
reflexrg256MB PC3200 (400MHz) DDR SDRAM, supports up to 2GB <--- does that mean each slot supports up to 2gb or does that mean what the machine can handle up to?00:24
NQTropicI love lubuntu03:33
kanliotyou want to join the team nqtropic?03:39
NQTropichow can I help?03:40
kanliotyeah ordinary people build lubuntu03:40
kanliotthere's a mailing list called lubuntu-users03:40
kanliotsubscribe and03:41
kanliottry and figure out how you can fit in03:41
NQTropichmmmm, dont know that I want more email03:42
kanliotthere's a facebook group if you like that03:44
Unit193May want to talk in #lubuntu-offtopic rather than here.03:46
NQTropicdoes lubuntu/ubuntu have and software to monitor the signal strength of a wireless broadband modem? (gsm/hspa)10:08
gordonjcpNQTropic: yes10:18
gordonjcpNQTropic: network-manager does this10:18
gordonjcpNQTropic: also I'm looking at non-nm ways to do this so I can read it off remotely10:18
NQTropicyes network manager  doesn't really update or provide accurate info gordonjcp, would be interested in something else, but just happy to have an internet connection on lubuntu while "on the road" at the moment12:08
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=== rastamouse is now known as nothingspecial
FersureFor some reason, usb-creator-gtk isn't playing game with the lubuntu daily live build.14:11
FersureI keep getting 'checksums do not match'. I checked. The sha256sum for the iso is correct.14:11
FersureThis has happened with a few daily builds now. Can anyone help?14:12
hosokahello all15:54
hosokaanyone has or can explain audio settings on Skype ?15:55
hosokaat the dropdown list of Skype in audio settings it only shows up Pulseaudio. I have read that Lubuntu has Alsa by default. Would like to get the microfoon works. Speaker audio works fine.15:56
bewolf7i've got problem on starting lubuntu ; there's a message that look for xubuntu; and then the PC stops16:55
bioterrordoes not tell much16:58
bioterrorhow did you install your system?16:58
=== dax is now known as xaD
milen8204I have a problem whit flash plug in18:35
milen8204the sites says that it missing but I have already installed it18:36
kanliotfirefox or chromium18:41
kanliotnext question : how did you install it18:42
milen8204kanliot, Chromium, now i am installing firefox18:46
milen8204i have installed it whit Synaptic18:47
kanliothow did you install adobe flash player?18:47
milen8204i wrote in Synaptic adobe flash player and then ticked it and install it18:48
bioterrorsudo apt-get purge flashplayer-installer18:49
bioterrorsudo apt-get install adobe-flashplayer18:49
bioterroror was it flashplugin-installer18:49
bioterrorcant remember, using windows 7 atm ,)18:49
milen8204bioterror, will try18:50
kanliotyeah it's remotely possibe thats importatnt, can you look up exactly what you installed in synaptic?  also are you running 11.1018:51
milen8204kanliot, yes Lubuntu 11.1018:51
milen8204kanliot, I had installed flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound18:55
kanliotyeah try flashplugin-installer18:57
kanliotno wait18:57
kanliotjust install extras18:57
kanliotuh which one is it?18:58
kanliotextras or addons i can't recall18:58
milen8204will try whit extras18:59
milen8204ok thanks19:00
milen8204I have in Synaptic lubuntu-restricted-extras should I remove ubuntu-restricted-extras19:01
milen8204kanliot, now does work at all19:03
kanliotdid you install ubuntu-restricted extras?19:07
milen8204and I got ble screen19:07
bewolf7how did i install, with a usb stick made by multissystem with 2 partition (one is /, the other /home). the / has been formated over LMDE19:08
kanliotwhat did you do on the blue screen?19:11
bewolf7bioterror is not there?19:12
kanliotbeworlf sorry  donno about usb partitions19:12
milen8204kanliot, i have remove all and reinstall it19:13
milen8204now i have video on youtube19:13
milen8204but not in vbox7.com19:13
