
cpuchiphello, I'm new to compiling from source, but I've been interested since I've stuck on ubuntu 9.04 on arm. I've been successfull at building bzr 2.50 from source, but I'd like to make it a deb package so I can distribute it to my friend who has the same setup. I don't see where the debian/control or changelog files can be found to make this possible, will have have to create them from scratch?03:42
spivcpuchip: why not grab them from the (current) ubuntu package sources?03:44
lifelesscpuchip: add the bzr ppa, then do apt-get source bzr03:45
cpuchipoh? the launchpad.net/bzr/+download? or is this a different location for the source?03:46
cpuchiplooking at https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive/ppa I don't see jaunty on the list. but I guess I can pull from those packages. anyway.03:48
cpuchiplifeless, spiv: I think I found what I needed here: http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/b/bzr/ but I'll have to backport from lucid to jaunty.04:28
lifelessI'm pretty sure jaunty is entirely unsupported now ;)04:30
cpuchiplifeless it is. but motorola decided to move forward with it on their Motorola Atrix phone for webtop (ubuntu 9.04) so I've been dealing with that, fortunately their later phone sport ubuntu 10.10, unfortunately I'm stuck with the atrix.04:31
cpuchipI was able to compile from source bzr 2.5.0 orig and it work's just fine, I just didn't want to install it from source bypassing the package manager (apt-get)04:32
cpuchipI might as well install from source on this one.. I'd have to migrade debhelper from 7.0.7 to 7.4.15 and that's proving to be no fun. thanks guys, I might try again tomorrow for fun again.05:01
Merwin_Hi vila, could you give me some advices on how to handle upgrades and bug fixes in branches ? If you have time ;)09:20
vilaMerwin_: remind me about your setup ? Centralized branch and lightweight checkouts /09:22
vilaor just regular branches and a public shared branch ?09:22
Merwin_We have a dev branch we all branched/checkout from09:22
Merwin_Developpers regulary push on it (either from their checkout or from a branch)09:23
vilaso, they merged their changes locally and then push ?09:23
Merwin_We also have a "production" branch which is synchronised from the dev branch regulary09:23
Merwin_Yes vila09:23
vilaok, good09:23
vilaIn this case, they are already working with so-called feature branches where the real work happen09:24
Merwin_Sometimes my boss comes to me and tell me "Update all what X did today please, but not what Y and Z pushed a few moment ago"09:24
vilaso 'push --overwrite' ?09:24
Merwin_update = merge into the production branch09:24
Merwin_They, currently, I have to check the log, and take commits one by one, merging them with -c number of -rxxx..yyy if they follow.09:25
vilaright, cherry-pick09:26
vilathat means that when you later try to merge th dev branch you may encounter conflicts09:26
Merwin_But that's a nightmare to maintain, I have to commit after each merge (I can't do a commit after all commits I want have been merged)09:26
Merwin_There is no other way to do this09:27
bob2topic branches09:27
vilawell, you can use 'merge --force' but the commits at least give you a point you can revert to09:27
vilaand provide *some* readability for your production branch...09:28
Merwin_Yeah, 15 commits named "Commit after merge" is not what I call readability lol :P09:28
vilait's really a workflow issue you have here, all of you validated their additions to dev, cherry-picking them means you have to validate unknown mixes of changes09:29
vilayou can use better commit messages :) "cherry-pick feature A"09:29
Merwin_vila, but the feature is dipatched in more than one commit :p09:30
Merwin_vila, what workflow should I use then ? We are ready to change if it's for the better09:30
LarstiQMerwin_: develop the feature in its own topic branch as bob2 suggested09:30
vilawell, if you land intermixed changes on dev, you can't properly cherry-pick them :)09:31
bob2note that it's at best a part-solution09:31
bob2the real solution is to not write bugs!09:31
vilaso as bob2 said: use feature/topic branches and make sure they are complete *before* merging them to dev09:31
Merwin_LarstiQ, bob2 : and merge from the branch regulary ?09:31
bob2Merwin_, no09:31
vilaMerwin_: no, when you're ready to land on the dev branch,09:32
vilaget an up-to-date dev branch, merge your feature branch, make sure it works, commit, push09:32
vilathe gate-keeper model does that in an automated way relying on a test suite to "gate" changes09:33
Merwin_And then on the production server I just have one commit to merge09:33
bob2you don't do merges on production servers09:33
vilaI agree with bob2 :)09:33
Merwin_bob2, ah ?09:33
