
SpamapShlan: euca-get-console-output can be helpful00:19
SpamapShlan: or ec2-get-console-output if you prefer :)00:19
hlanSpamapS: is this the same as "Get system log" in the ec2 gui?00:24
SpamapShlan: probably, I've never used the gui00:24
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hlanI just installed the daily precise ami I found here http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/precise/current/01:10
hlanas I probably need to update the kernel ASAP.01:10
Laicehey there01:10
hlanI see some weird daemons running... "whoopsie"01:10
Laicegot an issue with 3 dedicateds when we set a keepalive on the ssh connection is constantly refused01:11
Laiceending up in us having to reimage the servers ¬.¬01:11
hlanthe biggest problem is that dnsmasq is running for some reason and it's preventing me from booting my DNS server01:11
hlanhow can I remove dnsmasq... apt-get tells me that dnsmasq isn't even installed??01:14
hlanand I can't find anything in init.d01:14
blendedbychrisi had a do-package-upgrade going and i got disconnected from ssh… can i resume the upgrade somehow (or the ssh session) ?01:17
Laicei'm having problems with ssh aswell01:25
greppyblendedbychris: I know it won't help this time, but you may want to look at using screen or tmux in the future...01:27
DiabolicalGamerI'm attempting to setup a MaaS server on Ubuntu 12.04, but my nodes keep hanging at "init: cloud-init-nonet main process (256) killed by TERM signal"01:31
DiabolicalGamerCan anyone help?01:31
bigjoolsI can try01:31
DiabolicalGamerThanks :-)01:31
bigjoolshaving said that I am more familiar with the webapp side of things than cloud-init01:32
bigjoolssmoser, any idea? ^01:32
DiabolicalGamerhmm, if I could login to the nodes themselves or access their logs that would really help01:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #984499 in net-snmp (main) "snmpd fails to upgrade on do-release-upgrade -d from oneiric to precise" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98449901:36
hlanafter upgrading to precise htop shows weird ââ characters in the process list... weird01:41
hlanperhaps some unicode support or something that messes with the layout?01:41
DiabolicalGamerI think I may have found the problem...01:42
DiabolicalGamerMy apache error log is full of these and they appear whenever the cloud-init-nonet runs01:43
DiabolicalGamerany ideas?01:44
hlancrap, just tested upgrading to ubuntu precise to fix my ec2 kernel crash, just had the exact same behavior :/01:44
hlanso I just ruled out upgrading from 3.0 to 3.201:45
hlanand the system log is dead silent as usual...01:45
bigjoolsDiabolicalGamer: ah I know01:45
bigjoolsDiabolicalGamer: the clock is wrong on the node01:45
DiabolicalGameris that all?01:45
bigjoolswell either the node or the maas server01:45
bigjoolsyeah, it breaks OAuth if they are too different01:46
DiabolicalGamerit must be the nodes then because I configured the system clock when I installed ubuntu on the cloud controller01:46
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
DiabolicalGameris there a way to force the nodes to run ntp-update?02:02
DiabolicalGamerOMG it worked!02:12
DiabolicalGamerThanks bigjools02:12
bigjoolsDiabolicalGamer: yay!02:12
bigjoolswe know this is a bug, just need to work out a good way of fixing it02:13
DiabolicalGamerThat error should be much more noisy.02:13
DiabolicalGamerlike "Hey guy you forgot to set your clock!"02:13
bigjoolsit should not be noisy at all, it should work02:13
DiabolicalGamerI had to set my clock to a weird time to get it working02:14
bigjoolsweird as in "eleventy past fiveses" ?02:14
DiabolicalGamerI think it has to do with timezones or something02:15
DiabolicalGamerI just did the math and changed it to what "should" work and it did02:16
Laice*punches sshd_config in the face*02:18
blendedbychrisHey all.. I just upgraded to ubuntu precise and my interfaces are not coming up for some reason… any help?02:24
blendedbychrisThey are still configured from my lucid install02:24
Laiceyou updated to 12.04 beta?02:24
Laicewhat's in the interfaces file02:25
blendedbychriseh crap uhm02:26
Laiceignore the "02:26
blendedbychrisgotta type this out really stupid pptp is all forwarded02:26
blendedbychrisauto eth002:26
blendedbychrisiface eth0 inet static02:26
blendedbychrispre-up /usr/sbin/ethtool -s eth0 speed 1000 duplex full autoneg on02:26
Laiceuse paste.ubuntu.com mate02:27
blendedbychriscan't :(02:27
blendedbychrisI promise I would02:27
blendedbychrisI'd have to disconnect from my kvm02:27
Laiceis an internal?02:27
blendedbychrisup route add -net gw
blendedbychrisreally just worred about that atm02:28
Laicei can't see an external ip02:28
Laicethat why you can't connect?02:28
