
imbrandoncool, ty00:00
imbrandonSpamapS: oh and about the mouse thing, i use photoshop and other mouse tools WAY too much not to be a mouse guy00:17
imbrandonactually on my desk i have a mouse, a blootooth multitouch track pad, ( for my left hand while mouse in the right in photoshop ) and i use my ipad off to the side connected with wifi to change brushes etc with adobe connect and then a bamboo pen tablet wireless i place infront of my keyboard when i use it , so many more "hand movement" tools i use too much but ive got my own kinda gestures and shortkuts i do with them00:19
imbrandonoh and my guitar hero usb controller at the side of my chair for when i cant rock out on the telecaster ( /me wants a new les paul :( )00:21
SpamapSimbrandon: perhaps consider Mavis Beacon?00:22
SpamapSok, time to go do real world stuff00:22
imbrandoni land one of those two i was telling ya about and i'll take a full real class and mavis :) just for you00:24
hasphazmat, wasn't sure if you saw but Euca provided a possible patch for bug 90745000:32
_mup_Bug #907450: juju does not work with Walrus when s3-uri has a suffix <Eucalyptus:New> <juju:New> <txAWS:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/907450 >00:32
hazmathasp, yeah.. i've been talking to brian01:16
hazmathasp, i'm at a conf at the moment, what we can do about the archives first thing next week01:16
hazmater. but i'll see ^01:16
haspthanks man01:45
hasphows the conference btw01:45
lazyPowerI'm having some trouble trying to deploy-test my first charm and every piece of literature i find tells me the same command set that i'm using - however its not finding my in-dev charm.02:56
marcoceppilazyPower:  what's your command?02:57
lazyPoweri suspect i haven't got something setup correctly02:58
marcoceppilazyPower: quick fix, inside your repo folder, create an oneiric folder and put your charms in their02:58
lazyPowerwell that caused it to barf with a different message, \o/ thanks marco02:59
marcoceppinp, what's the new message?03:00
marcoceppiwell, that's interesting, pastebin your metadata.yaml03:02
marcoceppiYou can also install charm-tools, then in the terria folder run charm proof .03:02
lazyPowerI did that but didnt understand the output03:02
lazyPowerlet me man it03:03
lazyPoweri dont have a provides: statement03:04
lazyPowerthat'll do it03:04
SpamapSmarcoceppi: oneiric? You mean precise!!03:05
SpamapSbe bold, taste the beta03:05
lazyPowerSpamapS: Just trying to get it working at this point - i'll worry about targeting control in the next iteration.03:05
lazyPowerif i cant even deploy the service thats cart before the horse isnt it? :)03:05
SpamapSlazyPower: newer versions of juju will default to precise anyway03:06
lazyPowerits specified in my environment.yaml03:06
lazyPowerso it'll be looking for oneiric03:06
SpamapSlazyPower: if you're using the latest from the PPA, and you don't have 'default-series: oneiric' , then you will be spawning precise anyway03:06
SpamapSahh ok03:06
SpamapSlazyPower: btw, the provides is just a suggestion. Anything W: or I: is not going to break your charm.03:06
lazyPowerin the provides: statement can i be arbitrary with my definition or are there guidelines for it that i'm missing?03:06
SpamapSlazyPower: provides is a structured dictionary. It needs two levels deep under it. the first level is the name of the relation, the second is the interface03:07
SpamapS  foo:03:07
SpamapS    interface: bar03:07
lazyPowerOk i see, nice.03:08
SpamapSmeaning "I provide something I call foo, and it can talk to things that require an interface: bar03:08
lazyPowerTheres something wrong here - let me push this upstream to my github repo and maybe you can tell me why juju is barfing on the deploy statement.03:09
SpamapSlazyPower: but you should be able to deploy without a provides03:09
lazyPowerproofing is coming back with only a w03:09
SpamapScan you pastebin the barf too?03:09
bkerensamarcoceppi: I noticed the gravatars are broken on omg03:10
SpamapSlazyPower: your structure should be /home/ubuntu/repo/oneiric/terraria/metadata.yaml03:10
lazyPoweris there a charm command i need to run on ~/repo to make it charm friendly that I may have missed?03:11
SpamapSlazyPower: no03:11
SpamapSits just a dir03:11
SpamapSwith the releases of ubuntu under it as dirs03:11
SpamapSthen each charm gets a dir03:11
SpamapSwith metadata.yaml, revision, and the hooks dir03:11
lazyPoweri thought that - just analyzing the situation03:11
marcoceppiwhat's your metadata.yaml look like?03:12
SpamapSlazyPower: the 'charm create' tool in charm-tools definitely creates a nice skeleton charm, but it doesn't manage the repo for you03:12
marcoceppierr, if you're going to push the whole charm to github, that works too03:12
SpamapSoh that reminds me...03:12
SpamapSI should push the latest charm-tools into precise before the release03:12
lazyPoweri used the bitlbee charm as a guideline, and the documentation to write it - it all appears valid to me.03:14
marcoceppiIt appears fine03:15
lazyPowerok the latest charm revisions are up on github as well.03:18
lazyPoweri suspect this is something funky going on with my setup not so much the charm itself unless i'm just horribly daft.03:18
marcoceppicool, I'll try a quick deploy03:18
marcoceppilazyPower: easy fix, metadata.yaml "name" needs to be lowercase03:21
marcoceppithe name needs to match the directory name of the charm03:22
lazyPowerwell on the bright side i'm finally getting around to pulling the latest precise updates on this server03:23
lazyPowerso the charm trouble had purpse then03:23
SpamapSmarcoceppi: lets put that in charm proof!03:25
SpamapSthats an E: for sure03:25
lazyPowerjust deployed successfully03:26
SpamapSlazyPower: ^503:26
lazyPowerthat is hot sauce, gentlemen, hi5 indeed.03:26
SpamapSmarcoceppi: about done w/ a patch03:28
lazyPowerinteresting, is it common to see nothing in the deub log when you have juju-log commands in the install hook?03:30
