
MooDoomornign all06:55
DJonesMorning MooDoo06:56
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MooDoomorning popey07:08
brobostigongood morning everyone.08:06
MooDoomorning brobostigon08:06
brobostigonmorning MooDoo08:06
JamesTaitMorning all! :)08:22
oimoncheese does not work at all on precise yet :-\08:33
gorddoes work here, sure its not your webcam?08:36
oimoncrashed and bug reporter said it was a known bug, but didn't tell me the bug num08:36
oimonjust doing the latset dist-upgrade08:37
czajkowskiworking fine here also08:37
oimonworks via gstreamer-properties08:38
oimonnope, still segfaults08:38
MooDoomorning diplo08:45
oimoni guess i'm the only one who gets issues with chromium often showing a blank white page when maximised08:53
czajkowskiI've 3 windows open all mazimised09:01
czajkowskiall working09:01
czajkowskioimon: what else are you doing ?09:01
AlanBellpopey: you know that square shadow thing you had in thunderbird the other day which should have been a middle click scrolly thing? I have that now.09:21
LaneyI dropped one of my earphones in me cuppa :(09:24
AlanBelloimon: Bug 610600 perhaps09:25
lubotu3Launchpad bug 610600 in OEM Priority Project "Serious video performance regression in cheese (2.28.1->2.30.1)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61060009:25
popeyLaney: I've done that before09:25
czajkowskiLaney: great start to the day you ruined your cuppa!09:26
AlanBelloimon: actually probably not, just someone commented on that recently09:26
popey09:36:51 < oimon> crashed and bug reporter said it was a known bug, but didn't tell me the bug num09:26
Laneyactually this was yesterday - I left them overnight to dry out but the sound is weird out of that ear now :(09:26
popeyshould open the bug in your default browser09:26
AlanBellLaney: try dipping the ear in tea to see if that helps09:27
Laneymmm wax09:27
DJonesI'm sure I just saw you on another network :)09:38
bigcalmDifferent machine as well :|09:40
oimonpopey, hmm it didn't do that. i'm gonna reboot and try cheese again cos i've now updated nvidia driver and kernel09:40
bigcalmI need to work out connecting to more than one network with the same irssi instance09:40
popeybigcalm:  /connect irc.foobar.com09:41
DJonesI've just done that myself, was quicker to manually edit it config file09:41
bigcalmpopey: won't that drop this connection?09:41
popeythen in the status window you can ctrl+x to switch between the networks09:41
popey /server will ☺09:41
bigcalmWell, it's the config file I'll need to edit as irssi is just a proxy for me09:41
bigcalmIf I connect in irssi and save the config, will I auto connect the next time irssi is run?09:42
popeyhow do you configure irssi as a proxy?09:43
Laneyyou can do /join -network #channel too09:43
oimoncheese works now :D09:44
oimonafter reboot09:45
oimonand dist-upgrade09:45
popeyfancy that09:45
oimoncheese binary didn't change...09:47
oimoni only installed it yesterday09:47
* oimon goes looking for a gimp PPA for single window mode09:48
MooDoooimon: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/08/gimp-2-7-3-released-working-single-window-mode-layer-groups/09:49
popeyooh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGoU90bdUC809:50
bigcalmpopey: almost makes me want to use mythtv again09:55
oimonMooDoo, get a 404 on 12.04 with that ppa09:55
bigcalmI was about to update 10.04 on my revo. Then I realised that I'd be wiping it come the 27th09:57
bigcalmSilly bigcalm09:57
MooDoooimon: pagh!09:57
popeyoimon: you can see what releases a ppa supports before you add it09:58
popeyno precise packages in there09:58
oimonyeah, found another ppa now09:58
bigcalmpopey: do you have skype make noises when people go on/offline?09:58
popeyno, i disable it09:59
popeyits incredibly annoying09:59
popeyi dont care who/when people are online/offline09:59
bigcalmI was going to comment that it appears to interrupt spotify's playback09:59
popeyi think i figured out how to save spotify tracks to disk as ogg/mp3/wav files09:59
bigcalmMorning davmor2*10:00
popeywondering if that's against the AUP10:00
* popey checks10:00
davmor2morning bigcalm and all10:00
MooDoomorning davmor210:00
davmor2czajkowski: proddity proddity poddity prod10:01
oimonsaw a nice gimp tutorial the other day from Mairin (fedora lady)10:01
czajkowskiherro herro herro10:01
bigcalmGoodish morning czajkowski10:04
diplopopey, that torc software looked really good10:08
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davmor2oimon: you're not making the gimp sound any family friendlier by adding fedora lady to that sentence :D10:09
bigcalmThat feels better. Having somewhere to let off steam10:10
MooDoodavmor2: yeah but mairin rocks :D10:12
oimongot the single window mode davmor2 but struggling to move the toolbox to the left side10:12
davmor2MooDoo: She does, and her writing on blogs etc is really well done too10:14
MooDoodavmor2: i can't really knock fedora people :D10:14
oimonexcept that miss moneypenny lady on superscrimpers programme10:15
davmor2MooDoo: mind you mhall119 is getting a lot better too which is good to see http://mhall119.com/2012/04/ubuntu-12-04-is-for-app-developers/10:16
davmor2MooDoo: I have couple of friend now who are redhat employees we all josh that the others picked the wrong os but that is about as far as the discussion on oses go the rest is talking about stuff in the linux system10:22
oimonthat's the vid i was referring to10:22
oimondon't have sound on my pc atm but can't work out how the tool selection gets to be on the left10:22
MooDoodavmor2: cool10:23
oimonaha, managed to fudge it by unselecting and reselecting single win mode10:24
ali1234suggesting gimp as a replacement for photoshop is getting embarrasing10:30
MooDoo+1 ali123410:30
oimondepends what you are doing10:31
oimonit's a free replacement for my needs10:31
MooDoooimon: content aware fill ;)10:32
gordreally does, i find gimp works well for me, its a good replacement for photoshop in my circumstances10:32
gordMooDoo, gimp has done that for yeeeears, way before photoshop :)10:32
oimonthe single window setup need a bit more work , but managed to fudge it a bit10:32
ali1234yeah, the place where gimp can't match photoshop is in layer grouping and adjustment layers10:33
ali1234and vector layers10:33
ali1234all of which can be combined10:33
ali1234gimp doesn't even have groups and vectors and i don't remember seeing adjustment layers10:33
ali1234basically gimp serves as a replacement for paintshop pro - or it would if the UI wasn't so spectacularly bad10:34
