
chechewhat is the "ubuntu way" to have a firefox 3.6 and ubuntu 10.04 ?09:22
dupondjewhy would you need prehistoric firefox ? :)09:57
chrisccoulsoncheche, there isn't a way10:51
chrisccoulsonand it's EOL next week too10:51
chechedupondje: some app does not work with a new browser10:52
chechechrisccoulson: It should be a way10:52
chrisccoulsonwhy would we provide a way to install a browser that is no longer actively maintained?10:52
chechechrisccoulson: because is up to the admin to choose whatever feels is needed for his own security10:53
chrisccoulsonwell, you didn't have to install the updates10:53
chrisccoulsonbut in any case, we're not going to provide any supported way to install unmaintained software10:54
chechechrisccoulson: is just a problem with a webapp, and we need time until that problem is fixed.10:54
chechechrisccoulson: when the systems were update we found out the problem10:54
checheand I wnated to find a way to revert and stay with 3.6 instead10:55
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: Firefox 3.6 EOL in 6 Days (Apr 24), the Ubuntu stable releases are migrated, have you? | Looking for help with Seamonkey | Build versions and testing status: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/ubuntu-mozillateam | Report Mozilla PPA bugs: http://is.gd/hdZc1 | Mailing List: http://is.gd/G0rbMs

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