
micahgstgraber: re bug 433631, are you ok with fortune-mod being seeded on edubuntu for 12.04.1? (50k)08:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 433631 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) "Wanda the fish is a mute! [fortune-mod needs to be a depends]" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43363108:37
stgrabermicahg: sure, I don't think it gets much security update anyway ;)08:39
* micahg wonders if the issue still exists in precise...08:41
mhall119highvoltage: I'm building a list of apps to try and get submitted to Ubuntu, if you know of any educational ones you'd like I'll put them on my list and reach out to the developers13:03
highvoltagestgraber: inbetween interruptions of all kind I'm finally looking at that page (sorry)15:23
highvoltagemhall119: ok, I'll have to get back to you on that one15:24
stgraberhighvoltage: cool15:25
highvoltagestgraber: the current ltsp version is 5.3.7 right?15:27
stgraberhighvoltage: wow, Edubuntu can actually be installed with LTSP on 512MB of RAM, at least on i38617:00
stgraberI'm trying the same from a live session now, though I'm expecting this one to fail :)17:01
highvoltagestgraber: oh nice17:11
stgraberhighvoltage: right, 512MB with live session + LTSP is a bit too much to ask => kernel panic ;)17:12
stgraberhighvoltage: but that was likely caused by my use of manual partitioning without a swap partition17:12
ogra_use zram ;)17:12
stgraberhighvoltage: as ubiquity would now setup the swap to ensure it doesn't crash during install17:13
ogra_gives you 768M out of 512 physical17:13
stgraberyeah, we need to look at zram again next cycle17:15
stgrabernot only for Edubuntu but for Ubuntu in general17:15
stgraberanything that lets us lower our memory requirement for installation would be good17:15
highvoltagestgraber: ah yes17:20
* highvoltage has forgotten the differences between the ram thingies17:20
highvoltageis zram the one that compresses some ram or the one that creates a compressed swap inside of ram?17:21
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
stgraberhighvoltage: right, so with 512MB of ram you can install from a live session with LTSP, as long as you create a swap on the target system (default) and don't try to run ltsp-live18:23
highvoltagethat sounds completely reasonable18:28
highvoltagestgraber: on amd64 too?18:28
stgraberonly i386 for now, I'd be pretty surprised if amd64 achieves the same18:30
highvoltageI suppose we should recommend i386 for everyone with 1GB or less of RAM19:00
highvoltagewhere do you think we should put that? just on the downloads page? should it be release noted?19:03
highvoltage(should I ask in -release?)19:03
stgraberput it in the requirements19:05
tedmasterwebQuick question if anyone is listening...22:15
tedmasterwebIf I install one of the current pre-releases, will I be able to update to the official release via the normal software update mechanism?22:15
stgraberreleased images are just snapshots of the archive at the time of the release. If you do your updates you'll always be running something at least as recent as the latest milestone.22:21
tedmasterwebgood news22:22
tedmasterwebthank you22:22
tedmasterwebBTW, thank you, personally, for all the work you put into this22:23
tedmasterwebI'm an IT teacher at a small primary, middle, high school looking for a computer lab solution, preferably thin clients and edubuntu gives me an easy way to experiment22:24
stgraberthanks, always good to hear!22:36
tedmasterwebAny idea how much longer until the edubuntu isos are done building?22:39
stgraberas we are rebuilding everything (not just edubuntu), I wouldn't expect them for another 3-4 hours at least22:40
stgraberEdubuntu itself takes almost 2 hours to build and we're usually not the first to get built22:41
stgraberthe "old" images work fine though so installing from them will be fine and test results from these are still interesting22:41
tedmasterwebok, thanks, I'm off to bed then, will download tomorrow (hoping to do a basic install as the foundation of my thin clients)22:42
stgraberthe only Edubuntu specific issue being fixed with the new ones is a broken printer dialog when using gnome-session-fallback (was fixed earlier today by adding a missing dependency)22:42
tedmasterweboh, well, that's a good idea too22:42
tedmasterwebso how do i download the old builds (just clicking the link?)22:43
stgraberyep, the download link on the left of the image title on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/214/builds should still work22:43
tedmasterwebok, cool, thanks!22:43
tedmasterwebtake care!22:43
stgrabercdimage keeps a 2-3 images history for each product so these are definitely still on the server22:43

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