
RAOFWhoops, just missed mterry.00:19
jbichawow, my terminal crashed in the middle of my build :(01:57
robert_ancelljbicha, gtk3?02:00
jbicharobert_ancell: no I was just building gnome-shell02:02
desrtRAOF: hey!04:37
RAOFdesrt: Yo!04:50
RAOFOh, wow.  That router really wanted a reboot.04:51
desrtRAOF: i just discovered something cool from wikipedia04:51
desrtRAOF: you're one of the few non-canadians who is likely to understand me when i say "i didn't pay my bill, so they cut off my hydro."04:51
RAOFIt's no longer called the hydro in Tassie, though; it got the three-part split a decade ago or so.04:52
desrtthey still use the name here04:53
desrteven though it's 75% untrue these days04:53
RAOFWhat was called the HEC is now Transend, Aurora, and... some other company, which actually owns the dams.04:54
desrtah.  like that.04:55
desrti thought you meant three sources04:56
RAOFOh, no.04:56
desrtlike hydro/nuclear/coal04:56
desrtwhich is sort of how the situation is in ontario04:56
RAOFAs far as I know, it's still almost all hydro, with a peaking gas plant at Bell Bay, and a connection to the national grid via a submarine cable to Victoria.04:57
RAOFWhich means that there's coal/wind/solar in there, too, but in aggregate :)04:57
desrtmost of canada is hydro04:57
desrtbut ontario has a lot of nuclear04:57
desrtwe're just about done with the coal, fortunately04:57
desrtbut ya... gas as well04:58
pittiGood morning05:02
desrtpitti: good morning05:02
RAOFHey pitti05:07
didrocksgood morning05:24
pittihey didrocks05:25
didrocksguten morgen pitti, how are you?05:25
pittiquite fine, thanks! yourself?05:25
didrocksI'm fine as well ;) grey weather outside, still rainy and it seems it will become worse in the follow hours. All good reasons to stay home :)05:26
BigWhaleGood Morning.05:33
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:24
pittihey chrisccoulson07:24
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?07:25
pittiquite fine, thanks! how are you?07:25
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, good thanks07:27
didrockshey chrisccoulson!07:30
pittiSweetshark: oh hai!07:32
=== ritz is now known as ritz|nomNomNom
didrockshi Sweetshark07:34
Sweetsharkpitti, didrocks, seb128: https://launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/+archive/libreoffice-precisetest-20120327/+sourcepub/2385065/+listing-archive-extra <- this should fix one bug you nagged me about (didrocks: quicklists, pitti: -kde/-gnome suggests, seb128: visio mime for LibreOffice Draw)07:36
dpmhey pitti, good morning. You've probably seen it, but the full langpack export finished this morning \o/ have you had a look whether the ubuntu-docs xml translations are there?07:38
dpmOtherwise I can have a look at it myself07:38
Sweetsharkdpm: oh, you were interested in that too: l10n for quicklists is "fix commited"07:40
pittidpm: yes, I saw; I started the build some 15 minutes ago07:40
pittidpm: ubutu-docs xml trnaslations are not in teh LP export, langapck-o-matic downloads them directly from LP (see my mail replies to mdke)07:41
pitti(argh typing!)07:41
dpmah, gotcha, good to know, thanks pitti!07:42
pittiSweetshark: great, thanks! this should probably become an SRU at this point, given the build times, but as this is going to -proposed anyway, we could still consider moving it into final07:42
* dpm hugs Sweetshark07:42
dpmthat's awesome, thanks for getting this in, that will make non-English users happy!07:42
pittimicahg: o/07:47
micahgpitti: so, there's a sendto feature for blueman that we decided to disable as it's breaking nautilus-sendto, the problem is that the flag isn't recognized when passed through DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS, it looks like the feature is written improperly in .ac, but I'm not sure offhand how to regenerate configure with CDBS without dh-autoreconf which just seems to do everything twice07:48
micahg[  --enable-sendto=[yes/no] Enable nautilus-sendto plugin build],,have_nst=no)07:49
micahgoops, was originally yes at the end07:49
Sweetsharkpitti: right. I will make that an 3.5.2-2ubuntu2 for proposed.07:49
pittimicahg: a mere DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS = --disable-sendto doesn't work then?07:49
pittimicahg: err, --enable-sendto=no07:50
pittithat's odd07:50
micahgwell, in theory from what I read, both should work, but neither does07:50
pittimicahg: so, if you patch the configure.ac, including /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/autoreconf.mk ought to be sufficient07:51
micahgif I read the docs correctly (which is a big if at this hour), the last option to AC_ARG_ENABLE is the ELSE clause (i.e. no feature)07:51
pittiand adding dh-autoreconf build dep07:51
micahgpitti: it includes gnome.mk07:51
pittisure, but gnome.mk doesn't include autoreconf07:51
micahgI tried with dh-autoreconf but not with that and fixing the ELSE clause to no07:51
* micahg tries now07:51
* pitti has a closer look at the autoconf bit07:52
micahgNautilus sendto plugin enabled: yes07:54
pitti[  --enable-sendto=[yes/no] Enable nautilus-sendto plugin build],,have_nst=yes)07:55
pittimicahg: there is nothing that ever sets this to "no" :)07:55
micahgright, so I changed the final bit to no instead of yes, but I think I just wanted to no in the middle there07:55
pittiso your patch seems correct07:56
micahgpitti: it generates as this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/935105/07:56
Sweetsharkhmmmm, "wc -l debian/patches/series == 38" -- some upstreaming checking for q is in order.07:56
micahgwhich seems to tell me I did it backwards07:56
micahgNautilus sendto plugin enabled: no \o/07:58
micahgI did do it backwards :)07:58
pittiok, I tried something shorter, but that didn't quite work; /me tests teh proper approach08:00
micahgpitti: I've got the patch now, I just hope it doesn't break something for Xubuntu or Lubuntu now :)08:01
micahgpitti: thanks08:01
pittimicahg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/935110/ confirmed to work in all three cases here08:02
pittiI tried [  --enable-sendto=[yes/no] Enable nautilus-sendto plugin build],have_nst=$enable_val,have_nst=yes)08:02
pittibut that's not quite correct08:02
pittias enable_val is "" for --disable-sendto08:02
micahgpitti: I did this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/935105/08:03
micahgoops, that's the old one08:03
pittimicahg: does that really work with --enable-sendto ?08:03
pittihey seb12808:03
didrockssalut seb128 :)08:03
didrocksseb128: happy thursdsay \o/08:03
pittiseb128: do you happen to have another bug to fix?08:03
seb128hey pitti didrocks, how are you?08:03
micahgyes, I have--enable-sendto=no set right now08:03
didrocksseb128: I'm fine, it's thursday ;)08:04
pittimicahg: I think that would break with --enable-sendto (i. e. not enable it)08:04
seb128pitti, no bug no, why?08:04
pittididrocks: did you move to Australia recently?08:04
pittiseb128: I have one I'd like to fix, but can't ruin the stats08:04
seb128didrocks, did you swap friday this week?08:04
seb128pitti, use proposed? ;-)08:04
