
bkerensajcastro: hmm... perhaps yes..03:11
dpmgood morning everyone06:18
nigelbhey dpm06:23
dpmhi nigelb, how's it going?06:23
nigelbNot bad. Busy day. Running around helping organize a birthday party :)06:24
dpmnice way to be busy :)06:26
dholbachgood morning06:49
nigelbhi dholbach06:53
dholbachhi nigelb06:53
dpmheya dholbach06:55
dholbachhey dpm06:56
* nigelb hugs dholbach10:03
nigelbLove the responses in the new blog post.10:03
dholbachyeah, me too :)10:04
* dholbach hugs nigelb10:04
mhall119http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/sfucv/ubuntu_1204_is_for_app_developers/ upvote please11:20
cprofittballoons: ping11:33
=== nothingspecial is now known as angela-android
=== nlsthzn is now known as not_found
=== angela-android is now known as rastamouse
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=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
jcastrodholbach: I'm travelling to Openstack conf today, so I won't be at our hangout13:47
jcastroI will miss you guys!13:47
dholbachjcastro, you're travelling quite a bit13:47
dholbachjcastro, enjoy the conf!13:47
jcastro2 more trips and I'm Gold!13:47
jcastrothis will be good though, Mark is doing the keynote tomorrow13:47
dholbachand who doesn't like a golden Jorge13:48
jcastroand then we're going to charm school on the hardware we have there13:48
jcastropopey: guess what fits in my carryon?13:48
jcastroThat's right, the hp N40L.13:48
jcastrobackup openstack node!13:48
jcastroI am not kidding, it fits perfectly right in there13:48
mhall119jcastro: that'll be fun to explain to TSA14:01
jcastroactually it wasn't bad14:01
mhall119TSA: "What's this?", Jorge: "It's the cloud"14:01
jcastroI just had to remove it, scan it seperately14:01
jcastroI did come like 2 hours early just in case14:01
mhall119jorge needs a black hat14:02
cjohnstonjcastro: why do you have to be picky.. tell mhall119 to fix it14:11
jcastrocjohnston: I was just being thorough14:21
jcastrobecause you would hate me if I knew it did that and didn't tell you14:21
jcastrobut I agree, mhall119 should fix it14:21
jcastromhall119: and then MARKDOWN ALL THE THINGS14:21
technovikingjcastro: so, what do you we should do next for the forums? I think tiaz and I have done everything we can14:45
jcastrook I thought the new hold up was the sso library was broken14:45
jcastroI got an email yesterday?14:45
technovikingThe test forum will not talk to login.u.c14:46
technovikingtiaz and I can not find anything in the logs for help diagnose14:46
jcastrotechnoviking: what channel are you guys in?14:47
technovikingPM usually14:47
jcastrolet me see what he needs, maybe we can get help from another team14:48
jcastrotechnoviking: it will be awesome the minute we figure this out14:48
jcastroand then vb 5.x comes out like the next day14:48
technovikingthink Stuart team could help, but they are swamped14:49
jcastroI asked him for something and he was like "love to help, ask me in 6 months"14:50
technovikingif not solved by UDS, going to beg SABDFL to let upgrade procede and they get SSO worked out14:51
jcastroI don't get the feeling he's going to do that14:54
jcastroIf it was any other team that could fix it other an ISD this wouldn't be so hard I think14:55
jonojcastro, dholbach, mhall119, balloons I might be  a few mins late, feel free to start without me14:55
jcastrojono: I'm getting on a plane in minute14:56
mhall119jono: we can't use the normal hangout without you14:56
mhall119jcastro: that's no excuse14:56
technovikingthe worst thing is, the files I got from Ryan Troy were incomplete, solve one thing by copying file from prod forum server14:56
mhall119I wonder how well in-flight wifi would handle a hangout14:56
technovikingjcastro: have a good flight14:56
