its working..18:00
gvoauronandace: I don't think (s)he understood. or cared.18:00
xtgyalI am, just a min18:00
koshythunder1212, please run (as root) the command on the website, starting with "echo" and ending with huawei1550.rules (everything on the same line, it's split in 3 lines on the website)18:01
gvoRobson92: Do you have console access?18:01
auronandacegvo: they say ignorance is bliss :)18:01
gvoauronandace: Yep18:01
xtgyalwhoohoo!  I can watch /South Park/ again :-D18:01
Robson92gvo: yup18:01
xtgyallol http://www.southparkstudios.com/full-episodes/s02e02-cartmans-mom-is-still-a-dirty-slut18:01
gvoIs the ethernet device presente Robson9218:01
xtgyalworks great, while I'm here, you know how to get PDF files to display within the browser?18:02
Robson92yup it is, I think so, ifconfig shows eth0 with proper mac18:02
gvoRobson92: OK good.  No IP adress?  R u using dhcp?18:02
Robson92but somehow it can't get configuration from dhcp18:02
Robson92and yes, i've tried static too18:03
gvoAnd no joy with static?18:03
gvoDo you have lights?18:03
Robson92no :( another computer works fine (under windows)18:03
Xtremeguys, to run a software under another user is sudo -u <username> <application> right?18:03
thunder1212koshy, the out put ::  http://pastebin.com/MnbTGNuJ18:04
mefistosohey is there a way to stop ubuntu from locking the screen after some idle time? I need a command line solution since I want to do this for many users at the same time. Thanks.18:04
gvoRobson92: what do you mean by the "another computer works fine (under windows)"?18:04
vigneshhai !!!18:04
Nine_9Hey.. anyone tried the Digital PErsona SDK for Linux?18:05
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milen8204ActionParsnip, xfburn works well :Д18:05
Robson92gvo: I mean that my router is fine, because another machine is connected to it18:05
gvoSwap cables18:05
AreckxI am trying to enable Japanese input on my 10.04.4 machine :: hold on, let me check for updates18:06
ActionParsnipmilen8204: i've never had a success with brasero. To me xfburn rocks hard :)18:06
koshythunder1212, the idea is to create a file named /etc/udev/rules.d/45-huawei1550.rules that contains SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idProduct}=="1505", SYSFS{idVendor}=="12d1", RUN+="/lib/udev/modem-modeswitch --vendor 0x12d1 --product 0x1505 --type option-zerocd"18:06
thunder1212koshy, there is no output..18:06
thunder1212koshy, ok..18:07
milen8204ActionParsnip, I thought that my DVD is broken :Д18:07
thunder1212koshy, should i create  the file there and the lines18:08
XtremeActionParsnip: am i right bro/18:08
thunder1212koshy, all in one line18:08
Robson92gvo: still not working, should I try once again using static ?18:08
thunder1212Xtreme, ActionParsnip is not here..18:08
gvoDid you swap cables? Robson9218:08
Xtremehmm, thunder1212 can u look at my question then?18:09
Robson92gvo: yes I did18:09
koshythunder1212, yes, all in one line in the file18:09
gvoRobson Did you restart networking?18:09
thunder1212Xtreme, http://www.gidforums.com/t-740.html18:10
Robson92gvo: you mean service or router18:10
Areckxok no new updates18:10
Robson92gvo: I restarted whole system18:10
gvoRobson92: And the windows box is still working I assume.18:11
RoastedAnybody ever customize Apache's directory listing before? Trying to get a grasp on how to do it, what files to edit, etc...18:11
ActionParsnipXtreme: not sure, man su    will show18:11
thunder1212koshy, the file is already there, may be got created when i entered the command..18:11
gvoRobson92: anything funny in dmesg?  I'm thinking you're ethernet port might be toast.18:11
Xtremethanks guys got the ans18:12
thunder1212koshy, what next..18:12
ActionParsnipRoasted: could ask in #httpd or #apache   whichever it is18:12
gvoRobson92: And you can try static agin too.18:12
Robson92gvo: I'm new in ubuntu server, checking dmesg now18:13
gvoRobson92:  Do you see any lights on the port?18:13
thunder1212ActionParsnip, hi18:13
marqueI've recently upgraded from 10.10 to 11.10 and am having problems with phpmyadmin.  Can anyone here help me with that?18:13
Robson92gvo: yup, on router and on mobo integrated card too18:14
Tigerboyanyone know of a good Ipad program-- that will allow one to place books etc on the ipad18:14
koshythunder1212, ok, try removing and reinserting your usb key18:14
celthundermarque: whats the problem18:14
jribTigerboy: this is #ubuntu...18:14
celthunderTigerboy: ftp apache ssh dropbox18:15
gvoRobson92: what IP address are you using?  Do you set broacast and netmask?  Are you setting the ip  via the ifconfig command?18:15
marqueEverything seemed to install fine when I installed the LAMP and then phpmyadmin, the phpmyadmin GUI looks normal but will not create a new database, its as if the php file is missing18:16
Robson92gvo: IP address is reserved for the MAC; I do; nope - via /etc/network/interfaces18:16
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gvoRobson92: You might want to do it manually via ifconfig just for testing.18:17
Robson92gvo: I'll try run another linux on this machine to check if hardware is fine18:17
gvoOK boot a live cd if you can.18:17
AreckxI am trying to enable Japanese input on my 10.04.4 machine :: hold on, let me check for updates18:17
gvoSince it's a server, I assume it's not a laptop.18:18
rebewhat "sticky edges" in displays do ?18:18
celthunderrebe: the edge of nearby windows lock together probably...though that would be a tiling wm...18:18
Robson92gvo: it's a standard desktop machine but running ubuntu server (not laptop)18:18
gvoRobson92: Just checking...18:19
gvoRobson92: Stranger things have happened. ;)18:19
georgelappieshi all, hope everyone is well. Is there a way to reinstall system packages and tell them to replace any current config files with the defaults ?18:19
Robson92gvo: sure :D18:19
thunder1212koshy, i even restarted the system.. nothing workd18:20
Areckxgeorgelappies::  I am also interested about apt-get update18:20
AreckxDoes apt-get update followed by apt-get upgrade even download any new packages?18:21
supernovai need some help if someone can help me out18:21
AreckxI can see download %18:21
Areckxduring update18:21
thunder1212supernova, ask..18:21
AreckxI read the ubuntu doc but it didn't explain the concept to me18:21
georgelappiesAreckx: AFAIK it does download and install...18:21
Areckxgeorgelappies::  so it updates my adobe?18:22
gvoAreckx: If there's anything to upgrade to.18:22
thunder1212supernova, what happened..18:23
auronandace!info flashplugin-installer | Areckx18:23
ubottuAreckx: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 9 kB, installed size 160 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)18:23
deb0Why is it so important to require authencitation for a normal desktop when installing software. Removing I undertand.18:23
auronandaceAreckx: that is the latest flash in the repos18:24
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gvodeb0: to avoid some malicious user from installing something nasty18:25
celthunderdeb0: well do you want some idiot installing a rootkit to your system?18:25
Debro`how to find command for chromium browser..?18:25
deb0gvo: but the repos should offer some protection. Maybe it's hard to sperate that.18:25
celthunderDebro: what? should just be chromium....18:26
auronandaceDebro: it should be: chromium-browser18:26
=== Goku is now known as Vegeta
auronandace!tab | Debro18:26
ubottuDebro: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:26
howsoI really need some advice on my rapidly filling partition, how and what to clean up in synaptic ...18:26
auronandacecelthunder: chromium is the command for the game18:26
gvodeb0: OK but what if you don't want someone to put a program on your system?18:27
supernovaRuby installation problem18:27
deb0gvo: then enable password, but I believe for many desktop users this not an issue.18:27
thunder1212supernova, elaborate the problem18:27
gvodeb0 but Linux is not only used on desktops.18:28
deb0ubuntu is, isn't it?18:28
celthunderdeb0: no18:28
AreckxI want to do everything in terminal ideally18:28
auronandacehowso: usually a good place to start is removing older kernels18:28
Areckxit has the fewest errors if done correctly18:28
gvodeb0 the good thing about Linux is that if you don't like the way it works you have the source so you can change it.18:28
supernovathanks thunder1212  for hearing me out18:29
celthunderAreckx: good where else would you want to do stuff?18:29
deb0gvo: OK18:29
supernovai will be just back in 5 minutes18:29
Areckxgvo::  I:ve always thought that was a cool feature. I want to learn more about it.18:29
sniperwolvI was told to come here I am a noob so feel free to bash away but my windows raid 0 setup some how got fucked and I was told to get an ubuntu live cd and come here for help18:29
celthunderdeb0: you can allow anyone and everyone to install sw on your machine no questions asked if you want...18:29
gvoAreckx: Modifying Linux?18:29
Areckxwell there are applications that are streamlined for GUI interface.18:29
deb0celthunder: OK, didn't know that.18:29
fagjuhey hou, does anybody know if it's possible to use internal and external speakers in a laptop?18:29
celthundersniperwolv: whats fucked about it sw raid or hardware....18:29
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:30
celthunderfagju: depends on the laptop18:30
sniperwolvsw the P55LE Intel18:30
gvofagju: All mine cut the interal out when I plug in an external speaker.18:30
AreckxSo while it would be ideal to configure the program in terminal, the program runs most comfortably in GUI interface18:30
sniperwolvand all of a sudden last night I got a bsod and the error was ntfs.sys and know it says my raid failed18:30
Areckxgvo::  yeah, I would like to create custom applications.18:30
fagjucelthunder: so, you think I would need to make a hardware hack?18:30
celthunderfagju: gvo you can force it to play out both on most if you want...default is cut one out though18:30
Areckxgvo::  For example...18:31
gvoAreckx: That's a big field.18:31
celthunderfagju: probably not what have you tried so far18:31
fagjucelthunder: is there a software setting/config I could try=?18:31
Areckxgvo::  I would like to be able to run a program natively under ubuntu 10.04 that was only designed for windows xp18:31
fagjucelthunder: haven't tried anything so far, wouldn't know where to start :D18:32
gvoAreckx do you have the source for it?18:32
celthunderfagju: what are you using to play audio and what back end18:32
Areckxgvo::  that is, only if there is no equal or greater alternative already compiled for linux18:32
auronandace!appdb | Areckx18:32
ubottuAreckx: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:32
fagjucelthunder: i use VLC and backend would probably be pulseaudio18:32
Areckxgvo::  the source is the .bin or the converted .exe?18:32
celthunderauronandace: he said natively18:32
gvoAreckx: Neither.18:32
_Marcuscelthunder: He would have to create the application again18:32
akemAreckx, waist of time if it was really only designed for Win32, use Wine or VirtualBox18:32
Areckxauronandace::  I was reffering to running it as if it were compiled for linux, not under a virtual environment. I have had many proiblems with WINE in the past.18:33
