
alteregoadarmok his arms wide00:13
bastidrazori think the star trek references have lost there appeal after a week of it.00:17
micahgshakaa, when the walls fell00:31
* micahg guesses he shouldn't be encouraging this00:32
bjsniderdarmok is one of the best tng episodes00:44
DrManhattanWOL isn't working for me in 12.0401:08
DrManhattandoesn't matter WHAT I do, the thing wont wake up01:08
DrManhattanI've tried a bunch of solutions01:08
DrManhattanlooking forward to final - I hope that's fixed01:09
skellumjust installed 12.04, wont connect to secure wireless.  pointer?01:15
fishcookerhow to disable ctrl+alt+del01:17
skellumfishcooker: edit /etc/init/control-alt-delete, comment out the shutdown line01:23
DiabolicalGamerHello Everyone01:23
DiabolicalGamerI'm attempting to setup a MaaS server, but my nodes keep running into "init: cloud-init-nonet main process (256) killed by TERM signal"01:24
DiabolicalGamerAny help?01:25
fishcookerthanks for quick response sekllum01:27
fishcookerbtw is it possible to change the combination of buttons?01:28
DiabolicalGamerI can't even login to my nodes to check the logs. O_o01:28
jbichaDiabolicalGamer: perhaps ask in #ubuntu-server I'm not sure many server folks hang out here01:30
skellumfishcooker: i don't personally know of an option in /etc to do that01:30
fishcookerok skellum thanks btw01:31
skellum12.04, only unsecure wireless selectable.  secure networks are greyed out. any tips?01:36
MountainXDrManhattan: regarding WOL not working, maybe you need to file a bug report. Otherwise, it might not be fixed in the final. My experience is that many bugs we see at this stage don't get fixed by the release.01:42
skellumeh, wrong window01:45
DrManhattanIm going to try out 11.10 real fast - I think the reason WOL isnt working is b/c of the driver - which would be a kernel issue01:45
DrManhattanIm using a realtek8111c onboard NIC and I think I have to use the proprietary driver at the realtek site to enable WOL01:45
DrManhattanthe kernel module will real WOL as capable and working, but it doesn't work in linux - it DOES work in windows01:48
HieberrrHow come I can't re-organize my lenses and snap my windows to the edges on 12.04 (when I could on 11.10)? I also can't install the ATI/AMD drivers through "Additional Drivers"01:48
HieberrrAnyone :S ?01:51
fishcookerskellum i've problem with asus battery... is ther any option to disable overwhelming feature on my nvidia gt520m01:53
fishcookerasus devoted that windows 7 is the best option for the user01:53
fishcookerthe battery going down quickly01:54
HieberrrNevermind. FIxed. It had to do with my ATI drivers, which I was finally able to install :D01:54
BluefoxicyIf Unix was designed by Hitler01:54
BluefoxicyExited:  Caught signal (-SIGHEIL)01:55
bazhangBluefoxicy, wrong channel01:55
Roastedanybody using a scanner on 12.04? I have both a lexmark and hp that just say no devices available with both simple scan and xsane.01:58
FyodorovnaRoasted, I have a generic umax working with simple scan, not sure that really helps though.02:02
fishcookeris there any process explorer that can kill spesific process via gui02:03
kanliotjust updated precise and now I can't start netbeans02:04
kanliotany ideas?02:04
MountainXkanliot: updated precise from what to what? From 11.10 to beta2 or from earlier beta2 to most recent updates?02:17
kanlioti've been running "apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade -y"02:18
kanliotfor a long time02:18
Roastedlost connection. Anybody using a scanner with 12.04?02:18
kanliotthen i used "update manager" to do an update and it ran for an hour02:18
kanliotanyhow I managed to get netbeans started02:18
kanliotit might have just been a netbeans bug02:19
kanlioti just assumed it had something to do with the update02:19
kanliotthx mountainx02:19
MountainXkanliot: for beta versions, you should update like this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --simulate dist-upgrades02:19
MountainXthen run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade if everything is OK02:19
kanliotthis is all new02:20
kanlioti'd ask you to explain02:20
kanliotbut you don't have time02:20
kanliotis there a wiki page?02:20
MountainXfor beta releases, you may sometimes encounter "partial upgrades" or broken packages.02:20
MountainXif that happens, don't go forward with the upgrade until the packages are fixed.02:20
MountainXso simulating the upgrade is an important step.02:21
MountainXif it is OK, then do the upgrade.02:21
kanliotwhats the difference between apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade02:21
MountainXThis is really only important for alpha and beta releases. After that packages don't break (as a rule)02:21
bazhang!dist-upgrade | kanliot02:21
ubottukanliot: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.02:21
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade02:22
MountainXIn my experience, you always want to use dist-upgrade when working with a beta. If anyone else knows better, please jump in.02:23
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.02:23
Roastedanybody using a usb scanner on your 12.04 install?02:23
MountainXWithout dist-upgrade you won't always upgrade all packages (as the bot said)02:23
kanliotthat's probably why the update manager did more stuff than the upgrade on the command line02:23
Roastedk, very confused now.02:28
Roastedhttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/simple-scan/+question/134841 suggests the 5400c works in ubuntu02:28
Roastedwhy does xsane and simple scan say no device found then?02:28
DrManhattanWOL for realtek 8111c works with the driver from realtek02:31
kanliotdrm i have one of those i think in my asus m5a97.... it worked in 11.10 but only intermittently02:33
DrManhattanoh except for WOL it worked just fine02:34
DrManhattanim 8111c02:34
kanliotwell it would work on one booting02:34
kanliotthen on a cold boot it wouldn't work02:34
DrManhattanthis is with the factory driver?02:34
DrManhattandid you have automatic updates on?02:34
kanliotnot really sure02:35
DrManhattandid you have to recompile/reinstall the driver to make it work again?02:35
kanliotnope i had to install precise to make it work02:35
kanliotand in precise it worked fine with teh default driver (8169)02:37
DrManhattanIm in precise, there's no WOL on that driver02:45
DrManhattanbut the compiled one is working well so far02:45
kanliot+    ok02:48
HieberrrI installed Gnome, but I want to remove it now (12.04), how do I do it? I already did sudo apt-get autoremove, but it's still there on the login screen...02:55
vishaltelangre I'm having problem after distribution upgrade. I've submitted my question, please see it. Solution for resolving it is very much needed. Here is the link to the question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/123008/general-error-mounting-filesystems02:55
kanliotsounds like grub is hosed03:01
sacarlsonvishaltelangre: ya dependancy problem grub  try another repository?03:01
vishaltelangresacarlson: Okay, I know it's still in beta phase. But how do I try your solution?03:02
sacarlsonvishaltelangre: to start to fix you will probly need a 12.04 live cd to work from03:03
Kyle__I updated to the beta from an 11.10 install, and I got it to work, but dpkg hangs on what I think is the grub setup.03:03
sacarlsonor usb o03:03
vishaltelangresacarlson: Okay, I'll be downloading it very soon. What to do after that?03:04
Kyle__I have to ctrl-c out of some dpkg steps, so I can't apt-get anything now.  Any ideas?03:04