vilayou validate the dev branch so that the production branch you can always pull from dev ;)09:34
vilas/branch you/branch/09:34
Merwin_And if there are some bugs (because they always have)09:34
vilathe tool is not a magic bullet09:34
vilait can help you organize your workflow though09:35
vilain this case, you fix the bug in the feature branch and then your merge it again09:35
vilaIt's a bit hard to explain without pictures, do some tests and look at the result with 'bzr qlog'09:36
vilayou can look at lp:bzr which use the gate-keeper workflow,09:36
Merwin_You're welcome in France to show me how it works with pictures :)09:36
Merwin_I'll take a look, thanks09:37
vilaMerwin_: you're welcome in Strasbourg to look :)09:37
vilaMerwin_: each commit on lp:bzr mainline is a merge09:38
vilathe merged branch can have one or several commits09:38
bob2except for the first few dozen ;p09:38
vilabob2: hehe, yeah, merge was implemented a bit later ;)09:38
Merwin_hum ok09:39
vilabut pqm (our gate keeper) has been used for more than a couple of years now ;)09:39
Merwin_Wand when you backport a bugfix into an old version, how do you do ?09:39
vilaMerwin_: in some cases, the same feature branch is merged repeatedly and qlog will show you that09:39
vilaha, backport...09:39
vilaideally you start fixing in the oldest version so you can merge 'up' into the newer ones09:40
vilahey, we're talking ideal workflows or not ? :)09:41
vilathe point is that daggy fixes are the easiest and give the cleanest history09:41
vilabackports now...09:41
Merwin_Ok, that's the best way nobody uses ? :D09:41
vilathere are two main cases09:41
vilano no no, I do daggy fixes as much as I can09:41
vila1) you can just cherry-pick the exact change and be done09:42
vilayou just have to merge up until dev where small conflicts (generally trivial) can occur09:42
vila2) you cannot cherry-pick because the fix is not compatible with the old version09:43
fullermdThe advantage of daggy fixes is that you never have to cherry-pick anything; the history is all fully connected.  The downside is that (a) you have to plan to do it, and (b) you can setup a lot of work if the LCA is a long ways back.09:43
vilain that case you can sort-of start with the actual fix and make it work09:43
bob2man, i haven't heard anyone say least-common-ancestor in forever09:43
fullermdObviously, you don't hang out here enough  ;p09:44
Merwin_ok, it's clearer thank you.09:44
vilaMerwin_: overall, keeping the shared history clean pays off big times09:45
fullermdvila: Funnily enough, I accidentally looked at babune last week and have been meaning to corner you about those sphinx messages   ;p09:46
Merwin_My bosses don't want to do branches. They all uses checkout because "it's simpler" : They don't need to commit nor merge.09:46
Merwin_The thing is that it's not them who cherry-pick 20 commits because of "Put this in production now"09:47
fullermdSo, they want to create everything mashed together, and then for you to separate it all out later.  Luckily, they pay bonuses to you for doing it.09:47
Merwin_fullermd, "luckily" :)09:48
vilaor said otherwise: sh** always go down, if you have to handle it, do so sooner rather than later09:48
fullermdYou should cook them a nice dinner to thank them.  Flank steak, mashed potatos, asparagus, minestrone.  Pumpkin pie for desert, say.09:48
fullermdOf course, you'll make it by putting all the ingredients in one pot at the beginning, then subjecting the whole thing to each step of the preparation.09:49
fullermdThey can just separate out the bits themselves if they want to.09:49
vilaMerwin_: yes ;)09:49
Merwin_hahaha nice idea :)09:49
Merwin_vila, do you do training on bzr ? :D09:49
vilaMerwin_: canonical (my employer) does (I may be involved ;)09:51
Merwin_Do you have a link or something to get an idea about prices, etc ?09:52
fullermdvila: So, you have an idea what's up with that TestTCPServer failure?  It seems consistent on the handful of runs I looked at, and passes every time for me (though occasionally dumping a thread warning)09:57
vilafullermd: <shudder> don't start me on this topic09:58
vilalet say it's a known transient failure09:59
fullermdHaha.  That's silly.  Surely there's no such thing.09:59
vilaoh, and I have a fix for the sphinx failures, approved already, I should land it10:00
fullermdYah, I saw the MP.10:00
vilaoh, and I'm migrating away from vbox to kvm so expect hiccups on babune too ;)10:04
fullermdOooh, I see your strategy.  babune works -> fullermd looks at it -> fullermd bugs vila.  If we break the chain one place, we're safe everywhere   :p10:05
Merwin_why do you migrate  to kvm?10:05
vila. o O (rats, uncovered)10:05
fullermdObviously, so that the one slave I bother to look at stops working   :p10:06