celthunder_Marcus: i know im loling at him privately18:33
gvoAreckx: the original program source would be required.18:33
deb0Areckx: virtualbox is really nice too18:33
auronandaceAreckx: wine isn't a virtual environment, its a compatibility layer18:33
akemeven with the source, good luck porting Win32 API stuff.18:33
akemWine FTW.18:33
gvoAreckx: like C or C++ or VB or FORTRAN or ???18:33
Areckxakem::  why is it a waste of time exactly?18:34
fagjucelthunder: would I need to change something in pulseaudio?18:34
celthunderfagju: try opening vlc setting an output then setting another output in another program (aka speakers for one heaphones another)18:34
Areckxakem::  I  may have to answer this is in essay form.18:34
fagjucelthunder: how can I set an output'?18:34
gvoAreckx 'cause you might have to rewrite it from scratch and if it's something like MS Office it'll take you many years.18:34
sniperwolvso what do I need to do?18:34
celthunderfagju: btw i would use mplayer...vlc is known to take over your audio18:34
Areckxdeb0 what are the major compare/contrast points between WINE and VirtualBox?18:35
celthunderfagju: pavucontrol is what i use18:35
akemAreckx, Windows programs are usually using non portable code/API calls.18:35
fagjucelthunder: ok cool, thx18:35
Areckxgvo::  I was reffering to a more open source or less-encrypted application.18:35
celthunderAreckx: deb0 wine and virtualbox are not competitors they do 2 very different things18:35
Robson92gvo: interesting... under livecd network still doesn't work... any other idea except dead network card / something wrong with router ?18:35
akemi wouldn't waist time trying to modify/build for n*x.18:35
Areckxcelthunder::  that:s why I was asking. I don:t know the concept as of yet.18:36
auronandaceAreckx: virtualbox emulates hardware, wine provide a compatibility layer for windows api, 2 entirely different approaches18:36
Areckxand why is my keyboard not typing the apostrophe?18:36
Nach0zpush the button HARDER18:36
Nach0zgroundpound that sucker18:36
AreckxNach0z::  lmao18:36
akemif Wine doesn't work for you then a VM will do it.18:36
AreckxNach0z::  like Banjoe-Kazooie18:36
gvoRobson92: Hm don't have a clue unless there's a firmware switch that got off somehow.  Look at your bios settings.18:36
celthunderRobson92: theres a lot of things that could be wrong18:36
akemthen you win, save time and energy.18:36
celthunderakem: thats not always true vms cant do everything...18:37
Areckxauronandace::  ok I think I see, but what is a compatibility layer exactly?18:37
Areckxand where can I find additional documentation?18:37
celthunderAreckx: google?18:37
akemcelthunder, maybe not advanced hardware emulation 3D etc...but almost everything?18:37
auronandaceAreckx: perhaps ask in #winehq18:37
Areckxcelthunder::  I mean a single document I can read for exactly 4 hours18:37
auronandaceAreckx: we won't write an essay for you18:38
Areckxauronandace::  the reason I am not considering using wine or any kind of virtual environment is because of errors18:38
Areckxauronandace::  I:m saying something that you know of or a friend knows of that they have read in the past18:38
celthunderAreckx: you could spend 4 hours reading and rereading how to ask a question the smart way.  may get you better answers18:38
Areckxauronandace::  such as a book or article that really helped18:39
Areckxcelthunder::  I:m interested in reading that18:39
auronandaceAreckx: to learn about wine perhaps you could read the wine documentation...18:39
Areckxcelthunder::  I want to achieve proficiency with linux so I can work effectively in an office18:39
Areckxauronandace::  I don:t want to use wine18:40
auronandaceAreckx: funnily enough the wine documentation could be found at their winehq website18:40
Areckxauronandace::  I would like to be able to run a winxp application as if it were native to linux18:40
celthunderakem: 3d usb is almost always laggy/slower to register, more advanced processor functions are not always available...depends on the type of vm.18:40
auronandaceAreckx: wine is about as native as you can get18:40
celthunderauronandace: that would have required googling and reading for about 3 seconds to realise that.18:41
Areckxauronandace::  I have had many problems with it in the past18:41
auronandaceAreckx: unless the application was designed as cross platform18:41
celthundersniperwolv: whats wrong with it18:41
akemcelthunder, also depends of the actual machine you run the VM on, and OS i guess.18:41
Areckxcelthunder::  I have done the googling thing many years18:41
wyldethis discussion is getting way !ot, maybe move it to #ubuntu-offtopic? ...just sayin'18:41
Areckxcelthunder::  have you ever spent three days without an answer?18:41
auronandaceAreckx: i don't think you are listening to our answers18:42
akemi remember USB wireless on VM without issue.18:42
gvolol I've spend a lifetime without an answer.18:42
Areckxwylde::  I really am just chatting, is that the place to idle chat?18:42
macHi, could anyone explain what this command is doing? It's for a git/gitolite setup, but I'm not sure of what it's exactly doing, would just like to get an basic understanding of it :)18:42
macsudo -u git -H sh -c "PATH=/home/git/bin:$PATH; gl-setup -q /home/git/gitlab.pub"18:42
wyldeAreckx: yes18:42
auronandaceAreckx: do you understand the difference between windows and unix-like system architecture?18:42
celthunderAreckx: yes, at which point i ask and when i get a suggestion i research it for another 3 days before asking 20 more idiotic questions18:42
Areckxauronandace::  I am, I would just like to know why I should use WINE18:42
wylde!ot | Areckx18:43
ubottuAreckx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:43
gvomac are you sure?18:43
auronandaceAreckx: because wine is designed to be used for exactly what you are asking for: running windows apps natively on linux18:43
celthunderAreckx: what does this program you are looking at installing do18:43
macsure about what?18:43
gvoThat command line mac18:43
supernovasome one help me with ruby installation18:44
supernovaplease please18:44
wylde!details | supernova18:44
ubottusupernova: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:44
supernovai have been trying one thing from yesterday18:44
gvomac that's not going to work.  sudo -u <username> <command> is the format.  You're either missing the command or the user name.18:44
supernovai m running ubuntu 11.1018:44
supernovai installed ruby following all the details which i was suppose to do18:45
celthundergvo: mac i think you need git twice there judging from the home dir18:45
supernovaand after completing it worked also18:45
supernovaand after i logged out and logged in again18:45
supernovait says  The program 'ruby' can be found in the following packages:18:45
celthundergvo: mac  besides that wont work anyway...you have 2 commands...sudo will only run the first..18:45
supernovathis is the problem i am facing18:46
gvocelthunder: I think you're right.18:46
mac<gvo> <celthunder> What it's doing, specifcially, at the end, after its run gl-setup18:46
Robson92gvo: ok, it seems that router causes problems18:46
Daulitywhat could be the blame for this? Autostarting VPN 'server'18:46
gvoRobson92: That's a start.18:46
sniperwolvwhat can I do to recover files from my hdd? what live  version is recommended18:46
celthunderDaulity: your vpn program18:46
wyldesupernova: what method did you use to install ruby? Was it from the repos? Or did you use a ppa or compile from source?18:47
celthundersniperwolv: dd?18:47
Robson92gvo: that's almost solution :)18:47
Daulitybut how do i find out what could be the blame within the program/any files?18:47
gvomac it probably won't run the second command correctly.18:47
sniperwolvI need to do that18:47
celthundergvo: mac or the first18:47
sniperwolvhow do I get to DD or use DD18:47
gvoRobson92: Do you have  another router?18:47
celthundersniperwolv: open a terminal..18:48
supernovasudo apt get ruby 1.9.218:48
macbut if I was to just run the last, on its own what would it do? I'm not sure of the last part :/18:48
mirbotmy mouse is out of control18:48
Blah1hey all.  any preseed experts?18:48
Areckxauronandace::  Oh okay, thank you18:48
sniperwolvlol I have never used linux in my life thats why im here to get help18:48
gvosniperwolv: dd can be dangerous.18:48
mirbotwhy is it moving on its own18:48
Areckxauronandace::  that was exactly the answer to my question, thank you.18:48
Robson92gvo: no but I'll try restarting dhcp on it and if it won't work i'll reboot router18:48
auronandaceAreckx: what are you trying to run anyway?18:48
sniperwolvwell my raid is already ruined so I might as well try and recover if I can18:48
Areckxauronandace::  for specifics, I will read the documentation, of course18:48
wylde!tab | supernova18:48
ubottusupernova: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:48
celthundergvo: it should let him recover files...or at least get the data of them :)18:48
Areckxauronandace::  Nothing in particular, just want to know the concept18:49
gvosniperwolv: Take a look at http://www.gnu.org/software/ddrescue/ddrescue.html18:49
Areckxauronandace::  I was actually thinking maybe Final Fantasy XI18:49
celthunderRobson92: have you tried ifconfig instead of using dhcp18:49
supernovaubottu:- so what i am supposed to do18:49
auronandaceAreckx: i think that is platinum in the appdb18:49
ubottusupernova: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:49
sniperwolvI downloaded the ubuntu 11.10 desktop live cd can I use that to get to this DD?18:49
Areckxauronandace::  Fighterx 75smn 75blm 70pld 71rdm 70drg etc etc18:49
gvoRobson92: What brought you to the idea the router is the problem?18:49
Robson92celthunder: linux is not a problem18:50
supernovawylde:- is there a way to fix this18:50
celthunderRobson92: whats wrong with the router then? and what kind of router is it18:50
gvosniperwolv: dd yes, I don't know if ddrescue is on there.18:50
Robson92gvo: because laptop (windows) can't get ip via dhcp too (only wireless works)18:50
supernovasudo apt-get install build-essential git-core curl libmysqlclient16-dev nodejs18:50
supernovai used this command18:50
gvoRobson92: Good point.  Power cycle the beast.18:50
supernovathen used a command to install curl18:50
sniperwolvyeah my brother told me to use a live cd to see if I can see/acess the files first then move on to DD18:51
rymate1234Simple question18:51
rymate1234I have a ubuntu server18:51
celthunderrymate1234: simple answer yellow18:51
rymate1234how to change the timezone via bash?18:51
Robson92celthunder: I'm checking that now. Standard for home users, not some kind of high-class stuff ;)18:51
celthunderrymate1234: date18:52
wyldesupernova: the first command you said you used would have installed curl....18:52
rymate1234celthunder: thx18:52
supernovayes after that i installed RVM using curl18:52
gvorymate1234: tzconfig maybe18:52
supernovasudo bash -s stable < <(curl -s https://raw.github.com/wayneeseguin/rvm/master/binscripts/rvm-installer)18:52
bodhi_zazenrymate1234: sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata18:52
gr33n7007hrymate1234, tzselect18:53
wyldesupernova: this page may be of interest. http://johan.driessen.se/posts/Getting-Ruby-on-Rails-1.9.3-to-work-on-Ubuntu-11.1018:53