sacarlsonKyle__: oh your having the same problem as vishaltelangre?03:04
Kyle__sacarlson: Possilby.....03:05
Kyle__vishaltelangre: is your system hanging in dpkg's config phase?03:05
sacarlsonvishaltelangre: if there is anything of value on the system I would move it off with the live cd to start03:05
Kyle__File descriptor 3 (pipe:[84712]) leaked on lvs invocation. Parent PID 31444: /bin/sh03:05
* Kyle__ sighs03:06
* Kyle__ did do a backup to an external drive first, but everything _really_ important was already on ubuntu-one or my basement server.03:06
vishaltelangreWhen it downloaded all the upgraded packages (almost 3080), then using dpkg it started installing and setting them... And after few, my computer just stuck down.03:06
vishaltelangresacarlson: So I was having no option beside shutting down it as nothing was responding!03:07
sacarlsonKyle: see vishaltelangre's link to compare  http://askubuntu.com/questions/123008/general-error-mounting-filesystems03:08
Kyle__Hu.  Nope, not the issue I had.03:09
vishaltelangreKyle__: You mean you were in such situation, huh?03:10
sacarlsonI also think the repositories are syncing or something as I'm having problems with mini.iso it just gets stuck but not sure this relates to vishaltelangre or Kyle__ problem03:10
kanliotdoes the mini iso use ubiquity?03:11
sacarlsonvishaltelangre: with the live cd try reinstall grub on your system to see what happens,03:12
sacarlsonkanliot: no it's just text03:13
Kyle__vishaltelangre: My upgrade wasn't finishing because dpkg kept on hanging durring config.  Ctrl+c enough times, re-run dpkg enough times, and I have a useable system again...but because of the state dpkg left things in I can't install anything/update anything.03:13
sacarlsonkanliot: oh maybe03:13
sacarlsonkanliot: I guess ubiquity is a part of the install like script configs03:13
kanliotthat's news to me03:14
kanlioti thought ubiquity was the python pretty gui03:14
vishaltelangreI think it may solve the problem if I can get rid of conflict versions of install-info,03:14
vishaltelangregrub2-common at maintenance shel as I reported in my questionl, isn't that possible?03:14
vishaltelangreOh sorry03:14
sacarlsonkanliot: if you mean graphics then it's a text installer much the same as the alternate cd03:14
kanliotyeah i've had about 6 lockups in ubiquity, but none on the alt installer03:15
vishaltelangreKyle__: Hmm, I'm also having problem with dpkg, but we do not have common mutualities in our problems.03:16
* Kyle__ nods03:17
sacarlsonvishaltelangre: it sounds like the repositories aren't synced yet so they have some conflics03:17
sacarlsonvishaltelangre: some repositories will sync before others, wish we knew witch ones03:18
vishaltelangresacarlson: Hmm, that is possible. Hope the same issue do not remain in final release. I think I should do a fresh install of 12.04.03:20
sacarlsonvishaltelangre: if you have the live cd I would at least try it on another partition ,  I would have done that before I upgraded03:21
Kyle__Oooh, netbeans is in the repo again!03:21
sacarlsonvishaltelangre: I keep test partitions open for this kind of stuf  and install with grub menu entries to make it install 10 times faster03:22
vishaltelangresacarlson: Yes, surely I do try reinstalling grub2 from it before doing a fresh install.03:22
sacarlsonvishaltelangre: you can run more than one ubuntu in different partitions  multiboot03:23
vishaltelangresacarlson: Yep, I did same earlier. Thanks btw.03:23
=== CQ_ is now known as CQ
pepeeis someone having troubles with synaptics touchpads?04:27
ejoHi!  Having a little trouble with a 12.04 live CD (actually on USB stick), 64 bit version.  I get most of the way through the install pretty quickly, then with only about 2cm to go on the progress bar, with the caption "Installing System"... now no progress is made for over a half hour.  The system is not hung, but no further progress is made.05:09
ejoThe rest of the process went great, downloaded updates and everything, probably only took about 20 minutes with a good connection.  But the installer progress bar has now been around 90% for a long long time.05:16
etpIs there a reason why ia32-libs-multiarch doesn't depend on libpam0g? Previously libpam-ldap pulled it in but libpam-ldap is now on Suggests05:20
micahgetp: if there's a use case where it's needed in most scenarios, please file a bug05:22
ejoCan anyone advise me on my apparently stalled install?  Should I just start over and hope for a different outcome?05:22
ejoI dropped to a terminal and looked at 'top'...  the main process running is init... with nothing else really using significant resources05:24
pepeeis someone having troubles with synaptics touchpads?05:39
glosolipepee: what kind of troubles05:59
glosoli ?05:59
pepeeglosoli, random cursor jumps while dragging images or selecting text06:00
lotuspsychjeanyone tested gnome classic?06:01
glosolipepee: hmmm not here on Asus N61JA06:01
glosolilotuspsychje: I tried a while ago ,what's the real question ?06:01
lotuspsychjei wanted to know if precise gnome classic working smooth06:02
lotuspsychjealotta low end computers doesnt like unity 2d06:02
glosolilast time I checked it is :)06:02
pepeeahh, thanks anyway, glosoli06:03
glosolilotuspsychje: meanwhile my computer might be in a category of highs/mids, so you will need to try after Final release to be sure06:03
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paulus68does anyone have a problem with the auto hide function of the launcher ?06:39
paulus68when I adapt the settings to hide the launcher it will hide but doesn't reappear?06:40
confreyhi everybody06:55
confreymay anyone help me? I can't access with a vncviewer to my vncserver, running on ubuntu 12.0406:55
CQhi guys, I have this bug on upgrding... is rhythmbox the cause, or am I reading the logfiles wrong? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/98188407:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981884 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "kubuntu cannot upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04-pre" [Undecided,Incomplete]07:07
CQconfrey: can you ping the server? can you verify that vncserver is running? on the rightport? ...etc.  ... what have you checked so far?07:09
fishcookeri wanna install new nvidia driver from binary is it safe ?07:48
fishcookeri've started from NVIDIA-Linux-x86-295.40.run07:49
confreyCQ, solved thanks, I was using the wrong port (5900 instead 5901) I was confused about corresponding between port and DISPLAY07:49
fishcookerERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing.  For further details, please see the section INSTALLING THE07:54
fishcooker         NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver download page at www.nvidia.com.07:54
mvn071on beta 12.4 # apt-get install linux-source && apt-get purge linux-source && apt-get install linux-source; shows no tbz in /usr/src ?07:57
MasterOfDisasterfishcooker: why not apt-get install nvidia-current?07:59
fishcookerthanks for quick response masterofdisaster08:00
fishcookerbtw what's different between nvidia-current with nvidia-current-dev08:02
MasterOfDisasterfishcooker: as the -dev suffix suggests, files you need when you want to write software that uses the libraries in question08:04
fishcookeri've got my battery drop easily08:04
MasterOfDisasterso on a typical system, *-dev packages should be very rare08:04
fishcookeri know my asus bundled with win708:05
fishcookeractually i want to disable the overwhelming feature08:05