MooDoowell it's free, so you can't really complain10:35
ali1234yes i can10:35
ali1234that is no excuse10:35
ali1234and besides, i'm only complaining about people who claim gimp can replace photoshop10:35
MooDooif you don't like it, move to windows and buy photoshop, or contribute to the code to make it better :p10:35
MooDooali1234: i know i'm teasing10:35
ali1234yeah guess which one i did10:36
oimonisn't pinta a replacement for psp?10:36
oimonor paint.net10:36
ali1234paint.net is a replacement for mspaint :)10:38
xplora1aali1234: MooDoo: The gimp UI is not BAD, it is diffrent to photoshop, if you are a photoshop user expect to invest a significant amout of time in learning how to use a new tool. Equivalent to the amoubnt of time spent learning how to use photoshop.10:38
ali1234psp is roughly as good as gimp now, it's change a lot10:38
davmor2ali1234: gimp was only ever meant to be a paintshop pro look-a-like when it was created photoshop was not the one to beat :D10:39
ali1234it has simple layers filter etc10:39
MooDooxplora1a: yup your right, and funnily enough i'm doing a talk about gimp to our local camera club :)10:39
davmor2how things change10:39
ali1234the gimp UI *is* bad10:39
ali1234it's especially bad when used with unity10:39
ali1234single window mode should help then... when it's released10:39
oimon2.8 RC1 is out10:40
ali1234so 12.10 then...10:42
popey\o/ 12.1010:43
oimonor 12.04 if you care10:44
ali1234i tried to install gimp ppa once, it broke gimp completely10:44
ali1234i got mismatch between some library versions, gimp crashed on startup10:45
davmor212.10 baby yeah!10:46
oimonwhy is reddit red today?10:46
oimonit's almost time to switch to 12.10 alpha anyway...10:46
ali1234why do i have a reddit account?10:46
ali1234i don't remember making it10:47
oimoni make a new one every time i want to do some trolling10:47
ali1234i have zero activity... weird10:47
davmor2ali1234: it might be that you commented on something I'm pretty sure that's how I wound up with one10:49
oimonthe ubuntu subreddit is a bunch of unity haters interspersed with canonical employees10:50
ali1234that goes without saying10:51
oimonit's where i go to make myself feel that my opinions are moderate, compared to the rabid parroting10:51
oimonmade me laugh when kids went crazy about mono icons, because they had been told mono is evil10:52
JohnRobertdoes anyone know where I can get a decent usb3 external hard disk case thingi? I've looked on ebuyer etc but apprently there are issues with the controllers they use when it comes to big files/hard disks10:57
directhexJohnRobert, i just bought an entire usb3 disk. decided it was worth more to me to not need separate power than to get size or DIY-convenience10:58
directhexespecially with the cost of disks these days10:59
ali1234right after the spike in prices, stuff like NAS units and enclosures with included drives were actually cheaper than buying the bare drives11:02
ali1234i guess because they sit on the shelf longer11:02
directhexcurrently they're ~identical11:02
directhexcertainly from big-box stores11:03
ali1234not checked recently but i'd guess they still are economical11:03
JohnRobertwell, basically I'm trying to get data off my 3tb hdd that was in a mybook live NAS (which died in a lightning storm)11:03
ali1234are they SATA?11:03
directhexhm. 3T. might get some odd behaviour from an off the shelf usb controller11:03
JohnRobertI only have two laptops so I can't hook it up directly... unless of course there's a 3.5" -> 2.5" sata thingi11:03
directhexJohnRobert, 2.5 and 3.5" sata have the same connectors11:03
JohnRobertmaybe that's the cheapest solution11:03
JohnRobertyeah, but I need some kind of connector or something11:04
directhexextension cables!11:04
JohnRobertas you can't put a 3.5" hdd in many laptops11:04
ali1234maybe something like that11:04
ali1234(you don't actually need a full enclosure)11:04
JohnRobertthen again, I'd also like to use the drive11:05
directhexmy desktop, conveniently, has sata connectors on the back.11:05
directhexwell, that's a lie. it has a molex power connector, and two unpowered esata connectors - and was supplied with a molex to double sata power cable, and two esata to sata cables11:05
directhexthe net result is the same11:06
ali1234has anyone ever tried one of those usb to parallel printer cables?11:08
ali1234i heard they're not really real parallel ports11:08
directhexali1234, i've only done it with serial.11:09
JohnRobertwell I'm stumped as to what to get11:11
JohnRobertshame raspberry pi doesn't have usb3 and gigabit and is available... that woulda been fun11:12
ali1234even if it had those interfaces it would be incapable of using them fully11:13
bigcalmYou think it's too limiting in its current state?11:13
ali1234it's far too slow for that11:13
JohnRobertI see your point11:13
JohnRobertI had a wd mybook world ed.. it was insanely slow even though it was gigabit11:14
JohnRobertthe cpu just couldn't do anything very fast11:14
ali1234is there a online auction site like ebay that uses google checkout?11:15
bigcalmpopey: do you recall who wrote a silly script to compare the performance from one machine to another. The output was measured in cm11:15
oimonan application has an icon in the dash, but disappears if you drag it to the launcher, leaving a blank square.11:21
oimonis that due to a missing .desktop file or something?11:21
bigcalmI have reached 5,555 tweets. I can tweet no more :(11:23
oimonyou have to pay for  pro account now11:24
bigcalmMaybe I'll allow myself another 123 tweets11:26
oimonsurely twitter can monetize itself by requiring a paid pro account for those with 1000 followers or more11:27
bigcalmWould it make much money?11:27
bigcalmI'm sure average users have far fewer than even 500 followers11:28
bigcalmI have 143 followers, a lot of bots and weirdos11:28
DJonesoimon: I don't think that would work, you could get 1500 spammers/bots following you making you have to pay for the pro account11:29
JohnRobertglah, it's almost worth buying a pc to do this11:30
bigcalmJohnRobert: to do what?11:32
oimonyou can block people11:32
bigcalmMaybe those who follow too many should have to pay :)11:33
DJonesoimon: I do that with people I don't recognise or look like spammers just wanting people to auto-follow them11:35
oimoneven if 2% of twitter people had >1000 followers it would be an income stream11:35
DJonesbigcalm: I would agree with that idea, maybe a sliding scale, follow < 1000, its free, 1000-10000 £x, 10000+ £xxxxxxxx11:36
oimon700 people have > 1m folllowers11:36
