
=== zmoylan1 is now known as zmoylan
xubuntu395how do you install microsoft 200702:42
bazhangwhat is Microsoft 200702:45
Unit193MS Office maybe?02:45
xubuntu395microsoft office 200702:45
xubuntu395yup yup02:45
Unit193!wine |02:45
ubottu: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:45
xubuntu395ahhh, WINE02:46
xubuntu395is there another option?02:46
xubuntu395is there another way aside from using wine02:48
bazhangI just said yes02:50
vrkalako/ Unit19303:27
ballAha! I have found my 11.10 CD03:41
ballLet's try installing it.03:41
xubuntu687how do i download and instal adobe flash player03:42
bazhang!flash > xubuntu68703:44
ubottuxubuntu687, please see my private message03:44
ball!flash > ball03:50
ubottuball, please see my private message03:50
ballI've just wiped my desktop PC and installed Xubuntu 11.10. I love it. WiFi works, the screen works. Now fetching updates for the first time.04:43
xubuntu238sobody of brazil?05:38
xubuntu238soboddy speak portuguese?05:39
kim_I have problems with the new intalltion of xubuntu 12.04, the CPU-Temp is too high,... 58° but there is no cpu load over 2% (htop)08:38
kim_echo -e '\x6d\x6f\x6f' | xargs apt-get , did not help,.. :(, any idea how to solve this prob ?08:39
well_laid_lawnwhat are you using to find out the temp ?08:40
kim_the fan is working hard08:41
well_laid_lawnkim_: what sort of cpu is it ?08:44
kim_arrandale i5-460m08:45
well_laid_lawnthat should be between 35-50 C afaik - maybe someone in #ubuntu+1 will have a clue08:46
well_laid_lawnabout the differences with the newer kernel08:46
kim_okay thx,08:47
mcdoncis there a widget for fan speed / cpu temp in xcfe?11:52
ochosimcdonc: not by default, and not xfce specific.11:56
mcdoncthanks.. i'll ask another q.. does the default 12.04 configuration support xinerama (two monitor spread)?  clicking around seems to let me activate or deactivate monitors but no way to form a single desktop out of 2 of them.11:58
ablomenmcdonc, you can use arandr, it is available in the ubuntu software center11:59
babbleyou can get cpu temps in the sensors applet in xfce, if you install lm-sensors, and run the sensors-detect script to enable sensor modules your motherboard provides which may be compatible with lm-sensors12:02
babblemcdonc: if you install xfce4-goodies, you can enable cpu temperature sensors (probably) in the Sensor Viewer applet, with a couple more steps12:13
ardianHi how can I get Xubuntu Beta 2 ? 12.0412:17
ardianbabble, thank you.12:18
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=== Thermi is now known as thermi
recon_tvhi all, got a web cam that wont work in xubuntu , it's working in my ubuntu 10.04 lts though, cant remember if i installed anything on the 10.04 rig . any suggestions?14:46
recon_tvhere is the output of lsusb http://paste.ubuntu.com/934062/14:49
LentzSI need help setting up my printer. It is an HP 2200 and it either prints to slow with one driver or prints crap with another.15:53
Mormaugushey gyus, i'm trying to install xubuntu 11.10 from  LiveCD and when i reach on the screen to choose Try ot Install installation crashes(must reboot)16:07
GridCubeMormaugus, use the alternate disk16:09
Mormaugusi tried two CD's with different speed16:10
Mormaugusthe PC is old and can't boot from USB16:10
GridCubeMormaugus, again, use the alternate isos :)16:11
irciricim looking for a web based irc server that allows me to connect to all rooms I am connected to via xchat, but cannot access due to a college firewall16:13
irciriccurrently I can only connect if im torified16:13
irciricor, should I go room by room asking for their ssl ports?16:14
irciricmove this to offtopic?16:15
autifIt seems like evtouch is no longer supported/available via ubuntu packages - it was for g,h,i,j,k,l and m - not so for natty and oneiric - Does anyone know why? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EloTouchScreen16:29
knomelooks like it isn't developed since 200816:33
autifyup - so what replaced this for touchscreen drivers?16:34
knomeno idea16:35
autifwhat may be a better place to ask about this - within the greater ubuntu community? is there a dedicated list for X for ubuntu?16:36
SysiI'd guess "utouch"16:36
autifmy first guess would have been https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-x16:37
autifSysi - utouch seems to be hosted within unity - does it need unity to be the executing desktop or will it run with any other desktop environment (say) XFCE?16:39
Sysino idea16:39