fishcookerbecause im not in gaming mode in linux08:05
fishcookerin linux battery sink down quickly08:06
fishcookerjust like as playing game nfs "hot pursuit"/pes 2012on windows08:06
MasterOfDisasterfishcooker: http://guilleml.wordpress.com/2011/04/27/nvidia-powermizer-on-linux/ - you will need nvidia's driver for this (i.e. package nvidia-current)08:08
steveccci am running the system in a virtual machine with hide dock turned on but on moving to the far left of the screen it doesnt appear - is this a bug?08:11
fishcookerok let me try first masterofdisaster08:12
paulus68when I adapt the settings to hide the launcher it will hide but doesn't reappear?08:37
levnikolaevichi guys08:56
levnikolaevicin precise, today, when i launch unity, desktop freeze for a few seconds08:56
levnikolaevicevery time I try to launch an application08:57
levnikolaevicdesktop freeze for a few seconds08:57
fishcookerthere is 'sth08:58
fishcookerwith your graphic card maybe08:58
levnikolaevicbut, seems like it's due to an update08:59
levnikolaevic'cause till 2 days ago, there's no problem08:59
levnikolaevicwhen i move the mouse on the left, to let bar appears, all freeze08:59
fishcookerhow to disable guest session?09:32
TanvirHello I need a bit hardware suggestion here. Do you guys think Ubuntu 12.04 will run perfect with Dell XPS 14Z? Configuration: i5 with 8 GB RAM and 750 HDD and Intel 300 HDMI graphics.10:18
newb2my ubuntu (precise beta) instalation is running VESA instead nvidia, what is happening. Here is my Xorg.o.log:  http://paste.debian.net/hidden/18c1a503/10:26
newb2going restart X to another test10:30
newb2worked! At upgrade from stable version the packate nvidia-current-updates was not instaled, only nvidia-current. Installing it and removing nouveau made work10:34
CQhello, after upgrading, sudo always ends with: sudo: pam_mount.c:417: modify_pm_count: Assertion `user != ((void *)0)' failed.  ....any ideas?10:49
CQbut the sudo command itself works fine10:50
martinphoneare you releasing today a release candidate?10:57
CQhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule ... doesn't look liek RCs are planned, I'm happily running the beta2.11:15
philinuxmartinphone: There is no RC this cycle11:39
philinuxmartinphone: Well I spoke to soon.  Athough there isnt an officual RC in the release schedule. http://iloveubuntu.net/ubuntu-1204s-rc-iso-call-testing11:51
astraljavaphilinux: Where are you getting that info? There was a mail to ubuntu-release stating the dates clearly: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001083.html12:09
astraljava...saying the RC creation is tomorrow.12:10
philinuxastraljava: the link says the 19th http://iloveubuntu.net/ubuntu-1204s-rc-iso-call-testing12:11
astraljavaYeah, ok so it's the same info then.12:11
philinuxastraljava: Yep justa  heads up for the guy who asked12:11
astraljavaI'd say that's 'official RC in the release schedule' when the release manager says so. :)12:11
philinuxastraljava: I did wonder if there would be one. I'm using 12.04 now on main machine. ;)12:12
snadgewelcome to me 4 months ago12:13
astraljavaphilinux: It'd have been strange if there weren't, seeing as this one is an LTS release.12:13
snadgei must admit i gave up on 11.10 pretty early.. because its a dog turd12:13
snadgeand unity in 12.04 is vastly superior :p12:13
astraljavaphilinux: For the LTS releases, it's often not so hard to start using it quite early on. I think I started back in January, but then I needed to see the fixes live.12:14
philinuxastraljava: indeed I was surprised by the omission. Final week of bug removal needed. But I'm not seeing anything crash wise at all here12:14
astraljavaJust refrain from having sensitive data _only_ on that machine.12:14
snadgeoh its not that bad.. its not gentoo ;)12:14
snadgebut sure backups are always a good thing to have of stuff that matters12:15
philinuxastraljava: Home on own partitoin12:15
astraljavaphilinux: Not enough. And sometimes quite hard to live on, when there are config file version changes etc.12:15
snadgeyeah but a crappy kernel.. or an incorrectly inserted ram dimm on a non ecc system. etc12:15
snadgeive corrupted filesystems that wern't supposed to corrupt before.. maybe im just getting old12:16
philinuxastraljava: I did a clean install and blew away all the config files except FF and EVO.12:16
astraljavasnadge: Yeah I'm not saying the technology would ruin your data (in most cases). The worst is that you might just re-install in a whim, forgetting to backup. :)12:16
snadgethe truly paranoid will mount filesystems read only on experimental/dev versions :p12:17
philinuxastraljava: I can always chroot in from usb or other HD so no worries12:18
* gnomefreak wishes he didnt have so much music12:18
astraljavasnadge: But then how do you test your fixes? :)12:18
astraljavagnomefreak: I hear ya. It's a pain waiting for them to sync to another machine.12:19
gnomefreakyep it is but ill be ripping them for weeks, i'm already on day 412:20
=== gnomefreak changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Discussion and support for Precise Pangolin | Release schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule | Oneiric Support in #ubuntu | Beta 2 Released! http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/precise/beta2
gnomefreakthere libnux is fixed12:23
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metalfan_how do you run gparted from the precise installer?13:48
metalfan_its installed, running gparted on the console shows that it would like to start but cant connect to xorg13:48
ironhalikhmm, it worked during installation13:49
ironhalikyou probably should file a bug13:49
Ian_Cornewell metalfan_13:50
Ian_Corneyou should export display13:50
Ian_Cornewhen running graphical applications from console13:50
Ian_Corneexport display=:0.0 probably13:50
metalfan_no way to get a "run" dialog from the installer directly?13:50
metalfan_very nice that worked13:53
Ian_Cornealt+f2 ?13:53
AlanI apologise if this is a flamebaity question, but... what is this obsession with removing every single aspect of configuration?13:53
metalfan_just started the process, will test that after13:53
metalfan_what was the common size grub needs at the start of the drive to work 2mb?13:54
Alanso i'm trying out the 12.04 beta, only to discover there is no longer a font preferences thing anywhere?13:54
metalfan_fonts on your desktop`?13:55
Alani mean the fonts configuration stuff that used to be in the Appearance settings dialog13:55
metalfan_ok, just to be sure were talking about the same thing13:56
metalfan_maybe they moved it?  cant check at the  moment, im just installing sry13:56
AlanI somehow find it really hard to believe that Ubuntu devs can look at the default look and feel of Ubuntu day in, day out and not just vomit at the font rendering13:57
Alanthe default "slight" hinting looks horrible on LCD displays with a PPI below 13013:57
Alanhuh, looks like the unity HUD preview PPA has been nuked too14:00
Griweshello, I'm trying to upgrade to 12.04, but in apt.log I found something interesting. gconf-service-backend is broken, because it depends on gconf-service. but, gconf-service is broken as well, because... it depends on gconf-service-backend14:03
gnomefreakGriwes: did you/are you upgrading using update-manager -d?14:07
GriwesI did14:07
fyksenhey Im rocking a 2 monitor setup in 12.04 with nvidia 295.40 driver. I got a problem with the mouse "sticking" to its desktop if I try to move the mouse from one desktop to the other. Is this a bug or a feature? anyway to turn it off?14:07
