
Nicolas_Leonida2bind9 fails to load where are the logs I could look at?00:00
celthunderzykotick9: hmm wonder why its depreciated00:00
n-iCecelthunder: there is nothing in resolv.conf and dhcpcd gices that the command was not found00:00
celthunderNicolas_Leonida2: in /var/log with all the others unless you set it to somewhere else00:00
n-iCeviolinappren: yes, says: eth': negotiated 100batetx-df link ok00:00
violinapprenn-iCe: the command is: dhclient eth000:00
celthundern-iCe: dhclient eth0 then and add nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf00:00
Nicolas_Leonida2celthunder: what is the log file called00:00
celthunderNicolas_Leonida2: try syslog? i cant remember its in one of the generic ones just tail a few till you find it00:01
violinapprencelthunder: n-iCe: dont edit /etc/resolv.conf directly, dhclient will overw00:01
violinapprenoverwrite it *00:01
celthunderviolinappren: thats why i said edit it afterwords...00:01
n-iCeok, be right back00:02
zykotick9violinappren: are you sure dhclient will overwrite it?  i know Network Manager does, but would be surprised if dhclient did.00:02
celthunderi have mine read only...i hate networkmanager and other crap messing with my settings.00:02
violinapprencelthunder: it will still get overwritten next time dhclient runs, the correct way to insert a name server there is by adding a directive in /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf00:02
violinapprenn-iCe: after you run dhclient, pastebin the output of the command: sudo route -n00:03
violinapprenzykotick9: ^^00:04
archboxmancelthunder: thanks again got to go to work ;00:04
zykotick9violinappren: thanks - i saw ;)00:04
archboxmancelthunder: thanks again got to go to work ;)00:04
celthunderarchboxman: later00:04
__r00t__what's the proper way of restarting your network ?00:04
archboxmanbye bye room00:04
celthunder__r00t__: there is none...shutdown probably the clients first then the layer 2 then layer 3 stuff i suppose00:05
alteregoa/etc/init.d/networking restart00:05
zykotick9alteregoa: lol00:05
__r00t__damn it00:05
celthunderalteregoa: uhm...that only restarts his pcs networking not his network00:06
__r00t__celthunder: what's wrong with alteregoa 's way of doing it ?00:06
alteregoaor something00:06
celthunder__r00t__: you need your isp to fully reboot your network they have to turn off there switch too...00:06
violinapprencelthunder: alteregoa: it may very well work, but it's hardly a way to debug a network problem00:06
zykotick9alteregoa: as soon as you say "/etc/init.d/ANYTHING" it's outdated for Ubuntu00:06
alteregoaor network-manager afaik00:06
__r00t__celthunder: can I have whatever you're smoking ?00:07
alteregoathen its sudo start or sudo stop network-manager00:07
alteregoawhatever the conventions change faster than a gorilla changes its panties00:07
gustavo_cmHi there. GParted shrunk my /home ext4 partition bud didn't update the superblock. How can I solve it? I tried fsck, but nothing.00:07
celthunderviolinappren: he asked how to reboot his network....i answered i didnt say he should do it __r00t__ ask better questions and you wont get stupid answers00:07
johnhambli am havin an issue with wine, not sure if anyone here is willing to help i ran it last night for the first time(world of warcraft) ran EXCELLENT i alt tabbed out of it ever since ive been getting errors when i try to load it again00:08
johnhamblfixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32ed20,0x00000000), stub!00:08
violinapprencelthunder: networks dont get "rebooted".. they get configured correctly00:08
__r00t__celthunder: ? <__r00t__> what's the proper way of restarting your network ?00:08
johnhamblalso i run wine wow.exe -opengl flag00:08
celthunderviolinappren: you can reboot all the harware in your network ...also i did say there isnt one00:09
violinapprencelthunder: you're abusing the term "reboot"00:09
zykotick9johnhambl: #winehq might be more help?00:09
__r00t__All I wanted to know is if I what's the best way to update your network settings if you've made changes to /etc/network/interfaces !00:09
wyldejohnhambl: try in #winehq00:09
alteregoawell reboot in tamarian language means rise when the walls fell00:10
violinapprenjohnhambl: i'd wipe the .wine directory in my home00:10
zykotick9johnhambl: careful with violinappren's suggestion above!!!00:10
violinapprenjohnhambl: zykotick9: yeap, that's just what I would do!00:10
zykotick9violinappren: that would delete all installed programs00:11
celthunderzykotick9: only from wine00:11
n-iCeit is working now!00:11
zykotick9violinappren: sharing that info might be important to the person!00:11
celthundern-iCe: glad to hear it00:11
lionofgodHello, I am using Ubuntu 11.10, When I watch videos, they are tinted blue, I have tried a few solutions online, but none have worked, can someone offer me a solution?00:11
violinapprenzykotick9: you're right, the tone was not enough00:11
n-iCecelthunder: I need my wifi now :p first I read I need network-manager is that a package?00:11
celthunderlionofgod: is your monitor plugged in all the way?00:11
lionofgodlet me double check00:12
celthundern-iCe: you dont need network manager but yes it is a package00:12
zykotick9lionofgod: do you have mplayer installed?00:12
celthunderlionofgod: hdmi vga or dvi and in all video players or one in particular00:12
celthunderalso all videos or just one00:13
lionofgodWhat is mpplayer?00:13
wylde!info mplayer00:13
ubottumplayer (source: mplayer): movie player for Unix-like systems. In component universe, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc4.dfsg1+svn33713-1 (oneiric), package size 2620 kB, installed size 5256 kB00:13
zykotick9celthunder: i take it you aren't familiar with the nvidia blue tint issue (it's with XV output actually)00:13
lionofgodalll videos ointernet00:13
zykotick9celthunder: oh - guess this is the new flash blue tint issue in this case.00:14
lionofgodAll videos on internet are tinted blue and my moniter is connected properly00:14
celthunderzykotick9: nope...i have an nvidia card all my videos work fine00:14
n-iCeok I', gonna install it but how do I install my wireless celthunder00:14
lionofgodI ahve tried using recommeneded nvidia driver and the other one but it does not work00:14
celthunderlionofgod: so flash? though zykotick9 apparently knows the issue00:14
pvssanjeevI dont think NVIDIA graphics drivers are installed and i am not able to install them00:14
zykotick9celthunder: for flash i got nothin'00:14
celthundern-iCe: modprobe your wireless module then iwconfig to connect..00:14
lionofgodno ideas?00:14
celthunderpvssanjeev: why not00:14
n-iCehow can I know my module00:14
violinapprenn-iCe: celthunder: not needed at all, if you're going to install and use network manager00:15
celthunderzykotick9 lionofgod :  so its just flash or ?00:15
pvssanjeevi have dnlded the .run file00:15
lionofgodIt is just flash00:15
violinapprenn-iCe: are you using a GUI? gnome, kde, ...00:15
pvssanjeevfrom the website00:15
lionofgodand I am using flash player00:15
celthunderpvssanjeev: run it from init 300:15
lionofgodon chromium00:15
celthunderlionofgod: then blame flash i guess...no ideas sorry00:15
lionofgodAlright thanks anyways00:16
wyldepvssanjeev: you'd be better off trying jockey-gtk first if you're using gnome.00:16
lionofgodAre their any other players that ahndle flash?00:16
violinapprenn-iCe: isn't there a icon in the top right corner of two opposing arrows?00:16
pvssanjeevI am on UBUNTU 11.1000:16
n-iCeviolinappren: no00:16
lionofgodI tried gnash but it failed horribly and would not play flash online00:16
celthunderpvssanjeev: ok?00:16
violinapprenn-iCe: how did you install ubuntu ?00:16
lionofgodI did not used to have this problem before but got it all of a sudden00:16
celthunderlionofgod: after an update or?00:17
lionofgodNot sure00:17
lionofgodCannot remember00:17
lionofgodsorry :(00:17
celthunderzykotick9: pm?00:17
lionofgodWhat version ubuntu you using celt?00:17
zykotick9lionofgod: it started with a flash update - i heard it even effected windows boxes as well.00:17
lionofgodIs it possible to roll back flash version?00:17
pvssanjeev"No proprietary drivers are in use"00:17
pvssanjeevthis is the popup i get00:17
celthunderlionofgod: none i use arch..i help in here because i can not because i use it00:17
lionofgodSo theirs no way to install an older version on flash?00:18
celthunderpvssanjeev: go to init 3 sudo run the .run file you got or install the prop drivers from the repo00:18
celthunderlionofgod: of course there is00:18
lionofgodCan you please tell me what version you are using?00:19
pvssanjeevgo to init 300:19
pvssanjeevhow do i get that?00:19
celthunderpvssanjeev: uhm go to a terminal and kill X00:19
celthunderpvssanjeev: tty1-6 should be free to use00:19
lionofgodcelthunder: What version of flash are you using?00:20
celthunderlionofgod: none.00:20
lionofgodThen how do you play flash videos?00:20
pvssanjeevI am very new to UBUNTU00:20
celthunderi dont flash is for morons and shitty web developers who cant do there job00:20
lionofgodSo how do you manage to watch videos on net?00:21
lionofgodIs their other software, if so what?00:21
celthunderi dl them?00:21
lionofgodthats inconveiniet00:21
celthunderlionofgod: use html5 then00:21
violinapprenpvssanjeev: open the dashboard by clicking the ubuntu logo, search for "driver" and click on the additional  drivers application00:21
lionofgodhtml5 works on all sites?00:21
celthunderpvssanjeev: ctrl alt f100:21
lionofgodhow would I use it?00:22
celthunderuse a browser that supports it?00:22
celthunderand if the site doesnt it isnt worth visiting probably00:22
violinapprenpvssanjeev: then you will be able to install nvidia drivers, no need for the .run file00:22
violinapprenpvssanjeev: and no need to switch to a terminal00:22
lionofgodAlright, I am signed up for youtube html500:23
lionofgodI am usign chromium00:23
lionofgodHow would I go about enabling chromium to use html5?00:23
celthunderit should already be enabled00:23
violinapprencelthunder: you're very unfamiliar with the ubuntu environment of doing things, arch is not ubuntu, i like arch actually but ubuntu provides a lot of tools to simplify the life of gnu/linux beginners00:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:24
lionofgodviolinappren: Do you have a better solution to flash blue tint problem?00:24
ox1dei still need help00:24
ox1deif anybody can help me00:24
celthunderviolinappren: i told him check the repos first hell even arch has the proprietary drivers in repo if he didnt listen thats not on me00:24
celthunderlionofgod: install an old version of flash00:24
celthunderlionofgod: if you really need it...00:25
violinapprenlionofgod: no im unfamiliar with it, zykotick9?00:25
wojuanyone talk about love?00:25
wylde!ot | woju00:25
ubottuwoju: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:25
lionofgodIm pretty sure he said he didnt know00:25
zykotick9violinappren: sorry, what are you asking about?00:25
celthunderzykotick9: blue flash issue.. lionofgod he said it was an update00:26
lionofgodzykotick9: blue tint on flash videos, do you know of any solutionss?00:26
violinapprenlionofgod:  zykotick9: are you familiar with the blue tint issue? are there well known solutions?00:26
lionofgodI've tried both Nvidia drivers thata re available00:26
lionofgodIve reinstalled flash00:26
zykotick9lionofgod: violinappren i have no idea about the flash issue - sorry.  I'm very familiar with nvidia+XV issue, but no idea on the flash problem.00:26
celthunderviolinappren: i think dropping an older so file in should work00:26
celthunderor whatever it was00:26
lionofgodviolinappren: How do i enable html5 in chromium?00:27
violinapprencelthunder: lionofgod: do NOT use older flash versions, they are vulnerable and they may be used to compromise your computer00:27
lionofgodhow about html5?00:27
celthunderviolinappren: i dont use flash at all00:27
violinapprenlionofgod: on youtube? go to http://www.youtube.com/html500:27
lionofgodI ahve it enabled on youtube00:27
lionofgodHow about for browser?00:27
violinapprenlionofgod: look at the bottom of the page00:27
synapseIs there a free/linux app for editing PDFs?00:28
lionofgoddont see00:28
zykotick9lionofgod: nothing required for chromium, just open the youtube page, right click on the video and see if it's flash or html500:28
violinapprenlionofgod: "Join the HTML5 Trial"00:28
lionofgodYes got it00:28
lionofgodThank you :D00:28
violinapprenlionofgod: yw00:28
celthunderzykotick9: can i pm you for a sec?00:28
lionofgodBut, is their anyway to enable html5 for other video sites eg. Dailymotion?00:28
lionofgodnvm found it00:29
lionofgodThanks a lot : D00:29
=== jlen is now known as palomer
=== arno is now known as Guest57626
SlypeDoes anybody can confirm to me if "cannot reserve MMIO region" means there is not enough memory for 64-bits OS? All versions of Ubuntu 64 seem to return this message at start. I have only 3GB RAM memory.00:33
CelltechOk. Installed an ISO to my DumbDrive and it's not booting00:34
violinapprenwoju: /joint #ubuntu-offtopic00:34
wojuviolinappren: ok00:34
wojuviolinappren: thanks00:34
wojuviolinappren: my nglish00:35
wojumy English is poor,what I should say when you say that?00:36
violinapprenSlype: looks like a (re-introduced?) kernel bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/57784200:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 577842 in linux (Ubuntu) "shpchp cannot reserve mmio region" [Low,Triaged]00:36
violinapprenSlype: what ubuntu version are you using?00:36
zykotick9Slype: i have a 64bit os on my 1GB EEEpc00:36
violinapprenwoju: this is how you join the other channel, type this in your chat window and you can talk about other topics on that channel00:37
zykotick9violinappren: actually it's /join not /joint ;)00:38
violinapprenSlype: does the system proceed to boot or gets halted after this message?00:38
violinapprenzykotick9: ahaha, thanks for correcting that! sleepy typing!00:38
SlypeAll the reproductions I used. All the same. I remember reading somewhere about MMIO region on 64 bit structure. I'm currently using 11.1000:39
zykotick9Slype: do you have any working livecds/installs?  can you "cat /proc/cpuinfo" from somewhere?00:39
SlypeWorks fine. I just wonder if it could boot quickly without it, violinappren00:39
zykotick9Slype: oh, so it does boot then?  never mind my question.00:40
wojuviolinappren: I see it,thanks00:40
violinapprenSlype: it just looks like an unsupported AMD chip, so seems harmless00:41
SlypeInteresting. Thank you very much violinappren00:41
violinapprenSlype: yw00:41
gustavo_cmHi there. GParted shrunk my /home ext4 partition bud didn't update the superblock. How can I solve it? I tried fsck, but nothing.00:44
CelltechInstalled 10.0 to my DumbDrive and it won't boot. iso problem? Flashdrive problem?00:46
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zykotick9Celltech: did you select the ?DumbDrive to install grub to?  in 10.04 that is required.00:47
CelltechWell I used uNetBootin00:48
=== core is now known as t4nkd
zykotick9Celltech: oh, you mean creating a LiveUSB - different issue, ignore me.00:48
CelltechYeah. What room would I chat that with?00:49
violinapprengustavo_cm: may help: http://linuxexpresso.wordpress.com/2010/03/31/repair-a-broken-ext4-superblock-in-ubuntu/00:49
zykotick9Celltech: here (sorta)00:49
CelltechOk. I don't know what's up with it. It worked fine before. I'm trying to go to Xubuntu 10.0400:49
violinapprenCelltech: did you try recreating it? sometimes the thumbdrive write just ... fails00:50
violinapprenCelltech: there's also "Startup Disk Creator"  an alternative to unetbootin00:51
CelltechYeah I tried 3 times. But I will format, try again, then F my bios and see if it's in there00:51
gustavo_cmviolinappren: thanks, I have already read that. Didn't help. This is more appropriate for my problem, but I use GPT instead of MBR and do not know how to procede: http://gparted-forum.surf4.info/viewtopic.php?id=1417200:51
zykotick9!msgthebot > invisiblek00:51
ubottuinvisiblek, please see my private message00:51
CelltechWhat's the best ntfs or FAT00:53
zykotick9Celltech: neither are POSIX compatible00:54
CelltechSo how should I format the drive before I put the iso on it?00:55
Celltechext 4?00:55
zykotick9Celltech: i think unetbootin requires FAT00:55
violinapprengustavo_cm: i guess the first thing would be replacing fdisk with a GPT supported tool, gdisk? i've never used GPT before00:55
violinapprenCelltech: for unetbootin? use FAT00:56
CelltechCrap. So it's gotta be a bios boot problem then00:56
Freedomhow i can join xchat with secure connection ?00:56
gustavo_cmviolinappren: yes, I have gdisk, which has no "dump" option ;/ I didn't find anything similar00:56
CelltechOk. Gonna try again. If something else doesn't work. I'll be back00:56
zykotick9Freedom: #freenode might have some insight on that?00:57
violinapprengustavo_cm: looks like there's a p command: http://www.rodsbooks.com/gdisk/walkthrough.html00:58
gustavo_cmviolinappren: yes, but I need to dump it to a file, edit this file and use it to remake the partition table.00:58
_cbjust overwrote an important file.  Is there a 'shadow' I can restore from?00:59
gustavo_cmviolinappren: but thanks00:59
=== Nano is now known as nekura
Freedomwhat #freenode means ?    i want to make my ip hidden to users on xchat00:59
konsumer|zZzHow can I un-install Unity and bring back Gnome?00:59
konsumer|zZzim using the latest beta00:59
zykotick9Freedom: #freenode is a channel, request a cloak there00:59
=== konsumer|zZz is now known as konsumerr
zykotick9!cloak | Freedom00:59
ubottuFreedom: To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.00:59
zykotick9konsumerr: reask in #ubuntu+101:00
violinapprengustavo_cm: the -b? http://www.rodsbooks.com/gdisk/sgdisk-walkthrough.html01:01
violinapprenkonsumerr: gnome 2 is gone...01:01
cordovalis there a way to change wallpaper programmatically every time i generate event for writing into the file or file change event? and have it always running like a system event?01:03
=== zzz-teligard is now known as Teligard
UnKwnhi I have installed google earth, but it is showing everything so creepy whats the problem01:03
cordovalsomething like AppleScript tell application "System Events"01:03
TeligardHi all01:03
cordovalthere must be a way in ubuntu right?01:03
Teligardcould someone help me get a Logitech gamepad to work in ubuntu 11.10?01:03
cordovalhow wallpapers that are dynamic generated?01:04
violinapprencordoval: inotify ?01:04
TeligardOr even better yet, an xbox360 controller to work (wired)01:04
pjotter1Hi everyone01:04
cordovalinotify would do that? violinappren ?01:04
elkycompiz is using a gig of resident memory :(01:04
gustavo_cmviolinappren: I have no sgdisk here.01:04
zykotick9Teligard: plug one (or both in) and see if /dev/input/js0 (or js1, if you have both) appears01:05
Teligardcompiz is rather resource intensive01:05
violinapprencordoval: it's an API for getting notified of file changes01:05
cordovalbut upon change hmm could be hmm01:05
elkycan i restart compiz without unity crapping out?01:05
violinapprengustavo_cm: look for a live cd that includes it?01:05
iNealI can't SSH to my server anymore. I get "Server unexpectedly closed the connection. Is there any way I can know what's causing it?01:05
gustavo_cmviolinappren: I used the "b" command on gdisk, the output is not human-readable.01:05
cordovaland i guess i have to have  a command to change wallpaper01:05
zykotick9elky: unity uses compiz - so i don't think so01:05
gustavo_cmviolinappren: it's binary ;/01:05
iNeal(I have an SSH sesstion running)01:05
Teligardzykotick9: I see js0 listed01:06
violinapprengustavo_cm:  that's... expected01:06
fishcookerhow to disable ctrl+alt+delete01:06
zykotick9Teligard: then the kernel sees that joystick!01:06
elkyiNeal, -vvvv will give you a verbose explanation of what the ssh connection attempt is doing as it happens01:06
Teligardzykotick9: but can't seem to convince pcsx2 to make user of it01:06
violinappreniNeal: ssh -vvv01:06
xblackany body know how rooting htc china ?01:06
zykotick9Teligard: verify that it's pointed to /dev/input/js0 - it might be /dev/js0 by default.01:06
violinappren!ot | xblack01:07
ubottuxblack: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:07
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gustavo_cmviolinappren: in http://gparted-forum.surf4.info/viewtopic.php?id=14172 the guy edited it and rewrote the MBR01:07
cordovalI guess now i need to know how to work with ubuntu wallpapers01:08
violinapprengustavo_cm: the -r option is of no help?01:09
Teligardgoing to reboot... brb01:09
iNealelky violinappren: How do I do it from Windows (putty)? And I actually do have a SSH session running from before it stopped working; can I see any logs that could help?01:10
violinapprencordoval: probably some dbus call, get a dbus browser and pook around01:10
violinappreniNeal: #windows01:10
violinapprencordoval: poke *01:10
cordovalso dbus, looking into that01:11
violinapprencordoval: you dont have to use C or python for any of this01:14
violinapprencordoval: you can talk to inotify and dbus using plain old bash scripts01:14
violinapprencordoval: but python would come in handy, yeah01:14
iNealviolinappren: Does this help? http://cl.ineal.me/0H292B370y1x3l0e2X2T01:14
violinappreniNeal: did you try logging in many times with an invalid password or so?01:15
violinappreniNeal: you may have gotten blacklisted by something like fail2ban01:15
iNealviolinappren: No, but I did install denyhosts01:15
violinappreniNeal: have you tried logging in from another IP?01:16
fishcookerhow to disable ctrl+alt+del01:16
iNealviolinappren: Worked, it was denyhosts01:17
iNealthanks :)01:17
violinappreniNeal: yw01:17
violinapprenfishcooker: /etc/init/control-alt-delete.conf01:19
gustavo_cmviolinappren: no, "r" gives me nothing useful.01:19
DiabolicalGamerHello Everyone01:20
DiabolicalGamerI'm attempting to setup Ubuntu 12.04 with MaaS, but I'm running into a road block.01:20
teligardzykotick9: Now to figure out where in pcsx2 to configure that.01:20
ZoffixHey. My dad—a complete Windows n00b—say wants to learn Linux. Do you guys have any good guides tailored specifically for people like him? I know in the past Ubuntu was Windows-user friendly, not sure how much it is now, with Unity and all....01:20
bazhang!manual | Zoffix01:21
ubottuZoffix: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:21
violinapprenZoffix: just install it for him and let him be :)01:21
ceti331kde is more like windows ?01:21
violinapprenyou may be surprised01:21
bazhang!12.04 | DiabolicalGamer01:21
ubottuDiabolicalGamer: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+101:21
teligardZoffix: your dad has good taste.01:21
DiabolicalGamerWhenever I boot a node I get this "init: cloud-init-nonet main process (256) killed by TERM signal"01:21
Zoffixviolinappren, I really want to just give him a CD and let him figure it all out by himself ^__^01:21
bazhangDiabolicalGamer, read the bots message    #ubuntu+1 for that01:22
violinapprenZoffix: way to go!01:22
bobweaverWhy are all freaking examples of gnu make in c or c++ I just what to learn the dang syntax not c or c++ I thought that it was used for way more then just c and c++ . If anyone knows of links that I can read that Dont use c or c++ that would be super duper cool. Here is what I am doing http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1960641    I am packaging this package for Ubuntu thanks01:22
Zoffixteligard, well, 10 years ago he actually condemned Linux and told me that no one in the world would ever write good software for free. I wonder what changed his mind lol :)01:22
violinapprenZoffix: unleash he's inner gnu/penguin :)01:22
violinapprenZoffix: usually this kind of people end up sending patches and writing docs :)01:23
teligardZoffix: Windblows ;)  They don't write good software adn DO get paid for it01:23
ZoffixSo true.01:24
ZoffixWell, thanks for the link. Have a good night!01:24
zykotick9teligard: sorry, i've never used pcsx2 before... no idea01:26
violinapprenbobweaver: seems to me like you just need a bash script with functions01:26
fishcookerthanks for quick response violinappren01:26
violinapprenbobweaver: make is a "build" tool, that's why c/c++ is all over the place :)01:26
violinapprenfishcooker: np01:26
teligardzykotick9: no prob.  I'm in efnet on the support page seeing if I can get some info01:26
bobweaveryeah but I need to have a make file so that I can make into .deb01:26
MyNickWasTakenHello. I need a little bit of help01:26
ceti331make can theoretically be used for building anything01:27
DiabolicalGamerThe #ubuntu+1 channel is bloody empty.01:27
teligardzykotick9: but thanks :-)  I really do appreciate it.  Atleast I know ubuntu recognizes the controller.01:27
bazhangDiabolicalGamer, be patient01:27
violinappren!ask | MyNickWasTaken01:27
ubottuMyNickWasTaken: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:27
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:27
violinapprenceti331: use the right tool for the job and you won't suffer so much :)01:27
bobweaverThe whole point of making the make file is to make a .deb not so end user can then install from repo01:27
fishcookerbtw is it possible to change the combination of buttons? violinapppren01:28
violinapprenfishcooker: consult the upstart manual, but i think, yes01:28
ceti331make is a dependancy graph manager which just happens to have some shortcuts built in for c/c++ build tools01:28
ceti331it could be used for compiling resources01:29
bobweaveryup like my upsource01:29
thomedydo i need  a server version of ubuntu or can i use reg 11.0101:29
violinapprenmake is arcane, fragile and very outdated01:29
thomedyif i want to push my lampp install out live01:29
ceti331whats the best replacement01:30
fishcookerwhere is the upstart manual?01:30
violinappren(speaking from a developer's point of view, of course it has a significant value in the unix eco system)01:30
ceti331i generally either use make or IDE01:30
bobweaver!dmz | thomedy01:30
ceti331qmake ? cmake ? jam ? any others?01:30
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Guest7063Hey.  I have a problem with Ubuntu recognizing my joystick.01:30
violinapprenceti331: as far as your example goes, you dont need any, just a bash script01:31
thomedywhat is dmz01:31
violinapprenfishcooker: ?01:31
bobweaverthomedy,  you should google if you want to push a server live01:31
ceti331compiling resources might have the same property as programs, i.e. dependancy graphs01:31
Laiceanyone any good with sshd01:32
Laicetried ubuntu-server but they're all asleep :P01:32
chris__Hey.  I'm having problems with Ubuntu recognizing my joystick.01:32
bobweaverkinda Laice01:32
thomedyi am i thought i might ask here too01:32
chris__The device doesn't even show up.01:32
fishcookerwhere is the upstart manual?01:32
Laiceeverytime we seed a keepalive in sshd_config we get connection refused01:32
chris__The weirdest part is that it was working just yesterday.01:32
violinapprenceti331: but not anywhere near  the complexity and sophistication required01:32
cordovalphp guys01:32
cordovalnot python01:33
ceti331is it possible to get linux machiens on a LAN to drag-drop files across the network in the GUI (nautilus?)01:33
ceti331q2 is that possible between linux & mac01:33
violinapprenfishcooker: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/01:33
MyNickWasTakenAlright. So, I've been trying to do a minimal installation of Ubuntu 11.10. I made a liveCD and booted into it, and began the installation. I selected my location and detected my keyboard layout and all. I then got to the network configuration stage. I have an ethernet cable plugged in, so it worked fine. I moved on to the next step. It asked me for a hostname. I gave it one, and it cut to a01:33
MyNickWasTakenpurple screen and just froze there. I waited for nearly an hour, and it was still on the purple screen. I rebooted and tried again. I did my location and configured the network, and then gave it my hostname. This time it got through. It asked me what mirror I wanted and I told it the standard US one. It asked me if I needed a proxy and I said no. It then cut to the purple screen again and froze.01:33
MyNickWasTakenDoes anyone know how to solve this? By the way the PC Is a Dell Inspiron 1720, 32 bit.01:33
FloodBot1MyNickWasTaken: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:33
fishcookerwhat a long.. long story01:34
fishcookerviolinappren :D01:35
violinapprenMyNickWasTaken: alt+ctrl+f3 should show you the installation log (and associated errors)01:35
MyNickWasTakenviolinappren: alright I may try that01:36
violinapprenfishcooker: such is life :)01:36
konsumerrgot answer from google lol01:36
MyNickWasTakenI doubt that.01:36
MyNickWasTakenI looked for a while01:36
sacarlsonMyNickWasTaken: funny I had that same problem with mini.iso  for version 10.04  when I used virtualbox  but when I tried a real box it worked01:36
MyNickWasTakenI tried it in VB and it did the same thing01:37
MyNickWasTakenI thought "oh, I'll just go for it"01:37
shadykhaninstalled 12.0401:37
MyNickWasTakenSure enough, it didn't work. Here is the pastebin of my whole shpiel if anyone needs it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/934837/01:37
shadykhanpicked a default background updating my background dissapeared01:37
shadykhanfantastic lol01:37
sacarlsonMyNickWasTaken: try ctl f2 and get a new console and see what errors are found in /var/log/syslog01:37
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chris__Ubuntu won't recognize the joystick I have connected to it.01:37
bobweaverLaice, chris__ does lsusb    see it if it is use that is01:38
bobweaverchris__ ^^ only sorry Laice01:38
sacarlsonMyNickWasTaken: I had a different problem when I tried mini.iso 12.0401:39
Laicei had a glimmer of hope then01:39
MyNickWasTakenOh and just another thing to note, now the ethernet doesn't work.01:39
MyNickWasTakenNow it goes to detecting DHCP.01:39
chris__It doesn't even show up as a device.01:39
cornfeedhow can i update a running system to reflect the changes made in /etc/resolv.conf01:40
murderhello, how can I make tcpdump show myself connecting to a localhost ipv6 inside my network?01:40
murderit seems its only showing external connections01:40
MyNickWasTakenI guess I'll try the Ctrl Alt F3 stuff01:40
MyNickWasTakenThanks guys, I may be back ;)01:41
=== carmelo is now known as Guest25082
HieberrrI need help :(01:42
HieberrrI just installed the latest 12.04, but I can't seem to be able to rearrange the lenses nor snap my windows to the edges.01:42
HieberrrI also can't seem to download the  ATI/AMD drivers through the "Additional Drivers", because it always fails.01:42
Guest25082so do i01:42
HieberrrAny help is appreciated.01:42
FloodBot1Hieberrr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:42
HieberrrAny help though?01:43
Guest25082how do i run windows applications on ubuntu01:43
kamilnadeemIf one is running Beta 2 of 12.04 so he will automatically be updated to Releases Candidate right?01:45
dlentz!final | kamilnadeem01:45
ubottukamilnadeem: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.01:45
HieberrrHow come I can't re-organize my lenses or snap my windows to the edges?01:46
kamilnadeemI just saw RC ISO's are out so came by to ask01:46
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kamilnadeemdlentz, thanks01:46
metaspikeGuest25082, you either install wine or run a virtual machine, or just use windows. :)01:46
dlentzHieberrr, use #ubuntu+1 for precise issues01:47
Hieberrr@dientz alright, thanks01:47
plainbot‘Canonical is not interested in the Linux kernel – The Inquirer’ - http://plainboards.com/!LinuxOSPro-news/thread/Tavf6AJ9/canonical-is-not-interested-in-the-linux-kernel--the-inquirer01:52
bazhang!ot | plainbot01:52
ubottuplainbot: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:52
DrManhattandoes 11.10 use a 2.6 kernel or is it on 3 now?01:53
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trismDrManhattan: 3.001:54
DrManhattanwell, fecal matter then. I guess linux is out on the spare box.01:56
DrManhattanI realize that the "solution" is to register and verify and then fill out an extensive bug report detailing these issues, I am not sure I am mentally up to it right now01:57
trismDrManhattan: 10.04 only has 2.6.3201:57
DrManhattanwell. that just blows.01:58
fishcookerviolinappren .. recently i've problem with asus battery... is ther any option to disable overwhelming feature on my nvidia gt520m01:58
fishcookerasus devoted that windows 7 is the best option for the user...  the battery going down quickly01:58
kanliotwhat's the difference between doing an apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade.... .and doing an upgrade in update manager?  (i'm running precise)01:59
DrManhattanhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/208012  <--- this is essentially the fix01:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252307 in linux (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #208012 Realtek 8168 installs as an 8169 and the Laptop has no network connection" [Undecided,Fix released]01:59
negativekanliot: update "updates" the list and "upgrade" installs the updates02:00
DrManhattanis there any kind of backwards compatibility with 2.6 as far as compiling modules?02:00
negativekanliot: to be clearer, the list of packages that have available updates is refreshed with the "update" command02:00
VergudoEstimado(a) Erik Schultz Rodriguez:02:00
Vergudo El Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT), le recuerda que la cita que solicitó para el día 18 de abril a las 10:04 a.m., debe ser confirmada en el siguiente  periodo:02:00
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Vergudo En caso de no confirmar su solicitud de cita en el período establecido, se reasignará a otro contribuyente.02:00
Vergudo “Cumplir nos beneficia a todos”02:00
mjb-testkanilot: the first two are via the command line, the second option is for people who prefer buttings and graphic progress bars02:01
negativekanliot: upgrade actually installs the package updates02:01
shadykhanif windows has the hosts file where i can redirect websites to go wherever whats the equivalent of this in ubuntu?02:02
kanliotnegative, so upgrade manager application does the exact same thing as "apt -get upgrade" ?02:03
DrManhattanis there any kind of backwards compatibility with 2.6 as far as compiling modules?02:03
fishcookeris there any process explorer that can kill spesific process via gui02:03
kanliotshadykhan /etc/hosts02:03
negativekanliot: yes. and the "check" button is update02:03
DrManhattanscrew it, I'll try it and see :)02:03
shadykhanthx kanliot02:03
* DrManhattan hands Dice-Man a cigarette02:04
jafoI have a 64-bit 12.04 beta system that I'm trying to install the AT&T VPN client (a 32-bit app) and it needs libssl and libcrypto, but those don't exist in /lib32.  "apt-cache search" doesn't show an obvious package to get a 32-bit version of that.  ia32-libs is installed, but doesn't seem to provide this like it used to.  Any pointers?  My google searches aren't turning up anything.02:05
jafovoortuck: j002:05
n0wjejafo, what about ia32-libs-gtk?02:07
enroxorzhey guys. how do i minimize thunderbird to tray02:07
negativeenroxorz: does it not work when you use Alt-F4?02:08
enroxorznegative, umm...negative02:08
jafon0wje: When I try to install it it says "selecting ia32-lib instead of ia32-libs-gtk".02:08
enroxorzit just closes02:08
=== imadkhan_ is now known as shadykhan
RoastedQuestion - Do HP scanners not just work OOTB with Ubuntu? I have one here that fails to work with both xsane and simple scan.02:11
jafon0wje: Yes?02:11
n0wjetry installing ia32-libs-gtk02:12
jafoI did, and said:02:12
jafon0wje: When I try to install it it says "selecting ia32-lib instead of ia32-libs-gtk".02:12
cordovalthis command is not working to change the image gconftool -t string -s /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename $PIC02:12
cordovalhow to change wallpaper on ubuntu?02:13