supernovathen apt-get install ruby-rvm18:53
gvorymate1234: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/dapper/man8/tzconfig.8.html18:53
celthunderrymate1234: bazhang hmm man date showed date -s :/ hmm *updates self*18:53
supernovawill check that out try and come back here again18:54
celthunderRobson92: awe :( try to get ddwrt or something on it...easier to work with18:54
LukeNukem_isn't there a netbook edition?18:54
LukeNukem_can someone give me the link, i cant find it on the website18:54
RoastedQuestion - does anybody know what protocol I am to use if I use No-IP with ddclient on Ubuntu? It gives me several options, but researching the topic has come up with NoIP simply saying "we use an open protocol" but they never reference the name.18:54
gvoLukeNukem_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR18:55
rymate1234says I don't have permissions18:55
rymate1234which is odd18:55
wyldesupernova: alrighty, I probably won't be here, but in future support requests, try to be very clear what the problem is, what steps you took, and any errors you encountered. Try to keep it all on one line, if it's more than 3 lines, then break it up into multiple posts.18:55
rymate1234I run as root user18:55
gvorymate1234: sudo18:55
rymate1234I run as root user18:55
wylde!enter | rymate123418:55
ubotturymate1234: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:55
Robson92celthunder: I have openwrt18:55
Blah1Roasted, i assume ddclient is just using dns protocol18:55
celthunderRobson92: hmm...then its not likely the router firmware thats bad at least18:56
RoastedBlah1, I wasn't sure what to answer with when I saw it. :(18:56
gvorymate1234: what command is telling you that you don't have permission18:56
Blah1Roasted, you can always do a tcpdump to sniff and see which protocol18:56
mbeierlIs UNR still maintained?  I thought Unity was seeking to be the new replacement...18:56
Blah1i'm pretty sure dns just uses udp18:56
celthunderrymate1234: if you are root then you shoul really never get a permission error you cant override18:57
sniperwolvwhen I load this live cd what do I type in its all command promot18:57
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:57
RoastedBlah1, udp? No... not that kind of protocol - http://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/h/www.liberiangeek.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Enable-Pa.10-Oneiric-Ocelot-with-OpenDNS_86EA/504x264xopendns_oneiric_7_thumb.png.pagespeed.ic.28mK7-Fini.jpg18:57
sniperwolvand then what18:57
celthundersniperwolv: mdam could probably help you with your raid18:57
Robson92celthunder: well... before changing to openwrt my tp-link had been crashing 5-10 times a day, now it has been running without reboot for almost 2 months18:57
auronandacembeierl: unity replaced the netbook edition18:58
celthunderRobson92: yep :) sounds about right..18:58
mac_ok this is crazy, how do I reply back to someone specifically in a chat? Can't find a basic IRC guide with that info anywhere? :/18:58
Blah1Roasted, ah, i get what you're saying.  it's an app level 'protocol'18:58
sniperwolvwhats mdam18:58
auronandace!tab | mac_18:58
wylde!tab | mac_18:58
sniperwolvgoogled it18:58
ubottumac_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:58
RoastedBlah1, is that to say they'll all work and I have my own choice?18:58
RoastedBlah1, I took it as, I NEED to pick the proper one...18:58
jhaddadhow do i figure out if a mounted drive is a sw raid?18:58
Blah1ya it's proprietary so i think u have to pick the right one to use w/ your ddns provider18:59
gvomac_: Start the line with the nick.18:59
celthundermac_: type the nick or /query or privmsg or msg if in telnet or raw its privmsg NICK message18:59
jhaddadsomeone set up a server on AWS and I don't know if they raided EBS18:59
mbeierlLukeNukem_, so the UNR link you were given is for the older versions.  The newer (11.10 onward) versions use unity which is already a netbook-friendly interface18:59
marcosa+i marcos18:59
mac_gvo Thanks18:59
mac_gvo: Thanks!18:59
celthundermbeierl: you can use whatever ui you want in any version18:59
gvoLukeNukem_: You'll probably hate yourself if you install Unity.19:00
zykotick9jhaddad: if you type "mount" what are the devices associated with the filesystem in question?  sdX or somthing else?19:00
=== nitroX_ is now known as nitroNix
gvomac_: Both work.19:00
jhaddad19:00:44@SHARD3BILL1B-BILL1_LEGACY# mount19:00
jhaddad/dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw)19:00
jhaddadnone on /proc type proc (rw)19:00
jhaddadnone on /sys type sysfs (rw)19:00
jhaddadnone on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)19:00
FloodBot1jhaddad: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:00
jhaddadnone on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)19:00
jhaddadnone on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw)19:00
celthunderjhaddad: pastebin19:01
jhaddadmy bad.19:01
mbeierlcelthunder, sure you can.  However, the UNR is not maintained for newer versions.  That's the point I was making.19:01
jhaddadi'm guessing /dev/mapper/vg--ebs--rightscale-lvol0 on /ebs type xfs (rw,noatime) is what i'd want to look at - would it mention a raid here?19:02
casualxin which file is the default gatway adress saved?/etc/hosts?19:02
lostogrecasualx, /etc/network/interfaces19:02
mbeierlcelthunder, :(19:03
celthunderjhaddad: looks like lvg....19:03
celthundermbeierl: what?19:03
Xtremeguys, i need to isntall windows 7 for my sister.. but i dont want to loose ubuntu, and when i  will install windows 7, i wont be able to boot to ubuntu, so what i can do to recover the boot(grub)?19:03
jrib!grub | Xtreme19:03
ubottuXtreme: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:03
Andre_HAm i right here to ask a question regarding 'Ubuntu/Linaro 4.5.2-8ubuntu4' ? It's about crti.o which is meanwhile in thumb mode, but used to be arm mode. How can i detect which  one i use from source level?19:03
celthunderXtreme: you can readd the bootloader after you install windows ....19:04
gvoXtreme: Be sure to not clobber the Linux partitions.19:04
moto1anyone know why virt-install from the archive.ubuntu.com servers stopped working for ubuntu 11.10? the exact command that worked for me 2-3 months ago now fails with a "ERROR    Error validating install location: Invalid install location: Opening URL http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/installer-amd64/current/images/. failed."19:04
lostogrein precise, ubuntu-notifier-common stalls when trying to download adobe-flashplugin. What is the fixed?19:04
celthunderAndre_H: someone hasnt updated in a while lol19:04
kitxaHi, I have 2 ubuntu computers and a LAN wire, how do I connect them using IPv6?19:04
Andre_Hcelthunder: why?19:04
gvomoto1 have you done a apt-get update recently?19:04
moto1it's a fresh install but i'll try19:05
gvomoto1: If it's fresh then that probably wont' do anything.19:05
zykotick9lostogre: reask in #ubuntu+!19:06
gvomoto1: You mentioned working a while ago.19:06
zykotick9lostogre: reask in #ubuntu+119:06
lostogrezykotick9, thanks.19:06
moto1i think you gave me the clue, something is screwed up with my WAN connection19:06
gvomoto1: that might be a problem. :)19:07
robertzaccourwould it be a better idea to install kde or kubuntu-desktop? I currently use Gnome-Shell.19:08
moto1haha yes, i was able to connect internally so i didn't think that was the issue, and 3 months ago i had a hell of a time finding the current working URL for the virt-install. i assumed it had changed again, and obviously i was wrong19:08
GeodesicalHi! I have been trying to use InkScape on my 11.10 system, but after about 15 minutes of use, the program freezes. I can minimize and move the window, but I cannot close it. Any help?19:09
Robson92gvo: thanks for help :) byebye19:09
GeodesicalI do believe I've been ditched.19:13
zykotick9Geodesical: is the inkscape you are using from the default repository?  what graphics card are you using on this system?19:14
GeodesicalGraphics Card, I am not sure. and I got InkScape by entering (sudo apt-get install inkscape) in the terminal.19:15
zykotick9Geodesical: do you know what pastebin is?  can you pastebin "apt-cache policy inkscape".  to find GFX card "lspci | grep -i vga"19:15
Xtremedoes ubuntu have any defrager in it?19:16
zykotick9Xtreme: nope19:16
zykotick9Xtreme: what filesystem are you using?19:16
Xtremecan u suggest me one to defrag a windows partition? ext4, want to defrag a ntfs partition19:17
moto1gvo, thanks, hopefully next time i won't have such a dumb question19:17
ActionParsnipXtreme: i'd only use Windows for that19:17
Geodesicalzykotick9: Graphics Card: VGA compatible controller: Intel 82915G/GV/910GL Graphics controller (rev 04)19:18
XtremeActionParsnip: dont have windows installed right now.. formatted it.. its a ntfs storage partition :)19:19
zykotick9Geodesical: well, if it's intel - it's unlikely a graphics driver issue...19:19
Xtremeso was wondering is there any way i can do that through linux19:20
jhaddadcelthunder: thank you.  just read up on pvdisplay / lvdisplay / vgdisplay, gives me everything I need19:20
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Geodesicalzykotick9: The graphics card runs PC games fine. The program just freezes. I can open other windows of InkScape, but they all stop after 15 or so minutes.19:21
ActionParsnipXtreme: ntfs is propriarary to Microsoft. So any tool not made by Microsoft will be a best effort and due to the nature of defrag and what it does I'd only trust the official tools. If you have no Windows, why use ntfs?19:21
=== arashOio is now known as arsher
zykotick9Geodesical: so, the other part of my question - can you pastebin "apt-cache policy inkscape" for the channel?19:22
zykotick9!paste | Geodesical19:22
ubottuGeodesical: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:22
jdhfrActionParsnip: because it is the most universal filesystem19:22
ActionParsnipGeodesical: have you tested RAM health?19:22
XtremeActionParsnip: only one reason. sister :(19:22
zykotick9jdhfr: are you saying ntfs is the most universal filesystem?19:22
Xtremeher windows, her storage partitions, and her viruses19:22
jdhfrzykotick9: I just did19:23
* nitroNix is back. "LiCe: It picks up chicks!"19:23
baliyeah the #c is not= functioning19:23
ActionParsnipjdhfr: fat16 is more universal. Amigas can read the filesystem. Doesn't mean it should be used19:23
baliI need to do a forward slash / in c19:24
ActionParsnipXtreme: so she uses it in a windows pc?19:24
GeodesicalActionParsnip: No, how would I do that?19:24
jdhfrfat16/32 aren't to today's standard. NTFS does19:24
Xtremeyes, she uses that partition to store her data.19:24
jribbali: the channel is ##c but you need to be registered.  See ubottu's message19:24
jrib!register > bali19:24
ubottubali, please see my private message19:24
nitroNixjdhfr: standard? MS standard  :D19:24
Xtremesame laptop.. just her 2 partitions, and my two partitions..19:24
Geodesicalzykotick9: I do not know how to use pastebin... :-/19:25
Xtrememine both ext4 and a swap (she doesnt know :D)19:25
jdhfrall standards are made by companies19:25
zykotick9Geodesical: it probably doesn't matter - don't worry about it (it probably default anyways...).  Well, hopefully someone else will have a suggestion - good luck.19:25
