
RAOFhyperair: What do you mean by "pixel perfect scrolling"?  You mean the smooth-scrolling that gtk3 gets?00:19
hyperairRAOF: yeah that00:19
hyperairRAOF: i just wrote a small test program that dumps out the delta_x/y that it receives via GDK_SMOOTH_SCROLL_MASK, and will test it otu the next time my scrolling freezes up00:20
RAOFI've noticed that it dies in evolution sometimes, but I chalked that up to evolution struggling on the challenging internet connection I have here.00:20
hyperairin this case it dies in everything that uses Gtk3's GtkScrolledWindow00:20
hyperairthe last time this happened, i ran an evince window in gdb and found that it was generating + and - delta_y events which were cancelling each other out00:22
RAOFAh, right.00:22
RAOFYeah, now noticed that.00:22
hyperairreloading the psmouse module fixes it00:23
RAOFRa raw.00:24
RAOFThat's test-xi2 output.00:25
RAOFLooks like the raw valuator is fine, but the cooked valuator is stuck at -2147483648.0000:25
hyperairwhat's this cooked valuator?00:26
RAOFThe thing that GTK listens to.00:26
RAOFie: it's the value of the axis after any acceleration, processing, etc.00:27
hyperairi see00:29
hyperairSarvatt: ping00:45
hyperairwhat's the gesture that's hooked up to opening the dash?00:45
Sarvatthyperair: 4 finger tap00:49
hyperairhow does 2 finger scrolling end up as a 4 finger tap..00:51
hyperairand in the first place, how is utouch even working when the utouch patch has been disabled?00:51
hyperairRAOF: is it safe to bring up the 117_gestures.patch yet?00:53
hyperairperhaps that's the key to this00:53
Sarvatt117_gestures.patch is obsolete after real multitouch00:55
hyperairi see00:56
hyperairi'm not getting "real multitouch" on my laptop though00:56
hyperairevince and eog no longer respond to pinch and rotate00:56
hyperaircould you try disabling coasting and seeing if that helps?00:57
* RAOF suspects integer overflow01:10
RAOFYeah, something's overflowing.01:19
Sarvattwell that was fun, took 20 minutes to get into a unity 3d session again trying to restart lightdm, so much for staying off the pc on a sick day :)01:23
RAOFSarvatt: You're sick?  Boo :(01:24
Sarvattwas just getting dumped back to the greeter, trying 0ubuntu5 out now01:24
Sarvattodd thing is, i couldn't reproduce it in a guest session01:24
RAOFYou've probably got an odd setting.01:30
RAOFhyperair: Have you filed a bug?01:31
Sarvatti'll invalidate out the bug if i still dont notice it tomorrow01:33
RAOFhyperair: Also, I don't suppose you know whether the same problem occurs with evdev?01:34
RAOFHm, actually, evdev can't duplicate it because it won't have a scroll valuator.  Bah.01:34
hyperairRAOF: you mean regarding the valuator?01:35
hyperairRAOF: i haven't filed a bug, actually. i was looking for a way to reproduce this01:35
hyperairit randomly happens, but often enough to get annoying01:35
RAOFhyperair: Well, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to reproduce it by just continually 2-finger scrolling down.01:35
hyperairoh it's happened01:35
hyperairhmm turns out that it's emitting GDK_SCROLL events with GDK_SCROLL_SMOOTH direction with delta_x=0 and delta_y=001:41
bjsniderSarvatt, turns out the 295.40 blob doesn't work on anything less than or equal to the g80, which is what the 8800gts.gtx have. that's a minor snafu01:45
RAOFhyperair: Yeah, that's exactly right.01:48
RAOFAnd if you check out xinput test-xi2, you'll find that the scroll events all have a valuator of -2147483648.0001:48
RAOFAnd it's *stuck* on that value, so delta_x is obviously 0.01:49
hyperairRAOF: no, delta_y01:50
hyperairdelta_x is still working01:50
RAOFBah, that's what I meant.01:50
hyperairwhere's test-xi2 anyway?01:52
RAOFxinput test-xi2 $DEVICEID01:52
hyperairwhoops, when i scroll on that window compiz detects it on the root window (i think) and switches the deskto01:54
=== Sinnerman is now known as Cobalt
kklimondahow are fglrx packages versioned? the amd driver on their website has version 12.3, but we are at 2:8.96015:54
kklimondawell, that I can see ;15:55
tjaaltonthe version we have is what the driver says it is. amd uses some year.release schema15:55
kklimondatjaalton: that's.. confusing15:57
kklimondapeople go to the amd website, see that their version is at 12.3 and go all like "omg, ubuntu drivers are so out of date - I have to update" and proceed to breaking their system15:57
tjaaltontseliot: maybe the fglrx package could mention the "marketing version" on the package description?15:59
kklimondain all the time I've spent on my LoCo channel using upstream nvidia/amd drivers have been the biggest source of support questions15:59
jcristauit's all part of an evil plan to make people stop wanting to install those drivers15:59