technovikingjcastro: want a slot during the lightning talk to show off the largest newspaper archive in the USA, which will soon be running on Ubuntu14:59
technoviking10 million PDFs, OCR to be fully searchable14:59
dholbachmhall119, I'll start a hangout then15:00
cprofitttechnoviking: nice!15:01
dholbachjcastro, have a good flight15:01
cprofittyeah -- safe and good flight to those travelling15:01
jonodpm, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/canonical.com/horsemen?authuser=0&hl=en&shxp=1&eid=16:02
dpmjoining in...16:03
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - have a great rest of your day16:31
cprofittballoons: ping16:31
balloonscprofitt, pong16:32
balloonsdholbach, ciao!16:32
cprofitthey... is it an issue if I can not do all the test cases?16:32
balloonscprofitt, no, no issue at all16:32
cprofittcool... the iscsi test cases are difficult16:32
balloonsdo what you can do, that;s all we can ask :-)16:32
balloonsyea.. sometimes time, sometimes hardware prevents you from getting everything16:33
cprofittI got 8 done last night... and should be able to do that many tonight as well.16:33
balloonsthat's awesome cprofitt16:35
balloonsI'm trying to finish getting info out to everyone16:35
balloonsthen I'll be sending a summary of what we did collectively around16:35
cprofittI tried to make some other aware of the process last night as well...16:36
bkerensaMmm... Release Party catering order placed :)18:32
jonoballoons, social media done18:41
jonograbbing lunch18:41
jcastroguy on this plane running ubuntu19:53
jcastroI am going to go say hi19:53
jo-erlendsay hello from me?19:53
jo-erlendmm. I was wondering if there's any chance of getting an ubuntu subdomain to accompany my mail address?19:55
jcastroscore!! Random web developer guy on my plane running ubuntu!19:56
jcastroI gave him an ubuntu usb stick19:56
jo-erlendnice! :)19:56
JanCjo-erlend: as an Ubuntu Member you get a people.ubuntu.com/~username address, I think...20:01
MrChrisDruifJanC; true20:02
JanCbut no subdomain20:02
JanC(probably to avoid possible clashes)20:02
jo-erlendoh, but that's fine.20:02
balloonsjcastro, cool :-) neat idea to check next time I travel..20:08
balloonsI'm sure no one will mind me staring down there laptop screens for signs of ubuntu? ;-)20:08
pleia2especially if you're on a flight to SF, we tend to have an unfair proportion of linux users out here in the valley20:08
pleia2(we have Ubuntu Hours regularly where we pick up strays in the coffee shops who just happen to be there)20:09
JanCI'm sure the crew will mind if you walk all around the plane though  :P20:09
jcastroI try not to spy on people but I always glance to see what they use20:09
jcastroI saw this guy using outlook at the terminal20:09
jcastroman ...it's hard to believe what some companies make people use.20:10
jcastrohe had like this card reader security thing20:10
* MrChrisDruif has missed the idea?20:10
jcastroand I could tell it wasn't working because all these windows kept popping up making a sound20:10
balloonsjcastro, yea.. those things are fun20:10
JanCjcastro: smartcards / card readers are nice (if they work well, of course)20:11
JanCwe have smartcard-based ID-cards here in Belgium, works fine with Ubuntu too  ☺20:11
JanCmakes it easy to fill income tax forms etc.20:12
JanC(and tax declarations here use standard web technology, unlike the Netherlands where their tax software has a GUI based on a 10 year old copy of wxWindows that clashes with about everything in a modern linux distro ;) )20:17
jo-erlendif I update my launchpad name, will the email address and people.ubuntu.com url automatically be updated?20:19
cjohnstonjo-erlend: your launchpad username?20:20
jo-erlendcjohnston, yes.20:20
cjohnstonit would AFAIK because the stuff is all scripted, but I can't imagine its much of a good idea to change it unless you really need to. create confusion20:21