Geodesicalzykotick9: Thanks!:-D19:26
mbeierljdhfr, most USB sticks use FAT, not NTFS...  Are you talking about popularity, or ...?19:26
ActionParsnipjd225: fat16/32 are accessible by more systems making it universal. You said nothing of standards. Ntfs is not standard either, it proprietary garbage. You'll find more systems use ext3 in the great scheme of things19:26
zykotick9ActionParsnip: tab fail ;)  jdhfr ^^ see above19:27
mbeierlSay, ActionParsnip, is there still an upper limit on FAT?  What if I have a 1tb usb disk that I want to share between Linux, Mac and Windows...?19:27
ActionParsnipD'oh. Fat fingers19:28
ActionParsnipmbeierl: max file size is 4gb. Not sure about partition size19:28
mbeierlActionParsnip, ya, I was thinking about the partition...19:29
ActionParsnipmbeierl: i'm unsure of mac but if it can access ntfs the go that way due to robustness19:29
ActionParsnipmbeierl: if windows wasn't as junky as it is, it would be able to read ext based filesystems and you could use ext4 etc :-)19:31
MrKeunerhello, is it safe to enable ubuntu-proposed repository?19:32
MrKeunerLucid here19:32
supernovawylde: u there19:33
jase_mbeierl: I've got a fat32 partition that's a 1tb drive in a single partition19:35
jdhfr16 TB is its max19:37
MonkeyDust!it| maxdel7419:38
ubottumaxdel74: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:38
celthunderjase_: that sounds useless19:38
jase_cellthunder: it's just a data partion on a portable drive19:40
yzhdI have been syncing cm7 source for 10 hours. It's almost finished.. but it's stuck at : Fetching projects:  99% (212/214)  What should I do ? I have been waiting for 1 hour.. nothing has happened19:40
maxdel74come si fa a scaricare?19:42
=== deadmund_ is now known as bill
=== bill is now known as billthemormon
Areckxis there a way to clear the playlist from terminal in VLC?19:45
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bobo37773yzhd: Either keep waiting or pause and continue. What else can you do?19:48
borillioncan I install a new os on a hard drive and run mdadm to assemble my old raid to get files off?19:53
Jacruthguys, what does this mean? error: asm/page.h: No such file or directory19:54
JacruthI'm trying to compile SDL and it says: error: asm/page.h: No such file or directory19:54
jase_Jacruth: you're missing something the compile needs in order to work..one of it's dependancies19:55
Jacruthjase_, do you know any cool way to upgrade or install SDL to >= 1.2.4?19:56
jase_Jacruth: sorry, no unless someone has a PPA set up already19:58
Fizzikis there usually any problems updating versions when a new version comes out like updating my 11.10 to 12.0419:58
jribFizzik: there isn't supposed to be...19:59
zykotick9Fizzik: but there OFTEN is...19:59
ldiamondwell, I'd certainly hope there isn't supposed to be.19:59
Picizykotick9: er.. I think many people would disagree with you there19:59
jribI don't know about "often" or "usually" but of course bugs exist19:59
ldiamondFizzik, The more "Standard" your system is, the less likely there will be issues20:00
ldiamondby "standard" I mean least customization done by you20:00
zykotick9Pici: the number of "regulars" here that recommend fresh installs seems to support my "often"20:00
ldiamondA fresh 11.10 will upgrade to 12.04 without problems usually20:01
ldiamondI doubt, you'll have a fresh install.20:01
StepNjumpHi, how to create a desktop link to a specific website by using the ln command please?20:01
Fizzikit just kind of sucks doing fresh installs every 6 months.. yea ill be trying it so yea20:01
StepNjumpman ln20:01
jribin any case why wouldn't you try the upgrade first...20:01
ceti331_i was expecting my 11.10 to upgrade and it isn't20:01
sirriffsalot_Hey guys! I'm trying to route flash-player videos through jack, but I can't get past the "make" stage of this guide: http://jackaudio.org/routing_flash thanks to this error "flashsupport.c:184:28: fatal error: linux/videodev.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated." Any ideas?20:01
ldiamondFizzik, the best way is to install with a separate /home partition. That way you can keep all your stuff and change the OS completely20:01
Fizzikceti331_: id want untill 12.04 is actually released20:01
jribFizzik: my current system once ran 5.10 and I've only done a fresh install once20:02
ceti331_ok :)20:02
Fizzikjrib: oh :P ok20:02
botterHey guys. I just got hit by a ddos attack (that has stopped now). There are a few hundred failed ssh connection attempts to root from an IP in China, and one owned by ATT, but I'm looking for any logs that may help me figure out what happened20:02
ldiamondFizzik, you can also stick with LTS releases and upgrade every two years20:02
botterwith the ddos side.20:02
zykotick9ldiamond: or 5 years with 12.0420:02
botterI didn't have any tools set up. Does Ubuntu log any packet flood type things by default?20:02
Fizzikldiamond: i think thats what im going to do20:02
ceti331_Ubuntu Unity is nice.. i dont know why it gets so much flak20:02
ldiamondzykotick9, yea I was referring to the time between release, i.e. upgrading when a new LTS comes out.20:02
jribFizzik: my advice would be to do the upgrade.  If you have an issue, stop by here for help :)  You do of course have backups anyway so worst case-scenario you do a fresh install20:03
Fizzikceti331_: im more of a xfce or gnome fan20:03
ldiamondThough the separate /home partition is really useful20:03
StepNjumpbut I don't want to use the launcher20:03
ceti331_Here's what I like:- when you maximize, it does not waste screenspace20:03
ceti331_merging menu and titlebars works, IMO20:03
Fizziki like the docks at the bottom thats why i love xfce20:03
ceti331_the one thing I DO miss though, is having a Desktop Thumbnail on the panel20:04
Fizzikceti331_ yea it awesome20:04
ceti331_if unity had a single button per desktop - one click to get there - that would be a lot better. I also like the mousewheel behaviour20:05
Fizzikim going to be using xubuntu on my htpc that im building20:05
ceti331_actually tbh I likek the default gnome setup a lot, just without the top panel. the way KDE comes is great too20:06
ceti331_i quick mouse shortcut for desktops would sort me out in unity...  know you can activate screen corners, but I like being able to roll the mousewheel on the desktop to switch20:06
martinphonewhere do I ask for help regarding streamtuner?20:07
zykotick9!alis | martinphone you could try this... or if it's from ubuntu's repo, ask here20:07
ubottumartinphone you could try this... or if it's from ubuntu's repo, ask here: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*20:07
ceti331_i've just changed my unity colorscheme to be more mac-like and for some reason its given me much better vibes.. i actually feel like i'm using ubuntu because its good rather than because its different20:08
zykotick9ceti331_: do you have a support question?  general chit-chat in #ubuntu-offtopic20:08
Xtremeguys which app to use to open .chm file?20:09
Xtremehtml help file?20:09
OerHeksXtreme, ".chm" files are typically help files for the MS Windows platform. i am not sure it is legal to do this on Linux.20:10
FizzikXtreme: sudo apt-get install xCHM20:11
XtremeOerHeks: i wanted for php manual20:11
StevenROerHeks: lots of things come as chm20:11
Xtremexchm, Fizzik thanks20:11
zykotick9OerHeks: fyi chm are compiled HTML files (but yes, typically MS Help)20:11
Fizzikalot of O'Reily's books came with a digital disc copy of it and they were done in .chm files20:11
fl1bbl3Xtreme: if you use firefox then https://addons.mozilla.org/nl/firefox/addon/chm-reader/20:11
Xtremefl1bbl3: thanks,20:12
popschis anyone running using duply for their backups? I can't seem to find a way to stop duply when the pre-script fails20:12
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sogeking99hey guys, how can i update my java for minecraft20:13
Andre_Hwine hh yourhelp.chm also works20:13
Xtremeand can someone please suggest me a irc replacement for konversation?20:13
auronandaceXtreme: xchat or irssi20:13
FizzikXtreme: if you want a gui client i would suggest Xchat20:13
Xtremethanks :)20:14
FizzikXtreme: if you want to use through term either irssi or weechat20:14
Xtrememultiple server support?? please say yes :)20:16
fl1bbl3Xtreme: irssi has yes20:17
fl1bbl3extremely good client imo20:17
Xtremecool thanks :)20:17
MonkeyDusti use irssi, too20:18
sogeking99does anyone know?20:18
fl1bbl3sogeking99: java -version?20:18
mikkelbIf you guys like Irssi -- check out https://gist.github.com/160297120:18
jjavaif i wanted to copy files on a drive via liveDVD to another network computer how would you work through the user permissions issues that are certain to come up20:19
sogeking99java version "1.6.0_22" is that the latest?20:19
fl1bbl31.6.0_23 is iirc20:19
sogeking99fl1bbl3, ok, so how can i update?20:20
fl1bbl3should be in repos20:20
fl1bbl3just do an upgrade20:20
fl1bbl3is it sun java or openjava?20:20
sogeking99says OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.10.6)20:22
sogeking99sorry im new to linux20:22
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sogeking99whats the terminal command to update java20:23
tech936hey anyone know a room for nlackbuntu20:23
fl1bbl3then should be in repos20:24
auronandace!alis | tech93620:24
ubottutech936: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*20:24
tech936auronandace !alis the room?20:24
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tech936oh nvm lol20:25
ejoHi all, I'd really like to fresh-install 12.04 beta right now.  My one concern is: when release comes out soon will I be in a worse position than if I just waited for release in the first place?  Will upgrading be messy?20:26
ejoOr is there any other reason to hold back?20:27
zykotick9!final | ejo20:27
ubottuejo: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.20:27
ejothanks zyk20:27
tech936still no help20:27
zykotick9ejo: IMO the only reason to install beta is to report bugs...20:27
ejoyeah, just feels strange to install 11.10 two weeks before release of 12.04.20:27
ejoi'm not on a mission-critical box here, just a development machine20:27
ejoThe focus of my question, I should have said, is more on whether upgrades are still "messier" than clean installs as I used to hear in the past.20:28
auronandaceejo: clean installs will always be better than an upgrade, less can go wrong20:29
* ejo nods20:29
tensorpuddingejo, you can install 12.04 right now, it's in beta but is pretty close to release standing20:29
tensorpuddingyou can expect tons of updates in the coming days though20:30
ejodefinitely.  I'll just go for it... would rather do that than figure out what's borked with my X11 right now on 11.0420:30
slikts_why doesn't this work? I do "cd; mkdir foo; touch foo/bar; cd foo; ln -s bar ~/bar; cd; ls -l", and the bar symlink is displayed as "bar -> bar", i.e. it's broken20:30
audifahrerhas anyone yet got lightdm configured to support XDMCP? I could login with Xephyr from a remote machine, but with gdm XDMCP from remote I couldn't connect20:31
audifahrerany ideas how to debug this?20:31
zykotick9slikts_: "ln -s bar ~/bar" says to create a symlink in ~ called bar - but that's the directory you created...20:32