popeyis 1000 a lot?11:36
ali1234they should just charge 5p per tweet11:36
oimon1000 is enough to pay for a pro account imo11:37
bigcalmpopey: a lot to follow or follow you?11:37
popeyi dunno11:37
popeyi actually dunno how many people i follow or follow me11:37
* popey looks11:37
JohnRobertanyone know of a good way of getting sed to work recursively on files *.php ?11:37
bigcalmpopey: you're popular though :)11:38
AlanBell1896 :)11:38
popeys/popular/followed by a lot of people/11:38
bigcalmFollowing 1379?11:38
popeythere's a big difference11:38
AlanBellin the grand scheme of things popey isn't that popular11:38
oimons/people/twitter accounts11:38
ali1234JohnRobert: find -iname '*.php' --exec sed -i -e 'whatever' {}  \;11:38
AlanBellthat is barely a schoolfull of people11:38
ali1234check syntax though11:38
oimonis that the unit of measuremnet now?11:39
JohnRobertah right, use find11:39
JohnRobertmakes sense11:39
oimonfor file in `ls *.php` do ...  done11:39
ali1234not recursive11:39
oimonah missed that11:39
ali1234also will break if anything has funny characters in the name11:39
ali1234like space11:39
oimoni bow to the more efficient solution11:40
BigRedSoimon: even for yours you don't need `ls *.php`11:41
Laneyyeah you don't need to use ls there11:41
popeybigcalm: when you use irssi as a proxy does it show up when you connect/disconnect?11:41
BigRedSyou could've done    for file in *.php    for the same effect11:41
ali1234you could have just done sed ... *.php too11:41
BigRedSoh yeah11:41
oimonit's like asking directions to basingstoke in here11:41
bigcalmpopey: it shows in irssi's status screen when a client connects/disconnects11:41
oimon10 solutions that work fine11:41
BigRedSwell, most only got you to the first junction11:42
oimonone will take longer, one is cheaper..11:42
ali1234actually only the ones i gave work fine11:42
BigRedSit's only the find that actually went all the way to the solution11:42
ali1234iterating across filenames using the shell always explodes when you least expect it11:42
BigRedSshell generally does what you don't expect11:43
DJonesbigcalm: Any news on your upgrade to ICS on your xoom yet?11:45
bigcalmDJones: nothing for the UK yet11:45
bigcalmdavmor2 found out that we should see it in Q211:45
bigcalmThough what their definition of Q2 is...11:45
davmor2but as bigcalm pointed out is that the financial q2 or calendar q211:46
* AlanBell sighs at bug 949445. Looks like Unity 2d is going to be released with broken HUD as well as Unity 3d.11:46
DJonesThats easy to answer, whichever is the later11:46
lubotu3Launchpad bug 949445 in unity-2d "HUD is silent to screen readers" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94944511:46
bigcalmAnd a 3 month window at that11:46
JohnRobertfind -iname '*.php' -exec "sed -i \"s/form_submit('submit', 'Continue');/form_submit(array('name' => 'submit', 'value' => 'Contact us', 'class' => 'continue'));/g\"" {}  \; can anyone tell me why the syntax for this is wrong? I'm getting a lot of 'no such file or directory' errors...11:49
ali1234oh jeez11:49
ali1234put the regexp into a file11:50
DJonesbigcalm: I've been quite impressed with it, seems nice and stable and easy to use11:50
JohnRobertthere is no regexp, it's just a simple search/replace11:50
JohnRobertprobably escaped incorrectly or something11:50
BigRedSthat *is* a regexp11:50
ali1234it looks like you have unmatched quotes11:50
bigcalmDJones: I think I'll have ICS on a phone before I see it on a tablet :)11:51
bigcalmSamsung are revealing their new Galaxy product(s) on 3rd May11:51
bigcalmEverybody thinks this will be the S3, I'm hoping so anyway11:51
JohnRobertI have an SGS11:52
JohnRobertthe IO performance is horrible.11:52
DJonesbigcalm: That wouldn't surprise me, I notied yesterday that my Desire HD is due to be upgraded to ICS, although probably some time after your Xoom gets upgraded11:52
BigRedSI have a SGS2. It's a good deal better than my SGS was11:52
DJonesI'm due to upgrade until October, so plenty of time for new phones to come out, although I may stick with the current phone but switch to giffgaff for the unlimited broadband to use with the tablet11:54
bigcalmpopey: ping12:04
popeyhmm, nope12:05
jpdsbigcalm: popey says no.12:06
popeyooh, it wobbles12:06
popeyand goes blue12:06
popeylike it12:06
gordis this a new revision of mr blobby?12:08
czajkowskinot sure if we're talking about minecraft12:09
czajkowskiso hard to know12:09
bigcalmWhen did minecraft get mentioned?12:09
czajkowskiit didnt12:09
czajkowskibut it could be as it's hard to know sometimes12:09
bigcalmThough one can always assume that minecraft should be mentioned ;)12:10
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JohnRobertway ahead of you.12:32
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popeyalt-tab-raises-all-windows-of-an-app bug seems fixed here13:06
popeythat is _awesome_13:06
Laneywhat do you get now?13:09
popeythe right window13:10
popeyi.e. not all of them raised13:10
popeymakes it easier to switch between one full screen window and one restored window13:10
popeye.g. browser full screen and a zillion terminals open13:10
popeyswitch between browser and one terminal13:10
popeynot raising them all13:10
Laneywhat does the switcher show?13:11
Laneyone icon per app, but it just raises the last window?13:11
Laneyalt-` to switch between windows of an app?13:11
oimonhow does unity choose between the window to switch to when multiple windows are open on other desktops? last one used?13:14
oimoni.e. i'm on desktop 1, open terminal on desktops 2 and 3, click the terminal and it switches to one13:15
* Laney wants to try this13:15
popeyLaney: try it13:17
popeyeasier than me explaining it13:20
Laneythat would require me cycling 3 miles :P13:21
Laneynever mind.13:21
mgdmLaney: I considered that, but I went for Cinnamon instead13:33
oimonmgdm, i've tried cinnamon and thought it was OK, but then i realsed that gnome-panel has been restored to 12.04 with all the features, and is gtk3 , so allows gtk3 themes.13:34
Laneyneeds moar tiling13:34
Laneyor do you mean cinnamon with xmonad?13:34
oimonhowever, after giving up on unity many times, this week is the longest i've used it without getting really annoyed13:35
AlanBellpopey: really pleased that alt-tab is fixed, I am updating now :)13:38
AlanBellanyone got a raspberry pi yet?13:38
popeynot me13:38
oimonwhile i like the idea, the hype and excitement on the internet has been relentless13:40
oimonconsidering the linksys slug has been out for years , and many won't actually plug in the video13:40