Griwesbut right now, I'm do-release-upgrade'ing14:07
GriwespkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages14:10
GriwesI guess I will find that circular problem in log again14:10
gnomefreakGriwes: you can always run "sudo apt-get install -f" than see if it fixes it than continnue with upgrade using u-m or do-*14:11
gnomefreakGriwes: run the install command about see if it helps14:11
GriwesI tried, it did nothing14:11
Griwesyou know, I tried to google anything helpful before coming here14:12
gnomefreakgbrthere are no held back packages (at least the ones i have installed)14:12
XlaitsAnyone know how to install Java?14:13
XlaitsAnyone here? Hello...?14:14
gnomefreakXlaits: `use software-center14:14
Xlaitsgnomefreak: I've tried...14:14
Griwesgnomefreak, logs: https://gist.github.com/2413864 and that circular wtf - https://gist.github.com/241386514:15
XlaitsI'm not looking for "OpenJDK" I'm looking for Sun Java.14:15
gnomefreakGriwes: did you try apt-get ionstall -f?14:16
gnomefreakXlaits: 11.10 or 12.04?14:16
Xlaits12.02, sorry.14:16
Griwes.04, you meant? :D14:16
Griwesgnomefreak, I tried14:16
XlaitsWhatever it is. I thought it was .02...14:17
gnomefreakXlaits: do you want java 7 or java 614:17
gnomefreakits .0414:17
XlaitsIs Minecraft Discriminate against them?14:17
gnomefreakapril 201214:17
gnomefreakXlaits: i dont know here try 714:17
Griwesgnomefreak, https://gist.github.com/241388214:17
gnomefreakXlaits: install openjdk-7-jdk14:18
XlaitsThere's that "openJDK" thing again...14:18
gnomefreakyou stated you wanted it so i found it and gave it to you.14:19
gnomefreakXlaits: what exactly do you want14:19
gnomefreakGriwes: im not sure what is wrong. try update than run -f install command14:19
XlaitsI'm hating the OpenJDK, due to it's uselessness in doing anything I need it to do...14:19
Griwesgnomefreak, I already tried it14:19
GriwesXlaits, you should say "I'm hating any JDK, due to it's uselessness in doing anything I need it to do" and it would still be true :D14:20
gnomefreakXlaits: iirc the non-free packages are in the conical repo.14:20
gnomefreakGriwes: sorry im not sure i woudl file a bug.14:21
Picishaped like a cone.14:21
gnomefreakwe are/did move to the free verrsion of java so soon that is all you will find. hell that is all i found a minute ago14:22
* gnomefreak leaving for a while im tired as crap14:23
dekukedhey, I'm having trouble installing the beta on an acer aspire using the amd c6014:24
bazhangdekuked, have you tried the alternate installer cd14:24
dekukedjust going through the bootoptions14:24
dekukednoapm, noacpi and vga=323 and stuff like that14:24
dekukedI mean, is this something where waiting 10 days would benefit me?14:25
dekukedor is the installer kind of frozen at this point14:25
bazhangI'd try the alternate14:25
dekukedk, will do14:25
XlaitsI'm looking to install a Java that ISN'T OpenJDK. Can ANYONE help me?14:29
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metalfan_did you try apt-cache search java ?14:32
metalfan_did you try apt-cache search java|grep sun ?14:33
metalfan_that should show you the name of the sun package which you can then install by apt-get install java-something-sun14:33
bazhang!java | Xlaits14:35
ubottuXlaits: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.14:35
XlaitsThat didn't help me at all.14:44
astraljavaXlaits: Did you check the link?14:47
BluefoxicyIt used to be you could just right click a printer and hit "Share"14:49
Bluefoxicynow what the heck is it14:49
BluefoxicyI can't find it and google took me to obsolete info14:49
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Bluefoxicyyou have to edit config files14:50
metalfan_xlaits that oage ideed seems a bit weird14:53
metalfan_astraljava  cant he just use something like apt-get install java-sun-jre and let apt worry about the right packages?14:54
metalfan_astraljava working with wget seems a bit experimental in this case14:54
astraljavametalfan_: Oracle's Java packages are no longer in the repositories.15:04
astraljavaThe cooperation with Canonical has stopped, for whatever reason.15:05
eye-gorastraljava: It's becasuse of this. > https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2011-December/001528.html15:07
astraljavaeye-gor: Right, okay, thanks.15:08
metalfan_why would they not allow ubuntu to redistribute the crap they write?15:10
astraljavametalfan_: Did you read the post behind the link?15:14
metalfan_yes, there was some kind of security hole15:17
metalfan_which however was introduced by sun/oracle15:17
metalfan_ah, another link states that openjdk will be the basis for oracles java15:19
zozyanybody got successful running a vmware player under 12.04beta?15:22
roastedGood morning everyone.15:26
roastedAnybody here running any type of scanner on 12.04? I've tried two different scanners, Lexmark X1185, and HP 5400c, and both fail to be recognized by XSane or Simple Scan. I'm kind of at a loss on how to get either of these scanners working.15:26
jtrucksheh, I think network vulnerability scanner when you say scanner, so I was momentarily confused at the mention of hardware from lexmark an HP :P15:29
fyksenhey Im rocking a 2 monitor setup in 12.04 with nvidia 295.40 driver. I got a problem with the mouse "sticking" to its desktop if I try to move the mouse from one desktop to the other. Is this a bug or a feature? anyway to turn it off?15:29
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alecufyksen, the mouse "cursor" sticks but you can click on the second screen?15:35
spaceneedleAll my gnome shell extensions are now obsolete, according to the gnome extensions site.15:36
spaceneedleI wish the developers would fix the jumbled words in the corner.15:38
fyksenalecu, yeah, if I drag the mouse from one desktop to the other, it sticks, at the "gap" between the screen, so I have to really push to get the mouse over.. I hope you understand what i mean.15:40
Arnoldfyksen, try to get into System Settings -> Displays and set Sticky Edges to Off.15:42
fyksenokey, Il try it : )15:42
ironmhello. may I ask what virtualization would you recommend for precise? KVM, row Xen or XCP? Thank you in advance for any hints.15:43
fyksenArnold, ty so much.. Should have tried to find it myself, but I just kept looking in compiz settings. So thank you for your time!15:43
Arnoldfyksen, you're welcome :) I remembered that Unity 5.8 brought new multi-monitor options a while ago, so this was one of them15:44
ironmanother question. I have tested shortly virt-manager to manage KVM VMs. Is there a better choice?15:46
blujhi i'm running a fully updated ubuntu 12.04, can anyone tell me why there is no 'Restart' option in my top right corner? just lock, log out, suspend, shutdown15:46
Arnoldbluj, you have to click Shutdown and you'll get three buttons there - one will be restart on the far left side of the dialog15:47
blujArnold: cheers15:47
ArnoldYou're welcome bluj15:47
|Anthony|every logout for me creates a zombie lightdm15:50
|Anthony|regardless of user or if i log into unity 2d, 3d, or even xbmc standalone15:51
roastedAnybody here running any type of scanner on 12.04? I've tried two different scanners, Lexmark X1185, and HP 5400c, and both fail to be recognized by XSane or Simple Scan. I'm kind of at a loss on how to get either of these scanners working.15:56
astraljavaroasted: I did use a scanner on my precise setup, but it's not here at the moment, so can't give much support.15:59
astraljavaIt worked, though. One of those HP's all-in-one machines.15:59