jo-erlendthat's why I'm thinking of doing it now, before I depend too much on it. It's so long.20:21
jcastrorenames in launchpad; the next great computer science barrier that needs to be broken20:21
czajkowskijcastro: I do them every day20:21
czajkowskias long as the name is free :)20:22
jo-erlendalso; how does changing the launchpad username affect OpenID?20:22
czajkowskiit doesnt20:23
czajkowskithats your email address20:23
czajkowskichanging that causes issues20:23
czajkowskimany issues20:23
czajkowskibut can again be fixed easily enough20:23
jo-erlendright now, I don't depend too much on the addresses for anything outside Launchpad.20:24
czajkowskithen you're fine20:25
cprofittballoons: ping20:26
balloonscprofitt, pong20:27
cprofittthe testing tonight -- Pre-release or daily?20:27
cprofittlooks like pre-release is just setup for later... nothing is inside it20:27
balloonscprofitt, I'm hoping the dailies last that long20:28
balloonsbut they are actively discussing :-) there are new fixes that are rolling into new spins20:29
balloonsit would make sense for you to test the latest.. if they have a newer than daily out, test it :-)20:29
balloonsi'm trying to not have that happen until tomorrow for consistency20:30
* cprofitt nods20:30
balloonscprofitt, they tell me the dailies are still ok.. I assume they will be around :-)20:32
* cprofitt nods20:33
jcastrofeel free to sign up balloons!20:38
jcastroand mhall!20:38
jcastroand whoever!20:39
jonojcastro, what time do you land again?20:50
jcastro~2.5 hoursish20:51
balloonslol.. i didn't think plane wifi let you ssh or irc20:52
jcastroit might, but I'm on web irc. alice-irc ftw.20:52
jcastroI charmed it, you can try it. :)20:52
jcastrothat might be a good demo for a demo week20:52
jonojcastro, cool20:58
jonojcastro, I think it might make more sense for you to meet me at Rockridge BArt station20:59
jonothis way Chuck and I can escape the traffic20:59
jonoit is only an extra 20mins on BArt20:59
jonojcastro, actually, scratch that20:59
jonojcastro, meet me at West Oakland BArt station20:59
jcastrook, west oakland21:00
jcastrohey, what direction is that from the airport? Or does the bart only go one way from there?21:00
jonoyeah, when you get to SFO, get on the Pittsburg/Bay Point (yellow) line21:01
jonoit will take you right to West Oakland21:01
jonothis way I can avoid us getting suck in traffic21:01
jcastroeasy enough21:01
jonojcastro, and then call me when you arrive at Embarcadero and I will set off to pick you up at the station21:02
jcastrook embarcadero is on the way to west oakland?21:02
greg-glast stop in SF before going in the tunnel under the bay21:03
greg-gbe sure to call/text when at the station, the cell service doesn't work otherwise :)21:04
jonojcastro, yep21:05
jcastrook, I'll keep an eye out for James too21:05
jonoyeah, what greg-g said :-)21:05
jcastrohetfield, why do you think I am coming over there?21:05
jonohe is up in Sonoma :-)21:06
bodhi_zazenFWIW - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196113521:17
bodhi_zazentrying to set a time for FC meetings21:17
bkerensagreg-g: Their is service in the BART tunnel now?21:21
MrChrisDruifbodhi_zazen; How's Zenix getting along?21:22
greg-gbkerensa: no, at the stations21:22
technovikingjcastro: are you in the Bay area till UDS?21:22
bkerensaahh :)21:22
greg-gbkerensa: yeah, you can call for 30 seconds at a time :)21:23
greg-gbkerensa: just enough time for your twitter updates ;)21:23
bkerensagreg-g: If jono lives in the Walnut land why is he getting him in Oakland? :P21:23
bkerensaDoesn't BART go all the way out... I thought it did21:23
greg-gI thought he was in oakland area not walnut, but I might be working on old knowledge21:24