jribslikts_: it does what you asked it do.  ~/bar points to bar (relative to the location of ~/bar)20:32
jjavaholiccopying user #1002 files over the network how would i do that well?20:33
jribslikts_: I always think of it as ln -s TARGET NAME   and keep in mind if TARGET is a relative path, it's relative to where NAME is located20:34
rubiahello everyone. could someone help me with some problems login in X with a nis user?20:34
slikts_jrib, zykotick9: thanks, I found out that it behaves like this because of -s20:34
jribslikts_: well -s creates a symbolic link.  This is different than without -s (hard link)20:34
slikts_jrib: I understand20:34
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fl1bbl3jjavaholic: rsync20:40
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tyler_dtrying to mount an ssd drive(sata) and I'm certainly not winning, it shows up in dmesg but only a single line... please help20:41
theGrgWell alias 'sudo command' = ... doesn't work. How can I have an alias apply to a command issued with sudo?20:42
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metbsdhow can i upgrade from 11.04 to 11.1120:44
metbsdhow can i upgrade from 11.04 to 11.1020:45
ceti331question : Can Unity be configured to trigger desktop overview from say middle click on the background image20:45
donavan01does anyone know of a program that will duplicate copy protected dvd's for linux much like anydvd/clonedvd does in windows... I am not looking to pirate movies here... our church group has a vast library of movies and rather than loaning out the orginals we would like to be able to loan out a copy an keep the orginal as a backup as people tend not to be very kind to the dvds... some discs copy just fine but others are copy p20:46
donavan01rotected and I would like to get away from supporting the use of microsoft if at all possible20:46
diamondsI get "device is busy" every time I try to umount this sshfs mounted drive20:47
guntbert!upgrade | metbsd20:47
ubottumetbsd: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:47
diamondsI started my tmux session from the mounted location :p20:48
diamondslsof | grep mountname found it20:48
metbsdthat's so complicated and i missed it, lol20:49
liljabuntui am running unbuntu 11.10 and i am trying to connect my ipone to the computer and keep getting unhandled lockdown error -15 can anyone help me fix this issue?20:59
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod20:59
trismliljabuntu: try: sudo apt-get install libimobiledevice-utils; idevicepair unpair && idevicepair pair; then try to mount it in nautilus again21:01
fishcookeris there any package that i need to remastered ubuntu live CD to fit  my spesific need21:01
auronandace!remaster | fishcooker21:01
ubottufishcooker: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility21:01
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deb0Anyone knows if pyrename can create directories? I want to batch rename files and automatically create directories21:02
iToastCan I cluster windows and linux21:04
iToastwell, ubuntu21:04
iToastSo windows sends its load to my ubuntu cluster21:04
sudiptaI have a problem with empathy....when the chat window is closed and someone messages me....only the notification appears...the mail icon in the panel does not change its color and nothin is displayed in the me  menu...in ubuntu 11.1021:05
deb0seems like pyrenamer does it21:05
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ceti331is it possible to set up drag drop LAN filetransfer (in the file browser) between linux & mac (i've not even done that between linux and linux yet..)21:06
guntbert!crosspost | iToast21:06
ubottuiToast: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.21:06
schultzahow do i install git ?21:06
schultzasudo apt-get install git ?21:06
Logan_schultza: sudo apt-get install git21:06
iToastguntbert: ... Im putting it in a more general linux area21:06
schultzaok.. thanks21:07
Xtremehow can i find the directory to which software was isntalled?? i installed eggdrop using apt-get21:07
ceti331i tried ubuntu one but it seemed to play up a bit21:07
schultzano candidate version found for git21:07
Xtremeand cant find its directory21:07
avinashhmHi , how i want to setup a cron job, which uses sudo commands .. is there any way to specify the sudo password , so that it can pick automatically ..21:07
AreckxIs there a way to log a terminal window into a txt file?21:07
fl1bbl3avinashhm: why wouldn't you just run it under roots crontab?21:08
fl1bbl3Areckx: script21:08
avinashhmfl1bbl3, thats a good idea .. i will install under roots crontab21:08
Areckxfl1bbl3::  thank you21:08
Xtremei am able to access it in terminal21:08
avinashhmfl1bbl3, thank you21:08
* Areckx gives fl1bbl3 a cup of coffee and a donut.21:09
avinashhmfl1bbl3, just curious .. is there any way to specify root pwd by default ..21:09
fl1bbl3avinashhm: sudo su -21:09
fl1bbl3and then once you drop into a shell just do a passwd21:09
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fl1bbl3Xtreme: just updatedb and then do a locate?21:10
avinashhmfl1bbl3, yep .. but still u need to specify sudo pwd .. how to do in shell scripts with crontab .. a sudo cmd ?21:10
fl1bbl3avinashhm: not needed21:12
fl1bbl3avinashhm: sudo crontab -e21:12
sudiptaI have a problem with empathy....when the chat window is closed and someone messages me....only the notification appears...the mail icon in the panel does not change its color and nothin is displayed in the me  menu...in ubuntu 11.1021:12
fl1bbl3installs your stuff under the root crontab21:12
Xtremehow long it takes for updatedb?21:12
fl1bbl3Xtreme: less than a min usually21:12
fl1bbl3depends on size of disk, number of files, etc21:12
Xtreme2 mins passed21:13
fl1bbl3what size of disk?21:13
fl1bbl3plus when was the last time you did it?21:13
avinashhmfl1bbl3, ok .. gr8 ... thank you very much21:13
Xtremeupdatedb: `/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db' is locked (probably by an earlier updatedb)21:14
Xtremewhat to do/\?21:14
Zx432Anyone has any experience with OKI printers?21:15
Xtremedelete mlocate?21:15
fl1bbl3Xtreme: you did sudo it yeah?21:15
Zx432I have C5100 and it will only print black and white in linux.21:15
Xtremerm -f mlocate.db21:16
sudiptaI have a problem with empathy....when the chat window is closed and someone messages me....only the notification appears...the mail icon in the panel does not change its color and nothin is displayed in the me  menu...in ubuntu 11.1021:16
Xtremenow reupdating21:16
whereismywalwho is the mod?21:19
sharkmaptrying to get a laptop to connect to a samba share on another computer (both are 11.10) but it fails to connect to the workgroup. Any ideas on how to figure out the problem? I am pretty sure everything is installed, but may not be configured right. thanks in advance21:19
alteregoai got a problem with meowrnel 3.3.121:20
Fyodorovnawhereismywal, generally the channel #ubuntu-ops is where you would go if important.21:21
meganerdsharkmap, did you give a user access with smbpasswd -a?21:22
meganerdsharkmap: there are also logs in /var/log/samba21:23
sharkmap<meganerd> not sure I did that. how would one do that if one were to do it?21:24
meganerdsudo smbpasswd -a <username>21:24
meganerdsharkmap: the -a is only for new users21:24
mafiaboysometimes i prefer to run linux in terminal mode......so is there a way to run pdf in terminal mode21:25
sudiptaI have a problem with empathy....when the chat window is closed and someone messages me....only the notification appears...the mail icon in the panel does not change its color and nothin is displayed in the me  menu...in ubuntu 11.1021:26
sharkmap<meganerd> what should I be looking for in the samba log?21:27
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dbgsterI have a process ID, how can I get a description of what is running?21:28
sharkmap<meganerd> also, do I run the smbpasswd on the laptop or the PC with the samba server? sorry for being so new21:28
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meganerdsharkmap: on the server21:33
meganerdsharkmap: also the logs are stored based on the client IP/hostname, and you basically look for problems.  In this case I suspect you will see authentication errors21:34
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linsuxhow do i change language in xubuntu?21:36
pensacola__you can use this command: gnome-language-selector21:37
sharkmapmeganerd: I'll check the logs, thanks. we'll see what we find.21:39
whereismywalhi, i am trying to install ubuntu on my exisiting windows 7 laptop but everytime the installer loads my screen goes blank21:40
whereismywalcan someone help me with this21:40
__r00t__'elo chaps ... any of you guys good with linux software RAID ? mdadm etc ?21:41
bastidrazor__r00t__: you're using 12.04 and you shouldn't cross post.21:41
__r00t__bastidrazor: I'm on 11.04 actually :)21:41
DrManhattanI am unable to get WOL working21:42
__r00t__DrManhattan: what do you need to know ?21:43
DrManhattanI have tried a few different things, nothing works. I have it enabled in the bios21:43
DrManhattan__r00t__, I need to know how to enable WOL !21:43
DrManhattanor know if it is not a working feature in ubuntu21:43
DrManhattanb/c it worked just fine in windoze21:43
__r00t__DrManhattan: from the remote machine send a magic packet to the machine that is asleep and presto it should wake21:43
ulrichardSince I upgraded to ubuntu 12.04, Ican no longer compile my cmake projects that use an avr-gcc21:44
ulrichard corsscompiling toolchain. The message I get is :21:44
ulrichard  The C compiler "/usr/bin/avr-gcc" is not able to compile a simple test21:44
ulrichard    program.21:44
ulrichard I get the error only when cmake is called from dpkg-buildpackage. If I call cmake directly on the commandline, it works.21:44
FloodBot1ulrichard: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:44
ulrichard debian/rules is in gnu make format.21:44
DrManhattan__r00t__, I know how it's supposed to work. It works great in windows. The box doesn't wake up in linux21:44
EvilResistancewhats the command syntax for the 'cp' command to copy and retain the permissions on the folders/files?21:44
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Zx432Any Idea why OKI C5100 won't print in colour?21:45
mafiaboyhi guys21:45
BoohbahEvilResistance: cp -a21:45
BoohbahEvilResistance: this also includes --recursive21:45
__r00t__DrManhattan: let me get you a command you need to set under linux21:45
BoohbahEvilResistance: man cp21:45
__r00t__DrManhattan: brb21:45
mafiaboyany console based version of emacs as i run linux sometimes in terminal mode21:45
DrManhattanthank you21:45
BoohbahEvilResistance: cp -p for preserve with no recursive21:45
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EvilResistanceBoohbah: thanks, i'm on via my mobile phone and not in front of a linux machine, but i did need that info :P21:46
__r00t__DrManhattan: ethtool -s eth0 wol g21:46
BoohbahEvilResistance: http://linux.die.net/man/21:46
DrManhattan__r00t__, yeah that didn't work either21:47
__r00t__DrManhattan: :/ Damn.... worked for me dude21:47
__r00t__DrManhattan: ethtool eth0 | pastebin please21:49
ulrichardSince I upgraded to ubuntu 12.04, Ican no longer build packages where cmake is called from debian/rules with an avr-gcc corsscompiling toolchain.21:49