blendedbychrisi'm just worried about the internal atm… ifconfig has neither interface listed just lo02:28
blendedbychrismaybe a driver issue?02:29
blendedbychrisor pre-up ?02:29
Laicedoes iftop bring any interfaces up02:29
blendedbychrisoh ya… there's no such thing as /usr/sbin/ethtool02:29
Laicewas this a dist-upgrade from your provider or using one of their images?02:29
Laicesorry brb one sec02:30
blendedbychriswell provider to precise02:30
blendedbychrisi'm going to comment out the pre-p crap02:30
blendedbychrisya that fixes it02:31
blendedbychrisany idea if that's necessary?02:31
Laicepass varies by provider02:33
Laicetbh on the dist upgrade02:33
Laiceit should have asked you about changes to the interfaces file02:33
Laiceshowing you what lines it wanted to add and which lines it wanted to remove.02:34
blendedbychriswell I'm sure there were no changes02:34
Laice*sets up 4th dedicated server in 24 hours*02:34
Laicewell technically 7th if you include the 3 i bricked ¬.¬02:34
blendedbychrisbut /usr/sbin changed to /sbin02:34
Laiceon my fresh 11.10 installs i have one in both /sbin and /usr/sbin02:37
hlanI don't have any "/proc/sys/fs/inode-max", why is that? :/02:39
Laicenor do it02:39
Laice3 terminals open one on each desktop pasting the same line into every one.  Joy. lol.02:46
blendedbychrisis there an easy way to create an image of a server?02:47
blendedbychrisLaice: does that work for ext4?02:49
blendedbychrisor a better question why would i use that vs dd02:49
Laicei'm passing the question :P might say on clonezilla.org02:54
blendedbychrisi don't even know how to get started using clonezilla heh02:54
blendedbychrisespecially in a hosted environment02:54
Laiceif all else should fail PUSH ALL OF THE BUTTONS.  something will happen eventually02:55
Laicethe faster you push the buttons the better the server admin you are :p02:55
Laiceplus it makes you look more clever.  Mostly as they can't see you're flailing around xD02:56
blendedbychrisbleh this isn't worth the effort02:56
Laicehow much do you pay for your vps?02:57
blendedbychrisi wanted to clone a clean precise install so i didn't have to go through that networking crapola02:57
blendedbychrisoh we use softlayer and get ripped of royally for our vps02:57
Laiceget a kimsufi dedicated02:57
Laicecheap as hell02:57
blendedbychrisnot my decision02:57
Laiceis in europe anyway02:57
Laicemoney speaks louder than words :P02:57
blendedbychrisi use linode for my nonwork stuff02:58
blendedbychristhe big factor though for work is we need some sort of mass storage02:58
blendedbychrisand most vps providers don't really offer that02:58
Laiceit amazes me that people go for a VPS when dedicateds work out to be better value and in many cases cheaper.02:58
blendedbychrisyea when you start adding more storage dedicated is cheaper02:59
Laice20$ per month gets me 5TB bandwith a 4 core 1.8ghz atom and 2gb ram.  perfect for small hostings02:59
Laicewhich is why we have a cluser of them :P02:59
blendedbychrisatom wtf?02:59
Laicebetter than someone screwing your vps's cpu03:00
blendedbychrislinode is the same but you share 8cpu 4cores03:00
Laiceit's the "share" bit i hate03:00
blendedbychrislmfa my news just had a image they showed online that had a watermark "Web Viewing Only"03:00
blendedbychrison tv rather03:01
blendedbychrisLaice: do you know of a quick way to copy a server to another?03:01
blendedbychrissame hardware and drives03:01
blendedbychriswould i boot the livecd on a new server?03:02
Laicedoes support ext4 looking at this http://clonezilla.org/03:02
Laicelooks like you can save the image to another partition03:04
blendedbychrismy issue is i use the whole drive though?03:04
blendedbychristoo much of a hassel03:05
Laiceno pain no gain03:05
Laiceor in this case, no pain in reimaging :P03:05
Laicei swear i'm gonna make a script for configuring the server automatically once it's reimaged03:06
blendedbychristhe stupd little 1gb storage they give you for this kind of crap isn't even working03:06
Laicelol made me laugh they offer you at ovh for $1 per month a technitian will walk into the data cente and plug a usb stick in.03:06
Laiceprobably would get annoyed about me ringing up and saying "uh, could you plug it into this server now please, now this one, now this one...."03:07
blendedbychrisretards just jumped into the pool outside…. it's like 60degs03:07
blendedbychris"ohhh it's so cold"03:08
the1_anyone here knows how to assign variables in #cloud-config user-data so I use the values multiple times?03:08
twbblendedbychris: 60 is warm unless you're a silly yankee imperialist03:15
twbOr I guess a scientist...03:15
Laicewhat's that in real money (*C)03:17