ali1234if you can afford it, get a beagle board instead13:40
ali1234or beagle bone if you don't want video13:41
oimonif you can afford it, then cotton candy13:41
ali1234support the company that produces the most open hardware13:41
diploI think that cost is probably the biggest factor ali123413:42
oimonCotton Candy will be available in Q1 2012 in limited quantities for developers.  Consumer devices are anticipated to hit the market in Q3 201213:42
diploI've wanted a arduino/beagle board for ages13:42
diploBut cost for me has been the hardest thing13:42
ali1234arduino is silly priced13:42
ali1234you can build your own for $1013:43
diploAs soon as funds are better I probably will get myself one13:43
diploBut with all the extras to do anything fun it starts costing13:43
ali1234just buy some avr chips and protoboard13:43
diploOr I was looking at the wrong places last month13:43
ali1234you can do a lot more with that13:43
ali1234avr is so easy to work with13:43
mgdmLaney: no xmonad13:44
oimonunity launcher shows 1 new message on thunderbird, but cannot find it? bug?13:45
ali1234programmer: http://files.myopera.com/CrazyTerabyte/atmega8/AVR-dapa.png13:46
gordbigcalm, davmor2 - no thingy for me tomorrow, need to be at my house for the gas man13:46
popeyoimon: does the messaging menu tell you where it is?13:47
diploali1234, have you built anything arduino based?13:47
ali1234and i've built things with raw AVR too13:48
ali1234i prefer raw AVR13:48
ali1234arduino libraries are slow and bloated13:48
ali1234which isn't good on a 16Mhz chip with 8kb ram13:48
davmor2gord no say it aint so13:48
oimonpopey, well done :) i never looks on that messaging menu13:50
oimonnow to discover how to set it to only tell me about inbox mail rather than filtered mail13:50
bigcalmmrevell: I know you aren't able to go to the happy hour, but are you going to the work place day tomorrow?13:54
oimonsticky edges started working today  - do many people leave this switched on?13:54
ali1234which sticky edges?13:55
oimonunity desktop sticky edges13:55
bigcalmWho killed facebook? Error 500 :D13:55
ali1234you mean multimonitor?13:55
oimonwfm bigcalm13:55
ali1234reminds me, i need to report a bug about that13:55
bigcalmoimon: maybe it's telling me to get some damn work done13:55
oimonali1234, yes, with multimonitor13:55
ali1234i turn down sensitivity to the absolute minimum13:56
oimonsticky edges makes your mouse stick when moving between screens13:56
oimoni think the behaviour is bizarre13:56
ali1234it is really bizarre13:56
oimonunless doing a presentation13:56
oimoni tend to think of my 2 monitors as one big one13:57
andylockranhowdy all13:57
andylockranhow goes things?13:57
ali1234the logical thing to do would be to put the launcher on the right side of the right monitor13:57
ali1234but that would mean going back on the decision to not let you configure where the launcher is13:57
ali1234so instead it had to go on the middle13:58
oimonali1234, i'm talking about just moving the mouse across screens, not exposing the launcher - but is that why it's an option?13:58
ali1234which combined with push to reveal means you need to push against the middle of the screen13:58
ali1234yes it only exists in order to reveal the launcher13:58
oimoni have only 1 launcher , so didn't realise the issue13:58
ali1234if you switch to always visible or turn off the second launcher it is turned off13:58
ali1234it's supposed to be anyway13:59
oimonturn off -able13:59
ali1234maybe it's a bug13:59
ali1234it's been enabled for weeks now13:59
ali1234so either you don't update much or regression13:59
oimonit's been enabled but not working on my pc until today. i turned it off13:59
oimonhow do i choose the icon that appears in the launcher?14:00
ali1234hmm where do i report design bugs again?14:00
ali1234"the" icon?14:00
oimon.desktop file has a line "Icon=gimp", which isn't working, so i want to find out what "gimp" means.14:01
ali1234icons have a mapping14:01
ali1234so that icon sets can specify an icon for a specific program14:01
ali1234i think anyway14:01
ali1234maybe it doesn't mean anything and that's why it doesn't work?14:01
ali1234there is no longer a .desktop editor in ubuntu afaik14:01
oimondo you know which file the mappings live in?14:02
ali1234so you just have to specify path to icon you want in text editor14:02
oimonhmm...edited .desktop file, no change14:04
awilkinsStupid idea number of the day : 3-dimensional workspace array14:04
ali1234you have to restart unity for changes to take effect because it doesn't properly support ... whatever is supposed to update that stuff14:04
ali1234this is what happens when you reinvent the wheel14:05
ali1234also beware that you might have multiple .desktop files around the place14:05
ali1234there's no way to tell them apart in unity... no way to know which one it is using14:05
oimonthere must be a way14:05
awilkinsI find a lot of the tasks I do are large enough to spread out across multiple workspaces ; but sometimes I want multiple tasks ; ergo, I want to be able to switch left, right, up down, for one task, and Z+1, Z-1 for switching to the workspaces for another task14:05
ali1234well i suppose you could patch the code and add debugging printfs14:06
awilkinsIt's either that or 4 monitors, I suppose14:06
ali1234or read the code and understand what ordering it uses and then figure it out fromt hat14:06
ali1234awilkins: you want KDE activities then14:06
awilkinsali1234, Hmm, I shall have a look at that14:06
ubuntuuk-planet[Stuart Langridge] Publishing a folder with Ubuntu One - http://www.kryogenix.org/days/2012/04/18/publishing-a-folder-with-ubuntu-one14:07
ali1234awilkins: https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/564826-kde4-activities-for-fast-efficient-workflow14:07
awilkinsDoes installing KDE concurrently with Unity still pollute all the menus in both environments with links from the other?14:09
* awilkins resolves to try this in a VM14:09
ali1234and it always will14:09
ali1234KDE sucks in a VM, it needs decent graphics (like everything these days)14:09
awilkinsOK, LiveUSB then14:10
oimonstrange thing is that the icon appears in dash, but after dragging to launcher, it goes.14:10
ali1234oimon: sounds like a bug14:10
oimonguess what, it's the gimp i installed from ppa :-\14:10
ali1234what did i say about gimp ppa earlier?14:10
LaneyPPA package in being pants shocker14:10
Laneyand you trust these people with root on your system ...14:10
ali1234i'd guess it's a conflict between two .desktop files then14:11
