
AngelForgetkubuntu 11.10 is very good00:12
AngelForgeti test kubuntu 12.04 is very good operation system very very compliment for all staff00:14
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juacom99Hi, i got a really extr01:34
juacom99*extrange porblem with my webcam. When i try my webcam using cheese or phono it work just find, but when i use google hangouts or skype y get an odd red overall color and the background seem to hace streeps01:36
juacom99this is the result from lsusb for my cam: Bus 005 Device 002: ID 0c45:613a Microdia PC Camera (SN9C120)01:36
juacom99and i found i'm using gspca_sonixj module01:37
juacom99any idea what may be causing it?01:37
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darbeI have upgrade problem   http://paste.ubuntu.com/934917/03:27
darbecan you help me?03:27
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psykatogquick question - how can I find out which one of my drives is a usb for unetbootin?04:47
craigmillerI'm a Qt/QML mobile/tablet Developer, looking to get my touchscreen mapping app up and running on Kubuntu/Plasma for a demo at LinuxFest NW in a couple of weeks.  Could anyone point me to docs on how to setup Qt Creator on Desktop Linux (Ubuntu) to build/deploy to my ExoPC running Kubuntu/Plasma?04:53
craigmillerE.g. With MeeGo, Qt Creator created an RPM and deployed it to the MeeGo device via SSH.  Debugging happened over a socket as well.04:54
Wolfreni have a question as to how do i recover my account from the site where i dont have access to a password.04:57
Wolfrenthe name that i operated with specifically is lost because i dont have access to the password.04:58
Xabster"the site"?04:58
Wolfrenmy screenname is lost here04:59
Wolfrenan i wanna get it back04:59
Xabsterwhere is "here"?04:59
Wolfrenthis client04:59
Wolfrensorry i think in my own termnology and grammer05:00
XabsterYou're talking about your NickServ account on freenode.org ?05:00
WolfrenXab i no longer have access because the password is no longer with me.05:01
XabsterI don't know and that question has got nothing to do with kubuntu05:01
Wolfreni lost it.05:01
Wolfrenok i guess thats a go away sign then sir... thanks for the help.05:02
Wolfrenim off to other places then.05:03
=== Wolfren is now known as MerlynKorr
XabsterMerlynKorr, try calling your internet service provider and see if they can help05:14
MerlynKorrim just trying to get to freenode so that i can get my password for here recovered and i poked them, so i apologise i am a noob at all this.05:16
Xabsteryeah, sorry for being a dick, MerlynKorr05:21
Xabsterjoin #freenode and ask there05:21
MerlynKorrits all right im already at freenode waiting for thier answer...05:21
XabsterWhat do you mean? I don't see #freenode in your channel list05:25
XabsterDid you open another client to join? And btw. you're already on freenode (note the missing #) which is a network of servers, and #freenode (with the #) is the channel you want to join on that network05:26
MerlynKorrright thanks dude.... i got the help i needed... were cool you probably had rough time today?05:27
MerlynKorrno punctuation there, sorry.05:28
MerlynKorranyway ill letcha get back to work.05:28
Xabsternot really, i'm just a dick by nature05:29
darbehow can I fix it http://paste.ubuntu.com/935030/05:43
Xabsterdarbe, i'm a newbie but reading the output I can see that it suggests something to you05:45
XabsterDid you try that?05:45
darbeXabster: yes i did05:46
darbeXabster: it ddin't fix05:46
Xabsterthen i don't know05:47
Xabstermaybe you can try it via moun package manager or synaptics package manager05:48
Xabsteryour problem is due to dependencies not being met05:48
darbeXabster: synaptic doesn't work too05:48
darbeok forget it.05:48
darbeXabster: thanks though05:49
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TimPlazwhere can i get the driver of VIA/S3G UniChrome IGP(my vga driver) so I may try compiz effects?07:18
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CQhello, I lost the part of the toolbar where all the open applications are shown... how do I get that back?09:39
CQI looked for a widget, but no luck09:39
Tm_TCQ: you mean task manager?09:42
almoxarifeit is alive09:44
almoxarifehow do i ignore channel messages in quassel?09:44