DiabolicalGamerOkay another road block here... MaaS is working, but now JuJu is complaining.03:17
blendedbychrisor live in texas03:17
DiabolicalGamerAny help would be greatly appreciated.03:20
twbThis whole cloud thing is actually secrets just a game to make up as many acronyms as possible, isn't it03:21
DiabolicalGamerI was beginning to wonder that myself03:22
DiabolicalGamerSo it seems like juju is breaking the maas api03:29
DiabolicalGamerAny ideas?03:29
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
bigjoolsDiabolicalGamer: looking for you now03:43
bigjoolsDiabolicalGamer: is this the first time you ran bootstrap?03:44
bigjoolswhich version of juju are you using?03:44
bigjoolsif it's the latest from the ppa that's ok03:45
DiabolicalGamerlatest ppa03:45
bigjoolsthe whole maas server log would be useful too03:45
DiabolicalGamerthe /var/log/maas/maas.log?03:47
bigjoolsDiabolicalGamer: yes03:48
DiabolicalGamerbigjools: Here -> http://pastebin.com/i9VPmJAn03:52
bigjoolsDiabolicalGamer: you have done something weird with your database03:54
DiabolicalGamerIt's a fresh install03:54
bigjoolsyou added some nodes?03:55
bigjoolswhat status are they03:55
bigjoolsok so you commissioned them already?03:55
bigjoolscan you try destroying the juju env and bootstrap again03:56
bigjoolsthis is obviously a bug but I want to try and work out where the problem is before you delete the evidence :)03:56
DiabolicalGamerhmm I'm not sure what you mean by destroying juju03:57
DiabolicalGamerdo u mean purging?03:57
bigjoolsjuju destroy-environment03:57
DiabolicalGameroh lol03:57
bigjoolssomething is out of sync between juju and maas03:58
bigjoolsso let's start from scratch03:58
DiabolicalGamerokay done03:58
bigjoolsand bootstrap again03:59
DiabolicalGamerhmm same error03:59
DiabolicalGamer2012-04-17 20:59:48,751 INFO Bootstrapping environment 'maas' (origin: ppa type: maas)... Unexpected Error interacting with provider: 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR 2012-04-17 20:59:49,100 ERROR Unexpected Error interacting with provider: 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR04:00
bigjoolsnot sure if this works on the packaged version, but try "maas dbshell"04:00
bigjoolsshould get a psql prompt04:00
DiabolicalGamerlol sudo thinks maas is a user not a command04:01
bigjoolsit is :)04:01
DiabolicalGamerI know, but it's asking for the password linked to the maas account rather than mine when I sudo04:02
DiabolicalGamerI don't know it's password04:03
bigjoolsit doesn't have one IIRC04:03
bigjoolssudo -u maas maas dbshell ?04:04
=== jtv-afk is now known as jtv
DiabolicalGamerpsql: fe_sendauth: no password supplied04:06
DiabolicalGamerwon't let me in04:06
DiabolicalGamereven if I sudo su -04:06
bigjoolsdarn it, ok sorry I'm not too familiar with what happened in the packaging, I only worked in the dev environment.  Ummm let me think04:06
bigjoolstry adding a PGUSER=maas04:07
* bigjools clutching at straws04:08
DiabolicalGamerhmm no go04:09
DiabolicalGamereven used passwd to assign maas a password04:09
DiabolicalGamerstill nothing04:09
bigjoolsyeah it's the DB password04:09
roaksoaxDiabolicalGamer: did you upgrade or where did you see that issue?04:09
bigjoolsroaksoax, my man!04:10
roaksoaxDiabolicalGamer: the password one? what versions of maas are you using?04:10
roaksoaxbigjools: lol04:10
DiabolicalGamerone sec04:10
bigjoolsroaksoax: trying to get a psql prompt on his maas db04:10
bigjoolsso I can see what state the nodes are in etc04:11
fjlacosteDiabolicalGamer: do you have a ssh key created?04:11
bigjoolsfjlacoste: he's not getting that far04:11
fjlacosteDiabolicalGamer: the pastebin you provided is cropped04:11
DiabolicalGamerfollowing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuCloudInfrastructure04:11
bigjoolssomething is blowing up with bootstrap04:11
fjlacosteDiabolicalGamer: can you paste them again with full line length?04:12
fjlacoste(without the $ add the end)04:12
bigjoolsand from the logs, some of the nodes are already allocated but in status READY04:12
bigjoolsfjlacoste: http://pastebin.com/i9VPmJAn04:12
DiabolicalGamersure moving the log from linux to windows must've messed it up04:12
bigjoolsthe full one you did is fine04:13
roaksoaxsudo maas dbshell needs a password04:13
fjlacostebigjools: that error is a red herring04:13
fjlacosteit's because public-keys raise a 40404:13
roaksoaxyou'll find the DB pass in /etc/maas/maas_local_settings.py04:13
fjlacostewhich is expected behavior04:13
bigjoolsfjlacoste: not convinced about that04:13
fjlacostebigjools: i am *sure* about this04:13
DiabolicalGamerI didn't have my ssh key set at first, then I set it.04:13
fjlacostei have seen that error several times04:13