oimonit's strange cos the gimp icons are in /usr/share/icons14:11
oimonthere's "only" 2 desktop files, and they are OK. (one is in app-install directory, whatever that is)14:11
ali1234yeah, i don't think unity likes it if you have two "identical" .desktop files14:11
oimonwhat's the default theme called?14:13
ali1234it's called ... radiance and ambiance14:13
ali1234one is light the other is dark14:13
ali1234can't remember which is which14:13
popeyradiance is light14:13
awilkinsRadiance is the Apple wannabe one :-14:13
oimonah, theme is irrelevant because i need icon set14:14
oimontype icons in search bar for system settings. :(14:14
ali1234where have all the unity design bugs gone?14:14
oimonis there still a gui to choose icons?14:15
ali1234well, you can switch to gnome and then do it that way14:16
oimonah maybe gnome tweak14:16
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 984941 in Ayatana Design "no reason to sticky the edge when moving from left screen to right screen" [Undecided,New]14:18
awilkinsHmm ; potential reason to sticky the edge - snapping a window against the right edge of the left monitor14:21
SuperEngineerhiyaz all14:21
awilkinsAlthough personally I have teh stickies off / turned down as much as possible14:21
ali1234awilkins: you could do that before there were sticky edges14:21
ali1234it's handled by something completely different14:21
awilkinsali1234, Oh you can do it, the argument I'm making is that you could claim that the sticky makes it easier14:22
ali1234the guides appear before you even touch the edge14:22
awilkinsBut again, I hate the stickies, I'm just naturally contrary14:22
SuperEngineergot a "minor" prob with 12.04 - no system [alert] sounds - all sounds in every respect check ok... but what package to report the bug under?  [I know it's ok for others - it's down to hardware v. s/ware but... if all works everywhere else - that's a bug.14:27
popeyi wonder if you're missing a package14:28
popeythe one with the audio packages in14:28
popeySuperEngineer: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^14:28
popeydoes that install anything?14:28
bigcalmNote the ^14:28
oimonwhat does the ^ do14:31
bigcalmGrab missing bits, I think14:32
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
popeyinstalls the task14:33
popeywhich pulls in whatever that task installs14:34
oimonah , logged in and out and got my gimp icon14:35
oimonnot sure if it's anything i did or would have been there anyway14:35
oimonnot really happy with the amount of reboots and logouts required after installing apps this week...14:36
oimonhttp://popcon.ubuntu.com/main/index.html looks a bit broke14:40
SuperEngineerpopey: thanks [been away prepping ose bag - will try that14:55
SuperEngineersigning off to switch to 12.04 & try popey 's suggestion14:57
SuperEngineerpopey, buggah! "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."15:05
mrevellbigcalm, PLanning to be there for the morning and to leave around lunch time. That way I get a lift in and out, plus my Round Table thing in the evening starts at 6.30, so I need to be back early-ish.15:07
SuperEngineer..so back to - what package is [not] providing desktop sounds even when they are there [and work as played a sound]15:07
SuperEngineer*as a sound15:07
bigcalmmrevell: phew. I was worried it would be just me and davmor2 ;)15:07
davmor2bigcalm: no alex is goning to be there all day too15:09
mrevellbigcalm, That *would* be disastrous. I'm really disappointed to miss the Ubuntu hour :(15:09
bigcalmmrevell: hopefully there will be others some day15:09
mrevellbigcalm, I suppose it's just down to us to organise them, yeah? Nothing more formal than that?15:10
bigcalmmrevell: spot on15:10
mrevelltop notch15:10
bigcalmmrevell: though I think it's generally 1 per month, so it'll be elsewhere in the country next month15:10
mrevellOh right15:11
SuperEngineerwhile I'm on 12.04 - anyone here get my little joke...http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrspring/7090416685/15:11
popeySuperEngineer: ubuntu-sounds is the theme15:11
popeySuperEngineer: have a look in the sound menu at the bottom, sound effects tab..15:12
popeyis it that?15:12
bigcalmmrevell: AlanBell can tell you more about the Happy Hour idea :)15:13
mrevellbigcalm, I'll look it up, rather than be lazy :)15:13
bigcalmLove Island by Fatboy Slim has got my bouncing in my chair today15:14
bigcalm*bounce* *bounce*15:14
SuperEngineerpopey, been there done that weeks ago - & rechecked after each update - still enabled at full volume - all other btw sounds work - the alert sounds are definitley there in correct place & play when asked to in any relevant app15:15
directhexdon;t be shocked by the tone of my bounce?15:15
popeySuperEngineer: what exactly are you missing?15:15
Myrttihum, I think I finally got the template I wanted on the CMSMS site I launched up but now I don't know what I'm supposed to do with the site.15:18
Myrttistill haven't decided if we're going to use CMSMS or if dsample will code his own...15:19
bigcalmMyrtti: you don't know what content to add or you don't know how to use the CMS?15:19
SuperEngineerpopey, I am now not gettg *any* alert sounds whatsoever.  I *used to get only the system ready sound only [no other alert sounds though]... *all* [including the 1 working "system ready" have stopped * others have never "worked".15:19
MyrttiI know how to use it, I just don't know if we'll use it15:19
SuperEngineerSettings checked & tested in so many many ways15:19
bigcalmMyrtti: I hope your efforts haven't been waisted :)15:19
bigcalmMyrtti: at least you're now a little wiser, if a little greyer :S15:20
Myrttibigcalm: well I learnt things15:20
bigcalmLimitations mostly15:20
Myrttihttp://koti.kapsi.fi/~myrtti/wedding/ :-)15:20
* bigcalm giggles at Chromium15:22
bigcalmThis page is in [Italian] Would you like to translate it? [Translate] [Note]15:22
Myrttiyeah, it is funny15:23
bigcalm"Donec id elit does not make me pregnant at eget metus."15:23
bigcalmMyrtti: I suggest enabling "pretty urls"15:24
Myrttibigcalm: yeah, I just didn't bother since I don't know if it'll be used in the end15:24
bigcalmFair enough :)15:24
* bigcalm sits on his hands for a while15:25
SuperEngineerpopey, hmmm... idea... been trying 1204 since beta1 & fully updating.  Maybe worth a complete reinstall [assume beta2 iso still available?]15:25
popeythats a brute force nuclear weapon to crack a nut15:25
oimonsounds are overrated ...15:25
popeyand wont tell you why it's broken15:25
SuperEngineeroimon, I agree but new converters with similar hardware may not15:26