greg-gI don't get over to the east bay very often21:24
greg-g(btw, what is pig latin for "beast"? ;) )21:24
bodhi_zazenMrChrisDruif: probably off topic here, come over to #zenix if you wish21:24
jonobkerensa, I am taking him to a band practice in Oakland21:24
bkerensajcastro: Just watch out for the BART Cow's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqtZyA0GPKM21:26
jcastrotechnoviking: no, out on friday night and back in a week or whatever the dates are for uds. hah.21:27
jcastrobkerensa: when I'm with clint I'm going to look at subordinateing that apache spdy charm on subway21:30
jcastrothat would be _wicked_21:30
bkerensajcastro: we should hack it at UDS?21:31
bkerensaOpenPhoto Charm is almost ready for a push and review and I'll likely let Clint poke at it with a stick a few times21:31
jcastroI don't think it even needs to be hacked21:32
jcastroI think the subordinate charm just needs some reverse proxy mumbo jumbo21:32
* jcastro uses technical terms21:32
bkerensadoes the mod_spdy use more resources? I wonder if someone has benchmarked it vs vanilla apache and optimized apache21:32
bkerensaif it doesnt I need to start using it21:33
jcastrobkerensa: so the idea with subodinates is you deploy subway, but then just plop apache or nginx (whatever you choose) on top of the instance21:33
jcastrogoogle and twitter are the only people serving spdy21:33
jcastroall the graphs I see show significant performance over http, and it's all over ssl.21:34
jcastrobut I don't think I've ever used gmail and be like "oh that feels much faster"21:34
bkerensawell my page load times on my blog is 688ms or better21:34
bkerensanot sure if it could improve me much better but I would possibly deploy it on clients nodes21:34
jcastroeither way, having it easily deployable so people can find out the answers to those questions is why I want to do this21:34
jcastroyou need to be under < 250ms!21:35
bkerensajcastro: is your blog under 250ms21:35
bkerensajcastro: no fair you have zero images and are running what a html5 theme21:36
jcastroyou're getting a 96 out of 100!21:38
jcastroI only get 82!21:38
jcastrowho hosts your blog? dang.21:38
* greg-g gets a 9521:39
greg-gI beat jcastro ? weird https://developers.google.com/pagespeed/#url=http_3A_2F_2Fblog.grossmeier.net&mobile=false21:39
jcastrogood to know I have the slowest one21:40
jcastrogo cloud!21:40
bkerensajcastro: if you had the same content or at least the same size... I would blow the bricks off your setup ;)21:40
* greg-g hugs rose, http://rose.makesad.us/21:40
czajkowskiwhoo got my blog all updated this evening and added all my plugins working21:41
czajkowskiam easily pleased but wanted it working for ages :)21:41
jcastrobkerensa: I'll take that bet.21:41
jcastrowhen I get back, we'll do test domains, and have the exact same content, and then bench them both a bunch21:41
bkerensajcastro: I have CDN, Optimized DNS for Static Content so Content Downloads faster21:42
pleia2jcastro: mine's slower, but that's because I use html from 1999 :)21:42
jcastrobkerensa: mine is served from Amazon, they run christmas.21:42
bkerensaalso major caching... varnish and YUI compressing plush a dash of CSS and JS optimization21:42
jcastrobkerensa: wordpress? We should get you on the charm yo.21:42
jcastroI mean, reviewing the charm, etc.21:42
bkerensajcastro: Amazon may server Christmas but I use MaxCDN and they serve Mashable, Techcrunch and every other top blog21:42
pleia2(I think I have the standard problem of "sysadmin by day doesn't want to fix her own systems at night")21:42
* czajkowski hugs pleia2 21:43
* pleia2 hugs21:43
czajkowskipleia2: I used to feel that way about testing and writing test cases21:43
bkerensajcastro: also DDoS proof :)21:43
