
inetprosuperfly: why would you want to do that?07:38
inetprogood mornings everyone07:38
kbmonkeygoo mornings o/07:39
superflyinetpro: just for kicks... to show all the naysayers that KDE doesn't need to look like anything07:42
inetprosuperfly: I hope you're not going to leave it like that07:46
superflydunno, seeing what it's like for the moment07:46
inetprothe default one line is more than good enough for me 07:47
inetprotbh I don't think it will ever be he same as the Unity 07:48
inetproUnity really has something unique to it, which is nice07:50
inetprobut for now I still prefer KDE07:51
magespawnGood day all.11:12
kbmonkeywana see some really cook gadget nlsthzn ?12:18
nlsthznkbmonkey: Nice... the type of thing a scriptkiddie like me uses to go to jail12:20
nlsthznmakes me think of the pineapple the peeps @ hak5 made12:21
=== nlsthzn is now known as not_found
=== not_found is now known as nlsthzn
kbmonkeyscript kiddie? he he, nope. its for pen testing12:41
kbmonkeycontractors come into your business and does a security audit12:41
kbmonkeybig business12:41
kbmonkeytrueism is to protect yourself, you need to know everything about your system12:43
nlsthznsounds paranoid12:43
kbmonkeylol :]12:44
kbmonkeynot when businesses run their most sensitive information on windows machines ;)12:44
kbmonkeyoff to do some java, have fun 12:46
Kerberoi like to do blue mountain more12:46
AlphaGuyyGreetings :) irc'lings13:12
nlsthznHey everyone, I would like you to meet AlphaGuyy ... he is from Mars14:06
nlsthzn:p just joking with you AlphaGuyy ... what can I help you with?14:06
AlphaGuyyWhere can one get latest ubuntu.iso disks? Cape town area?14:12
Kerberowifi networks14:12
nlsthznthere are a number of people of the ZA LoCo in Cape Town... especially around Stellenbosch... perhaps one of them can send you a a disc... I am just not sure who exactly14:14
AlphaGuyyGot someone.14:24
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
yousirydo you guys like Die Antword?16:15
yousiryI need some recommendation on som other cool SA music16:15
Kerberodie heuwels fantasties16:17
Kerberolaurika rauch16:18
Kerberobles bridges16:18
Kerberoge korsten16:18
Kerberovalient swart16:18
yousirywill chekc them out16:19
yousiryim listening to the first one fokofpolisiekar16:21
yousirysounds like punk rock16:21
yousiryis it all punk rock?16:21
yousirythis is cool16:23
yousirydo you know these?16:23
Kerberono it is quite different genres16:30
Kerbero"thou shalt not question steven fry"16:31
yousirystephen frey16:31
yousiryyou really shouldnt question him16:31
yousirythe beatles16:32
yousiryjust a band16:32
Kerberoespecially not his sexuality16:32
yousiryled zeppelin16:32
yousiryjust a band16:32
yousirythe clash16:32
yousiryjust a band16:32
Kerberoso question, how is this ubuntu related?16:33
yousiryits not i just needed some names of sa bands16:33
yousiryand music16:33
Kerberohehe ok16:33
yousiryI found the Ulysses of "why php sucks" post http://me.veekun.com/blog/2012/04/09/php-a-fractal-of-bad-design/16:44
AlphaGuyyUbuntu question.16:46
AlphaGuyyWhat's the minimum req. For unbunt 1216:46
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
Kiloshiya superfly and others17:53
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
Kiloslo Kerbero[afk] Banlam 18:04
Kiloshmmm--- buncha lurkers18:06
Kiloshi AlphaGuyy 18:10
Kilosfirst time here AlphaGuyy 18:12
AlphaGuyyYes it is.18:12
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za18:13
AlphaGuyyThank you.18:13
Kilosare you an ubuntu user/18:13
AlphaGuyyUhm. Yes.18:13
AlphaGuyyDecided to install a cd i had from way back.18:14
Kiloslol how far back is that?18:14
AlphaGuyyManaged to get internet working. Via dialup18:14
Kilosubuntu has advanced in leaps and bounds18:15
AlphaGuyyYeah iv discovered that. Today.18:15
AlphaGuyyWich brought me here.18:15
Kiloshas it been wanting to upgrade all the time18:15
Kilosdo you need help?18:15
AlphaGuyySo. Now . 9.04 no longer supported.18:16
Kilosya its outa date18:16
AlphaGuyyI cant afford to download .is018:16
Kiloseish join the family18:16
Kiloswhere are you?18:16
AlphaGuyyOr the 5pounds 18:16
AlphaGuyyCape Town18:17
Kilosthere is a release party there soon and you can get the latest cd18:17
AlphaGuyyCurrently using jmirc and 1mb data 18:17
AlphaGuyyWhereabout. I emailed 1 of the guys on the website.18:18
AlphaGuyy28th april to be released.18:18
Kilosdo you belong to our mailing list18:18