Xabster./part #channelname09:45
CQTm_T yes, task manager, just found it, thanks... I was looking for applicaiton manager, program manager, programs, etc. but not task ;)09:49
Tm_TXabster: not funny09:55
Tm_Talmoxarife: which messages you are trying to ignore?09:55
Xabsterit wasn't supposed to be funny... if you want to ignore channel messages the easiest way is to not join it in the first place09:56
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gsommerMy Kubuntu said there was updates, so I let it update. Not it's stuck on "Installed update-manager-kde" (at 88%) - what should I do next then ?11:34
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choonyhello i need help wif a simple confirmation on installing kubuntu12:33
choonycan some1 help me12:33
choonyany1 there12:34
choonyhello can some1 help me12:34
choonycan some1 help me12:39
Xabsterchoony, ask a question12:39
choonyin kubuntu installation, it does show install windows side by side, you can only choose use entire disk or set manual partition, so how do i choose install side by side12:41
choonyit does not show*12:41
choonywill option use entire disk install existing windows side by side?12:42
mydogsnameisrudychoony:  you want to dual boot ?12:53
choonyi want to dual boot windows, but the new kubuntu dont have the option to install existing windows side by side12:56
mydogsnameisrudymost likley you dont have an open partition on your hard drive . 4 is maxs12:56
mydogsnameisrudygo into windows look at partitions see how many you have12:56
choonyoh ya!12:56
choonyokay i go now12:57
choonythx dude12:57
Noorideenwhy my wireless adapter doesnt work on ubuntu13:34
Noorideeni have toshiba L305D-S593413:34
bazhang!crosspost | Noorideen13:34
ubottuNoorideen: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.13:34
bazhangNoorideen, answer my question in #ubuntu13:35
jamil_1hi all13:47
jamil_1skype suddently start to give segmentation fault13:48
jamil_1it was working fine13:48
jamil_1uninstalled it, reinstalled it and its working fine now13:56
BluesKajHi all14:10
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liudashello where i could find info on kde apps ant meta packages, and how for example remove all kdepim module from kubuntu15:26
CenbeWhen I'm at work, Kubuntu keeps telling me that my printer at home may be offline. Can I get him to stop doing that?15:37
zk_alguien que entienda castellano?15:46
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:46
BluesKajliudas, kdepim is part of the kubuntu-desktop pkg . removing it will remove the whole kubuntu-desktop as well15:46
BluesKajliudas, why are you trying to remove kdepim ?15:48
alihow to install enlightenment environment in ubuntu 12.04??15:51
Piciali : Precise/12.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.15:51
alihow to install in 11.10?15:52
liudasBluesKaj: i dont use kmail and all the rest stuf under pim15:52
Piciali: I'd start by installing the e17 package.15:53
liudasBluesKaj: that's why i ask is there the way to remove pkg + meta pkg leaving pkg'es i need15:53
aliwhere i will get e17?15:53
Piciali: Its in the package repositories.15:54
PiciUse your favorite package manager to install it.15:54
aliits not showing in ubuntu soft. center15:55
aliok muon package manager worked15:56
BluesKajliudas, then just disable akonadi configuration by typing akonadi in the kmenu search and stopping the server and in system settings disable nepomuk , and remove kmail and kontact with apr-get or the package manager15:57
Piciali: np15:57
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alihow to install xfce?16:04
tsimpsonali: install the "xfce4" package16:06
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george_Hello. I am trying to update to 12.04 LTS, but when I run kdesudo "do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f kde -d", I get Traceback (most recent call last):17:06
george_  File "/usr/bin/do-release-upgrade", line 77, in <module>17:06
george_    print _("Checking for a new ubuntu release")17:06
george_UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe1' in position 16: ordinal not in range(128)17:06
FloodBotK1george_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:06
george_What's wrong?17:06