bigjoolsfjlacoste: ok :)04:13
fjlacosteand it's benign04:13
fjlacostesimply add ssh keys to your account and it will disappear04:14
fjlacostebut it's not the root cause04:14
bigjoolswtf is causing that04:14
bigjoolsthe maas api doesn't care about ssh keys04:14
DiabolicalGamerI already have an ssh key added...04:14
bigjoolsmaas api for juju I mean04:14
DiabolicalGamerokay I got into the postgre shell04:15
fjlacosteah, i know what it is04:15
fjlacostethat's because the owner isn't created04:15
bigjoolsfjlacoste: I think commissioning left the user allocated on the node04:16
fjlacostewe fixed that04:16
bigjoolswe did04:16
bigjoolsbut which version is he using? :)04:16
roaksoaxbut that's not in archives04:16
fjlacosteDiabolicalGamer: are you running the latest package from testing?04:16
fjlacosteDiabolicalGamer: but do not upgrade to the testing ppa for now04:16
fjlacostethe new maas-provision package is broken04:17
fjlacosteon upgrade04:17
DiabolicalGamerNo all stable04:17
fjlacosteso that one has that bug04:17
fjlacosteyou can workaround by resetting the owner04:17
fjlacostein the DB04:17
fjlacosteor you can wait a few minutes04:17
fjlacostefor roaksoax to upload a fixed maas-provision package04:17
fjlacosteand then update to the testing ppa04:17
fjlacostelet me know if you want the DB surgery workaround04:18
fjlacosteit's actually documented in the bug04:18
fjlacostelet me paste you the bug number04:18
bigjoolsDiabolicalGamer: in the dbshell, update massserver_node set owner=null;04:18
DiabolicalGamercan I manually download the necessary deb package?04:18
fjlacosteDiabolicalGamer: no, because it depends on maas-provisioning04:18
fjlacosteDiabolicalGamer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/98106804:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 981068 in maas "AssertionError when attempting to acquire a node after commissioning" [Critical,Fix released]04:19
DiabolicalGamerbigjools: are you sure that's right?04:20
DiabolicalGamermassserver_node or maasserver_node04:20
DiabolicalGamerit through an error04:20
bigjoolsDiabolicalGamer: in the dbshell, update maasserver_node set owner=null;04:20
DiabolicalGamerokay that worked lol04:21
DiabolicalGamerso should that fix it or do I need to change anything else?04:21
bigjoolsbootstrap again04:21
DiabolicalGamerstill no go04:22
DiabolicalGamersame error when bootstrapping04:22
bigjoolsdestroy again04:22
bigjoolsand restart maas04:23
* bigjools has to run out in a couple of mins04:24
bigjoolsif that doesn't work, delete the nodes, re-commission, apply the sql above and then bootstrap04:26
DiabolicalGamerthe command for the dbshell isn't working anymore04:28
bigjoolswhat does it say?>04:28
bigjoolsand I have to go now unfortunately, I'll be back in an hour04:28
DiabolicalGamerERROR:  column "owner" of relation "maasserver_node" does not exist LINE 1: update maasserver_node set owner=null;04:28
fjlacosteDiabolicalGamer: the bug as a better workaround04:28
fjlacosteDiabolicalGamer: and an updated maas-provision is building in the testing ppa04:29
DiabolicalGamercool, glad to hear it :-)04:31
DiabolicalGamercan you link me to the testing ppa?04:32
blendedbychrisis it possible to clone packages on another server?04:39
blendedbychrisbuild a cluster of servers with the same software04:39
SpamapSblendedbychris: yes but what you really want is config management04:43
SpamapSblendedbychris: not just packages.. config files.. everything04:43
SpamapSblendedbychris: for that, there's juju, puppet, chef, cfengine. :) juju is more than config management.. but its hard to explain :)04:45
twbAnd does juju require an interpreter be installed on every node? :-/04:46
twbgrumble puppet grumble04:46
SpamapStwb: juju uses an agent04:46
SpamapScurrently written in python, though its being rewritten in go04:47
twbbandwagons are go04:47
SpamapSgo executables are standalone, so no interpreter then :)04:47
SpamapStwb: I haven't really seen anybody on the "go" bandwagon other than us juju interested people. :-P04:48
twbOh, wow, I didn't know Pike and Thompson were co-authors.  They should advertise it as P&T Go, not Google Go04:48
lifelesssako: aka plan 10.04:49
lifelesstwb: ^04:49
lifelesssako: sorry.04:49
blendedbychrisSpamapS: i have been using csync for configuration management04:50
blendedbychristhink it's worth the effort for two servers?04:50
blendedbychris(if you've already halfway configured the otehr04:51
twbThough I won't be really happy until scheme (with opt-in mutable cons cells) takes over the world...04:51
twblifeless: neither of them are listed first on wikipedia though04:52
fjlacosteDiabolicalGamer: you can upgrade to the testing ppa05:01
blendedbychrisanyone here use lsynd?05:28