pittiI guess I could do that, yes08:05
didrockspitti: just kidding with seb128, as I shifted my easter monday holiday with this friday and when I was the only one here working on friday, he was gladly telling "it's friday for me on thursday" :)08:05
didrocksso, revenge ;)08:05
didrocksseb128: yeah!08:05
micahgpitti: you are correct08:05
* micahg looks at how other flags work08:05
pittimicahg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/935110/ is the standard approach08:06
pittithe "else" part is right, it's meant to default to "yes"08:06
pittibut it fails to consider the value when disabling it08:06
didrocksok, in fact, only sudo was dropping all the env for pbuilder, no black magic here :)08:06
seb128didrocks, ;-)08:07
seb128pitti, don't bother about the stats anyway, just upload where it's right, we can say that in spirit we tied ;-)08:07
* seb128 hugs pitti08:07
pittiseb128: nah, I'll use -proposed08:08
pittithen we can even build apport already, and publication will be faster08:08
Sweetsharkseb128: bug 926940 is fix commited08:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 926940 in mime-support "Visio files not associated with LibreOffice Draw" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92694008:10
seb128Sweetshark, hey, thanks!08:10
micahgpitti: I'm just tempted to default to no and be done with it ;)08:11
pittimicahg: that's not upstreamable, though; above fix is08:11
pittibut if you aren't concerned about that, pretty much any hack will do08:11
pittimicahg: you could even choose to simply not install the extension, i. e. change debian/*.install ?08:11
pittithat should avoid the autoreconfiscation, too08:12
micahgthere is no .install, but I can rm the files I guess08:12
pittiah, single-binary08:12
* micahg files a bug against blueman for the flag issue08:32
lifelessmicahg: speaking of bluetooth08:38
lifelessmicahg: and I'm being totally opportunistic08:38
lifelessmicahg: why do I have two bluetooth indicators, with different content?08:38
micahglifeless: no idea, I don't even use it, I'd suggest speaking to cyphermox08:39
pittidid you guys see that we have shiny new i386 and amd64 buildds?08:46
pittithey are now super-fast08:47
pittinow powerpc sucks even more, relatively speaking :)08:50
pittiSweetshark will be happy with his next LibO upload08:50
=== chaoticuk_ is now known as chaoticuk
Sweetsharkhrhr, if i386/amd64 and powerpc/arm grow even further apart, we will run into the uploading while building scenario even more often (not that it didnt happen before).08:52
micahgwell, ~4.5 hrs for i386/amd6408:54
micahgwell, powerpc is still faster than arm*, but the queue for it will be further behind08:55
pittididrocks, seb128: do you happen to know about these lightdm-set-defaults additions? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/102448032/lightdm_1.2.0-0ubuntu2_1.2.1-0ubuntu1.diff.gz09:27
pittithey formally need a FFE09:27
pittiif not, I'll mail robert09:27
seb128pitti, it's an utility that can be used to change the config09:28
seb128pitti, https://code.launchpad.net/~mfisch/lightdm/set-defaults-work/+merge/102196 is the work that landed09:29
didrockspitti: they are called by helper in postinst normally09:29
pittiseb128: yes, I know09:31
pittiso that wasn't tied to a bug09:31
seb128pitti, yeah, robert_ancell is usually overlooking processes and paperwork ;-)09:32
pittiseb128: look at https://launchpad.net/builders :)09:34
seb128pitti, nice ;-)09:40
seb128pitti, 04/17/12 11:56:52: retracing #983892 failed with status: -1110:30
seb128pitti, do you know what status: -11 means?10:30
pittiargh, that again?10:30
pittiI guess you have a core file now10:30
pittiI usually just remove and restart10:30
seb128there is a "core" in the userdir yes10:30
seb128pitti, ok10:30
seb128should I rm the core file as well?10:30
pittias you wish10:30
pittiwe'll get a new one soon enough :)10:31
seb128ok, too late if you wanted it10:31
pittioh, and I was _so_ keen on debugging python on lucid now!!!10:31
seb12804/18/12 10:31:33: retracing #984064 (left in pool: 216)10:31
seb128216 bugs in the backlog10:31
pittiin 24 hours, wowo10:32
seb128pitti, well I already rmmed a lock file yesterday for a -11 error so maybe it's > a day10:33
seb128i.e it was maybe not an empty pool when it stopped10:33
seb128pitti, are the retracers supposed to close the bugs when retracing fail or only if retracing fail && some_other_condition?11:04
pittiseb128: retrace fail && useless stack trace11:04
pittiI mean retrace fail (== useless stack trace) and outdated packages11:04
* pitti -> lunch, bbl11:04
seb128pitti, enjoy11:04
seb128I tend to be annoyed by "useless stacktrace && !outdated packages" I guess11:05
seb128i.e corrupted dumps11:05
seb128they are useless still be kept open11:05
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Sweetsharkricotz: you are on http://planet.documentfoundation.org btw11:31
ricotzSweetshark, hey, nice ;)11:33
Sweetsharkricotz: and on http://voices.canonical.com/ for completeness sake ;)11:35
seb128Sweetshark, how is the debian,ubuntu relationship going for libreoffice nowadays? is rene still an Ubuntu hater? ;-)11:46
Sweetshark13:08  * _rene_ thinks committing unity files upstream is the "something wrong" here11:47
Sweetshark13:08 <@_rene_> *hides*11:47
Sweetshark^- thats a few minutes ago on libreoffice-dev. Still, I personally can work with _rene_ quite well, although he might still have a lot of reservations against ubuntu.11:48
seb128that's something at least ;-)11:50
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
jbichagood morning12:18
didrockshey jbicha12:18
didrockshow are you?12:18
seb128jbicha, hey12:19
seb128jbicha, good job getting the ubuntu-docs update in ;-)12:19
jbichaseb128: does it work for you in French?12:21
seb128jbicha, local build worked, I can't tell for the archive until we get new langpacks12:21
* pitti sighs at more crashes in the retracer, restarting12:49
seb128pitti, thanks12:49
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
kelemengaborSweetshark: hi, thanks for your work on reenabling the LO quicklists, however there is a tiny one liner bug left. could you please take a look at bug #774020?12:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 774020 in libreoffice "Menu of Draw in zh_TW translation is not included in Natty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77402012:55
kelemengaborI still see it here: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=blob;f=patches/ubuntu-quicklists.diff;h=a0fba1d9243b03fe0833341f06348e78de56b1c1;hb=06d44513521f9db4417cd317e8266d8e1069aa2e#l21012:56
Sweetsharkkelemengabor: i see a tranlation for zh_TW in line 265 for draw. What do I misunderstand? *confused*13:07
kklimondahmm, is overrides the only way to configure unity-greeter? can't we use /etc/dconf/db ?13:07
kelemengaborSweetshark: I have linked line 210 for zn_CN, which should be zh_CN13:09
seb128kklimonda, nothing block you do use a db, that's a sysadmin stuff usually though13:09
* desrt yawns13:09
seb128desrt, hey13:09
seb128desrt, how are you?13:09
