
rick_hwith allt he python deps it takes forever and is painful00:00
rick_hso I've got on the todo to work on a tarball install that'll be a better way to go with the juju setup00:00
rick_hoops, rick touched his laptop...doh00:49
snap-lI have created a script that extracts most of the metadata for shownotes from the mp3 files themselves.02:20
snap-lI am > < this close to having the whole damn thing automate.02:20
snap-lso I can just point it at a directory of files, generate the .json file, and then run shownotes, and have it figure out times, order, and create a cue sheet.02:21
rick_htime to get another book! http://pragprog.com/book/dnvim/practical-vim11:06
rick_hawesome re: snap-l's automation of his stuff11:43
brouschah, missed that11:45
snap-lWell, it made creating lococast's music shownotes a breeze12:07
snap-lcopy files into a directory, run create_json.py *, then run the shownotes script on the resulting stuff12:07
rick_hnow you need to make shownotes accept input from a pipe12:10
rick_hand do stuff like12:10
rick_hcreate_json * | shownotes > output12:11
snap-lrick_h: This has occurred to me. :)12:15
rick_hjust helping :) err prodding errr12:16
snap-lNah, it's good.12:18
snap-lThe less barrier to entry, the happier I am.12:18
snap-lI hate making show notes12:18
rick_hwhat's cool is as you learn the bits and start to find other areas to make handy cmd line scripts out of them12:19
rick_hand if they interact with pipes properly you really start to have fun12:19
snap-lYeah, though I do have a question for you re: setup.py for tonight12:19
rick_hand you update that entry points bit in your setup.py to package and reuse it12:19
snap-lre installing two scripts12:19
snap-lOnly problem with making the shownotes after creating the json file is unfortunately bandcamp doesn't have metadata on license / artist URL12:26
snap-lat least I haven't found it.12:26
jrwrenrick_h: i'll bet you could write practical-vim more than you'll get out of it.12:50
rick_hjrwren: yea, but if I can get two tips that I use daily it's worth $20, but there's the supporting vim stuff bit12:50
rick_hnot enough books on some things out there (postgres, vim, vim scripting though I've been checking out https://github.com/sjl/learnvimscriptthehardway)12:51
rick_hso always like to put $$ where my mouth is12:51
snap-lI like putting food where my mouth is12:59
jrwrenI've got a tip for ya: Explore, Vex and Sex12:59
snap-lmoney tastes funny12:59
rick_hjrwren: yea, good stuff12:59
rick_hthough I don't explore much at all now with ctrlp12:59
jrwrenfugitive Ggrep, Gedit13:00
jrwrenyou could port fugitive to bzr! :|13:00
snap-lOK, Googling Explore, Vex and Sex did not get me anything related to vim13:00
jjessebrousch, your post this morning made me laugh13:00
jjessebrousch,  have fun in Japan :)13:01
rick_h:ex :vex :sex13:01
jrwrenthe casing is required IIRC13:01
rick_hah right sorry13:01
brouschjjesse: at least i got away with a vague "some day"13:02
jjessei can't believe you guys had breakfast after that13:03
jjessei would've made Caleb go back to bed13:03
snap-lNerdtree. ;)13:03
brouschhe will lay there and get up every 5 minutes to bug us13:03
brouschbetter to just get up, do an early workout, and let my wife sleep13:04
jrwrenyou go on a bender?13:05
jjessewe've taught caleb to wait until there is a 7 on his clock before he can get up13:11
jjesseso if he gets up early all we have to do is ask13:11
snap-l3:57 here we come13:11
jjessenice try we told him what order the 7 has to be13:12
jjessehas a little sticker over the hour location13:12
brouschi'm pretty sure that won't work. the best we've gotten is to tell him to go downstairs and play with his computer until we get up. sometimes that will buy us 30 minutes13:14
snap-ljjesse: You will rue the day he learns how to set the clock13:15
jjessealready happened 113:15
jrwrenjjesse: yup, that was a good teaching tool for us too13:15