blendedbychrisI have no idea how to configure the keypair05:28
koolhead17hi all05:49
blendedbychrisis there a csync2 alternative… i fricking hate setting up inet.d an djunk06:11
blendedbychristhere should be a tool as easy as lsyncd06:11
twbblendedbychris: I didn't understand a word of that.06:13
blendedbychriscsync2 configuration involves installing something for xinet.d and configuring private/public keys beyond what's already root.06:15
blendedbychrisjust looking for an alternative06:15
blendedbychrispuppet seems to be a popular one06:16
blendedbychrisit doesn't run as a daemon i think is why i find it so difficult to install06:19
sbeattieblendedbychris: you're looking for configuration synchronization?06:20
blendedbychrisjust something that will copy config and restart the appropriate service06:20
jeeves_mossis there a way of removing 2 drives from a pool without replacing them?  I have 2 IDE and 4 SATA drives.  The IDEs are throwing errors, and I suspect slowing down the pool06:22
sbeattiebcfg2, puppet, and cfengine are the traditional approaches to that, but all may be a bit more complex than you're looking for06:22
twbpuppet has a daemon (puppetmaster) that serves configuration management to its slaves (puppet), which are IIRC invoked by cron06:23
andoltwb: Well, the intended approach for Puppet is to also run the client/slave as a daemon, and then have it configured to do its thing with regular time intervals, but it is also possible to run the puppet client standalone from cron.06:24
twbOne popular way of running puppet is entirely by hand -- you write the "manifest" with an editor, copy it to the host in question, and run puppet directly on it06:24
andolYeah, that second approach fits nicely with having the manifests in a git repo, on a nfs share, or so.06:25
twbhaha, my recorded bitching about puppet, was with you06:28
twbblendedbychris: how many boxes do you have?06:29
blendedbychris2 haha06:30
twbblendedbychris: it is definitely not worth the effort06:30
twbblendedbychris: do it by hand06:30
twb(FSVO it = configuration management)06:30
blendedbychrisi've done csync2 before with two nodes06:30
blendedbychrisit was helpful06:30
twbIMO you need >16 hosts before it's worth caring06:30
blendedbychrisi don't get why they intend it to be so damn "secure"06:31
twbblendedbychris: because it amounts to a privileged RPC06:31
blendedbychrismy thoughts are … shared root keys with lsyncd is just as insecure06:32
blendedbychrisor rather privs06:32
twbI am not familiar with lsyncd, but obviously in assymetric cryptography, it is a failure /a priori/ to share/reuse private keys between principals.06:33
blendedbychrisno idea what that means06:33
blendedbychrisall i had to do is ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id on root to get it going06:34
twbblendedbychris: you don't know what you're doing, and if you try to deploy ANY kind of configuration management, you are going to hurt yourself and probably others.06:35
andoltwb: Well, at least we ended up agreeing on something :)06:38
blendedbychrisglad we are all learning here06:39
jeeves_mossis there a way to remove a disk from a ZFS pool?06:44
twbjeeves_moss: NFI, have you asked #opensolaris or #solaris?06:47
twbHell there might even be a #zfs06:47
jeeves_mosstwb, not yet, but I bet no one is there tonight06:47
jeeves_mosstwb, thanks.  I've asked in all 3 channels06:48
linociscohi all, I want to setup VPN with the existing ipstar dish in each remote office sites like a star topology. Can accomplish using ubuntu server?07:00
=== smb` is now known as smb
TylerWhitneytwo USB hard drives on a home Ubuntu server, 1TB and 2TB; I need to have the full 3TB... plan on using them as just a means to do an identical mirror of just ONE USB3 drive connected to a different computer in the home, over the network. Trying to decide on the level of RAID I setup using mdadm (linux raid) ... I'm going between RAID0 (obviously no redundancy, but better IO and performance07:13
TylerWhitneymaybe) vs. non-raid JBOD (straight concatenation, again no redundancy, but if one fails I don't lose all) ......... thoughts?07:13
twbSo wait, you actually have one each of 1TB, 2TB and 3TB, and you want to RAID0 the first two, and then mirror that with the 3TB?07:16
TylerWhitneysort of yeah, lol07:16
TylerWhitneynvm, just realize raid0 would not give full 3tb, dumb question: so if I do go about my actions it would be jbod I need to go with07:17
twbIs the 3TB disk already provisioned?07:17
TylerWhitneytwb: but yes, you are correct in that I have one of each drive07:17
twbObviously the best choice would be to simply buy a second 3TB and raid1 it; 3TBs are around AU$220 at present.07:17