Myrttibigcalm: that's why the URL is what it is too, I could have easily put it under myrtti.fi but meh. We haven't decided if we're having a dedicated domain. First World Geek problems.15:27
popeySuperEngineer: askubuntu.com ☺15:28
Myrttibut now that the CSS files are working fine, the resizing works fine15:28
Myrttiso it works great on mobile phones too15:28
SuperEngineerpopey, reportabug.com ☺15:29
popeyI'm serious15:30
popeyreport the problem at askubuntu and see what you get15:30
SuperEngineerpopey, sorry thought you were jesting! ok - will do15:31
* popey wonders where his default session is stored15:34
popeynot the system one in lightdm.conf15:34
popeybut the user specific one15:35
czajkowskianyone any idea why Jacob is spamming the list?15:49
popeyhe has an auto away message it looks15:52
popeyhe's not spamming15:52
xr1rrevery time I turn on my computer I got the following message: System program problem detected.. do I want to report15:52
xr1rrwith two buttons; Cancel or report problem15:53
xr1rranyone know why this is.. even after updating it is still there15:53
popeyxr1rr: you running 12.04?15:54
popeyare there files in /var/crash ?15:54
xr1rrone file15:55
popeywhat's it called?15:55
popeyxr1rr: what happens if you click 'report problem' ?15:57
xr1rrasks for root password15:57
xr1rrI guess thats normal15:58
popeyyour password, not root15:58
xr1rrbut I have just been pressing cancel but get restart it is there again15:58
popeyso its saying there was a problem and you can report it to the project15:59
popeyczajkowski: / ali1234 i put cyberjacob on moderation15:59
bigcalm"Reminder: Mum's birthday @ Sun 29 Apr 2012" - I love me :)15:59
popeys/ali1234/ alanbell/15:59
xr1rrbut does not matter if, I cancel or report its still there on each restart16:00
bigcalmNeed to do something about it though16:00
czajkowskipopey: thanks16:01
popeyxr1rr: did you follow up the 'report' ?16:02
popeyit should have taken you through filing a bug16:02
popeyxr1rr: the other thing you can do is remove the crashdump - sudo rm /var/crash/*16:02
xr1rrok.. let me remove the crashdump and hopefully that would stop it..16:03
popeywould be nice if you did file bugs when you uncover them though, given you're running 12.0416:06
ali1234aptd bugs are almost impossible to report with apport16:08
davmor2czajkowski: prod16:09
ali1234because it won't let you report bugs if you have old packages16:09
ali1234and aptd usually crashes when you are updating16:09
czajkowskidavmor2: ello16:09
davmor2czajkowski: thanks I feel better now16:10
davmor2MartijnVdS: I think you'll she just love ELO16:12
MartijnVdSdavmor2: just because they were from Birmingham?16:13
davmor2MartijnVdS: Just cause16:13
* dwatkins sings "Get off the phone, dog!"16:25
* davmor2 hands dwatkins a banana phone16:26
dwatkinsring, ring, ring, ring....16:27
* dwatkins hums Rick Astley in davmor2's general direction16:28
ali1234a friend of mine has a dog that says hello16:28
* davmor2 finds out his Joe Dolce cd to play at dwatkins 16:29
dwatkinsI suspect I have some musical learning to do16:30
davmor2dwatkins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFacWGBJ_cs16:31
dwatkinsdavmor2: thanks, will have a listen later on16:36
=== martinp13 is now known as martinp23
SuperEngineerback on my [heavily personalised] 10.04 instead of 12.04... feels like stepping into a hot bath.... aaahhhhhhh17:10
SuperEngineerhow many roads must a man walk down?...17:15
SuperEngineer[or 42]17:16
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
pr0ph3thi all17:29
pr0ph3tI was wondering, what do you do when aptitude safe-upgrade --full-resolver tells you to remove a huge list of packages? Is there a way to resolve the conflicts in a different wy?17:31
pr0ph3tor just differently* as I already said "way"17:32
MartijnVdSdon't use aptitude ;)17:32
ali1234i never understood why people say to use aptitude17:33
ali1234it has a really horrible cryptic UI where 1 keystroke can screw up everything17:33
MartijnVdSali1234: it used to have a better dependency resolver than apt (for upgrades)17:34
MartijnVdSali1234: but then apt was fixed17:34
ali1234but don't upgrades use update-manager?17:34
MartijnVdSthey don't have to17:35
ali1234but update-manager is the only uspported method17:35
MartijnVdSsure, but if you're already on precise and want to upgrade from beta to latest17:35
ali1234er, i mean do-release-upgrade17:35
tombroughin the land where X is broken the command line Guru is King17:35
pr0ph3tali1234, MartijnVdS, I used aptitude because I was not aware that apt had been "fixed" and was told that aptitude was safer for upgrades17:37
pr0ph3ttombrough, nice line17:37
MartijnVdSpr0ph3t: tell the person you got that advice from they're living in 2010 ;)17:37
ali1234what's so hard about resolving dependencies anyway?17:37
MartijnVdSali1234: Ask any Red Hat dev17:38
tombroughin other words gui tools are all well and good until your gui is broken.....17:38
ali1234aptitude *is* a gui tool though17:38
ali1234it just happens to have a really awful ncurses gui17:38
tombroughI think your thinking of synaptic17:38
pr0ph3tMartijnVdS, it was probably in 2010 when someone told me to use it in fact :)17:38
tombroughwell what ever the point is I can use both graphical and command line tools equally well.17:39
ali1234good for you :)17:40
tombroughAnd if you dont have an X interface to a box it comes it very useful.17:40
ali1234apt is easier to use17:40
tombroughdidn't say it wasn't although I find looking up stuff easier in aptitude on the command line.17:41
ali1234yeah that's exactly what i don't find easier17:41
directhexi've never used the aptitude gui17:42
directhexi use it instead of apt-get though17:42
tombroughif I know what I need I can usually just type apt-get install ....17:42
directhexit's smarter than apt-get in that its resolver proposes multiple valid solutions17:42
BigRedSdon't you find it just goes round breaking stuff for you?17:42
BigRedSwell, clearly not...17:42
directhexi.e. it will ask "hm, here's my suggestion on how to do what you said. any good?" and you can say "no" to get another proposal17:42
ali1234how can there be multiple valid solutions?17:42
BigRedSyeah, but most of the suggestions are bonkers IME17:43
directhexali1234, you make it sounds like package resolution is a turing complete issue17:43
BigRedS"You aske for vsftpd so I want to uninstall libapache_mod_rewrite"17:43
ali1234give an example please17:43
directhexali1234, you can have multiple solutions if, say, installing X requires removal of A or B or C. which of A or B or C do you want to remove?17:43
