
wgrantBugTaskFlat now passes all bug search tests./00:48
wgrant3000 lines of refactoring later00:48
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
wgrantStevenK: Good evening.02:19
wgrantSome of <https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bugtaskflat-search--1/+merge/102416>, <https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bugtaskflat-search-0/+merge/102417>, <https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bugtaskflat-search-1/+merge/102419>, <https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bugtaskflat-search-2/+merge/102421> may be of interest02:19
jtvhuwshimi: g'day!  Had you seen this bug?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/96505802:45
_mup_Bug #965058: Long error throws add-node form off balance <ui> <MAAS:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/965058 >02:45
StevenKwgrant: -1 and 0 approved02:50
wgrantStevenK: I wouldn't go so far as to say "good".02:50
wgrant"not terrible", perhaps02:50
wgrantIt's all preeeetty ugly02:53
StevenKBut *fast* :-)02:53
wgrantAnd temporary :)02:53
huwshimijtv: I think that bug is invalid as we no longer use an overlay.03:35
huwshimi(Unless I'm missing something.)03:36
jtvhuwshimi: maybe I got the terminology wrong.03:36
jtvI _thought_ it was an overlay but whatever it is, it didn't stretch well.03:36
jtvI need to go afk for a bit.03:37
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
=== jtv-afk is now known as jtv
wgrantlifeless: Around?04:16
* StevenK stabs Zope form handling.04:22
bigjoolsit's already dead, that won't help04:25
wgrantlifeless: In 7675.1045.191 you declared that Bug.id and BugTask.bugID are unambiguous sort columns, when that's clearly false.04:25
wgrantDo you recall why you did that?04:25
StevenKbigjools: The stabbing is merely therapeutic.04:26
wgrantTherapeutic stabbing? That's a new one.04:26
StevenKTherapeutic for *me*.04:26
bigjoolsDexter Kowalik04:27
nigelb"Stabbing a dead Zope"04:27
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/934982/ since I'm obviously missing something.04:27
bigjoolsoh yay now my adsl is syncing at 2mb04:27
wgrantStevenK: What's not working?04:28
StevenKwgrant: I get an OOPS:04:29
StevenK    return self.__FormFields_byname__[name]04:29
StevenKKeyError: 'information_type'<br />04:29
lifelesswgrant: hi04:30
StevenKbigjools: I'm not so sure I want to watch Dexter.04:30
lifelesswgrant: that was contextual - I had to bend my head to get it04:30
lifelesswgrant: in a single context, bug.id is unambiguous, otherwise it isn't04:30
wgrantlifeless: Right, but there was already an 'if unambiguous_context: add(Bug.id)' block afterwards04:32
wgrantSo I'm confused04:32
* StevenK revokes his 1024D key.04:37
wgrantStevenK: Bah, nasty lifeless distracted me by answering my question.04:38
lifelesswgrant: I have no idea04:38
wgrantStevenK: What's the traceback? is it the custom widget declaration?04:38
wgrantlifeless: It'll affect index use, so I'll just remove it for BugTaskFlat.04:39
lifelesswe'll see what happens04:39
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/934992/ is the traceback, and I've +1'd 1.04:39
wgrantWhat does everyone think about the assignee-visiblity thing?04:39
lifelesswgrant: what about it ?04:40
wgrantThat is, currently there's a special case where the assignee can see a bug even if they don't have a subscription.04:40
wgrantSeems like that should go away.04:40
StevenKwgrant: I've reviewed -1, 0 and 1. I'd prefer you find another review for 2.04:40
lifelessthey should get a grant; we should forcibly unassign if the grant is removed.04:40
wgrantStevenK: Sure, thanks.04:40
wgrantMeh, until we do that they just don't get access when BugTaskFlat is in use :)04:41
wgrantStevenK: Um04:43
StevenKwgrant: Hm?04:43
wgrantStevenK: Is that a conditional in the root of a class?04:43
wgrantThat's slightly unconventional.04:43
wgrantHowever, I suspect the error is because the schema's field names end in _field, but field_names' do not.04:44
StevenKwgrant: But it works with the flag off for private and security_related.04:44
StevenKwgrant: So I'm confused too.04:49
StevenKRight, simple test written for it.04:51
StevenKBah, Vim needs M-x comment-region04:52
lifelessStevenK: ^V,select,:s/^/#04:53
StevenKwgrant: Changing class schema just have information_type_field = copy_field() makes the new test pass (and all of the current tests blow up :_)04:54
wgrantStevenK: That's not surprising.04:58
wgrantThe class isn't defined in the function as I initially thought.04:58
wgrantIt's a conditional in a class in a class.04:58
wgrantSo the feature flag is evaluated at module load time.04:58
StevenKOh, right.04:59
StevenKSo I can't use schema?04:59
wgrantI'd define two04:59