TylerWhitneyyes, and full of data; I want some sort of backup/redundant solution to it... preferably using the two disks (1TB and 2TB) I already have hanging out07:18
twbIf you're *booting* off the 3TB it is non-trivial to RAID it and still continue booting07:18
TylerWhitneyno booting, simply just a USB "data" drive07:18
twbIf it's just (say) /home, then you can do it with not too much hassle07:18
TylerWhitneyyes, I completely agree with you, the "best" choice, lol07:18
twbif it's in a USB enclosure, you should take it out and connect it over SATA before RAIDing it07:19
TylerWhitneytwb: thats a great point, I was considering asking that!07:19
twbRAID over USB is significantly more flaky -- apart from anything else, you cannot use SMART to check HDD health07:19
TylerWhitneycurrently, the two drives are connected to the server via USB and a JBOD (using mdadm) is setup and thye are formatting as ext307:20
TylerWhitneybut I think I will probably take them out and go straight SATA07:20
TylerWhitneydefinitely faster speeds07:20
TylerWhitneyIm sort of just playing around until I get around to purchasing another 3TB to mirror to07:20
twbWhat you want to do is hook up all three over SATA, then mdadm --create -n2 -l0 /dev/md0 /dev/2tb /dev/1tb07:21
twbThen mdadm --create -l1 <create degraded> /dev/md1 /dev/md007:21
TylerWhitneywell currently, the 3TB is connected via USB3 to a windows box and is my main data store...07:21
twbThen you provision the fs on top of md1 (the degraded RAID1), then you add the original 3T as a node to md107:21
TylerWhitneynested raid then?07:22
twbYes, you are doing half RAID10 and half RAID107:22
TylerWhitneyI see07:22
twb(RAID1 (RAID0 1t 2t) 3t)07:22
twbIf you see what I mean07:22
TylerWhitneywell first step take these bad boys out of USB enclosures07:23
twbBut if this is for work, you really should just tell them to drop $200 for hardware, because it will be cheaper and require less downtime and be more reliable07:23
TylerWhitneyno definitely not for work07:23
TylerWhitneyjust me playing around with redundancy at home07:23
TylerWhitneyhence me being cheap07:23
TylerWhitneythanks for the wisdom twb07:24
TylerWhitneyIm going to play and try a few things... I like the nested RAID (RAID1 (RAID0 1t 2t) 3t) very cool idea07:25
RoyKTylerWhitney: might be better to use mirrors at the bottom, so multiple mirrors are striped etc07:30
blendedbychrishow can i figure out what mta is installed on a system?07:42
WuxiIxuwPlease any one here tried vps  from rocketvps.com ? any feed back please?08:57
cornfeedgood morning11:40
railsraiderhi i want to compleytly remove all iptables and install arno-firewall12:32
railsraideriptables -F doesn't work as arno fails to load the config12:32
railsraiderhow do i completely remove flush reset the iptables12:33
al-maisanIs there a way to add a rule to the default security group from CloudInit for an aws ec2 instance?12:42
WuxiIxuwplease i'd like to secure the vps using ubuntu 10.4 lts ... where exactly i can found what can ido from a to z ?13:07
resnoWuxiIxuw: install fail2ban13:22
resnoand really depends on how far you want to go... the choice is to secure it vs make it easy to access for you and users13:23
WuxiIxuwresno: what else?13:39
resnoi asked a question13:42
resnowhats more improtant security or accessiblity?13:42
cldwalkerhi all, anyone know a way to skip the configuration dialog when installing postfix? DEBIAN_FRONTEND=interactive and -y aren't working14:12
Jeeves_Well, interactive is wrong14:15
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Jeeves_noninteractive might work better14:16
esuaveanyone ever have problems with SNMPD and a trap divide error from the kernel?14:17
cldwalkerJeeves_: my bad, I meant noninteractive which doesn't work14:20
Jeeves_cldwalker: Oh, ok.14:20
mamuskusHi !14:21
lamontcldwalker: remind me which question in the postfix config I hate?14:26
cldwalkerlamont: all of them? i'm trying to automate installing a package that depends on postfix but I'm not using any postfix functionality14:29
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macnixafter adding a new apt source and run apt-get update, the new packages are not picked up in the context of the same shell script14:36
macnixif I run the same shell script again, all works fine14:37
macnixwhat am I missing here?14:37
lamontcldwalker: ISTR that all but one question is preseedable (and maybe I fixed that?).  the questions it asks are questions that must be answered14:39
Picimacnix: I don't think we can really troubleshoot without seeing the script.14:39
macnixPici: got it, the problem was a previously create conf while which the package prompted about the action15:34
macnixcreated conf file*15:35