seb128desrt, not to cold?13:09
desrtpre-coffee :)13:09
seb128I'm good thanks13:10
seb128desrt, we are pretty hard frozen by now13:10
seb128it's cold around :p13:10
desrtoh :)13:10
desrti'm enjoying the cold13:10
desrtit's a nice lul13:10
desrti noticed you assigned more examples of that weird error-case gsettings (possibly threading) issue13:10
kklimondaseb128: aren't overrides are distro stuff though, being in /usr/share and requiring a call to glib-compie-schemas afair?13:10
kelemengaborSweetshark: oh, sorry, I think this is another bug :\13:11
seb128desrt, yeah, I was unsure if you want to know about them as well, or if you receive emails about bugs you are just subscribed to, or if you want them just opened on bugzilla13:11
seb128desrt, I decided I would assign them to you just to get your comments, feel free to unassign ;-)13:11
desrtseb128: i'm really not sure what the issue is in this case13:11
desrtseb128: nah.  i don't mind having it assigned.  i'm really curious about what the issue is13:11
desrtjust don't expect a fast fix :)13:12
seb128kklimonda, they are, what are you trying to do?13:12
desrtdo you figure that there's any chance that this is another one of those weird logout issues?13:12
seb128desrt, oh, they are stoppers in no way, they just seemed to be maybe real bugs so I wanted you to see them in case they are just another yet stupid distro upgrade race issue or something13:13
seb128desrt, could be yes13:13
desrtseb128: after poking at it a bit, it's the only explanation i could come up with13:13
kklimondaseb128: well, I just got a bug email from lightdm about disabling start-up sound (I'm subscribed to a bunch of "new" packages like lightdm/unity-greeter so I can see what's going on with them ;))13:14
seb128desrt, I hate logout issues, I really want to get a way to see what bugs happen on logout ;-)13:14
kklimondaseb128: and someone has suggested creating an .override file to do that13:14
desrtseb128: that would probably not be too difficult13:14
desrtseb128: i suggest talking to pitti about it :)13:15
desrt(actually, maybe it is difficult -- it is rather unlikely that logout-time crashes are handled right away so, by the time apport is doing its thing, it's probably no longer logout time)13:16
seb128kklimonda, just edit the etc config?13:16
seb128desrt, well then "not current session"13:16
seb128like compare the report time with the login time or something13:17
desrtya.  that would probably work fairly well13:17
desrtalthough i guess it could also give some false positives13:17
seb128we should maybe wipe the reports on login13:18
desrtthis is a bug13:18
desrtso i'm happy we know about it :)13:18
kklimondaseb128: ok, I'm a bit confused - why does unity-greeter has etc config and ships with the gsettings schema?13:18
seb128kklimonda, that option seems to be in gsettings13:19
desrtkklimonda: the file in /etc is old13:19
desrtit's no longer used13:19
seb128kklimonda, what are you trying to do? just a local change for your user? just set the key for in the etc db or for the lightdm user?13:19
desrtkklimonda: this confused me quite a lot at one point as well13:19
desrtkklimonda: the settings are actually stored in a normal dconf db in the lightdm homedir13:19
seb128jbicha, you should probably open a ffe bug where we can have that discussion for the record in any case13:21
kklimondaseb128: well, the current example is disabling start-up sound that unity-greeter is apparently playing, but I'm trying to wrap my mind around an entire concept :)13:22
Sweetsharkkelemengabor: do you have a bug# for zn_CN13:23
kelemengaborSweetshark: no, I have looked for it, but nothing13:24
kelemengaborshould I file one?13:24
kklimondaseb128: it doesn't help that a lot of lightdm settings (like disabling user list or enabling "others" login) are not in gsettings, but in the old good .conf file13:24
seb128kklimonda, lightdm != unity-greeter13:26
alf_Hi! How is gtk-window-decorator started by unity? With the arm gles2 compiz/unity packages, I need to run it manually to get any decorations and I am trying to figure out what is wrong.13:28
kklimondaseb128: I know, but they use vastly different configuration mechanisms and I can imagine that at some point in the future sssd will gain an ability to sync dconf/gsettings with LDAP to ease deployments (or someone creates a different solution to this problem), but  we'll be stuck with old good puppet to configure lightdm ;)13:28
alf_ogra_: ^^13:28
alf_ogra_: (two lines up)13:28
seb128alf_, try #ubuntu-unity13:29
Sweetsharkkelemengabor: that would be great13:29
Sweetsharkkelemengabor: bug 774020 can be assumed fixed than?13:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 774020 in libreoffice "Menu of Draw in zh_TW translation is not included in Natty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77402013:29
ogra_alf_, i think its related to /x-window-manager13:30
seb128kklimonda, I would be reluctant to make lightdm use gsettings13:30
kelemengaborSweetshark: yes, the Draw file has no zn_TW entry anymore13:30
kklimondaseb128: it's already linking against the entire glib stack, isn't it?13:30
alf_seb128: thanks13:30
kklimondaI guess the argument against it is to make lightdm more desktop-agnostic13:31
seb128kklimonda, yeah, it's stupid, ignore that, I still hate how non-robust gsettings is against i.e schemas install issues13:31
seb128like the last thing I want is the login manager to fail starting because it doesn't find a schemas telling if it should play the login sound13:31
kklimonda*nods* that's a good argument, but isn't it the case already now that unity-greeter is using gsettings?13:32
kklimondaunless lightdm can work in a fallback mode without unity-greeter?13:32
seb128which is why I say "it's stupid, ignore that" ;-)13:33
kklimondaah, right :)13:33
seb128well without unity-greeter lightdm would send you in failsafe mode to fix your config13:33
seb128or should13:33
ogra_which is funny given that we dont actually *have* a config anymore and xorg should sutodetect the world :)13:34
kelemengaborSweetshark: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/98489313:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 984893 in libreoffice "Typo in LO Base desktop file: zn_Cn" [Undecided,New]13:34
seb128ogra_, well you can have a broken config13:36
seb128ogra_, which means fixing it is basically removing the broken config ;-)13:36
* cyphermox <3 readu13:36
ogra_seb128, sure, but that usually doesnt refer to xorg itself13:36
seb128cyphermox, hey, how are you?13:36
cyphermoxnot too bad13:36
ogra_seb128, i.e. if my lightdm config is broken the failsafe doesnt offer me to fix that but it wants to fix xorg13:37
seb128ogra_, it should offer you that, that was the plan13:38
seb128ogra_, I guess some workitems didn't get done this cycle13:38
ogra_yeah, i definitely didnt see such an option in my broken setups13:38
Sweetsharkkelemengabor: fix committed13:55
pittiseb128: logout crashes> do we still get that many? I was hoping the fix that we put into apport would get rid of many of those13:55