roastedastraljava: jakldfjslk;fjds;15:59
roastedastraljava: It's beyond frustrating that I had a lexmark scanner fail, okay fine, it's a lexmark I know they're hit or miss, but to get an HP too and it also fail.16:00
roastedIt rages me beyond belief.16:00
astraljavaI understand. Sorry to hear that, and hope you get support from someone. Good luck!16:00
brendandroasted, is it connected wirelessly?16:07
roasted_brendand: no, it's not16:16
roasted_sorry, lost connection16:16
roasted_brendand: It's a USB scanner.16:16
fishcookerim on vmware for windows with PP as guest16:17
fishcookerthe resolution is bigger than i've imagine16:17
fishcookerhow to solve the problem?16:17
brendandroasted, ok, i have a hp which is wireless and it does work. i guess that's not much help16:18
roasted_brendand: with 12.04 I take it?16:18
brendandroasted, yeah16:18
roasted_what model printer?16:18
=== roasted_ is now known as roasted
Fyodorovnaroasted_, I have a generic scanner that runs on simple scan a umax ultra 122016:20
brendandroasted, HP Photosmart B11016:20
roastedI hate you guys :(16:20
roastedtwo scanners, one being an HP that should supposedly work, no dice.16:20
Fyodorovnaroasted, have you tried either with a live disc of say 11.10?16:21
roastedFyodorovna: no, but I have 11.10 on my work laptop... once I go home for lunch I plan to try it and see.16:21
cypher-neoOdd question... I know that in order to restart the computer you click on Shutdown and then click Restart from the Shutdown dialog. Any expectation that Restart might be added back to the menu?16:30
cypher-neoI don't like extra mouse clicks...16:30
roastedit's one extra mouse click, no?16:31
Fyodorovnacypher-neo, I am using the cairo dock it's off button has a restart.16:31
Ian_Cornecypher-neo: it's there because you shouldn't have to restart often :)16:32
cypher-neoI remember that there was a specific mod for GNOME Shell which added the Restart directly to the menu.16:32
cypher-neoI was just wondering if there was a similar mod for Unity, or I could use Cairo Dock.16:32
cypher-neoAlso, another question... and this is also kind of anal because I know how to do the said operation in both apt and synaptic.16:34
cypher-neoBut if you add a repository how do you force the package lists to refresh in USC?16:35
* jtrucks never uses synaptic. what's the advantage?16:35
cypher-neoI'm just wondering what decided when USC refreshes. Because it doesn't automatically refresh when a PPA is added.16:36
cypher-neoWhich is a major oversight, imho.16:36
bazhangcypher-neo, shutting down usc before apt-get update16:36
cypher-neobazhang, lol! That's the only way?16:37
bazhangcypher-neo, is there not a refresh on usc? I dont use it so cannot say. how are you adding the ppa btw16:37
cypher-neobazhang, Okay, well... that was what I did. I was just wondering if there was an option in USC (like what exists in Synaptic) to refresh the packages lists.16:38
cypher-neobazhang, Just for fun I added the package list using Software Sources inside USC.16:38
ironhalikhmm, anyone using gadugadu with piding on precise?16:41
roastedcypher-neo: the mod for Gnome Shell also came about it confused newer users that you had to hold down ALT for additional options in the menu, which I downright disagree with since "restart" is not an advanced feature that should be hidden like that by default.16:46
roasted(sorry wasn't paying attention in channel for a while)16:46
philinuxroasted: have you seen the 12.10 top right menu suggestions16:47
roastedphilinux: I have not. *googles*16:47
topyliit is a bit odd. the rationale seems to be that users mostly want to suspend and continue their work later16:47
roastedtopyli: that would work great, if suspend worked on 100% of computers out there.16:48
roastedtopyli: it does not, so I'd disagree to suspend being the only option there.16:48
topylithe reboot/shutdown options will also pop up if you push the power button on your computer, which does make some sense16:48
roastedtopyli: agreed there.16:48
roastedtopyli: however, most people I know have their tower somewhat hidden, which kind of detracts from the logistics behind that point to some degree.16:48
roastedtopyli: but iwth a ton of users being on laptops, it makes a ton of sense.16:48
philinuxroasted: http://iloveubuntu.net/ubuntu-1210s-indicator-menus-refinements-published16:49
philinuxWhen you look at the 12.04 menu the shutdown has three dots shutdown... which means more sort of16:50
roastedWhy not just have 2 options. "Log out" and "Power options..." of some sort?16:50
roastedhit power options, suspend, hibernate, shut down, restart16:51
roastedclean menu, all functionality.16:51
philinuxroasted: I like the 12.10 arrangement16:51
roastedI just didn't agree with Gnome Shell's ALT key requirement to have restart show up.16:51
philinuxHope it gets backported16:51
roastedSo many users, even tech people I told about said, wait really?16:51
roastedOne guy even said "Now that's some stupid Apple-style crap there". Word for word. Made me LOL pretty hard...16:52
topylioh well. this is what extensions are for if it annoys you too much :)16:53
=== philinux is now known as eye-gor
topylii'm happy enough once i finally discovered how to shut down. it's not obvious by any measure16:54
roastedI loved gnome shell otherwise.16:56
roastedbut since getting used to unity in 12.04, I'm kind of a unity fanboy now. It's weird...16:56
roastednever thought it would happen...16:56
eye-gorSame here16:56
jtrucksI just type reboot at a prompt to restart.16:57
jtrucksworks every time and it isn't hidden ;)16:57
roastedThis HUD thing is addicting as well.16:57
cypher-neoI hated Unity, and was quite open about my Unity hatred in 10.10 and 11.04.16:57
cypher-neoBut I quite like Unity now16:57
roastedcypher-neo: I was extremely vocal against Unity as well.16:58
roastedGranted, I knew Unity would get better, but I always felt as though for each +1 Gnome Shell would have, Unity would only be +0.516:58
roastedLike each Unity step would = two GS steps...16:58
topylinothing is ready on day 1, and unity too needed some time. i think it's getting there16:58
roastedI just felt like Unity would lag behind and not contain as much momentum as GS.16:58
* cypher-neo nods16:58
roastedtopyli: no doubt. I just never felt confident it would solidify into something as solid as I'm seeing in 12.04.16:58
cypher-neoEveryone else felt the same apparently. Didn't virtually every Ubuntu based fork start using GNOME Shell instead of Unity?16:59
roastedI never once thought I'd actually prefer Unity. Never. I always wanted to like it, I always tried to tolerate it, but it just drove me crazy for the most part.16:59
roastedI can only hope Unity will pop up on other distros now that it's proving to not suck so much.16:59
roastedFedora with Unity would be a nice thing to toy around with, imo...17:00
topyliwon't happen. fedora always sports default gnome :)17:00
topyliwell mostly17:00
roastedtopyli: I never meant by default...17:00
roastedbut, an installable option.17:00
roastedkind of like how GS is on Ubuntu currently.17:00
roastednot default, but apt-get'able17:00
topyliyeah, there might be someone interested enough to create an unity repository for fedora, but so far i don't think there is one17:01
cypher-neolol. That would be nice in Fedora17:01
roastedfedora originally had plans to support it, but canceled when the unity backlash began this time last year17:01
roastedmaybe that will change??17:02