ironmhello. may I ask what virtualization would you recommend for precise? KVM, row Xen or XCP? Thank you in advance for any hints.15:43
ironmanother question. I have tested shortly virt-manager to manage KVM VMs. Is there a better choice?15:46
failoverironm, if simplicity counts, stick with KVM, it's easier to install and use...15:58
ironmfailover, I have tested XCP (XenServer) before. It looks to be much more complicated to manage it.16:00
ironmfailover, would you recommend virt-manager? .. or ist there a better tool?16:00
ironmthanks a lot for your hint failover  :)16:00
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failoverironm, virt-manager sound's ok, a lot of people use stuff like proxmox too16:03
ironmI have to check it proxmox is a commercial tool or GPL based one16:06
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uvirtbotNew bug: #961344 in maas (main) "[MIR] maas" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96134416:51
Jak2000hi all17:01
Jak2000how to stop the firewall?17:01
patdk-wkflush all the iptables rule lists :)17:02
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Jak2000service iptables stop17:03
Jak2000wont work :(17:03
patdk-wkI don't remember saying that17:03
patdk-wkyay for google :)17:04
EvilResistancei thought iptables wasnt a service?17:05
patdk-wkit's not :)17:05
EvilResistanceJak2000, sudo iptables -F  <-- flushes the firewall17:05
EvilResistanceit'll clear out any rules and default to ACCEPT on everything i tihink17:05
EvilResistance(I think...)17:05
patdk-wkEvilResistance, only the normal ones, not nat or mangle or raw tables17:05
EvilResistanceof course  :P17:06
patdk-wkit's always mangle that I need cleaned :)17:06
EvilResistancepatdk-wk, can't save an iptables.flushed.rules in /etc/, and do iptables-restore M /etc/iptables.fulshed.rules ?17:06
Jak2000but i not want flush the oiptables17:07
Jak2000i only want stop the iptables17:07
patdk-wkyou can't *stop* iptables17:07
patdk-wkas iptables isn't a daemon17:07
patdk-wktherefor it doesn't *run*17:07
patdk-wkif you really want to stop it. unload all kernel modules related to it17:07
patdk-wkOR turn off your computer17:07
EvilResistanceotherwise, flush the iptables rules17:07
EvilResistance(which we've said to do)17:08
Piciby default there aren't any rules.17:08
Jak2000i opened a port:17:08
Jak2000iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT17:08
EvilResistanceJak2000, if you're behind a router, you need to forward your ports at the router too17:09
EvilResistanceor behind a corporate firewall, same deal17:09
EvilResistance(if you're trying to get connections from the external network aka the internet)17:09
Picimysql shouldn't require any extra steps network-wise.17:10
EvilResistanceexcept removing the line that binds it to localhost17:10
EvilResistance(last i checked that's still the default setup)17:10
EvilResistanceor the line that skips networking (which means its only bound to
EvilResistances/bound/listening on/17:10
EvilResistanceJak2000, are you trying to get MySQL to listen to requests from outside your system?17:15
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Jak2000EvilResistance yes :)17:22
EvilResistanceJak2000, i dont have my linux nearby, but ideally you need to do two things: (1) set bind-address=[IP] and (2) comment out the skip-networking lines in the configs for mysql17:22
EvilResistancethen service mysql restart17:23
EvilResistance(remember to edit the config with superuser/sudo and to use sudo with service mysql restart)17:23
EvilResistancewhere [IP] in (1) is your server/system's IP address17:23
Jak2000EvilResistance ok thx17:24
EvilResistanceand leave the iptables rule you added17:25
EvilResistance(and remember: default mysql server setups don't bind to an internet-listening area, it by default only listens locally (
Jak2000EvilResistance: set bind-address  is on my.cnf right?17:26
EvilResistancesame with comment out skip-networking17:27
* EvilResistance forgot the name of the conf file, hence why he said "I'm not near my linux machine"17:27
Jak2000EvilResistance: how to remove these iptables rule: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT17:29
EvilResistanceno need17:29
EvilResistanceotherwise, if you really want to purge that rule, you have to figure out whether you have other rules17:29
EvilResistanceif you have other rules, you have to know which # rule that rule is in the table17:29
EvilResistanceand the iptables -D INPUT # or w/e it is17:29
Jak2000done i can connectfrom out of the server :)17:30
EvilResistanceto wipe all iptables rules, iptables -F17:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #985099 in openssh (main) "ssh long waiting time (delay) on 12.04  (not on 11.04)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98509917:42