n0wjewell I tried02:13
jafoOk, thanks.02:13
yeikthere is no wallpaper on my ubuntu, its cli02:13
=== cute_bettong_ is now known as cute_bettong
cordoval/usr/bin/gconftool-2 --type string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename "$tempwallpaper" /desktop/gnome/background/picture_options $setting02:15
SlypeG'night all.02:16
murderwhats the package for /usr/lib/libdl*.so ?02:16
cordovalit does not work02:17
negativewhy doesn't ubuntu offer full disk encryption on the live cd?02:17
yeikcordoval, what doesn't work?02:17
cordovalhow to change background02:17
p`pwhats the package that allows you to use the commands encrypt and decrypt in console02:18
yeiknegative, most people don't need wde, just home folder encryption02:18
cordovalhow to change dconf from the command line? org.gnome.desktop.background.picture-uri02:19
yeikcordoval, are you on 11.10 and gnome?02:19
cordovalI am on 11.1002:20
cordovalgnome i guess is the default02:20
shadykhanwhat does this mean?02:20
shadykhan** (gedit:2755): WARNING **: Failed to call gedit service: Timeout was reached02:20
cordovalgsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri file:///home/user/Pictures/wallpaper/Stairslwallpaper.png02:20
cordovalwill try this02:20
yeiki thought they moved to unity cordoval02:21
cordovalis this unity then02:21
cordovalit just did something02:21
cordovalbut not sure if it is correct02:21
cordovali guess it does not take png but jpgs02:22
yeikthats possible02:22
l3dwhats the name that 10.10 uses as in 11.10 uses unity?02:41
zykotick9l3d: 10.10 ubuntu used gnome2 by default02:42
l3dok so can I install gnome2 on 11.1002:43
zykotick9l3d: no, gnome2 is no longer developed02:43
yeikl3d, try xfce i like it02:44
l3dnot my cup of tea02:44
yeiki think its the closest to gnome2 still under support02:45
l3dwell i will have to just stick with 10.1002:45
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.02:46
xangual3d: neither supported02:46
l3di know02:46
zykotick9l3d: running an unsupported ubuntu is NOT a good idea...02:46
l3d but it works its better then driving me back to win02:47
vishaltelangreGeneral error mounting filesystems - http://askubuntu.com/questions/123008/general-error-mounting-filesystems02:47
zykotick9l3d: 10.04LTS uses gnome2 and is supported for another year (debian squeeze for more then a year)02:47
yeikl3d, there are lots of graphical interfaces you can use.02:48
n0wjel3d, you could try debian squeeze it still uses gnome 2.3002:48
l3dwill look in to it thanks02:49
XabsterDo you know of a UI on top of rdesktop to connect to a windows machine via RDP?02:50
n0wjeI switched back to debian on all my machines. got away from unity.02:50
yeikXabster, you mean lik remmina?02:51
sacarlsonl3d:  like you I don't like to upgrade I still run 10.04  and plan to move to 12.04lts when it gets stable in about 1 year02:51
jribsacarlson: 12.04 is stable on release :)02:51
vishaltelangreI'm having problem after distribution upgrade. I've submitted my question, please see it and solution for resolving it is very much needed. Here is the link to the question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/123008/general-error-mounting-filesystems02:52
zykotick9jrib: you must be joking...02:52
sacarlsonjrib: no way I already play with it and see problems and sure more will be seen02:52
xangua!pangolin | vishaltelangre02:52
ubottuvishaltelangre: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:52
jribzykotick9: "stable" has a very specific meaning :/02:52
Xabstermaybe yeik, trying it now02:52
jribanyway, -ot02:52
xanguavishaltelangre: neither askubuntu should be used to post issues with develpment releases02:52
cordovalthis worked nicely ~ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri file:///home/cordoval/Pictures/Selection_005.jpg02:52
zykotick9jrib: no it has 2 meaning in computing - an ubuntu qualifies for neither.02:53
cordovalnow i guess I need to hook this command line with inotify right?02:53
jribzykotick9: ok.02:53
yeikmore stable than windows02:53
vishaltelangrexangua: so where do I ask that question, on #ubuntu+1, eh?02:53
zykotick9vishaltelangre: correct, 12.04 prior to release gets support only in #ubuntu+102:54
vishaltelangrezykotick9, xangua: Okay thank you both. I'm asking same question over there.02:55
cordovalhow to tell if it is OSX or ubuntu? i need to discriminate this on php02:55
Nach0zcordoval: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.php-uname.php03:02
shadykhani need some help setting up phpmyadmin03:03
shadykhanwell its setup but when i go to localhost/phpmyadmin it prompts me for user/password03:03
shadykhanwhich i dont have and i dont remember setting one up03:03
the1_shadykhan: its asking for MySQL user/pass03:04
yeikyou might have to remove it and reinstall it03:04
shadykhanthe1_,  sinceim doing it locally i usually leave my MySQl user root and i dont put anything for a password03:05
zykotick9shadykhan: try to use admin with no password to login03:05
zykotick9shadykhan: taken from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin03:05
shadykhanif i dont put in a password i get an error saying 'Login without a password is forbidden by configuration (see AllowNoPassword);03:06
shadykhanzykotick9,  ill check it out thanks03:06
the1_shadykhan: create another mysql user with password and login as that user03:06
=== Guest19107 is now known as hellokevin
=== hellokevin is now known as me
=== me is now known as hellokevin
darbeI have upgrade problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/934917/03:13
darbeany idea?03:15
zykotick9darbe: what have you changed with your repos exactly?03:16
darbezykotick9: I really don't know03:16
zykotick9darbe: i see, well good luck.03:16
darbezykotick9: thanks03:17
darbeYou have some obsolete package versions installed. Please upgrade the following packages and check if the problem still occurs:03:17
darbegcc-4.6-base, libc-bin, libc6, libgcc1, libglib2.0-0, libstdc++6, multiarch-support, upstart03:17
zykotick9darbe: i'd be concerned with the line "1352 not fully installed or removed."03:18
darbezykotick9: accually i have main error.03:18
jayari have /etc/network/interfaces set to static, but somehow it still gets a new address randomly03:21
paq7512what is a recommended program to use with an ipod?03:21
darbeany idea? http://paste.ubuntu.com/934917/03:21
zykotick9jayar: can you pastebin your interfaces file?03:22
thesebwhat causes volume control on ubuntu to stop working?03:27
thesebaudio still works fine03:27
zykotick9theseb: did you try to remove pulse by chance?03:28
n-iCeHello, how can I optimize ubuntu? I have a dell mini inspiron 1018 laptop, 1GB ram 160GB disk, I installed 11.10 what can I do to make it faster?03:28
UbuntuBoyWhat software license should one use for his/hers free non-open source software?03:28
theseb(i'm referring to the volume control on the keyboard)03:28
thesebzykotick9: no03:28
yeikn-iCe, use lxde or xfce instead of unity03:28
thesebUbuntuBoy: what do you mean "free non open source"03:28
sacarlsonwow my mini.iso install of ubuntu 10.04 is working today from virtualbox, so I think my problem was just the repositories,  but I tried like 4 different repositories so I assumed it wasn't03:28
zykotick9theseb: k, just checkin'03:28
n-iCeyeik: does not have gnome anymore?03:29
UbuntuBoyFree sofware, that can be shared etc.03:29
UbuntuBoyBut you don't get the source code.03:29
yeikgnome3 is the latest version, but you asked what you can do to make it faster.03:29
thesebzykotick9: i've noticed ssh-agent and volume buttons will both die on ubuntu for some reason03:29
yeikUbuntuBoy, thats freeware.03:29
n-iCeyeik: I installes lubuntu, but it does not have the same kernel or files than 11.10 unity, I have a wireless card not working in lubuntu and in 11.10 works awesome03:29
jayaryea gimie a min, im talkin to someone zykotick03:30
UbuntuBoyYeah, I know.03:30
yeikn-iCe, what version of lubuntu?03:30
thesebUbuntuBoy: it is hard to get anyone to care about your software...you're better off releasing source code and praying anyone cares enough to pay attention to it03:30
n-iCeyeik: 11.1003:30
yeikn-iCe, you can always install lxde or xfce from ubuntu 11.10 install03:30
thesebUbuntuBoy: the truth is the internet has a mountain of free open source stuff....why is your pet project going to make anyone take notice?03:31
UbuntuBoyYes, I do that for most of my stuff... But for this I kind of don't want to.03:31
zykotick9!tab > jayar03:31
yeikn-iCe, http://www.techiesmarts.com/2011/11/installing-lxde-in-ubuntu-1110.html03:31
ubottujayar, please see my private message03:31
xangua!ot | UbuntuBoy theseb03:31
ubottuUbuntuBoy theseb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:31
n-iCeyeik: will not removing effects help me?03:31
yeikn-iCe, usually when you install, it will turn on as many features as it thinks your computer can handle. the best way to get it faster is a different desktop manager03:32
yeikn-iCe, if you want to continue to use unity, then i am sure there are things you could try and turn off. not sure how well it will work or what the effects will be. I don't use unity03:33
sacarlsonI wonder what I will have to add to my local repository of ubuntu 10.04 to get it to install without missing some kernel package?03:34
yeiksacarlson, to install what?03:35
sacarlsonyeik: the repository has the contents of ubuntu 10.04 alternate cd03:35
sacarlsonyeik: just a server to start03:35
Skeletorhey, is it possible to take ownership of a process running under your uid?03:36
yeiksacarlson, you looked at roll your own linux?03:36
=== CQ_ is now known as CQ
yeikSkeletor, what do you mean? if its running under your account, then you do own it.03:36
sacarlsonyeik: no just a mini.iso install of ubuntu 10.04 from a local repository later turn it to pxe03:36
Skeletoryeik, i have a startup script that runs as root and then setuid()'s to my normal user when its done doing superuser actions (so i can control it)03:37
yeiksacarlson, why do you need a local repository then? if its just going to be a bootable iso, just build it, and then that should be good.03:37
Skeletorthe script is chmodded suid03:37
Skeletorthe issue is, root still owns the process as evidenced in /proc/[thepid]/03:38
Skeletorwhen i look at ps aux, its running as me03:38
yeikSkeletor,  you just said it was running under your uid, you didn't say root was running it. and what are you trying to do exactly?03:38
enroxorzheroku addons:remove cloudant:oxygen03:39
Skeletoryeik: that is exactly what im trying to do. my suid program is setuid(my uid), and in ps aux i see that i am in fact running the process. but the files in /proc/[thepid] all belong to root03:40
yeikSkeletor, what is the process, the script? is it just an interactive shell you want to be able to attach to? a gui program that spawns and you can't see?03:40
Skeletoryeik: its just a program that sleeps all the time. there really is no function. im trying to grasp suid.03:41
Skeletoryeik: i just dont understand how i cant control a process running under my user if its invoked by root03:42
yeikmaybe it doesn't set euid03:42
Skeletorperhaps, let me try that out too03:43
Skeletoryeik: tried it out with some quick python. os.seteuid(1000). the process is still owned by root in /proc/ even though im running it according to ps03:45
* yeik doesn't know much about how /proc/ works 03:47
cordovalI have it now but the problem is that ubuntu will not take png as wallpapers03:47
cordovalonly jpgs03:47
cordovalwhat to do?03:47
axisyshow do I get ri / rdoc / ruby doc in ubuntu ?03:48
Skeletoryeik, yeah i think ill need to look more into permissions of a process, proc, and setuid03:48
axisysri File gets nothing ..03:48
Skeletoryeik, the funny thing is, /proc/ is where ps gets its information from >.< i straced it03:48
yeikSkeletor, the question is, why do you need to do it, your script you say does nothing03:49
yeiktrying to change the ownership of a program running, i think, is a security risk.03:49
Skeletorim understanding the concept of suid03:50
Skeletoralso its a necessary risk for programs like su03:50
yeiki don't think su changes the ownership of a process, but creates a new process as a different user03:51
yeikthats why you can exit in a bash, and go back to your user before su03:51
Skeletorcorrect but su itself is suid(0). su was a bad example because it indeed creates a new process. but programs like crontab for example suid(0) without a new process03:53
cordovalgrr why it would work for jpgs but not for pngs?03:53
cordovalgsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-options03:54
yeikcordoval, with a gui, can you set a desktop as a png?03:54
yeikSkeletor, are you sure that is how crontab works?03:54
cordovalyeik: but what is wrong then03:54
cordovalhow to check03:54
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yeikcordoval, can you set a png as a desktop wallpaper?03:55
cordovali am doing cli03:55
cordovalyes i can03:56
cordovalwith the gui03:56
cordovalbut this is with cli03:56
yeikcordoval, yeah, but for testing, you might need to see if you can even use that image as a wallpaper image. if you can without doing it cli then you know its not the file, or type.03:56
cordovali can03:56
yeikcordoval, ok.03:56
cordovalmaybe it expects a file:/// format of uri?03:57
cordovalbecause i am passing like 'gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri /home/cordoval/sites-2/sismo/src/Sismo/Contrib/.wallpaperNotifier/even-background.png03:57
Skeletoryeik, crontab by itself only instructs cron. ping is another example of a program escallating itself to root. the question really is, how does a process suid back down so the normal user can control it03:57
zykotick9cordoval: if you are looking for a way to set Xorg's wallpaper from terminal or script, you might want to check out/test "feh"03:58
zykotick9!info feh03:58
ubottufeh (source: feh): imlib2 based image viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.14.2-1 (oneiric), package size 137 kB, installed size 444 kB03:58
cordovaldon't send me to a lib03:58
yeikSkeletor, you can control a root process. or else you would never be able to do upgrades.03:58
cordovalthis is simple usage of 'gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri /home/cordoval/sites-2/sismo/src/Sismo/Contrib/.wallpaperNotifier/even-background.png03:58
cordovalyeah i know now03:59
Skeletorindeed but thats still suid 'up' to root. revoking said privileges seems to be the gap here03:59
cordovalit is the file:/// format in front03:59
cordovalthanks guys03:59
cordovalubuntu rocks03:59
axisysworks now .. gem install rdoc-data was needed .. or ubuntu's own ri1.8 File works too04:00
sacarlsonseems my problem may not be in my local repository as I get this from mini.iso from us. repository  [!] install the base system no installable kernel was found in the defined APT sources.04:00
sacarlsonfor install of ubuntu 10.0404:01
wolfricis it considered a bug if if-down/ scripts don't get called when the network goes down because it was suspended?04:01
sacarlsonwolfric: suspended?  what is that?04:02
yeikyou mean bg a process? or actually suspended?04:03
sacarlsonwolfric: like hybernate?04:03
roastedQuestion - so, what if you have a scanner, xsane and simple scan doesn't work, and HPLIP doesn't support it? How on earth can I get it working? HP 5400c....04:03
wolfricsacarlson: yes... but suspended...04:03
wolfricactual suspension04:03
wolfric/etc/network/if-down.d scripts aren't called04:03
yeikwolfric, if the computer is suspended it is essentially turned off04:04
yeikyou can use WOL to wake it up, if its configured.04:04
wolfrici don't mean to sound rude but why are you telling me this?04:05
yeikwolfric, you asked if its a bug if a script doesn't run when it is suspended04:05
sacarlsonwolfric: my guess it's a bug, I've never got hybernate or suspend to work04:05
jayarzykotick9: http://pastebin.com/NWv89MK804:05
wolfricyeik: right... and you figured you'd instead tell me what suspend was and tell me about another unrelated feature that i neve asked about?04:06
wolfricsorry i take that back i should have said that nicer04:06
bcardarellaHow do I search aptitude for a package?04:06
yeikwolfric, if something is turned off, it isn't going to run a processes. that isn't how it works. if you want a script to run, WOL will wake up the computer so it can be run.04:06
wolfricsacarlson: any idea which category i should report it to?04:06
zykotick9jayar: looks good to me, sorry - i've got nothin'.  Good luck.04:07
wolfricyeik: i don't think you understand the question don't worry about it though04:07
jayarheh thnx anyway04:07
yeikwolfric, apparently I don't understand your question. That is why we were trying to get clarification.04:08
sacarlsonwolfric: no I don't know.  but if you report it give them as much info as posible04:08
wolfricyeik: /etc/network/if-down.d are scripts that are run when the network goes down (similar scripts when the network is brought back up). upon suspension, the network goes down therefore these scripts should be run before that happens04:08
dackyshawnhopefully someone here can help me....  I have a ubuntu server (10.10) set up acting as my router (dhcp server, iptables, dns, etc).  I am wanting to use a service called Mullvad (which is a VPN service) they have a linux client (really just openvpn). I am wanting to set it up so that i have openvpn installed on my ubuntu server and i want all my client computers to be routed over the tunnel if that makes any sense04:08
wolfricyeik: sacarlson understands it04:08
axisysFile.readlines('/tmp/input').each how do I add the filename as an argument ?04:09
HorizonXPhow far along is 12.04?04:09
axisysHorizonXP: 26th I think04:09
sacarlsonwolfric: yeik: well I havn't witnessed your problem as my system fails to come back alive at all, but I assumed it was a config error on my part04:09
zykotick9!schedule | HorizonXP04:10
ubottuHorizonXP: The Ubuntu Precise Pangolin release schedule can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule04:10
HorizonXPaxisys: i need to put together a demo of my software for a client... trying to decide between 11.10 or 12.0404:10
yeikwolfric, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=619866 that?04:10
ubottuDebian bug 619866 in ifupdown "ifupdown: "ifup eth0" doesn't work after suspend/resume" [Normal,Open]04:10
HorizonXPzykotick9: thanks :)04:10
axisys12.04 LTS I think would be better04:10
wolfricyeik: no04:11
HorizonXPaxisys: agreed, but demo's friday, which is why i questioned04:11
HorizonXP12.04 is what will eventually go on there for sure.04:11
n-iCehello, how do I remove the complete and all the desktop packages to install xfce04:11
axisysHorizonXP: i see. it wont really matter then..04:11
sacarlsonwolfric: yeik: well if it fails to work even if it is run then it must be pointless to run it after suspend04:12
paulus68HorizonXP: install the beta for the demo and install the final version when it's available04:12
irreverantI have a question about 11.10 and Gwibber, how the hell do I turn this thing off and remove my facebook from it?04:12
HorizonXPaxisys: no it won't, just trying to make my life as painless as possible here04:12
HorizonXPpaulus68: that's what i was thinking, just wanted to be sure before I went ahead :)04:13
zykotick9!final | HorizonXP04:13
ubottuHorizonXP: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.04:13
yeiksacarlson, wolfric, was trying to say it looks like that is a bug already reported for what wolfric was describing, he told me it isn't the same thing.04:13
paulus68HorizonXP: or you do a demo with both (in vm ware then you can explain the differences and why they should take the 12.0404:13
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zykotick9paulus68: i didn't think vmware supported Unity/compiz?04:14
HorizonXPreally not an issue04:14
yeiksacarlson, i never seem to get suspension to work properly, but i don't bother anymore. my laptop has an ssd and boots in no time.04:15
HorizonXPthis is IPTV stuff, the video will be fullscreen04:15
HorizonXPubuntu's in the background, it'll never be seen realy04:15
HorizonXPthe concern was more about easing my workload04:15
paulus68zykotick9: true but if Horizon runs an windows pc and wants to do a demo he can use vmware or virtualbox04:15
irreverantVMware supports unity on ubuntu04:15
sacarlsonyeik: I don't bother eather I just run 24/7 only reboot one time every 40 days or so04:15
HorizonXPi'm actually in ubuntu in vmware right now04:16
yeiksacarlson, yeah, most of my computers are the same way, thats why all my others are on ups. and this one is on battery.04:16
HorizonXPi have windows as my host os for games04:16
sacarlsonyeik: but it would be nice if they got it to work someday04:16
paulus68HorizonXP: a lucky guess from my side :p04:17
yeiksacarlson, yeah for most people. ALthough i think it does somewhat work, as i have let my battery run low a few times, and it does some sort of shutdown. but the light still flashes.04:17
yeikseems like it is hit and miss. but I don't really test it because its not critical for me.04:17
HorizonXPpaulus68: :P I've had Ubuntu as my host os since 2004, i had to switch back for my fix :)04:17
HorizonXPpaulus68: all of my dev work is in ubuntu04:18
irreverantHorizonXP: yeah i'm running Ubuntu in a virtual box.04:18
yeikHorizonXP, virtualbox can boot a physical hard drive, so when i game, i reboot into windows and use virtualbox to boot the secondary drive, then reboot back into linux when im done gaming.04:18
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HorizonXPyeik: i used to do that, worked pretty well04:19
sacarlsonyeik: wow cool I didn't know you could use virtualbox on real disks,  then you can stay synced when you boot to real04:20
yeikHorizonXP, only problem is needing to change xconfig. but yeah, it is pretty nice. but i have a pretty beefy box, 12 gb ram so i can run it like its nothing.04:20
yeiksacarlson, yeah. for that box, it is the same disk so no syncing, just booting up virtually vs physically.04:21
yeikI thought drivers would be a pita for a few things, like the graphics, and it might scream about missing GB of ram, but it doesn't.04:21
sacarlsonyeik: I guess it won't be long or maybe already that virtualbox will let you use your gpu then to render?04:22
HorizonXPyeik: i need to upgrade my box bad... i was hoping to hold out for haswell, but we'll see.04:22
HorizonXPi'm on 8gb ram right now04:22
yeikthats still good, my server box is 6 gb04:22
HorizonXPnot bad, but it can struggle at times... especially with a Xeon X3350 CPU04:22
HorizonXPmy server's 512MB04:23
irreverantyei: what's the benefit of that over dual booting?04:23
yeiki just use my old core 2 quad q6600 as my server box04:23
irreverantyeik: or installing ubuntu as a folder on windows?04:23
yeikirreverant, you can have access to your linux files while inside windows.04:23
irreverantOK, so then why not just install ubuntu as a windows app using the install process for a folder on a windows drive?04:24
yeikirreverant, i prefer linux over windows, and if i am writing something that might take a lot of resources i can boot up into linux and run what i need to that way with full resources04:25
yeikirreverant, i haven't booted to windows in months. probably should to update, then it will be up for a month or two, before i reboot back to linux.04:25
HorizonXPyeik: my server "box" is a slice, so i'm sure the CPU's decent04:25
yeikif i could boot windows inside virtualbox without it wanting to think its a different os and reinstall everything, i would do it.04:25
yeikHorizonXP, nice.04:26
yeikmy newest box, i want to upgrade the ram, ddr3 is going so cheap now. core i7 is still pretty decent cpu.04:28
HorizonXPDDR3 is stupid cheap now04:28
* yeik nods04:29
HorizonXPmy next box will have either 16 or 32GB04:29
yeiktwo 8 gb sticks for $8904:29
HorizonXPvirtualize all the things!04:29
yeikI can't wait until you can carry around a usb stick that has your os, plug it in to a machine and it will load everything up exactly as you had it.04:29
yeikalmost there! i have the most awesome bootable usb drive, for windows support.04:30
backbox b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer04:30
backbox0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:30
backboxNeed to get 3,632 B/18.2 kB of archives.04:30
backboxAfter this operation, 131 kB of additional disk space will be used.04:30
backboxDo you want to continue [Y/n]? [y]04:30
FloodBot1backbox: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:30
paulus68well for my work I need to have windows but I Like to work with ubuntu to and yes I do need to get my act together and virtualise everything, but don't have the time yet to get it done04:30
backboxsomeone can help me04:31
yeikpaulus68, where i work too, i support windows, and all sorts of software. but at home i use linux.04:31
pepeehi. is someone having troubles with synaptics touchpads?04:32
roastedQuestion - so, what if you have a scanner, xsane and simple scan doesn't work, and HPLIP doesn't support it? How on earth can I get it working? HP 5400c....04:33
zykotick9roasted: when i searched online the last time you asked, i found many people with HP 5400c that did work with both xsane and simple scan?04:34
paulus68yeik: same here, however I need to have windows at home to and I really need to get some time from my wife :p in order to reinstall everything and virtualise everything with vmware. secondly in win7 you can create a vhd from which you can boot04:34
roastedzykotick9: er, what? It does work?04:34
lwizardlhmm ok this is weird, i just loaded a 11.04 32bit livecd on this machine and its asking me for the user and password. and only thing that is displaying is "Other..."04:34
irreverantWith all this virtualization, how does Wine fit into the environment?04:34
lwizardlanyone know what I have to put there ? LOL04:34
zykotick9roasted: well, it seems to?04:35
paulus68yeik: as off win7 pro or ultimate04:35
roastedzykotick9: both simple scan and xsane yell at me. :(04:35
roastedzykotick9: granted, I'm on 12.04, but I wouldn't expect that to tank a scanner from working04:35
zykotick9roasted: so, you should be asking in #ubuntu+1 then04:35
paulus68roasted you have to treat your computer nicely ;)04:35
roastedzykotick9: been there, no dice.04:36
roastedpaulus68: I sing to it every night bro. :(04:36
paulus68roasted: parently you sing false :p04:36
roastedpaulus68: evidently so :P04:36
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yeikpaulus68, yeah, you can do that.04:39
backboxhow to get broadcom ...because after i use terminal sudo apt-ger install firmware-b43-installer   ...just show 2newly installer..then i [y] ....got abort04:42
paulus68yeik: you create a vhd inside this vhd you create a vmware with everything in vmware and you are good to go lol04:42
paulus68!broadcom |backbox04:42
ubottubackbox: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:42
bcardarellaIs there a mailing list for the ec2 Ubuntu images? Specifically I need to bug someone about: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+package/linux-image-2.6.32-343-ec204:43
* DrManhattan is still really stoked to have gotten WOL going04:45
DrManhattanI wonder why they dont just integrate the code from the realtek driver into the kernel instead of whatever is in there04:46
lwizardlwhats the default username and password for the live cd's ?04:46
lwizardlfor some reason i keep getting asked on this machine04:46
zykotick9lwizardl: try ubuntu/ubuntu or ubuntu/NOPASSWORD04:47
lwizardlubuntu/NOPASSWORD it was04:48
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lwizardlokay seems 11.04 hates this machine even the xubuntu livecd (ubuntu & xubuntu livecd tested) just seem to go back to the login screen04:55
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kbanman_How can I specify a remote CUPS printer using lpr (command line)05:00
wolfricsacarlson: just a heads up, not a bug after all, some embarasing mistakes on my part05:04
CellTechI use linux. My friend uses PC (crap) and we need to transfer a couple .exe's to his computer. How can I do that. My flash drive won't allow it05:05
lwizardlCellTech, simple use the original cloud computing....email05:05
CellTechThat's the issue. Their network card isn't working so we downloaded the drivers for it05:06
lwizardlCellTech, ah ok and your usb thumbdrive wont work, maybe due to drivers again.05:06
CellTechWell. I put the exe on my thumb drive. Plug it into their computer. The files don't show up. But when I plug the drive back into my linux machine. It shows up05:07
CellTechThe thumb drive shows up. Just not the files05:07
lwizardldid you safely remove the drive, or just unplug it05:07
jblpCellTech,  What file system is your drived formated with?05:07
jblpBetter double check  that05:08
jblpid say format it on his pc first05:08
CellTechDid that and tried it too05:09
jblpThen copy the files again from the linux box.05:09
CellTechFormatted it on his as FAT32. plugged it into mine. Files still will not transfer... Its MS it's evil05:09
lwizardljblp, does his pc has multiple partitions on the HDD or multiple HDD's ?05:09
jblpSounds like a good candidate for the local recyclying dump05:10
jblpTell your friend to get a new machine05:10
jblpDoes it have a cd/dvd drive?05:11
lwizardlCellTech, well if you have a LiveCD handy why not boot to the live disc, which will let you get on the net. then you can download the drivers etc from the website to the windows partiton, and then reboot the system and have access to them05:11
jblpWas going to suggest something similar05:12
jblpI used to hate getting stuck on annoying shiet like that on old boxes05:12
lwizardlwell all know the problem by itself......(M$).....couch05:12
jblpI just gave up after a while05:12
jblpbetter to just get a new box05:12
jblpnot worth the hassle05:12
lwizardljblp, I had that happen also. so I just turned them into firewalls or routers05:13
Tasmanianight guys!05:13
jblp"new" old hardware is so cheap now adays05:13
jblpYou could get a fully functional pc for $10005:13
CellTechThis computer won't even boot from flashdrive05:13
jblpIf you pc wont boot from a flash drive id say its time to get a new one05:14
jblpno offense05:14
jayarhrmm... my one ubuntu box is not on the network for some reason. havn't changed anything... it can see other computers and shares, but cant be accessed... not even via ssh05:14
lwizardlsounds like some old HP/Compaq that I have had to deal with before05:14
lwizardlwhich resulted in a similar event to office space05:15
jblpthats my point05:15
eon01Hello ! I have a problem with the sidepan of rhythmbox  that disappeared completly . Anyone could help ?05:15
jblpMy logic is this05:16
jblpFighting old pc hardware is like beating a dead horse05:16
ejobah... no one seems to be awake in #ubuntu+105:16
lwizardlwell celltech left I was going to suggest he may have to write smartbootmanager to a floppy disk05:17
ejo(hopefully minor) 12.04 install issue if anyone wants to bite05:17
jblplwizardl, Firewalls and routers are nice. I just think theyre overkill for home use05:18
jblpBeen there05:18
lwizardldon't laugh about the floppy thing. I had to do that will a dell laptop 2 years ago.05:18
lwizardljblp, well depends on the user05:19
jblpa linksys router running a custom firmwate is good enough for me05:19
lwizardlyeah but someone can get into that fairly easy05:19
jblpNot to mention the cost to run a box 24/705:19
lwizardlthe networks I setup for people have the wireless networks on a separate network so they can't have wireless hacker screwing with the systems hehe05:20
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jblpI see05:20
lwizardlyeah but some of the machines when you turn them into a firewall/router you only need like a 300watt psu for them05:20
jblpThats still a ton more than running a little linksys router05:21
jblpFor home use is overkill it hink05:21
lwizardlnow if you was to have like some 750+watt psu in there as a firewall then yes overkill05:21
jblpUnless youre running some crazy ass fiber05:21
blackxoredhello guys, I just compiled linux 3.2.6 on my box and went smoothly (on paper), now booting back in, I seem to have been dropped to unity 2d and also the screen flickers (pointer), I guess it's something wrong with the card drivers, can some of you tell me if I'm right and help me diagnose this?05:27
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LGSilvais a regular desktop possible in 11.10? like old gnome?05:30
boomshankerxyou can install and enable gnome05:30
boomshankerxjust google it05:31
LGSilvaI'm running gnome 3 but its almost like unity05:31
boomshankerxi was just going to say05:31
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boomshankerxthey are pretty much the same05:31
bookpagehi there, im having a bit of trouble with displays. everything was fine, but now i can't seem to turn my second monitor 'on'... through display i change it to on, apply, but when i come back, it's reset to 'off'05:31
boomshankerxLGSilva, you should be able to downgrade to gnome 2.x05:32
LGSilvawill I lose any important feature doing that or just eyecandy?05:33
boomshankerxLGSilva, but honestly I'd get used to it...everything seems to be going to these toy desktops05:33
ejoI'm installing from a LiveCD (actually USB stick, but same deal) and progress goes pretty smoothly to about 90%, then has stalled apparently permanently.  The system is not hung, I can drop to a terminal etc., but it's not making install progress.  Should I just start over and hope for a different outcome?05:33
boomshankerxhow long have you waited05:34
ejo40 minutes.  First 90% of progress bar only took about 25 including downloading packages, language packs etc05:34
ejoHardware is a pretty standard desktop05:34
LGSilvaI will try to install e17 :P05:34
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boomshankerxi'd try again05:35
ejoMight as well...05:35
Sobirvshow to set up a vhost ?05:35
JPSmanlol, tried to clear the chat like its a terminal05:35
ejoback in a while after I try it.  Thanks05:35
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JPSmanwhat is the most recent LTS version of ubuntu05:36
JPSmanand LTS is good for how many years?  1.5?05:37
JPSmanwhat is Ubuntu Core?05:38
pepeeis someone having troubles with synaptics touchpads?05:38
darbeis ther anyway to fix it http://paste.ubuntu.com/935030/05:43
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bobbydnickserv identify bobbyd05:44
CodySmithhey guys :)05:46
bmonkjRelease date for 12.04 is the 27th this month, correct?05:48
zeal18I think it is05:51
bmonkjzeal18, thanks05:51
lotuspsychjeany known issues on adobe flash and lubuntu crash?05:52
Your_Doghi, in Ubuntu 12.04 how do I terminate Ubuntu Software center from searching05:56
pepeelotuspsychje, is working fine here. what browser are you using?05:56
Your_DogI clicked the x button but it's still cancelling05:56
ubottuYour_Dog: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+105:57
lotuspsychjepepee: flash crashes on firefox and chromium both, saying packages are broke05:59
pepeelotuspsychje, you mean it simply does not work, or it won't work on some websites?06:01
Zah_Quick question: when using gnome-terminal, I can right-click and change input method to another language06:01
lotuspsychjepepee: it doesnt show on any website06:01
Zah_How do I do this in a tty terminal06:02
pepeelotuspsychje, tried reconfiguring flash?06:02
lotuspsychjepepee: i tryed uninstall, and install flash 11, but error on packages06:03
pepeewhat errors?06:03
lotuspsychjepepee: broke packages, cant install new flash06:03
zeal18<Zah_> Alt+Shift is default for layout switching06:04
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pepeelotuspsychje, I mean, do you see some error messages?06:04
lotuspsychjepepee: if wanting to play a youtube, just blank screen, no video06:05
XlaitsHey, everyone, I'm having some generic Linux issues, such as crashing, locking up gpu, ect...06:05
XlaitsI'll wait until the previous task is solved, first...06:05