jjessehe changed it at my folks house13:15
jrwrenwaiting for the 7 really worked for us.13:15
jjessewhen "grandpa and grandma" was watching him over night13:15
jjesseit was 5am and he changed the clock to a 713:15
brouschfml. someone sent us a bunch of .msg files, which is a file format used by outlook. each file has dozens of emails inside it13:21
brouschnow i must wander the slum world of windows crapware utilities to find a viewer13:28
rick_hbrousch: lol http://readable.bmark.us/view/http%3A%2F%2Fclusterbleep.net%2Fblog%2F2012%2F04%2F18%2Ffour-forty-five-this-morning%2F13:37
rick_hjrwren: get ctrlp for that instead13:37
jrwrenTIL: command line in ssh.  ~C -L5900:localhost:5900  new tunnel on existing connection FTW!13:38
jrwrenrick_h: really? ctrip > Command-T ?13:38
jrwrenok, i'm going to get ctrip13:38
rick_h /i/l13:39
snap-ljrwren: That's interesting. Is there a way without using ~C to have all of the tunnels use an existning connection?13:40
snap-lMaybe I'm misunderstanding13:42
snap-lYeah, I think I am.13:42
jrwrenthis is for adding a tunnel to an existing connection13:42
jrwrenso you don't have to establish a new ssh session to add a -L, -R, -D tunnel13:43
snap-lCurrently I have a script that adds tunnels13:43
jrwrenadds them to what?  .ssh/config?13:43
snap-lNo... it just runs ssh to create new tunnels13:43
jrwrenoh, yeah, not that :)13:43
snap-lbut I have to re-type the key password every time if I'm not running an agent13:44
snap-land I'm running n ssh connections13:44
rick_h...don't use tab completion?!14:06
jrwrenoh sorry, that is for fish, this is for us: https://github.com/rupa/z14:10
rick_hhmm, intersting. I tend to use workit to jump to common places14:11
jrwreni don't know that one.14:12
rick_hit's my fork of the virtualenv-wrapper to be non-python specific14:12
jrwrenha! interesting.14:12
rick_hso I've got ~/src, ~/Dropbox and ~/launchpad/lp-branches as my workit dirs14:13
rick_hand then just workit bookie14:13
rick_hworkit docs14:13
rick_hbut it's zsh only I think for tab completion and such14:13
rick_hand doens't work all the way, deactivate I think is broken14:13
rick_hwell the post deactivate scripts at least14:14
rick_hdeactivate works fine14:14
rick_hsnap-l: http://techcrunch.com/2012/04/18/qa-with-bill-amend-creator-of-foxtrot-and-certified-geek/14:58
rick_hyou seem a foxtrot fan14:58
snap-lI am14:58
brouschis that like foxpro?14:59
snap-lbrousch: Foxtrot will make you laugn more than cry, as opposed to Foxpro15:00
snap-lwhich will likely make you sob and assume the fetal position15:01
brouschit's not so much fetal as ankle-grabbing15:03
jrwrengreg-g: did you see? http://bradhicks.livejournal.com/459368.html15:22
greg-gjrwren: no, and tl;dr :)15:24
jrwrenits interesting, and I know you posted about that pepper spray a while back.15:25
jrwrenbut yes, tl;dr all of it15:25
greg-gI'll keep it open for a potential lunch time read15:25
snap-ltl;dr: the protesters followed protocol, the police didn't.15:25
jrwrenand there was a HUGE communication breakdown between all the police leaders, including university chancelor15:27
jrwrenwho was directing the cheif of police at the time.15:27
snap-lI would be extremely surprised if heads didn't roll from this15:29
brouschrolling heads is a bit extreme. maybe just make their eyes burn and throats contract15:30
greg-gdamn those dirty hippy protest... er, what? you mean they weren't at fault?! ;)15:31
jrwreni'll be pissed if they all aren't fired.15:33
snap-lgreg-g: I'm sure they'll get a nice byline on page 13 next to the pictures of adoptable pets.15:33
jrwrenLt, Cheif and Chancelor should all be replaced.15:33
snap-lgreg-g: Because it's better to be right than front page. ;)15:34
rick_hwidox: no linky in your post?15:40
rick_hwidox: we want details!15:41
rick_hok, one day I want to meet this instagram guy, balls of steel that man: http://arstechnica.com/business/news/2012/04/zuckerberg-closed-instagram-deal-without-facebook-board.ars15:55