czajkowskistop doing QA I write user manusals and test cases in spare time21:43
* czajkowski needs to go back to learn how to type 21:43
mhall119pleia2: I think the problem is "The at-home boss doesn't pay enough and can't fire me, so why bother"21:43
pleia2mhall119: haha, truth!21:44
czajkowskisay hello to pretty new theme :)21:44
bkerensajcastro: Pro Tip - Switch all your JS from your local host to CDNJS (http://www.cdnjs.com/)21:45
jcastrobkerensa: if you're up for it we could have brandon blitz them both right now, he's a neutral third party.21:45
bkerensajcastro: Hit me hard :) Siege me21:46
jcastroimbrandon: Can you mega-blitz http://www.jorgecastro.org and http://benjaminkerensa.com/ and generate one of those sexy reports?21:46
* bkerensa switches attack mode on21:47
jcastromhall119: see, server stuff is so much more awesome than unity!21:47
bkerensajcastro: http://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-im-under-attack-mode21:48
jcastroyea brandon is all about cloudflare, he's investigating that for omgubuntu21:49
bkerensajcastro: cloudflare is only half of the key.... omgubuntu needs maxcdn + varnish + yui + minification21:49
jcastronot running 65 wordpress plugins might be a good start. :)21:50
greg-gczajkowski: ooo, nice new theme21:50
bkerensajcastro: that helps too21:51
bkerensajcastro: do they use W3 Total Cache?21:51
czajkowskigreg-g: need my bright coloured fix must have orange and yellow and purple21:52
czajkowskihard to find nice ones21:53
czajkowskigreg-g: sorry for explosiions in your inbox today21:53
czajkowskiam moderating all the teams mails21:54
czajkowskiwe need a plan B21:54
marcoceppibkerensa: no, we couldn't get it to play nice. For now we're on WP Super Cache21:54
jcastromarcoceppi: do you still have that blitz account?21:55
greg-gczajkowski: hehe, I filter those emails :)21:55
jcastroI feel the need to compete with bkerensa21:55
czajkowskigreg-g: right dips you're it tomorrow, you can do it :)21:55
greg-gczajkowski: :)21:55
marcoceppijcastro: yeah21:55
greg-gI'm on a plane much of tomorrow, so, no emails ;)21:55
marcoceppijcastro: but I can't blitz either of you unless you put a file in your root directory21:56
czajkowskigreg-g: bah21:56
greg-gbut yeah, I have no idea how to filter that stuff given the langauge barier, just like I don't know what to do in the channel :)21:56
marcoceppibut I can always SIEGE ALL OF YOU21:56
jcastroyeah siege us21:57
jcastroI want to see if I'm even close21:57
* greg-g is curious21:57
jcastroif it's not obvious then we can step it up21:57
bkerensamarcoceppi: please siege me and jcastro with 1000 simu users21:57
greg-ghow his host would do21:57
bkerensagreg-g: :) depends is it share, vps or dedicated? :)21:57
marcoceppibkerensa: incoming21:58
* marcoceppi runs siege from a few different servers21:58
bkerensayes :) so its balanced across the geo locations21:59
marcoceppiactually, my test siege shows your site throwing 500's21:59
marcoceppionly 29 successful transactions out of 190022:00
bkerensamarcoceppi: it filtered you22:00
jcastrooh boo, cheater22:00
* marcoceppi spins up 20 micros22:00
marcoceppifilter this!22:00
bkerensamarcoceppi: its cloudflare it will filter your attacks when it sees it as abusive22:01
jcastromarcoceppi: hit me bro22:01
marcoceppiSo I need to siege through tor then22:01
marcoceppijcastro won22:02
imbrandonyea you cant seige cloudflare22:02
bkerensamarcoceppi: if you give me a ip or range I can whitelist22:02
bkerensathen I will win22:02
* jcastro goes off to flex in the corner22:03
marcoceppibkerensa here you go, you lost: http://paste.ubuntu.com/936101/22:03
bkerensaimbrandon: if you whitelist you can because cf will accept it all and allow me to win :)22:03
marcoceppi96% avail > 1.6% availability :)22:03