ulrichardThe message I get is : The C compiler "/usr/bin/avr-gcc" is not able to compile a simple test program.21:49
__r00t__Anyone want to help me mess around with RAID ? Go on you know it'll be fun :)21:49
DrManhattanalrighty one sec __r00t__21:49
Daulityis there a command to temporarly turn of ipv6?21:50
Daulitylike turn off and on again21:51
DrManhattan__r00t__, http://pastebin.ca/213734921:51
zykotick9ulrichard: reask in #ubuntu+121:53
__r00t__DrManhattan: :( How about doing some debugging .... read wol over the internet and use that on your lan to test21:55
DrManhattanthanks __r00t__ maybe im just missing something21:58
eightieskso who here hates unity?21:59
OerHeks!poll | eightiesk21:59
ubottueightiesk: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:59
DrManhattanf'ing weak. no WOL for me.22:00
__r00t__DrManhattan: but it works in windoze !22:01
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|Anthony|ok, where do i store public rsa keys?22:01
__r00t__|Anthony|: Anywhere ? :)22:01
|Anthony|on the host machine, where do i import the key for a ssh client22:02
|Anthony|like if i store the client key on a usb drive, where do i put it after that22:02
|Anthony|and don't tell me to bend over and you'll show me22:03
linsuxhow do i mount windows share?22:04
westernanalogi am connected to inet with a mobile modem. i have also set up a wireless ad-hoc network with my windows pc. it works fine, but i cannot access inet from my windows pc. i set the wireless ip4 mode to shared. what have i done wrong?22:05
bastidrazor!ics | westernanalog may help22:09
ubottuwesternanalog may help: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing22:09
yeats|Anthony|: .ssh/authorized_keys in the user's home directory22:09
tonkwhats a good mouse macro program?22:10
tonkfor ubuntu22:10
fl1bbl3which is awesome22:11
fl1bbl3for all sorts of things22:11
tonkty :)22:12
Areckxshould I use scim for Japanese input?22:14
trismAreckx: ibus is the default in recent ubuntu versions22:14
Areckxtrism::  I am unable to use the space key to convert to kan ji22:15
Areckxtrism::  and also do not know how to convert to katakana or romaji22:15
Areckxin windows it was f7-etc22:15
Monkey_bhey guys is there any reason a file would lose its encoding after being scp'd?22:17
kiama2005Ubuntu 11.10 will not recognise the floppy drive any idea's.22:17
fl1bbl3encoding as in its no longer ASCII?22:17
fl1bbl3Monkey_b: checked hashes both ends?22:17
trismAreckx: after you have installed the japanese support in Language Support you can configure ibus with ibus-setup and the anthy keybindings with /usr/lib/ibus-anthy/ibus-setup-anthy22:18
trismAreckx: I don't know that there are defaults, I usually set alt+1 to hiragana alt+2 katakana and alt+3 latin22:18
trismAreckx: ctrl+space is the default to switch input methods on/off22:18
Monkey_bfl1bbl3: charset is what i meant22:20
fl1bbl3tonk: http://www.semicomplete.com/projects/xdotool/xdotool.xhtml22:20
fl1bbl3and I run a whitelist script, you need to be explicitly added to send me pm's22:20
Monkey_bi do a 'file -i' on the source before sending, and it shows 'charset: utf-8'... i fo a 'file -i' on the destination, and it doesnt show a charset... and when i open it the special characters are screwed up22:20
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe22:21
Monkey_bseems to only affect this particular file22:21
joseph_Hi, How do I get ubuntu to automatically connect to my wifi without asking for the key ring password?22:22
dalton2345save the code joseph_22:23
zykotick9joseph_: lol, good luck with that...  you have autologin enabled?22:23
trismAreckx: oh you should also make sure to set the input method to ibus in Language Support22:24
joseph_when I boot ubuntu, my account automatically logs in but the wifi will not connect until I type the password for "key ring"22:24
zykotick9joseph_: i don't think there is a "solution" to that.  If you turn off autologin, you won't get the keyring password.22:25
__r00t__anyone want to help me with RAID ... prizes are available !22:25
Areckxtrism::  checked, it's set to ibus22:25
joseph_hmmm, so I guess everybody in here that uses wifi has to type that pass word in?22:26
zykotick9joseph_: i'd guess most users don't use autologin22:26
Fyodorovnajoseph_, right click the icon go to settings click on wifi then edit and make sure all users and auto connect are ticked on.22:26
wyldejoseph_: I don't, but I don;t use autologin either.22:27
tjiggi_fojoseph_, in "edit connections" at the bottom check the "make available for all users"22:27
zykotick9Fyodorovna: tjiggi_fo i don't think either of your suggestions addresses the keyring issue involved here.22:27
chilibluekeyring mandger prompt comes up when the desktop loads how can I fix that22:29
zykotick9chiliblue: turn off autologin ;)22:30
chiliblueas I load straight into xbmc it stops my remote from working22:30
chilibluezykotick9, not really an option for a htpc22:30
wolfricis /bin/bash in ubuntu, actually bash or dash?22:30
rebehow do I force python run in terminal to use 4 spaces indentation instead of 8 ?22:30
wolfric(in debian /bin/bash is just dash anyway)22:31
Piciwolfric: its bash. /bin/sh is symlinked to dash22:31
ox1deHi. my laptop died and i get this message on boot: No init found. try passing init= bootarg.22:31
ox1debusybox v1.13.3 (ubuntu 1:1.13.3-ubuntu11) built in shell (ash)22:31
ox1deenter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.22:31
ox1de(initramfs) [  3.060259 ieee1394: host added: id:bus[0-00:1023] GUID[000ae4aaaa27c398]22:31
FloodBot1ox1de: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:31
ox1dewhat should i do?22:31
dj_ryana question - how do i get a upstream dhcp server to tell dnsmasq 'strict-order' or whatever?22:31
ox1deis there a code sequence i can enter to get it back online?22:31
fishcookerwhere firefox save the played youtube video?22:31
fishcookerhow to reveal it22:32
Picirebe: what do you mean? indentation is a feature of your editor, not the terminal.22:32
fl1bbl3fishcooker: it doesn't22:32
fishcookerhow to save the played youtube video fl1bble322:32
zykotick9fishcooker: they are deleted immediately now - they aren't saved like they used to be.  there is a way to get them though.22:32
fl1bbl3fishcooker: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper/22:32
fishcookeris fl1bbl3 way also your way zykotick922:33
OomElvisQ: can i just delete /var/log/mail.log ? will there be any repercussions... guessing not?22:33
OomElvissame for syslog.122:33
zykotick9fishcooker: using a download-addon of some sort is a lot easier then getting the deleted files22:33
zykotick9fishcooker: no, they're different - fl1bbl3's is way easier22:34
fishcookerits 1gigs file22:34
fl1bbl3eh?  what is?22:34
rebepici: so I cannot change it ? when I write python in terminal, python starts obviously, and it uses 8 spaces indentation instead of 4, and that annoys me22:34
ox1decan anybody help me?22:35
Picirebe: I've never tried.  The folks in #python should be able to help with the settings for the interactive interpreter though.22:35
ratcheerrebe: That is one of the reasons I prefer Ruby to Python.22:38
ox1deiz anybody out there?22:38
ratcheerox1de: All I can say is, I hate it when that happens.22:40
ox1deme too22:40
ox1dewhat should i do?22:40
Monkey_banyone know why a file would seemingly turn from utf-8 on one machine, to a file that has no 'charset' after being transferred to another server via scp?22:41
ratcheerox1de: I don't remember. It hasn't happened to me in about three years.22:41
Piciox1de: Why did it 'die'?22:41
ox1dei dont know22:41
ox1deeverything seemed fine22:41
ox1deand now it says that error message on boot22:41
Piciox1de: Do you see grub when you boot?22:42
ox1dewhat is grub?22:42
Piciox1de: the boot menu.22:42
ratcheerUh oh.22:42
ox1deteh boot menu with the user login screen u mean?22:42
ox1deor do u mean bios?22:43
ratcheerNo, it is between those. Hold the Shift key when booting, it should give you the grub screen.22:43
sean_is positive thinking just self reassurance?22:44
estel_anyone here no how to add/remove icons with the openbox desktop and the dock?22:45
ox1deok i got grub22:45
ox1denow what?22:45
ox1derecovery mode?22:45
UnguidedHello all. Does anyone know if the tivo slide remote will work with ubuntu. I would like to use it for mythtv control. Thanks in advance?22:46
navajohelp tried to install windows 8 system crashed said hard drive was only 32 gigs.. So I decide to leave windows forever how to reformat drive.. and delete this windows 8?22:46
sean_navajo boot from a linux cd and follow the instructions22:47
skelnavajo: the installer should give you the option to format etc.22:47
Piciox1de: then press e, and append init=/bin/bash   to the end of the line, then press enter and boot it22:47
avinashhmHi , which is the package which is responsible for command line colors .. like all the colorful interface when we run alsamixer ..  i am running alsa mixer , but i am getting strange characters in the terminal .. guess color package is missing ..22:47
=== Unguided is now known as Unguided1
navajonavajo: Problem now my cd/dvd drive only sees a cd drive? is this uefi causing problems machine is only a 1.2 ghz intel with 2 gigs ram..22:48
sean_navajo, don't know navajo, that's not an ubuntu issue22:50
splicIs it possible to have /boot as a logical volume in LVM on top of RAID1 and still be bootable? I'd rather not have to make two md's (one for the PVs and one for /boot).22:51
sean_splic, what's an md?22:52
splicsean_: raid volume22:52
navajosean_: Thats the problem cant install ubuntu? because drive only reads 32 gigs when is actually 200 gigs!22:53
ox1dewhat exactly do i do in grub?22:53
ox1depress e then what?22:54
sean_ox1de, pray :)22:54
sean_what is it you want to do22:55
Unguided1navajo: is this the only machine in the house?22:55
sean_Unguided1, he's gone22:55
Unguided1I missed that. Thanks22:56
schultzahow do i get the mic working on a laptop for ubuntu?22:57
=== Zorro is now known as Guest99994
sean_schultza, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting#Line_Input.2BAC8-Microphone_Troubleshooting22:59
ox1dewhat do i do from grub?23:00
fishcookermy cam lamp is on23:00
sean_ox1de, i missed your problem, what are you trying to fix?23:01
fishcookerhow to switch off?23:01
ox1dewell on boot i get this message: No init found. try passing init= bootarg.23:01
ox1debusybox v1.13.3 (ubuntu 1:1.13.3-ubuntu11) built in shell (ash)23:01
ox1deenter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.23:01
ox1de(initramfs) [  3.060259 ieee1394: host added: id:bus[0-00:1023] GUID[000ae4aaaa27c398]23:01
avinashhmHi friends , i am running alsamixer ..  Iam getting strange wired characters like - http://paste.ubuntu.com/934710/ .. could some one help by giving any pointers ..23:01
FloodBot1ox1de: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:01
zykotick9avinashhm: gnome-terminal?23:02
sean_ox1de, hmm, google errs towards corrupted filesystem - https://www.google.co.uk/search?aq=f&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=No+init+found.+try+passing+init%3D+bootarg that's not good news23:03
ox1depici said go into grub23:03
ox1deso what do i do from grub?23:03