milen8204the site want what did you do on the blue screen?19:13
milen8204the site wants flashplayer19:14
kanliotyou have to agree to the license on the blue screen19:14
kanliotor it wont' install19:14
bewolf7ok thx, i've to leave c.u tomorow19:14
milen8204the picture screen goes on blue and nothing happens19:15
kanliotyou don't see text?19:15
milen8204now the screen is white and there is a text to download and install Flash player19:16
kanlioti can't see your screen.   what is happening19:17
milen8204i don`t active the blue text sing19:17
milen8204kanliot, should I download and install flash player from the web site ?19:19
kanliotif i can't help you19:20
Unit193Haven't been following, but flash-installer doesn't *seem* to work as well as adobe-flashplugin19:20
kanliothe's getting a blue screen19:20
kanliotso need to explain that19:21
smile4everbye :)19:21
milen8204kanliot, the blue screen is gone :D I had uninstalled flash-installer19:26
milen8204what is the command relevant for sudo nautilus ?20:09
milen8204sudo pacman ?20:10
bioterrorgksudo pcmanfm20:11
milen8204bioterror, thanks20:12
milen8204i can change my wallpaper20:27
=== xaD is now known as Dax
CTtechguyis there a way to make sure a application starts on boot?21:09
CTtechguyit's not listed under chkconfig21:10
kanliotdo you have a shortcut for the application?  or just the name of the command-line program?21:13
CTtechguycomand line  program is guake21:14
kanliotguake should already be installed21:17
kanlioti know i use it21:17
kanliotyou installed with the repository, right?21:17
CTtechguyyes but it be running if I reboot?21:17
CTtechguyright now I have the default F12 to run21:18
kanliotyeah just log off and log in21:18
kanlioti think21:18
CTtechguyI'll reboot and check other wise I'll add it to startup scripts21:19
MrChrisDruifCTtechguy; otherwise check this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_I_can_autostart_a_program_when_logging_into_Desktop21:19
CTtechguyMrChrisDruif: thank you21:20
MrChrisDruifYou're welcome21:20
CTtechguykanliot: guake loads on login21:31
kanliotcheers techguy21:31
CTtechguythanks for your effort21:31
CTtechguyyes sir21:31
CTtechguyyou been here?21:33
kanliotbut you guys are more liberal21:35
kanlioti like your politics21:35
CTtechguyahh ok well I will take a stab and say your in the UK?21:35
kanliotgo fish21:35
kanliotanyhow doesn't really matter21:37
kanlioton the internet you get politics from the internet21:38
CTtechguynope it doesnt21:38
kanlioti was watching this week a political rally for the swedish pirate party21:38
kanliotdoesn't make me swedish21:38
kanliotbut i am swedish21:38
kanliotmy dad was anyhow21:38
CTtechguywell I prefer the weather on your coast21:39
kanliotok i'm not swedish21:40
kanliotsorry for confusion21:40
CTtechguylol west coast21:40
kanlioti'm in east tennesee21:41
CTtechguyyeah thats right next to the Bay21:42
=== AlexAverill is now known as AlexAv
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=== ihasashovel is now known as Reaper_man
Reaper_manDecent amount of people here22:20
TehWuzylI seem to have no swap space. It's supposed to go in a separate partition, as I understand it, and my drive *does* have a partition formatted for swap space...22:20
Reaper_manI can assume that Lubuntu works off the 2.x kernel, yes?22:20
TehWuzyl...but System Monitor says there isn't any swap space. 0.00 GB.22:20
TehWuzylReaper_man: my Lubuntu is using a 3.x kernel. Do you mean that it *can* work with 2.x?22:21
Reaper_manoh, I thought it still used 3.x22:21
Reaper_manTehWuzyl: o did you compile that kernel yourself?22:22
TehWuzylIt seems to follow the same kernel versions used by Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu.22:22
TehWuzylNo, this is a standard install.22:22
Reaper_manah, neato22:22
TehWuzyl11.04 used the 2.x kernel, I think...22:22
Reaper_manI wonder if it would be wise to compile a custom one.  Something more suited for the processor at hand.22:22