seb128pitti, the issue is that it's hard to do which ones are logout issues and not13:56
kelemengaborSweetshark: thanks!13:56
seb128pitti, I got one for sure yesterday from an oneiric to precise update, evince exited on missing gschemas key because it was running during the update and schemas changed under it, the user got apport to trigger after the first login into precise after reboot13:57
seb128pitti, it took some pingpong and look at timestamp to figure the issue happened during the upgrade before reboot, he got the prompt after reboot and login in the updated system13:58
seb128pitti, what was the hack done in apport again? maybe it doesn't work as it should?13:59
pittiseb128: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~apport-hackers/apport/trunk/view/head:/apport/hookutils.py#L81413:59
pittioh, wait14:00
pittiwe only use that to determine whether or not to attach ~/.xsession-errors14:00
pittiwe don't actually prevent them from being sent14:01
pittimostly because service processes (plumbing, gvfs, and the like) are not directly attached to the session14:01
seb128pitti, ok, that makes sense14:03
seb128pitti, I wish reports would have the "current login time" as well as report['Date']14:04
pittiI don't think we have found a real solution for "is this happening at logout" yet14:04
seb128pitti, report['Date'] is the date where the issue happened or when ubuntu-bug was run?14:04
DarxusI think you folks are likely to be interested in this, apparently the Ubuntu specific modifications to GTK+ are incompatible with Wayland:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/98491414:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 984914 in gtk+3.0 "Ubuntu modifications to GTK+ incompatabile with Wayland" [Undecided,New]14:04
pittiseb128: the latter14:04
pittiseb128: we can find out about the former, though, maybe that makes more sense14:04
seb128Darxus, not for precise14:04
seb128Darxus, maybe next cycle14:04
pittiseb128: wait, hang on, I tell rubbish14:05
pittiseb128: yes, Date is the time the crash  happened, sorry14:05
seb128pitti, from the evince report I was talking about I had the impression Date was the issue time14:05
seb128pitti, ok, that matches that specific case I looked at today14:05
seb128so I would just need the "current login" time14:05
Darxusseb128: Yeah I know it's not getting enabled in Precise, just seemed like something somebody would want to fix eventually.14:06
seb128like when running ubuntu-bug, look at ck current login and compare to the report date14:06
pittiseb128: you mean the time when apport-bug runs?14:06
pittiseb128: that's precisely what in_session_of_problem() gives you14:06
seb128pitti, is that somewhere in the report? or is that just used for the .xsession-errors logic?14:06
pittiseb128: so for desktop apps, you indirectly know by "does this bug have a xsession-errors attachment"14:07
seb128pitti, I don't see that actual info being printed14:07
pittiseb128: no, it's not a separate field14:07
seb128pitti, well, "doesn't have a xsession-errors" can also mean "the xsession-error log had nothing matching the filter regexp"14:07
pittiseb128: if a bug has an .xsession-errors, then it's not a "crash at logout", barring weird bugs14:07
pittiseb128: right, that too14:08
seb128so you are back to be unsure14:08
seb128pitti, could we just append session_start_time to the infos?14:08
pittiseb128: would it be enough to have a boolean flag? InSessionOfProblem: Yes14:09
pittior so?14:09
pittiI guess that's what you are actually looking out for, and improves both privacy and also the legibility of reports?14:09
seb128pitti, concrete example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/98369714:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 983697 in evince "evince crashed with signal 5 in g_settings_get_value()" [Low,Invalid]14:10
seb128pitti, yes, a boolean would work for me14:10
seb128pitti, and yes, either to have apport to do the timestamp checks and the logic than having to do it manually, even if that's easy maths ;-)14:11
pittiseb128: so that, or an extra tag, or so14:13
pittiseb128: how woudl that help in that particular case?14:13
seb128pitti, I just need the info, I'm not picking about how it's exposed14:13
pittiseb128: it wasn't the session that was closing?14:14
pittiseb128: but I actually thought we reject crashes if the binary changes between the crash and the reporting time14:14
pittiah, I guess here it crashed when the new binary already was in place, darn14:14
seb128no we don't14:14
pittiso we'd need to find out at crash time if the binary is the same as it was when the program started14:14
pittii. e. program start time >= mtime(ExecutablePath)14:15
seb128pitti, good point, that wouldn't give me the exact info I need, but at least I could see "none of the dup happened in the current session"14:15
seb128pitti, which is a good clue it might be a logout issue14:15
pittiprogram start time shoudl be somewhere in /proc, hang on14:15
pittiah, I could use the time of the /proc/pid/exe symlink14:16
pittiand compare that to the mtime of the executable path14:16
seb128pitti, that's another issue but a frequent one, in fact it's a more interesting one14:16
pittii. e. crash right after upgrade14:16
seb128pitti, we often have the case with g-s-d or unity where new report come from the fixed version14:17
DarxusCan anybody give me a summary of what I'm getting into by disabling the patches in the precise gtk package?  The ubuntu specific stuff?  What depends on that, Unity?14:17
seb128pitti, because people didn't restart for 3 days14:17
seb128so they still have the old buggy version loaded14:17
seb128which is often giving us some wth, does the fix doesn't work?14:17
* pitti files that as a bug; then we have something to report to when asking for an SRU14:17
seb128pitti, thanks14:17
seb128Darxus, lot of trouble14:18
seb128Darxus, do you disable all the patches?14:18
seb128Darxus, you will basically break unity, appmenu, overlayscrollbar14:18
Darxusseb128: I did in the last one I built, with the 3.4.1 packaging and gtk master.14:18
Darxusseb128: Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for.  Anything else?14:18
seb128Darxus, the sound indicator14:19
seb128Darxus, software-center14:19
seb128Darxus, scrolling in gwibber14:19
seb128Darxus, like some other stuff as well14:19
seb128Darxus, i.e "don't do that"'14:19
DarxusEh, do you have any better suggestions for creating a package that allows gtk apps to work through wayland?14:20
seb128Darxus, what ubuntu patch breaks wayland support exactly?14:21
DarxusI'm not sure.14:21
jbichaDarxus: you really ought to start with the current Ubuntu packaging instead of starting from fresh, it'll make your life a lot easier14:21
seb128start by figuring that?14:21
pittiseb128: bug 984944, I subbed you14:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 984944 in apport "Reject crashes that happen right after upgrade" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98494414:21
seb128pitti, danke!14:21