StevenKHow do I tell the form the right schema?05:01
wgrantdef schema(self):05:02
wgrant   return foo if getFeatureFlag('blah') else bar05:02
wgrantor similar05:02
* StevenK stabs FreeNode.05:11
huwshimijtv: If you get a chance can you try and reproduce that bug and if so attach a screenshot to the bug?05:12
StevenKwgrant: It works when I define two classes in the schema property05:14
wgrantOr if you define them outside it :)05:15
StevenKIf I define them outside it, I get NameError05:15
wgrantThen fix the NameError.05:15
jtvhuwshimi: ahh, I see now: the form extends to the right-hand edge of the page already.  So the bug couldn't occur in the form I reported.05:16
jtv(But why does it let me create two nodes with the same hostname?)05:16
StevenKwallyworld: I've moved two of your cards from Deployment-Ready to Done-Done due to the NDT, can you check the other two cards?05:17
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/935014/05:18
wgrantStevenK: self05:19
StevenKOh, doh, of course.05:19
huwshimijtv: I think I remember there being a bug for that.05:20
jtvMaybe it's normally an error coming from the backend.  I was running against a fake pserv.05:20
StevenKwgrant: Last step is to add in the vocab, which requires defeating AssertionError: The vocabulary must implement IEnumeratedType05:20
StevenKwgrant: And adding implements(IEnumeratedType) hasn't helped05:21
jtv[wild unsolicited guess] classProvides?05:24
StevenKIt's strange. If I use vocabulary='InformationTypeVocabulary' or vocabulary=InformationTypeVocabulary() I get the AssertionError. If I use vocabulary=InformationTypeVocabulary I get a TypeError in the guts of itemwidget.05:35
wallyworldStevenK: ok05:36
StevenKAnd none of classProvides, implements or alsoProvides changes the AssertionError. :-(05:37
adeuringgood morning07:56
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=== StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 4*10^2
wgrantTest failures08:59
nigelbIsn't there something tricky about bug status?10:11
nigelbIt's not exactly attached to a bug, is it?10:11
nigelbaha. bug_task.10:13
rick_his the smtp server running on qa staging?11:47
wgrantrick_h: qastaging and staging outbound email is captured in the staging mailbox.11:48
rick_hwgrant: ok, thanks. will look for that on the wiki.11:49
wgrantjcsackett: Hi, around yet?11:54
wgrantI guess not, rich_h is just strange :)11:54
rick_hyea, I tend to start early for most US based people I think11:55
czajkowskirick_h: you really do11:56
rick_hI like it that way, start early, hit the road early.11:56
rick_htime with the boy and all that jazz :)11:56
rick_hmeanwhile...my thunderbird hate grows...11:56
bacjml: when you have time can you look at this updated MP for testrepository?  i've included your suggestions from yesterday.  https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/testrepository/bug-949950-2/+merge/10238312:18
jmlbac: soon12:18
jmlbac: sorry for the delay12:18
bacjml; np, it wasn't ready until late my afternoon y'day12:19
StevenKIs it sad when I saw "y'day", I immeadiately thought it was something like "y'all" ?12:20
jmlbac: I've got to head to a call now, but I've looked at your patch, like it and am trying to figure out something better than checking the return type12:59
deryckMorning, everyone.13:07
* deryck lives!13:07
rick_hblame the kids deryck, it's what I do.13:08
deryckoh, it was absolutely the little one's fault. :)13:09
rick_hjml: ping, looks like landing failed13:45
jmlrick_h: in what fashion?13:46
rick_hjml: tests passed, but the commit was rejected, this bug it's tied to is listed as fix released on teh 14th13:46
rick_hso guessing it had no [bug=] and it wasn't set [no-qa]13:46
jmlah ok.13:46
rick_hhttp://paste.mitechie.com/show/624/ for the full output13:47
rick_hso do we need to mark the bug as open again? Is that the right bug?13:47
rick_hand I can pqm submit it under that?13:47
jmlrick_h: yes it's the right bug13:47
rick_hok, so going to open back up as triaged and then pqm submit, it'll go through qa/etc again then13:48
jmlrick_h: that sounds like a good idea13:48
wgrantjcsackett: Hi13:48
rick_hjml, ok, pqm seems satisfied now.13:52
jmlrick_h: yay13:53
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
czajkowskijml: thats never good to see after silence, you just know things aren't going well14:45
jmlczajkowski: just realized I'd forgot about bac's branch14:46
czajkowskihmm wgrant is it possible to change the registered by in a team ?14:49
sinzuiczajkowski, NO. The SQL uses to tamper with the database causes issues later.14:56
sinzuiI would sooner remove the registered information from projects then tamper with it14:57
adeuringabentley: fancy a review? https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/celery-config/+merge/10253515:03