TehWuzyl...and then all the *buntus switched to 3.x with 11.10.22:22
MrChrisDruifReaper_man; don't assume22:23
MrChrisDruifReaper_man; in terminal> uname -r22:23
TehWuzylDoes anyone know where I would start looking in order to configure swap space, check for errors, etc.?22:23
Reaper_manMrChrisDruif: haven't gotten around to installing22:24
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info22:24
Reaper_manI'm at the research portion22:24
MrChrisDruifMaybe something for you TehWuzyl ^22:24
Reaper_mangirlfriend's parents have an HP 2133 netbook22:24
TehWuzylMrChrisDruif: that sounds like what I'm looking for, thanks.22:24
Reaper_manunder the hood is a VIA C7-M22:24
MrChrisDruifReaper_man; what version do you intend to install?22:24
Reaper_manlatest stable 32-bit22:24
TehWuzyl(Now, if I can just load a web browser without filling up RAM and crashing again...)22:25
MrChrisDruifCurrent stable? So 11.10?22:25
Reaper_manyeah, sure22:25
MrChrisDruifNext stable is just a week away Reaper_man, next Thursday. It's already a solid build as it's based on an LTS release22:26
Reaper_manOh? Hunh.22:26
Reaper_mangood to know?22:26
Reaper_mangood to know.22:26
Reaper_man11.11? 12.x?22:27
MrChrisDruifYY.MM is the naming scheme22:27
MrChrisDruifSo the release after that will be 12.1022:28
Reaper_manWasn't familiar with the Ubuntu naming scheme.22:30
rabbitearI have a bone to pick with lubuntu, but will bring this topic up at a different time22:31
MrChrisDruifrabbitear; what is the bone?22:31
TehWuzylRebooting to load modified /etc/fstab.22:34
Reaper_manrabbitear: I would like to know said bone as well22:36
rabbitearthis is not a 'light weight' distro at all22:40
rabbitearyou can not argue, it just isn't22:41
rabbitearits embressing actually22:41
rabbitearjust remember that.22:41
TheWoozleThat seems to have worked. System Monitor now shows 2.9 GiB of swap. I may want to expand that...22:42
rabbitearI just thought about that, the swap partition wasn't on.22:43
rabbitearbut really, its a overly bloated o.s.22:43
MrChrisDruifIt is a "usable" OS for average people22:47
MrChrisDruifWe've never said it was going to win the lightweight awards for OS's22:48
MrChrisDruif#! it's not22:48
rabbitearthen you should call it Uubuntu22:48
rabbitearfor Usagable ubuntu22:49
holsteini wouldnt call it heavy, relatively speaking22:49
rabbitearnot light wieght22:49
holsteinits in the "light" catagory22:49
rabbitearits very misleading and really embressing in my opinion22:49
rabbitearholstein: no22:49
rabbitearholstein: it isn't22:49
rabbitearsorry if I'm trolling22:49
holsteinrabbitear: actually, it is22:49
rabbitearI really feel this way22:49
holsteinrabbitear: i cant say if youa re trolling or not22:49
MrChrisDruifI agree on that holstein22:50
holsteinif you are stating an opinion, thats fine, but LXDE is light.. thats what the L is22:50
rabbitearholstein: don't install it on a low spec p3 then22:50
rabbitearholstein: just don't22:50
rabbitearholstein: do not22:50
rabbitearholstein: doesn't run well22:50
rabbitearholstein: everything else is better, in real life22:50
MrChrisDruifDoesn't run quickly, but does it run?22:50
holsteinrabbitear: not running well on your hardware doesnt equal "heavy"22:50
holsteinrabbitear: would you like to troubleshoot an issue?22:51
MrChrisDruifrabbitear; I challenge you to run Windows XP on it then22:51
rabbitearI decline your challenge22:52
rabbitearthats backwards way big time22:52
rabbitearin many ways too22:52
MrChrisDruifThen not everything else is better, even in real life22:52
rabbitearalright MrChrisDruif22:52
rabbitearwhatever you need to believe is fine with me, sir!22:53
rabbitearhandshake MrChrisDruif ?22:53
rabbitear<-afk a long time maybe22:54
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* MrChrisDruif is off to bed as well22:54

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