
dholbachgood morning06:49
risottoin case my message was missed before, http://fridge.ubuntu.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=4791&action=edit is ready to be reviewed/published11:37
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akgranerrisotto, there are some questions still - what email address can I send comments too?13:32
akgranerWhile I can ask you here  - it would be easier for me to send you comments etc in editors formating etc13:33
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SilverLionhi everyone18:17
nlsthznHey SilverLion :)18:54
nlsthznooh a bit late on the hello18:54
SilverLioncprofitt: hey there20:26
cprofitthey SilverLion20:26
MrChrisDruifAloha cprofitt ! ^_^20:27
SilverLioncprofitt: just wanted to thank you again for your support ;) finally found a home now with Ronnie Tucker ;)20:27
cprofittRonnie Tucker?20:28
SilverLioncprofitt: http://fullcirclemagazine.org20:28
cprofittI am still not following SilverLion ...20:30
SilverLioncprofitt: last time we talked I was a little unhappy in this community20:30
SilverLionand in the meantime i pretty much grew together with Ronnie Tucker and have to create the epub (mobile) version of the Magazine now20:30
* cprofitt nods20:31
cprofittI think I understand now... great to hear20:31
MrChrisDruifcprofitt; how's it going?20:31
akgranerwhoa  - cprofitt's in da house!20:35
SilverLionakgraner: the Lion is too ;)20:36
akgraner:-) but sadly I still have 3 more things to write before my day ends20:36
akgranerthen I can transition to Ubuntu stuff for the remained of the day20:36
MrChrisDruifSee ya later akgraner ^_^20:40
MrChrisDruifcprofitt; I don't know if you remembered, but months ago you withheld your testimonial for when I was finally going for Ubuntu Member. I'm up for tomorrow night! ^_^20:41
cprofittMrChrisDruif: I withheld?20:45
cprofittwiki link?20:45
MrChrisDruifWell, withheld or wasn't going to write one20:45
Unit193MrChrisDruif: I'll be there, as you know, so I'll do mine there.20:48
* MrChrisDruif can't remember if I did yours! O_O20:49
cprofittall done MrChrisDruif20:50
MrChrisDruifThanks cprofitt20:50
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