Sysiare you wondering if some touchscreen works or do you have non-working touchscreen?16:40
autifWondering if the touch screen will work at all16:41
autifso far - I am able to get the mouse to move when I touch the touchscreen - but the pointer does not seems to be calibrated - moving the finger 2 inches - moves the cursor more than that on the touch screen16:42
GridCubeautif, hello16:42
GridCubei use a touchscreen with xubuntu 11.1016:43
autifi have been researching it and it seems like I need something better than the generic "mice" driver in X16:43
GridCubetell me whats your problem?16:43
autifhi GridCube - as I was describing - the touch screen is a custom 15" screen 1024x768 - running ubuntu with the matchbox desktop environment16:45
GridCubeautif, install xinput-calibrator16:45
autifthe vendor provided the source for the driver - pixcir_hid_mt16:45
autifso, I have a working "mouse"16:46
GridCubei don't know what a matchbox desktop enviroment is, are you sure this is the proper place to ask?16:46
autifthe screen is a capacitive touch screen - not a resistive touchscreen16:46
autifit does not require calibrating16:46
GridCubeautif, to calibrate your touchscreen you can use xinput-calibrate16:46
GridCubewelp, it wont harm doesnt it?16:46
autifyes - I will try xinput-calibrate16:47
GridCubeits xinput-calibrator16:47
autifbut hear me out - :-) I have been researching this for a few days now and wanted confirmation about some of the research - somehow I stumbled on evtouch - so ...16:48
autifit seems like I need 2 drivers16:48
autifone a kernel driver - which will send data from touchscreen to the /dev/input/mouse0 file16:49
autifthe other driver is not a kernel driver16:49
autifit seems like it needs to be an X driver16:50
autifseems like evtouch is a generic driver that takes the data from /dev/input/mouse0 and wires in whatever X needs16:50
GridCubei would not know autif my touchscreen worked flawlessly out of the box16:50
GridCube:) i know16:51
autiffor me - the driver is not supported by ubuntu - so I am still investigating.16:51
autifI will ask on the X mailing list16:51
GridCubealso the program synaptic, without an s16:51
GridCubecan be used to configurate it more16:52
autifI was hoping to get equivalents of evtouch - seems like utouch is it - so will research that more16:52
autifsynaptic w/o an s = ynaptic?16:52
autifor did you mean synaptics w/o s - synaptic?16:53
autifi found the synaptic package16:53
autifwill try all of these16:53
GridCubeoh, i meant16:53
GridCubewith an s16:53
GridCubeit says its for the touchpad16:54
autifu touch, xinput-calibrator, utouch and of course synaptic16:54
GridCubebut it can control all pointers16:54
autifcool - will try - thanks!16:54
GridCubegood luck16:55
GridCube!info xserver-xorg-input-synaptics16:55
ubottuxserver-xorg-input-synaptics (source: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics): Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.1-1ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 65 kB, installed size 256 kB16:55
autif!info synaptic16:57
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.75.2ubuntu8 (oneiric), package size 2099 kB, installed size 6980 kB16:57
autifnot this?16:57
GridCubethats the instaler16:57
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto16:57
babblesynaptic is a gui package manager for gnome and gtk desktops.16:57
autifwow - could it have been more confusing and unrelated?16:57
babblesynaptics is a touchpad/trackpad driver16:57
autifI now understand :-) This would have been a wild chanse16:58
autifthanks again16:59
xubuntu215i read this in the news - The i386 images use a non-PAE kernel to support a bigger variety of machines and when i tried the beta 2 it said wrong cpu i need i686 or enable PAE but i cant find anything to do with PAE??18:53
Unit193That may have been changed later.18:54
xubuntu215so can i just not use 12.0418:56
Unit193Last I knew 12.04 of Xubuntu uses non-PAE.18:57
xubuntu215yea does this mean i cant use it when i tried the i386 it said wrong kernel for cpu18:58
knomethey should use a non-pae kernel - if not, please file a bug and we'll try to triage it18:59
Unit193Syncing now so I can make sure, but I was sure they had non-PAE.18:59
knomei am sure too, i got ack'd when that change was made19:00
martinphoneI need help with streamtuner, can you give me a hadn here=20:20
martinphonewill you release the candidate release tomorrow?22:58

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