kklimondaalso, because people are sort of smart they know they have to remove all the packages with nvidia in the name to install upstream nvidia driver16:00
kklimondaand by doing that they remove nvidia-common which would prevent nvidia installer from installing the driver ;)16:00
tjaaltongood for them16:00
kklimondaand then they go their merry way telling others how bad Ubuntu is ;)16:01
kklimondawhich isn't that good ;)16:01
tjaaltonlet's move that to jockey then16:01
kklimondaI'm pretty sure the battle is completely lost16:03
kklimondaa lot of new ubuntu users are so called "power users" from windows16:03
kklimondaand power users know exactly enough to destroy their systems ;)16:03
kklimonda(especially how to copy and paste random scripts from the web)16:03
tjaaltonwith 'sudo' on every line16:04
tseliottjaalton: do you think they would look for the driver version in the package description?16:09
tjaaltontseliot: where do they get the package version?-)16:09
tseliottjaalton: either Jockey or update-manager, I'd say16:10
tjaaltondoesn't it show the description too16:10
tseliotmaybe Jockey does it16:10
* tseliot can't remember16:10
tseliotupdate-manager does not16:11
tjaaltonjust leave it as is16:12
tseliottjaalton: and that would require one more manual step in the packaging16:12
tjaaltonsoftware-center doesn't show it16:12
tjaaltonno idea where the text is from16:12
tseliotP.S. marketing versions are crazy :P16:14
JanCkklimonda: s/power users/tweakers/   ;)17:52
kklimondaJanC: potatoe potato ;)17:55
JanCnah, lots of power users don't have time to tweak all day18:09
JanCalthough maybe that would only affect the frequency of breaking their system  ;)18:11
marsHi everyone, quick question: I am trying to run intel_gpu_dump on Precise and found that the program is missing.  Was it renamed?18:29
albert23mars: you don't need it anymore. If the gpu hangs, it will dump contents automatically in /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_error_state18:57
marsalbert23, that's what I thought, thanks19:18
tjaaltonbryceh: was there a kernel build with drm-intenl-next-queued somewhere? I only see -next on the mainline ppa20:06
brycehtjaalton, yes20:08
brycehsince Intel renames their branch-to-test so frequently we decided to just give it our own naming, which is drm-intel-experimental20:09
brycehcurrently that maps to daniel's drm-intel-next-queued20:09
tjaaltonoh there it is20:09
tjaaltonhad to reload the page :)20:09
brycehwhen they switch to drm-intel-proposed-next-testing-queued-really, we can just update the mapping :-)20:10
tjaaltonyeah I noticed the discussion you had the other day :)20:10
brycehhopefully if they change it again, we can catch it sooner20:19
brycehseems this time it changed in january, but I only realized it this past week20:20
tjaaltonjesse asked poolie to test it to see if it fixes bug 745112, that's why I was asking20:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745112 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "[arrandale] desktop is messed up with external monitors (x86_64)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74511220:24
* bryceh nods20:25
brycehtjaalton, hey do you know offhand what package provides the scripts for dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration?20:28
tjaaltonbryceh: keyboard-configuration? :)20:30
tjaaltonthat's the package name being configured20:30
brycehduh, ok thanks :-)20:30
brycehoh, but source package is our old friend console-setup20:31
tjaaltonyeah, ok20:31
brycehbingo, found the bug :-) 20:33
tjaaltonis it 985065?20:39
brycehtjaalton, that's right20:54
cndbryceh, as soon as I get a couple more reviewed-bys on my input patches from whot I plan to push a big SRU for xorg-server with them22:15
cndit would help to have someone else on the ubuntu side double check the patches just for sanity22:15
cndI have them all here: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~cndougla/xserver/log/?h=input-fixes22:16
cndthey were all found as I was attempting to fix bug 97488722:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 974887 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "unity 3d touch stops registering clicks" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97488722:16
cndso basically, I'm giving you a heads up, and if you have some spare moments and feel like reviewing them ahead of time, please do22:17
cndRAOF, you too22:17
cndoh, I forgot to mention that I won't be including the last two commits because they would be ABI breaks and I don't think anyone will use them in precise22:18
brycehcnd, ok, got a few plates in the air at the moment, but will review them when things calm down22:19

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