rick_h"While the Instagram founder initially sought $2 billion..."15:55
devinheitmuellerYou don't get what you deserve; you get what you negotiate.15:56
rick_hno kidding15:56
rick_hI mean, I liked the idea of a guy not wanting to sell getting "what's it going to cost me...oh a BILLION dollars!"15:56
rick_hbut saying it was 2B just makes it all the more crazy15:56
brouschoh come on, Zuck carries $1B in gold stuffed into his whitey tighties16:00
jrwrennegotiating is a sweet skill to have.16:00
ColonelPanic001$1B in gold in your underwear is a sweet thing to have.16:12
ColonelPanic001I imagine walking would be difficult, but you could afford a hoveround thing16:12
snap-ljcastro: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/exclusive-stream-rush-return-with-heavy-headlong-flight-2012041816:42
snap-lKudos to you, greg-g. I can't keep interested int he CC license discussions.17:55
greg-ghaha, you think I'm up to date on those threads :)17:58
rick_hterminal ftw! http://wynnnetherland.com/journal/a-stylesheet-author-s-guide-to-terminal-colors17:58
snap-lgreg-g: Well, what's worse is they come in mail bundles17:59
snap-lwhenever someone moderates a whole slew of 'em17:59
greg-gsnap-l: yeah, the moderation queue17:59
* greg-g nods17:59
greg-gDiane (our GC) or Mike (our ex-VP now on sabbatical who knows more than any one person should)17:59
snap-lYeah, so my inbox gets a giant CC-shaped dump in there with 921 e-mails about DRM (the subject, not the actual number)18:01
greg-gyeah, I loved that one, still haven't read it all, but man, his summarizes are some of the best things around :)18:10
brouschtime to enroll in kindergarten18:12
snap-lPoor brousch. He's not even made it to Kindergarten18:13
JonEdneySome people need to repeat certain grades for better understanding :)18:16
jrwrenjcastro: i can try and answer jono's iso call for amd64+mac if the iso can be burned and booted to usb, is that an acceptable answer? I've only mac book airs :)18:48
jrwrenah, fuck that, one of the test cases is an entire disk install.18:53
greg-g"one of" so do the others?18:54
jrwrenits jsut, if you can do that one, then the other cases are REALLY EASY19:07
greg-gah, gotcha.19:08
greg-gjrwren: hey, re that 501 thing yesterday. Why is the statement "contribute to Open Source projects" automatically in the bad category?19:08
=== AaronThul_ is now known as AaronThul
snap-ldevinheitmueller: https://tbe.taleo.net/NA3/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=CANONICAL&cws=1&rid=43519:25
snap-ldevinheitmueller: Let me be the umpteenth person to send you that. :)19:26
devinheitmuellersnap-l: you're actually the first person to send that to me.  :-)19:26
snap-ldevinheitmueller: I'm surprised.19:27
devinheitmuellerIt looks interesting, and from a technical standpoint it's right up my alley.  That said, I don't think they can afford me.19:27
snap-lConsidering the're betting part of the company on it, you may be surprised.19:27
devinheitmuellerWell, I'm never against having a conversation.19:29
snap-lPlus you have experience with shipping products. I have a feeling tht counts for a lot. :)19:29
rick_hdevinheitmueller: ooh, say I sent you pls :)19:29
rick_hsnap-l: counts as part me19:29
devinheitmueller.... and of course I appreciate your pointing out the opportunity.19:29
devinheitmuellerrick_h: heh.19:29
snap-lnp. Hope it leads to something positive.19:29
snap-lrick_h: The sane part? :)19:30
rick_hsnap-l: there is a sane part?19:30
jrwrengreg-g: probably some open source haters wrote it.19:32
snap-lI have a feeling thee's this idea of OSS developers as amateur enthusiasts19:32
jrwrengreg-g: but for real: its not in a bad category.19:33
snap-las opposed to professional hacks.19:33
jrwrengreg-g: 'That is to say, we value the things on the left more than we value the things on the right. And some of the things on the right aren't even on our radar.'19:33