imbrandonyea i dont whitelist :)22:03
bkerensabut you have to whitelist whomever is sieging22:03
jcastropm him an ip range22:03
bkerensaimbrandon: me neither :) in fact I block lots of ranges22:03
jcastroso I can put him out of his misery22:03
imbrandonyup same here22:04
imbrandoni block tons of countrys actually22:04
imbrandonchina cant see me :)22:04
bkerensaimbrandon: do you use MaxCDN or any other CDN?22:04
imbrandoncloudfront and hp22:04
imbrandonnew cdn22:04
imbrandonand google storage psudo cdn22:04
cjohnstondid yall see RS's openstack announcement?22:04
bkerensaMaxCDN has sponsored me for two years so I use them :D22:04
imbrandoncjohnston: yea22:04
imbrandonbkerensa: nice :)22:05
jcastroimbrandon: pm bkerensa your ip and siege him, I want to win.22:05
imbrandonbkerensa: yea i tend to keep tabs and accounts on most webservers so i konw what tool is right for what job :)22:05
bkerensaimbrandon: tell jcastro he cant win against a optimized platform with cdn and cloudflare :)22:05
imbrandonits a range of i ips22:05
greg-gbkerensa: a shared host, with about 4 people. a 2.66 Ghz Core i7 quad-core Xeon, 12 gigs ram22:05
imbrandoni seige from a cluster :)22:06
imbrandonlet me get to the console22:06
jcastrook let's do this. Send him your range so I can gloat.22:06
bkerensagreg-g: is the Apache and MySQL optimized properly? If so you could likely do pretty well :P22:06
bkerensajcastro: Winner buys whisky22:06
jcastromake it rum and you're on22:07
greg-gbkerensa: probably pretty well, I'm not the sys admin, Asheesh is, who's way smarter than me :)22:07
bkerensajcastro: ok if I lose I will buy you a rum drink :)22:07
imbrandonk one sec its booting up the nodes now22:07
jcastrofair enough.22:08
jcastrothis is fun, it's made an otherwise tedious flight interesting22:08
bkerensajcastro: whats your favorite rum drink? :) I like Caribou Lous22:08
jcastroCuba Libre of course!22:09
imbrandon15.185.120.5 , , , ,
imbrandongive me a sec to install siege and get ready22:10
bkerensawhite listing22:10
imbrandonjcastro: waht parms yall running ?22:11
jcastroI think he went with 1000 sim users?22:11
jcastrodoesn't matter, whatever you think is best, as long as it's the same for both of us22:11
imbrandonbkerensa: oop forgot one22:11
imbrandoni dont know the parms need example :)22:12
bkerensawhitelisted the range22:12
bkerensamight take a minute or so for it to propagate to Hong Kong etc22:12
imbrandonnp, i'm opening a console still to each one22:12
imbrandonwasent prepaired :)22:13
jcastroI believe you are stalling bkerensa22:13
imbrandonok someone give me the siege cmd so i dont hgave to man it :)22:13
jcastroI am on a plane, apt is slooowwwww22:14
marcoceppiimbrandon: siege -c 100022:15
bkerensasiege -d1 -c 1000 -i domain22:15
bkerensa-i adds interactive and makes it more intersting22:15
imbrandonok where am i pounding ?22:16
czajkowskishould not edit blog when tired,borked it22:16
bkerensaimbrandon: benjaminkerensa.com and www.jorgecastro.org I think22:17
bkerensapound away :D22:17
imbrandoni'm soo gonna charm this manual cluter pounding later22:17
imbrandonawe crap22:18
imbrandontoo many files open22:18
imbrandonhahah give me a sec22:18
greg-gthe suspense! it kills!22:19
imbrandonheh server wont stay up long enough to let me get all 6 nodes to seige22:20
jcastrothe suspense is brtual22:20
imbrandonthe one out of 6 nodes had this22:21
imbrandonransactions:                      29 hits22:21
imbrandonAvailability:                   1.54 %22:21
imbrandonterrible terrible :)22:21
jcastropastebin bro22:21
imbrandonone sec22:21
imbrandondude 6 times ?22:21
jcastrojust once if the #'s are similar enough22:21
imbrandonyea they are all very close, but i couldent get all of them going at once befpre the servers failed22:22
