
dpmgood morning all06:18
TLEgood morning07:25
dpmhey TLE07:25
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
kelemengaborhi, could someone check a bug for me? If you open the LO help, does the Index appear in English, while the Contents is localized? or is it just me?13:05
Mirvkelemengabor: yes, looks like that13:59
Mirvit has worked at some point earlier13:59
Mirvkelemengabor: and not just that, opening items from there go to the English help items, while navigating via Contents gives the localized ones14:00
kelemengaborMirv: thanks, I'll file a bug14:01
kelemengaborthe funny thing is that I have the very same LO build from a PPA on Lucid, and it just works14:01
kelemengaborbug #984942 filed14:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 984942 in Ubuntu Translations "LO help appears partially untranslated" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98494214:25
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Malizorjust a clarification: when is the "LanguagePackTranslationDeadline"?17:39
Malizorhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule says tomorow17:39
Malizorhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LanguagePackTranslationDeadline says yesterday...17:39
MalizorIn fact we want to change the French translation of the name of a control-center panel. So we need to know if it is too late or not.17:43
kelemengaborMalizor: yesterday is correct, the translation export happened yesterday evening, today the language packs were generated from it, and they will be available by tomorrow, and this is what's going to be the final version17:55
kelemengaborbut don't worry, there will be updates, which you can use to push out such changes17:56
trijntjekelemengabor: so changes that are made now will make it in with the post-release langpack update?17:56
Malizorkelememgabor: ok, thanks!17:56
kelemengabortrijntje: yes17:57
trijntjek, thanks!17:57
trijntjesuddenly I see 70 strings untranslated for app-install-data on launchpad, does anybody know how these got there?20:20
trijntjenotice how many translations are at or close to 71 untranslated20:21
artnaytrijntje: great, new software ;-)20:30
trijntjeyou are right, I hadn't noticed that20:31
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