greg-ghmmm, I read that on a phone, and it may have lost some columns19:34
jrwrenstupid squeezebox just stopped scrobbling. wtf :(19:35
greg-gwait, there are no columns, what's left and right here, then?19:35
greg-gyeah, so, they're unrealistic in their observations of the world, that's ok. moving on19:36
snap-ljrwren: I don't use the scrobbling, so I'm not sure.19:36
snap-lI see it more as railing against the whole start-up mentality of never being able to bring up your head19:37
jrwrengreg-g: lol.19:37
jrwrengreg-g: or are you unrealistic in your observations of the wrold?19:37
snap-lbut OSS is what people can do for fun19:37
jrwrenif OSS falls under "Our personal creative projects over commercial products the world doesn't need"  then awesome!19:37
snap-ljrwren: greg-g is planning on building a big net to keep the kids off his lawn19:37
greg-gcomplete with spiked bottom pits19:38
greg-gagain, all I'm saying is: classifying by the license the software is released under is STUPID19:39
greg-gso, all Red Hat employees that contribut to open source software form 9-5 are in that group?19:39
greg-git is just a meaningless distinction.19:39
greg-g(in this context)19:40
greg-gwhere's my net....19:40
jrwrenbut I didn't see anything about...19:40
jrwreni see what you are saying.19:40
jrwrenits a point against certain circles valueing OSS contribution over life.19:41
jrwrene.g. "i put another rails gem on git hub"19:41
jrwren"cuz I'm so awesome dude"19:41
greg-gyeah, I see that19:42
snap-lRight, but I don't think rick_h's bookie fits into that category19:42
greg-gbut, then just say "contribute to projects outside of work that aren't part of your work project"19:42
snap-lThat's a passion. It's a creative product19:42
rick_hwhen I read that I just read it more like "Hey, those of us that just write code 9-5 and earn a paycheck for it are ok people too and doens't mean we suck as dev wrk"19:44
rick_hbecause many (looks in mirror) tend to think a lot less of those that don't get out and do the community thing, the conference thing, the personal project thing in your spare time19:45
jrwrengreg-g: they specifically say that.19:50
jrwren "Our personal creative projects over commercial products the world doesn't need"19:50
jrwrengreg-g: but I think its meant to be tongue in cheek19:50
jrwrenrick_h: and others of us (looks in mirror) are tired of the community thing, conf thing and personal project thing and enjoy our 9-519:51
greg-gand I love you both!19:53
* greg-g puts his net away for another day19:54
jrwrenof course, that said, I spent a few hrs this weekend doing dev-type things, and i don't even count it. its just who I am.19:55
snap-lMan, DIck Clark passed away.19:55
greg-gI actually kind of like his use of bots to tell him things like the weather, the theme, ugh http://matrix.jpope.org/20:02
rick_hjrwren: yea, but you do things outside of work. You didnt' get this new job based on only things you learned during your day job20:09
jrwrenoh definitely.20:20
rick_hGet your long awaited Lococast! http://lococast.net/archives/58520:21
snap-lWOo hoo!!!20:33
rick_hsnap-l: found a way to link by middle-clicking them and getting them in a new window20:33
=== AaronThul_ is now known as AaronThul
snap-lOK< this is ballsy22:55
snap-lGuy joins ubuntu-mi identi.ca group22:56
snap-land then favorites my "Seeing a 20:1 spammer to user ratio in the Ubuntu MI group. Wondering if it's possible to just delete the group and have done with it." post22:57
greg-gyeah, he favorited one of mine, too22:58
greg-gnot a spam related one, though22:59
snap-lI'm not sure if he's a spammer22:59
greg-ghe sure is favoriting a lot of notices:22:59
greg-ggrr, sorry23:00
greg-gman, that big red button with a "2" in it is sooo tempting..... :)23:17
rick_hgreg-g: dooooo it!@23:47

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