cypher-neoMyself, personally? I'm just so happy that GIMP is back!17:02
roastedGimp left?17:02
roastedyou mean the default CD?17:02
cypher-neoThat build-dependancy nightmare at the end of 11.10 left me GIMPless for about 2 months.17:02
roastedI was using 2.7 on 11.10 via ppa. I hadn't ran into any issues. *shrug*17:02
topylii doubt red hat would support official unity work in the fedora camp, because all the patches would go under canonical's "license agreement"17:02
cypher-neoI mean the updated GIMP PPA with Single Window Mode17:03
topylior that's how i've understood this17:03
roastedcypher-neo: yeah... that's what I was using. 2.7 (which introduces single window mode)17:03
cypher-neoMmm, 2.8rc1 is out now17:03
cypher-neoDifferent PPA though17:03
roastedtopyli: so, while unity is open source, canonical still has some sort of EULA with it?17:03
topyliroasted: you have to assign copyright to canonical17:04
cypher-neoroasted, I don't remember all the details, but at one point GIMP wouldn't build because it had unmet dependances. So I went to manually build it.17:04
topyliwhich honestly isn't any worse than what the FSF does with GNU tools, but still17:04
cypher-neoroasted, Couldn't build the dependancy one tier down because it had unmet dependances17:04
cypher-neoroasted, Went down 7 tiers, and kept finding packages that wouldn't build!!17:04
roastedtopyli: yeah... I can see red hat being in a tiffle just knowing they'd have to associate with anything else other than GPL3 or whatever.17:05
cypher-neoroasted, Finally gave up, and figured someone would sort it out and make a new PPA which worked.17:05
roastedcypher-neo: well dang. I didn't have that sort of nightmare, but I didn't use gimp THAT heavily.17:05
roastedI love how the most basic of scripts can simplify your life so much17:07
roastedI just did a quick and dirty bin bash script to run apt-get update twice, upgrade, dist-upgrade, wget google chrome, dpkg -i it, and install a ton of apps from the repos17:07
roastedso now I can sit here as my fresh install on a new laptop comes to life exactly as I want it to17:08
roastedthat said, it's lunchtime. cya fellas!17:08
skwishySo I installed xscreensaver, but seems like a different screen locking system, compared to 11.04.  Are there no more screensavers bundled by default in 12.04?17:09
bazhang!find screensaver17:09
ubottuFound: gnome-screensaver, libkscreensaver5, libxcb-screensaver0, libxcb-screensaver0-dbg, libxcb-screensaver0-dev, xscreensaver, xscreensaver-data, xscreensaver-gl, gnome-screensaver-flags, kscreensaver (and 12 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=screensaver&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all17:09
santagadaI have no sound, but alsa found a sound card and all volume levels seems to be on 100% even on alsamixer17:10
santagadawhen I plug the headphones (ones that I know are working) I don't hear the bleep that you should hear when plugin on a live input17:11
santagadaif I try to plug it on the mic input I do hear it...17:11
pepeeis someone having troubles with synaptics touchpads, like random cursor jumps while dragging images or selecting text?17:11
skwishyOk, seems that gnome-screensaver is installed, I just can't find where to configure it to use something other than a black screen.17:12
pepeealso, multiarch fail: try installing fp-compiler:i386, you will need binutils:i386, wich will delete lots of packages17:12
dekukedhey, I installed 12.04  via the alternate cd and don't know what to do. I used an ecrypted home + lvm, but now it boots by default and hangs at a pitch black screen (no power going to the display). When I run it in safe mode with networking eth0 still doesn't auto connect, and even when I run ifconfig eth0, assigning it an address it still can't connect to the network.17:13
dekukedso the display is effed and I can't even update/upgrade it. What should I do?17:14
pepeedekuked, use dhclient -v eth017:14
pepeetry fixing dpkg/apt-get17:14
dekukedand what about xorg? I remember I used to use linux, got the display working via xorg -reconfigure or some shit to get a xorg.conf that works.17:14
dekukedwhat's the recommendationg there?17:14
dekukedpepee: k, ill update it, hopefully the graphics comes around.17:15
pepeedekuked, you don't even need that file, try renaming it to xorg.conf.bkp or something17:15
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pepeealso, startx should give you some output17:16
dekukedalso, as a heads up the packages installer (where I selected openssh server and ubuntu desktop) wouldn't let me install anything17:16
dekukedgot an error saying something generic everytime17:16
dekukedmaybe it's just a corrupted flash stick, but I don't think so17:17
pepeedekuked, is -configure17:17
pepeeyeah, try to fix dpkg/apt-get17:17
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pepeegoogle the error message17:17
pepeemessages, if any17:18
heckmanDoes anyone have any ideas on this bug in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS running as a domU: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/98091717:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 980917 in upstart (Ubuntu) "Failed to create pty - disabling logging for job" [Undecided,New]17:19
BluesKajsudo do-release-upgrade -d returns me "No new version found!" ..isn't there a bug report for this ? ...he's trying to upgrade from 11.1017:20
PiciBluesKaj: make sure that the system already has been fully updated and dist-upgraded beforehand.17:21
box-of-donutsupdate-manager -d17:21
BluesKajPici, , yeah I told him17:21
Picibox-of-donuts: do-release-upgrade does the same thing as update-manager.17:21
box-of-donutsPici: but mine is less typing17:21
Picibox-of-donuts: and requires a gui.17:22
santagadapavucontrol also show my sound card and all its outputs, everything apears to be right, except I'm getting no sound17:22
santagadaI'm starting to think this is a driver problem17:22
pepeesantagada, do you have an hdmi output?17:23
pepeesantagada, could be a problem with how alsa sorts the output cards17:23
box-of-donutsPici: ah server dudes again17:24
BluesKajin the terminal type ' alsamixer ', make sure the Master, PCM,  Line & CD are all unmuted ,by using the "M" key'17:25
BluesKajthen turn those controls up to the max.17:26
gryloshas anybody tested 12.04 beta?? is solved the overheating problem at this version?17:26
cypher-neogrylos, You mean the overheating problem that 10.10 and 11.04 had?17:27
santagadaBlakJak, will try17:27
grylosalso 11.10 in my occasion and others as i see in forums17:27
gryloscypher-neo: also 11.10 in my occasion and others as i see in forums17:27
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cypher-neogrylos, I've been testing 12.04 for the last couple days, and the overheating problem seems to be gone.17:29
cypher-neogrylos, Or extremely limited17:29
heckmanI wish I could get my console working :/17:29
gryloscypher-neo: these are good news!!17:30
cypher-neogrylos, I haven't pressed my computer really hard, but Unity by itself used to cause me to overheat in 11.10 and Unity is not causing any heat problems for me in 12.0417:30
cypher-neogrylos, It's very good news!!17:30
cypher-neogrylos, My best sugggestion would be to download the beta and check it for yourself.17:31
cypher-neogrylos, If you have a flash drive you can install using usb-drive-creator.17:32
cypher-neogrylos, Then preview, and try installing and running things17:32
gryloscypher-neo: actually i tried 15 minutes before the suggestion of some guys in some forums, to activate the the pcie_aspm in grub17:33