tombroughyou can have alternatives.17:43
BigRedSor if something depends on an httpd it'll offer you several httpds17:44
pr0ph3tso if I do a apt-get upgrade it should not break the system right? Or is it still better to use aptitude safe-upgrade for betas?17:44
BigRedSwhereas apt-get just installs its favourite17:44
directhexremoving A or B or C without installing X will force uninstall of D-W, so you don't want to do that17:44
ali1234i see17:44
directhexaptitude can occasionally find the solution to, say, messy mixes of perl versions. apt-get never can17:44
ali1234you don't mean X as in Xorg right?17:44
directhexi mean as an arbitrary variable17:45
directhexi can use "foo" and "bar" if you like17:45
ali1234so which actual packages have this problem, except for perl?17:45
directhexdid i say perl? i meant python17:45
ali1234i've never seen this problem with python17:46
pr0ph3tdirecthex, very occasionally, most of the times the suggestions are: remove a huge number of packages and leave dependences unresolved all the same17:46
directhexanyway, it's essentially vital on debian unstable, where there's no guarantees that everything works together properly17:46
BigRedSali1234: it's not common. Things that rely on bits of X break sometimes17:46
directhexpr0ph3t, so say no to that solution?17:46
BigRedSwhenever you're spanning releases it's more likely17:46
pr0ph3tdirecthex, sure, but the next solution usually is similar, so I just do not upgrade17:47
pr0ph3twhich is better than having a broken system I suppose17:47
pr0ph3tthe problem started because I was using apt-get to upgrade betas and I often found myself with a broken box that would not even boot at times (usually X though). So I was told that aptitude was better because of the safe-upgrade option and I have to say that with full-resolver I've had no problems whatsoever since then17:49
directhexoh, there's the other one17:50
directhexpbuilder is garbage without the aptitude resolver, if trying to build for experimental17:50
pr0ph3tif I'm presented with the solution of removing lots of packages I wait a while before upgrading and that's it17:51
pr0ph3tI was wondering whether that's what you gurus did as well!17:51
directhexpr0ph3t, sometimes it's the best17:52
directhexor pulling from incoming when the error is obvious17:52
ali1234hmm this is unusual17:54
ali1234rhythmbox imported some of my mp3s twice17:54
pr0ph3tnow with aptitude I cannot install because of conflicts, but with apt it seems everything is fine, something's not right; either aptitude is telling fibs and apt is trying to trick me, or apt is good and aptitude is not as good17:54
pr0ph3tthat's my dilemma17:55
pr0ph3tand apt is waiting for my Y to go ahead, should I trust it?17:55
pr0ph3tI guess I can test it and let you know how it goes :)17:56
ali1234so... does update-manager use apt, or does it use it's own?17:57
Nafalloali1234: it uses aptdaemon17:58
ali1234so it ends up using the apt resolver?17:58
ali1234cos i've seen it give a different solution than apt...17:58
Nafalloit's a bit more intelligent than apt17:59
Nafalloadds another layer on top17:59
pr0ph3tI purged gnome-shell* now and I don't get unresolved dependencies, the differences are: with aptitude full-upgrade it upgrades 52 packages and installs a new one (alpha), safe-upgrade upgrades 52 installs none, apt upgrades 51 and installs none18:07
pr0ph3tI personally went for aptitude safe-upgrade, it feels more trustworthy than other options18:10
pr0ph3tyou can say I'm so 2010, but it does seem the best option18:11
SuperEngineerhmmm. "< diplo> BigRedS, I was eating my kids yesterday" - I  wonder what  embryonic goat tastes like18:23
daftykinsfrom one channel with bad humour to... oh hi SuperEngineer :)18:25
SuperEngineerhi  daftykins  - u seen topic channel?18:25
SuperEngineer[reverse those last 2 words]18:26
daftykinsjust looked, not sure there's anything relevant?18:26
daftykinsoh just the quote18:27
* SuperEngineer thinks hmmm - must has a personal me only topic on channel18:27
daftykinsit was my bad, i was looking at the on-join message in the status window instead of the topic18:28
SuperEngineer...or is bby goat noshing normal online?18:28
SuperEngineeryou bad!18:29
* SuperEngineer googles 18:29
SuperEngineer"eating online goats"18:29
SuperEngineernope - nothing there - must be u-uk specific trait!18:31
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
daftykinsSuperEngineer: i find it hard to follow you ;)18:39
SuperEngineerdaftykins:  that's because I come from another planet.  deal with it - it's better that eating kids18:41
daftykinsi'd more guess English is your nth language18:41
SuperEngineer[or I suppose I could just go - hey, we've *the*coolest channel topic gpoing ;)18:42
SuperEngineer[p.s. - English is my 1st language - as in this is were I landed my space craft]18:43
SuperEngineer[p/p/s/ - at this point, most  *should* give up]18:45
daftykinsi smiled, nodded then stealthily wandered off18:47
dwatkinswhat planet, SuperEngineer?18:56
SuperEngineerdwatkins: can't say - your authorities would use that to help find me18:57
SuperEngineer[clue - te Voyerger craft are getting worryingly close]19:00
SuperEngineer* the & ** Voyager - sorry - took a while fo translator to kick in19:01
SuperEngineerdoes one assume ipopey  is on a train?19:05
ipopeyChoo choo19:05
daftykinsthat or Apple redesigned him19:06
daftykinshe went Apple O_O oh dear19:08
MartijnVdShe drank the kool-aid19:44
daftykinsMartijnVdS: i think it's the only thing on offer at his house20:16
gordhttp://www.kickstarter.com/projects/597507018/pebble-e-paper-watch-for-iphone-and-android?ref=recently_launched they made a lot of moneys o_O20:58
ali1234why does it need an smartphone?20:58
BigRedSbecause it's really hard to make an easy-to-use interface the size of a watch20:59
gordsensor information i would assume20:59
gordgryos, gps20:59
ali1234i would prefer an oled screen tbh21:00
ali1234probably would mean poor battery though21:01
BigRedSoh yeah, that, too21:01
BigRedSmaybe better than making the watch battery run the sensors21:01
ali12347 day battery life with the e-paper screen21:01
ali1234it has sensors inside it according to the description21:01
BigRedSI don't think I could cope very well with a watch I had to remember to recharge21:01
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gordas long as it comes with a dock i'd be fine, give a thing a dock and suddenly it has a home, i like to keep things in their home21:13