Zah_zeal18: Thanks, however it doesn't seem to do anything in a tty terminal06:05
Zah_When I go to Ctrl+Alt+F1 for instance06:05
pepeelotuspsychje, try removing/reinstalling libflashplayer.so06:06
pepeealso try 32/64 bits versions06:06
lotuspsychjeokay ill try06:06
pepeeXlaits, try reinstalling the graphics driver, and the xserver06:07
zeal18<Zah_> I installed Russian version of ubuntu and I have 2 layouts in tty from default config06:07
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zeal18<Zah_> and I use Alt+Shift to switch it06:08
Xlaitspepee, How would I go about doing that?06:08
Xlaits<complete linux newb>06:09
pepeeXlaits, check what driver are you using, try reinstalling those packages06:09
XlaitsAltight, give me a sec...06:09
pepeefrom apt-get or dpkg06:09
Belial`anyone using autohide for the launcher notice once you reveal the launcher with the cursor to click an icon, if you just let the cursor sit on top of the icon after loading/bringing it to focus, the launcher hides?06:10
Belial`shouldn't the launcher stay revealed if the mouse is hovering over it?06:10
zeal18<Zah_> try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175891506:10
XlaitsI can't remember how to check what drivers I'm using...06:12
pepeeXlaits, lspci to find graphic devices06:12
XlaitsHere's what I go: http://pastebin.com/d2pYt5R906:13
pepeeXlaits, 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M]06:14
pepeeXlaits, ubuntu should be using the radeon open source driver06:14
XlaitsOk, pepee, how do I go about re/installing the drivers?06:15
Xlaits(I'm using an external monitor, if that counts for anything...)06:15
pepeeXlaits, run   lsmod | grep -E "nv|fglr"06:16
pepeeXlaits, sorry.   lsmod | grep -E "nv|fglr|radeon"     <- add |radeon06:17
XlaitsThat didn't seem to do anything...06:17
XlaitsOh, alright...06:17
Zah_zeal18: Thanks, this was close but it still doesnt allow me to select the options available with Gnome Terminals right click->Input Methods menu06:18
Xlaitspepee, result: http://pastebin.com/zpZ2Gy9L06:18
pepeeXlaits, good, its using radeon06:18
Xlaitspepee, alright, so what's the next course of action?06:18
pepeeXlaits, are you using ubuntu 11.10?06:19
Xlaitspepee, yeah.06:19
zeal18<Zah_> gnome and tty have diferent configs06:19
pepeeXlaits, try upgrading to 12.04, can be useful :)06:19
zeal18<Zah_> and diferent layouts too06:20
Xlaitspepee Really, there's a new one out!?06:20
Antazecan anyone tell me ....how to use irc of arch linux06:20
Xlaitspepee, how would I doublecheck my version number?06:20
Antazewhats the channel name of arch06:21
pepeeXlaits, lsb_release -a06:21
pepeeXlaits, yes, ubuntu 12.04 will be released next week06:21
Xlaitspepee, yeah, it;s 11.10... T_T06:21
pepeeAntaze, #arch ? perhaps #archlinux06:21
Xlaitspepee, I got this one from the site, though...06:22
pepeeXlaits, fresh install?06:22
Xlaitspepee, I've been using this for a week or so...06:22
bazhangAntaze, /join #archlinux06:22
Antazethanks pepee06:23
pepeeXlaits, try installing 12.04 then06:23
pepeeAntaze, you are welcome06:23
Antazeyup i got it...thanks bazhang..06:23
Xlaitspepee, alright. Got a link I can use to find it? And as a side note, will I need to back up my files if I'm upgrading?06:24
pepeeXlaits, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview/Beta2  . and yes, you need to backup your files06:25
mizifihHi there.06:25
Xlaitspepee, Alright, thanks. I hope this fixes all the crashing that has been happening.06:25
Xlaitspepee, I'll come back online once I'm done witht he install, just to keep you updated.06:26
mizifihI'm trying to install 11.10 but the disk I want to use is on a IDE-SATA port, 11.10 instalation can't find this disk.06:26
mizifihIs there a workaround to make the disk visible to the instalation?06:26
deb0Is pyrenamer able to put files into folders according to the timestamps of the files?06:26
pepeeXlaits, or you can do an upgrade: sudo update-manager -d06:26
pepeeXlaits, sorry, but I have to go now :/06:26
deb0I can only find today's date in pyrenamer06:27
Xlaitspepee, that's fine. Thanks for the help.06:27
pepeeXlaits, yw. obviously, you can come back and ask for help :)06:28
Xlaitspepee, and I will, if anything troubles me again. You've restored a little of my faith in humanity.06:28
pepeeXlaits, hehe. good luck06:29
Xlaitspepee, Thanks, I'll need it.06:29
deper29hi, I am trying to set up a vpn server at home. I am using openvpn and dd06:29
deper29dd-wrt vpn router. having trouble setting up the server config file. not really sure what to do according to this guidy http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/VPN_(the_easy_way)_v24%2B can anyone help?06:30
pepeedeper29, #dd-wrt06:30
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pepee!ask | mizifih06:31
ubottumizifih: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:31
mizifihpepee: [06:26] <mizifih> I'm trying to install 11.10 but the disk I want to use is on a IDE-SATA port, 11.10 instalation can't find this disk.06:31
mizifih[06:26] <mizifih> Is there a workaround to make the disk visible to the instalation?06:31
deper29pepee, I asked there, as well as #openvpn, but nobody there is answering at all. I thought I'd give it a shot here since I am running ubuntu 10.0406:31
pepeemizifih, does the bios show the disk?06:32
pepeedeper29, IIRC there are two dd-wrt channels. try #ddwrt06:32
mizifihpepee: thanks mate. Yes, it's showing on the bios and when I hit F8 to select boot device (to force the DVD to boot)06:32
deper29pepee, I'll give it a shot. thanks :)06:32
mizifihpepee: it's showing on windows also06:33
mizifihpepee: but I notice something, during the BIOS post processing the drive is listed on a Marvell controller, as IDE, althogh it's a SATA disk06:34
mizifihpepee: and when I hit F8 to select boot device it's listed as IDE as well06:35
pepeemizifih, tried changing from IDE to sata in bios?06:35
mizifihpepee: yes, changed it to SATA, RAID and AHCI06:35
mizifihpepee: none of then worked06:36
mizifihAll I know is that the disk is on this marvell controller06:36
mizifihbut it's onboard06:36
mizifihand I can't control it06:36
pepeemizifih, run fdisk -l06:37
pepeemizifih, or parted -l06:38
mizifihpepee: fdisk it is, pastebin?06:38
pepeemizifih, yes06:38
ggherdovI all. Apologies if that's offtopic. I am setting up trac (http://trac.edgewall.org/) on my own server with apache2+fastCGI. things aren't going smooth: here the error.log and config file (snippet): http://bpaste.net/show/26614/ . The point is: if I run trac.cgi by the user www-data (i.e., Apache, in ubuntu) I don't have the env var SERVER_PORT set, and the script throws an exception. Here the traceback: http://bpaste.net/show/06:38
ggherdov27234/ any hint/gotcha?06:38
pepeemizifih, are you trying to install ubuntu?06:39
ggherdovsorry link got cut in two: traceback: http://bpaste.net/show/27234/06:39
mizifihpepee: yeah, ubuntu 11.1006:39
pepeemizifih, try 12.04, it may work06:39
mizifihpepee: is it beta or stable? beta, right?06:40
* ggherdov going AFK for 5 mins, will check IRC at comeback06:40
pepeemizifih, beta2, final stages06:40
pepeeggherdov, /join #trac06:40
mizifihpepee: will it be upgraded to final without needing to reinstall the whole system?06:41
pepeemizifih, yes06:41
mizifihpepee: as you can see I'm kinda new to it06:41
mizifihpepee: 12.04 it is!06:41
sirriffsalot_Hey guys, I'm trying to do this http://jackaudio.org/routing_flash but have trouble at the "make" point because of this error message: "flashsupport.c:184:28: fatal error: linux/videodev.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated." Any ideas?06:42
mizifih11 minutes06:42
pepeesirellyn, $ dpkg -S "linux/videodev.h"06:43
pepeeppu-sysroot: /usr/lib/cell/sysroot/usr/include/linux/videodev.h06:43
pepeesirriffsalot_, install ppu-sysroot06:43
mizifihBrasero looks fancy, LOL06:43
sirriffsalot_pepee: thanks for replying! from synaptic?06:43
pepeesirriffsalot_, yes06:43
mizifihpepee: thank you for your support! ;)06:44
sirriffsalot_pepee: alright... How come I don't have this? It seems pretty basic to doing stuff:p06:44
pepeemizifih, yw :)06:44
sirriffsalot_pepee: if I type "sysroot" into terminal there are no packages available:/06:44
pepeesirriffsalot_, hmm, doesn't look like the correct package06:44
the_legendthat what she said06:45
sirriffsalot_pepee: Ok...?:)06:45
ggherdovpepee: sure, the #trac channel. If they cared enough to check IRC. Frankly, i have tried all hours of the day, and people there simply don't give a flip to what is being posted on the channel (or maybe they just don't like *me* :-)06:45
sirriffsalot_pepee: so what should I do?? :-S06:45
pepeesirriffsalot_, install linux-headers-generic06:46
pepeeggherdov, :/06:46
sirriffsalot_pepee: I have that already, haha!06:46
Ztaneggherdov: hi, the trac.cgi expects to be called as a simple CGI, and SERVER_PORT is not provided in the environ06:47
pepeeggherdov, try googlin?06:47
Ztaneggherdov: you might consider using mod_wsgi instead?06:47
Ztaneggherdov: http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracModWSGI06:48
Ztanehow to do a floppy rescue image with grub in oneiric; it seems that grub-mkrescue now only produces an ISO image...06:49
sirriffsalot_pepee: you out of ideas too?:D06:49
pepeesirriffsalot_, yep06:49
sirriffsalot_pepee: cheers:)06:49
pepeesirriffsalot_, sorry :/06:50
auronandacesirriffsalot_: what are you trying to do?06:50
ggherdovZtane I am not sure I understand your answer. I'll give you more context. I use mod_fcgid for fastcgi. If I GET (in the http sense of the term) the trac page, I got a 500 (internal server error). I said what the flip, let's see what happen. So I SSHed into the machine, su-ed to www-data, and run trac.cgi by hand. But as you now point out, I am not reproducing the source of the 500, I might actually just have a *different* error,06:51
ggherdovsince it isn't apache running the thing and not enough env is loaded. I see now your point. Then Question: How to reproduce the *exact* 500 in a way to see python traceback ?06:51
ggherdovpepee: sure I was on big G right now06:51
sirriffsalot_auronandace: http://jackaudio.org/routing_flash06:51
sirriffsalot_auronandace: I get stuck at the "make" stage thanks to this error: " flashsupport.c:184:28: fatal error: linux/videodev.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated." :-/06:52
Ztaneggherdov: short answer: you use mod_fcgid for a script that does not run under mod_fcgid. Trac is a python program, for python under apache, the best module to use is mod_wsgi instead of fastcgi.06:52
auronandacesirriffsalot_: got build-essential installed?06:52
Ztaneggherdov: hmm indeed... now i see :D06:52
pepeeZtane, mount the image, or write it to the floppy (after making a backup...)06:53
tnmany suggestions what's the best html, css, AJAX editor for ubuntu?06:53
Ztaneggherdov: anyway: with mod_wsgi, things could be smoother ;) at least then you get the python tracebacks in apache logs06:53
Ztanepepee: no06:53
sirriffsalot_auronandace: will check:) Thanks for your time!!06:53
Ztanepepee: it is an iso image, not bootable as a floppy06:53
auronandace!info build-essential | sirriffsalot_06:53
ubottusirriffsalot_: build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 5 kB, installed size 48 kB06:53
bobweavertnm I like gedit and also genie and bluefish thou bluefish is slow06:53
bobweaversee bit about best06:53
ggherdovZtane: I see. Dammit I hate changing configuration in the middle of a setup, but yeah it might be the way to go06:53
pepeeZtane, you can mount it, anyway06:54
Ztanepepee: yes, it does not help a bit06:54
pepeeah k06:54
Ztanepepee: i need a rescue floppy, not an iso image06:54
sirriffsalot_auronandace: synaptic says I have that too :-S06:54
pepeeahh, sorry, didn't know what you were talking about :/06:54
pepeeZtane, to install grub?06:55
Ztanesomewhere they say that some grub version produces a funny iso image that is also a floppy bootable image06:55
tnmbobbyd, can gedit be somehow "PIMPED" for usage?06:55
Ztanepepee: no, i want to make a rescue floppy :D06:55
tnmbobweaver,  can gedit be somehow "PIMPED" for usage?06:55
bobweavertnm yes there are plugins06:55
bobweavertnm I will take screenshot of my gedit06:56
mizifihI'm really enjoying this new look. I tried to use ubuntu once before, like 3 years ago or something...06:56
auronandacesirriffsalot_: do you have the list of stuff thats needed? as it says on the page?06:56
sirriffsalot_auronandace: what page? I can't see any link in that info:O06:56
auronandacesirriffsalot_: the page you showed me06:57
pepeeZtane, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1305475#6  ?06:57
sirriffsalot_auronandace: I didn't link you that, but I will look now:D06:57
sirriffsalot_auronandace: ups06:57
sirriffsalot_auronandace: Haha, scratch that, though you sent that ubuntuforums thing. Will check:) Sec06:57
auronandacesirriffsalot_: http://jackaudio.org/routing_flash06:58
Ztanepepee: nope, that is the old version; that one also worked. under current I can produce an image that does not make for a bootable floppy image.06:58
bobweavertnm, http://postimage.org/image/k4z5xge09/06:58
sirriffsalot_auronandace: right;D06:58
pepeeZtane, :/06:58
auronandacesirriffsalot_: see the list on the page? do you have all those installed?06:59
Ztanethe switches got all mixed too06:59
Ztanepepee: that was something like grub 196 on the page, the current is 1.98, everything different :(06:59
sirriffsalot_auronandace: checking now... But those titles aren't the package names not a large extent, so I'm having trouble checking. Would you mind telling me what the package equivolents are?06:59
pepeeyep :/06:59
sirriffsalot_auronandace: I was able to confirm I have these git-core  autoconf  automake  libtool07:00
sirriffsalot_auronandace: having trouble confirming the rest07:01
auronandacesirriffsalot_: you'll need the dev libraries too07:01
bobweavertnm, you can install plugins from command line or by ubuntu software center see pic http://postimage.org/image/fc4rozud1/      in terminal look at programs for gedit   with    apt-cache search gedit07:01
tnmbobweaver, yes yes very nice :D07:01
intorehi, am using ubuntu 10.10 as client in a lan. i've a wireless router. this morning i was connected and then the connection went down. after ifdown and ifup commands of my network interface i can ping the server only for 7-8 time but after the connection goes down. everytime. could you help me please?07:02
eon01Hello ! I have a problem with the sidepan of rhythmbox  that disappeared completly . Anyone could help ?07:02
sirriffsalot_auronandace: alright, but still need help checking the others:)07:03
auronandacesirriffsalot_: i'm leaving soon sorry07:03
sirriffsalot_auronandace: alright!07:03
Ztanetrying command 'grub-mkrescue --output=grub2.floppy.img overlays'07:03
sirriffsalot_auronandace: cheers!07:03
auronandace!info libjack-dev | sirriffsalot_07:04
ubottusirriffsalot_: libjack-dev (source: jack-audio-connection-kit): JACK Audio Connection Kit (development files). In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.121.0+svn4469-2ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 305 kB, installed size 1812 kB07:04
sirriffsalot_auronandace: thanks a million:)07:04
auronandace!info libjack2-dev | sirriffsalot_07:04
ubottusirriffsalot_: Package libjack2-dev does not exist in oneiric07:04
auronandace!info libjack-jack2-dev | sirriffsalot_07:04
ubottusirriffsalot_: Package libjack-jack2-dev does not exist in oneiric07:04
auronandace!info libjack-jackd2-dev | sirriffsalot_07:05
ubottusirriffsalot_: libjack-jackd2-dev (source: jackd2): JACK Audio Connection Kit (development files). In component main, is optional. Version 1.9.7~dfsg-1ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 39 kB, installed size 304 kB07:05
auronandacesirriffsalot_: those are the ones i could find07:05
sirriffsalot_auronandace: yep, got all of them, haha=)07:05
sirriffsalot_auronandace: strange... but you go, I'll figure it out! Cheers!07:05
auronandacesirriffsalot_: no worries07:05
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shekharany girls07:07
shekharsexy linux girls i sthere07:07
shekharhello any on intrested07:07
intorehi, am using ubuntu 10.10 as client in a lan. i've a wireless router. this morning i was connected and then the connection went down. after ifdown and ifup commands of my network interface i can ping the server only for 7-8 time but after the connection goes down. everytime. could you help me please?07:08
zeal18<intore> show dmesg or syslog07:09
intorezeal18: ok, i'll show you07:11
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zeal18sorry I have to go out07:16
intorehi, am using ubuntu 10.10 as client in a lan. i've a wireless router. this morning i was connected and then the connection went down. after ifdown and ifup commands of my network interface i can ping the server only for 7-8 time but after the connection goes down. everytime. could you help me please? this is syslog about that moment: http://paste.ubuntu.com/935078/07:17
bobweaverintore, dont show that stuff that is a WAY BAD IDEA07:17
tPl0chHi, is there a problem with the samba package atm?07:18
tPl0chI am getting failed post-installation-script errors07:18
intoreintore: why?07:19
intorebobweaver: why?07:19
SilentDishello.  I'm looking for a de-centralized chat application of some sort for a LAN.  Specifically, I'd like it to be able to communicate on Windows, Linux, and Android (optional for Android). Any suggestions?07:19
bobweaverintore,  PM ?07:19
bobweaverhas to do with security07:20
intorebobweaver: ok, how to do PM?07:20
TMP_where can i get the driver of VIA/S3G UniChrome IGP(my vga driver) so I may try compiz effects?07:23
SilentDishello. I'm looking for a de-centralized chat application of some sort for a LAN. Specifically, I'd like it to be able to communicate on Windows, Linux, and Android (optional for Android). Any suggestions?07:23
lotuspsychje   is there a tablet yet running ubuntu?07:25
TMP_where can i get the driver of VIA/S3G UniChrome IGP(my vga driver) so I may try compiz effects?07:26
tnmbobweaver, is it possible that there's a plugin that helps you end tags, for an example, if i put in <head> gedit helps me finish tag or gives me possibilities that you can have for <he...>?07:26
bobweavertnm mono07:27
bobweaverthat will do that07:27
TMP_Are compiz effects even possible with an Integrated graphics card?07:29
tnmbobweaver, mono editor?07:30
Linux_Guyyicq is getting raped07:30
UrBTMP: why not if it's "good enough"?07:30
bobweavertnm,  Gedit does have code completion as a plugin. I happened to stumble upon this thread as I was googeling for something likewise for KDE. In Gedit as I remember well you just go to preferences > plugins or directly to >plugins07:30
bobweaverfrom the forums ^^07:30
bobweavermono dev is like microcarap's visual studio  can use for asp and asp classic vb and what not also07:31
bobweavertnm,  ^^07:32
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UrBTMP_: there are youtube clips showing compiz running with your gfx chip, so I'd say it's possible - google around to find out how exactly07:34
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zmo_which is (is there any?) the channel about ".deb" packaging or related ?07:39
Xtremegood morning07:40
Xtremeguys, when i try to run a application in other users credential, i get error "cannot contact x server07:41
Xtremeany solution?07:41
sm0ke_c00ledXtreme, does it say that if you try the same thing with root?07:42
sm0ke_c00ledXtreme, only test it if you trust the application though07:43
Xtremenope it doesnt.. it works with root07:43
sm0ke_c00ledXtreme, what is the app that you are trying to run?07:43
Xtremekwrite and konversation.. i tried both,, both failed07:43
sm0ke_c00ledIs this with any app?07:44
Xtremelet me try few more app07:44
Xtremecannot connect to X server :0.0  <all app07:44
XtremeCan't open display: :0.0 <xterm error07:45
sm0ke_c00ledXtreme, you can try creating another user and see if it is the same issue if not it is a permission issue07:45
sm0ke_c00ledThe other option to test is to add yourself to the video group07:46
munskingim running ubuntu server 11.10, if i run ecrypt-mount-private and enter my password i get "segmentation fault password incorrect", how can i solve this?07:46
Xtremethe current user i am trying this is with a user with root preveligies..07:46
Xtremehow to add to video group?07:46
sm0ke_c00ledopen a terminal and type sudo gpasswd -a "yourusername' video07:47
stevecccis 1024 the best resolution I am going to achieve on 12.04 in a virtual machine?07:47
sm0ke_c00ledXtreme, yourusername is your username07:47
Xtremedone.. lets check :)07:48
Xtremesame error07:48
sm0ke_c00ledXtreme, ok hold on07:48
Xtremesure :)07:49
munskingyex Xtopherus07:49
Xtopherus11.10 isn't the stablest07:49
sm0ke_c00ledXtreme, when you open a terminal is not already set to root is it? like after your username is there a #07:49
fishcookerhow to update nvidia driver safely07:50
munskingXtopherus: so i should use 11.04?07:50
Xtopherusthat would be a better choice07:50
Xtopherusi am using 11.0407:50
Xtremecurrently i am root07:51
Xtremei am trying to run as ghost07:51
Xtremeso what i did so du ghost07:51
Xtremethen tried to run a app, but those error07:51
Xtremeif i do sudo, then those work, but they run under root's name. not the ghost07:52
sm0ke_c00ledXtreme, are you logged in as root?07:52
sm0ke_c00ledXtreme, if so then that is the problem07:53
Xtremeany solution for it??07:54
Xtremeexcept, dont log in as root?07:54
fishcookerERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing.  For further details, please see the section INSTALLING THE07:54
fishcooker         NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver download page at www.nvidia.com.07:54
mvn071on beta 12.4 # apt-get install linux-source && apt-get purge linux-source && apt-get install linux-source; shows no tbz in /usr/src ?07:54
xiexiehi everyone07:54
sm0ke_c00ledXtreme, what if you create a new user and log in then?07:55
sm0ke_c00ledXtreme, can you open apps them07:55
Xtremeyes i can, but many of my other app crashes07:55
mvn071mmm sorry, just read topic -mv / to other ubuntu+107:57
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timingHi all, I have a dual screen setup and a duplicate unity launcher bar. How do I remove one of the two?07:59
bobweavertiming,  in monitor options08:00
intorebobweaver: well, it runs but iwlist scan doesn't show the second access point08:01
timingbobweaver: great thanks!08:01
eunshisHi everybody08:02
eunshiscan any one tell me how i can get ubuntu 12.04 ?08:02
bobweaverintore, so you have wireless ?08:03
ertayyou can download from www.ubuntu.com08:03
intorebobweaver: yes08:03
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/08:03
bobweaverintore,  Great but you are not getting anything with iwlist scan ?>08:03
intorebobweaver: i get only one access point but i have two08:04
bobweaverintore,  you are connected to your wireless right now >08:04
intorebobweaver: yes08:04
bobweaverintore,  1st thing is 1st file bug for what we just fixed08:04
eunshisthanks guys. I got it.08:05
intorebobweaver: yes, very good!08:05
intorebobweaver: thanks08:05
eunshisUbottu: have you started using it? It is stable?08:05
intorebobweaver: i'll study your commands!08:05
bobweaverIntore https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wl/+bug/08:05
bobweaverintore, I also wrote a thing about them wireless cards I will find you link08:06
bobweaverintore,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10796508&postcount=4408:07
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intorebobweaver: thank you, could you tell me why i can't see the second access point?08:10
bobweaverPM intore08:11
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picoAnyone have experience with installing 11.10 server on a Dell PE 2650?08:14
stevecccgeneral unity question - is it possible to reduce the size of the doc and move it to a different location08:16
Generic_DumbassMy computer is much louder in Ubuntu than on Wondows 7. Fans are going at full speed. What should I do?08:18
chilibluecan I ask a really stupid question. What is the equivalent to /var/log/messages in ubuntu?08:20
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MasterOfDisasterchiliblue: /var/log/syslog08:21
chilibluethanks just found it08:21
chiliblueMasterOfDisaster, trying to solve why my dvb-t usb tuner, isn't showing any signal...even after the switchover and my TV gets everything. Everything looks in order in syslog...ho hmmm08:22
Guest12192g'day,what software should be used for webcam on laptop?08:22
bobweaverGuest12192,  cheese ?08:22
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:22
bobweaverehh that is old08:23
Guest12192ok,not familiar with cheese,i guess it allows recording and playback,chatting etc??08:23
Guest12192thanks,might see if i can look cheese up08:25
zmo_Hi, im packaging something. A dependence of mine installs itself starting ncurses configurator (dpkg-reconfigure?); to avoid this i ve tried with a "DEBCONF_FRONTEND=noninteractive" in a preinst file.. but it doesn't do the trick08:29
vectorshelveI have a 11.10 ubuntu running on my machine.. I have the left  side unity bar with options !! how can I disable it and enable all the options appear as normal in the upper task bar ?08:30
ActionParsnipvectorshelve: like this: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed/   ?08:32
vectorshelveActionParsnip: thanks mate08:33
ActionParsnipvectorshelve: np :)08:34
=== vincent is now known as Guest46079
Uareanoobknock knock08:37
ActionParsnipUareanoob: sup?08:38
UareanoobKnock Knock.08:38
nliciHi good day !how can i download frostwire or Morpheus? thanks in advance08:41
ubottufrostwire is a totally open source !bittorrent client, based on Vuze, the Azureus BitTorrent Engine. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire08:41
vectorshelveActionParsnip: the link you gave me is for 12.04 but mine is 11.04 and according to the video it doesnt give me any link to change that in my version of distro08:43
joshy612Hi, is there a way of ungrouping the windows when doing alt+tab ?08:43
ActionParsnipvectorshelve: its stil gnome3 with unity08:44
ActionParsnipvectorshelve: wait, you said you had 11.10, not 11.04...08:44
vectorshelveActionParsnip: sorry 11.10 but the video is for 12. and also I am not getting the option there to change the display08:45
rsvcan i mount nfs rootfs from different machines08:46
ActionParsnipvectorshelve: its still gnome3, so still applies :)08:47
nesusvetrsv: You can if you will mount the partition with readonly option08:47
vectorshelveActionParsnip: ok08:47
rsvcan i boot out of it08:47
rsvcant i?08:47
rsvnesusvet: cant i boot out of a kernel where i specify nfs fs from different boards. if not why?08:48
ActionParsnipvectorshelve: just install gnome-panel, log off and select it as the session08:48
ActionParsniprsv: you could create a PXE server instead08:49
nesusvetrsv: I am not native english speaker, so I can't understand what do you mean by "boot out"08:49
vvnhi all08:49
rsvi meant my root file system is stored in nfs08:50
rsvwhich i specify in bootargs08:50
artdriverвсем привет )08:50
vvnhow are you ? all08:50
vectorshelveActionParsnip: command to install gnome-panel ?08:50
fidelvvn: this channel focused on troubleshooting - there isnt that much general chat inhere (offtopic)08:51
fidelhi ;)08:51
rsvnesusvet: did you understand my question08:53
dlentzvectorshelve, i think you install gnome-session-fallback package08:54
rahulauronandace: hi08:54
rahulgvo: hi08:54
kithello ,i want to know to install vbox-extpack,thank you08:58
systemclientHow can I find out which CD I used for installation?08:58
dlentzsystemclient:  cat /var/log/installer/media-info08:59
ActionParsnipvectorshelve: sudo apt-get install gnome-panel08:59
ActionParsnipvectorshelve: not obvious?08:59
vectorshelveActionParsnip: yes :)08:59
dlentzActionParsnip, actually, i think it's gnome-session-fallback s/he wants08:59
ActionParsnipsystemclient: it will be named in /etc/apt/sources.list in the top few lines.08:59
ActionParsnip!info  gnome-panel08:59
ubottugnome-panel (source: gnome-panel): launcher and docking facility for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.2.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 412 kB, installed size 1288 kB08:59
systemclientdlentz: thanks!09:00
=== alex__ is now known as APoulos
APoulosis anyone able to help me out with some thing09:00
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APoulosI'm having some issues with remastersys - I used it to create a live cd and afterwards hit the `clear` button and afterwards - it left me with a solid state swap drive mounted on /dev/zram009:02
PedroGomesHI, if I have 2 OS in the same disk, each of them having it separated /boot partition.09:02
APoulosits not listed anywhere in my fstab09:02
PedroGomesWhen I'm in the second installed OS I can edit the grub.cgf to selected OS1 as default, but how can I do this when I'm at OS1?09:02
APoulosPedroGomes, `sudo apt-get install grub-customizer`09:03
ActionParsnipPedroGomes: you don't edit grub.cfg, you edit the grub files and run: sudo update-grub09:03
PedroGomesActionParsnip: yes yes, same problem09:04
PedroGomesAPoulos:  graphical, or it was a command line interface09:04
APoulosPedroGomes, its graphical09:04
PedroGomesI'm working with remote servers, but ssh -X is always an option09:04
APoulosalright people - I need some serious help09:05
PedroGomesAPoulos: thanks, and gl with your problem09:05
ActionParsnipPedroGomes: if you edit the DEFAUL= line in /etc/default/grub   it will change the default boot09:05
APoulosI created a thread that maybe you can follow and see my problem -  http://askubuntu.com/questions/123047/used-remastersys-and-made-a-custom-iso-of-my-ubuntu-but-now-left-with-a-1-5gb#comment146865_12304709:05
PedroGomesActionParsnip: yes, but only in OS2 that was an effect,09:05
lukCiao a tutti09:06
PedroGomesActionParsnip: when I'm on OS1, the first one installed than I got no control over grub it seems09:06
PedroGomesActionParsnip: there is a hack, mount OS2 and edit the grub.cfg directly09:07
ActionParsnipPedroGomes: usually you'd have one /boot partition afaik09:07
PedroGomesActionParsnip: half threads say that only give problems, and as far as I tried, its true09:08
APoulosActionParsnip, could you take a gander at my issue: http://askubuntu.com/questions/123047/used-remastersys-and-made-a-custom-iso-of-my-ubuntu-but-now-left-with-a-1-5gb#comment146865_12304709:08
PedroGomes* a /boot partition only raises more problems09:08
=== Davidla is now known as K-Lab
APoulosPedroGomes, if you09:09
ActionParsnipAPoulos: not used remastersys, sorry09:10
APoulosPedroGomes, if you're trying to get Grub to recognize the new OS entry you may need go `sudo update grub`09:10
APoulosPedroGomes, what OS's are you trying to dual boot?09:10
Ztanehmm so how to do rescue floppy with current grub, mkrescue seems to produce iso images only?09:10
ActionParsnipZtane: if the ISO fits on a floppy, it can be used09:11
APoulosPedroGomes, if I can ask, what OS's are you trying to dual boot? because if one of them is Windows, GRUB doesnt work well with windows09:12
PedroGomesAPoulos: for now a 12.04 and a 11.10, but I intend to do it generic. An yes i run update-grub, "update-grub2" to be precise09:12
ReXHaviKa quassel question, how to keep the join/part messages from showing?09:12
PedroGomesAPoulos: only linuxs09:12
ActionParsnipReXHaviK: which client?09:12
ReXHaviKActionParsnip: quassel09:13
eunshis_hi every body09:13
APoulosPedroGomes, have you tried installing Boot-repair?09:13
APoulosPedroGomes, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair09:14
APoulosPedroGomes, that should set your grub menu straight and find all your OS's09:14
ZtaneActionParsnip: it does but it does not contain valid boot sector :(09:15
ActionParsnipReXHaviK: let me search09:15
APoulosAPoulos, also - if you're using 11.10 - you can run Startup-Manager - sadly Startup-manager doesnt work well with 12.0409:15
ReXHaviKActionParsnip: thnks09:15
wereHamsterdo the ubuntu archive servers not support ipv6?09:15
APoulosPedroGomes, APoulos, also - if you're using 11.10 - you can run Startup-Manager - sadly Startup-manager doesnt work well with 12.0409:15
PedroGomesAPoulos: I'm trying to automize a installation on remote servers so this kind of tool is not a choice09:15
APoulosPedroGomes, oh, nevermind09:15
ActionParsnipZtane: There are floppys on pendrivelinux to boot various devices. I believe the install CD can even be told to boot the first drive09:16
APoulosPedroGomes, that's out of my league09:16
wereHamsterI have a default server install of precise, ipv6 works, but apt-get update can not contact us.archive.ubuntu.com.09:16
APouloswereHamster, switch sources to main server09:16
ZtaneActionParsnip: hmm actually I just need to do a custom rescue floppy09:16
ActionParsnipReXHaviK: is there any sort of plugins menu or options in the main window?09:17
Ztanesomewhere I read that the same image would work as ISO and floppy image, but my grub on oneiric produces images that have first 32k just all zeroes09:17
PedroGomesAPoulos: I have all working except for this little hack to change grub entries, but thanks anyway09:17
Onixshow to dump gpu bios inubuntu09:18
PedroGomesAPoulos: I guess I will do a forum post09:18
APoulosPedroGomes, you're welcome - tried to help the best I could09:18
ReXHaviKActionParsnip: there is, i can insert ignore options, based on nick server and message09:18
ActionParsnipReXHaviK: under settings -> behavious -> notifications   maybe09:18
ReXHaviKActionParsnip: server notification?09:19
ActionParsnipReXHaviK: maybe09:19
ActionParsnipReXHaviK: i'd ask in #kubuntu too09:20
ReXHaviKActionParsnip: they went night night early09:21
wereHamsterAPoulos: which is the main server?09:21
APouloswereHamster, give me just a sec and ill give you a screen shot09:21
ReXHaviKActionParsnip: i was being lazy, i'll google it09:21
wereHamsterAPoulos: it's a server, so no gui09:21
APouloswereHamster, oh... theres no way you can remote desktop into it?09:23
=== DaemonFC` is now known as DaemonFC
APouloswereHamster, because its in the software-center09:23
itbcn8hi, anyone know how to get the Citrix ICA client working on Ubuntu 11.10 x64? (I have read all the help pages I could find through google but not working), thanks.09:23
wereHamsterAPoulos: I'll try manually updating the sources.lst09:24
APoulosDOES anyone know how to get rid of the /dev/zram0 - solid state drive that keeps showing up - its not in my fstab09:27
APoulosit only happened after I used remastersys09:28
APoulosit acts like a swap09:28
APoulosbut its not09:28
rahuldoes any body know about asterisk?09:28
rahuldoes any body know about #asterisk?09:28
thunder1212ActionParsnip, nothing worked.. Hi ;)09:30
DigDeeperFinally moved to Ubuntu from Win 7....09:33
DigDeeperCan I get the Gnome2  looks back somehow?09:34
FourDollarsDigDeeper: Install gnome-panel.09:34
DigDeeperlet me try09:34
reels How does one  use ipv6 address to mount nfs volume ?  My tries failed. http://paste.ubuntu.com/935186/09:35
FourDollarsDigDeeper: What is your Ubuntu series?09:35
DigDeeperDescription:Ubuntu 11.1009:36
NET||abusehi guys, i'm trying to automatically restart apache from a build job, the buildbot user is who's doing it, just runs /usr/sbin/apachectl restart09:37
NET||abusei added buildbot to a special "restartapache" group09:37
CQhello, I lost the part of the toolbar where all the open applications are shown... how do I get that back?09:37
CQI looked for a widget, but no luck09:38
CQsorry, wrong channel...09:38
NET||abusethen in sudoers i add      %restartapache ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/apachectl09:39
NET||abusebut the log for the buildbot says sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified09:39
DigDeeperi still have that stupid taskbar on the left side09:39