avinashhmzykotick9, pardon me .. it is not a gnome-terminal .. i am not sure which type of terminal it is .. is there any way to find ..23:03
zykotick9avinashhm: how are you starting your terminal?23:03
avinashhmbooting in command line mode ..23:04
zykotick9avinashhm: ahhh, sorry i can't help.  good luck.23:04
sean_ox1de, what options do you have in grub?23:04
sean_ox1de, mine will be different23:05
ox1deubuntu, with linux 2.6.32-38-generic23:05
zykotick9avinashhm: BTW, "echo $TERM" but i think from command line login, it just says Linux or something.23:05
ox1deubuntu, with linux 2.6.32-38-generic (recovery mode)23:05
avinashhmzykotick9, np .. thanks for pitching in .. any idea which package are responsible for color in the terminall .. i think these are missing ..23:05
sean_avinashhm, I think I would look at bash settings23:05
ox1deso i pressed e and went into edit the commands23:05
ox1deand i need to know what to do in the edit command window23:05
avinashhmzykotick9, yeh .. it just says linux ..23:06
wyldeavinashhm: looks like you may be missing some ncurses libs.23:06
sean_have you tried recovery mode?23:06
avinashhmon echo "TERM"23:06
ox1deyes that didnt work23:06
zykotick9avinashhm: i had lots of rendering issues with alsamixer and gnome-terminal, in my case switching to rxvt-unicode solved all my issues (doesn't apply to you)23:06
sean_same boot message?23:06
=== root is now known as Guest74229
wylde!find ncurses23:06
ubottuFound: lib64ncurses5, lib64ncurses5-dev, libncurses5, libncurses5-dbg, libncurses5-dev, libncursesw5, libncursesw5-dbg, libncursesw5-dev, ncurses-base, ncurses-bin (and 19 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ncurses&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all23:06
ox1depici said to press e which takes me into the edit command window23:06
sean_can you boot the machine from alive cd?23:06
fl1bbl3ox1de: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-laptop-and-netbook-25/laptop-stops-at-busybox-command-line-with-no-init-found-error-897722/23:07
avinashhmwylde, i will check ncurses library and install ...23:07
fl1bbl3you tried stuff in that thread?23:07
avinashhmzykotick9, how did u switch to rxvt-unicode .. ?23:07
zykotick9avinashhm: that's a Xorg terminal, not VT terminal23:07
wyldeavinashhm: it looks to me like standard characters are working fine. The characters used to represent the "UI" are the ones that make me suspect and ncurses issue.23:08
=== null is now known as Guest98619
avinashhmwylde, yeah .. it is something outside of ASCII ..23:08
sean_goodnight all, that was fun!23:08
avinashhmspecially i feel colors are tried as usually in alsamixer .. but it is missing the color capability23:09
archboxmanox1de: I still dont get what the problems is?23:09
avinashhmi am checking on ncurses ..23:09
ox1dearchboxman: what do u need to know?23:09
archboxmanox1de: did the drive crash! are u installing ubuntu what?23:10
ox1deubuntu was installed and worked well for 6 months.. now when i boot i get this message: No init found. try passing init= bootarg.23:10
ox1debusybox v1.13.3 (ubuntu 1:1.13.3-ubuntu11) built in shell (ash)23:10
ox1deenter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.23:10
ox1de(initramfs) [  3.060259 ieee1394: host added: id:bus[0-00:1023] GUID[000ae4aaaa27c398]23:10
FloodBot1ox1de: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:10
ox1deanyway i'm in grub23:10
ox1dei just need to know what to do from there23:10
wylde!pastebin | ox123:10
ubottuox1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:10
wylde!pastebin | ox1de23:11
ubottuox1de: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:11
Fyodorovna!bootinfo | ox1de23:11
ubottuox1de: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).23:11
notlisteningHi guys i am getting this error on ubuntu server when mount cifs vfs any ideas? CIFS VFS: could not allocate crypto hmacmd523:11
archboxmanox1de: did u backup ur data?23:11
archboxmanox1de: is this dual boot with windows?23:12
ox1deno just ubuntu23:12
ox1deno windows23:12
avinashhmwylde, checked .. almost all ncurses libs are present - http://paste.ubuntu.com/934726/ . .:-(23:12
wyldeavinashhm: hmm ...23:13
archboxmanox1de: external drive or extra usb stick?23:13
avinashhmwylde, let me install xterm and try launching ..23:13
ox1dei dont have an external23:13
ox1dei have a usb stick that won23:14
ox1det seem to load23:14
wyldeavinashhm: was about to suggest running in xterm or gnome-terminal to see what happens.23:14
zykotick9ox1de: personally, i'd boot from a livecd and follow the !grub2 link's directions for reinstalling grub myself.  ymmv23:14
avinashhmwylde, could i install only gnome-terminal and not whole of gnome ? i will give a shot if i can install only gnome-terminal independently23:14
ox1dewhat should i do to teh gnu grub command edit menu?23:15
ox1deor window23:15
archboxmanox1de: do u have a last image before this one if so choose that one it should boot23:15
zykotick9avinashhm: if you have Xorg installed, just test in xterm23:15
wyldeavinashhm: I honestly don't know, I imagine it will probably want to install a fair number of additional packages if you don't have gnome installed.23:15
avinashhmzykotick9, sure .. i will try with xterm first ..23:16
avinashhmwylde, np .. i will try xterm . (looks easy) and then with gnome ..23:17
wyldeavinashhm: if it works or not in xterm should suffice I think. I don't think there's enough difference from xterm to gnome-terminal to make a difference.23:18
ox1dethe grub menu says: recordfail23:18
ox1deinsmod ext223:18
ox1deserach --nofloppy --fsuuid --set 9886f36e-97a2-42d4-94bd-20f860c93\a4123:18
ox1delinux /boot/vmlinux-2.6.32-38-generic root=uuid=9886f36e-97a2-42d4-9\4bd-20f860c93a41 ro quiet splash23:18
FloodBot1ox1de: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:18
ox1deinitrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-28-generic23:18
wylde!pastebin | ox1de23:18
ubottuox1de: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:18
avinashhmwylde, oh is it .. ok .. then i will check on xterm itself ..23:18
wyldeox1de: seriously, use pastebin.23:18
krnl`is there any file transfer method (like ftp or sshfs) that stores the files encrypted on the server?23:19
zykotick9krnl`: transfer and storage are not the same thing...23:20
avinashhmwylde, zykotick9 .. guys thanks very much for pitching in .. :-) .. ty23:20
wyldekrnl`: I believe if the filesystem the file is tranferred to is encrypted then any files moved there will be.23:20
krnl`zykotick9: i want the file encrypted on the server, so other users that has permission to the whole system cant read the files without the proper key.23:21
zykotick9krnl`: so, either encrypt the files, or use an encrypted filesystem then23:21
wylde!info cryptkeeper23:21
ubottucryptkeeper (source: cryptkeeper): EncFS system tray applet for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.5-1.1 (oneiric), package size 47 kB, installed size 328 kB23:21
krnl`zykotick9: no, i need differnet keys for different "ftp" users. and i dont want to pollute the system with meny sysusers.23:22
zykotick9krnl`: well, good luck23:22
pangolinox1de, are you trying to get yourself banned?23:23
ox1dei just need help23:23
wyldekrnl`: used encrypted home directories on the server, and use their home dirs as their ftp directories.23:23
wyldeox1de: I've told you 3 times I believe to use pastebin.23:23
ox1dehow does it work?23:23
wylde!pastebin | ox1de23:24
ubottuox1de: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:24
celthunderwylde: whats up23:24
archboxmanox1de: paste text in window submit and copy link above and paste here!23:24
wyldecelthunder: not much, killing time tryiong to be helpful :)23:24
celthunderwylde: about to do the same seem to end up online at the same time as you often enough thought I would say hello :)23:25
archboxmancelthunder: thanks for showing me Xmonad.. was a blast in arch linux these days23:25
archboxmancelthunder: :)23:25
wyldecelthunder: well hello to you too! :)23:25
celthunderarchboxman: :) I sometimes know a thing or two23:25
notlisteninganyone on this: CIFS VFS: could not allocate crypto hmacmd?23:26
archboxmancelthunder: Trying to load Xmonad in arch linux a pain in the but..It was much easier to load in linux mint 12 with cinnamon..23:27
celthunderarchboxman: lol if you say so ... im using arch and xmonad setup time was about 2 minutes.23:27
celthundernotlistening: uh where / when did you get that23:28
celthunderkrnl`: truecrypt and scp.23:28
ox1dewhat should i do from grub?23:28
archboxmancelthunder: I had trouble to to many options of the arch page think I many have used like three options and hosed the install23:29
celthunderox1de: boot?23:29
VergudoThis venom - the mere smell of which kills a man!23:29
VergudoFrom Against Latomus, pg. 140 of Luther's Works, Vol. 3223:29
krnl`celthunder: ill try thnx23:29
celthunderVergudo: the hell?23:29
VergudoJust as in a picture or dream you might see the king of the flies with his lances of straw and shields of hay arrayed against a real and regular army of seasoned human troops, that is how you go to war.23:29
VergudoFrom The Bondage of the Will, pg. 144 of Luther's Works, Vol. 3323:29
celthunderarchboxman: that is called learning23:29
celthunderVergudo: shut up23:29
VergudoWe leave you to your own devices, for nothing properly suits you except hypocrisy, flattery, and lies.23:30
VergudoFrom Against Latomus, pg. 143 of Luther's Works, Vol. 3223:30
wylde!ot | Vergudo23:30
ubottuVergudo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:30
VergudoYou are like swine who indiscriminately devour everything.23:30
VergudoFrom The Keys, pg. 363 of Luther's Works, Vol. 4023:30
wyldemeh probably a bot, an op care to remove it?23:30
VergudoAll Christians should be on guard against your antichristian poison.23:31
VergudoFrom Defense and Explanation of All the Articles, pg. 52 of Luther's Works, Vol. 3223:31
archboxmancelthunder: That is called just trying to be a show off... I got openbox installed..23:31
celthundertrue enough now let me devour your worthless brain?23:31
archboxmanVergudo: no offense ,vut we are not here for book quotes..23:31
wyldepangolin: thanks!23:31
D-Chymerahi guys, any ideas how I can edit the nautilus "computer" section bookmarks in gnome 3.4?23:31
celthunderarchboxman: theres a preset up arch i think its chakra or archbang if you are lazy and want openbox23:31
pvssanjeevI have an issue with getting the HDMI OUT display on my HD TV23:32
celthunderD-Chymera: to add one? i think you need to add it to fstab or mtab...it reads one of those i think could be wrong23:32
notlisteningcelthunder, on boot23:32
celthunderpvssanjeev: video card and does it output at all?23:32
archboxmancelthunder: found a cool link gave me all the commands to setup Openbox it is running great wish I could get dmenu to run in Openbox..23:33
notlisteningcelthunder, when the system is running mount23:33
celthunderarchboxman: dmenu should work fine in openbox23:33
pvssanjeev(celthinder)i only see UBUTU on the TC23:33
D-Chymeracelthunder: the computer section by default has the standard freedesktop user folders23:33
D-Chymeranothing with fstab there23:33
gustavo_cmHi there. GParted shrunk my /home ext4 partition bud didn't update the superblock. How can I solve it?23:33
