
hadsajmitch: Yeah, a local shop would fix that as you'd be paying GST anyway.00:22
ojwbthough not the clearance fees00:32
ojwband if you're gst registered...00:32
Atamirasay that ZaReason shop, when its gonna be open on the website anyone know?20:29
Atamirai wanna get my partner a laptop, preferably with ubuntu already on it20:29
ibeardsleeYou can order from the website now, to be delivered to NZ20:29
ibeardsleewe've had one guy from work already do that, and we have another couple looking at doing the same in the next few days.20:46
ajmitchhopefully there's enough demand here for the local shop20:46
ibeardsleeyeah. the pricing will have to be competitive because "Battery Life: Up to 3 hrs." sure as hell ain't20:49
ajmitchmaybe people looking for a cheap system to put a pirated copy of windows on :)20:50
ibeardsleemeh, I look foor good systems that I don't have to pay for any copy of windows20:50
ajmitchibeardslee: not everyone is like you, though20:53
ibeardsleeaye, this is true, there can only be so much awesome in the world ;)20:58
ajmitchI don't think we could handle another you20:59
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=== Guest35170 is now known as ojwb
snaili've been hearing about a wellington-based (volunteer-run) art gallery that has some ubuntu machines installed and is now having problems maintaining them. is there a back story here? any hints who might have installed these machines?23:15
ibeardsleedo you know the gallery's name?23:19
snaili think it's http://www.enjoy.org.nz/ ?23:44

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