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: abentley | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 4*10^2
abentleyadeuring: sure.15:04
rick_hderyck: ping for call15:05
abentleyadeuring: I think we want the timeout to be 5 minutes.  That's what it's currently set to, and it will ensure that ~99% of tasks run in the fast lane.15:07
adeuringabentley: yeah, I suspected that I got the timeout values wrong ;) So, 300 seconds for the fast lanes.15:08
adeuringabentley: I am also not 100% conviced that a timeout of one day for slow jobs is reasonable...15:09
abentleyadeuring: Somewhere between an hour and a day seems reasonable.  I think we'll need to experiment.15:10
abentleyadeuring: It's generally a bad idea to assume that sys.argv is defined.  It won't be when Python is loaded as an extension.15:12
abentleyadeuring: I've been bitten by that in Launchpad work before.15:13
adeuringabentley: ok, we can avoid this -- but is this a real concern here, in a test?15:13
adeuringabentley: gahhh15:14
abentleyadeuring: You are doing it in lib/lp/services/job/celeryconfig.py which is not a test.15:14
adeuringups, right15:15
abentleyadeuring: Can you access Celery's interpretation of the config instead?  Or is that applied after loading celeryconfig?15:15
abentleyadeuring: I mean  Can you access Celery's interpretation of the *arguments*15:16
adeuringabentley: no, the celery config is not yet available when this module is loaded. this is the reason why I used sys.argv15:16
abentleyadeuring: That is a shame, but if you must use sys.argv, you need to handle the case where it's not defined.15:17
adeuringabentley: ok, I'll do this15:17
abentleyadeuring: Is there value in defining the binding key explicitly when it's the same as the queue name?15:19
adeuringabentley: not really. But I wanted to explicitly defined the set of known queues (for sanity checks), and having the binding key available might make sense if we want a more complex rabbitmq setup (but I am not sure if we will ever have such a setup :)15:20
adeuringabentley: diff so far: http://paste.ubuntu.com/935579/15:21
abentleyadeuring: I have difficulty anticipating what facilities we would want if we made it more complex, so let's keep it simple for now.15:23
adeuringabentley: ok, so, something like [job_queues] queues: job, jobslow,... ?15:24
abentleyadeuring: Right.15:24
abentleyadeuring: I think set() is the natural type for linked_queues, since we only care about whether a queue is already present in it.15:25
adeuringabentley: I think a list has the avdantage that you can see where the circle "closes".15:26
abentleyadeuring: okay.15:26
adeuringabentley:  current diff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/935587/15:32
abentleyadeuring: I think it would be nicer if configure accepted "argv" and returned a dict.  Then you could do "globals().update(configure(getattr(sys, 'argv', [''])))" to actually set it.15:36
abentleyadeuring: That would make it easier to test, and also shorter.15:37
abentleyadeuring: You could even pull the function into a different module so that testing didn't have to actually set the globals.15:38
adeuringabentley: well, ok...15:39
abentleyadeuring: check_job_specific_celeryd_configutartion is misspelled.15:42
jmlgary_poster: have just merged bac's branch into testr. you guys should be good to go.15:43
bacjml: sweet15:43
jmlbac: oh cool, you're here :)15:43
abentleyadeuring: Could you give ConfigurationError a docstring?  That will remove the need for the "pass".15:44
gary_posterjml, thank you!  Is there a place where subunit is in a PPA somewhere?  We need revno 158 and I *think* that's not officially released yet; double checking.  But ISTR that there is a PPA for this stuff...?15:44
jmlgary_poster: https://launchpad.net/~testing-cabal15:44
gary_posterjml, ah-ha, I thought it was something like that. :-) thanks again15:44
jmlgary_poster: if it's not up to date, probably best to hassle jelmer15:45
jmlgary_poster: if it's not up to date, probably best to hassle jelmer15:45
bacjml: your test additions are quite an improvement.  thanks.15:45
jmlone piece of software thatI use has a bug where sometimes the middle part of my screen gets covered by a a white block :(15:46
gary_posterme too!  I suspect chrome15:47
gary_posterjelmer, IWBNI the testing cabal had the newest subunit in its PPA.  No biggie though; I'll make one myself for ours.15:50
jelmergary_poster: requested a new build16:04
gary_posterthank you very much jelmer16:04
adeuringabentley: another look?16:23
gary_postersubunit builds fail becuse of test failures :-/16:34
jelmergary_poster: testing cabal PPA build seems to have succeeded16:41