macoi doubt it's anything you can fix17:06
macothat's a doozy of a crash. i'd report a bug17:06
macothough... is your desktop running in english or another language?17:07
BluesKajgeorge_, normally the command to update is just 'sudo do-release--upgrade -d'17:07
george_maco: Portuguese17:07
macoBluesKaj: his version makes a gui of it17:07
george_BluesKaj: I'll try it.17:07
BluesKajyes, and he should do that17:08
macoreport a bug about the kde ui for do-release-upgrade breaking for portuguese17:08
macobecause we really *shouldn't* release like that17:08
macoi mean, THEY. they shouldn't release like that. i'm not a dev anymore *happy dance*17:08
BluesKajno need for the gui , the terminal gives enough info  IMO, george_17:08
george_BluesKaj: are you sure the command is correct? sudo: do-release--upgrade: command not found17:09
macoonly one -17:09
maconot --17:09
BluesKajgeorge_, also update/upgrade in the present OS irst17:10
george_sudo do-release-upgrade -d returns me "No new version found!"17:11
BluesKajgeorge_, sudo do-release-upgrade -d , cut and paste that into the terminal , there's no : after sudo17:11
BluesKajgeorge_, are you on a LTS ?17:11
george_No, 11.1017:11
rekcuFniarBI always upgrade the system with sudo find /etc/apt -iname "*.list" -exec sed -i 's/oneiric/precise/' {} \;17:15
rekcuFniarBsudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade17:15
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george_rekcuFniarB: never done that way...17:17
BluesKajgeorge_, first of all, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade , then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade . Adter that try release upgrade again17:22
george_BluesKaj: no, same thing.17:24
george_BluesKaj: on sudo apt-get dist-upgrade I get that the current version of plasma-widget-kimpanel will be keeped.17:25
PicirekcuFniarB: modifying your sources.list and dist-upgrading is bound to cause issues.  There are things that the do-release-upgrade/update-manager programs do that cannot be done sanely within the framework of apt/dpkg.17:27
BluesKajgeorge_, that's fine , you're upgrading your existing packages , not upgrading to 12.04 , now run sudo -do-release-upgrade -d17:27
rekcuFniarBPici: I never had problems upgrading that way17:28
george_BluesKaj: $ sudo do-release-upgrade -d17:28
george_Verificando se há uma nova versão do Ubuntu17:28
george_Nenhuma nova versão encontrada17:28
george_That means no new version found17:28
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BluesKajPici, do you know about this do-release-up[grade bug  ?17:29
Picigeorge_: Can you pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list as well as the output from lsb_release -a ?17:30
BluesKajeven if he has the upgrade manager set to "upgrade to LTS only" it should still work17:31
george_Pici: lsb_release -a: http://paste.kde.org/459524/17:32
george_Pici: /etc/apt/sources.list: http://paste.kde.org/459530/17:33
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Picihmmm.. I don't see anything that would be causing a problem...17:36
george_Pici: never had this issue before.17:38
BluesKajgeorge_, xheck the update manager , make sure OS upgrades are set to enabled or true or yes or whatever will open it to release upgrading17:43
HelenBI can't see my drives in Dolphin anymore. :(17:48
HelenBWhat do I do?17:48
george_BluesKaj: pre-releases was no checked, not it is. sudo do-release-upgrade -d returned me that  no new version of Ubuntu was found, but now I have lots of updates... don't get it...17:52
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BluesKajgeorge_, run the updates17:54
george_BluesKaj: ok17:55
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george_BluesKaj: Well, I have to reboot...18:02
george_BluesKaj: Ok, I've installed the updates, rebooted and ran sudo do-release-upgrade -d. But stills returns me that no new version was found.18:08
BluesKajgeorge_, lsb_release -a ..what does that give?18:17
george_BluesKaj: Here: http://paste.kde.org/459584/18:18
BluesKajgeorge_, you must have a setting in the package manager or update manager that's preventing the upgrade to a development release18:19
george_I've checked at muon and it every possible update is checked18:22