Darxusjbicha: I'm planning to - the problem is that segfaults due to bug 983697.  Which is why I'm asking about disabling the ubuntu patches.14:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 983697 in evince "evince crashed with signal 5 in g_settings_get_value()" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98369714:22
seb128Darxus, try export LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=014:22
Darxusseb128: Cool, thanks.14:22
seb128Darxus, that disable the overlay scrollbars14:22
seb128Darxus, no need to drop any patch for that14:22
seb128Darxus, the patch checks for the variable14:23
DarxusI'll give that a try tonight, thanks.14:23
seb128it should be a no-op if it's set to 014:23
pittishoudln't it be enough to sudo dpkg -P liboverlay-scrollbar3-0.2-0 ?14:23
pittiah, right, that variable should work, too14:23
seb128grrr, some days launchpad is a piece of crap, especially when trying to reassing bugs14:26
seb128like I tried to put "ayatana-scrollbar" upstream comment, failed, I added "liboverlay-scrollbar" ubuntu package and it reassigned to "ubuntu" no package14:27
mhr3seb128, you're the stacktrace man :) can i somehow get the fully symbolic trace from addresses returned by the standard backtrace() call?14:29
seb128pitti, ^14:30
seb128mhr3, I doubt the addresses are enough to give you those infos14:30
seb128but pitti knows better about that14:30
seb128he looked to signatures stuff for the client side dup detection14:30
* mhr3 waits for pitti's response14:31
mhr3i think something could be skipped in such trace (if compiler inlines stuff) but otherwise it should be possible to get a nice trace imo14:33
seb128mhr3, why just not use the standard tools,workflow?14:35
pittimhr3: in theory yes, but in practice there is no tool to do it14:35
pittimhr3: so you are much better off with a core dump14:35
mhr3seb128, it's an issue i'm unable to reproduce in gdb... i guess timing matters14:36
seb128mhr3, just ulimit -c and gdb the dump?14:36
pittiright, what seb128 says14:36
pittino need to actually run the process under gdb14:36
pitti"ulimit -c unlimited"14:36
pittigdb /path/to/process core14:36
mhr3but it doesn't crash14:36
seb128make it to so? :p14:37
seb128or you want the stacktrace every time you use some function?14:37
mhr3i want it when g_log logs the ref problem14:37
seb128mhr3, do a code check and abort() when that happens?14:38
pittiso if the first time is enough, change it g_error and it will SIGABRT14:38
pittior call abort() yourself14:38
mhr3unfortunately there are many errors before that14:38
mhr3ones i dont particularly care about14:38
seb128mhr3, can't you regexp match the error in the code and abort() on the specific match?14:39
seb128like parse the error string14:39
Darxusseb128: My packages that are just the Ubuntu package plus the two necessary patch sets works with export LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 :)  Thanks.14:39
mhr3hmm, maybe14:39
mhr3thx seb128, pitti14:39
seb128Darxus, yw14:39
seb128mhr3, yw14:39
pittimhr3: I haven't played with backtrace_symbols(), but that might help you?14:40
mhr3pitti, that's actually what i was using, but it's not overly useful14:41
mhr39: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdbus-1.so.3(+0xb47a) [0x7ffff1b6047a]14:42
mhr310: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdbus-1.so.3(dbus_connection_dispatch+0x9a) [0x7ffff1b6370a]14:42
mhr311: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libatspi.so.0(+0xa955) [0x7fffd5aed955]14:42
mhr312: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0(g_main_context_dispatch+0x16a) [0x7ffff5a2bc9a]14:42
pittiyou only know the function names, not the precise location in the fuction, yes14:42
pittimhr3: another hack: you could call gdb to create a core dump of yourself repeatedly, and name it with the timestamp or so14:45
pittithere's even a /usr/bin/gcore convenience wrapper14:45
mhr3now that sounds interesting14:45
mhr3i wonder if i could just synchronously call gcore by the process i want to core dump :)14:48
mhr3ah, requires root :/14:49
pittior PR_SET_DUMPABLE14:50
pittierr, no, not that one14:50
pittimhr3: you can temporarily disable it globally in /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf14:51
pittithen any gdb can attach to any of your processes14:51
seb128desrt, could you look at bug #858390? it's getting some duplicates15:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 858390 in d-conf "nautilus crashed on startup in dconf_engine_refresh_user()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85839015:18
desrtseb128: hm15:24
desrtseb128: the duplicates started to increase just after i did some refactoring in that area15:24
seb128desrt, I've asked for an updated stacktrace next time we get a duplicate15:26
desrtcrashing with SIGBUS.  fascinating.15:26
desrtthat's almost certainly due to hitting the shm area15:26
desrtis it always nautilus?15:28
desrtie: do we see this same SIGBUS-in-dconf code situation in anything other than nautilus?15:28
desrtalso: can we tell if maybe these users are on NFS?  this is more or less exactly the situation i'd expect to see because of XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not being set15:29
seb128desrt, one of the dups is gsd, so "no"15:31
desrtseb128: that was the other issue, no?15:31
seb128desrt, we can ask them...15:31
seb128desrt, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/d-conf/+bug/87080015:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 870800 in d-conf "gnome-settings-daemon crashed on system start indconf_engine_refresh_user() (dup-of: 858390)" [Medium,New]15:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 858390 in d-conf "nautilus crashed on startup in dconf_engine_refresh_user()" [Medium,Triaged]15:32
desrtah.  go figure.15:32
desrtseb128: any way i could get my hands on some core?15:34
seb128desrt, not easily, maybe ask those users if one get the issue in a realiable way and could add one?15:35
seb128desrt, the other option that could work would be to put the bug "fix released", I think apport would "freak out" on the next duplicate, saying it's a regression and keeping it in state15:36
seb128pitti, ^ is that correct?15:36
desrtseb128: seems a rather indirect way of doing that...15:36
seb128desrt, yeah, I don't have a good reply though, out of asking the users15:39
pittiwe don't usually expose the core dumps, indeed15:48
pittiwe keep them in crashes which failed retracing15:48
desrtis it a case of not exposing them or them actually being deleted entirely?15:48
pittithe latter15:49
desrtprivacy concerns, i guess15:49
pittiif you know the URL, you can still get them, but there's no way except DB hackery to find out15:49
pittiyes, we don't know what stuff might hide in them15:49
desrtseems like the worst of both worlds15:49
desrtprivate data is kept around forever15:50
desrt....but you can't make productive use of it15:50
pittioh, they will get cleaned up after a few days15:50
pittiLP's garbage collector15:50
pittibut not immediately15:50