daftykinsi've not worn a watch since about 199921:14
BigRedSisn't a watches home your wrist, though?21:17
daftykinsmaybe the base of the strap can have wireless charging21:18
daftykinsthen you could get inductive charging just in front of your keyboard, so when you're at the PC it charges \o/21:19
BigRedSinductive charging really needs to be used in more places than toothbrushes21:21
ali1234get a power mat?21:22
daftykinslooks like odd advice21:23
ali1234what, the link i posted?21:23
daftykinsthat's me being polite of course21:25
ali1234it's typical proprietary software user making excuses for their god21:26
ali1234you see it all the time when reading tech support forums :(21:28
ali1234"software is complicated so there must be a really good reason why it pegs your GPU, and totally not because the developers didn't know what they were doing and/or didn't test it properly"21:29
daftykinsi got the impression it could be a young person21:31
ali1234there's another post in another thread from a guy claiming 18 years PC tech support and never seen a video card blow up21:32
ali1234"LOG didnt frag your pc...a cheap arse power supply that couldnt handle the pressure has fragged your pc!!"21:33
ali1234well ok, that doesn't explain why the game is creating such a load in the first place21:33
daftykinsanything specific take you to said forum?21:34
ali1234yeah i want to buy that game21:34
ali1234but not if it's going to melt my computer21:34
ali1234i was just checking if they made a linux version yet ... they didn't21:37
daftykinsprobably safer :D21:37
ali1234so i was checking the tech forum for reports of running it on wine21:38
ali1234"cut your mains cable with metal scissors!"21:49
ali1234"while it's plugged in"21:50
ali1234"then wrap the cables around your head"21:50
daftykinsit's ok those plastic handles... might insulate... some of it21:51
bigcalmToodles :)21:54
daftykinswherever you're off to ^_^21:54
bigcalmSleep hopefully21:55
daftykins:D enjoy o/21:55
daftykinsheh i have to get up early every day at the moment, only to receive a phone call from builders that yep, as it's raining they're not coming to keep working on my place21:55
daftykinsquite tedious :>21:56
ubuntuuk-planet[Laura Czajkowski] Time flies when youre busy having fun working and organising - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2012/04/18/time-flies-when-youre-busy-having-fun-working-and-organising/22:07
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] The Importance Of Application Developers To Ubuntu - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/04/18/the-importance-of-application-developers-to-ubuntu/22:07
ali1234"We can’t presume application developers have the skills or interest that  would be commonplace to our existing contributor community."22:10
ali1234self-fulfilling prophecy22:10
daftykinsthat's a scary prediction22:12
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ali1234it's not a prediction22:15
daftykinsroadmap? :)22:15
ali1234well, yeah22:15
ali1234it's the same thing that all the platforms are doing right now22:16
ali1234attract lots of developers, not because it improves the user experience, but just so you can say "we have the most devlopers"22:16
daftykinsthis whole move to mobile-like app dev?22:16
daftykinsah yes22:16
ali1234right, exactly22:16
ali1234mobile platforms are judged on how many apps they have22:17
daftykinsthe "it looks cool if we have a big number of apps next to our OS" approach22:17
ali1234not "can it make a phone call without crashing?" but "can it play angry birds"22:17
ali1234microsoft and nokia are sponsoring a university course for app developers22:17
daftykinsso weird seeing how mainstream smartphones are now22:19
ali1234smartphone does not mean the same thing it did pre-iphone22:19
daftykinsgo to a coffee shop, like i did earlier today - and see someone who really doesn't look like they'd use the features of one pull out a high-end handset22:19
ali1234which is why it doesn't matter than half the features don't work properly22:20
ali1234it's like people who buy a sportcar to drive the kinds to school (popey)22:21
daftykinsdid he now...22:21
ali1234no, but he bought an iphone and then tried to justify it as a pragmatic choice22:21
daftykinsah close enough then22:22
daftykinswhat i don't like is when people change their nick to say what they're using =|22:22
czajkowskia lotta people have iphones they are a nice phone and it is good hardware22:22
ali1234which is a bit like a greenpeace supporter decidng they need to drive their kids to school, and then using that to justify buying a porsche22:22
daftykinsczajkowski: not quite the point in this convo methinks22:23
ali1234there's a reason why people use nicks with machine name appended...22:29
ali1234on freenode you can group registered nicks22:29
ali1234so if they log in on multiple devices they have to use different nicks to not bump themselves22:29
ali1234appending device name is the modt logical way to do it :)22:30
ali1234i just append extra numbers22:30
gordi think adding your phone name is perfectly fine - sent from my ubuntu laptop22:33
daftykinsi like teasing Apple owning friends by manually adding email signatures like "Sent from my browser"22:34
gordworst case i've seen is on the xna forums, you get people adding "Sent from the xna forum app" on their posts then others that say "Sent from the premium xna forum app"22:37
ali1234is there actually a premium app?22:38
ali1234or is it just trolling?22:39
AlanBelldaftykins: mainstream users do use the features of smartphones a heap more than I do22:42
daftykinsi'm sure you know what i mean22:43
AlanBellmy galaxy s2 does irssi, it also has a phone call feature somewhere22:43
AlanBellI am sure it does voicemail but I haven't really got to grips with that yet22:43
daftykinsfirst thing i try and turn off when i'm in the UK XD22:44
AlanBellyeah, I think I will clear mine out and put a message asking people not to leave me voicemails22:45
ali1234you can turn it off you know22:45
daftykinsor an amusing prank that makes it sound like you've answered, but really it's the voicemail message22:46
ali1234then the phone will just ring and ring until you answer or they give up22:46
ali1234that's what i do22:46
daftykinsi like AlanBell's plan more though, 'cause it'll confuse people22:47
AlanBellapparently you dial 1760 and it is gone.22:47
AlanBellit is gone22:48
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti
ali1234watching trading bots .1'ing each other....23:30

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