NET||abusethen i added Defaults visiblepw    and now it said sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts09:39
CQDigDeeper: then install gnome-desktop-fallback or whatever thats called, and you get the old ubuntu look back.09:40
CQhave to select gnome classic on the login screen09:40
deanHi all could someone help me my Ubuntu distro is great but when I try and load playonlinux programs it is really slow?09:44
riktkingi have an issue, i have installed a chroot version of ubuntu on my android phone. i can ping allt he local computers onmy network but cant get access to the web09:45
riktkingcan anyone help?09:45
deanCan someone remember the name of that program that optimises the ram use and makes bootup and stuff run quicker?09:46
riktkingdean, try bootchecker09:46
riktkingi think09:46
RaTTuS|BIGdean check http://www.playonlinux.com/en/ - though you probably need to install the video drivers from teh card manuafators09:47
riktkingdean, ignoe that09:47
deanriktking, I think it was called preload09:47
riktkingoh ok09:47
deanRaTTuS|BIG, It was fine until I tried to install itunes but it went wrong so now it runs slow takes about 5 mins to load anything up on it09:48
deanWhat is the command to refresh my registry in case anything is broken please?09:50
CQdean registry? Are you sure you're using ubuntu and not windows??09:51
deanCQ, I am using Ubuntu 10.4 but sometimes repositories need to cleaned up cos they can be broken?09:51
deanCQ, The problem I am having is I using playonlinux to run some windows programs which ran fine until I tried to install Itunes but it takes forever to load up anything on playonlinux now09:53
spaceace85I've just added a 3TB drive to my media center, and when I do fdisk -l I see "Partition 1 does not start on a physical sector boundary." on the partition I just created.09:54
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=== enroxorz is now known as Guest81921
Sobirvscan someone help me with this n00b problem , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1960756 , 3 pages already and my problem havent solved yet.09:58
sk_can anyone tell me meaning of  (*p)->counter = ((*p)->counter >> 1) +(*p)->priority;  ?09:59
RaTTuS|BIGdead I have no experiance of playonlinux but itunes even on windows is a right royal PITA - I'd uninstall it TBH09:59
riktkingSobirvs, have u tried using a wired network to update?09:59
riktkingit may find a driver issue?09:59
Sobirvsi am in college riktking  , here it is only wifi axx , no wired shit ,10:00
sk_anyone here?10:00
LjLsk_, this isn't really a programming channel... is that C? have you tried ##c?10:00
Tm_Tsk_: tried asking on some programming channel? preferably the one for the language of yours?10:00
riktkingahh ok just i ahev a lenovo and it has to be wired to get the drivers for the wifi10:00
Sobirvsanyways riktking  , can u tell me how to install VLC , wireless prob may go away after i update my ubuntu to new ver.10:00
Sobirvs:O even i get the wired conn. then what to do ?10:01
XabsterSobirvs, get online, open a package manager and search for vlc10:01
Sobirvsi have lenevo z57010:01
SobirvsXabster: in college , i cant download :( its blocked , but i downloaded the manual installer , but dont know hwo to install it via make command or something.10:02
Sobirvscan u look at my threadas comments and then give suggestions10:02
Sobirvsu guys will know a better story.10:02
riktkingSobirvs, u need to have a wired connection, then u need to use the software updater10:02
riktkingits not like windows where u download certain programs10:02
riktkingit is all held in a repository10:02
sk_somebody here?10:02
Sobirvsk software updater > then ? how to get wireless driverS?10:02
* Sobirvs haz no idea what's a repository.10:03
ladykiller777gud afternoon to all10:03
MonkeyDustSobirvs  it's a software source10:03
Xabstersk_, yes we're here. your question seems to be C++?10:03
riktkingSobirvs, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu10:03
ladykiller777i have a problem ...............how to install wine at ubuntu10:04
MonkeyDustladykiller777  sudo apt-get install wine, or use the software center, or synaptic10:04
ladykiller777Install Wine at ubuntu ????? anyone please ???????????10:05
MonkeyDustladykiller777  just told you szconds ago10:05
Sobirvsriktking: u sure even if i upgrade to new ver. of ubuntu , i still have to do that repo. shit for wifi drivers?10:05
dario_guys,is street fighter 4 runing in wine?10:05
spaceace85Does Ubuntu support GPT filesystems by default?10:06
MonkeyDust!appdb| dario_10:06
ubottudario_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help10:06
riktkingSobirvs, no if the drivers are installed then thats cool. otherwise it will flag it up. ubuntu isnt windows. u install software via the repository not by just downloding a file10:06
ladykiller777@ MonkeyDust: ..CAN WINE WILL RUN WPF APPLICATION TO UBUNTU ????10:06
MonkeyDustladykiller777  caps, and what is wpf?10:07
dario_thanks ;)10:07
Sobirvsriktking:  a friend of mine told me , taht if i upgrade my ubunut to new ver. then may be the drivers will automatically come10:07
Sobirvsanyways , can u show me a screenshots how to get wifi drivers.10:08
Sobirvsfor lenevo z57010:08
ladykiller777windows presentation foundation .. technology before silverlight in windows ???10:08
MonkeyDustladykiller777  i'm not familiar with windows, so doesn't ring a bell10:09
riktkingSobirvs, what version are you using?10:10
lwadeeHi all, any idea on how to remove the link local zeroconf route of on non-server releases of Ubuntu? :)10:11
Sobirvsriktking: ubuntu 10.0410:11
ladykiller777k i was just implementing windows techlogies to linux :) anyays thx broda10:11
Sobirvsi am using it as dual boot with win 710:11
riktkingi recommend an upgrade10:11
riktkingget the latest10:12
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Sobirvsand the drivers will come automatically then riktking  ?10:13
jonkristianHi guys, I'm running ubuntu on my fathers laptop, compiz keeps segfaulting everytime he tries to swtich windows, he has a radeon hd 5400 series card, suggestions? I am not too familiar with ubuntu, what drivers are recommended, can I switch off this compiz thing or is it heavily incorporated in gnome/unity?10:13
Sobirvsand btw should i do the clean install ? for new ubuntu ? or there is a option for upgrade for a easy way10:13
MonkeyDustjonkristian  do you want to use Unity?10:14
riktkingSobirvs, if u dont have a web connection then you cant get the drivers!10:14
riktkingbut the upgrade may help10:14
c_nicknick c_nick10:14
riktkingid do a clean install tho10:14
seacow_ Hi all. Could someone please help me? I am a noob admin and I am trying to ssh to my Ubuntu box and have it execute a function while I am gone (run a command line program). It should be sampling and network data and recording it to a file, but when I close my ssh session it is stopping. How do I make it keep going while I am not logged in?10:15
jonkristianMonkeyDust: well I want him to have a system that is easy to use and doesn't crash. My mother also use ubuntu on her laptop so they should have the same identical layout.10:15
pk_how to install tar.gz?10:15
jonkristianseacow_: use screen?10:15
MonkeyDust!nounity| jonkristian look here:10:15
ubottujonkristian look here:: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic10:15
seacow_jonkristian: thanks, so that means just type screen before the command?10:15
jonkristianMonkeyDust: okay. But I want to try switching drivers first, do you have a suggestion for that, for the radeon?10:16
=== lwadee is now known as lwade
MonkeyDustjonkristian  I use Ubuntu Classic myself, looks very much like Gnome2 and is very fast, XFCE and LXDE are also very fast10:16
MonkeyDustjonkristian  mmm no10:17
Sobirvsk anyways my prob not solved :( i will try with wired net conn.10:17
Sobirvsthanks for ur time riktking man ;)10:17
TanvirHello I need a bit hardware suggestion here. Do you guys think Ubuntu 12.04 will run perfect with Dell XPS 14Z? Configuration: i5 with 8 GB RAM and 750 HDD and Intel 300 HDMI graphics.10:17
riktkingSobirvs, it will say when u want to10:17
MonkeyDustTanvir  better ask in #ubuntu+110:17
riktkingwhen u plug it in that there are restricted drivers available10:17
jonkristianMonkeyDust: Thing is, my parents aren't too computer savvy, they are pretty used to the defaults.10:17
riktkingthis will install the drivers, usually. then a reboot and voila10:17
TanvirMonkeyDust, thanks. Doing.10:17
MonkeyDustjonkristian  "defaults" = gnome 2 ?10:18
jonkristianMonkeyDust: no, the unity10:18
Sobirvsk riktking  , if i conn to wired conn. then it will automatically ask for download drivers or something ?10:18
riktkingSobirvs, yes it *should* do10:18
jonkristianMonkeyDust: I'll see if i can switch drivers, if not I will try default gnome 310:19
Sobirvsno need to open anything ? not the software central or terminal to execute any command?10:19
MonkeyDustjonkristian  Unity = gnome310:19
MonkeyDustwith some eye candy10:19
jonkristianMonkeyDust: yes, but with modifications, am i wrong?10:19
jonkristianMonkeyDust: and it doesn't rely on compiz?10:19
riktkingSobirvs, it should give u a pop up10:19
jonkristianIt is compiz that crashes10:19
MonkeyDustjonkristian  it does10:19
Sobirvsahh kk thanks riktking10:20
riktkingi know on my lenovo it does its the first thing that i have to do on reinstal10:20
Sobirvsand another question was how to install VLC or any mediaplayer which can play every file , like .mp3/av/mkv/all10:20
jonkristianMonkeyDust: I'm running gnome 3 on arch linux here, it doesn't rely on compiz at all.10:20
riktkingyeh u use the software centre10:20
Sobirvsriktking: i cant use software centre for some restrictions putted by my college but i manually downloaded 3 files like this http://i.imgur.com/wCG7z.png can u tell me what to do next ?10:21
MonkeyDustjonkristian  yeah, like I said: Unity = gnome3 + some eye candy10:22
jonkristianMonkeyDust: hmm, just ran unity --reset , it seems that it doesn't crash any longer. What exactly does it do?10:22
sha0coderhi ppl10:22
sha0coderI'm passing from arch to ubuntu :)10:22
MonkeyDustjonkristian  i guess it resets compiz to defaults, glad you found it :)10:23
azam22im now on jolicloud10:23
riktkingSobirvs, u need to be using the software centre10:23
riktkingyou will have to get a connection else where10:23
Sobirvsdude this shitty college have blocked downloading so.. :(10:23
sha0coderif i crypt the home, the system will be slower, how much slower?10:23
Sobirvsi thou can go to other internet center's but still if i have those 3 files , it surely is possible to install that10:23
Sobirvsbut i dont know how to10:23
LjLSobirvs: those are source files. why aren't you getting the binary package?10:23
riktkingu have to download the .deb10:24
Sobirvsk link me to .deb10:24
LjLSobirvs: to compile source, you also need the whole build-essential suite, so you if you can't download that, you're back at square one10:24
Sobirvsbinary package ? how to get that10:24
LjL!offline | Sobirvs10:24
ubottuSobirvs: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD10:24
newb2my ubuntu (precise beta) instalation is running VESA instead nvidia, what is happening. Here is my Xorg.o.log:  http://paste.debian.net/hidden/18c1a503/10:25
Sobirvsi got this guys vlc_1.0.6-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb10:25
LjLSobirvs: thing is, packages need dependencies. it's unlikely you will be able to just install the single VLC package, without it wanting dependencies.10:25
ActionParsnipSobirvs: http://packages.ubuntu.com10:25
matanyais there a way to sync a video on ipad (arrg) with ubuntu?10:25
riktkingSobirvs, as i said u need to use the software centre10:26
Sobirvsguys i downloaded google chrome so easily , i downloaded its .deb file , run it in ubuntu with just single click as same in .exe in windows , but for VLC its so difficult10:26
riktkingyes because it needs other packages10:26
paulus68how do you toggle in unity between workspaces?10:26
MonkeyDustnewb2  better ask in #ubuntu+110:26
riktkingubuntu ISNT windows10:26
LjLSobirvs: so do the same with the VLC .deb. but don't necessarily expect it to work, because of dependencies.10:26
Sobirvsubottu: i got this error while installing http://i.imgur.com/K09Uq.png10:27
ubottuSobirvs: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:27
newb2MonkeyDust: thanks :D going there10:27
Sobirvscan u check10:27
LjLSobirvs: it's a missing dependency, as i was saying.10:27
LjLSobirvs: you need to download that package too. and then other packages, and then more...10:27
Sobirvswhich other packages10:27
LjLSobirvs: why don't you just try using the http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ i linked to? maybe it'll get all the packages you require.10:28
SobirvsLjL: k10:28
Sobirvsbut what to click10:28
Sobirvsi have ubuntu 10.0410:28
Sobirvsbut it is not listed there10:28
Sobirvsi have ubuntu 10.04 64bit10:28
LjLSobirvs: yes it is, it's Lucid.10:28
LjLSobirvs: http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/?repo=Lucid&arch=AMD64&package=vlc&have=ubuntu-desktop10:29
LjLSobirvs: these are the packages you need to install assuming you only have ubuntu-desktop installed.10:29
impican anyone please explain what < > and | mean in diff language?10:29
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SobirvsLjL: there are so many of em man10:29
Sobirvswhich one to select ?10:29
LjLSobirvs: all of them.10:29
MonkeyDustimpi  they mean 'send to' and 'pipe to'10:30
MonkeyDustmore or less10:30
LjLMonkeyDust: i think he's talking about the output of "diff"10:30
impiMonkeyDust, thanks man, i figured as much, but in a diff i dont think they mean more or less, rather something like, exisits in both files, but different values10:30
impisomething like that, but im not sure of the meaning, which is why i asked here10:31
SobirvsLjL: there were 44 files and i downloaded em all10:33
Sobirvsnow what to do mate ?10:33
newb2worked! At upgrade from stable version the packate nvidia-current-updates was not instaled, only nvidia-current. Installing it and removing nouveau made work10:34
LjLSobirvs: put them all in one directory, and try doing "sudo dpkg -i *.deb"10:34
Sobirvswhat should be the directory name ?10:34
LjLSobirvs: it doesn't matter10:34
tixaHi, I had a problem with setting ipv6(local) on my ubuntu 10.0410:34
Sobirvsk i named that folder "VLC"10:34
LjLSobirvs: if they're the only .deb files you have, you can leave them in the current directory10:35
tixadisabled network manager, my interfaces file looks like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/935255/10:35
Sobirvsnow where should i put that folder?10:35
SobirvsLjL: i putted all of em in "VLC " folder10:35
LjLSobirvs: it doesn't matter! just "cd" to the folder, and run "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" in it10:35
SobirvsLjL: i am a n00b rly , how to "Cd" the foldeR?10:35
MrElendigSobirvs: man cd10:36
Sobirvsand i have to write "sudu dpkg -t" with ""  too ?10:36
MrElendigSobirvs: case matters btw, cd not Cd10:36
LjLSobirvs: open a terminal, type "cd ~/VLC" (assuming your VLC folder is in your home), and then "sudo dpkg -i *.deb"10:36
LjLSobirvs: no, clearly the "" are just there to denote a command10:36
LjLSobirvs: and it's "sudo dpkg -i" not "sudu dpkg -t"10:36
Sobirvsm gonna reboot and try ur command :)10:36
Sobirvsdont go away :D10:36
matanyais there a way to sync a video on ipad (arrg) with ubuntu?10:38
Badmanhow do i configure mplayerthumbs for nautilus or any other file explorer?10:39
ActionParsnipmatanya: do you mean copy it over?10:41
fl1bbl3matanya: what do you mean sync?  transfer it to/from ipad?  fix lip sync on mp4?10:41
matanyasync like syncing music with music players10:41
auronandace!ipad | matanya10:42
auronandace!ipod | matanya10:42
ubottumatanya: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod10:42
matanyaI asked for Ipad10:42
matanyaand I know the music stuff10:43
matanyaasked about a movie10:43
tapashi, trying to compile an app against libwebkitgtk-3.010:43
tapashmm, ok, trying to link the application like: gcc -o ghtml2pdf main.c `pkg-config gtk+-3.0 webkitgtk-3.0 webkit-1.0 --cflags --libs`10:44
tapasgives me undefined references to webkit_webview_new.. i guess this is a bug in the libwebkit package?10:44
MrElendigor your code10:44
MonkeyDusttapas  use this page to show the code to the channel http://paste.ubuntu.com/10:44
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tapasthat's about as simple as it gets.. it just doesn't link..10:47
ola8395i tried mate and trinity desktop environments and they didn`t work well on ubuntu 11.10 , then i removed them and all orphans and even cleaned the system with ubuntu tweak so it will return as it was newly installed but even though mate and trinity desktops remains as choice in the ldm login manager , how can i remove them , cause iam quite sure all packages according to them is removed10:48
SobirvsLjL: that worked dude10:50
Sobirvsthanks \o/10:50
Sobirvsjust wanna ask , is there also a software called MPC a.k.a k-lite codec for ubuntu ?10:50
LjLdon't know10:51
szal!codecs | Sobirvs10:51
ubottuSobirvs: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:51
Sobirvsnow what about graphics card ?>10:52
Sobirvsis my Nvidia driver installed?10:52
szal!nvidia | Sobirvs10:52
ubottuSobirvs: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto10:52
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Sobirvswhat if my onboard GPU is intel HD graphics and my external GPU is of nvidia ?10:54
Sobirvsi have to install intel drivers too then ?10:54
disturbedfoodhello, i have installed i3wm on my ubuntu install and would like to use the Monte Carlo bitmap font. I have it installed so i can select it in gnome-terminal, but i want i3 to use it as well. however, it doesnt show up in xfontsel10:55
Sobirvsguys what if i download the drivers from here http://www.nvidia.in/content/DriverDownload-March2009/confirmation.php?url=/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/295.40/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-295.40.run&lang=in&type=GeForce10:55
Sobirvsi have to just click or what ?10:55
SobirvsLjL:  ?10:55
paulus68how do you toggle in unity between workspaces?10:56
LjLSobirvs: don't get the drivers from there. use the Restricted Drivers program in Ubuntu instead.10:56
Sobirvsrestricted drivers ?10:56
Sobirvslink ?10:56
LjLSobirvs: or Additional Drivers or however it's called these days.10:56
LjLSobirvs: no link, you already have it installed. try typing "driver" in your application list.10:57
Sobirvsapplication list ?10:57
disturbedfoodso i can't find the font code to use, and if i use any of the ones on the internet, the bar doesn't display(i'm guessing it is because it can't find the font)10:57
Sobirvsu mean in terminal ?10:57
LjLSobirvs: in Unity, man, the icon at the top left, where you see all your applications (or if you don't have Unity, then System -> Administration -> Additional Drivers)10:58
FirdausSobirvs: do you think dpkg -l10:59
fl1bbl3matanya: you can sync via something like "Files Pro" on the iPad11:01
matanyaand on the ubuntu side?11:01
ActionParsnipSobirvs: or run:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current    same thing11:01
fl1bbl3matanya: its just an FTP transfer, so lftp11:01
matanyaok. thanks11:02
vltHello. How can I create a block device in RAM?11:02
fl1bbl3there is a free version of the app too iirc11:02
matanyaI don't own one, BTW11:02
ActionParsnipvlt: like RAM drive?11:02
vltActionParsnip: What else could I mean?11:03
ActionParsnipvlt: just clarifying, so as to not waste time going down the wrong avenue...11:03
MonkeyDustvlt  http://askubuntu.com/questions/11976/how-to-create-ram-drive#1197911:03
ActionParsnipvlt: a simple 'yes' is sufficient.11:03
SobirvsFirdaus> Sobirvs: do you think dpkg -l11:04
Sobirvsdidnt got u here Firdaus11:04
ActionParsnipvlt: if you add:    none /var/ramdisk tmpfs mode=1777,size=500M 0 0     to your /etc/fstab and make the directory /var/ramdisk you will have 500Mb of RAM disk to use (this is volatile storage so will be lost on reboot etc)11:05
SobirvsLjL: u think my VLC is taking Nvidia GPU to play  videos ?11:05
ActionParsnipvlt: I use that for my browser cache :)11:05
LjLSobirvs: have no idea11:05
Sobirvsso how to know then ?11:06
Sobirvsand what dir mean by dpkg -I11:06
vltActionParsnip: With a simple "yes" I couldn't have expressed my actual question: What else is there in Ubuntu/Linux that is a block device in RAM?11:06
ActionParsnipvlt: well, ram itself is a block device11:07
vltActionParsnip: Thank you. If I add this line to fstab, where's my block device then?11:07
ActionParsnipvlt: the storage can be accessed from /var/ramdisk and will be 500Mb in size11:08
aureianimusI'm going to buy a secondary monitor for my laptop, are there any specific things I should mind to make sure it plays nice with ubuntu?11:08
zatanhi how  can I show location entry instead of pathbar with Nautilus when saving file with firefox ?11:08
ActionParsnipaureianimus: one that reports EDID :)11:08
ActionParsnipzatan: ctrl+L or alt+L afaik11:08
zatanActionParsnip, but its just temporary changes I want permannent ?11:09
vltActionParsnip: It looks like a file system. I need a block device.11:09
vltHence my question.11:09
aureianimusActionParsnip, how do i know if one does?11:10
ActionParsnipvlt: so, like a sub-block device within the block device of the ram?11:10
ActionParsnipaureianimus: get a decent one11:10
vltActionParsnip: Yes, a "separate", size limited block device in RAM.11:11
ActionParsnipzatan: not sure there dude, there may be a dconf option. I know there used to be one in gconf but I'm unsure if the settings there are still honoured11:11
aureianimusokay, thanks11:11
vltActionParsnip: Like a partition or an LV for other block devices.11:11
zatanActionParsnip, cheers anyway11:12
vltI _could_ of course create a file in that tmpfs and losetup it ... but that sounds like unnecessary overhead11:13
StepNjumpfind . -type f \( -iname "*CV*" ! -iname ".*" \)11:13
StepNjumpooops sorry...11:13
StepNjumpGuys I am trying to find all the files that have CV in them, only the non-hidden files... Does anyone understand why this doesn't work? find . -type f \( -iname "*CV*" ! -iname ".*" \)11:14
ActionParsnipvlt: can you see why I asked if you wanted a ramdisk now?11:15
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llutzStepNjump: find . -type f  -iname "*CV*.*"11:16
auronandaceStepNjump: is * still considered a wildcard when inside: ""11:16
Guest19159how to optimize  my internet  for port forwarding on UBUNTU 111:16
ActionParsnipGuest19159: do you use a router, or is the ubuntu system acting as a router?11:17
obiwlanhello! i just bough an enermax brick usb 2.0 hdd enclosure. according to enermax it supports 3tb disks, but my drive is seen as two SCSI LUNs. one with 2^32 sectors and another one with the remainder. any ideas what i could try? the disk is seen as one device on a local sata port.11:18
Guest19159Ubuntu acting as a router .. the laptop is connected to ADSL modem through inthernet cable11:18
Guest19159but lately my torennt isnt  connecting  and my streaming  and other mail port acting  WEIRD !!!11:19
Code_Factoryhey guys, I'm in a rookie problem here and have been trying for the past 90 mins to solve it11:21
Code_FactoryI run apache2 on ubuntu 11.1011:21
Guest19159Actually im using qbtorent11:21
Code_Factoryand I can't get my php scripts to write and copy files11:21
Code_Factoryon /var/www11:21
Code_Factoryany help?11:21
jamespharaohcan anyone help me track down what is using memory on my server? free -m reports 585 out of 595 used, 576 -/+ buffers/cache, but running top and sorting by memory usage there are 72 processes and the highest three are 1.4, 0.8 and 0.1 percent. what could be using memory which doesn't show up in top?11:23
zykotick9!atemyram | jamespharaoh11:23
ubottujamespharaoh: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html11:23
Guest19159can someone  YELP me plx ?11:26
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Code_Factory:D never mind me I just needed to restart apache211:27
wereHamsterwhich package owns /etc/apt/sources.list?11:30
fidelGuest19159: maybe - you should start with a problem description11:30
Guest19159i cant get my qbtorent to connect11:30
fidelGuest19159: there isnt even a package with that name - afaik11:31
ActionParsnipwereHamster: try:  dpkg -S sources.list11:33
ActionParsnipwereHamster: There are sample files online, or you can boot the liveCD/USB and copy the default one from there  to your internal partition11:41
CellTechXubuntu is always the one that never mounts my spare harddrive and lists it on the desk top. How can I force it too?11:44
ActionParsnipCellTech: install gvfs maybe, if its not already installed11:45
CellTechSoftware center? I type that in I get a long list11:46
CellTechNever mind it's in there.11:47
CellTechAnd still no spare drive in the list11:47
y-o-d-a-yodahi, is there any way to make the usb install more robust? power it off uncleanly once and the stick is broken and won't boot any more. Seen this many times...11:47
zykotick9!fstab | CellTech11:47
ubottuCellTech: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:47
CellTechK. It was always working in Ubuntu11:48
pungi_mantry and use terminal it will occur fast and will consume less ram and cpu speed CellTech11:48
ActionParsnipy-o-d-a-yoda: use ext4 can help11:48
OerHeksy-o-d-a-yoda, that is a hardware issue, any usb stick in any OS can go corrupt when not unmounting properly11:48
CellTechWhat do I type in terminal?11:48
y-o-d-a-yodaActionParsnip: err I just convert the ISO to usb with the pendrive tool11:48
ActionParsnipCellTech: sudo apt-get install gvfs11:48
pungi_manCellTech : What do u want to install??11:49
CellTechOh. It's already installed11:49
ActionParsnipCellTech: gotcha11:49
y-o-d-a-yodaOerHeks: yes, I know. That's not the point, other distro's I have seen either repair it, or keep working. Ubuntu so far has always been 1 uncleanly shutdown = stick borked. Always.11:49
CellTechIt's only xubuntu that doesn't show it ever. Ubuntu when I was on it showed it just fine. It's where I store all my media11:49
y-o-d-a-yodaOerHeks: it's not just sticks... any disk that is uncleanly shutdown has these issues11:49
wereHamsterActionParsnip: no, I don't want to edit that file. I want to know against which package to report a bug.11:49
ActionParsnipwereHamster: edit what file?11:50
OerHeksy-o-d-a-yoda, it is not an ubuntu issue, it is a user problem.11:50
enroxorzGot a question. Got a buddy who wants to try ubuntu but is very noobish so I am going to install wubi for him. What is teh difference? Will he have a full linux distro to play with or are there limitations? Will it use ntfs? so confused...11:50
wereHamsterActionParsnip: Suppose there is a bug in sources.list. Where do I report the bug?11:50
CellTechDisk Utility shows it. But it says "Error spawning nautilus: %s"11:50
ActionParsnipwereHamster: oic, then report it against the apt package11:50
ActionParsnipwereHamster: sources.list won't have bugs, its a config file11:51
ActionParsnipwereHamster: what issues are you seeing?11:51
zykotick9wereHamster: what "bug" did you find in sources.list exactly?11:51
ActionParsnipzykotick9: thats what I thought11:51
wereHamsterthe default server that's there is not reachable through IPv6.11:51
y-o-d-a-yodaOerHeks: I disagree. The process should be more robust or be able to repair. It does neither. But yes, one should power down cleanly.11:51
CellTechShould I install "File manager and graphical shell for Gnome? aka; Natilus?11:51
ActionParsnipwereHamster: then thats an issue witht that server, not the sources.list file11:52
wereHamsterso where do I report *that* bug?11:52
ActionParsnipCellTech: could do, should help (assuming you have the space)11:52
zykotick9CellTech: why not just use fstab and have your drives mount the way you want?11:52
ActionParsnipwereHamster: i'd still use apt as the thing to report against11:52
wereHamster :)11:52
CellTechI just want it to auto mount when I turn the computer on and be there when I want my media. That's all I care about11:52
wereHamstersecurity.ubuntu.com isn't reachable through IPv6 either :-/11:53
ActionParsnipwereHamster: is there a change you need to make to make it use ipv6?11:53
pungi_manCellTech : Its already installed in ubuntu (pre-installed )11:53
CellTechI'm now on Xubuntu11:53
wereHamsterActionParsnip: IPv6-only network11:53
wereHamsteractually a LXC container, which only has IPv6 connectivity.11:53
Phazorxcould you guys please link me a guide on creating startup scripts for services in 10.04?11:54
pungi_manCellTech:type nautilus in terminal, because it will mostly be installed11:54
ActionParsnipwereHamster: is there no change you can make to use ipv6, to the sources.list file?11:55
zykotick9pungi_man: i don't think nautilus is installed by default with xfce11:55
nerkerI can't play videos on my laptop using vlc or movie player. I get sound but no video. My system runs on 11.04 .11:55
CellTechNothing found11:55
CellTechI will install now11:55
foo357Hello, I'm setting up a LAMP server on a computer with 10.04 LTS installed. I'm following this guide: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/42480/how-to-turn-your-home-ubuntu-pc-into-a-lamp-web-server/11:55
wereHamsterActionParsnip: sure I can. That's what I did. But IMO I shouldn't have to edit that file, the default installation should just work.11:55
Noorideenhello everyone11:55
foo357however it doesn't seem like php is working11:56
Noorideenanyone is free to help me?11:56
i7c!ask | Noorideen11:56
ubottuNoorideen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:56
wereHamsterActionParsnip: there is no reason us.archive.ubuntu.com (or the default servers that are in sources.list) shouldn't be reachable through IPv611:56
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pungi_manthen u can install it by typing sudo apt-get install nautilus11:56
i7cfoo357: why lamp? so easy to install apache + php independent nowadays.11:56
Noorideeni wanna start using ubuntu11:56
Noorideenbut i know nothing about it11:57
Noorideeni tips for installing11:57
Noorideeni need*11:57
ActionParsnipwereHamster: I guess, depends on DNS11:57
zykotick9Noorideen: download ISO, burn ISO, boot ISO11:57
foo357i7c: I don't know if it makes any difference but I didn't execute the command "install lamp-server"-whatever11:58
ActionParsnipzykotick9: you forgot MD5 test ISO ;)11:58
i7cNoorideen: installation should not be that hard. You'll need some free HD space and you can download the newest version of Ubuntu on the homepage. burn it to a dvd and go. alternatively you can make a usb flash drive work as installation drive.11:58
foo357i7c: I installed all those packages by themselves11:58
alteregoabulubulu is nit runnung11:58
wereHamsterActionParsnip: dig AAAA us.archive.ubuntu.com. Try it for yourself.11:58
paulus68Noorideen: use live cd and see if you like it and if you can use ubuntu with the current hardware specs11:58
i7cfoo357: okay, does apache already work? go to http://localhost   in your browser11:58
pungi_manNoorideen: u can download ISO with wget11:58
wylde_foo357: the easiest way to get a lamp server installed from repos is 'tasksel' then choose the lamp option.11:58
Noorideenthank you alot peeps11:59
Phazorxhow do i make my own service startup script? is there am up to date guide? (10.04)11:59
Noorideenbut i tried it once11:59
foo357i7c: wylde_ yes apache works... actually I migth not need a full blown lamp setup...11:59
Noorideenand found it hard11:59
Noorideeni wanna try using it again11:59
Noorideeni study software engineering11:59
pungi_manNoordeen:to burn it you can use basero11:59
Noorideeni believe its better for me than windows11:59
williamdoorshas anyone got a minute to help?11:59
Noorideenpungi_man: thanks man12:00
pungi_manI believe it too!!!!!!12:00
ubottuwilliamdoors: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:00
williamdoorsI need to transfer my web files from my old server to my new server via command line, how is this done?12:01
wereHamsterwilliamdoors: man rsync12:01
dlentzwereHamster, see bug 24130512:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241305 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "security.ubuntu.com not accessible in IPv6 (AAAA record missing in the DNS)" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24130512:01
i7cwilliamdoors: for manual transfer you can mount the remote server with sshfs12:01
ubottuwilliamdoors: scp is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/12:01
williamdoorsits a local network12:02
williamdoorssecure isnt important12:02
wereHamsterdlentz: haha. a 4 years old bug.. trivial to fix and yet still unresolved12:02
fidelwilliamdoors: there are tons of methods - as you see above12:02
fidelbasically - use whatever you are used too12:02
fideli would go for scp - if i would start in cli12:02
i7cwilliamdoors: if you mount it with sshfs your remote server will appear as directory in your local filesystem. then you can just use cp -R /.../*12:03
paulus68fidel: +112:03
williamdoorsi7c whats the command to mount?12:03
alteregoagood morning vietnam12:03
Rienzillatar over netcat, or rsync12:03
fl1bbl3williamdoors: personally I would use rsync as Rienzilla and wereHamster suggest12:03
fl1bbl3you can then choose whether to do it over ssh or not12:04
i7cwilliamdoors: sshfs username@remoteserver_address:/path/on/remote /path/local/to/mount/12:04
alteregoamount -t /dev/sda-z-1-655535 /path/to/mount12:04
Rienzillai7c: will sshfs know ownership, file modes and links?12:04
williamdoorsthanks, i will try12:04
williamdoorsfrom which machine do i do this from?12:04
fl1bbl3plus, I like -progress :)12:04
pungi_manalteregoa: why is -t used?12:04
alteregoaerr t is type12:05
i7cRienzilla: i think so, if the remote is ext12:05
alteregoalike mount -t smbfs or something12:05
i7cwilliamdoors: basically doesn't matter. the one you have better access to ;)12:06
RienzillaI'm not sure it does, but ok12:06
alteregoagodzilla is here wait12:06
williamdoorsi dont have a ssh client installed in either.. but they both have openssh server, can i do this simply from the command line?12:07
i7cwilliamdoors: yep, ssh client comes with linux12:07
i7cwilliamdoors: but you'll need to do sudo apt-get install sshfs   maybe12:07
ActionParsnipwilliamdoors: openssh-client is in a default Ubuntu install12:07
williamdoorssorry for the newb question12:07
ActionParsnipwilliamdoors: no worries, its all new to you. It's all learning12:08
pungi_manthanks alteregoa12:08
williamdoorsthe old machine is a synology server.. the new machine is ubuntu server12:08
williamdoorswill this work ok?12:09
MonkeyDustwilliamdoors  we once all were beginners ourselves12:09
ActionParsnipsome just earlier than others12:09
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i7cwilliamdoors: should. just try, if not, nothing will break.12:11
i7cwilliamdoors: if you have trouble using sshfs  query me, it's ok.12:11
williamdoorsok checking my full path now n thx again12:11
i7cyou're welcome.12:12
williamdoorsauthenticity of host . . . . cant be established12:14
ActionParsnipwilliamdoors: type 'yes' and you will add the key12:14
i7cwilliamdoors: meeeh. that comes before entering password?12:15
williamdoorshmmm it tried but sh: scp was not found12:15
williamdoorsi tried using scp.. i think its because its a stupid synology box...12:15
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MonkeyDustscp is cp over ssh12:16
williamdoorsi really dont want to put ubuntu-desktop...12:16
williamdoorsi'm using an ssh client to log in.. putty12:16
williamdoorsis this correct?12:16
ActionParsnipwilliamdoors: putty is an SSH client for both windows and Linux12:17
ahhughes_is it possible to minimize / focus / maximize an application window on the command line? I want to know if I can somehow switch focus between VM and ubuntu programmatically12:17
i7cwilliamdoors: should work. youre on windows connecting to one of the two servers to copy to the other one?12:17