BluesKajwhat about update manager?18:23
george_Now, on software manager at settings, I've tried an update and the list of software could not be downloaded: E: Error http://ppa.launchpad.net oneiric/main Sources18:25
george_404 Not Found18:25
BluesKajoh, the manager isn't disabling the ppas18:26
george_BluesKaj: So, is there anything I can do?18:29
lethuanyone knows a working alternative to tail for KDE (4.7+)?18:31
Picilethu: whats wrong with tail?18:32
lethuPici, do you mean the plasma widget?18:32
BluesKajyes george_ , alt+f2 , kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list.d , remove any ppas listed there18:32
Picilethu: er. What do *you* mean?18:33
BluesKajoops wrong command george , kdesud dolphin , not kate18:33
george_BluesKaj: Can I just disable them on software sources list?18:33
BluesKajthey may not be listed18:33
lethuPici, I mean there are two "tails" I know of, the basic one and the widget one you can add to the plasma desktop18:34
Picilethu: you're the one who asked the question.18:34
lethuPici, I don't get it lol sorry18:35
Pici14:31:48 <lethu> anyone knows a working alternative to tail for KDE (4.7+)?18:35
lethuyes, indeed18:35
BluesKajgeorge_, this may help , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades18:35
lethuby tail, in this sentence I mean the plasma widget18:35
Picilethu: there we go.18:36
lethuso? :o18:36
Pici(and I know nothing about plasma widgets)18:36
lethuI see18:36
lethuPici, do you know at least if the original "tail" works with KDE?18:37
Picilethu: the cli tool works just fine.  I use it all the time.18:37
lethuPici, ahh nice! Thank you, that's all I wanted to know18:37
george_BluesKaj: I"ve removed every file on that folder, still says that no new version was found...18:42
BluesKajgeorge_, check the url posted above18:49
george_BluesKaj: Well, I'been on there before... I was doing the way it says...18:53
=== JMichaelX is now known as LawnMowersSuck
george_BluesKaj: Since it didn't work, I've came asking for help here..19:01
lethucan anybody tell me what's the id for the "root window" used by KDE?19:02
lethuI guess it should be some plasma related object id19:03
BluesKajgeorge_, the only thing I can think of is to replace your sources , and start over , http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ ...once you ve done that run updates and upgrade and dist-upgrade again , then try release upgrade -d again19:07
george_BluesKaj: I see. And where should I put that file, which file should be replaced?19:10
junfanIs there any way to get firefox with kde dialogs on 12.04? Every time I have to work with the gtk file dialog's inability to have options I want to smash something.19:12
junfanbtw, kgtk-wrapper doesn't work. It crashes too much.19:12
BluesKajgeorge_, alt+f2 , kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list that's the sources.list that needs replacing19:18
george_BluesKaj: ok, thanks. I'll try that and post the result19:18
HelenBHow to stop KDE from remember which programs were running in last session?19:21
HelenBIt is very annoying.19:22
lethuHelenB, go to settings19:22
lethusystem settings*19:22
HelenBbut where in the settings?19:22
lethugo to the bottom19:23
lethuthen click startup and shutdown19:23
lethuthen chose "Session Management" on the left list19:23
lethuthen on the right you should find a "On Login" section19:24
lethuthere you can check "Restore previous session"19:24
HelenBand not start empty session?19:24
HelenBkay :319:25
HelenBthank you19:25
HelenBsoo very much!19:25
* HelenB cuddles19:25
BluesKajHow to stop KDE from remembering ..hmm19:26
HelenBnow for me to sort out xchat to minimize at startup. lol19:26
HelenBdamn :(19:27
HelenBit's xchat --minimize=219:27
BluesKajHelenB, I think if you close every app and file before shutting down, with restore session enabled then you'll boot into a clean session ..that's my experience19:30
lethuHelenB, sorry I misread your question, it should be "start empty session" rather than "Restore previous session"19:33
lethuI thought you were looking for the opposite19:33
HelenBKDE wont start xchat minimized. :(19:34
lethuHelenB, what are you looking for exactly?19:34
HelenBto have KDE start xchat minimized19:35
HelenBit will start it not minimized19:35