jelmer(including tests)16:41
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
abentleyadeuring: sure.17:13
abentleyadeuring: Is the tearDown still necessary?17:14
adeuringabentley: argh, sure, that method can go....17:14
rick_hlifeless: ping when you get in, trying to figure out how to get the oops tools LP talking nice. oops-tools seems fine, but LP isn't dumping messages on the queue and wonderingif I'm missing a step of setup on the LP side.17:39
czajkowskirick_h: would matsubara be able to help17:42
rick_hczajkowski: well I guess anyone that knows how LP dumps oops to the rabbit queue would be cool17:44
rick_hjust know lifeless has the keys so lighting up his IRC :)17:44
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rick_hlifeless: czajkowski ok, got it hacked to just use my main rabbitmq instance and got oopses processed so in business I think18:18
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gary_posterjml, if you are around, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/102495365/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.python-testtools_0.9.14%2Bbzr253~ppa37~precise1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz shows that testtools is not building because py3 does not support destructuring in args ("def _merge_tags(existing, (new_tags, gone_tags))").  Fix is easy, of course (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/935815/ for instance, if it speeds things along).  However, ht18:23
gary_postertp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/935822/ suggests that the build will still fail--and I don't see a python3.2-bzrlib.  I think I'm going to pursue making a branch locally that does not try to support py 3.18:23
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
lifelessrick_h: hi19:21
rick_hlifeless: hey19:22
lifelessrick_h: the oopssetup doc on the wiki covers this19:22
rick_hsorry, I was referencing the readme since that seeme dto have all the setup19:22
rick_hlifeless: so yea, I went through these, but the issue I was running into was that the LP rabbit instance isn't what my rabbit is running at. e.g. default 5672 port vs 5672019:25
rick_hlifeless: so I had to tweak the rabbit-server stuff to use the existing running rabbitmq instance.19:25
rick_hlifeless: I think this is because of the install issues I had around the rabbit mgt package stuff in precise19:25
rick_hlifeless: so I got things running, but basically by telling LP not to start up rabbit, but use the one already running from the system.19:26
lifelessmake run starts a local rabbit19:26
rick_hthe oops-tools stuff went peachy19:26
lifelessso my notes (referenced from that wiki page) link oops-tools to that rabbit19:26
lifeless6/1 1/2 of the other19:26
rick_hlifeless: right, I want to look at it better because I couldn't tell how to have things like rabbitctl point to a second rabbit instance19:27
rick_hpart of the issue in debugging was trying to figure out if the queu exist/was getting populated and rabbitctl list-queues showed nothing because that was talking to the rabbit on 567219:27
rick_hI don't see it accepting a --port parameter, so I didn't realize LP was firing off a second one, etc19:27
lifelessrabbitctl is influence by environment variables19:28
lifelessit talks to a erlang multiplexer19:28
lifelesswhich talks to potentially multiple rabbits19:28
lifelessits fugly.19:28
lifelessbut there it is19:28
rick_hgotcha, and I fell down that 'rabbit-hole' and yea I went there19:29
lifelesshere - starting point : https://dev.launchpad.net/QA/OopsToolsSetup19:29
lifelesslinks to my notes https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg08183.html19:29
rick_hgot those, thanks!19:29
sinzuijcsackett, lets qa bug 982539 to verify your branch also fixed it19:32
_mup_Bug #982539: Losing access to private bugs recently <bugs> <disclosure> <privacy> <regression> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/982539 >19:32
benjilifeless: if you have a minute today I would appreciate your comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/testrepository/add-worker-id-tagging/+merge/10257420:45
lifelessbenji: I'll give it a shot20:48
lifelessI've a bit of review debt again20:48
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 4*10^2
derycknight, everyone.22:02
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
sinzuijcsackett, mumble?22:03
wgrantsinzui, jcsackett: lib/lp/bugs/stories/bug-privacy/xx-bug-privacy.txt and lib/lp/bugs/doc/initial-bug-contacts.txt fail intermittently with jcsackett's rev22:05
sinzuiStevenK, is this the branch: lp:~stevenk/launchpad/bugs-information_type-ui-secrecy22:28
StevenKsinzui: That is the first one, yes.22:28

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