vilawell, the slave is causing problems is... the windows one10:06
vilaI still have to address some networking issues but freebsd runs fine under kvm10:06
fullermdHey, if you know a fix for _that_, quit your job right now.  You can become a billionaire overnight.10:07
vilaMerwin_: in a nutshell, better support10:07
vilafullermd: oh, there are a *ton* of different fixes ;)10:08
fullermdAnd one of them starts and ends with 'u', right?   ;p10:08
vilain fact, the first slave I tried migrating was freebsd, no idea why I chose this one first ;)10:09
fullermdI'm kinda impressed.  I was under the impression that getting it running under KVM was a herculean task, and the result didn't work too well when you got it.10:11
fullermdThat might be from $YEARS ago though.10:11
vilanah, I migrated the vbox disk with qemu-img and it just worked10:13
vilathe issue is it's nated in kvm and I was using the bridged mode in vbox, it looks like I should do the same with kvm even if this doesn't seem strictly required10:14
vivekimsitHii friends!11:44
vivekimsitI have one problem!11:44
vivekimsitI have co a branch from launchpad11:45
vivekimsitnow the branch at launchpad is at rev39 and I am at rev36!11:45
vivekimsitNow how to sync the two branches?11:45
jelmervivekimsit: bzr up11:54
hannieCan anyone tell me how I start Qbzr (gui front end for Bazaar)?14:33
hannieI have it installed, but when I type qbzr in the Dash (ubuntu 11.10) nothing happens14:34
jelmerhannie: qbzr isn't a single application, it just provides extra GUI subcommands for bzr14:36
jelmerhannie: e.g. "bzr qlog"14:36
hannieok, so instead of commit I use qcommit in the terminal14:37
hannieI also tried Ground Control, but that does not work14:38
hanniethanks jelmer I just tried qpull and it works :)14:40
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
santagadabzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(chroot-83045520:///%2Bbranch/openerp-web/6.1/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: readonly transport17:45
santagadawhen doing a bzr pull17:46
santagadaanyone know why?17:54
cpuchipsantagada, it looks like it's a readonly drive or something from the last two words, check your permissions on that file. is my only guess18:11
santagadacpuchip: its my hard drive, and I set chmod santagada -R * on it18:16
cpuchipdid you add +w for user on it?18:18
santagadacpuchip: no, will try it18:19
cpuchipsantagada, good luck I hope that helps, I'm not a veterine here,18:19
santagadacpuchip: didn't work either18:21
cpuchipso you do have read/write access to branch/openerp-web/6.1/.bzr/branch/lock?18:22
cpuchipI'm not familiar with the chroot protocal. I'm familiar with chroot as a command.18:22
santagadaneither am I18:26
santagadaI'm not manually using chroot18:26
santagadaI'm using bzr+ssh18:26
santagadasomehow I think bzr is trying to lock the other side18:27
cpuchipright that looks familiar18:27
santagadawhy it is trying to do that I don't know18:27
cpuchipthat's okay if it's pushing, I'm not familiar with locking remote on a pull but it might.18:27
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
peterisHi people, what best to use for SSH support in Windows with bzr?20:11
cpuchipputty/plink I believe20:17
peteriscpuchip, I cant find any reference how to do this properly20:19
cpuchipdid you install tortoisebzr ? I thought that included plink for ssh.20:19
cpuchipbut it might not. I'm on linux and haven't had to install on windows in a while.20:20
cpuchippeteris, let me look up our internal docs to see how we setup our windows dev machines20:22
cpuchippeteris we install the standalone version: http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/WindowsDownloads20:23
cpuchippeteris, then get putty from: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html download the windows installer that includes everything but puttyel20:25
cpuchipI assume you'll want to setup ssh keys (it's less typing your password...) but after that you'll need to add a global environmental variable called BZR_SSH=plink20:26
cpuchipmake sure putty bin dir is in your path20:27
cpuchipyou'll then need to create a dir (assuming windows 7) to tell bzr what usrname to use:20:27
cpuchipc:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\bazaar\2.0\authentication.conf in it place the next two lines20:28
cpuchipthough I think that's configurable in tortiosebzr's menu, we just found it easier to explane it that way.20:29
cpuchipyour.user.name is your ssh user name20:29
cpuchipthen bzr+ssh://path/to/your/repo/branch should work20:29
cpuchipon a checkout/clone20:30
peterisok, will try that :)20:31
cpuchippeteris, good luck!20:31
peteriscpuchip, it worked, thanks21:04

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