mterrybryceh, heyo.  Do you know much about xkb maps and me getting a "key types not defined" error when trying to have xkbfile X extension use the "fr oss" layout?15:53
brycehmterry, hyea15:53
brycehmterry, yeah yeah I tinker with such bugs from time to time.  tell me more15:54
pittigood night everyone!15:55
seb128pitti, 'night15:56
* bryceh pulls up fr oss15:56
mterrybryceh, let me get the bug15:57
didrockssee you pitti15:57
mterrybryceh, bug 960096 (look at my last few comments -- much of the bug deals with some other flaws)15:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 960096 in libxklavier "Live session started with wrong layout" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96009615:57
mterrypitti, bye!15:57
=== zyga is now known as zyga-food
brycehmterry, ok so sounds like just a missing keyboard symbol in that key map?  should be a straightforward error if we know what the missing symbol(s) are16:01
brycehmterry, /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/fr is the symbol map (search on xkb_symbols "oss")16:03
mterrybryceh, how do I get a smaller test case than "running X with fr/oss as default"?  Like, I tried running xkbcomp  /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/fr but it didn't error out16:03
brycehright, that just compiles them16:05
mterrybryceh, OK.  So what's my next step?16:10
* mterry is lost at the X barrier16:10
rickspencer3hey all, what's the word on the street for Precise? ready to ship?16:10
brycehmterry, I've found  an upstream patch to the fr oss layout that we may be missing.  Reviewing...16:12
ogra_rickspencer3, "all, broken, we'll delay for 6 months"16:12
brycehmterry, something with the space character16:13
rickspencer3ogra_, so we'll have 2 12.10's?16:13
ogra_indeed 12.10LTS and 12.10 :)16:13
brycehmterry, ok so next steps... are you able to reproduce this bug yourself?  If so let me paste you the current mainline version of fr to test.  if that works, could short circuit some debugging work.16:16
mterrybryceh, yes, I can reproduce16:16
brycehmterry, ok, here's the fr file - http://paste.ubuntu.com/935651/ - copy to /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/fr16:17
brycehyou'll need to regen your xkb cache; easiest way is just restart X16:17
mterrybryceh, OK.  Will be back after trying16:18
mterrybryceh, no good16:20
brycehok, too bad, that would have been an easy fix :-)16:21
mterryagreed  :)16:21
brycehmterry, ok so can you describe to me the steps to reproduce?16:23
brycehdoes it happen immediately after setting the layout in the keyboard preferences capplet to fr oss?16:23
mterrybryceh, um, I haven't tried, I've had my layout like that for a little while for testing16:24
mterrybryceh, but if you have fr/oss as your first layout16:24
mterrybryceh, and start a session, you'll end up with 'us'16:25
brycehok, I can give that a try16:25
brycehalso, there are a set of standard log files we need for xkb bugs, but this bug report is missing them; perhaps easiest solution is to file a new bug against xorg, but if you'd rather stick with this bug report, would you mind manually collecting them?16:26
brycehsetxkbmap -print16:26
brycehxkbcomp :0 -w0 -16:27
mterrybryceh, I can file a new bug.  would prefer to keep this new flaw separate from that previous bug16:29
* mterry runs ubuntu-bug16:29
brycehmterry, sounds good16:29
bryceh'ubuntu-bug xorg' should do it16:30
brycehmterry, there's a bug, or I guess class of bugs, which has been around as long as I can remember, where gnome tries to set the layout, and X barfs, and the user gets a quite unhelpful error message.  bug #524406 is an example.  If you see "Error activating XKB configuration." that's one of the symptoms.16:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 524406 in libxklavier "Frequent "Error activating XKB configuration"" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52440616:32
seb128mterry, if you need a xkb master you can try to ping svu on #gnome-hackers when he's online (he's the libgnomekbd, libxklavier upstream)16:32
mterrybryceh, I don't get a user-visible error16:32
mterrybryceh, bug 98506516:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 985065 in xorg "Can't use fr/oss keyboard layout by default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98506516:34
brycehseb128, I'll get in contact with svu about this once we have it characterized16:35
seb128bryceh, ok, good16:35
brycehmterry, ok I'm reproducing here.  let me dick around with it a bit this morning and get back to you.16:42
mterrybryceh, ok, thanks!16:42
* didrocks waves good evening17:03
Sweetsharkpitti: ping?17:06
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DarxusIs there a way to get notified any time a new gtk package is released?18:06
desrtDarxus: there are release announcements posted to various lists18:07
desrtincluding an automated announcement posted to the ftp-release-list@gnome.org18:08
desrtthat's probably the most reliable one to follow18:08
desrtseb128: so we get some comfirmation that ecryptfs may be to blame here18:09
desrtfor the dconf issue18:09
Darxusdesrt: Sorry, I meant Ubuntu packages.18:09
desrtDarxus: apt-get upgrade? :)18:10
DarxusHeh.  So there's no way to just get an email any time the "latest upload" field on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0 changes?18:11
kklimondaDarxus: you could filter through the precise-changes ML18:12
Darxuskklimonda: Thanks.18:12
jbichaDarxus: you can for Debian packages but I don't know if there's an automated way for Ubuntu packages18:12
DarxusI don't suppose there's an lp bzr repo containing the latest gtk source package I could set up a build recipe against?18:12
jbichathere is, & you could subscribe to email notifications of that18:13
jbichayou can just click the code tab at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.018:14
jbichabut for Desktop packages, see the ~ubuntu-desktop branches, ie https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gtk/ubuntugtk318:15
jbichajust click Subscribe yourself in the top right18:15
DarxusAh, that's what I was looking for, thanks.18:15
jbichathe ubuntu-desktop branches are usually packaging only which makes bzr pull faster18:16
jbichathere's some docs for it at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Bzr18:16
DarxusIt'll be nice to automate my builds with the wayland backend enabled.18:18
jbichaif it works well, I'd imagine we'd build with wayland support for 12.1018:21
Darxusjbicha: Thanks, I hope so.  By that time, 3.6.0 will be released, so the patches I'm using will be included.  Just need to add --enable-wayland-backend --enable-x11-backend and the libxkb and libwayland dependencies.18:24
DarxusI'm hoping coordinating mutually compatible versions of wayland, gtk, and qt won't be too exiciting :/18:25
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DarxusSeems like a build recipe using that doesn't grab the upstream tarball.  How would I make it do that?18:41
micahgDarxus: use the lp:ubuntu/gtk+3.0 branch instead18:45
Darxusmicahg: But that one hasn't been updated since 2011-07-20?18:45
