
daxyeah, I've been spying on Planet KDE. The Plasma Active stuff looks fun.00:00
pleia2dax: it's deeper than polish a derivitive can add, it's more about debian's committment to freeness that makes it a bit tricky for normal people (installing a lot of stuff is really a pain, now we even have a whole separate package for nonfree drivers that were "free enough" in previous releases)00:01
pleia2I respect their decision to go that way and the reasons behind it, I just think it makes for a poor desktop user experience00:02
pleia2on the bright side, at least it warns me and tells me to install the non-free drivers package before I reboot my server and lose my NIC :)00:02
daxpleia2: ah, you mean those things. I was thinking more "desktop OS" as in the desktop environment once you set everything up00:02
daxDebian's KDE stuff isn't as polished as Ubuntu's, independently of Ubuntu's underlying driver etc. stack.00:03
pleia2ok, starting to wander toward BALUG since I have a bunch of errands to do along the way00:11
* pleia2 packs debian stickers too00:12
DonkeyHoteiif anyone in SF needs a ride to balug tonight, (408)37-COMPU00:17
kdubphilipballew_ philipballew where is UH today?01:04
kdubok, got it01:06
* kdub leaves from la jollllllllllllla01:06
philipballew_see you here kdub01:07
kdubphoneSd traffic is slow today :P01:19
DarkwingHow did it go?02:54
DarkwingI ended up walking to the beach and taking pictures of the sunset.02:55
DarkwingAndroid 4.0 camera has a panoramic camera... :D02:55
philipballewDarkwing, It went really well. We had six people.03:59
philipballewsome really good connections were made. They'll keep coming out04:01
Swagbodianhey philip and gua04:20
philipballewSwagbodian, whats up!04:34
Swagbodiannot mch04:40
Swagbodianit was cambodian new years the past weekend04:40
Swagbodianhavent been able to concentrate lol04:41
pleia2presentation complete, and home \o/05:16
pleia2Swagbodian: grantbow and I did an Ubuntu 12.04 presentation tonight05:21
DonkeyHoteiback from balug05:39
philipballewpleia2, are your slides cc?06:39
pleia2philipballew: usually cc by sa, which slides specifically?15:45
kdubpretty good SD UH last night16:04
svanzoestit was good to meet everyone.16:46
svanzoestI'd love to get the word out more and get more people involved. There are quite a view San Diego ubuntu folks.16:52
=== dax is now known as xaD
Darkwingsvanzoest: Sorry I missed you.18:33
Darkwingsvanzoest: I live here in IB and my gas tank was sucking fumes. Get paid tomorrow lol18:34
jyoHey, anyone else on 12.04 having trouble printing pdfs? Postscript errors?18:34
bkerensaIs California having some awesome release parties?18:34
DonkeyHoteibkerensa: check the  wiki18:34
Darkwingbkerensa: I have nothing planned yet..18:34
DarkwingI'm dealing with the massive changes in Kubuntu LOL18:34
* Darkwing sighs18:36
bkerensaDarkwing: :P Were throwing another bash.... Catering, Keg, Soft Drinks and cases and cases of swag :)18:38
DarkwingOh nice.18:39
DarkwingWell, it's looking like we will have to change the name of the project :/18:39
DarkwingYou guys are go big or go home eh?18:40
DarkwingI'd come up if I wasn't as far south as you can get in the US LOL18:40
bkerensaDarkwing: Yeah I kind of figured Canonical was not going to allow you to use their Trademark after they poured money into the brand18:40
DonkeyHoteiDarkwing: Hawai'i?18:41
bkerensaDarkwing: this is why I am Pro "Ubuntu Foundation" Model much like Wordpress.org and Automaticc are split18:41
DarkwingNo, far south southern cali18:41
DonkeyHoteitexas and florida are also far to the south of socal18:41
DarkwingI'm sorry... I'm as about as far south in california as you can get.18:42
DonkeyHoteisan ysidro, then18:42
bkerensaDarkwing: Did they make the trademark issue official yet?18:42
DarkwingIt's being talked about by Canonical and Blue Systems.18:43
DarkwingBlue Systems being our new sponser. There are also a couple of companies that was to offer support contracts that cannot just yet.18:43
DarkwingBecause of the TM restrictions with support contracts on a corperate level.18:43
DarkwingBut, so far, we have two full time paid developers (Both quit Canonical to work for Blue Systems) we will have a travel budget for travel to things like UDS (If canonical doesn't sponsor) and other KDE summits and events. We will also have a budget for pressed CDs and swag :D18:45
Darkwingand that's just to strat.18:45
DarkwingPlus we have a developer who wants to build MS Exchange support directly into Akonadi and KMail :D18:46
Darkwingas an addon with kdePIM18:47
Darkwingand that would be... epic18:47
DarkwingWe will have some fun announcments RE Kubuntu at UDS.18:48
DarkwingBut so far... nothing in major changes in set in stone so.. yeah18:48
pleia2bkerensa: should blog about the release party before Sunday so we can get it in UWN :)18:54