cypher-neogrylos, pcie_aspm?17:33
cypher-neogrylos, What is that?17:34
santagadaBlakJak, didn't work, everything is at 100 and unmutted and it still doesn't work17:34
* cypher-neo will be back... shortly.17:35
gryloscypher-neo: it isn't the best solution because it can invoke problems, but i notice that laptop has lower temperature17:35
santagadaBlakJak, any other idea?17:35
johnjohn101so how close is 12.04 to being done?  I've installed all the latest updates and there is 8 days to go.17:36
gryloscypher-neo: you can see it here http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Power_Management_Guide/ASPM.html17:36
BluesKajsantagada, my nick isn't blak- jak ...I can't see your posts if you don't use the right nick since I'm in several chats17:40
santagadaBluesKaj, sorry xchat just autocompletes with whatever it wants (instead of presenting options)17:40
santagadaBluesKaj, I tried what you said and it didn't work17:41
bazhangsantagada, not if you select last spoken in the preferences17:41
BluesKajsantagada, pastebin the output of  , aplay -l , we need to see which driver is in use if any17:41
santagadabazhang: thanks17:42
santagadabazhang: would still prefer a list of choices but this is better than the default17:42
bazhangsantagada, it gives them, as you type more letters to tab complete the nick17:43
skwishyCan someone help me debug why Ctrl-Alt+L which is tied to locking the screen, it just stops working until I reboot again.17:44
santagadaBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/935768/17:44
santagadabazhang: thanks17:44
skwishyis "gnome-settings-daemon" related to locking the screen?17:45
skwishyor at least is "gnome-settings-daemon" related to capturing keyboard shortcuts?17:46
santagadaBluesKaj: hda intel  chipset is vt170517:46
BluesKajsantagada, cat /proc/asound/module .17:48
skwishyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/935773/   Maybe this is related to why ctrl+alt+L stops working (to lock the screen).17:49
santagadaBluesKaj:  0 snd_hda_intel17:50
BluesKajsantagada, alt+f2 , kdesudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf . Add this line to the bottom of the file and save it . options snd_hda_intel index=017:53
santagadaBluesKaj: will use vim but thanks17:55
BluesKajsantagada, sory , thought i was on kubuntu chat ...use whatever editor suits you17:56
skwishyHow can I debug what happens after pressing a keyboard shortcut?  I'm trying to "see" what fails when locking the screen.  Other shortcuts work, but ctrl-alt-l doesnt do anything, however "gnome-screensaver-command -l" from bash works.17:56
BluesKajsantagada, after adding the line and saving the file , you may have to reboot17:57
santagadaBluesKaj: done, can't I just do a modprobe to load it?17:57
skwishyI also see "/usr/bin/gnome-screensaver --no-daemon" is running.17:58
BluesKajsantagada, modprobe can't hurt , but alsa may need to be reloaded to see the changes17:58
santagadaBluesKaj: I tried "sudo alsa force-reload" but it didn't fix it17:59
BluesKajyeah, forceing the reload doesn't always work17:59
santagadaBluesKaj: will restart the machine... beback in 5min18:00
countfuzzballHey all, I'm getting a heap of weird problems with jackd2 on ubuntu pangolin server: http://paste.ubuntu.com/935789/ I've already added myself to the audio group and what's with the dbus thing trying to acquire the card? I'm not running pulse, only have alsa installed.18:02
BluesKajcountfuzzball, is your card a pci or onboard?18:03
countfuzzballI've tried both cards I have. One being onboard, the other via usb. Both have the same result.18:04
santagadaBluesKaj: didn't work18:04
varikonniemihello, why did this not get in 12.04 ? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/aero-snap-oneiric/18:05
Picivarikonniemi: The bug linked from that page explains it, see the last comment: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/68979218:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 689792 in unity (Ubuntu) "Window Management - Implement maximize and semi-maximise transitions" [Medium,Triaged]18:06
fishcookeri've encrypt my home folder..18:08
fishcookerconsequence.. i cant read the directory home even from ext2explore from windows os18:09
dekukedso I got my system sort of working18:09
fishcookeris there any clue on this stuf18:09
dekukedwhen it boots up, a gui with a nice password prompt comes up18:09
dekukedfor the encryped lvm18:09
dekukedbut after that the screen shuts off18:09
dekukedso obviously x works somewhat...18:10
dekukednot sure where to go from here18:10
santagadaBluesKaj: any other idea?18:11
santagadafishcooker: this is expected18:11
BluesKajsantagada, nope , that procdure used to work on 11.10 , I see now that it no longer works on 12.04 . I don't have any clue why it's not working18:12
santagadafishcooker: only a software that supports the same encryption scheme will be able to read it, probably ext2explore doesn't18:12
elijahSomehow the one of the latest updates broke flash on chromium 1818:14
BluesKajsantagada, you card is card+0 , which is the default , so it should be fine unless the driver is no longer correct  ..this is the second time I've come across this with intelhda on 12.0418:14
BluesKajcard=0 rather18:15
santagadaBluesKaj: is there any bug reports I can follow?18:15
BluesKajsantagada, dunno , i haven't checked launchpad18:15
elijahIs anyone here running chromium 18 with latest updates installed? If you are can you go to "chrome:plugins" and see if flash is available?18:16
trismelijah: it is there for me, did you restart your browser after the update? (it wasn't there before I restarted)18:19
elijahtrism: I will try now, thanks18:20
fishcookerthankyou santagada18:20
fishcookerfor quick response18:21
elijahtrism: Thanks, that worked great. I didn't even think to restart it!18:21
fishcookerthat's why God damn encrypted stuff18:21
fishcookerbtw how to disable encryption...18:22
fishcookeractually i choose the option for try out only18:22
fishcookerwhen i install PP18:22
fishcookerit is the first time i use this feature18:23
fishcookerbtw how to disable it18:23
cypher-neoThis might be nitpicking... but wouldn't the Beta 2 release technically be the Gamma release?18:36
fishcookerbtw how to disable home folder encryption... actually i choose the option for try out only it is the first time i use this feature18:46
fishcooker btw how to disable it18:46
=== revolts is now known as diegovieira
BarkingFishEvening guys. Can I check something? Is it possible for Gnome and KDE to co-exist in Kubuntu?  I have stuff I need from Ubuntu which isn't in Kubuntu, but I don't want to lose Kubuntu, and I want the system to look like KDE...19:16
Logan_BarkingFish: Yes, definitely.19:24
Logan_You should be able to install Gnome-based software in Kubuntu.19:24
Logan_Which "stuff" are you referring to?19:25
dekukedso what am I supposed to do if x is stuck hanging in the boot process?19:26
dekukedcause x is runnign fine when it asks for the lvm pass19:26
dekukedbut dies pretty quick right after19:26
BarkingFishLogan_, I'm looking to double up the keyboard support, so I can get something which works in Inuktitut or CAS :)19:27
BarkingFishI want at least the gnome base, plus a decent gnome text editor so I can use functions and stuff from the same DE19:27
BarkingFishbut without losing KDE and having my desktop look all brown and thingified :P19:28
heckmandekuked: you could switch to another tty and kill X19:30