micahgmeh, http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/gtk+3.0.html#2011-07-25%2009:43:52.02971118:46
DarxusImports broke?18:47
DarxusShould I file a bug?18:50
micahgsure, against the udd project if there isn't one already for that type18:50
DarxusRight, thanks.18:51
Darxusmicahg: How did you find that page?  I don't see it linked from https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/gtk+3.0/precise18:51
micahghttp://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/ + CTRL+F :)18:51
DarxusAh, thanks.18:52
kklimondamicahg: don't those get stalled from time to time?19:30
micahgkklimonda: well, when they're stalled, they're usually restarted19:30
seb128the kernel team now has a "bot-stop-nagging" tag19:58
seb128or how to stack hacks on hacks19:59
seb128"If you want this bot to quit automatically requesting kernel tests, add a tag named: bot-stop-nagging."19:59
seb128can they made that the default? :p19:59
seb128then maybe just drop the stupid nag bot and be back to sanity ;-)19:59
micahgseb128: that was created at the last UDS20:02
brycehseb128, I've been using a similar tag on the xorg bugbot, but treat it's use as an indicator of bugginess in the bot, and try to minimize its presence...20:02
seb128micahg, the stupid bot or the tag to prevent the bot?20:02
micahgseb128: tag to prevent the bot :)20:03
jbichaSweetshark: is there a LibreOffice backports PPA?20:03
seb128micahg, bryceh: their bot just made me not want to ever report a kernel bug again20:03
cyphermoxseb128: you're not alone20:04
seb128https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/978622 is a good example of why20:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 978622 in linux "every app becomes unresponsive when nautilus is copying files" [Medium,Confirmed]20:04
micahgwell, they've gone from 10k+ bugs to < 6k20:04
seb128"nice reporter" follow by 2 different bug similar "can you test with new kernel" comments, followed by a reply, followed by another same automatic bot reply, followed by a "it seems an upstream issue report it to them yourself"20:05
seb128micahg, I suprised they didn't went to 020:05
brycehyeah I  hate the "report it upstream yourself" responses20:05
* micahg doesn't like those comments in general unless it's untestable by a triager, which unfortunately is the case for most kernel bugs20:06
seb128micahg, it's easy enough to write a bot just closing bugs if you don't want to deal with them20:06
brycehseb128, indeed it's an 8 line script. easy20:06
brycehI think it's sort of a failing in launchpad that it doesn't allow for better tracking of what was tested20:07
seb128well, it's not a question of what was tested20:09
seb128it's that they upload a kernel every 2 weeks and never look at your bugs20:09
seb128but add a bot comment with every upload20:09
seb128so on a cycle you get to fight with a bot which sets your bug to incomplete 10 times at least20:10
seb128no wonder that at the end it wins20:10
seb128when you reopened the bug 5 times saying "yes it's an issue" you still nobody else than the bot setting to incomplete communicated with you, you go wth and give up on trying to ever report a kernel bug again20:11
seb128you still-> with still20:11
brycehseb128, well what I mean is that launchpad ought to distinguish that the bug is against an out of date version, rather than using a bot to post comments20:13
brycehso, the idea would  be if you look at a bug you filed a month ago, it should indicate that the bug's against an out of date version20:13
seb128bryceh, well that wouldn't help there20:13
brycehseb128, sure it would20:13
seb128it's easy to figure that the bug was reported against an outdated version20:14
seb128the issue is that they send a bug putting the bug incomplete on you to get ride of your bug rather than trying to read it20:14
brycehseb128, ah but that's not clear to the reporter that it's blocked because of that (else why bother with the bot comments?)20:14
brycehanyway, not like we'll get launchpad to implement new features any time soon.20:15
seb128at the end it's a manpower,number of bugs issue20:15
brycehseb128, and also anyway, I completely agree it's quite annoying as implemented.  I grit my teeth whenever I get that after filing a bug20:15
brycehbut with the kernel they get so many bug reports that your bug report is going in a black hole, bot or no20:16
seb128I would just prefer to have my bug ignored until read than having to fight with a bot20:16
seb128like once every cycle would be fine20:16
brycehusually have to catch a kernel engineer's attention too20:16
seb128I'm fine revisit my open bugs every 6 months20:16
* bryceh nods20:16
brycehyeah that's sort of the level I try with my bugbot; try to have no more than one bugbot question per bug, per year20:17
seb128one comment a cycle is a good goal I think20:17
seb128it's fair enough to ask when a new Ubuntu version is out to retest20:17
seb128I should try reporting a firefox bug to see how that goes ;-)20:18
seb128firefox doesn't bug enough, I didn't get to do that for a while!20:19
brycehI try to couple it to a significant change, like after we've uploaded a new X stack, or if a fix went in that we expect to solve a *lot* of bug reports.  Seems like with the kernel they re-ask a bit too aggressively20:19
Amaranthbryceh: Sadly with the kernel hibernate and suspend bugs can be "fixed" with something as simple as a recompile sometimes so it makes sense to try to get constant testing as new versions are put out20:20
AmaranthJust as an example of a class of kernel bugs20:20
brycehtrue, and we have some like that in X, like proprietary drivers especially20:21
brycehbut in such cases I try to target the bot to just that specific class of bug, and give some targeted message relevant to the type of bug.  I think that goes over better with the reporters than a generic "new version.  please retest"20:23
brycehmterry, btw if you're still abouts think I got a handle on the keyboard bug20:33
mterrybryceh, oooh!20:33
brycehlooks like 'udevadm  trigger --subsystem-match=input --action=change' does the trick20:33
brycehtry that20:33
mterrybryceh, I see your comment.  I got debug comments by changing the code  :-/20:34
mterrybryceh, this is after I login?20:34
brycehmterry, aha! no wonder I couldn't figure out how to turn that on :-)20:34
brycehmterry, yep, from just a gnome-terminal window or whatever20:34
=== [x]thisfred is now known as thisfred
* bryceh retests too20:35
mterrybryceh, hmm.   i didn't logout and in again, but was my layout supposed to instantly change?20:35
brycehmterry, it did for me.20:35
brycehalthough I'd run a few other things prior to that, so it could be a combination.  retesting20:36
brycehnope, that's all that it takes for em20:36
brycehmterry, well let me backup20:37
mterrycan't log out, becasue I'm in the middle of an upload20:37
brycehI found that running sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-config made my keyboard work right.  Someone had suggested it on the previous bug.  But it only persists one session.20:37
