
mhall119ajmitch: that's too technical for this post, which is just to promote the platform among app developers00:22
mhall119ajmitch: that's the kind of thing we should put into the site itself anyway, not a blog00:22
ajmitchmhall119: ok, as an ARB person I can only really suggest technical stuff :)00:32
mhall119ajmitch: you can suggest anything you think will help00:33
ajmitchI've got changes I want to suggest on developer.ubuntu.com, which can wait for another time00:34
ajmitchapart from that your blog post looks fine00:34
mhall119thanks ajmitch00:34
ajmitchmhall119: oh one thing I can think of is that the current ARB guidelines restricts submissions via that process to small-moderately sized graphical apps that don't touch the rest of the system00:37
mhall119that's true00:37
mhall119ajmitch: I believe there's going to be a session at UDS about changes to the ARB and acceptance rules, you can bring that up there00:37
ajmitchyes, it'll be talked about00:38
ajmitchexcluding command-line apps at the moment is technical, because they won't be installed in the system path00:39
mhall119ajmitch: would command-line apps be in the USC?00:39
ajmitchI'm not entirely sure whether they can show up there00:40
ajmitchif it's being taken from the metadata in debian/control, then it could be, but I don't know if they'll show up for packages in universe00:41
johangm90subprocess.popen is blocking my ui01:44
johangm90any solution?01:44
mhall119http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/sfucv/ubuntu_1204_is_for_app_developers/ upvote please11:20
johangm90why quickly set my app in version 12.04?15:14

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