
mhall119daker__: email marianna, she'll know which one you need00:21
daker__mhall119: already done00:22
nigelbdaker__: hey04:25
dakernigelb, http://i.imgur.com/xUt6t.png can you help ?11:48
nigelbdaker: the last time I applied, I took the address of CAnonical from the website11:55
czajkowskidaker: did you talk to marianna ???11:55
dakerczajkowski, i sent here an email yesterday11:56
czajkowskiok let me go and see if I can poke her11:56
czajkowskino point in guessing the information11:56
czajkowskiit needs to eb correct11:56
nigelbdaker: So, if marianna hasn't replied, you could try calling her on the phone.12:54
dakernigelb, she did, just got the mail12:57
czajkowskiI just pinged her13:04
czajkowskishe's doing visa letters13:04
steveedwardsmhall119: Hey Michael. You there?13:17
mhall119hey steveedwards, doing well13:25
steveedwardsmhall119: Cool. How's your workload looking at the minute? Might you be able to help add something to UDS?13:25
mhall119steveedwards: through WP or code?13:28
steveedwardsmhall119: Code. It's not a huge job – just marking up a schedule for UDS.13:29
steveedwardsmhall119: Actually, I can't see a reason why the schedule can't go on summit.u.c, if a) cjohnston agrees and b) it makes it easier for you.13:33
dakerczajkowski, thanks, btw i don't know if there is enough time to request a visa letter13:49
cjohnstonI think the schedule link should point to summit.. steveedwards mhall11913:56
steveedwardscjohnston: I'm not sure there are any links in the schedule I'm referring to. It's an evening events programme.13:57
steveedwardscjohnston: Suitable for summit.u.c. you think, or should it live on uds.u.c?13:58
cjohnstonit can live on summit13:58
steveedwardscjohnston: Sweet.13:58
cjohnstonbut it would be on the daily scheudle13:58
cjohnstonwe dont currently have a way to display evening events seperate13:58
cjohnstonmhall119: thoughts?13:59
cjohnstonthat would be another reason to do the cms13:59
mhall119steveedwards: it should be on uds.u.c for this cycle, and we can talk about adding functionality to summit.u.c for the next one14:00
steveedwardsmhall119: Okay, cool. Do you have the time to add it to UDS? I'm flat out with the new download pages at the minute.14:03
mhall119steveedwards: sure, send me the info14:03
steveedwardsmhall119: Fantastic, thank you.14:04
cjohnstonmhall119: do you know what this stuff is for: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/trunk/view/head:/summit/schedule/render.py#L70914:06
mhall119cjohnston: no idea, it's been there a long time though14:08
cjohnstonsafe to remove it?14:08
mhall119yeah, it's all commented out anyway14:08
cjohnstonmhall119: whats your thought on Bug 98470114:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 984701 in Summit "Proposed meetings uses stale data" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98470114:19
mhall119cjohnston: I'm not clear on what the problem is14:57
cjohnstonmhall119:  the bug.. I understand it to be he changes his name in lp and it isnt immediatly updated in sunnit15:18
mhall119log out and back it to update your own username15:19
mhall119if it's someone else's username, they should just be patient15:19
cjohnstoni think its theirs15:28
cjohnstonit isnt username15:28
cjohnstonits realname15:28
cjohnstonmhall119: do you remember when you added markup to ltp15:29
mhall119bzr does though15:29
cjohnstonim trying to find i15:29
cjohnstonI made it back to october15:30
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dakerczajkowski, btw i don't know if there is enough time to request a visa letter ?17:41
czajkowskidaker: I've no idea about those things.17:42
czajkowskiI thought you;d have applied ages ago17:42
dakerczajkowski, i just got my passport17:42
czajkowskioh :/17:43
nigelbdaker: A pdf of the letter will be emailed to you, which you can print out.18:00
nigelbdaker: Not too late.18:01
dakernigelb, should i ask for it ?18:01
dakermhall119, cjohnston nigelb czajkowski thanks you all :D18:52
mhall119daker: good luck18:53
dakermhall119, you were right!18:54
mhall119about what?18:54
daker2 months is very short ツ18:54
mhall119heh, yeah18:54
nigelb2 months is extra time for visa. Not for passport :P18:54
cjohnstonwe have fought many times to get it longer18:54
dakernigelb, yes18:54
dakernigelb, the passport and the ID card18:55
czajkowskithere are only 6 months in a release they can't do it any earlier18:56
czajkowskiapplying for passports before applynig for sponsorship is what should be encouraged18:56
mhall119we just need to optimize governments18:56
* mhall119 files a bug18:57
cjohnstonmhall119: good luck18:57
czajkowski*cough* no need for a visa for ireland :)18:57
dakerczajkowski, lucky18:57
czajkowskiyou also don't have to pay for an online esta wavier either *mutters*18:58
cjohnstonwe are trying to figure out a way to get to Ireland19:00
Amozcjohnston, walk19:00
cjohnstonnot very easy to get there walking19:00
dakercjohnston, paddling19:02
daker__hey nigelb20:35
daker__cjohnston: can you help ?20:41
daker__Address and Phone Number of Point of Contact20:41
daker__i need to mention a U.S. Street Addres/phone etc...20:42
cjohnstondaker__: pm20:44
cjohnstonnigelb: you listed another community member on your visa thing right?20:45
czajkowskidaker: the hotel???21:15
daker__czajkowski: cjohnston did the necessary21:48
daker__cjohnston: application done, now scheduling an appointment21:49
czajkowskidaker__: best of luck21:50
daker__czajkowski: THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH :D21:51
czajkowskidaker__: looking forward to meeting you in person21:53
daker__czajkowski: I'm a shy kind of person21:54
czajkowskidaker__: well please say hi21:55
cjohnstondaker__: we wont let that last too long21:55
daker__czajkowski: sure :)21:57
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=== AlexAv is now known as Alex_Av
daker__cjohnston: ok now i am done, appointment tuesday22:19

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