ActionParsnipahhughes_: you can use wmctrl12:17
williamdoorsyes but i can use the ubuntu box if you like12:17
williamdoorsthe synology box has no monitor nor keyboard but i can ssh into it12:18
ahhughes_ActionParsnip, cool!!!!12:18
williamdoorsthe command on the synology box are not the same as the ubuntu box :(12:18
i7cwilliamdoors: that's fine, you can use putty for that.12:18
i7cwilliamdoors: so try to ssh the new ubuntu server. when connected install sshfs with apt-get if necessary.12:19
i7cwilliamdoors: you can see if it's installed just by typing sshfs in putty without anything, you'll see in the response if it's installed or not.12:19
williamdoorsi7c yes i installed sshfs already12:19
zykotick9williamdoors: if this is a NAS, do you have anyway of connecting to the files from ubuntu currently?  (though SMB or something?)12:20
paulus68williamdoors: then use winscp which is a good program to copy from and to windows/linux systems12:20
zykotick9williamdoors: windows file sharing12:20
williamdoorsyes it has12:20
i7cwhy, he does not have to copy all to windows and put it back to the other server again. he can do that directly.12:21
williamdoorsi can copy to my windows machine no problem12:21
williamdoorsit also has samba12:21
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zykotick9williamdoors: have you tried connecting though the same share from ubuntu?12:21
williamdoorsi7c i'd like to try server to server12:21
williamdoorsi dont know how to without a gui ... . now i feel like a uber newbie12:22
i7cwilliamdoors: ok. so you have an open ssh session to ubuntu now?12:22
williamdoorsi7c i have both open in ssh12:22
ubottujail71: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:22
* zykotick9 waits for !list from jail71 -- ahh, there it is12:22
ubottujail71: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:22
i7cwilliamdoors: when you opened a session youre in your homefolder. so you can make     mkdir remote-server now and it'll create a new dir in your homedir12:22
williamdoorsi am in the root directory12:23
i7cnot good.12:23
i7cdo cd /home/<yourusername>12:23
williamdoorson what machine?12:24
ubottujail71: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:24
i7cyour ubuntu one, williamdoors12:24
williamdoorsi7c i'm in my user... its empty12:25
i7cwilliamdoors: then do the mkdir thing i wrote above12:25
williamdoorsi7c its done12:25
williamdoorsi7c i now have a directory remote-server12:26
i7cwilliamdoors: good. did you name it remote-server ?12:26
williamdoorsi7c yes12:26
i7cwilliamdoors: ok. then you can do the following now:  sshfs user_name_at_other_server@server_address:/ remote-server12:26
i7cwilliamdoors: for _Example_   williamdoors@ remote-server12:27
i7cDNS names are also fine12:27
williamdoorsi7c from within the new directory?12:27
gvoNo space after the /12:27
williamdoorsi'll use IP's12:27
i7cwilliamdoors: yes from within the new dir12:28
binnyhey! =)12:28
binnyI have a weird question....12:28
gvoYou're entitled to a wierd answer.12:28
i7cand yes, gvo, a space. these are two arguments12:28
binnyI wanted to know how to deal with ssh tunneling thru an ssh tunnel12:28
binnylol. I hope i get a weird answer12:28
gvoi7c Sorry I didn't realize that.12:28
ActionParsnip!vnc | binny12:29
ubottubinny: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX12:29
i7cwilliamdoors: did it work? it should prompt you for password of the other server12:29
binnyso it works fine, both tunnels, but then i'm not sure what port i should connect to....12:29
binnyany ideas?12:29
binnythanks =)12:29
williamdoorsi7c connection reset by crappy synology server12:29
i7cwilliamdoors: you sure it has ssh installed?12:29
williamdoorsyes i am using port 22 to ssh into the synology box12:29
williamdoorserrr i dont know what breed of ssh server is in it12:30
williamdoorsi7c its synology12:30
binnyare we both talking about ssh...confusing, lol12:30
i7cwilliamdoors: and the two servers are in the same LAN ?12:30
williamdoorsyes.. same subnet12:30
williamdoorsi7c these synology servers are a pain in the.....12:30
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williamdoorsi'm happy to see it go12:31
binnywhat's this VNC thing someone posted to me?12:31
i7cwilliamdoors: weird :-/ it can't be the ssh if it already refuses connection, i guess.12:31
ActionParsnipbinny: shows how to setup a tunnel for VNC, just change the port numbers you want to use12:31
=== angela-android is now known as rastamouse
williamdoorsi7c i dont know much about linux, but may i suggest never to buy a synology if you want control over it12:31
ActionParsniprastamouse is awesome :)12:31
i7cwilliamdoors: i'll remember that :D. question: does this synology thingy share files over http?12:32
i7cor normal ftp?12:32
williamdoorshmmm i can enable ftp12:32
i7cyou could enable it then and use wget  recursivly, williamdoors. should work fine if you can access everything via ftp12:33
binnyI don't understand how this helps though....I'm able to ssh into it, my issue is then which port do I use since i have 2 tunnels12:33
williamdoorsi7c i have flashfxp which i tried to make the 2 machines connect together but this synology....12:33
alteregoamy cat smells like a dog thats a pain in the a12:33
mateo_what's the question again?12:34
williamdoorsi7c the folder i want is in the web directory of the synology server, that machine has a virtual host12:34
williamdoorsi7c one minute i'll see if i can't enable the ftp in the synology12:34
i7cwilliamdoors: it's all fine if you can access it via ftp. you can go into your remote-server dir on the new server and do: wget -r ftp://username:password@*12:34
williamdoorsi7c the synology has ftp enabled on port 21 (default)12:36
williamdoorsi will try the wget command12:36
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spillerewhere can i find informatino on how to install a encrypted vpn on my dedicated server?12:38
williamdoorsi7c we have a winner!12:39
i7cspillere: easiest to configure is openvpn. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN12:39
i7cwilliamdoors: :)12:39
xtremeguys, i installed windows, and lost ubuntu.12:39
williamdoorsi7c now how do i copy the files from /usr/me/uploadeddir to /etc/www/uploadeddir12:40
xtremei tried to recover it using grub install12:40
auronandace!grub | xtreme12:40
ubottuxtreme: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:40
xtremebut only windows 7 came in boot menu12:40
Lint!dpkg synology12:40
i7cwilliamdoors: copy -R . /etc/www/uploadeddir12:40
williamdoorshmmm it dosent appear to have copied all the folders in the that directory12:40
auronandacextreme: use a livecd and check your partitions12:40
i7cwilliamdoors: sorry  cp12:40
i7cwilliamdoors: not copy12:41
xtremedid that.. one sec let me show what i did12:41
williamdoorsonly the base dir, not recursively12:41
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:41
vltActionParsnip: No, I still don't know. When I need a "RAM drive", implies this a file system for you?12:41
xtremethis is what i did, booted using live disc12:42
williamdoorsi7c it only copied 11mb - there is 87mb in the nested folders within12:42
ActionParsnipvlt: yes, its a storage drive, in RAM...12:42
xtremeerror was ls-a cannot access dev/sda2 to dev/sda512:42
i7cwilliamdoors: that's strange :-/  do you have access to the subfolders?12:43
vltActionParsnip: Ok. For me it's just a drive (empty). And is there a way to create a size limited block device in RAM without an losetup'd file in a tmpfs?12:43
williamdoorsi can see the synology box on my winblows machine12:43
LintI remember Linux was using a normal bootloader which was not damaged by windows installs. was it so necessary to replace it with a large grub2?12:44
williamdoorsi7c thats how i can see it didnt copy all the files12:44
williamdoorsi7c i go check12:44
xtremegrub could only detect windows 7..12:45
auronandaceLint: what? windows will overwrite the mbr no matter what bootloader you put there12:45
xtremeLint : i am new to linux, i just followed the tutorial12:45
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naftilos76hi everyone, i am on Ubuntu 10.10 and i just installed (not through a repo) libreoffice 3.52. As i noticed in similar situations when i install libreoffice in this way printing preferences do not affect printing which means that if i select printing to take place through rear tray the printer prints as usual from the casette as usual. Does anybody have any clue what is going on?12:45
i7cxtreme: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows12:45
xtremeand auronandace is right.. windows formated my boot drive to ntfs and reinstalled its loaders12:45
Lintauronandace, windows created ¨DOS/Other OS¨ entry back then12:45
Lint*was creating12:46
auronandaceLint: back then? what during 98?12:46
i7cwilliamdoors: you could copy the files on synology to another dir where you have full access or you can change reading rights... which i not recommend, but if it's the problem this could solve it ^^12:47
Lintnaftilos76, looks like a LO bug12:47
pungi_manxtreme: it has detected my xp. There will be something wrong with ur grub12:48
williamdoorsi7c i could easy copy the synology files to the windows box12:48
williamdoorsi7c would that help?12:48
Linthe just reboot probably12:49
i7cwhat is the "windows box" o.O ?12:49
williamdoorsjust my desktop windows 712:49
i7cwell sure you can download it to your local machine and upload it on the other server... but think of a solution to upload it ;) maybe samba?12:50
williamdoorsthen i could ftp the files to the new ubuntu server12:50
i7csure. works.12:50
i7cgotta make a phone call....12:50
williamdoorsya i have samba in the synology12:50
williamdoorsokies thx!12:50
LintI cannot access my shared partition from Ubuntu12:50
LintIt says all files are owned by 500:50012:51
LintIn other distro I can access it, and I have plain 1000 uid there, as in Ubuntu12:51
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MasterOfDisasterLint: which fs?12:52
Lintext2 or ext3, Iḿ not sure12:52
MasterOfDisastercheck with "cat /proc/mounts"12:53
Phazorxhow do i make my own service startup script? is there am up to date guide? (10.04)12:53
jrib!upstart | Phazorx12:54
ubottuPhazorx: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/12:54
LintItś EXT312:54
jribPhazorx: make sure you check out the cookbook: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/12:54
=== ubuntu is now known as myhero
williamdoorscan anyone suggest a good ftp-server for ubunut?12:55
MasterOfDisasterLint: then chown the directory to the desired uid & gid.12:55
jrib!ftpd | williamdoors12:55
ubottuwilliamdoors: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP12:55
myherowhere is the current session of firefox in live usb ubuntu situated so as to sve it and afterwards load it again ?12:56
spillerewhere can i find informatino on how to install a encrypted vpn on my dedicated server?12:56
jribwilliamdoors: I would visit each site for those and choose based on that12:56
railsraiderhow do i completely reset iptables ? iptables -F doesn;t do the trick12:56
gnuskooli have a small home network that works fine, i have an isp hosted website and mail -but now i would like to create an intranet using my registered external domain name but as local.example.com -example.com being my isp registered name -is this the right way to do it -or should i call my intranet whatever i like?12:56
ubottuspillere: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN12:56
williamdoorsjrib thanks12:56
LintI would prefer why I have this first12:56
Lint*to know12:56
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Puma1337railsraider, what happens when you type iptables -F?12:57
railsraiderserver hangs12:57
railsraideri tried that from the console too12:57
Zwirci have installed MySql on my ubuntu server. how do i know what host to use for mysql connect from others than localhost?12:57
Puma1337when you type iptables -L how many rules do you have?12:57
railsraideri've installed arno-forewall but can;t get it to work12:58
railsraiderso its half way configued12:58
ActionParsnipZwirc: cat /etc/hostname12:58
myherowhere is the current session of firefox in live usb ubuntu situated so as to save and use it afterwards by loading it again ?12:58
railsraiderPumpkin-:  I did iptables -F12:59
ActionParsnipmyhero: which release?12:59
railsraiderthen iptables -L and its empty12:59
Puma1337so then you have flushed the rules12:59
ZwircActionParsnip: I have just wrote my name there :P12:59
ActionParsnipmyhero: should be saved in the user's home folder like it does in an installed OS12:59
Zwircso then it is name.ip ?12:59
ActionParsnipZwirc: you can use hostname or the IP13:00
ray9naI was wondering: In /home/myname/bin I have two .folders and one .autoreg -- all 3 are completely empty. Is it safe to delete them?13:00
Zwircok, so it sould work to just use ip as host?13:00
ActionParsnipZwirc: sure13:00
ActionParsnipray9na: could move or rename them and test, if you get issues then put them back :)13:01
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myheroaction can you be more specific and write the exact path coz its not there in home folder...!!!13:01
ray9naActionParsnip: Okay, thanks. I'm trying to figure out how I lost an icon. I gave up and am trying to just completely uninstall and re-install the program, see if that does the trick.13:02
ActionParsnipmyhero: ~/.mozilla/firefox   same as in an installed OS13:02
ray9namyhero: Did you make sure you can view hidden files?13:03
solexiousHello all, my youtube video playback as gone blue, anyone know how I could fix this?13:03
xissburgI unzipped a zip file in my downloads folder and it spread a lot of files around. How can I rm these files? Perhaps based on their creation date or something?13:04
ray9namyhero: Alrighty. Doesn't hurt to check. :)13:04
XlaitsOk, having some trouble installing Sun's Java...13:06
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metalfan_is the precise installer able to resize a linux filesystem?13:08
XlaitsAnyone know how to install Java? SunMicrosystems' Java, to be precise...13:08
railsraiderPuma1337: i see a lot of   /sbin/iptables: (1) iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.13:08
myheroyes i have unhidden the files so as to be able to see all the files....there are 2 folders 1. Crash Report and 2. oey45bpo.default and 3.profiles.ini file...but no session backup file....although there are two files in .default folder namely sessionstore.bak and sessionstore.js....are these two the sessions backup file ???13:08
railsraiderPuma1337: when i try to install arno13:08
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Puma1337I don't really have any experience using arno13:08
pestilenceis there any way to make the area used for resizing windows bigger?  it seems i spend a minute every time i want to resize a window just trying to position the mouse correctly13:10
auronandacepestilence: slow down the cursor, maybe?13:11
myheroray and action...13:11
myheroyes i have unhidden the files so as to be able to see all the files....there are 2 folders 1. Crash Report and 2. oey45bpo.default and 3.profiles.ini file...but no session backup file....although there are two files in .default folder namely sessionstore.bak and sessionstore.js....are these two the sessions backup file ???13:11
pestilenceauronandace: no, that's not what i want.13:11
auronandacepestilence: use a theme that makes the borders bigger?13:12
pestilenceit just seems like the width of the grab bar is on the order of 1px13:12
pestilenceauronandace: hrm.  maybe that would work.13:12
pestilenceauronandace: nope, all the default installed themes hvae the same width.13:13
williamdoorsi7c :) got my files there :)13:14
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williamdoorsi7c thx for your help!13:14
i7cwilliamdoors: glad i could help. :)13:15
pestilenceoooh, alt+middleclick resizes the window no matter where you click13:15
pestilenceguess that's what i'll do.13:15
pestilenceunbelievable.  the default  width of the resize border *is* 1 pixel!13:16
auronandacepestilence: screen real estate is important for a netbook interface13:16
pestilenceauronandace: certainly ubuntu is installed on more than just netbooks.  i'm on a monitor with 1920x1080 resolution.  i can afford a couple of extra pixels on the border13:17
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pestilenceand even if the border is only 1 pixel, make the resize area more than 1 pixel.  you don't have to see the resize area...13:17
auronandacepestilence: i don't use unity, i use xfce, also i don't use netbooks but that is the reason behind the border width13:18
railsraideranyone knows how to get arno-firewall to work?13:18
railsraideri get a lot of   /sbin/iptables: (1) iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.13:18
railsraiderwhen i try to start it13:18
pestilenceauronandace: but you should agree that it's pretty weak reasoning.  other windows managers (e.g. windows 7, OS X) don't have this problem.13:18
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auronandacepestilence: i don't have this problem either13:19
pestilenceauronandace: you must have a super high-resolution mouse compared to me.  or more sensitive wrists.  but googling "ubuntu window border resize" proves that i aint alone :)13:19
pestilencethe most annoying thing is that some of the results are from 4 years ago.  how can stuff like this go unfixed for that long??  that's one of the things that drives me insane about ubuntu13:20
auronandacepestilence: maybe file a bug report or a feature request13:20
pestilenceauronandace: both exist.13:20
myheroyes i have unhidden the files so as to be able to see all the files....there are 2 folders in ~/.mozilla/firefox - 1. Crash Report and 2. oey45bpo.default and 3.profiles.ini file...but no session backup file....although there are two files in .default folder namely sessionstore.bak and sessionstore.js....are these two the sessions backup file ???13:20
pestilenceanyhow, back to work13:21
malibuHi there, is anyone aware of a file manager that can put move/copy tasks into a background process?13:28
nesusvetmalibu. MC can do it13:29
Noorideenwhy my wireless adapter doesnt work on ubuntu?13:29
nesusvetMC: c-x j13:29
Noorideenno one knows?13:31
malibumidnight commander?  cool thanks, I'll look into that13:31
malibuProbably the only one I have not tried13:31
bazhangNoorideen, tell us the chipset please13:31
Noorideeni have laptop toshiba sattelite L305D-S593413:31
bazhanglspci to paste.ubuntu.com Noorideen13:32
Noorideenbazhang: when will they answer me?13:37
Noorideenand how?13:37
myheroyes i have unhidden the files so as to be able to see all the files....there are 2 folders in ~/.mozilla/firefox - 1. Crash Report and 2. oey45bpo.default and 3.profiles.ini file...but no session backup file....although there are two files in .default folder namely sessionstore.bak and sessionstore.js....are these two the sessions backup file ???13:37
bazhangNoorideen, lspci to paste.ubuntu.com and give us the url13:37
Noorideenwhats lspci?13:38
Noorideenops 2 i have :$13:38
mydogsnameisrudyheh lol so funny13:38
mydogsnameisrudywoop sorry13:38
bazhangNoorideen, dont paste your question in pastebin; open a terminal and type lspci13:39
Noorideeni tried to start using ubuntu13:39
Noorideeni found it hard + the wireless adapter is not working13:39
Noorideento i uninstalled it13:39
bazhangNoorideen, then give us the info13:39
Noorideenwhat info you need?13:39
bazhangNoorideen, do you even have ubuntu installed?13:40
pungi_manNoorideen: He is asking for ur hardware specifications!!!13:40
gvandeweyeranybody experienced with setting rsize/wsize and/or other params for a high write-accessed nfs server with underlying xfs ?13:41
gvandeweyerI feel that setting it at 4M does reduce the load of the rpciod13:41
gvandeweyerbut is higher still save ?13:41
bazhangmyhero, ask the channel a question13:42
myherowhere is the firefox current session stored in live usb ubuntu oneiric ?13:42
bazhangmyhero, if someone knows they will answer, no need to ask individuals13:42
bazhangNoorideen, if you need help with your wireless, you need to us the chipset, type lspci in the terminal and paste.ubuntu.com with it13:44
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sauevaemCan someone help me solve 'pulseaudio configured for per-user sessions saned disabled; edit /etc/default/saned' error?13:44
myherowhere is the firefox current session stored in live usb ubuntu oneiric so as to copy it and restore it afterwards to reuse the current session ??? i have unhidden the files and trying to find in ~/.mozila/firefox but to no avail...!!!!13:45
auronandacemyhero: mozilla is double l13:45
myherodouble l...means what ?13:46
jribmyhero: ll not l13:46
sauevaemI found few solutions using google and none of them works for me.13:46
bazhangmyhero, two ll not one l13:46
auronandacemyhero: you said mozila, its mozilla13:46
myheroyeah means that directory only the ll...13:46
metalfan_how do you run gparted from the precise installer?13:46
myherothe single l was typing mistake13:46
jrib!precise | myhero13:46
ubottumyhero: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+113:46
jribmetalfan_: above was meant for y ou13:47
sauevaemIt seems to be problem with newest version of kernel so I could make my laptop work by editing grub13:47
sauevaembut it's just templorrary solutin.13:47
metalfan_!precise | metalfan_13:47
ubottumetalfan_, please see my private message13:47
metalfan_jrib thx13:47
sauevaemI will answer all question just please someone look into it.13:51
pungi_manis there any assembly language for linux????13:51
hoodediceDoes Xubuntu install drivers during its installation, or do we have to manually download them?13:53
jribhoodedice: try #xubuntu13:53
auronandacehoodedice: which drivers are you thinking of?13:53
hoodediceGraphics to be precise13:54
pungi_manhoodedice: Mostly it does after recognizing the hardware but sometimes you have to configure graphics drivers13:54
hoodediceNo one'sreplying in #xubuntu13:54
hoodediceHow do I do that?13:54
auronandacehoodedice: you'd need to install the graphics drivers from the repo13:54
auronandacehoodedice: unless you are using intel13:55
hoodediceSo all intel drivers are installed by default?13:55
auronandacehoodedice: yes, they are in the kernel13:55
hoodedicealright, how can I check which ones are installed?13:56
auronandacehoodedice: what card do you have?13:56
iceroothoodedice: better is to know which are loaded13:56
hoodediceIntel GMA310013:56
hoodediceDont start laughing13:56
d3m0nkhoodedice, I think all the common display drivers are available by default... :) or ubuntu would suggest you one... after intsall...13:56
sauevaemI had such good impression of this channel when someone helped me with drivers problem ;_;13:57
hoodediceWell, then thanks a lot guys13:57
auronandacehoodedice: what version of ubuntu are you using?13:57
hoodedice(Time for me to get an NVidia) :p13:57
hoodedicexbuntu 11.1013:57
d3m0nkhoodedice, Intel GMA 3000s are cool :)13:58
d3m0nkI've got one myself...13:58
d3m0nkshould work out of the box :)13:58
hoodediceYeah, but they HOG ystem memory13:58
hoodediceAnd its even worse when you've got MY system config13:59
d3m0nkhoodedice, you can only  ask so much from 'em :)13:59
d3m0nkfor the price you paid13:59
hoodediceLol, wait till I grow up, no one can stop me from buying my own PC then :P13:59
pungi_mancan u restore your pc to a specific time?????14:00
auronandacehoodedice: that driver would certainly be supported in the kernel, its from 200814:00
hoodediceok auro14:00
supernovaanyone using a belkin usb adpater14:00
hoodediceIll be going now, thanks a lot, you guys rock !!!14:00
supernovafor wifi access14:00
icerootpungi_man: not by default, you have to use a backup solution14:01
iceroot!backup | pungi_man14:01
ubottupungi_man: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:01
thefroyohi, i use evolution as my pim solution. in order to acccess my company calendar I use carddav. everything works fine, but on login (from lightdm) I get a password prompt for access to these carddav calendars. the password is prefilled, but it still asks me to click OK to connect. Does anybody have a clue of how to get rid of that prompt?14:01
pungi_manthanks iceroot and ubottu!!!14:02
munskinghello, im using landscape to manage my ubuntu server but my server doesnt upload hardware information, not even the basic stuff from the computer description, any way to fix this or do it manually?14:02
=== gaurav_ is now known as Guest82822
pungi_manbut what is the difference between cloning and backing up ubottu14:03
fidelpungi_man: ubottu is a bot14:03
icerootpungi_man: clone = complete system dump with partition layout and so on, backup = save your data14:03
pungi_mansorry ubottu!!!14:04
compdocpungi_man, right. With a clone, you can restore it to a drive and be up and running in minutes14:04
pungi_manthanks iceroot!!!14:04
compdocyou need both an image and backups14:05
pungi_maneven after a format and a windows xp also, compdoc??14:05
compdocyou dual-boot?14:06
pungi_manyes, compdoc14:06
Noorideenis there a way to move files from win7 to ubuntu?14:06
auronandaceNoorideen: copy and paste14:07
compdocNoorideen, use samba14:07
Noorideenthank you14:07
supernovais anyone using a belkin usb wireless adapter14:07
usr13Noorideen: several ways....14:09
pengwhi all14:09
pengwone thing is concerned: which ubuntu edition is fastest with desktop effects14:10
XlaitsHey, everyone, Having some Pangolion troubles... Java just hates me...14:10
=== carif_ is now known as carif
pengwi am thinking is that 10.04 is faster than 11.10?14:10
fidelXlaits: #ubuntu+1 for 12.0414:10
fidelpengw: using what desktopo env?14:11
pengwhi fidel i like to use unity or gnome 214:11
pengwI do not use gnome 3 at all14:11
auronandacepengw: 10.04 uses gnome2, 11.10 uses unity built on top of gnome314:11
Cygnus-X1pengw: Did you hear about MATE14:12
nesusvet 14:12
fidelpengw: i doubt you'll find a serious analysis about the speed/resource-usage of all major desktop environment matching your hardware ;)14:12
pengwcurrently i still stick with 11.04 since it does provide  a gnome 2 classic mode14:12
XtopherusDoes anyone know about a pen testing room on freenode? Im looking for people to converse with that have similar degree's14:12
auronandacepengw: gnome2 will eventually die, why prolong the agony?14:13
=== 50UAAWBM9 is now known as TheAncientGoat
pungi_manthe user defined session is the fastest for me14:14
pengwyes gnome 2 is going to die that is too bad.14:14
pungi_mangnome 2 is better than gnome 3!!!14:15
auronandacepengw: so why not start looking for an alternative now? instead you are just prolonging that process14:15
cldwalkerhi, anyone know a way to skip the configuration dialog when installing postfix? DEBIAN_FRONTEND=interactive and -y aren't working14:15
pengwSo have anyone tried 12.04 is it faster than 11.04???14:15
oilmanHi ya all! I've recently bought a retrolink USB nes controller. any of you guys tried to set this up in fceux?14:16
pungi_manin starting it is but after a week or so it slows down,pengw14:16
fiddyspencein case anyone is interested - had an annoyance with 11.10 live cd where it wrapped the nameserver values in single quotes in /etc/resolv.conf (as supplied by DHCP) and thusly made dns name resolution fail....  known bug?14:16
Xtopherus11.10 is really unstable14:17
compdocnever happened to me14:17
fiddyspencethat would do it i suppose :)14:17
pengwwith fancy 11.10 I just cant configure anything14:17
compdocnot unstable at all for me, and I would have to guess for most ppl14:18
pengwin a proper way unless trying to heck it.14:18
auronandacepengw: unity isn't the only option14:18
Xtopherusweird, 11.10 blew chunks for me14:18
Xtopherusi staied with 11.0414:18
Xtopherusrunning pinguy on my netbook and backtrack on another computer for work14:18
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bazhang!ot | Xtopherus14:18
ubottuXtopherus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:18
bazhangpengw, any support questions?14:19
Xtopherusill shut up until someone needs "support then" -.-14:19
bazhangXtopherus, please take chit chat elsewhere14:20
timingHi, how do I see the windows on the current workspace?14:21
pengwomg there is actually a pattern filter built-in the channel?14:21
usr13timing: Windows from another workspace?14:22
compdocare you not in the current worksapce?14:22
dekukedhey I'm having trouble installing ubuntu on an acer aspire 722 (it's using an amd c60)14:22
dekukedthe 12.04 beta14:22
usr13timing: What do you mean "see" them?14:22
=== beboj_ is now known as beboj
XtopherusI need to find a way to use MS word on ubuntu, its killing me14:22
compdocdekuked, Ive seen other ppl with the same problem on that cpu14:22
bazhang!12.o4 | dekuked14:22
bazhangdekuked, #ubuntu+1 for that14:23
dekukedwith just the install? or running anything?14:23
dekukedwhat the hell is #ubuntu+1?14:23
donavan01im currently using Xchat is there a better IRC program out there specifially is there one with a larger text box for entering the text to be sent14:23
bazhangdekuked, its the correct channel to ask about 12.04 in14:23
compdoca place to talk about un-released versions of ubuntu14:23
TzeMhow install this jre-6u31-linux-x64.bin14:23
dekukedah, ok14:23
dekukedthank you guys14:23
Xtopherusdonavan01, can you not just spread the window open wider ?14:24
Xtopherustry BitchX14:24
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compdocdont us gals get a thank you?14:24
auronandace!info libreoffice-gtk | pengw14:25
ubottupengw: libreoffice-gtk (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite -- GTK+ integration. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.4.4-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 155 kB, installed size 580 kB14:25
donavan01Xtopherus ...I can but I really need something that lets me use mutlilines because I often have to proof read what I right to make sure it makes senses and often time I need to write rather lengthy statements and the single line gets hard to read14:26
XtopherusIm not sure what to suggest, lol perhaps a bigger monitor haha14:26
Xtopherustry bitchX though i like it14:26
munskingcan anyone offer help with my landscape problem?14:26
Xtopheruson the other hand i am content with xchat though14:27
TzeMhow install thiw java?   jre-6u31-linux-x64.bin14:27
pengwtzem you can search the ubuntu wiki and i belive there is a script for install it even help you download it14:27
* Xtopherus is away: no matter how you shake and dance the last few drops fall on your pants.14:28
donavan01xopherus.... yeah right now I have a huge monitor as it is I think I may own the worlds largest laptop its 1600x900 native but I will get bitch x a look14:28
pengwbut that just for java 6 not java 714:28
bazhangXtopherus, disable that14:28
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Xtopherusno thanks.. lol id rather leave, bbl14:28
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=== sweetnuthin is now known as Loaded
sanjayhello sir, i upgraded to new ubuntu  now my display is not  full in  monitor..  can u help me14:30
ubottuCR7: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:31
rabbi1still waiting for 12.04 :)14:31
donavan01xtopherus when are you getting bitchx from I tried apt-get like it tells me too but no dice14:31
zoidberg-hey guys how do i redirect all port 443 traffic on my local machine to another machine on the network port 8007 successfully covering all bases?14:32
sanjayhello sir, i upgraded to new ubuntu  now my display is not  full in  monitor..  can u help me?14:32
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auronandacedonavan01: he left, and bitchx is no longer maintained so it isn't in the repos14:32
=== Loaded is now known as bobweaver
donavan01auronandace .. it looked abandonded to me too just wanted to make sure I wasnt looking at the wrong location ... thanks14:33
auronandacedonavan01: no worries, you could try irssi or weechat if you want a terminal based irc client14:34
sanjayhello sir, i upgraded to new ubuntu  now my display is not  full in  monitor..  can u help me?14:34
donavan01auronadace ... no so much looking for a terminal based solution as just finding something that has a bigger/multiline input box for typing I love xchat I just wish it would do that14:35
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fl1bbl3irssi is great14:37
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=== anon is now known as ecthiender
donavan01well turns out I already had the IRC program I need... pidgin can do exactly what I wanted it to do... no to get it to automatically connect to all my channels14:42
Xtremeworked... did some manual configurations :)14:49
Xtremeguys can i change boot menus background and all?14:49
auronandace!yay | Xtreme14:49
ubottuXtreme: Glad you made it! :-)14:49
Xtremethanks auronandace..14:49
=== danbeck_ is now known as danbeck
Xtremeauronandace: is there any app to graphically design grub 2 boot menu?14:52
Xtremelike background wallpaper, etc etc14:52
auronandaceXtreme: i've heard of burg but i wouldn't recomend it, i prefer stock and functional grub14:53
auronandaceXtreme: i don't see the point of a pretty boot14:53
jack_laptopan app? not to my knowledge. there is a good ubuntu article on how to configure it though. perhaps it has some details on that14:53
=== jack_laptop is now known as jack^_
MonkeyDu1tXtreme  in my experience, eye candy tends to slow down performance14:55
usuarioquienes sois14:56
auronandace!es | usuario14:56
ubottuusuario: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:56
=== MonkeyDu1t is now known as MonkeyDust
appi_uppihi which is best pdfediting software?15:03
appi_uppiPDF editing software for ubuntu?15:04
MonkeyDustappi_uppi  depends on what you prefer15:04
Wolfsherzcreating pdf files or editing existing ones?15:04
appi_uppiMonkeyDust, existing one15:04
MonkeyDust!pdf| appi_uppi15:05
ubottuappi_uppi: The Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)15:05
appi_uppiwolfric, pdfedit?15:05
appi_uppiubottu, oh15:05
hrolfHi #ubuntu, my touchpad has stopped working after installing updates.15:11
hrolfHow do I figure out which particular was the cause?15:11
hrolfHi #ubuntu, my touchpad has stopped working after installing updates.15:14
hrolfHow do I figure out which particular was the cause?15:14
Wolfsherzhrolf, is it a touch or clickpad?15:15
zozyanybody installed vmware player successfully under 12-04beta?15:15
hrolfWolfsherz: What's the difference between them (I don't know)15:15
Wolfsherzhrolf, clickpad has the buttons integrated into the touch-sensitive area.15:16
TartarusHey all, I have a problem with ipv6 not coming up quickly or at all sometimes15:16
Wolfsherzhrolf, touchpad usually has buttons seperated from the sensitive area15:16
hrolfWolfsherz: I can do click on the touch area too, so I guess it is a clickpad15:17
hrolfWolfsherz: Plus, there is no touchpad tab under the Mouse and Touchpad settings window15:18
MonkeyDustzozy  better ask in #ubuntu+115:20
zozywhat is the difference between the cahnnels?15:20
Wolfsherzhrolf, unfortunately clickpad support in ubuntu is really bad. they know for long about the issues and, for me, it has not improved since then.15:20
MonkeyDustzozy  #ubuntu+1 is for 12.0415:20
capiscuashello, i have a weird question, i have to launch a software (libreoffice) with a different language interface... so i want to pass him some env variable with a different language15:20
zozyi see,thanks :)15:20
hrolfWolfsherz: But it was working fine till yesterday when I did some updates and now it isn't scrolling15:20
auronandacezozy: #ubuntu is for the stable releases, #ubuntu+1 is for the dev release15:21
hrolfWolfsherz: I believe it is because of the updates.15:21
hrolfWolfsherz: How do I figure out for sure?15:21
hrolfWolfsherz: Which particular package was it etc?15:21
zozyauronandace: thanks for the info:)15:21