HelenBbut it wont start it minimized19:35
lethuHelenB, bring up the xchat window19:35
HelenBI can start it up minimized from a terminal19:35
HelenBand I can start it minimized from my desktop19:35
lethuHelenB, then right click the titlebar19:35
HelenBlethu, then what?19:36
lethuHelenB, then go to "Advanced settings" then "Special Widow Settings"19:36
HelenBI don't have that.19:36
HelenBI don't have a title bar19:37
HelenBit's all tiled windowing19:37
lethuHelenB, what do you mean bu tiled windowing?19:38
HelenBlethu, idk19:38
HelenBfull screens19:38
HelenBlike on a phone19:38
lethuHelenB, what version of Kubuntu are you running?19:39
lethuHelenB, have you messed with the settings etc...?19:39
HelenBit's always been like this19:39
HelenBand that's how I like it19:39
HelenBthat's how Kubuntu runs on a netbook19:40
lethuok, one moment HelenB19:40
lethuHelenB, ok, go to "System Settings" again19:41
lethuthen on the second row, click "Window Behavior"19:41
sunnyboy988hello together =)19:42
lethuthen on the left list click on "Window Rules"19:42
lethuthere you will find a "New" Button on the right side19:42
HelenBYes I see it19:42
lethuHelenB, click it19:43
lethuHelenB, keep that window open, but meanwhile19:43
lethupress alt+f219:43
lethuthen type konsole19:44
HelenBand that does what?19:44
lethuthen "enter"19:44
lethuHelenB, that should summon the app laucnher19:44
HelenBit doesn't do anything.19:44
lethuk, no problem19:45
HelenBI started konsole19:45
HelenBfrol search and start page19:45
lethunow type "xwininfo" inside it19:46
lethuyou should have a different cursor19:46
lethuwith it you clic on Xchat19:46
lethuXchat's window19:46
sunnyboy988i have a problem. I installed the Kubuntu for the linuxMCE. Kubuntu is working, i installed the nvidia driver for my geforce gt 520, and this is working too, because i want to have the sound over the hdmi cable to my tv, i updated the alsa driver to 1.0.25 (newest), but i still don't have sound. But if i do in terminal "speaker-test -c 2 -r 48000 -D hw:1,7 then i hear the test sound. Could19:46
sunnyboy988someone please tell me how to set up the kubuntu (with kde) to use the hw:1,7 as the standard sound output?19:46
HelenBlike I said...19:46
HelenBI have tiled windowing19:46
lethuHelenB, use alt+tab to switch windows19:47
HelenBon xchat?19:47
HelenBin the middle?19:47
HelenBanywhere on xhcat?19:47
FloodBotK1HelenB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:47
FloodBotK1lethu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:47
BluesKajsunnyboy988, where are you hearing the test sound from?19:47
HelenBstupid bot :(19:48
sunnyboy988BluesKay: im sorry, but i don't understand your question =(19:48
lethuHelenB, tell me what does it give as "Window id"19:48
lethuthe info between the quotation marks19:48
HelenBXChat: HelenB @ Freenode / #kubuntu (+CLcfjnt #kubuntu-unregged 5:10)19:49
BluesKajsunnyboy988, and do you have pulseaudio installed , if so install pavucontrol as well , it gives options for directing the audio19:49
lethuHelenB, ok19:49
lethuHelenB, now go back to the Settings window19:49
lethuHelenB, use alt+tab always19:50
HelenBhmm kay19:50
BluesKajsunnyboy988, speaker test sound from the pc or the tv ?19:50
HelenBlethu, yes19:51
lethuHelenB, di you get there?19:51
HelenBcold :(19:52
lethuHelenB, now go to the "Window class" property19:52
HelenBlethu, yes19:52
lethuHelenB, select "Exact Match" then next to it, type XChat19:52
sunnyboy988BluesKay: The test sound is generated from the program speaker-test in the terminal, and i hear the sound on my tv over the hdmi cable... I don't have pulseaudio installed. for what is this program? sorry im kinda new with linux19:53
HelenBlethu, yes19:53
lethuHelenB, ok, now go to the "Size & Position" tab19:54
HelenBlethu, yes19:54
lethuHelenB, then check "Minimized"19:54
HelenBlethu, yes19:54
lethuHelenB, and then next to it select "Apply Initially" and then next to it again check "Yes"19:55
HelenBlethu, yes19:55
lethuHelenB, now click "ok" :)19:56
HelenBIt done? :o19:56
lethuHelenB, should be19:56
lethuHelenB, you need to check it now19:56
BluesKajsunnyboy988, open kmenu>computer>system settings>multimedia>phonon>device preference , check the devices listed there to see which ones work with the tv19:56
