
nathwill!dc 1+302:25
orebuntu_dc: stack empty02:25
kees!dc 1 3 +05:23
kees!dc 1 3 + p05:24
sbeattieawwww, doesn't support bc05:47
kees!bc 2 + 207:29
keesit filters ! though07:29
kees!bc !uname -a07:29
sbeattiekees: hunh, orebuntu_ gave me a privmsg saying it didn't know about bc07:30
keesthere are two bots :P07:30
sbeattieoh! doh!07:30
sbeattie!uname -a07:30
keesyeah, dunno what the other is running, but orebuntu_ is hackabot07:33
sbeattiemind you, I have a shell right over → there that has bc, dc, et alia, so it only serves as a hack-the-vm-that's-running-the-bot challenge.07:34
sbeattie!bc limits07:37
orebuntu_BC_BASE_MAX     = 214748364707:38
orebuntu_BC_DIM_MAX      = 1677721507:38
orebuntu_BC_SCALE_MAX    = 214748364707:38
orebuntu_BC_STRING_MAX   = 214748364707:38
orebuntu_MAX Exponent    = 922337203685477580707:38
orebuntu_Number of vars  = 3276707:38
* sbeattie suspects bc's read command would be problematic07:42
keesi think the plugin driver closes stdin.07:42
keesthough I did report this grep arg leak...07:42
kees!googlepage msg . --version07:43
lubotu1kees: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:43
orebuntu_Going to search google...07:43
orebuntu_grep (GNU grep) 2.1007:43
orebuntu_Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.07:43
orebuntu_License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.07:43
orebuntu_This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.07:43
orebuntu_There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.07:43
orebuntu_Written by Mike Haertel and others, see <http://git.sv.gnu.org/cgit/grep.git/tree/AUTHORS>.07:43
orebuntu_When . is googled, --version is found on page 1: http://www.google.com/search?q=.&start=007:43
keesbkerensa: we're playing with the bot :)07:44
bkerensai know right07:44
bkerensaI just expected silence :P07:44
bkerensaand my scrollback showed activity :D07:44
bkerensakees: will you make it to Precise Release Party? We would love to have you07:45
bkerensaand you sbeattie07:45
keesi think so, yeah07:45
keeshave details been settled?07:45
bkerensakees: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-or/1609/detail/07:45
bkerensaPizza/Beer/Soft Drinks and PuppetLabs :)07:45
sbeattieoh, wow, a day without a kidlets' soccer game. I may have to *shudder* be social.07:48
bkerensaI just go for the beer :P07:56
bkerensanah but its pretty fun.... after our last release party we all migrated to GroundKontrol for some Pac Man07:57
sbeattiebkerensa: ummmm, you may want to kill one of orebuntu_'s threads; -f/dev/urandom was probably a bad idea to pass to grep. Oops.08:27
bkerensasbeattie: I will let nathwill know :D08:39
* bkerensa goes to bed08:39
keessbeattie: hacker! :)15:31
sbeattiekees: ITYM, bad hacker, no donut. :-/15:36
sbeattienathwill: bkerensa tells me orebuntu_ is your bot; there may, uh, be a grep process running spawned by it that is reading from /dev/urandom in perpetuity that you'd probably want to kill.15:37
sbeattieyeah. at least, googlepage msg . -f/dev/urandom never returned.15:38
nathwilliinteresting.. checking now15:38
nathwilldone and done.15:39
nathwillthx for the heads up sbeattie15:40
sbeattienathwill: sorry about that.15:41
nathwillsbeattie, no worries... if you can cause a problem by passing commands to a bot, the bot's configured wrong15:41
nathwillthanks for pointing it out :)15:41
=== nathwill is now known as nathwill_afk
lubotu1Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)17:06
nathwill_afk!hipsterfight metallica pabst17:14
lubotu1nathwill_afk: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:14
orebuntu_nathwill_afk: pabst wins with 8,620,000 vs. metallica with 151,000,000, a difference of 142,380,000 results.17:14
=== nathwill_afk is now known as nathwill
bkerensanathwill: How much pizza do we need and what kind18:11
bkerensaThis is going to be a busy week... Some swag providers are waiting till today to ship stuff which means Im likely going to get hit with Fedex deliveries18:12
nathwillwell... i'm a fan of the mixed veggie/meat pizzas18:21
nathwillthough a pepp and a cheese are mandatory for groups18:21
nathwillbkerensa: i'm not really picky18:21
bkerensanathwill: http://www.pizzicatopizza.com/our-food/sample-menu/18:27
bkerensaI think last time we got five or 6 pies18:27
bkerensaone veggie and one pepperoni with the best being speciality18:27
bkerensaI guess Ill just pick some random stuff and ping the sponsor to put the catering order in18:27
bkerensahi jhmextern18:47
bkerensajhmextern: will you be joining us for the release party on the 29th?18:47
jhmexternhi bkerensa18:47
jhmexternI wish I could, but it is a long drive from here :(18:48
jhmexternbut keep us posted in the IRC and loco site. please, about how it goes.18:49
bkerensajhmextern: ok18:51
bkerensajhmextern: I might try to organize a state road trip this summer so we can go to underserved areas :D18:51
jhmexternbkerensa: sounds like an excellent idea, count us in.18:52
bkerensanathwill: you around?20:11
bkerensanathwill: I just cc'ed you in a e-mail to Community Council RE Fairness, Transparency and Equality in the LoCo Approval Process20:13
nathwillhey bkerensa20:22
nathwilljust got back from lunch, will read the mail20:23

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