hrolfWolfsherz: Also "xinput list" doesn't show something like touchpad etc15:21
kresowv[17:22:21] adam smith: #chemistry15:22
Picikresowv: ?15:22
Wolfsherzhrolf, sorry can not help you with that... just saying that clickpads do not work well with ubuntu. mine is working now and then...15:23
Picihrolf: What updates did you install?15:24
Lintwell I cannot access stuff in a shareddisk partition15:25
LintI have uid=1000 in both systems, but ubuntu shows everything owned by 500:50015:25
Lintobviously the other distro can access every thing15:25
hrolfPici: Quite many (were like 96 or 95 updates, total of around 200 mb of downloads)15:25
Picihrolf: This is in 11.10?15:26
hrolfPici: Yes15:26
fishcookerhello fellas15:26
fishcookeri want to reset password..15:26
fishcookeri don't remember the pass root15:26
hrolfPici: xinput list doesn't show any touchpad, plus no "Touchpad" tab under Mouse and Touchpad15:26
fishcookerany clue or experience there?15:27
mizifihanyone here tried the MCE remote controller with 11.10 or 12.04?15:28
hrolfPici: There is no mouse but it is showing in ouput of "xinput list" that core pointer PS/2 Generic Mouse15:28
mizifihby MCE I mean Microsoft Media Center Remote Controller15:28
Picimizifih: I was just researching that the other day for my own HTPC, and I found that it should work, although I don't have the hardware to test it myself.15:29
Picihrolf: Does it show up in lspci ?15:29
mizifihPici: it kinda worked out of the box15:29
olegbfishcooker: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword15:30
rogsthrolf have you tried to reload the mouse kernel module? "sudo modprobe -r psmouse; sudo modprobe psmouse"15:30
mizifihPici: but keys are akward, like "enter" instead of "ok". Enter is a small key almost hidden on the controller, LOL15:30
hrolfrogst: That worked. Thanks.15:31
hrolfrogst: What was the problem?15:31
rogsthrolf: not sure :)15:33
nimesh_accenturehow do i identify the type of a filesystem without the -T option in df?15:33
Picimizifih: This guide is specific to mythtv, but it should be easy to adapt to whatever you need to use the remote with: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MCE_Remote15:33
L3topnimesh_accenture: is the fs mounted?15:35
Dualityi am trying to copy something from my server and it says: scp robert@ /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/15:35
L3topCause I would use mount15:35
Dualityscp: /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/server.crt: Permission denied15:35
fishcookerthanks olegb15:35
appi_uppipdedit get's close when i try to edit15:36
rogstDuality: you dont have access to that file with you user15:36
rogstDuality: run it with sudo15:37
phenomanhi, i need little help, how to create bootable x86 image using syslinux???15:37
Dualityrogst, i am logged in as root15:38
Duality(sudo su15:38
rogstDuality: ah I see15:38
Dualitydo i need to give special premissions to server.crt?15:39
rogstDuality: the user robert does not have ead access on the servre15:39
dwarderhey everyone, can anyone suggest me a nettop kind of PC?15:39
Onixsany prebuilt NAS based on Gentoo?15:39
dwarderfor about 200$ or less15:39
Onixserr ubuntu15:39
dwarderwill run ubuntu on it :)15:39
nimesh_accentureL3Top: i did cat /proc/mounts and i got my answer!15:40
Dualityrogst, how would i give read access ?15:40
bergleHi all15:41
Dualityrogst, i replace robert with root :) so it works now :)15:43
rogstDuality: you should disable root login with ssh, a security best practise15:43
dbgsterhow can I create a new envier variable using another one?15:44
dbgsterPROJ_HOME=$BASE_HOME + '/.….'15:44
dbgstersomething like that?15:44
Picidbgster: #bash would be the best place to ask such a question.15:45
Dualityok will do after i am done :)15:45
fl1bbl3dbgster: cat ~/.profile15:47
fl1bbl3look at how PATH gets built :)15:47
dbgsteroh, so $PATH:15:47
llutzdbgster: or VAR2=${VAR}/part-to-add15:48
dbgsterllutz: ok thanks, i like that.15:48
ichbinderhello. I have a laptop with a very limited amount of disk space. With some programs installed, windows now desires more disk space than I thought when I set up the system a few months ago. I now want to shrink the Ubuntu home and root partitions by some GB and add that space to the Windows ntfs partition. What's the best way? Use something like gparted from a live-CD? Do current Ubuntu Live-CDs still offer gparted?15:58
dtcrshrichbinder: theres a gparted live cd for that15:59
Piciichbinder: and yes, the live cd has gparted as well.15:59
dtcrshris the fastest way to do that, keep in mind that ntfs is a pain to mess with its size. dont let gparted round up the cylinders when it ask and should be fine16:00
ichbinderdtcrshr: ah, nice. And also thanks to Pici. So I am free to choose... nice16:00
dtcrshri recommend gparted live cause its specific and WAY lighter than ubuntu live cd16:00
ichbinderdtcrshr: yeah, read that in the documentation somewhere... :-/16:00
ichbinderdtcrshr: yeah, i guess i will go with that.16:00
dtcrshrconezilla has some tools too, if you want to keep a knife on the pocket16:01
LAKHTAKhey need help :( any one here ?:!|?16:02
dtcrshrif you want to have some tools to mess arround with your disks, keep them in your tool box = gparted live + clonezilla + ubcd16:02
LAKHTAKhey how can i get mouse click sound or keyboard sound on ubuntu16:03
dtcrshrconezilla is a magic rolling machine for huge joints, better not use it with gparted you may get distracted16:03
LAKHTAKlike mac (lion)16:03
dtcrshrtypo error, i meatn cLonezilla16:03
Guest36428I'm leveling UP16:04
ichbinderdtcrshr: ah, of clonezilla I have heard. :) Thanks compdoc16:04
LAKHTAKhelp me :(?16:04
ichbinderdtcrshr: ok then, thanks for the help!16:04
LAKHTAKhow can i get mouse click sound or keyboard sound on ubuntu16:04
=== LAKHTAK is now known as Aaditya
dtcrshr!ask Aaditya16:05
Aaditya!ask Aaditya16:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:05
=== Aaditya is now known as Guest85359
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:05
Guest85359hey help me na :(16:05
Guest85359i m new in this IRC channe16:05
wylde!patience | Guest8535916:05
ubottuGuest85359: please see above16:05
dtcrshrwylde: :D16:06
Guest85359any one know ?16:07
Guest85359!ask how can i get mouse click sound or keyboard sound on ubuntu like MAC OSX16:07
ubottuGuest85359: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:07
RFlemingI'm using 12.04 beta 2.  How difficult will it be to upgrade to 12.04 next week upon its release?16:08
bazhang!final | RFleming16:08
ubottuRFleming: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.16:08
RFlemingbazhang: thanks... I thought it would be a piece of cake :)16:08
bazhangGuest85359, be patient. dont ask every five seconds16:09
rinzleradmin group not existant in ubuntu server. I need to create a user that can sudo. any suggestions?16:09
Guest85359@ubottu can u please tell me.How can i Enable Mouse Click sound or keyboard Typing sound in Ubutnu like MAc.16:09
Guest85359sorry L(16:09
=== c4pt_ is now known as c4pt
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
Griwesis it possible to mount (anyhow) two partitions at root mountpoint?16:11
wylderinzler: try the adm group.16:11
SlypoWhy does my computer insist on ignoring my Ubuntu live CD even if everything is working fine? It keeps jumping to Hard Disk.. If I unplug the HD, it reads the Live  CD. I'm going nuts!16:12
auronandaceGriwes: no16:12
GriwesSlypo: set boot order in bios16:12
bazhangSlypo, select in bios first boot CD16:12
SlypoDidn't work16:12
Griwesk, looks like I have to boot one of those stupid live cds to expand it16:12
GriwesSlypo: then you did something wrong16:12
Griwes...even if it's nearly impossible to do anything wrong in BIOS16:13
rinzlerwylde: thx16:14
wylderinzler: np :)16:15
SlypoI even removed the HD option from the boot order. The only way to make the CD work was unplugging the HD. My PC has his own will _ _*16:15
conscientiaIs there a good window management program for Ubuntu 10.04?16:15
fl1bbl3conscientia: screen :)16:16
=== conscientia is now known as DigDeeper
FyodorovnaSlypo, look at the screen when it boots generally it tells you what key or keys to hit to get another boot from menu, sometimes it is f12 look it up on the web with your computer model.16:16
Pl3nar1usHello all16:16
DigDeeperlet me check16:16
SlypoTried that too. Doesn't work16:17
SlypoCould that be something with the Master / Slave thing?16:17
FyodorovnaSlypo, if you don't use nics and several people have addressed you we don't know who your addressing.16:18
SlypoCause this PC has none configured16:18
SlypoAnyone that could help, Fyodorovna.16:19
wyldeSlypo: you're the only one who can see your screen. We can't help you without detailed info. Technically your issue is not Ubuntu related and is off topic here. The best place for you to start is your motherboards manual, either hardcopy that came with it or download it from the manufacturers website.16:19
SlypoI'll try that, wylde. Thanks to everyone16:20
sha0coderwhy ubuntu one is a shit?16:20
bazhangsha0coder, no cursing here16:21
sha0coderi loose all :/ all data is corrupt16:21
dtcrshrits jesus fault, claim it to the pope16:21
SlypoIt seems to work though, when creating Live on Unetbootin16:21
bazhangdtcrshr, stop that16:21
* dtcrshr bails16:21
wyldeSlypo: then use a live usb if you don't want to track down your boot from cd problem :)16:22
milen8204how can I connect to internet trough my smart phone ?16:25
dtcrshrmilen8204: which smartphone16:30
milen8204dtcrshr, Privileg SM116:31
milen8204i have downloaded ipheth-utils 1.0-3build116:32
milen8204and tried to make mobile network16:32
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
=== hfinity_ is now known as hfinity
hfinityI wonder in gdm if I am blind or where do I find way to disable the unity and revert back to normal gnome16:36
bazhang!notunity | hfinity16:38
ubottuhfinity: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:38
deb0halp unity16:38
bazhangdeb0, with what16:38
kevin^^hi all. for some reason the default vnc server stopped running. is there some way i can restart it over ssh? is it a service of some sort?16:39
hfinitythx I've never liked unity in ubuntu and needed that for people that have problems16:39
deb0bazhang: nothing sorry16:39
kevin^^it's the vnc server that's installed in 11.0416:40
Dualityserver.conf won't start with scripts in it how would i be able to fix this?16:42
jardineworksany chance someone in here wants to help me troubleshoot dual monitors with 11.10?16:43
bazhangjardineworks, using xrandr?16:43
jardineworksbazhang, I'm somewhere between novice and intermediate with Ubuntu so patience is needed :). Should I private message you?16:44
EvilResistance!privmsg | jardineworks16:44
ubottujardineworks: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:44
bazhangjardineworks, did you try with xrandr? the front end arandr?16:45
jardineworksI don't know what that is to be honest. here is what I have done...16:45
bazhang!xrandr | jardineworks16:46
ubottujardineworks: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1216:46
bazhang!info arandr16:46
ubottuarandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.4-1 (oneiric), package size 48 kB, installed size 376 kB16:46
jardineworksI have a DELL PRECISION T5500 workstation with a nVidia NVS 295 card. I did the base install and then upgraded the nVidia drivers. When I launch the nVidia settings, it detects both screens. I can enable them and I can drag my cursor from one screen to the other. HOWEVER, only one screen is rendering16:46
bazhangjardineworks, ^16:46
skwishyIf I'm running 12.04 beta, with all the latest development updates, is this as close as I can get to the final release?16:50
Jak2000hi all16:50
Jak2000how to stop the firewall?16:50
bazhang!final | skwishy16:50
ubottuskwishy: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.16:50
carroarmato0skwishy: yup16:50
skwishyGood to know.  Thanks guys.16:51
bazhangvashamilova, wrong channel16:52
skwishyOk, I'm fully updated... going to reboot and see if it fixes some annoying bugs :)16:53
=== anternat is now known as Guest46806
Dualityhow can i run scripts in my server.conf? it says something about openvpn_execve: external program may not be called unless '--script-security 2' or higher is enabled.16:59
=== esm is now known as Guest57905
milen8204Any ideas how can I connect my smart phone whit  internet using my computer internet connection ? :D17:01
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jardineworksbazhang, thanks -- I'll have a look17:01
SunTsumilen8204: that depends on your phone, and afaik this is noch #smartphone17:02
=== conscientia is now known as DigDeeper
fellayaboyhow can i setup my sftp server to have a web interface so that i can click and download files from a web browser from anywhere in the world?17:03
DigDeeperIs there a way to auto run an application on the panel?17:04
fellayaboywhich version of ubuntu ur running digdeeper17:05
milen8204SunTsu, my smart using OS Android, I had made a USB tethering and I am trying to create APN point17:05
Picifellayaboy: You'd need to setup a web server separately, ssh has nothing to do with that.17:05
fellayaboyid have to use apache then pici17:05
SunTsufellayaboy: I don't think there is a web frontend to sftp, that really wouldn't make sense, security wise17:05
fellayaboyright pici?17:05
Picifellayaboy: Yes, you could.17:05
skwishyIs there no more screensavers shipped with the latest ubuntu?17:05
fellayaboyokay thats what i figured17:05
Piciskwishy: 11.10 has screensavers.17:06
bazhangskwishy, 12.04?17:06
SunTsumilen8204: android only can offer internet access via tethering, not use the pc's. But still this isn't #android17:06
DigDeeperI am using the indicator virtualbox app. Although I can add the app to the panel but I want to have the pre launched app in the panel..17:06
skwishyon 12.04, seems like the lock screen is just a black screen now.17:06
fellayaboyive been using firefox filezilla or whatev er its called and im tired of adding it and removing frmo web browsers wherever i go..plus igts not very secure17:06
bazhangskwishy, #ubuntu+1 for that please17:07
skwishySo I installed xscreensaver, but seems like a different screen locking system, compared to 11.0417:07
DigDeeperSo basically I have app that runs in the panel but how can I make that app autostart with OS?17:07
DeLorean731anyone willing to help me install a gedit plugin? I seem to be stuck as to why it's not showing up in gedit17:07
santagadaI installed ubuntu 12.04 beta 2 and I have no sound (it was working fine on 11.10)17:08
Piciskwishy : Precise/12.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.17:08
Piciskwishy: sorry.17:08
Piciskwishy:actually, not sorry.17:09
Picisantagada: 12.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.17:09
Cottussantagada, also maybe check pulseaudio17:09
PhonicUKanyone know why "[[" would be missing on a ubuntu system?17:10
PhonicUKloads of scripts break without it :\17:10
Nach0zohey PhonicUK. aint seen you in a while.17:10
SunTsuPhonicUK: what is [[? I know [ - [[ is zsh specific AFAIK17:10
PhonicUKSunTsu, not sure what the practical difference is tbh17:11
milen8204SunTsu, ok thanks17:11
DigDeeperhow can I make that app autostart with OS?17:11
SunTsuPhonicUK: as I said, [[ is a zsh-ism17:12
SunTsumaybe bash has it too, nowadays, but [/test is POSIX17:12
PhonicUKjust looking at this script17:13
PhonicUKif [[ "$proc" == "" ]] - theres no reason for [[ at all17:13
PhonicUKsurely if [ ! -d "$proc" ] would do17:14
SunTsuPhonicUK: yeah, maybe it's something ported from zsh and forgot to change that. Well, maybe you can ln -s test [[17:15
padhuis there is an light weight simple database other than sqlite?17:15
padhuSunTsu: Is it have an GUI for DB management?17:15
milen8204SunTsu, I have one task if you have an idea I will be grateful. I have internet connection on my Laptop whit Ubuntu 11.10, I want to connect my smart phone whit android 2.2.1 whit Laptop trough USB and can use Laptop`s  internet connection17:16
SunTsumilen8204: I already told you: android is not able. and STILL this is #ubuntu, please move offtopic stuff to -offtopic17:17
milen8204ok sorry17:18
jtranis there an ubuntu distro url that lists all the files inside of the cd, not the actual iso?   for example isolinux.bin17:19
padhuSunTsu: Google results that Ubuntu One drops couchdb. Then the next17:21
gryloshas anybody tried ubuntu 12.04 beta??? does it solve the overheating problems?17:21
bazhang!12.04 | grylos17:21
ubottugrylos: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+117:21
grylosbazhang: thanks, but i know that is in beta version until now17:22
bazhanggrylos, the correct channel for that is #ubuntu+1 thanks17:23
rmannibucauhi i use ubuntu 11.10 with unity and systray doesn't appear anymore even if i set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist to all17:23
wyldejtran: you mean something like ftp://ubuntu.arcticnetwork.ca/pub/ubuntu/releases/oneiric/ubuntu-11.10-alternate-amd64.list ?17:24
grylosbazhang: oh i didn't know that!!i 'll ckeck it17:24
jtranwylde: that's just a list file tho right?  but somewhere i can grab the actual isolinux.bin as well as other files in the cd image17:26
X-tonicWhich packages does ubuntu update within a distro release? What I mean is, suppose, gimp 2.8 gets released after 12.04, will ubuntu stick to gimp 2.6 like it does for many packages (like kernel), or will it update to gimp 2.8 like it does for firefox?17:26
=== R4ndZ is now known as Zeta
=== Zeta is now known as R4ndZ
wo0t99try apt-get update & apt-get dist-upgrade ?17:27
TyanColtehello all17:27
PiciX-tonic: No, we don't.17:27
Pici!latest | X-tonic17:27
ubottuX-tonic: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.17:27
wyldejtran: not sure, I suppose you're looking to customize an ubuntu cd?17:28
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging17:28
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X-tonicPici: But then firefox jumps through ubuntu as backports right?17:29
jtranwylde, exactly .  i can download the iso and extract but i'm writing a script that'll automate the custom cd creation17:29
jtrani'd rather just download that file and a couple others each time instead of grabbing the iso17:29
PiciX-tonic: firefox is a bit of a special case.17:30
=== miguel is now known as Guest70668
Guest70668simplemente estoy probando17:31
Pici!es | Guest7066817:32
ubottuGuest70668: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:32
MaryPoppinsjayDoes anyone know a user friendly frontend for flac, mpg123 etc?17:32
MaryPoppinsjayGTK preferably17:32
wyldejtran: jtran that .list is the only thing I see from the mirrors that might even come close to what you want.17:33
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates17:35
MaryPoppinsjayDoes anyone know a user friendly frontend for flac, mpg123 etc? I want to encode/decode some flacs, mp3s, etc. GTK preferably17:36
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jtranwylde, i agree.  thx anyway.  'm probably just gonna download the whole iso then. it's only 10mb more than the total of the files individually17:39
wyldejtran: alrighty.17:40
digitalcrowHelp ! Can i make my Epson Aculaser M1200 Printer to work properly with ubuntu ?17:40
bazhangdigitalcrow, what does linuxprinting.org say about that printer17:40
digitalcrownothing its not there17:42
xskydevilxIs Chromium 20 available in the Ubuntu repos?17:42
zykotick9!info chromium-browser | xskydevilx not in default by the looks of it17:43
ubottuxskydevilx not in default by the looks of it: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 18.0.1025.142~r129054-0ubuntu0.11.10.1 (oneiric), package size 21137 kB, installed size 78128 kB17:43
trismxskydevilx: we only have the stable releases, that is the dev channel17:43
digitalcrowIs it possible to make my epson aculaser m1200 printer to work ??17:43
ranjancan any body can tell me how to use this gsm-ussd application well I tried my best but I am not able to use it for my Huawei E1732 data card any help would be of great help to me .... Thanks in advance .17:44
digitalcrowhelp i got a probably incombatible printer help ! can i make it work properly ?17:44
wylde!patience | digitalcrow17:45
ubottudigitalcrow: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:45
JonEdneydigitalcrow, Ubuntu forums are awesome for support.17:45
ranjancan any body can tell me how to use this gsm-ussd application well I tried my best but I am not able to use it for my Huawei E1732 data card any help would be of great help to me .... Thanks in advance .17:46
wylde!patience | ranjan17:47
ubotturanjan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:47
wyldedigitalcrow: have you tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11615257&postcount=10 ?17:47
Lintubuntu forum is a place where you ask a question and in one hour it is on page 10 with 0 replies and 4 views17:48
JonEdneyI'v personally not run into that issue on the Ubuntu forums.17:48
brun0l3zI am looking for a GUI free DVD burning software, any ideas?17:49
digitalcrowwylde , yes ive tried , the good is it can print one copy only and if i give more copies it has problems, also i think it has problems when there are to many pages ....17:49
usr13brun0l3z: k3b or ... what's the gnome one?  gtoaster ?17:49
digitalcrowI can't say its not support but i believe it can have better support17:49
digitalcrowBut noone gives a damn17:50
brun0l3zYes usr13 i have gnaome17:50
usr13brun0l3z: Ok, well there you go.  (I use K3B)17:51
brun0l3zThanks usr1317:51
jpsulliamy system hdd is continuously  reading in normal mode but in safe mode its working fine. please help me17:51
zykotick9jpsullia: you could install iotop and try to find out what application(s) are accessing the HD?17:52
sidrovdpau don't work17:54
ranjanCan any body can tell me how to use this gsm-ussd application well I tried my best but I am not able to use it for my Huawei E1732 data card any help would be of great help to me .... Thanks in advance .17:54
zykotick9!doesntwork | sidro17:54
ubottusidro: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:54
brun0l3zTo all those wanting to have a software to burn CD, DVD, Blu-ray simply type apt-get install k3b in a konsole. Thanks goes to usr1317:54
brun0l3zTo all those wanting to have a software to burn CD, DVD, Blu-ray simply type apt-get install k3b in a konsole. Thanks goes to usr1317:54
JonEdneyranjan, Unsure about that issue.17:55
sidroubuntu : https://pastee.org/ccz5m17:55
brun0l3zTo all those wanting to have a software to burn CD, DVD, Blu-ray simply type apt-get install k3b in a konsole. Thanks goes to usr1317:55
brun0l3zTo all those wanting to have a software to burn CD, DVD, Blu-ray simply type apt-get install k3b in a konsole. Thanks goes to usr1317:55
usr13brun0l3z: Ok, we got it.17:55
brun0l3zTo all those wanting to have a software to burn CD, DVD, Blu-ray simply type apt-get install k3b in a konsole. Thanks goes to usr1317:55
sidroubuntu ???17:56
brun0l3zI knew you will say that usr1317:56
brun0l3zTo all those wanting to have a software to burn CD, DVD, Blu-ray simply type apt-get install k3b in a konsole. Thanks goes to usr1317:56
brun0l3zOkay Byes people17:56
sidroneed vdpau to work17:56
sidrowhy doesn't work?17:57
zykotick9sidro: what nvidia card do you have, and what driver version are you using?17:57
sidro8400 GS17:57
sidroit works in other distros17:57
zykotick9sidro: "apt-cache policy libvdpau1" is it installed?17:58
sidroovidiu@ovidiu-home:~$ apt-cache policy libvdpau117:59
sidro  Installed: 0.4.1-2ubuntu117:59
sidro  Candidate: 0.4.1-2ubuntu117:59
sidro  Version table:17:59
FloodBot1sidro: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:59
sidro *** 0.4.1-2ubuntu1 017:59
kbanmanHow would I "trap" a tty in a script? (Start the script on login, restart the script if it gets killed)17:59
zykotick9sidro: "yes" would have been sufficient17:59
sidroWhat to do ?18:00
sidrozykotick9: what to do?18:01
zykotick9sidro: sorry, not sure.  good luck.18:01
xskydevilxtrism, I couldn't find any higher releases than 17.18:02
sidronobody know ?18:02
xskydevilxtrism, However I found 20 on Softpedia for Windows. So, how to get that in Lucid?18:02
usr13sidro: The libvdpau wrapper library and the libvdpau_trace18:04
usr13debugging library, along with the header files needed to build VDPAU18:04
usr13applications. To actually use a VDPAU device, you need a vendor-specific18:04
usr13implementation library, like the one shipped with nvidia's binary graphics18:04
FloodBot1usr13: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:04
trismxskydevilx: if you are going to install random files from the internet, you might as well just use the chrome dev repo from google18:04
sha0coderwhere is de cryptswap password stored?18:04
sidrousr13: i have proprietary driver18:05
|Anthony|anyone else think this is a bad idea: chmod go-w ~/18:05
trismxskydevilx: http://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel18:05
xskydevilxtrism, Dude, those are not random files from ze interwebz.18:05
Picixskydevilx: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/dev18:05
trismxskydevilx: softpedia?18:05
trismPici: the dev channel hasn't been updated in months18:05
trismPici: well I should say, it has the stable release not the current dev release (which is 2 version behind)18:06
zykotick9|Anthony|: personally, i'd cd into /home then specify the user's folder rather then using ~/ - but it's common in other distros for user's home folder NOT to be world readable (debian and ubuntu are kinda exceptions to this)18:06
Escherialis there an alternative to libreoffice? i'm kind of tired of it eating my office documents for lunch18:07
Picitrism: hm, odd.18:07
trismxskydevilx: the 18 version is in lucid proposed at the moment also if you would like to test that18:07
sidrousr13: what to do ?18:07
pkukkciao a tutti18:07
xskydevilxtrism, I wish I could compile the v20 somehow.18:07
confreyhi everybody18:09
angel279Hello does some knows which package contain "/lame/lame.h" file? I am trying to compile some package which required this file18:10
zykotick9angel279: /lame is not a default directory...18:10
llutzangel279: libmp3lame-dev18:10
sha0coderwhere cryptsetup stores the keys?18:10
confreyangel279, seem a header files, may be lame.dev? search for that file at packages.ubuntu.org18:11
angel279llutz: Thanks18:12
jardineworksbazhang, I tried the xrandr but I get a strange message. It appears to be treating my two separate screens as one. The message is "xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default"18:15
trismxskydevilx: you can of course, it is a bit involved though: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxBuildInstructions18:16
xskydevilxtrism, hm, maybe it's a bit complicated.18:18
=== bruno is now known as Guest51633
shadykhanquick question im running photoshop under wine and everything on the top menu has a &before the name so18:21
shadykhan&file &edit &menu18:21
=== Guest51633 is now known as bram__
hwildeis there a faster way to get disk usage of a directory than du  ?18:22
petezaHey there! I was hoping to get assistance in configuring a cluster with Ubuntu in order to provide a failover support for a KVM server18:23
wyldehwilde: df -h ?18:25
petezaI am trying to use 2 Ubuntu 11.10 computers to cluster together but dont know where to start and how to configure a cluster18:25
zykotick9hwilde: du is an isssue?18:25
wyldedf -h18:25
hwildedf -h does not show just for one specific folder18:25
hwildezykotick9, du seems to search for a long long time thru all subfolders adding up the space18:26
zykotick9hwilde: that's true - but isn't that what you want?18:26
hwildeno, I want it faster.18:26
zykotick9hwilde: but faster - i don't think so...18:26
hwildehow does hte disk usage analyzer scan everything so fast but du takes forrreverrrr18:27
=== Xtreme is now known as MrCool
=== MrCool is now known as MrCool666
wyldehwilde: I looked at du --help, would du /path/to/dir work for you?18:28
hwildewylde, that's what i am doing, but it still seems to go thru every subdirectory and file18:28
hwildedisk analyzer can do the entire harddrive in less time18:28
cypher-neoHi sebokie18:31
sebokieI would like to install an openvpn server on a dedicated server18:31
SunTsusebokie: and you're telling us this, because... ?18:31
=== MrCool666 is now known as Xtreme666
=== Xtreme666 is now known as Xtreme
sebokiethe instructions to do so are different between 8.0.4 and 10.10, in that in the 10.10 version it does not seem necessary to edit /etc/network/interfaces18:32
sebokieso my question is, is it mandatory to create a bridge interface in /etc/network/interface for > 10.10, or does the openvpn server soes it automatically18:33
SunTsusekit does it automagically18:33
sebokiewhat is sekit?18:35
SunTsusebokie: me being too stupid to use completion ;)18:37
SunTsusebokie: it does it automagically18:38
uictamalecan anyone here give me some pointers for installing scribe server on ubuntu 11.10 ?18:38
xskydevilxbloody hell, 1.2 GB for Chromium's source code.18:40
ranjanhello every body18:45
xskydevilxwhere are fonts installed in ubuntu?18:47
fishcookerbtw how to disable home folder encryption... actually i choose the option for try out only it is the first time i use this feature18:47
fishcooker btw how to disable it18:47
jayarwhy does my computer randomly get a dhcp address when its set static in /interfaces ?18:48
escottfishcooker, create a new folder /home/newhome and copy and cp -ar $HOME /home/newhome; then you can try a usermod command to change your home to newhome or boot to the rescue and swap the two home folders18:49
JacobVengeancexskydevilx /user/share/fonts18:49
buhmanwhat's the difference between -updates and -security?18:50
KyshtynbaiHi guys. I running ubuntu 12.04 beta now, should I reinstall when the stable 12.04 is released or beta will be upgrade automatically?18:50
jribbuhman: -updates is for updates that are not security related18:51
zykotick9!final | Kyshtynbai18:51
ubottuKyshtynbai: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.18:51
cypher-neoKyshtynbai, It will upgrade automatically. The current Beta is so close to release it is practically the same.18:51
KyshtynbaiThank you guys.18:51
n3ur0tixhey folks, is there a way to record keypresses in gnome-shell screencaster?18:51
xskydevilxHow do I remove all the microsoft core fonts?18:51
carroarmato0n3ur0tix: there's this new thing:  http://shelr.tv/18:52
carroarmato0n3ur0tix: seemed a bit buggy on ubuntu though18:52
buhmanjrib: if it is security related, will -updates and -security be identical?18:52
n3ur0tixcarroarmato0, yeah thanks, there's a few shell recorder sites now, but I was more curious as to whether you can configure the gnome-shell screen recorder18:53
=== ariana_ is now known as mdupont_
bram__hey there is way to run ms-dos on wine?18:53
Ubuntu12hello is there programs that will store all passwords on a usb and make it possible to use a hotkey to find password needed and enter it into the window (like a browser stores passwords, but for use with the whole system) ?18:53
zykotick9bram__: for actual MS-DOS you might try dosbox instead18:53
=== revolts is now known as diegovieira
n3ur0tixUbuntu12, that sounds massively unsafe18:54
zykotick9n3ur0tix: +118:54
jribbuhman: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories My guess is an update is not placed in both -updates and -security, but I am not sure.18:55
bram__zykotick9: so, there's a linux version of dosbox?18:55
zykotick9!info dosbox18:55
ubottudosbox (source: dosbox): x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.74-2 (oneiric), package size 800 kB, installed size 2468 kB18:55
ardianHello I have Ubuntu Server installed on VirtualBox I want to access my files through the shared folder, how do I do that on ubuntu CLI ?18:55
Ubuntu12n3ur0tix not if you encrypt the key and only plug it in when you need a password18:55
n3ur0tixUbuntu12, you can securely store passwords for use across systems using something like keepassx18:55
fishcookergreat tricks escott18:55
=== Vegeta is now known as Goku
bram__I'll see for the linux version of dosbox18:56
Ubuntu12n3ur0tix ok thanks ill have a look into it18:56
n3ur0tixUbuntu12, np18:57
LucidGuyOdd scenario .. quota thinks an nfs filesystem has a hard limit of 2048GB when it actually has a 10TB limit.  Any ideas?  From another workstation that same user shows the proper quota.19:03
donavan01anyone have a suggestion for a good graphical front end for diff19:03
n3ur0tixdonavan01, meld19:04
bram__do someone know a good program sound editor like cool edit pro?19:05
bram__and free for linux?19:05
n3ur0tixbram__, audacity19:05
bram__n3ur0tix: okay, it's free?19:05
n3ur0tixin the repo19:05
bram__ok, thanks19:06
donavan01n3urotix ... thanks19:07
Sp][nEif you type just about any programs name in google followed by: "linux alternative" you are bound to finda host of blogs allready talking about which programs you can use as alternatives and their pros and cons19:08
Sp][nEnever failed me19:08
annecybram_, ardour is closer methinks if you want all the features19:08
Sp][nEmessing with "jack" is a nightmare in linux19:09
dlentzLucidGuy, are you using 32-bit (quota)?19:09
bram__ok, thanks, i'll find that on google19:09
n3ur0tixannecy, no, cool edit pro is not a DAW, ardour is a serious piece of kit19:09
n3ur0tixbut excellent none the less19:09
LucidGuydlentz, hmm .. Im going to say yes.  Its an install of ubuntu 64bit.19:09
Sp][nEhave fun with jack19:09
n3ur0tixcool edit pro is a wave editor, audacity is a wave editor19:09
dlentzLucidGuy, then i would think quota would be 64-bit as well19:10
n3ur0tixjack is pretty easy to get running19:10
jayarcan anyone tell me why my ip is randomly getting set via dhcp when its set static in /interfaces?19:11
annecyardour is better than audacity for edits if you are willing to learn19:11
n3ur0tixannecy, sure, it is way more powerful, but for quick edits audacity is perfectly capable.  I use it for sound sculpting all the time19:12
bram__i'm seeing them two, they seem good19:12
n3ur0tixIf bram asked, is there an alternative for pro tools on line, I'd have said ardour19:12
zatanhei how can I add read-only permission on file ?19:12
n3ur0tixzatan, for who?19:13
ActionParsnipzatan: chmod o-w file19:13
zatann3ur0tix, for txt file19:13
annecybram__, are you a pro or a chancery?19:13
bram__i'm watching the two programs, i could download them and test to see their differencies19:14
n3ur0tixlol, ^ ActionParsnip  has your answer... I meant as in User, Group, etc19:14
n3ur0tixbram__, one is a fully fledged audio workstation, the other is a sound/wave editor.  Both very handy tools to have around for music production19:14
ActionParsnipzatan: you will need to do the same with g-w and u-w too ensure nobody has write access19:15
n3ur0tixcheck out hydrogen (drum sequencer)19:15
zatanActionParsnip, cheers19:15
GruenkohlI've got a problem with the sound on my Notebook. Description can be found under http://pastebin.com/4SBBT3Cm. Please read the description until the end, before you start to answer. Who can help?19:15
ActionParsnipLMMS is like frooty loops too :9)19:15
bram__i need to make high quality sound mixes, and some sound sculpting19:15
n3ur0tixyep, good too19:15
n3ur0tixI like Renoise for a tracker19:16
n3ur0tixexcellent quality, though different approach to what I was previously used to.  Can't wait for Bitwig!!!! w000000h00000!19:16
ActionParsnipGruenkohl: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc19:17
n3ur0tixActionParsnip, do you ever leave this chan?! ;) You are a permanent fixture!19:17
annecybram__, you can use ladspa plugins in both if you have them. there are other projects that can make use of vast19:17
n3ur0tixI think you may just be a sentient machine19:17
deitarionNow that I've forced an install of scratch despite having held pulseaudio as uninstalled, how do I manually edit pulseaudio out of its dependencies to get the update manager to shut up about a dependency error that will never be resolved?19:17
annecysorry vst19:17