BluesKajchoose the device , and move it the top , sunnyboy98819:58
BluesKajthe device that tests ok19:58
sunnyboy988blueskaj: i tried that before, too, but non of them is the one for my hdmi sound =(19:59
BluesKajsunnyboy988, onboard or pci soundcard?20:00
sunnyboy988yes i have a onboard soundcard, too, but i didn't installed the driver for it...20:01
sunnyboy988is there not somewhere like always in linux a config file that i can open and change a value from for example hw:0,0 to hw:1,7? ^^20:03
BluesKajsunnyboy988, depends which card is default ,( card=0 ). do, aplay-l , in the terminal20:07
lethusunnyboy988, there is, or was for that matter20:07
HelenBwhat a lag20:08
lethuback when I used gentoo you could make a config file in your home directory with that setting and it would set that20:08
HelenBno CPU fan20:08
BluesKajlethu, sunnyboy988 , that file is usually ~/.asoundrc,  now20:09
* HelenB cuddles lethu 20:09
lethuBluesKaj, yes20:09
lethuHelenB, yw :)20:09
sunnyboy988BluesKaj: ok, i did the aplay -l:" Card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 0 ...; Card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 1...; Card 1: NVidia_1 [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 ...; card 1: NVidia_1 [HDA NVidia], device 7: HDMI 1 ....20:11
HelenBlethu, Now how do I remove the XChat icon from the system tray? :o20:16
BluesKajsunnyboy988, I'm not a pulseaudio fan , but in some cases, incuding my own , it's necessary to use it as a sounderserver for your audio outputs and inputs , recommend installing it and pavucontrol , sudo apt-get install pulseaudio pavucontrol20:16
lethuHelenB, there should be an option in the XChat settings20:17
sunnyboy988BluesKaj: ok, then i will try it =) *hoping* i will write if it worked or not =)20:17
HelenBlethu, but there isn't.20:18
lethuHelenB, right click the little arrow pointing toward the top20:18
lethuHelenB, then click sys tray settings20:19
HelenBlengau, What arror?20:19
lethuHelenB, in the extreme right of the bar20:19
lethujust next to the clock20:20
lethuHelenB, then select Entries in the left list20:20
lethuHelenB, then look for XChat there20:21
lethuand set visibility to Hidden20:21
lethuHelenB, then apply and ok20:21
HelenBno worky?20:21
HelenBog wait20:21
HelenBoh wait20:21
HelenBit worky20:21
FloodBotK1HelenB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:21
lethuHelenB, good!20:21
HelenBFloodBotK1, no20:22
HelenBlethu, I have no CPU fan. :o20:23
HelenBand also...20:23
HelenBthank you :320:23
lethuHelenB, you welcome C:20:24
lethuHelenB, what do you mean by no CPU fan?20:24
HelenBlethu, the fan on the CPU20:24
HelenBI don't have one. :o20:24
HelenBthis thing gets too hot20:24
lethuHelenB, you mean the physical fan?20:24
lethuHelenB, what kind of computer do you use?20:25
HelenBbut it should have one it gets too hot lol20:25
HelenBand then the CPU slows down to prevent damage20:25
lethuHelenB, have you got lm-sensors installed?20:25
lethuHelenB, open konsole then type "sensors"20:25
HelenBno it not installed20:26
HelenBwhat does it do? :o20:26
lethuHelenB, it gives you the current CPU temp20:29
* HelenB installs20:29
lethuHelenB, wait20:29
lethuHelenB, how do you know that there is no fan on your cpu?20:29
lethuread : are you 100% sure of it?20:29
HelenBlethu, I went to upgrade my RAM.20:30
HelenBonly to find I only have one RAM slot. :(20:30
HelenBI also went to replace the hard drive20:30
HelenBbecause a magnet fucked it up20:30
HelenBI saw the bare CPU20:31
lethuHelenB, can you supply the brand and model informations?20:31
HelenBIt's Intel Atom20:31
lethuI mean for the netbook20:31
HelenBDell Inspiron 101120:32
lethuHelenB, is there an air exhaust on your netbook?20:33
HelenBlengau, a vent?20:34
HelenBlethu, a vent?20:34
HelenBthere are vents20:34
lethuHelenB, can you feel air coming out of the vents?20:35
HelenBlethu, I can feel radiating heat20:36
HelenBI'll get a cooling pad20:36
lethuHelenB, it's one of a few options20:36
lethunot the lest costly but I guess it should work20:36
lethuHelenB, also think about installing lm-sensors and checking your temp(s) regularly20:37
HelenBI did20:37
HelenBit's at abnormal temps20:37
HelenBit's on a book20:37