bkerensapleia2: This sunday or next sunday?18:54
pleia2bkerensa: next sunday is after the party :P18:55
pleia2so this sunday18:55
svanzoestI'd love to help put on a release party in San Diego.19:02
Darkwingsvanzoest: Where in SD are you at?19:06
svanzoestdarkwing: North county coastal: Solana Beach19:08
Darkwingsvanzoest: Ahhh, okay19:09
DarkwingRIP Dick Clark.20:32
DonkeyHoteihe's history?20:32
DarkwingDied today.20:33
DonkeyHoteiit's also 1906 earthquake day today20:33
philipballew_I just realized uds is three weeks away... I guess I should start planning for it...20:52
=== xaD is now known as Dax
bkerensaphilipballew: ikr20:55
bkerensaphilipballew: have you signed up for anything on the uds schedule yet?20:56
philipballew_bkerensa, what you mean?20:57
bkerensaphilipballew: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/20:57
philipballew_I have to sign up for things?20:57
philipballew_bkerensa, Trust me, I have no idea what I am doing with the Ubuntu community stuff...20:57
philipballew_bkerensa, Do I have to go to the ones they tell me to go to cause they paid for me20:58
bkerensaphilipballew: Uhh your supposed to err signup or something for the ones you feel will benefit you in the next cycle20:58
bkerensaI think their should be a UDS for Dummies book20:59
bkerensaI need it :D20:59
pleia2bkerensa: typically projects you are part of create blueprints and you subscribe to them that way (not by going to the schedule and selecting stuff unless there is something you missed)20:59
* philipballew_ will follow bkerensa around and hope he knows what he is doing20:59
bkerensapleia2: is their a deadline for when the blueprints turn into actual meetings?20:59
bkerensabecause right now the summit scheduler is still pretty bare21:00
philipballew_I apparently have to go a a "youth in ubuntu community" thing21:00
pleia2bkerensa: things get added even during UDS itself, so not really21:00
bkerensaunconference :P21:00
philipballew_Someone told me their putting on a youth in ubuntu meeting and I need to go21:00
pleia2you grab the track lead and say "hey, I need a session for this please"21:01
pleia2obviously doing it earlier gets you a better chance of finding jono ;) but there is no set deadline21:01
philipballew_So I said okay21:01
bkerensaAll I know so far is I am going to try for all Community tracks and everything Server and Foundations related21:01
pleia2just make sure you don't mark everything "must attend" ;)21:01
* bkerensa doesnt want to find Jono21:02
pleia2makes the schedule people crazy21:02
* bkerensa wants to find Marc Cluet, adam_g, kees, randall etc :)21:02
philipballew_i need to go to a lot of unity stuff as well, being im the power user individual these days...21:02
philipballew_bkerensa, Do you know when I find out about the hotel and stuff?21:06
bkerensaphilipballew: no idea21:06
bkerensaphilipballew: I think they assume that everyone going to UDS is veterans and has done it time and time again21:06
philipballew_I only applied so I could go to Europe, not this Oakland stuff....21:07
philipballew_I grew up in nor cal...21:07
bkerensaphilipballew: all I know is I will be arriving in Oakland very early Sunday... I plan on dropping my luggage at the hotel since check in is not till afternoon I hear.... then I will head to Berkeley or SF for some Sushi and Sake21:07
bkerensaphilipballew: LOL ^21:07
philipballew_I  roll into oakland say 10:30 via train probably, unless I just get a friend to drive me there.21:08
philipballew_Ill be east of sac that saturday21:08
bkerensaphilipballew: did you need plan travel with the agency?21:08
philipballew_idk, heres the thing...21:09
philipballew_after uds im gonna need to find a way to napa and spend 3 weeks with my elderly grandmother halping her remodel her house so Id only need a one way ticket21:09
bkerensaphilipballew: ahh21:11
philipballew_so maybe they can get me a one way21:11
bkerensaphilipballew: yeah but I wouldnt wait to long to talk to them21:12
philipballew_check this out. friday before uds is my last day of school so i have to move all my crap in a car back to nor cal for the summer21:12
philipballew_so i have to move everything i one in one day and get to oakland the next21:12
bkerensaphilipballew: it will be worth it... :) you get to hangout with err Jono ;p21:14
philipballew_he's a nice guy the like two times ive met him21:16
bkerensahe is a very busy guy :)21:19
philipballew_true, well off to math class. Peace!21:22
pleia2this is the kind of fun thing that can happen when you use CC license on your photos (the article isn't about my ring, but that is my ring!): http://thestir.cafemom.com/love_sex/136207/man_accidentally_gives_goodwill_his22:12
greg-gpleia2: yay!22:14

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