bkerensaimbrandon: does Jorge win the rum drink? :D22:22
imbrandonyea i'd say so :)22:22
imbrandonone sec too, hold on22:22
jcastroboo, you didn't even show up dude22:23
* jcastro parades around flexing22:23
bkerensaimbrandon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEYl5dg9Guc <-- still this though ;P22:23
bkerensajcastro: Ok :) I will get you rum at UDS then :P22:24
jcastroit's ok, it wasn't a fair bet22:24
jcastroI can see how you can think you're almost as awesome as me and stuff.22:24
imbrandonrunning it on my site22:24
imbrandonstill going22:24
imbrandonand going22:24
bkerensajcastro: :) I was planning on buying you a drink anyways heh22:24
imbrandonno red yet22:24
imbrandonok gonna stop it cuz this just aint fair to yall22:25
greg-gimbrandon: mind hitting blog.grossmeier.net, I'm just curious22:25
greg-gif I disconnect from IRC, you'll know to stop22:25
bkerensaimbrandon: jcastro needs to smush all his images :D22:25
imbrandongreg-g: sure , one sec22:25
* greg-g gets a little tense22:26
jcastroI do, I usually just raw take them from shutter22:26
jcastrowould a normal pngcrush do the trick?22:26
imbrandonbkerensa: ^^ now THERE is a webserver boyz :) thats brandonholtsclaw.com without cloudflare btw22:26
imbrandonjcastro: yea22:26
imbrandoni got a script that will give ya good parms22:26
imbrandonone min22:26
jcastroI'll do it tonight22:26
jcastroimbrandon: jet that over to me in email pls22:26
imbrandonkk its in my /usr/local/bin on osx22:26
jcastroplane landing soon, out of juice22:27
jcastrotty all in a bit!22:27
imbrandonits optipng tho, imho its better22:27
jcastrowhatever I can script. :)22:27
greg-gjcastro: later, welcome to SF22:27
imbrandonAvailability:                  99.27 %22:27
imbrandonElapsed time:                  44.69 secs22:27
imbrandonData transferred:             456.34 MB22:27
imbrandonResponse time:                  2.20 secs22:27
imbrandonTransaction rate:             326.05 trans/sec22:27
imbrandonThroughput:                    10.21 MB/sec22:27
imbrandonConcurrency:                  716.4422:27
imbrandonSuccessful transactions:       1457122:27
imbrandoni lub my website22:27
bkerensaimbrandon: what param did u siege it with?22:28
imbrandonsiege -d1 -c 1000 -i http://brandonholtsclaw.com22:28
bkerensaI wanna run from one of my boxes :D22:28
bkerensaimbrandon: what kind of pipe do you have? :P22:29
bkerensasome unmetered22:29
imbrandonerr actually its on hpcloud22:29
imbrandonforfor i switched22:29
bkerensaimbrandon: you loving that az1 :)22:30
imbrandon:) i have ummm 17 ami burning right now22:30
bkerensawell on hpcloud its free but yeah22:31
imbrandon10 node sql cluster, 5 node nginx web cluter and two juju testing boxes22:31
bkerensashould spinup a hpcloud instance and seed all the Ubuntu ISO's22:31
imbrandonthat and i tweak the shit out of my setup. check my block sometime22:32
imbrandoni r make websites fast :)22:32
greg-goh no, he forgot to seige me :)22:33
imbrandonlike that little omg site that me and the other fellas been working on, yea i got nginx runnning so smooth on it that its serving 3+ million hits a month from one m1.small on aws AND dont have the microcache or nginx static cache in place yet22:33
imbrandongreg-g: nope just need mt dew first, give me 5 min22:34
bkerensaimbrandon: use loadimpact much?22:35
bkerensaimbrandon: when you finish the omg charm are you guys publishing it?22:35
marcoceppibkerensa: it's already published, you can look at it at anytime22:37
bkerensamarcoceppi: its just the wordpress charm?22:37
marcoceppihttps://code.launchpad.net/~marcoceppi/charms/oneiric/omgubuntu-wp/trunk && http://jujucharms.com/~marcoceppi/oneiric/omgubuntu-wp22:37
marcoceppibkerensa: No, it's the WordPress charm on crack, we'll be back-porting a lot of the cool stuff to the WordPress charm when we're done with the the omg charm22:38