celthunderD-Chymera: hmm clearly i dont use nautilus then23:34
pvssanjeevI am dell XPS L501X23:34
celthunderpvssanjeev: ? so can you drag windows to it or ?23:34
Infesthey ya'll23:34
celthunderpvssanjeev: is it active?23:34
pvssanjeevIt has only the pink screen with UBUNTU on that23:34
celthunderInfest: as are we all23:34
Dayofswordshey, is there anyway to find out how big parts of the ubuntu repo are? like en-US 10.04 section only?23:34
notlisteningInfest is the best ... or something like that :D23:35
pvssanjeevI have tried Fn+F8.. no luck there23:35
gustavo_cmHi there. GParted shrunk my /home ext4 partition bud didn't update the superblock. How can I solve it? I tried fsck, but nothing.23:35
celthunderDayofswords: ftp to a mirror and check the size of the folder...why would you WANT unless you are trying to be a full mirror23:35
notlisteningcelthunder, any idea on where to look on the CIFS issue?23:35
pvssanjeevIn Windows this works seamlessly23:35
archboxmanpvssanjeev: reslution problem?23:36
celthundernotlistening: no idea sorry23:36
notlisteningNothing on the web either :(23:36
pvssanjeevI have edited the XORG as indicated on one of teh forums23:36
celthunderpvssanjeev: check xrandr23:36
=== Infest is now known as SirTurtle
celthundernotlistening: what was the error again sorry23:37
SirTurtlehey check it it i'm not SirTutle :P23:37
pvssanjeevScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1366 x 768, maximum 8192 x 819223:37
pvssanjeevLVDS1 connected 1366x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 344mm x 194mm23:37
pvssanjeev   1366x768       59.6*+23:37
pvssanjeev   1360x768       59.8     60.023:37
pvssanjeev   1024x768       60.023:37
FloodBot1pvssanjeev: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:37
pvssanjeev   800x600        60.3     56.223:37
pvssanjeev   640x480        59.923:37
wylde!pastebin | pvssanjeev23:37
ubottupvssanjeev: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:37
archboxmancelthunder: well having to play with arch linux been 4 yrs since the last time I used it.. Had problems with key ring for min... waiting till pacman 4 becomes compelete went in switch file to trustall to install packages for keyring..23:37
celthunderpastebin exists there are hundreds of them most free...use them23:37
celthunderarchboxman: pacman 4 is out arleady23:38
archboxmanpvssanjeev: dual screen setup  xrandr in pastebin pls..23:38
celthunderarchboxman: pvssanjeev least we had the same idea23:38
celthunderSirTurtle: ?23:38
pvssanjeevon paste.ubuntu.com23:38
archboxmancelthunder: seen that just the trust issue gives errors.. when install package says cant find key!23:38
pvssanjeevPaste from pvssanjeev at Tue, 17 Apr 2012 17:38:07 +020023:39
wylde!find crypto hmac23:39
ubottuhmac is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, unstable23:39
celthunderarchboxman: set it to ignore it or add the dev keys it takes 2 seconds23:39
archboxmancelthunder: I have to add the dev keys. Read we only needed to set master keys..23:40
wyldenotlistening: I think you might be missing a crypto lib or two.23:40
celthunderpvssanjeev: it says your hdmi isnt even plugged in..nvidia card?23:40
=== clone1018 is now known as PixelPervert
archboxmancelthunder: k, thanks..23:40
andrewpsyquery khuang23:40
celthunderpvssanjeev: then give us the info from the nvidia tools23:41
gustavo_cmHi there. GParted shrunk my /home ext4 partition bud didn't update the superblock. How can I solve it? I tried fsck, but nothing.23:41
wylde!info python3-crypto23:41
ubottuPackage python3-crypto does not exist in oneiric23:41
wylde!info python-crypto23:41
ubottupython-crypto (source: python-crypto): cryptographic algorithms and protocols for Python. In component main, is optional. Version 2.3-2 (oneiric), package size 421 kB, installed size 2360 kB23:41
SirTurtlewtf is goin on lol23:41
pvssanjeevany specific command that would display the NVIDIA specs on this comp23:41
celthunderSirTurtle: ?23:41
archboxmancelthunder: pvssanjeev did they run a lsmod see if the module is loaded?23:42
celthunderarchboxman: theyre is x already so i would assume so23:42
pvssanjeevno i have not run any lsmod23:42
wylde!ot | SirTurtle23:43
ubottuSirTurtle: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:43
archboxmancelthunder: agree just these new ubuntu flavors install nouveau drivers instead of nvidia driver which causes problems...23:43
celthunderarchboxman: get the proprietary driver...i am all for open source but...proprietary nvidia is the way to go23:44
celthunderarchboxman: and if hes using nouveau then that would also explain why hdmi doesnt work23:44
pvssanjeevok where do i get that "propietory" drivers?23:44
celthunderpvssanjeev: either nvidias site or probably the repos like everything else23:45
pvssanjeevThank you celthunder23:45
pvssanjeevlemme search the repos23:45
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto23:45
archboxmancelthunder: not me pvssanjeev ... my display is a 32 inch led tv23:45
archboxmanpvssanjeev: lsmod which drive does it list...23:45
funnyhahai am having trouble with iwconfig txpower i get this error Error for wireless request "Set Tx Power" (8B26) :23:45
funnyhaha    SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not permitted.23:45
wylde!info jockey-gtk23:46
ubottujockey-gtk (source: jockey): GNOME user interface and desktop integration for driver management. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.4-0ubuntu10.1 (oneiric), package size 8 kB, installed size 148 kB23:46
archboxmanpvssanjeev: module = driver in linux..23:46
celthunderarchboxman: lol im using a 42" tv and a 32" as a secondary.23:46
celthunderfunnyhaha: run it as root23:46
wylde!sudo | funnyhaha23:46
ubottufunnyhaha: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo23:46
archboxmancelthunder: but, how do u zoom in on apps that dont have a zoom feature built in?23:47
funnyhahasame error23:47
celthunderarchboxman: i set my text size bigger :)23:47
pvssanjeevhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/934761/ - output for lspci | grep VGA23:47
archboxmancelthunder: good idea! :)23:47
celthunderfunnyhaha: then does your card support that option23:47
funnyhahacelthunder, i dont know23:48
celthunderfunnyhaha: what are you trying to do anyway23:48
celthunderlike...end goal23:48
celthunderandrewpsy: no23:49
funnyhahachange he power of my wireless card23:49
wylde!help | andrewpsy23:49
ubottuandrewpsy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:49
ProfessorBaconthat sounds dangerous23:49
celthunderfunnyhaha: because?23:49
funnyhahai want more power23:49
andrewpsy>celthunder: sorry, trying to see help page for irssi23:49
=== VoX is now known as vox
ProfessorBacondon't cook your machine, funnyhaha23:49
funnyhahano no that wont happen23:49
ProfessorBaconjust move closer to the AP :)23:49
celthunderProfessorBacon: funnyhaha then get a real wireless card and a real antenna...problem solved23:49
archboxmanfunnyhaha: larger attenea is what u want23:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:50
celthunderandrewpsy: lol ok23:50
wyldecelthunder: my home made cantenna beats out a store bought antenna by at least 4dbm. :)23:50
archboxmanfunnyhaha: It extends the range of wifi23:50
n-iCeI did ifconfig eth0 up, and is listed in ifconfig, but I connect the ethernet try a ping google.com and does not work, how can I know when I am connected to internet and if my ehternet drivers is loaded and working23:50
ProfessorBaconMORE POWER23:51
andrewpsy>celthunder: I should read the manpage of irssi before joining the channel :(23:51
celthunderwylde: all you need is wire...hell at one point i used a spool of speaker wire and some aluminum foil23:51
ProfessorBaconn-iCe: you can ping an IP on the internet23:51
ratcheer21 jigawatts!23:51
celthunderandrewpsy: try weechat its irssi with updates and a dev that works on it23:51
wyldecelthunder: yep, you don't need fancy materials at all.23:51
archboxmanfunnyhaha: try newegg.com and Rosewill product cost 15 bucks and works out the box sees drivers..23:51
arizona_bayif anyone wants to stop smoking, please drop by at #stopsmoking :D23:51
n-iCeProfessorBacon: read the question :p I already ping google.com and does not work23:51
arizona_bayarchbox :o23:51
archboxmanfunnyhaha: I will get u the lik23:51
celthunderarizona_bay: we like dying23:51
funnyhahayeah i know i just want to be able to change to power like when i need more battery life and when i dont23:51
wylde!ot | arizona_bay23:51
ubottuarizona_bay: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:51
archboxmanfunnyhaha: I will get u the link23:52
andrewpsycelthunder: thanks, will try weechat23:52
arizona_bayI got wipped :x im sowy23:52
celthunderfunnyhaha: then get a battery with more cells and take out the cd drive dim the display and ssd (i hate ssd but better on power)....23:52
celthunderfunnyhaha: those will do 100x more than not using wireless unless its a phone23:53
celthunderin which case all radios off dim display probably the best power saving.23:54
pvssanjeevI will edit the /etc/X11/XORG file and restart now and join back23:54
archboxmancelthunder: they dont understand radio communications here so wifi is a problem23:54
ceti331has anyone used an amd 3-monitor out graphics card with ubuntu23:55
ceti331i have heard that nvidia cards are  better supported generally under linux23:55
invisiblekwhy does networkmanager + iwl3945 suck so much? its kind of a pain to have to install wicd on this...23:56
celthunderceti331: that is true amd /ati pretty much refuse to make usable modules23:56
ceti331hah da,m23:56
celthunderinvisiblek: wicd is good...network manager has always and always will suck23:56
celthunderceti331: but yes depending on the card you can use it with 3 monitors23:56
ceti331those "usb monitors" dont work with linux do they ?23:56
n-iCeI did ifconfig eth0 up, and is listed in ifconfig, but I connect the ethernet try a ping google.com and does not work, how can I know when I am connected to internet and if my ehternet drivers is loaded and working23:56
celthunderno idea never tried one23:56
invisibleki've never liked network manager, id rather configure it via command line23:57
ceti331before I purchase a card ideally I would like to have it verified that it will work23:57
celthundern-iCe: do you have a dns server in /etc/resolv.conf23:57
ceti331instead of buying it to test it :)23:57
celthundern-iCe: also dhcpcd eth0 or use ifconfig to give it an ip23:57
violinapprenn-iCe: first of all, is your cable connected and working fine? check with: sudo mii-tool23:57
zykotick9celthunder: the debian project seems to consider wicd deprecated, and it may disappear from debian... just sayin'23:58
celthunderceti331: theres plenty of hcls23:58
n-iCeok, brb, let me try23:58
celthunderceti331: hardware compatiability lists23:58
zykotick9n-iCe: can you ping
celthunderzykotick9: why? because its python2?23:59
alteregoameowsolv.conf in /cat/sys/ipv4dhcmeow/23:59
celthunderzykotick9: netcfg does fine if wicd goes bye23:59
zykotick9celthunder: no, i don't think it's that (might be? i'm not sure on the details) [personally i use wicd on my netbook, so i don't have to install a DM]23:59

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