Logan_BarkingFish: You might have to switch to the Gnome desktop environment.19:30
dekukedheckman: how do I switch tty?19:30
BarkingFishI'd rather eat my gym trainers :P19:30
heckmanI think CTRL + ALT + F1 (will put you on tty1)19:31
heckmanOnce you are done, do the same but with F7 to go back to where X is normally runny19:31
Logan_BarkingFish: Or Unity.19:31
BarkingFishI'll wait till KDE get an Inuktitut language pack out :)19:32
Logan_BarkingFish: Do you know what the package is called?19:33
Logan_Actually, it doesn't look like there's a specific package for the Inuktitut keyboard layout (or any of them).19:34
BarkingFishthere's no specific package as such, all i need is to install gnome's base, keyboard and language support, and a text editor :)19:34
dekukedI keep seeing a fleeting error saying swap not present or something19:34
Logan_It's just within the language support.19:34
Logan_BarkingFish: It's really not that bad: http://i.imgur.com/J9Ud9.jpg19:35
BarkingFish i need the features of gnome, without wrecking kde. If using the keyboard support means losing kde, I'll stick with what I have.19:35
* BarkingFish puts his sunglasses on, takes a migraine pill and darkens his room down#19:36
Logan_You see, I'm the opposite. I think KDE is overly bloated. :-P19:36
buhmanO.o people actually use gnome/kde?19:38
dekukedit says someting like hostname_swap_1 not ready yet when running fsk19:38
dekukedwhat the fsck19:38
dekukedlooking at stuff on google19:40
dekukedhow tested is lvm encryption?19:40
tomodachidekuked: its been around for years19:41
dekukedbut the swap error I'm seeing is apparently pretty common with lvm installs... since lvm was introduced19:41
dekukedwhen I run "sudo swapon -a" I get this:19:42
dekukedswapon: /dev/mapper/hostname-swap_1: read swap header failed: Invalid argument19:43
BarkingFishdekuked, what are you on? ubuntu or kubuntu?19:44
dekukedubuntu 12.0419:45
dekukedswapon -a is trying to use /dev/mapper/hostname-swap_119:45
dekukedswapon -s list /dev/mapper/cryptswap119:45
BarkingFishok - i don't think i can help you anyhow, if you're using lvm - i have no experience. sorry19:45
dekukedyeah encrypted lvm issue...19:46
BarkingFishnormally I'd just tell people to use a partition manager and format their swap, and then remount it.  but with lvm, i wouldn't know where to start :)19:46
dekukedI don't know wheret to start either19:46
dekukedis there any real benefit to using lvm?19:46
dekukedI mean I kind of did as "what the hell, maybe it's useful/tested by now"19:47
dekukedusually I just encrypt my home fs19:47
dekukedis there any real benefit for lvm on a desktop machine?19:49
dupondjedekuked: when do you get that error ?20:32
dupondjecan you boot20:32
dupondjewhats in your /etc/fstab & /etc/crypttab ?20:32
jtaylordekuked: depends what you use it for, e.g. for ubuntu testing its very useful, you can have a billion partitions for installs and sort-of snapshot upgrades20:34
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dekukedokay, no matter what I do I'm stuck21:21
DonaldShimodais ths message normal for the new ubuntu version?21:21
DonaldShimodaW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://bo.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates/main amd64 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/bo.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-updates_main_binary-amd64_Packages)21:21
dekukedI have an amd c60, which means a AMD Radeon HD 6290 is built in21:21
DonaldShimodaW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://bo.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates/main i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/bo.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-updates_main_binary-i386_Packages)21:21
DonaldShimodaim on a 64 bits distro21:22
dekukedI don't know what to do to get graphics support21:22
dekukedespecially since during the early boot the graphics do work at the right resolution21:22
dekukedbut die about 5 seconds in21:22
dekukedand I can't switch tty and Ctrl-Alt-Backspae and Alt-PrtScr-K both don't work21:23
dekukedso I'm stuck in safe mode21:23
nemoSo, I was playing othello in 12.04 - and wierdest thing.  All of a sudden it stopped responding to input on the main window.21:23
nemoThe prefs menu in nav still worked fine21:23
dekukedI think that these drivers should be open source and in the mainstream kernel...21:24
dekukedcould someone correct me on that assumption?21:24
nemoEven clicking the X to close was ignored.  Or right clicking on othello in the Unity app bar21:24
nemo(and choosing close)21:24
nemochecking ~/.xsession-errors, there were a bunch of errors about the app having a timestamp that was invalid or something.  Was like suddenly it lost track of the app21:24
nemoanyway. had to use killall to finish it off, which is a bit disconcerting. you'd think Unity would have been able to issue a kill.21:25
nemooh. also I reallly hate that message bar in the new othello - I don't know how many other apps have it, but it means every game message shrinks the playing area which drives me bonkers21:25
nemoI hope that's not some new UI concept across the board21:26
DrHalanhey guys21:31
DrHalangksu is broken for me and no one cares about my bugreport :(21:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 949265 in gksu (Ubuntu) "GKSU says my password is wrong" [Undecided,New]21:31
topylinemo: i just tried to play a game, i get the same thing21:36
nemotopyli: the annoying message or the freeze? 'cause the freeze just happened to me once21:40
kklimondaDrHalan: try running it with -d to gather more info21:40
nemooh. and Unity 2D has been crashing a lot21:41
topylinemo: froze and i got the "wait/force quit" dialog21:41
kklimondaDrHalan: but as it works for everybody else it will most likely be closed as Invalid because of some local changes you've made - LP is not really a support forum21:44
kklimonda(so you may as well ask here for help)21:45
DrHalanwhat local change was i supposed to have made21:45
DrHalangksu broke for me when the new gui (with the remember-password-options) landed in precise...21:46
DrHalanbefore it worked fine21:46
kklimondaDrHalan: well, my gksu doesn't let me remember the password ;)21:47
kklimondaDrHalan: but, as I said, you can add gksu -d output to the bugreport and maybe someone will make something out of it21:48
DrHalanill try purging gksu first and reinstalling it21:49
kklimonda(also, the last update of gksu was in november - has it really been broken since then?)21:50
bagelsI have a non-wacom drawing tablet, how can I get it to be pressure-sensitive in programs outside of Tux Paint?21:50
DrHalanyeah... i usually use the terminal and sudo anyways21:51
DrHalanpurging didn't help :/21:51
kklimondapaste output from gksu -d command somewhere21:51
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Logan_Why hasn't Mark Shuttleworth announced a name for Ubuntu 12.10 yet?21:57
DrHalankklimonda: i already attached it to the bugreport21:59
astraljavaMaybe the letter Q is a tad more challenging? But anyway, what does this have to do with support?21:59
Logan_astraljava: It's been bugging me. :-P22:05
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RoastedAnybody notice a Unity speed increase lately when typing to install apps?22:21
RoastedIt seems as if the pause after you type it in is gone and I can just hit enter and bam, app comes up22:22
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mongosweet mate 2.1 works well on 12.0423:08
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