FloodBotK1HelenB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:38
HelenBit's also on stilts20:38
HelenBso air can get underneath20:38
lethuany time intensive apps running?20:38
lethuanyway 70 is where you should start worrying20:39
lethu80 is critical20:39
HelenBlethu, Why does it say this? :o20:42
HelenBAdapter: Virtual device20:42
lethuHelenB, how d you get this?20:43
HelenBlethu, from sensors20:43
lethuHelenB, have you first ran the "sensors-detect" command?20:44
lethuyou have to20:44
HelenBlethu, I'm getting 59oc now :320:49
lethuHelenB, you can run the "top" command to check if it isn't rather some process of app that is stressing the CPU20:50
HelenBwait wait20:51
HelenBAdapter: Virtual device20:51
HelenBtemp1:        +60.0°C  (crit = +102.0°C)20:51
HelenBAdapter: ISA adapter20:51
HelenBCore 0:       +59.0°C  (high = +70.0°C, crit = +90.0°C)20:51
FloodBotK1HelenB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:51
HelenBlethu, ^^20:51
HelenBI should've pastebined it.20:51
lethuHelenB, use pastebin if you want to past multiple line text :)20:51
lethuyeah hehe20:51
HelenBIt didn't look like a lot of lines.20:52
HelenBuntil I sent it.20:52
sunnyboy988BluesKaj: i don't know, but i don't get pulseaudio to run... =( i found out now, that i kinda have sound. When i shut down or start the computer i have the sounds of linux on my tv, but everything else is not working... =((( why does everything always have to be so difficult with linux -.-20:52
HelenBtsimpson, Nice bot! :D20:53
HelenBlethu, I thought ISA was ancient. lol20:53
lethuHelenB, current days hardware state is so messed up that it's no wonder you ask yourself such questions20:54
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HelenBlethu, It is? :o20:55
lethuHelenB, so many components are ancient but still used every now and then20:55
lethuwell let's not turn out of topic :)20:56
HelenBBut I don't have an  ISA port. lol20:56
HelenBgood idea20:56
FloodBotK1HelenB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:56
HelenBFloodBotK1, no20:56
BluesKajsunnyboy988, go to the kmenu , type in pavucontrol in search , now check the Output Device settings for hdmi21:02
sunnyboy988BluesKaj: i tried it, but there is no program, that i could start. But in the Adopt or in the Terminal it tells me that this program is installed *confused*21:10
BluesKajsunnyboy988, which program ?21:17
BluesKajpulseaudio or pavucontrol21:17
BluesKajsunnyboy988, type pavucontrol in the terminal21:22
sunnyboy988oh ok, now it's starting a program, but i get the error msg: "Connection failed. Connection refused"21:24
BluesKajsunnyboy988, ok ,sudo apt-get install pulseaudio21:26
sunnyboy988BluesKaj: pulseaudio is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded21:28
sunnyboy988oh ok, i think i found an error in pulseaudio, one sec i will fix it21:29
BluesKajsunnyboy988, have you setup pulseaudio in system settings>multimedia >phonon>audio hardware setup21:30
bkerensaRiddell: I hear Canonical is keeping the Kubuntu name possibly.... Is this right?21:30
BluesKajbkerensa, http://blogs.kde.org/node/456521:33
bkerensaBluesKaj: Yeah but I heard that Canonical is saying the name cannot be used since BlueSystems is sponsoring it21:33
bkerensaas of today thats the word21:33
Riddellbkerensa: I've not heard anything today, got a source?21:35
bkerensaRiddell: I PM'ed you21:40
sunnyboy988BluesKaj: i think i did too many things on this kubuntu wrong now, so i'm going to install it tomorrow new and try it then again. Thank you very very much for your help and your time21:41
Zkyeanybody home ?22:24
BarkingFishdepends on what you need, how fast and how long you have?22:25
ZkyeIt's like seeing light at the end of the tunnem22:25
ZkyeIt took me over 2 hours to get on an IRC channel of ubuntu!22:25
ZkyeThis is about ubuntu, right?22:25
sobczyk_hi, is there a way to add additional route when connecting to a vpn?22:27
ihacksvan fent magyar?22:30
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál22:31
DaskreechHelenB: got dolphin showing your stuff again?22:44
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DaskreechHelenB: Ha Did you run plasma-netbook ?22:48
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:40

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