bram__Bitwig, i will remember that =)19:17
deitarion (I'm OK with scratch having no sound. I'd rather run the Windows version in Wine or in a VirtualBox VM with pirated WinXP or not run it at all than reinstall pulseaudio.)19:18
n3ur0tixbram__, it's by ex-Ableton devs19:18
ActionParsnipn3ur0tix: i use andchat on my phone ane irssi via ssh from work :-)19:18
n3ur0tixActionParsnip, seriously, you never sleep!19:18
ActionParsnipn3ur0tix: 12 hour shifts do that.19:18
bram__annecy: i can try some plugins, i'll see landspa19:19
n3ur0tixI've been on several time in the last week or so (using different accounts) and you're here every time19:19
GruenkohlActionParsnip: isadora19:19
daftykinsi still remember the times i would become top speaker in IRC stats of a particular channel for every hour of the day19:19
daftykinsquite an achievement19:19
ActionParsnipGruenkohl: that's not ubuntu, so not supported here19:19
Dualityif i do ls i see a green director, i think this is the reason it's not showing in the program, how do i change it back to a director?19:19
catchermy compiz, or perhaps X, gets increasingly slower over the course of a couple days. Any way to refresh/restart video without logging out?19:20
mbeierlcatcher, try "compiz --replace&" from a terminal?19:20
catcheror maybe a unity issue..19:20
catchermbeierl, I tried that, and it reset all my settings, had to reconfig.19:20
GruenkohlActionParsnip: yes, it's linux mint, a derivate of ubuntu. But in Untuntu 10.4 i've the same problem.19:21
ActionParsnip!mint | Gruenkohl its supported here19:21
ubottuGruenkohl its supported here: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:21
deitarionNever mind. Figured it out. Editing /var/lib/dpkg/status by hand let me remove pulseaudio from scratch's dependencies. (I program in Python, so it's no big deal if the copy of Scratch I use to follow along while teaching my brothers has no sound.)19:22
rbennacerhow can i find all the large file in my system and exclude some directories19:22
jribdeitarion: sounds like a terrible idea19:22
ActionParsnipGruenkohl: none of the ubuntu based releases are supported here. Ubuntu is based on Debian, if you ask for ubuntu support in #debian you will be directed here19:22
rbennacerexample find /  -size +500M and exclude all the files that have  /mnt/glusterfs/19:22
llutzrbennacer: find / -size +xxM  (man find)19:22
rbennaceri couldnt find it in fthe man19:23
deitarionjrib: Works for me and I've edited more finicky file formats without issue. If something regenerates it and the update manager starts whining again, I'll just switch to the Windows version of Scratch inside Wine.19:23
llutzrbennacer: -not -iname 'pattern'19:23
ActionParsniprbennacer: add to the end:   | grep -v glusterfs19:23
deitarion(I already know scratch works if that dependency is unsatisified. It just has no sound.)19:23
jribdeitarion: I don't know what your original question was.  But why don't you rebuild the source package with the dependencies you want?19:24
rbennacerthank you19:24
yoshieubuntu 64bit new 2TB Western Digital Hard drive green version, fresh install of ubuntu , getting error  No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key19:24
deitarionjrib: Because this isn't Gentoo and, even if I can find a source .deb rather than a binary deb or source tarball on the Scratch site, I don't have time to learn how to rebuild from source on Debian-based distros right now.19:24
wilcoIf I upgrade my 10.04 desktop to PP beta2, will it be straightforward to upgrade to the final PP release? (Sorry if this is a FAQ; I don't see it mentioned in the tech overview)19:25
n3ur0tixa source deb... say what?19:25
ActionParsnipDuality: run:  ls -l *   and look at the accesses and types. I believe it happens when you share a folder19:25
n3ur0tixdeb = binary, or am I stupid?19:25
Duality---------- 1 root   root   887 2012-04-18 21:17 keys19:25
n3ur0tixwilco, hold out for final release19:25
Dualitylol no premisions at all ?19:26
deitarionn3ur0tix: Wrong phrasing. I mean the bits to build a deb. (Like RPM .spec files)19:26
jribn3ur0tix: I meant "source package"19:26
n3ur0tixwilco, beta got some issues, at least for me19:26
dlentz!final | wilco19:26
ubottuwilco: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.19:26
Robson92hi everyone! does somebody know how to limit amount of connections in rtorrent ?19:26
n3ur0tixdeitarion, aka source19:26
ActionParsnipyoshie: is it set to the boot device in bios? Is the drive seen in bios?19:26
deitarionn3ur0tix: No. Source doesn't necessarily include all the bits and pieces necessary to build a .deb and I don't feel like using checkinstall to generate a half-assed .deb.19:26
yoshieActionParsnip: yes bios is setup correctly and it shows in bios19:27
dlentzdeitarion, are you using the version from the repo?19:27
n3ur0tixdeitarion, really?  source files, be them code or assets are all that is needed to compile a deb... surely?19:27
caB00THow do I mount a windows hard drive in startup?19:27
deitariondlentz: There is no repo I could find. The official scratch site gives you a .deb and a dpkg command.19:27
ActionParsnipyoshie: do you dual boot?19:28
n3ur0tixwhat other ingredient, not classed as source, is required?19:28
deitarionn3ur0tix: All packaging formats require more than just source because there's no standard format and naming convention for things like dependency information.19:28
yoshieActionParsnip: no, I just did got the hard drive and installed ubuntu on it19:28
robdehello, is there an easy way to stay in sync with an apache directory listing?19:28
mbeierlcaB00T, by putting it in /etc/fstab19:28
caB00TJust a valid executable script file, yes?19:28
bindihey, I need java 7 on an ubuntu machine, is this possible?19:29
yoshieActionParsnip: using the full disk for ubuntu19:29
n3ur0tixdeitarion, sounds like packaging source to me19:29
ActionParsnipCaboot: its an ntfs partition. You can add an entry in /etc/fstab and it will automount at boot19:29
jardineworksanyone? xrandr? no help?19:29
jribdeitarion: the other thing people do in this situation is use equivs to generate a dummy package for the missing dependency.  This is also a terrible solution, but I'm not sure which one is worse :P19:29
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:29
caB00TThank you mbeierl / ActionParsnip :)19:29
deitarionjrib: Last time I tried generating a dummy package, I couldn't get the system to guarantee it would override the pulseaudio from the repo.19:29
Robson92anyone? how to limit amount of connection in rtorrent?19:30
_r00t_Robson92: what has that got to do with Ubuntu ?19:30
wilcothanks n3ur0tix dlentz19:30
Robson92it is installed on ubuntu server19:30
Noorideenguys whats better for programmers linux or ubuntu?19:30
n3ur0tixwilco, np19:30
ActionParsnipyoshie: all i can suggest is boot to the liveCD/USB and install grub there using a chroot. Omgubuntu has a how to called 'sticking it to grub'19:31
n3ur0tixNoorideen, erm... Ubuntu is a linux distro19:31
deitarionEither way, as I said, problem solved. If my edited /var/lib/dpkg/status breaks, I understand that I get to keep the pieces. If it gets regenerated, I'll either edit it again, unpack the scratch binary tarball in ~/opt/scratch, or install the Windows version in Wine.19:31
jribNoorideen: ubuntu is a linux distro, so your question doesn't make much sense19:31
_r00t_Noorideen: erm ... Linux is a kernel :)19:31
ActionParsnipNoorideen: the question is nonsensical19:31
deitarionNoorideen: That's like asking "What's better for drivers. An engine or a Toyota?"19:31
* n3ur0tix feels a firm palm against his face19:31
Noorideeni am sorry19:31
Noorideenin other way19:31
FloodBot1Noorideen: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:31
n3ur0tixno worries ;)19:31
NoorideenWhats the differences?19:32
ActionParsnipNoorideen: which is better: windows or server 2003 64bit. Very similar question19:32
n3ur0tixkernel = core. Ubuntu = OS19:32
jribdeitarion: ask scratch to provide a -nopulse version of the package :)19:32
Noorideenn3ur0tix: easier to use?19:32
deitarionjrib: When I have time to fart around with getting in contact with the devs, maybe.19:32
ActionParsnipNoorideen: i suggest you research what you are asking19:33
n3ur0tixNoorideen, no, Linux is not an OS.  You need an OS, be it Ubuntu/Fedora/Gentoo/Arch ,etc... All Linux distros19:33
deitarionNoorideen: As opposed to what. Depending on how you define "linux", Ubuntu either IS or CONTAINS Linux.19:33
n3ur0tixNoorideen, listen to ActionParsnip , he knows what's up19:33
deitarionNoorideen: You can't drive a bare car engine and you can't run Linux all on its own.19:33
n3ur0tixNoorideen, Ubuntu is a fine OS for learning to program on19:34
ActionParsnipNoorideen: which is better between "windows" and "server 2003 64bit"?19:34
tomasm-hi, i noticed with the notification boxes (the black ones in the top right corner) that they disappear when I hover, and then re-appear when I move away, several times, and won't go away forever until I ignore it for at least 5 seconds. is there a way to close it immediately?19:34
Noorideenn3ur0tix got me19:34
Noorideenits gunna be my first time19:34
Noorideento use ubuntu19:34
wilcowell... depending on whom you ask, Linux is an operating system and Ubuntu is an operating environment OR Linux is an operating system kernel and Ubuntu is an operating system19:35
Noorideengunna install it tomorrow19:35
n3ur0tixNoorideen, well it's a good place to start your Linux adventure19:35
csharpNoorideen: install Ubuntu and you'll learn all aobut linux19:35
yoshieActionParsnip: i got the live usb running any idea what to do from there? cause i dont see  omgubuntu19:35
n3ur0tixcsharp, cough (Arch) cough19:35
Noorideenthank you all!19:35
csharpn3ur0tix: ;-)19:36
=== whiteman is now known as whitemane0
* dlentz hands n3ur0tix cough syrup19:36
n3ur0tixthanks dlentz19:36
* n3ur0tix needed that19:36
dlentzjust don't drink the whole bottle or strange things happen...19:37
ActionParsnipyoshie: it's a website19:37
Dualitywhat does it meen if you traceroute and it give a number and three stars behind it19:38
yoshieubuntu 64bit new 2TB Western Digital Hard drive green version, fresh install of ubuntu , getting error  No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key19:38
caB00TI am stupid, can anybody tell me what to write in fstab in order to mount my ntfs windows partition? It's volume "Cabot", location /media ? :\19:39
tomasm-Duality, that means it can't trace any further.... there probably is a firewall blocking ICMP packets (for security reasons)19:39
_r00t_udev forks 80 processes on boot and renders my machine useless19:39
=== alex__ is now known as sangwich
Ubuntu12n3ur0tix thanks xD  works great even types for me just a shame it doesnt recognise what url the page is on19:39
shpngldHello everybody! I will be really happy if someone helps me! Im using xubuntu11 04. The web browser I use is Chromium, my torrent client is Flush and listen to Music with VLC player. quite often I got a problem while browsing : Error 105 (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED): Unable to resolve the server's DNS address." In the same time the Online radio I usually enjoy doesnt stops and the stream is OK. The torrent transfer r OK t19:40
shpngldoo.... no problems...but the browsing is failing..I have to wait for a few minutes sometimes, then F5 and eventually all seems back to normal...for a while...What can I do to fix the problem?19:40
meganerdshpngld: slow down your torrents19:40
n3ur0tixUbuntu12, yeah, it's open source... maybe you can extend it? ;)19:41
Dualityhow do i route all my internet / network trafic thourgh my vpn?19:41
Ubuntu12n3ur0tix maybe if i get time off work+can be bothered lol19:41
meganerdshpngld: if you use a consumer router perhaps it is having trouble with all the streams from the torrent client, causing DNS to fail while not impacting existing connections19:41
n3ur0tixUbuntu12, ;)19:41
daftykinsDuality: change your default gateway from your router IP to your VPN endpoint (with the 'route' command)19:42
dlentzcaB00T, here's an example https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab#ntfs19:42
meganerdDuality: set your default route ... this is pretty generic, more info would be helpful19:42
shpngldmeganerd,  so i should stop usin torrents?19:42
meganerddaftykins: "ip route" is the more modern wayh.19:42
sangwichhey I have a thinkpad e220s with ubuntu 11.10 and the wireless network is doing some wierd stuff19:42
sangwichcan anyone help19:42
Dualityi've een trying to setup a vpn server and client both run :)19:42
daftykinsmeganerd: 'route' deprecated then? or just an alternative?19:42
Dualitybut if i do a traceroute it doesn't go through the vpn tunnel i believe (sorry kinda newby here :)19:43
guntbert!ircroot | _r00t_19:43
dlentzsangwich, what wireless chipset is it using (run lspci or lshw -C network if not sure)19:43
meganerddaftykins: yes it has been deprecated, but it has been so for a decade, so probably not really going anywhere :)19:43
shpngldmeganerd, I think this is the problem, when i quit rush all seems ok...but what if I want to dl/ul torrnets19:44
shpngldmeganerd, "FLUSH" I ment19:44
meganerdshpngld: I am not familiar with that client, but there should be an option to limit the number of connections19:44
_r00t_guntbert: really ?19:44
shpngldmeganerd,  what is a good number of connection for you19:44
meganerdshpngld: don't ask me, I have dual core machine with 8 GiB of RAM for my router19:45
judygood night,sleep tight19:45
mycroftholmeshi guys, n00b here ^^19:45
mbeierlcaB00T, do you know the partition name of the Windows drive?19:45
meganerdshpngld: and a 50 mbit cable connection19:45
sangwichdlentz, this is what I got product: RTL8188CE 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter19:45
shpngldmeganerd,  well I can divide it by 20 then...19:46
meganerdshpngld: You might just try limiting the speed19:46
guntbert_r00t_: sorry, I misremembered the factoid - in fact it is !rootirc and should tell you that doing everyday things as root is a bad idea ™19:46
Mene-MeneI'm trying to install the i386 version of openjdk6, but it's refusing to install in synaptic saying it depends on the x64 version of openjdk6. How do I swap the two?19:46
shpngldmeganerd, Thanks A Lot I will do it tight now19:46
meganerdshpngld: generally start with really low numbers, then do gradual increases until you see a failure19:46
_r00t_guntbert: how can you tell that I'm running as root ?19:46
caB00TThank you dlentz19:47
shpngldmeganerd,  Thats a good approach thjanks19:47
meganerdshpngld: np19:47
guntbert_r00t_: ~root@cpc17-enfi16-2-0-cust219.hari.cable.virginmedia.com   seems to imply just that :-)19:47
meganerdshpngld: if you want to get crazy check out the linux advanced routing and traffic shaping guide: http://lartc.org.  They have examples for protecting your connection from getting flooded.19:48
_r00t_guntbert: Don't be so gullible ;)19:48
dlentzsangwich, so what is the issue? what is it doing 'weird'?19:50
hwildehow do I find the source code for r8169.ko ?   it says its compiled into the kernel ?19:51
_r00t_hwilde: what are you trying to do ?19:51
hwilderecompile it19:52
sangwichdlentz, it says its connected to the wireless network but won't ping even the router its says its connected to19:52
meganerdhwilde: grab the source code, the .ko is a compiled binary19:52
hwildeya how do I get the source code19:52
meganerdsangwich: check with iwconfig19:52
_r00t_hwilde: you need to compile it with linux kernel19:52
Mene-Mene"openjdk-6-jdk:i386: Depends: openjdk-6-jre but it is not going to be installed"19:53
Mene-MeneWhy would a 32-bit package depend on a 64-bit package?19:53
shpngldmeganerd,  Thanks a lot for every thing, I m quite new at xubuntu, Ill take a look at it19:53
sangwichdlentz, what should I look for? sorry for the noobish question19:53
meganerdhwilde: install the linux-source package, then check /usr/src19:54
sangwichdlentz, http://dpaste.com/733876/19:54
sangwichmeganerd, http://dpaste.com/733876/19:55
shpngldmeganerd, another ? : what is the ususal reason for slow animations gifs or slow utube videos in web browser?19:55
Duality8 bit rules19:55
dlentzsangwich, the only thing i can suggest is trying linux-wireless-backport package to see if newer driver helps19:55
sangwichdlentz, just sudo apt-get it?19:57
robdehello, I want to install a package, but it says that there is a dependancy conflict: pdfsandwich depends on cuneiform (<< 0.9.0); however: Version of cuneiform on system is 1.1.0+dfsg-1.19:57
robdewhat can I do about it?19:57
meganerdshpngld: no idea.  slow computer or no video drivers installed?19:57
dlentzsangwich, yes, though i don't remeber the exact package name19:59
shpngldmeganerd,  I can watch nicely .avi but every animation in web browser is at least choppy...RAM is almost 1gb and Mhz are 1.719:59
Dualitywait what is my gateway?19:59
shpngldmeganerd, Ghz I ment19:59
jardineworksis there a command that I can use that will tell me what graphics driver I am using?19:59
guntbertDuality: wrong window? :-)20:00
shpngldmeganerd,  Is it possible to be something about Flash?20:00
EnissayHi, how can I compress many files in the same rar file (without puting them in a floder)?20:00
Dualitywhat is my gateway? internal ip or ?20:00
dlentzjardineworks, sudo lscpi -vv20:00
guntbertDuality: please keep to the topic20:00
jardineworksdlentz, thanks20:02
shaneohey guys is there a way to setup a webui to access a local terminal via a webui so that i wouldnt have to use putty or and other application when im on the move20:03
sangwichdlentz, does linux-backport-mudules sound right20:03
caB00TIs it possile to ping more then one host in one command?20:04
meganerdshaneo: could be20:05
dlentzsangwich, linux-backport-modules-wireless?20:06
shaneomeganerd, do you know how i could go about performing this my school wont allow me to install any exe so i wanna be able to connect to a terminal via web so that i may do whatever i need to do. I have tried some java terminals onliine but dont really trust them20:07
guntbertcaB00T: no, what do you need? maybe   nmap  -sP will help20:07
carroarmato0caB00T: there's no command that I know of that does that in 1 command. usually people scripts to do that20:07
Zaltabarshaneo: you could check out "ssl explorer"20:08
shaneothanks Zaltabar will def. do that20:09
Xtremeguys what to do when ubuntu hangs?20:09
Xtremelike ctrl+alt+del in windows20:09
caB00Tguntbert , carroarmato0 thank you. I can use nmap sure, but I just tought this might be more portable and faster if possible. Thank you anyway. :)20:09
carroarmato0caB00T: ow but just like guntbert said, nmap is most likely to be able to do that20:10
dlentzXtreme, press Ctrl+Alt+F1, and run sudo top to kill offending process20:10
GoshawHow do I move the unity bar ?20:10
fl1bbl3caBOOT sometimes can ping network broadcast address and get replies from hosts on that subnet20:12
GoshawAlso I tried to install the flashplugin. But the download 404:ed and now I can't install any other packages because it tries to install that one first.20:12
fl1bbl3but that behaviour isn't consistent20:12
carroarmato0fl1bbl3, caB00T:  yeah, most OS's don't do that anymore because of the abuse by so called Smurf Attacks20:13
zykotick9caB00T: you might want to try "oping" as well (i haven't used it so unsure on it's value)20:13
doc969Hi, I was hoping someone could help. when i installed ubuntu on my macbook it got a red light in the audio jack and no sound comes out the headphones or internal speakers. what would be the solution to this?20:13
dackyshawnanyone here using ubuntu server as a router for their network?20:14
guntbertdackyshawn: ask in #ubuntu-server and start with your real question please20:15
carroarmato0doc969: I don't own a mac, but I'm pretty sure the red light you see is normal. It's an optical way to detect that a cable is inserted rather than by electrica means20:15
carroarmato0doc969: *electrical20:15
Xtreme666this is me, xtreme..20:15
Xtreme666i did ctrl+alt+f120:16
Xtreme666and yes i ended up into console which i get when i log int20:16
Xtreme666but i am not able to do anything there20:16
Xtreme666and also, how to go back?20:16
Xtreme666i logged in now usign another user by f220:16
zykotick9Xtreme666: alt+f7 to get back20:16
Xtreme666thanks.. i will get back to xtreme, and reply :)20:17
mbeierlcaB00T, you can do a broadcast ping to an entire subnet...20:17
Xtremebut when i was there, i wasnt able to run any command20:17
doc969carroarmato8: I thought that too, but, it only lights up when i press the volume buttons or play sound, is there a driver i would need to install. and if so where do i find it20:17
mbeierldackyshawn, yes.  11.10 here - masquerading firewall out to my ISP for home network20:18
Xtremeso where i enter pkilll and all?20:18
FishErrI am trying test latest kernel ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/978313/comments/30 ), but no new boot menu`s entry added. http://paste.ubuntu.com/935983/ - I`ve run same commands again and get similar  output, and no new entry again20:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 978313 in linux (Ubuntu) "notebook freeze after unpluging second monitor" [Medium,Incomplete]20:18
meganerdshaneo: sorry I sent a message to you by accident.  what was the original question?20:18
shaneopersonal terminal access via webui20:18
carroarmato0doc969: well if it isn't what I guess then I have no idea, don't own a mac so I'm afraid I can't help you any further20:18
Xtremezykotick9: where to enter command like pkill?20:19
meganerdshaneo: putty portble on a USB drive?  I used a java based one almost 10 years ago now, but it required a web server to be installed to20:19
caB00TSounds like something I had in mind, that's exactly what I wanted to do tbh. Cool, will look it up. :)20:20
shaneomeganerd, school wont let me load executables20:20
trismFishErr: I only see the linux-headers packages in that output, you need the linux-image ones20:20
shaneojava based would be fine if the web-server is hosted by me20:20
meganerdshaneo: mindterm was what I used, but this is going back quite some time20:22
meganerdshaneo: I seem to remeber webmin having a feature similar to this.20:23
guntbert!webmin | shaneo meganerd20:24
ubottushaneo meganerd: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.20:24
FishErrtrism thanks, with headers better :) sorry for my  inattention. reboot.20:24
shaneoubottu, thanks for the warning was about to install is there something you can suggest20:25
ubottushaneo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:25
shaneolol oh yeah20:25
shaneodoes ubottu use MegaHal?20:25
auronandace!ebox | shaneo20:26
ubottushaneo: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).20:26
poeloqHey! Anybody got advice on dual monitor setups?20:26
poeloqI've got my TV plugged into HDMI on internatl ATI card, but it doesn't detect and only displays the Ubuntu splash screen20:27
shaneothank you auronandace20:28
* none is here20:28
=== none is now known as testnick1
cody_whats up20:29
Noorideenall good20:29
cody_same here20:29
shaneoauronandace, is there something maybe more services based rather than something i need to load in a vm20:29
Noorideenthats nice20:29
cody_do u have ubuntu?20:29
Noorideenno :D20:29
guntbert!ot | cody_ Noorideen20:29
ubottucody_ Noorideen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:29
cody_i do.. it rocks20:30
Noorideeni dont :(20:30
=== testnick1 is now known as dihi228
Noorideeni am gunna install it tomorrow20:30
* dihi228 says hello20:30
Noorideenyou new to ubuntu?20:30
Noorideenhello dihi20:30
guntbertNoorideen: stop20:30
cody_we have 5 computers... 3 ubuntu and 2 windows20:30
cody_naww... had it a while20:30
guntbertcody_: stop too20:30
dihi228can channel users see my IP?  what is it?20:31
cody_i really like it, just made an update on one of them20:31
Noorideenwe not supposed to talk?20:31
guntbertNoorideen: cody_ this channel is for support only20:31
cody_got it!!20:31
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:31
cody_where do we go??20:31
poeloqhey again. anybody know where i might find a solution for my weird multi monitor/tv question_ been googling for hours now20:32
Xtremecode, my guess. #ubuntu-offtopic20:32
Xtremewhere is auronandace today?20:33
Xtremeand the bro i was talking about wifi in the morning.. i shifted my OS, so lost all logs20:34
ignis78pls hlp me i can't compile the v4l-dvb20:34
MonkeyDust!tab| Xtreme20:35
ubottuXtreme: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:35
XtremeMonkeyDust: well the dude i was talking with had nick from m or s and had digits in it.. and tab cant complete that :)20:36
Xtremeanyways.. room seems quite20:37
Xtremeguys i want to remove kget from startup20:38
Xtremehow can i20:38
Xtremeits not that in startup and shutdown20:40
MonkeyDustXtreme  ot: tab completes all characters20:40
XtremeMonkeyDust: no prob,. i know he will contact me soon. will just add him nick next time20:40
escott!undelete > escott20:41
ubottuescott, please see my private message20:41
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel20:41
cocolosIs there a way to make empathy notifications clickable?20:41
Xtremenew info to learn.. anyways... startup help?20:41
XtremeMonkeyDust: any idea20:41
cody_I NEED HELP.20:42
cocoloscody_: ...?20:42
obscurant1stanybody here has tried ironhide? When I try to run glxgears it shows "couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual"20:42
MonkeyDustcody_  caps20:43
cody_I KNOW20:43
cody_this better?20:43
obscurant1stPlease can anyone help me? I just need to enable the HDMI output to work!20:43
cody_anyway.... know why this is?20:43
obscurant1stYou may want to stop pissing off everyone with you caps mate!20:44
cocolosha. lol20:44
area51pilotdude need to learn patience....20:44
BarkingFishobscurant1st, don't feed the troll :)20:44
BarkingFishsome people are born stupid, others get it when they come on the net. It's like a virus with no known cure :D20:45
cocolosso no way to make empathy notifications clickable?20:45
obscurant1stBarkingFish, ok! I don't want everyone to piss off and go from here for sometime! I just came here for a help! lol!20:45
BarkingFishyeah, and keep the language down too please :)20:45
BarkingFishnot being picky dude, what do you need help with?20:46
obscurant1stoops, I am sorry, family oriented channel. :)20:46
BarkingFishno problem20:46
obscurant1stI need help with ironhide installation in ubuntu20:46
BarkingFishRight, well that's outta my league - I'm a kubuntu dude. Sorry :D20:47
obscurant1stActually the only issue I face now is when trying to run glxgears it shows this message "couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual"20:47
BarkingFishi'm in the wrong channel! Hah!20:47
hanshanshi all! i'm looking for a software like a webserver which provides a browser-based calendar... somebody knows such a software?20:47
cocoloshanshans: like google calendar?20:48
Caifashello guys, I have set a reverse ssh on my client with autossh for reconnect in the case of internet problems, but sometimes the reverse port just stop listening, his ssh is established, but the port for listen is TIME_WAIT, so when i try to ssh him i recieve "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host", anyone know what's happening?20:48
hanshanscocolos: yes!20:48
obscurant1sthanshans, try installing any webserver with php support, then try this one : http://www.php-calendar.com/20:48
hanshansobscurant1st: uh, php...20:49
obscurant1sthanshans, whats wrong with php?20:49
cocolosobscurant1st: everything is wrong with php lol20:50
area51pilothanshans: http://www.davical.org/installation.php20:50
obscurant1stcocolos, trying saying that at #php20:50
hanshanswell, you know, just like, nothing...20:50
obscurant1stAnyway, somebody to help me with this glxgears issue?20:51
cocolosobscurant1st: i'd rather now :)20:51
obscurant1stcocolos, cool! :P20:51
obscurant1stWell that was for the first statement! :P20:51
FiLhi I have a tiny problem with my bluetooth. I have installed buez libraries and when I type hcitool scan it returns my phone's bluetooth. But the phone cannot find pc's address20:51
cocoloscan I assume that the empathy notifications being clickable hasn't been implemented?20:52
FiLI have set DiscoverableTimeout = 0 in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf but again I cannot find pc address from my phone20:52
FiLany ideas?20:52
naftilos76hi, does anybody know if totem's youtube plugin works in ubuntu 10.10 or it was abandoned after youtube changed their website in such a way so that the plugin stopped working?20:53
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area51pilotFiL: make it discoverable (PC) longer?20:55
zykotick9naftilos76: i've seen others with issues with totem and youtube - you might be wasting you time trying???20:55
naftilos76zykotick9: probably!20:55
FiL0 means discoverable forever20:55
Xtremeooh man, i hate this. i installed chrome and all urls are opening in chrome20:55
Xtremei went to settings and looked at default application20:56
Xtremeits firefox20:56
FiL0 = disable timer, i.e. stay discoverable forever20:56
Xtremestill chrome is handling urls20:56
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zykotick9Xtreme: if you have an html file try "xdg-open foo.html" vs. "gnome-open foo.html" and see they are different20:56
keyboardquestionI have ubuntu 10.04 and the keyboard on one of the users locks up. the keyboard works on other users and at the login screen but once I login the letters on the keyboard won't work. the other parts of the keyboard work and the mouse works, but not the letters.20:57
area51pilotkeyboardquestion: did you try swappinig out KB's?  ... just sayin'20:57
Xtremethat explains chrome20:58
keyboardquestionarea51pilot: i'm using a laptop20:58
zykotick9area51pilot: if it working in one account, and not in another - it's not a hardware issue20:58
keyboardquestionnod, it's something in ubuntu20:58
Xtremeso now i need to set gnome-opens default html to firefox, right zykotick920:58
zykotick9Xtreme: ya... not sure how though, good luck.20:58
Xtremei will do it later.. currently learning netbeans20:59
zykotick9Xtreme: which one is working correctly?20:59
area51pilotzykotick9: agreed, I should shut up and get all the details first  :P21:00
area51pilotthough maybe it was a desktop21:00
keyboardquestionso, no ideas?21:00
area51pilotu got mine and it was worthless21:01
zykotick9Xtreme: check out "Preferred Applications" in gnome (if that still exists ;)21:01
Xtremecheck if the user to who ur keyboard hangs is running a process which might hanging keyboard21:01
Xtremelocking it i mean21:01
Xtremezykotick9: honestly i never installed gnome21:01
Xtremei dont know how it got there21:01
zykotick9Xtreme: ummm, sorry no suggestions then.21:01
Xtremeits alright21:02
drvanonthis might be a little out of scope for this channel but, i want to make a server for my LAN. That is all the technical vocabulary i have on this matter. What i want to do is take a little space from all pcs in my local area network and have them share some folders, the point is a have no idea how to do that because some are ubuntu/linux and some are xp21:02
keyboardquestionXtreme: I can't imagine it would be running anything. since I can shut down and then turn the machine back on and I still have the issue21:02
Xtremekeyboardquestion: what if its in startup?21:02
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drvanondo you guys have any idea how to start this from an ununtu laptop?21:02
Fizzikdrvanon: install ubuntu-server and during the install select the samba server install package21:03
Xtremezykotick9: its okay, i will do it later on, but can u please help me about startup? removing kget from it21:03
area51pilotdrvanon: r u using the laptop as a server?21:03
keyboardquestionXtreme: yeah that's something to consider, but I have no idea what process would affect my keyboard in that fashion21:03
Fizzikor if you already using ubuntu desktop get samba21:03
zykotick9Xtreme: what DM/WM are you using?21:03
zykotick9Xtreme: sorry, i'm not the one to ask then (i haven't used KDE in 10+ years)21:04
droid-0854Hi everybody!  I was wondering if there is a better way to ssh - p 22 -X anon@ with out deleting the .Xauthority everytime?21:04
Xtremeits okay21:04
Xtremethanks :)21:04
trismXtreme: check out: readlink -f /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser, if it outputs a path to chrome, sudo update-alteratives --config x-www-browser; and select the one you want (I believe chrome has a higher priority so it may overwrite the others)21:04
zykotick9trism: i'd "guess" update-alternatives is the xdg? not the gnome?21:05
drvanonarea51pilot: which package would that be?21:06
Xtremetrism: done, u r right chrome is default... but firefox is not in update alternative list.. only chrome and konquorer21:06
Xtremeso how to add firefox there21:06
befreeHi. Whats means established sessions? Whats for? I have read about it, but i don't understand  well21:06
zykotick9trism: guess i was wrong ;)21:06
keyboardquestionmaybe I'll just migrate all my files and settings over to a different user. that seems to be the only solution21:07
trismzykotick9: I had the same thought as you, but it was my only idea for the inconsistancy21:07
trismXtreme: if you installed firefox from the repos, it should be there21:07
befreeHi. Whats means established sessions? Whats for? I have read about it, but i don't understand  well. It's about firewalls configuration21:07
Xtremeyes i did, but its not there21:08
area51pilotFizzik> drvanon: install ubuntu-server and during the install select the samba server install package21:08
Xtremetrism, can i do the same i did for java?21:08
AlphaGuyyHi. Anyone care to xplain how to connect to a modem via bluetooth21:08
area51pilotdrvanon: are yu trying to setup a fileserver?21:08
drvanonarea51pilot: yes21:08
drvanonarea51pilot; should i download it with apt-get?21:09
Xtremetrism: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java21:09
area51pilotdrvanon: what OS are u running now21:09
befreeCan some one explain what mean established session, of firewall configuration?21:09
trismXtreme: you can of course add your own alternative, but I'd be more curious why firefox isn't already there21:09
Xtremedrvanon: ftp server right?? if yes i suggest get filezilla server21:10
Xtremetrism: i am too, but please dont tell me to re-install firefox.. i dont want to install all the developers plugin again21:10
drvanonXtreme: would that work for LAN?21:10
drvanonXtreme: if so, how?21:10
Xtremedrvanon: well, make it to listen a post say 600021:11
area51pilotdrvanon: exactly what kind of setup or use are you expecting to achieve?21:11
Xtremeand using ur lan ip, connect from any ftp client to <local ip>:600021:11
drvanonwell, I just wanted to easily share files with other pcs21:12
Xtremedrvanon: eg, i had a ftp server on 1.2 with port 6000, and to access it from 1.3, i used to its ftp client21:12
Xtremedrvanon: over internet or only lan??21:12
drvanonjust lan (house only)21:12
drvanonwe are all under the same router21:13
Xtremewhy ftp, doesnt linux have like network group? like in windows.. i am sure it does21:13
Xtremetry that21:13
shadykhanis there a way to restart my GUI?21:13
shadykhanwithout logging out/in21:13
area51pilotdrvanon: just place a dedicated system on the network and share the folder unless u are looking for more security .. can do this in Ubuntu and ... umm ... "W"21:13
Xtremeshadykhan: end session and startx, dont log out21:13
shadykhanbecause all my title bars disappeared21:14
drvanonarea51pilot: what is a dedicated systeM?21:14
shadykhanand its annoying21:14
Xtremedrvanon: ur ftp server21:14
area51pilotdrvanon: one that is always available on the network to share files to other systems21:14
Xtremedrvanon: the one u wanted to make ftp server to be exact21:14
drvanoncan that just be my router?21:15
drvanonor should it be pc like?21:15
area51pilotdrvanon: router as a file server?21:15