blendedbychrisany stunnel users around?17:45
blendedbychristrying to troubleshoot why the thing isn't doing anything and it doesn't spit anything in the log17:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #944179 in samba (main) "smbd crashed with SIGABRT in rep_strlcpy()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94417918:21
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Unkn0wnapache: sh: id: not found19:23
Unkn0wnWhat could be causing this behavior?19:23
Unkn0wnit is in the apache error log19:24
axisyswhy would eth0:1 not come up? I had to up it manually and then it gives odd error message20:01
axisysdetails: http://dpaste.com/733885/20:01
utlemming[NOTICE] New S3-Backed EC2 mirrors are being activated. Please see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-cloud/2012-April/000752.html for more information20:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #985249 in txzookeeper (universe) "[FFE] Latest juju version includes critical features" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98524921:51
DiabolicalGamerHello Everyone21:55
DiabolicalGamerI'm still trying to get MaaS to work, but I'm not sure I added the correct testing ppa.21:56
DiabolicalGamerIs this the correct one? -> https://launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/+archive/testing21:57
DiabolicalGamerAlso the delete option for a node is blurred out because it claims they are busy.22:00
DiabolicalGamerI managed to force a delete by modifying the url, however this was severely bugged and led to duplicate mac address entries.22:00
hallynUrsinha: looking at bug 984381, i marked it as affecting oneiric, but lp won't give me a row where i can set it confirmed for oneiric.  ?22:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 984381 in php5 "PHP 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.6 with Suhosin-Patch crashes when using SPLFixedArray built-in class" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98438122:13
Ursinhahallyn, let me see22:13
Ursinhahallyn, check now22:13
Ursinhahallyn, the nomination needed approval22:14
UrsinhaI approved that and you might be able to see it now22:14
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hallynthanks, Ursinha.  I've seen that before, never understood it.22:14
hallynWhat's the point?22:15
Ursinhathat is because anyone can nominate a bug to a release, but that's not necessarily true22:15
Ursinhaso a person that has appropriated permissions can evaluate if a task for a given series is worth having22:15
Ursinhaanyone can indicate a problem happens in a release, but only a few can confirm that22:16
Ursinhathat's so we won't have unmanageable loads of past releases bugs that will never be looked at/aren't valid to be backported/aren't bugs22:18
Ursinhahallyn, but I guess you should be able to approve that?22:18
Ursinhahallyn, bdmurray knows it better22:18
uvirtbotNew bug: #981845 in maas "Ephemeral image doesn't include version of cloud-init supporting MAAS" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98184522:22
hallynUrsinha: ok, thanks.  (yes, I was figuring that bugsquad members would have the perms, but maybe it has to do with per-package upload rights)22:22
bdmurrayhallyn: can you upload php5?22:22
hallyni'd have to check22:22
hallyn(and don't have the archive acl tools handy)22:22
hallyni would think i would through the server set, which i have upload rights to22:22
bdmurrayfor nominations and release targettin the way it works is bug control can nominate22:23
hallynbut i'm not coredev and never asked for (or wanted) php5 rights explicitly22:23
bdmurraythen uploaders or some other team can approve22:23
bdmurrayanyway afaict you can't upload php522:26
hallynbdmurray: just checked, php5 does not appear to be in server set, so that all makes sense22:27
hallyn(I would think it *should* be, but...)22:28
hallynthanks both, good night22:28
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DiabolicalGameranyone from the MaaS server team here?22:56
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DiabolicalGamerAnyone know where the password for the MaaS api is?23:21
bigjoolsDiabolicalGamer: there's no password, you set up an oauth key23:21
DiabolicalGamerI think my configuration got reset because it's throwing an auth error23:21
bigjoolscheck the same key is still in use23:22
JRWRI wanted some advice on a file system to use on across 5-10 servers that have a shared block device (iSCSI), GlusterFS and LusterFS seem to be it, but they dont say anything about shared block device support23:41

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