greg-gthat's awesome22:40
bkerensaimbrandon: Hmm http://paste.ubuntu.com/936136/22:42
bkerensaimbrandon: loadimpact shows that jcastro's site has way higher load times under minimal and increase client connects22:43
bkerensa22.49s loadtime peak for him and 5s here22:44
bkerensaHmm I think I wanna deploy marcoceppi's charm with my content on aws and load test and see how it differs22:44
* bkerensa is kind of afraid of nginx22:45
bkerensaimbrandon: I just loadimpacted your site and it is very flawless :) blew me and jcastro out of the water22:45
greg-gbkerensa: http://loadimpact.com/load-test/blog.grossmeier.net-0ae006f5f59086c7e9e5aceef4611a0022:50
jcastrobkerensa: I suspect we'll be the same, I'm on AWS22:50
greg-gand that's with someone hitting mysql hard at the same time (asheesh was running some python process)22:51
cprofitthey greg-g and jcastro and bkerensa22:55
cprofittanyone else I may have left out!22:55
* greg-g waves22:56
cprofitthow are you and the family greg-g ?22:56
greg-ggood good22:57
greg-ggoing to take our first flight with the baby tonight!22:58
cprofittI have not done that with any of my kids yet22:58
cprofittbest of luck22:58
cprofittHey... are you a director of technology?22:58
cprofittI noticed on your blog you talked about SETDA22:59
greg-gheh, I am the Education Technology and Policy Coordinator at Creative Commons :)23:00
cprofittI can not believe I did not know that...23:00
cprofittI work in K-12 and have presented multiple times at Educational Events in NY State23:01
greg-glong title which means: if it deal with the tech side of things, I'm your man (for edu related stuff). I also do some policy work, but that mostly falls on my boss, Cable Green. He's the real politician :)23:01
greg-goh cool23:01
cprofittNYSCATE is the annual statewide show in NY... you and I will have to talk a bit23:01
* greg-g nods23:01
cprofittI also go to Ed Tech Day at Ithaca College23:01
cprofittvery cool dude.23:01
greg-gI am mostly focused on metadata right now, LRMI (http://lrmi.net) and how it can help make OER more findable and higher quality (by aligning to common core standards)23:02
greg-gbut, if you're curious, come over to #lrmi and be one of two members in the channel ;)23:02
cprofittI will add the that to auto-join23:02
cprofittI focused a lot on how FOSS met the needs of NETP 2010 and ISTE standards23:03
cprofittOER is a part of that23:03
cprofittopen courseware, etc23:03
cprofitthaving teachers write curriculum and moving away from expensive publisher would really help $$$ wise...23:04
greg-gyep yep. We (CC), of course, are pushing for more openly licensed educational content23:04
cprofittand I think we would get better material that could be adapted much faster23:04
cprofittread the quote from Pittsford...23:06
cprofittthat is the district I work in23:06
* cprofitt facepalms23:07
* cprofitt nods23:08
cprofittthe answer ofcourse is -- 'me'23:08
cprofittand I fix the Microsoft stuff... and the Apple stuff... and the Symantec stuff... etc23:08
imbrandonsorry greg-g gonna have to take a rain check, something else popup up here23:10
greg-gman, that's a good video, propoganda wise23:10
greg-gimbrandon: no worries man. 'twas just a fun idea23:11
cprofittthough... we never tried Open Office in our school23:12
cjohnstonAnyone around who has had to get a visa for the U.S. before when coming to UDS?23:21
pangolinI haven't ever, but what is the actual question?23:25
cjohnstonpangolin: its uds specific23:31
pangolinright, but stating the question might be answered even if someone hasn't needed to get a VISA23:32
cjohnstonits when to book.. so it wont be relevent to someone without a visa23:36

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