Xtremeit has to be something with a harddrive and storage space21:15
area51pilot^    :)21:15
drvanonarea51pilot: okay, pc like21:15
area51pilotdrvanon: yes21:16
drvanonwhat if i turn off the pc?21:16
drvanonwhat will happen to the data?21:16
Xtremeboom goes the server :)21:16
area51pilotdrvanon: then no files will be avail21:16
area51pilotuntil u turn it on21:16
drvanonhow can i make such a server?21:16
Xtremearea51pilot: this part, i want to learn too21:16
area51pilotu dont even need a server .. just a computer with a share on it21:17
drvanonarea51pilot: we are all listening to you21:17
drvanonarea51pilot: he? what exactly do you mean21:17
drvanonarea51pilot: and how to achieve that?21:17
Xtremehe means, u just need to enable sharing21:17
Xtremeand let other computers join that sharing netwrok21:18
KittyTeeththis may not be a linux issue but using natty and using the Banshee Media Player with cd,,,while playing cd is there a way to save the audio on the computer in linux?21:18
area51pilotplace a computer on the LAN that will always be on so that the files on it are always available to other users21:18
Fizzikdrvanon: install samba on the ubuntu machine and look up a samba guide on google?21:18
area51pilotdrvanon: which OS do u want to use?21:18
area51pilotUbuntu or the other?21:18
XtremeFizzik: is it true that ubuntu has inbuild support for windows file and printer sharing?21:19
auronandaceXtreme: thats samba21:19
auronandace!samba | Xtreme21:19
ubottuXtreme: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:19
area51pilotdrvanon: sharing a folder in Ubuntu is fairly simple21:19
drvanonarea51pilot: how?21:20
area51pilotat least with the newer versions21:20
Xtremeauronandace: hi bro, how are you?? missed u earlier21:20
auronandaceXtreme: did someone else help you?21:21
area51pilotdrvanon: depends on which release but there is system setting/preferences for allowing file sharing21:22
i7cwebcams and stuff like that... can simply be unplugged or can i somehow disable the usb connection before?21:22
area51pilotdrvanon: what type of hardware are you planning on using?21:22
=== q0rban is now known as q-rban
area51pilotdrvanon: newer or older?21:22
drvanon11.04 maybe xp21:23
drvanonthink 11.0421:23
reCAPTCHAHey, I want to delete an old partition in gparted, but every time I try to do so it says "Unable to delete /dev/sda5! Please unmount any logical partition having a number higher than 5.21:23
Xtremeyup, solved most of problems. except 2.. 1) when my ubuntu hang, i can press ctrl+alt+f1 to go back to terminal.. but how can i terminate application from there? 2) i want to remove kget from startup, i tried startup and shutdown in settings, but kget is not there.21:23
drvanonarea51pilot: is it something with proxys?21:24
auronandaceXtreme: kget? not familiar with that. kde app?21:24
area51pilotdrvanon: pick one and go from there. In Win its very easy, right click on a folder and go to properties ... you will see a tab to share the folder with other network users21:24
Xtremekget is kde graphical gui for wget.. just like gwget for gnome21:25
area51pilotdrvanon: no proxies21:25
auronandaceXtreme: and that gets started automatically?21:25
Xtremeyes it does21:25
drvanonarea51pilot: how to do that in ubuntu?21:25
auronandaceXtreme: odd21:25
LjLXtreme: considering it doesn't even have wget as a dependency, i would doubt that :P21:25
auronandace!upstart | Xtreme21:25
ubottuXtreme: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/21:25
area51pilotdrvanon:  you going to use 11.04?21:26
drvanonarea51pilot: found button21:27
drvanonshared it21:27
drvanonbut now i dont know how to get it from the other pcs21:27
area51pilotdrvanon: from another PC browse the network for the system u shared the file on21:28
drvanonhow to browse a network21:28
area51pilotdrvanon: when you select that system all available shares should be visible21:28
drvanonhow to select a system?21:28
area51pilotdrvanon: from your file manager you should see an option to "Browse the Network"21:29
area51pilotdouble click on it and you should see network devices21:30
XtremeLjL: i read like that someplace.. i just installed to check.. anyways,, i like wqet more, its faster then others21:30
area51pilotdrvanon: then click on the computer that hosts the shared files21:30
Xtremeauronandace: reading the documents :) thanks21:30
i7cwebcams and stuff like that... can simply be unplugged or can i somehow disable the usb connection before?21:31
drvanonarea51pilot: how would i do that? in filezilla?21:31
area51pilotdrvanon: filezilla is an FTP client21:31
area51pilotu dont need it to do this21:31
drvanonwhat do you recommend?21:32
dekukedis there an easy way to install the proprietary catalyst driver via the command line?21:32
area51pilotdrvanon: any PC (Ubuntu or Win) can accomplish this from the file manager or windows explorer21:32
drvanonarea51pilot: where in nautilus would i find that?21:34
drvanonif it is nautilus?21:34
drvanonfound it21:34
drvanonarea51pilot: you just earned carma21:34
Xtremearea51pilot: no its not21:35
Xtremearea51pilot: it is also a ftp server21:35
Xtremearea51pilot: a darn good one infact21:35
X-tonicwhy is ubuntu so restrictive with GTK themes since 11.10? Initially it provided so many lot more.21:35
area51pilotXtreme  ?21:35
Xtremefilezilla is not only ftp client, but also a ftp server21:35
area51pilotfilezilla does have a server ... but im not going there with this conversation  :P21:35
drvanonarea51pilot: but what would be my password?21:36
area51pilotI just set one up on XP cause i couldnt get a good *nix version up and running quick21:36
area51pilotXtreme: I agree21:36
area51pilotdrvanon: did you password the file folder share?21:36
drvanonnot that i know21:37
drvanonsorry was the printer21:37
area51pilotthere should not be a password unless you set one ... else it might be a pass on the machine youre accessing21:37
area51pilotdrvanon: baby steps  :D21:37
area51pilothave u tried searching this subject online ... visual aids may assist u21:38
trismX-tonic: I don't imagine we will see many themes in the repos until gnome provides tools to change them by default. for the moment extracting themes to ~/.themes and installing gnome-tweak-tool works though21:38
area51pilotdrvanon: u r sooo close I can feel it21:38
angelushi all21:39
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area51pilotdrvanon: I need to go take care of a stupd Win server right now ... be back later on21:39
area51pilotusers whining  .... ugh!21:39
drvanonarea51pilot: realy thabks for your help21:40
drvanoni think ill fix it to nifht21:40
area51pilotdrvanon: anytime!  have a great day!21:40
X-tonictrism, i understand. But my only issue is that gnome-tweak-tool has gnome-shell as dependency. Which sort of ruins my personal choice of not wanting to install things which i dont use. :(21:40
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angelusI'm having big problems with flash and my graphic card . Suddenly some black pixels show an strange background like if graphic memory doesn't clean . I can see it when i make a glxgears .21:41
angelusbut if i try to make an screenshot it doesn't show that strange pixels21:41
angelusany idea?21:42
Xtremeangelus: maybe lost souls are trying to make contact with you..  sorry, i am new to ubuntu myself... but someone else will help u for sure21:44
angelusthanks Xtreme21:45
angelusi have been using ubuntu 5 years ago21:45
scott_zHow can I have a program start at boot or login (like an autoexec.bat)?21:45
angelusand this strange things always happen with flash21:45
Noorideenwhat are the differences between ubuntu and fedora?21:45
angelusfedora is redhat21:45
Noorideenangelus i never used ubuntu yet21:46
Noorideengunna start using it from tomorrow21:46
Noorideensome guy told me fedora is better21:46
Noorideenis that true?21:46
zykotick9scott_z: for boot check rc.local, for login depends on the DE21:47
angelusthe term best doesn't fit this21:47
angelusis a linux flavour Noorideen21:47
angelusi think its ok when all things runs good from start21:47
scott_zzykotick9: DE?21:47
Noorideenangelus: so are you telling to start using ubuntu?21:47
angelusbut i doesn't like so much redhat , at less like a desktop system21:47
angelusat less test it Noorideen21:48
angelusand i don't like the unity desktop21:48
angelustry to use clasic gnome one21:48
AreckxIs there a way to access this channel's log file from yesterday?21:48
Noorideenwhats gnome?21:48
Noorideensorry if i am annoying you21:48
angelusubuntu is a linus os21:48
Areckxgnome is a graphical interface21:48
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angelusgnome is a graphical desktop interface21:48
muelliAreckx: I think there are archives. Google will know.21:49
wylde!logs | Areckx21:49
ubottuAreckx: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/21:49
Areckxmuelli,  so I type freenode #ubuntu21:49
bagelsHey what's the room for ubu v 12?21:49
Areckxwylde,  thanks21:49
Xtreme!gnome | Noorideen21:49
ubottuNoorideen: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.21:49
wylde!precise | bagels21:49
ubottubagels: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+121:49
bagelsthank youuuuu~21:49
Noorideenangelus: thank you21:49
angelusyou're wellcome21:50
angelusim still using ubuntu 11.0421:50
angelusthen i can't tell you about 1221:50
zykotick9scott_z: DE = Desktop Environment (Gnome,KDE,XFCE,etc)21:50
Xtremeangelus: i prefer kde..21:51
scott_zzykotick9: I have Gnome (if that is the stock DE on install) searching now for location of rc.local. Sorry for all the newbie questions, but I am one.21:52
angelusXtreme i think KDE is a powerfull team with no right way21:52
Roasteddoes restricted-extras include java?21:52
angelusi think so Roasted21:52
WneASTa9 /etc/rc.local21:52
Xtremewell, reason i use kde is its like windows.. little more friendly.. thats the way i find it though21:52
Xtrememany people dont prefer kde.. i tried gnome too21:53
zykotick9scott_z: you should find some sort of autorun in the menu for Gnome/Unity - sorry I haven't used gnome3 so don't know what it's called.21:53
angelusWhen problem comes gnome will save your ass :D21:53
scott_zzyotick9: I have 3 rc.local files in /etc/init.d, /etc, and /var/lib/update-rc.d21:54
wylde!restricted | Roasted21:54
ubottuRoasted: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:54
zykotick9Roasted: openjava yes21:54
Roastedzykotick9, doesn't appear as if it loaded what I needed.21:54
zykotick9scott_z: what is it you want to run?  and do you want it at boot or login?21:54
Roastedzykotick9, this web gui for an hp laserjet is tanking saying I need a plugin. Firefox took me to install iced tea. loading it now from synaptic to see if chrome behaves now.21:54
Roastedzykotick9, iced tea worked. :D21:55
zykotick9Roasted: FYI icedtea is the openjava plugin21:55
Roastedzykotick9, nice. It didn't work after I installed restricted-extras tho.21:55
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angelussearch jre in sypnaptic21:56
angelusand install java one21:56
zykotick9angelus: sun-java is no longer in the repos21:56
pankajcan i swear?21:56
zykotick9!language | pankaj21:56
ubottupankaj: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:56
angelusoh really? ¬¬21:56
scott_zzykotick9: It is just a program and I guess at login is fine as if i boot my machine I log in. The package (program) is BOINC. It runs in the background all the time and I have to start it each time I boot or login and sometimes I forget.21:56
pankajjust wanna have some fun21:57
pankajcan i?21:57
zykotick9scott_z: using the menu options vs rc.local is probably a lot easier - but that will run at login, not boot.21:57
wylde!autostart | scott_z21:57
ubottuscott_z: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot21:57
MonkeyDustpankaj  have fun in #ubuntu-offtopic21:57
zykotick9!ot | pankaj21:57
ubottupankaj: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:57
zykotick9wylde: thanks!  scott_z21:57
angelusno idea of why flash hash steal part of my memory graphic card ?21:58
angelussome black zones shows me an strange background in many apps while having crashes with flash and the last chrome21:58
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scott_zwylde: thanks and you too zykotick922:00
wyldescott_z: glad to help.22:01
KD7SPO-rod                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     22:01
KD7SPO-rod                                                                                     22:01
FloodBot1KD7SPO-rod: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:01
scott_zNext question. I have set my default video player to kaffeine in system info: default applications, but when I double click on an AVI file it still launches movie  player. I have to right click on the AVI and select open with and then kaffiene. Any ideas?22:03
=== zaba_ is now known as Guest11567
trismscott_z: right click on one of the avi and go to Properties, then check that the default in the open with tab is kaffeine22:05
scott_ztrism: thanks that worked!22:07
JPeterso2how do i symlink on ntfs?22:10
WneASTa9from Ubuntu?22:11
JPeterso2ln -s fails on ntfs, ln: creating symbolic link `link': Operation not supported22:12
NurseDadwhat is the name of the utility that allows ubuntu to be installed in windows like a program?22:12
wylde!wubi | NurseDad22:12
itaylor57!wubi | NurseDad22:12
ubottuNurseDad: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe22:12
WneASTa9I don't think you do. A "junction" is the closest analog to symlinks on NTFS, and I don't know of a *nix driver that supports them22:12
NurseDadis Wudi safe?22:13
irvkenNurseDad, what do you mean by safe?22:14
wyldeNurseDad: I've never used it myself.22:14
NurseDadwhat r the chances it will screw up my windows install22:14
ReXHaviKJPeterso2: look at 'how to vfs a ntfs partition' , once the ntfs is seen as a local (vfs) you can symlink to your hearts content22:14
irvkennone, only you can do that22:15
WneASTa9ReXHaviK: is the ntfs partition still usable when mounted back on a windows box?22:15
ReXHaviKWneASTa9: you mean real time share? not sure i would do that22:16
ReXHaviKWneASTa9: otherwise yes22:17
WneASTa9ReXHaviK: no, I mean after you've dropped a bunch of symlinks in your NTFS partition, how does a Windows box handle them?22:17
WneASTa9does it just see them as junctions?22:17
ReXHaviKWneASTa9: the links on the ntfs?22:19
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE22:19
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=== l is now known as LoRez
pooltablehelp how ti fix this W:GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net oneiric Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 52A794126E3AB2D3, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/psyke83/ppa/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found22:19
pooltable, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/psyke83/ppa/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found22:19
pooltable, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.?22:19
ReXHaviKWneASTa9: http://linux.die.net/man/8/libntfs-gnomevfs <-- perhaps this will help22:20
Boohbahpooltable: http://askubuntu.com/questions/104213/gpg-invalid-signature22:21
Boohbahpooltable: http://askubuntu.com/questions/114928/update-manager-not-working-fail-to-download-repository-information22:22
pooltablehow do i edit my edited your sources.list to reflect that change.?22:26
Zkye... is this a place to ask questions about ubuntu?22:27
Zkyeanybody home?22:29
WneASTa9ask away, though a lot of people are just idling. You can also try askubuntu.com22:30
ZkyeAnybody home?22:31
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SolarNRGWhat have I got to say to these peopel to get a job: Senior IMST Programme Manager (IPDE) - Barrow-In-Furness - £66500-75500 per annum22:31
WneASTa9you miss responses when you jump into a channel and then out22:31
WneASTa9zyke: ask away, though a lot of people are just idling. You can also try askubuntu.com22:32
WneASTa9Zkye: even22:32
Zkyewhat is askubuntu.com?22:32
fl1bbl3I'm guessing a website :)22:33
Zkye... look... I'm trying to learn about ubuntu and I've managed to install it on an old pc I have, but some this arent workig, and I need some help22:34
cocolosIs there a way to make empathy notifications clickable?22:34
malibuDoes anyone here use midnight commander?  I don't really understand the background operations.  Will they keep going if the terminal session closes?22:35
cocolosZkye: what's up?22:35
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fl1bbl3Zkye: and people are answering you and being helpful22:35
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Zkyeyeah! how can I reply to them personaly?22:35
fl1bbl3usually as long as its a short question/answer then in channel is fine22:36
fl1bbl3otherwise use a pm (/msg <perspn>22:36
RoastedQuestion - If I want to install OpenJDK7, I assume I'dj ust to a remove --purge openjdk-6* and apt-get install openjdk-7*?22:36
wylde!tab | Zkye22:37
ubottuZkye: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:37
ecthiender.py list22:38
ecthienderoops wrong screen22:38
fl1bbl3Zkye: its generally considered best to ask someone before you pm them22:39
Iarfenwhat's a good sniffer??22:39
fl1bbl3Iarfen: ettercap22:39
BarkingFishi used to use airsnort, but Ubuntu doesn't have that available afaik22:39
Zkyefl1bbl3: I'm just desperatly looking for help on ubuntu22:40
Iarfenfl1bbl3: ty!!22:40
fl1bbl3ask in channel Zkye22:40
fl1bbl3more people can help then22:40
SolarNRGThis HAS to be the funniest video I have seen in a long time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikqveFuqWHc22:40
wylde!details | Zkye22:41
ubottuZkye: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:41
wylde!ot | SolarNRG22:41
ubottuSolarNRG: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:41
BarkingFish!offtopic | SolarNRG22:41
ZkyeFirst of all I'm new to ubuntu and it's kind of complicated for me because I don't know anything about linux.22:42
WneASTa9you still have to ask a question before anyone can provide help22:42
cocolos^ Agreed22:42
ZkyeSo far I managed to install ubuntu 11.10 on an old PC I have22:42
cocolosZkye: what's the problem?22:42
ZkyeThe first problem is that I don't know if all the hardware that is inside my desktop is actually working22:43
scott_zin the classicmenu-indicator, how do you tell what each icon launches? (like a right click/ proporties in windows)22:43
ZkyeLike my graphics card...22:43
oavoohello every one.22:43
oavooi am new here22:43
WneASTa9Zkye: if you have graphics, your graphics card is probably working ;)22:43
StepNjumpI am trying to search all files EXCEPT for the hidden ones. How would I do that?: find -iname . -type f22:43
IarfenHow I can see the encoding of the files on Ubuntu??22:44
scott_zin other words what would i type in a terminal window to launch the program22:44
ZkyeI've looked up serveral ways to check my hardware on ubuntu but they all seem so complicaed, I have to put in commands and commands and i don't even know where22:44
wyldeIarfen: 'file path/to/filename'22:45
dalek_Hey, does anyone know how to force virtualbox to quit from command line? It has frozen in full screen and I can't get back to the host OS.22:45
ZkyeI have graphics, but I know like in Windows, my graphics card works when I first install Windows, but it's mostly laggy and then I need to install the actual driver and it works fine, but I don't know if ubuntu is using a backup system or if the card is fully working...22:45
Iarfenwylde: xD ty!!22:45
oavooctrl f422:45
oavooon windows22:46
Iarfenwylde: it doesn't work... it only says me PHP file, not if it's on utf-8 or another charset...22:46
Zkyethat's my first problem22:46
Zkyesecond is my internet is not working... But I'll wait untill y first problem is answered22:46
WneASTa9Zkye: commands and the terminal are a big part of Linux. Ubuntu does away with a lot of the need for deep digging but not all of it.22:47
wyldeIarfen: hmm ok, I misunderstood your question. I assumed you wanted it for media files :)22:47
Iarfenwylde: no, I need to save my files on utf-822:47
dlentzZkye, glxinfo is useful to make sure full 3D is working ( sudo apt-get install mesa-utils; glxinfo )22:48
ZkyeSo how can I check wich hardware ubuntu is recognising, and which it isn't22:48
StepNjumpIt's weird there is a ls -a that lists all files Including the hidden ones but nothing that will list all files Except the hidden ones!22:48
Zkyedlentz: is that a command that I need internet connection for?22:48
dlentzZkye, yes, so forget it. just tell us what GPU you have22:49
wyldeIarfen: 'file -i something.php'22:49
Iarfenwylde: ok ty!!22:50
zykotick9StepNjump: you mean "ls"?22:50
wyldeIarfen: show the index.php in the root of my webserver as "index.php: text/x-php; charset=us-ascii"22:51
StepNjumpzykotick9: well yes but recursively22:51
zykotick9StepNjump: "ls -R"?22:51
Iarfenwylde: so it's good if the charset is us-ascii??? I don't need to change it to utf-8??22:51
StepNjumpzykotick9: I was more thinking of find -iname . -type f !=hidden22:52
wyldeIarfen: I wouldn't think so. I imagine you'd only have to be concerned if you were using special characters.22:52
Iarfenwylde: I'm using characters like ñ and other similars....22:52
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wyldeStepNjump: 'ls -RA /home/$USER'22:53
Zkyewhere can i see what GPU I have ?22:53
zykotick9Zkye: "lspci | grep -i vga" is one way22:53
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Zkyezykotick9: is that a command ?22:54
dlentzZkye, yes22:54
zykotick9Zkye: yes, run from terminal22:54
Zkyewhere do I input it?22:54
Zkyewhere can i find this terminal?22:54
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:54
wyldeIarfen: I'm not sure, sorry. I've never had to worry about that. I never had enough special charaters on a page to need different encoding.22:55
bizzarroneciao a tutti22:55
StepNjumpwylde: oh thanks, I didn't know about -A22:55
bizzarroneuna domanda per gli smanettoni...22:55
Zkyeok I've got the terminal I think... Now what do I type exactly to know what GPU I have?22:55
bizzarronequalcuno che parla italiano?22:55
zykotick9!it | bizzarrone22:55
ubottubizzarrone: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:55
StepNjumpwylde: but what I'm really to do is something like this find . -type f \( -iname "*.txt" ! -iname ".*" \)22:55
zykotick9Zkye: "lspci | grep -i vga"22:56
wyldeStepNjump: most commands have a --help flag. You can get all kinds of info there :)22:56
bizzarronesorry, i supposed to be on #sistemisti channel. sorry22:56
StepNjumpwylde: zykotick9 ... through some conditions, I am trying to list all those files that match the criteria except for .* files22:56
itaylor57or even man pages it seems22:56
wyldeStepNjump: ok so you want to find all the text files recursively through the directory structure? The -A flag ignores . files.22:57
Zkyezykotick9: the respons I got was: "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6610 XL] (rev a2)22:57
zykotick9Zkye: so you have an nvidia 6610XL it seems22:58
StepNjumpOk thanks guys. I found it22:58
Zkyeso it seems, now how do I know if it fully works22:58
wyldeStepNjump: moment, I'm going to pipe 'ls -RA /mywebdir/*.php' to pastebin. Then tell me if that's similar to what you want.22:58
StepNjumpwylde: no it's more like I was trying to find all files greater than a certain size except for the hidden ones22:59
zykotick9Zkye: well, "fully works"?  you can either use the opensource Nouveau driver, or the proprietary nvidia driver (you probably want the later)22:59
wyldeStepNjump: ahh alrighty.22:59
Zkye... note that the PC where Ubuntu is currently installed on has no internet, where do I donwload an ubunto compatible driver and hwo do I install it?23:00
zykotick9Zkye: trying to use ubuntu without internet is "difficult"23:00
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD23:01
Zkyezykotick9: ... no... don't tell me that... WHY ?23:01
bizzarronecould I ask a stupid question about VirtualBox? just a question about the performance and the usb support..23:01
fleischwolfhi everyone. i'm looking for a no-gui-live-version of ubuntu. is there one ?23:01
akemdon't think so, but you can boot the regular one in text mode i guess or directly switch to console...23:03
Zkyezykotick9: the main problem is... I have an ethernet controller in my PC, and with a working eternet cable in it(it gives internet to my pc next to it if i try it) but ubuntu doesn't get connected with the internet23:03
daftykinsbizzarrone: i'll bet there's a virtualbox channel :D23:03
zykotick9daftykins: #vbox23:03
daftykinszykotick9: er yeah now tell him that :)23:04
Zkyezykotick9: It's a VIA VT610523:05
fleischwolfakem: i'm asking, because i want a ram-only-setup with a small database, so i want only a minimalist setting to provide enough space. is ubuntu the right choice for that anyway ?23:05
wylde!mini | fleischwolf23:05
ubottufleischwolf: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:05
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fleischwolfwylde: thanks for the link. does "installation" refer to an actual hd-installation or can i keep it in the ram ?23:07
wyldefleischwolf: I can't say I've tried that, but I imagine you could.23:11
ZkyeSo no one can answer my question?23:11
wyldefleischwolf: you may need soemthing else for the setup you want though. hmmm.23:12
fleischwolfwylde: i would only need support for internet (cable), a ssh daemon, an apache and mysql23:13
wyldefleischwolf: I don't think the mini iso is what you want then. Some live cd that will load to ram. Or, use an ltsp server to boot from heh. That's how I use the old hardware I have out in the garage. :)23:14
wyldefleischwolf: no disk in that pc whatsoever.23:15
SlydidarSliderU bunt too. fuck off bitches. I'll kill you and your pc.23:15
SlydidarSliderwhat dog??23:15
wyldeSlydidarSlider:  /point /lol23:16
SlydidarSliderI represent. Fucking scalliwags.23:16
fleischwolfwylde: i wouldn't need remote-application-access. it's just for a private torrent-server i want to set up for me and my roommates23:17
wyldefleischwolf: right, I guess a live cd is your best bet then. You can install packages into the live session as long as you don't run out of space on the "ram disk".23:19
ss23`Hey, I have an Ubuntu 11.10 live CD, and I'm just wanting to backup some stuff off the HDD to a windows sahre, but I can't seem to figure out how to mount windows shares. I see in the home browser thingy, and a "browse network" -> "windows network", however the windows network tab never seems to load if I click on it, it seems to just say loading, but either not load, or just "stop" loading without doing anythign (as in, actl ike I nev23:19
ss23`Is there something else I could be doing to mount a windows share? Preferably being able to browse the different shares without having to explictly define a Pc name + share (as in, being able to browse the shares)23:20
fleischwolfwylde: yeah, i was worrying about the space, so i thought it would be cool to have only a basic install in ram, so there is enough room for the database. still not sure, if ubuntu is the right choice. there is a bunch of minimalist distros on the web, but it's not clear which have ram-only-support23:21
zykotick9fleischwolf: you can't install or run ubuntu from RAM only, you need some sort of media to install to.23:21
bizzarronedaftykins, I am there in fact, thank u!23:21
fleischwolfzykotick9: i don't want to install it from ram, i just want to run it in ram, filesystem and all23:22
zykotick9fleischwolf: i've never heard of any linux distro you can run exclusivly from RAM - i don't see how that would be possilbe23:22
wyldefleischwolf: lots do, altho we're probably gonna get slapped with an !ot, since we're wandering off Ubuntu Support :)23:22
fleischwolfwylde: should i ask in #linux ?23:22
bizzarronehi all, is there a way to list or search a program installed on system with apt-cache ?23:22
fleischwolfzykotick9: why shouldn't it be possible ?23:23
* zykotick9 this RAM disk thing seems popular with the minecraft crowd - makes no sense to me.23:23
bizzarroneI mean, to filter the search only on installed SW.23:23
wyldefleischwolf: I don't see why not, probably get some useful opinions and answers in there.23:23
zykotick9!pm Zkye in channel please :)23:23
ubottuzykotick9: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:23
zykotick9!pm | Zkye in channel please :)23:23
ubottuZkye in channel please :): Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:23
jribbizzarrone: if you want powerful package searching, I'd suggest using aptitude23:24
fleischwolfwylde: ok, i'll try it there. i was just asking in here, because i like ubuntu a lot :) thanks for your help23:24
wyldefleischwolf: np :)23:24
jribbizzarrone: if you're more specific about what you want to do though, maybe there is another way23:24
zykotick9jrib: +1 on aptitudes searching power.  but there are odd cases with it's search.  bizzarrone23:24
bizzarronejrib, ok. I mean.. I want to search all SW that contains sudoku into the installed packages on my system.23:25
jribbizzarrone: contains "sudoku" where?  In the name of the package?23:25
jribbizzarrone: you can do this if you don't want to use aptitude: dpkg -l | grep '^ii' | grep sudoku23:26
bizzarronemaybe I found .. --installed option in apt-cache23:27
bizzarronejrib,  I will try23:27
bizzarroneyour comand23:27
jribbizzarrone: in aptitude you could just do: aptitude search '~i~nsudoku'23:28
Areckxok so java is really not wanting to work23:28
bizzarronejrib, thank you23:28
icallitverawhat it do23:29
AreckxI just installed jre1areckx@areckx:~$ java -version23:29
Areckxjava version "1.7.0_03"23:29
AreckxJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_03-b04)23:29
AreckxJava HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 22.1-b02, mixed mode)23:29
Areckxareckx@areckx:~$ javac -version23:29
FloodBot1Areckx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:29
AreckxThe program 'javac' can be found in the following packages:23:29
wyldebizzarrone: 'apt-cache pkgnames | grep sudoku' would work too23:29
fellayaboyis it possible to send a fax to my hp allin one printer...it supports fax..23:29
wyldeAreckx: really? Didi you forget about pastebin already?23:30
jribwylde: would that search only installed packages though?23:30
MrUnagiWhich proxy do I need if I want to encrypt all of my internet traffic23:30
Areckxsorry, http://paste.ubuntu.com/936187/23:30
wyldejrib: whoops my bad got ahead of myself.23:30
icallitveraMrUnagi a  router one23:30
MrUnagiThere's not one that will do it at the end user?23:31
Areckxwylde,  please forgive me, I am not perfect23:31
fellayaboyim using a cable modem (not dsl or telephone company, but my fax machine at home is connect to a phone line which can fax just fine...is it possible i could send me file to get faxed remotely?23:31
icallitveraAreckx the javac is in a different package (the compiler)23:31
Areckxicallitvera,  oh I thought jdk was for developrs23:31
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icallitveraMrUnagi idk theres TOR and i2p but as far as i know you have to set up each application to use the proxy23:32
Areckxso if I download jdk1.7.03 and do the same process for that will it work?23:33
AreckxI used this guide http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Oracle-Java-on-Ubuntu-Linux23:34
marcmif I install Ubuntu 12.04 beta 2, can I just upgrade to the release when the release becomes available, or do I need to do a reinstall?23:34
jribmarcm: the former23:34
icallitveraAreckx can i ask why you installed it like that?23:34
Areckxicallitvera,  I couldn't figure out any other way to install java23:35
marcmjrib so I can just do a apt-get upgrade?23:35
jrib!final | marcm23:35
ubottumarcm: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.23:35
icallitveraAreckx what i do (because i'm bad at package names) java in commandline23:35
icallitveraand then it gives me options to isntall23:35
marcmjrib thanks allot23:35
icallitverajust open up synaptic and search for java23:35
Areckxicallitvera,  oh ok that might work23:36
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getBoaGuys, Would Cinnamon WM run without problems on this graphic card [AMD] ATI RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series] ? Ubuntu 12.0423:37
mattswellanyone super familiar with munin23:38
Guest28830hi,anyone know of issues with cheese and ubuntu 11.10?23:38
Guest28830i can get the webcam to display,but freezes when attempting to record23:39
JRWRI wanted some advice on a file system to use on across 5-10 servers that have a shared block device (iSCSI), GlusterFS and LusterFS seem to be it, but they dont say anything about shared block device support23:39
AreckxI think icedtea is a solution for openjdk?23:40
wyldeAreckx: yep23:40
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:40
icallitverawhat isn't icedtea the browser plugin for java23:41
Jordan_UJRWR: You might get try asking in #ubuntu-server.23:41
ahmadSalam everyone23:44
zacarias_Hi. How do you alocate more memory to java in Ubuntu?23:44
AreckxYay icedtea works23:44
Areckxare any of these not safe? http://www.stchman.com/essen_pack.html23:45
=== Escherial is now known as alternate_name
icallitveraAreckx these are all already in the repositories so they should be okay23:46
icallitverajust read what it is taht they do23:46
zacariasHi. How do you alocate more memory to java in Ubuntu?23:46
Areckxicallitvera,  oh ok, just checking to see if the creater of that website is legit23:46
icallitverazacarias have you tried the man pages? (google minecraft server launch command) sometimes they give how to launch with allocated memory23:47
AreckxI am always careful if ever asked to do an add-apt23:47
Areckxhow secure is my sudo password?23:47
icallitveraAreckx yes with add-apt you should be more careful but with the standard repos you hsould be good23:47
efbeyeAreckx, give it to me, i'll let you know ;)23:47
icallitveraAreckx depends on what it is23:47
Areckxefbeye,  lmao23:48
Loshkizacarias: see -Xmx on the java man page....23:48
Areckxwhat I mean is, if someone hacks my system using my IP or otherwise, would they have access to my sudo pasword?23:48
Areckxis it located in a file?23:48
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efbeyecan't you use encryption for something like that?23:48
jribAreckx: of course it isn't23:49
icallitveraAreckx no23:49
itaylor57zacarias, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/how-to-allocate-memory-to-java-763703/23:49
Areckxhow does the system remember what the password is without it being in a file?23:49
jribAreckx: it stores a hash of your password23:49
zacariasLoshki: it works with an installed app that you want to open. But what about an online applet?23:49
Areckx!hash | Areckx23:49
icallitveraAreckx i assume that its stores it in a encrypted file or  something like that23:49
Areckxok is there a list of !commands for this channel?23:50
jribAreckx: sudo grep $USEr /etc/shadow will show you what it stores if you're interested23:50
jribAreckx: sudo grep $USER /etc/shadow will show you what it stores if you're interested23:50
metbsdwill linux desktop replace windows?23:51
jrib!ot | metbsd23:51
ubottumetbsd: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:51
Areckxmetbsd,  no since it is always a matter of personal preference23:51
itaylor57zacarias, http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/guide/plugin/developer_guide/console.html23:52
Areckxoh and http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi23:52
itaylor57zacarias, not the most current but you set it via the java console23:53
zacariasitaylor57: how do I do that?23:54
itaylor57it should be in our applications23:54
itaylor57i forget exactly how you do it in ubuntu but it should be system _> applications23:55
itaylor57or listed in your applications from dash23:55
zacariasitaylor57: I have the openjdk... I'll try that. Thanks23:56

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