Kilosthere are lotsa guys in capetown18:18
AlphaGuyyNo. I registered on site tho18:18
Kilosjoin our list18:19
AlphaGuyyNew to the whole linux scene been a while also.18:19
Kilosthere are also ubuntu hours around there quite often18:20
AlphaGuyyHow do i join.18:20
Kilosjust mail to that list and someone will give you the relevant info18:20
Kilosor ask here18:20
AlphaGuyyThanx kilos18:21
Kilosbut mosta the guys are super busy so one has to be patient here18:21
Kilosyou are welcome18:21
AlphaGuyyYeah i've noticed.18:21
Kilosare you still studying?18:22
AlphaGuyyNever have.18:24
zerefhi guys :-)18:24
Kiloshey zeref 18:24
AlphaGuyySelf taught.18:24
Kilosah i was gonna tell you you can get ubuntu cds at the varsities18:24
Kilosfreedom toasters at varsities burn ubuntu to cd for you18:25
Kilosyou just gotta get there with your blank cds18:26
AlphaGuyyDoes the newer versions require any hardware upgrades tho?18:28
Kilosthe latest needs a good graphics card18:29
Kiloswhat pc do you have18:29
AlphaGuyyPlan to install on oldr pc18:30
Kiloshow old?18:30
AlphaGuyyCompaq presario 6000series18:31
AlphaGuyyGot dumpd by ownr. Salvaged it18:31
AlphaGuyyHas onboard nvidia18:32
Kilosi dont know pcs at all have to go by specs to see18:32
AlphaGuyyAmd cpu. 1.8ghz18:32
Kiloscpu speed?18:32
Kilosthats fine18:32
AlphaGuyy512mb ram18:32
Kilosmore ram would be better18:32
zerefits fine, you might not get full eye candy18:32
AlphaGuyyGames run nice.18:33
AlphaGuyyManages to play c.o.d18:33
AlphaGuyyWith 9.04 i had effects on a lenovo laptop intel graphix. I cant remembr how i got compiz config n intel graphcs to work but it did..18:37
Kilosinetpro, slaap jy al weer?18:37
inetpronee ek kyk na die weer18:37
Kiloshahaha naand boetie18:38
inetproKilos: hi :-)18:38
Kiloshey magespawn 18:38
inetprowie is die aanbieders van die weer prgram op RSG?18:38
Kilosgot some news for you magespawn 18:38
magespawnHi kilos18:38
inetproKilos: huiswerk van my dogter 18:38
magespawnEvening all18:38
inetproheh magespawn18:38
Kilosinetpro, google is jou vriend18:39
inetproweet nie waar kom hulle aan sulke snaakse idees van huiswerk nie18:39
inetproaltyd sulke onmoontlikke goed wat geen hond kan haar afmaak nie18:40
inetprogoogle weet nie veel van afrikaans nie18:40
inetproen die woord weer is op ongeveer elke afrikaanse bladsy op die web18:41
Kilosman google rsg18:41
Kilosinetpro, http://www.rsg.co.za/18:43
inetproKilos: dit help nie veel nie18:43
inetproek was al daar 18:43
inetprote veel aanbieders op die lys 18:44
Kilosse hulle niks van aanbieders nie18:44
Kilosen hier  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Sonder_Grense18:45
Kilosinetpro, ^^18:47
Kilosof bel hulle18:48
magespawnWhat use a telephone? To call someone for information?18:49
magespawnDo people still do that?18:49
Kiloslol have you a better idea magespawn 18:49
inetprowie luister nog heeldag na rsg?18:50
magespawnNo but I am not sure how it works, what do you do? Do you need any special software?18:50
Kilosmaaz google email address for radio_sonder_grense18:50
MaazKilos: "Radio Sonder Grense - 101.5 FM Johannesburg - Listen Online" http://tunein.com/radio/Radio-Sonder-Grense-1015-s6403/ :: "RSG - Dis die een! || Tuisblad" http://www.rsg.co.za/ :: "Radio Sonder Grense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Sonder_Grense :: "Radio - RSG Radio Sonder Grense - LyngSat Address" http://www.lyngsat-address.com/or/RSG-Radio-Sonder-Grense.html :: "Radio Online RSG Radio Sonder 18:50
Kilosoh my18:50
Kilosmagespawn, to be able to fone18:51
Kilosyou can call friends via mxit on pidgin i think18:51
Kilosand most peeps have fones still methinks18:52
inetproag nee wat, die arme kind moet maar daai ene los18:53
Kilosslegte pa18:53
inetpromoet net invul 'stupid question'18:53
Kilosha ha ha18:53
Kilosgee hulle n youtube adres18:54
inetprowat is nou so leersaam oor die weer aanbieder?18:54
inetprowat maak dit saak wie dit is18:54
Kilosya dis eintlik dom ne18:54
KilosAlphaGuyy, pop in if you need help18:58
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:58
magespawnMaybe it is to show research skill18:58
Kiloscould be18:58
magespawnNight Kilos18:58
AlphaGuyyNight thanx18:58
magespawnI am also off, night all.19:00
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
zerefany U1 fundie here21:25
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]

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