brycehmterry, so looking at the keyboard-configuration scripts and readmes, I saw20:38
brycehblah blah the20:38
brycehchanges will become visible to X only if20:38
brycehudevadm trigger --subsystem-match=input --action=change20:38
mterryI've still got upstream's fr symbols file if that matters...20:39
brycehmterry, shouldn't.20:39
brycehmterry, anyway, I *think* maybe what's needed is to add the above udev call to the gnome keyboard tool.  once your upload's done if you could test it, that'd help.  I'll poke further in a little bit.20:43
mterrybryceh, which keyboard tool?20:44
brycehmterry, in the hud type "keyboard layout"20:52
brycehdon't think it has a separate executable anymore20:53
brycehguessing the backend code is in gnome-settings-daemon or somesuch20:53
mterrybryceh, but this happens if you just change the gsettings key and reboot20:58
mterrybryceh, and the trigger stuff would happen each boot right?   Or are you saying when lightdm changes the layout via libxklavier, it should also issue a trigger?20:58
brycehmterry, I need to dig a bit more but yes, I suspect that we need this call added to the startup code "somewhere" to kick it into action21:01
brycehmterry, we might want to run  this by cjwatson for sanity check before we change anything21:02
seb128mterry, hey21:06
seb128mterry, (now is time to run for you ;-)21:06
seb128dammit! ;-)21:07
mterryseb128, :)21:07
seb128mterry, you working on indicator-datetime in the past, do you know how it's computing the timezone for a location you add?21:07
seb128mterry, i.e http://geoname-lookup.ubuntu.com/?query=new%20york&release=precises&lang=fr_FR.UTF-8 returns geolocation infos21:07
seb128name, coordinates21:08
mterryseb128, should get that from the server21:08
seb128but not times21:08
seb128mterry, do you know if I can query that from the website?21:08
mterryseb128, oh right.  it looks it up on a map it has21:08
mterryseb128, maps the coords to the same map you click on21:08
seb128mterry, it's placing "new york" in africa for some users21:08
mterryseb128, seems bad21:08
seb128we are trying to figure why21:08
seb128and why it happens only to some users (locales?)21:09
mterryoh really?  locale...  shouldn't affect it21:09
mterrymight affect response from server?21:09
seb128mterry, right, that's why we are trying to figure, thanks21:10
kenvandinemterry, so if seb128 disconnects network it works21:10
kenvandinejust getting it from the local cache21:10
seb128mterry, like the cached value give me the right time21:10
kenvandinewhen online it sets his timezone to africa21:10
seb128'Africa/Abidjan New York'21:10
seb128in the gsettings key21:11
kenvandinenot just for new york either, someone else reported it for barcelona21:11
seb128kenvandine, barcelona is in africa seen from the U.S it's an understable mistake :p21:11
* seb128 hides21:11
kenvandinemterry, for users that can reproduce the bug, it is consistent21:12
kenvandinebut others can't :/21:12
mterryHave to reboot to test bryceh's thing.  Hold on21:14
seb128mterry, unping, ted figured it out, it's you U.S guys hating use europeans21:17
mterryseb128, oh nice!  what was the deal?21:17
seb128mterry, aka atof not liking being giving a "." instead or a ","21:17
mterryseb128, hah!21:17
seb128the decimal separator21:17
mterryseb128, everyone needs to just speak swahili and we'd all be happier21:18
micahgis that a locale specific thing?21:18
mterrybryceh, your udevadm line didn't change anything for me after a fresh reboot21:19
seb128micahg, not one locale, but yes, some locales use "," as a decimal separator21:19
seb128like in most european country you write 45,3 not 45.321:19
mterrySo adorable!  /me tousles seb128's hair21:21
seb128mterry, you realized that it's the second french hater bug we are discussing in 2 days? I wonder what is going on there!21:23
seb128mterry, btw having to run that udev command seems weird, like why would it be needed for some variants of keyboard only?21:23
jbichaseb128: does your ubuntu-docs work?21:23
mterryseb128, you're barely french, why do you care?21:24
seb128jbicha, oh, good question, I need to upgrade, I will tell you that in a bit21:24
mterryseb128, agreed...21:24
seb128jbicha, yes, the updated langpacks works ;-)21:31
Laneycan we get apport to attach sources.list to upgrade failure bugs or to indicate if any third-party repositories are in use?21:31
seb128mterry, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-datetime/lp773987/+merge/102591 is the datetime fix in case you were curious about the details21:31
seb128Laney, that's to discuss with pitti but I guess we can easily do it if we decide it's not a privacy issue21:32
seb128Laney, but users might have private ppas in there21:32
seb128Laney, so maybe a "ppa in use" flag or something would be better21:32
Laneyit could have a heuristic to filter out common private repo patterns, but that could never catch all private repos I guess21:33
mterryseb128, awesome.  nice catch tedg!21:33
seb128Laney, what issue do you try to solve?21:33
seb128Laney, we should rather signal if local installed packages were non official versions21:33
seb128Laney, isn't the dist-upgrade disabling ppas for upgrades anyway?21:34
Laneythere's a bad mono upgrade failure that seems to still exist in some PPA/unofficial package21:34
Laneymaybe it's not dist-upgrade21:34
Laneywell, u-m upgrade21:34
jbichaseb128: cool! so there's help for the French after all21:34
jbichaperhaps the upgrader should ppa-purge instead of just disabling ppa's21:35
LaneyI thought apport did indicate unofficial packages but perhaps it doesn't know that in upgrade scenarios21:35
seb128Laney, well it does prevent you to report against an unofficial version and it will indicator changed content from the binary (i.e files which don't match the md5sum)21:38
seb128Laney, it will probably not warn after upgrade since the new version which failed to install is the official one though21:38
Laneyright, it reports that the old version failed to upgrade21:39
Laneybut it doesn't catch that this is due to a bug that exists in the unofficial new version21:40
Sweetsharkjbicha: https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa description needs some updating.22:49
Sweetsharkjbicha: it was needed for the f**^&*ed up 3.4 release ...22:50
jbichaSweetshark: is that going to have stable releases, like for 12.04 users can they add that and they'll get LO 3.5 when it's ready?22:53
jbichathe idea I had in mind was kinda like the firefox-stable PPA before everyone got the latest Firefox releases22:55
Sweetsharkjbicha: ? ubuntu 12.04 will have LibreOffice 3.523:06
jbichaI meant LO 3.623:07
Sweetsharkjbicha: there will be a libreoffice-3-5 ppa, which will get 3.5.X updates before they are SRUed. http://sweetshark.livejournal.com/10977.html23:07
Sweetsharkjbicha: i will primarily care about 3.6 on ubuntu p+1, but if ricotz continues to backport as fast as he does now, there shouldnt be an issue.23:09
micahgSweetshark: might I suggest a stable and oldstable vs versioned PPAs so they can be reused23:13

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