
daslinkardVery cool....trying to get accustomed to the IRC00:08
thewrathhas anyone used snort in here before?02:44
thewrathi am wondering why my rule is not running02:44
thewrathalert tcp any any -> $HOME_NET 80 (msg: "Access to Mel & Chris"; content: "| 47 45 54 20 2f 6d 65 6c 61 6e 64 63 68 72 69 73|"; sid: 9991001;)02:45
thewrathhey OutOfControl02:49
OutOfControlHiya thewrath02:50
xapsi want to use an external HD instead of a flash drive to install ubuntu onto other computers, do I do it the same way? I already have files stored on the external hard drive04:31
bioterroryou can dd that .iso file on that external hdd04:31
bioterrordd if=ubuntu-file.iso of=/dev/sdX04:33
xapswould I need to create a different partition on the external hdd?04:34
xapsis there any way to write ubuntu iso to an external hard drive & use it to boot a computer into ubuntu without losing all data stored on external hard drive?04:43
bioterrorI dunno about that04:44
bioterrorthat's why we prefer usb key's04:44
xapsok thanks04:45
bioterrorI have always used usb keys for doing that stuff04:45
xapsI would but the only one I had broke :c04:46
bioterroryou have to buy few more :-)04:46
bioterrorthey are handy when you fix your system if it breaks up04:46
xapsyes I do. I guess I can try to partition this external & see if it will work, if not it's ok.04:47
xapsthank you04:52
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=== josephmills is now known as bobweaver
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intore___hi, could someone follow me during the samba configuration that works with user authenticated using ldap credential?13:15
bioterrorseems like you're asking us to do your work?-)13:17
intore___bioterror: no, am talking about doubt! in common-session in pam.d i inserted a line that allow to create automatically at the first user login his home folder. i have some doubt about the authentication on this directory. will samba asks for other password?13:22
bioterrorI have never actually made a server in a ldap enviroment, as I have not needed one13:25
intore___bioterror: ok thanks13:26
bioterrorbut that has some information which might help you13:26
intore___ok thanks13:43
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=== sweetnuthin_load is now known as sweetnuthin
=== sweetnuthin is now known as Loaded
=== Loaded is now known as bobweaver
=== philinux is now known as eye-gor
rajuphilinux:  o/16:48
=== philinux is now known as eye-gor
=== eye-gor is now known as box-of-donuts
philipballew_wonder why they said that...23:53
philipballew_jedivulcan, why you huming?23:56
jedivulcanI was enjoying the netsplit ... thought I'd vocalize.23:58

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