SpamapSlazyPower: you should see stuff in the debug-log as soon as the unit starts its agent03:34
SpamapSlazyPower: IIRC, there is a bug where debug logging isn't turned on until after the install hook runs.. but I thought that was fixed03:35
lazyPowerooohhh - so i think what i'm experiencing is the nice lag in AWS on spinning up a new instance from the controller then03:35
lazyPowermakes sense.03:35
lazyPoweri had a machine that was pending - so it just assumed things were deployed.03:35
SpamapSmarcoceppi: https://code.launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/charm-tools/name-must-match-dir/+merge/10261703:36
SpamapSlazyPower: you also have to wait for juju to install itself.. :)03:36
SpamapSlazyPower: in my experience, on m1.small's, it takes about 2 minutes03:36
lazyPowerwell i'm refreshing on my AWS panel - and no new instance spun up03:36
SpamapSlazyPower: still "pending" ?03:36
SpamapSlazyPower: you should also see any logs from the provisioning agent03:37
SpamapSlazyPower: I have to go afk for a bit.. but I'll be back to check on you soon. :)03:37
lazyPowerThanks :)03:37
* marcoceppi reviews03:55
marcoceppiSpamapS: The only thing I would say, shouldn't it be higher than a warn? as it's a blocker by Juju standards03:58
lazyPowerawesome. I think i was a victim of AWS Roulette on my last controller. Just deployed a brand new controller and issued a deploy for my charm and the debug log is logging up a storm.04:22
lazyPowerThis is exactly what i needed guys, thanks for the patience.04:23
SpamapSmarcoceppi: its not though, you can be submitting it to lp:..... and have it in "foo-bar-baz-bang"04:54
SpamapSmarcoceppi: its just a helpful warning04:54
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marcoceppiSpamapS: cool12:08
marcoceppiSpamapS: approved12:09
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bacHi, we've got some scripts that wait for our charm to be deployed before proceeding.  It involves polling 'juju status' waiting for the agent-state to transition to 'started'.  When deploying to ec2 we see occassional error such as: "ERROR Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion: Connection lost.".  Is this just a problem with the ssh layer that we should live with or problem juju should solve?14:37
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
matsubarahello! We have a community contributor testing out the MAAS installation and juju deployment but he's running into a timeout error bootstrapping the environment. The error he gets is: Failure: juju.errors.ProviderInteractionError: Unexpected TimeoutError16:30
matsubarainteracting with provider: User timeout caused connection failure.16:30
matsubara2012-04-19 10:43:45,297 ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):16:30
matsubaraFailure: juju.errors.ProviderInteractionError: Unexpected TimeoutError16:30
matsubarainteracting with provider: User timeout caused connection failure. Is there a place to see more details about this error?16:30
m_3matsubara: not that I've heard of... most of the hw crew are at the openstack summit atm (talking about maas)16:35
SpamapSmatsubara: juju -v bootstrap might help a bit16:37
SpamapSand yes, we're all at openstack16:38
SpamapSkeynotes going now16:38
matsubaraSpamapS, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/937068/16:38
SpamapSmatsubara: seems rather clear, timed out trying to connect to ... something ;)16:42
matsubaraSpamapS, is there any other juj log or more verbose option I could look at to see what that something is?16:43
SpamapSmatsubara: not really in this case no.16:46
SpamapSmatsubara: whatever is raising that ProviderError is being very terse, and should have included a message16:46
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SpamapSsabdfl about to take stage at openstack conference :)17:16
jcastrocurrent .... keynote .... boring.17:17
jcastrolosing .... conciousness ...17:17
AlanBellhttp://openstack.org/conference/san-francisco-2012/ like the new wheels jcastro17:41
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bkerensaAlanBell: I wanted to go to that event so bad18:00
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oarcherhi, i'm deploying openstack with juju, on ubuntu precise. 'juju deplay mysql' is ok, but 'juju deploy rabbitmq' give Error processing 'cs:precise/rabbitmq': entry not found18:38
oarcheri'm using doc from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuCloudInfrastructure18:39
_mup_Bug #985812 was filed: Juju commands return SSL errors <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/985812 >18:45
oarcherand bzr branch lp:charms/rabbitmq  give "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charmers/charms/precise/rabbitmq-server/precise/"."  Strange, because it's a copy/paste from https://code.launchpad.net/~charmers/charms/precise/rabbitmq-server/trunk (Get this branch)18:52
flepiedI have rebooted my laptop after an lxc juju setup. how do I restart it ?18:59
oarcherand "Browse the code" (https://code.launchpad.net/~charmers/charms/precise/rabbitmq-server/trunk)  on lp give 404 !  Is launchpad charms broken ?19:20
imbrandonflepied: juju destroy the env and re bootstrap it'20:28
flepiedimbrandon, I don't want to loose what I have done. there is no other way ?20:48
flepiedI manage to modify bootstrap to not stop and restart at least zookeeper. now I need to start the containers...20:49
imbrandonnot with lxc no20:49
SpamapSflepied: its an open bug20:50
flepiedwhith ec2 how would it work ?20:50
SpamapSflepied: with EC2 you can reboot the nodes, though if the zookeeper node changes IP, things stop working.20:50
flepiedSpamapS: ok20:51
flepiedSpamapS, what is the bug number ?20:52
marcoceppiSpamapS: you can change the EIP and things still work20:54
marcoceppijuju ssh unit/# stops working, but juju ssh machine# still works. The data for serviecs falls out of sync, but machine data stays up to date20:54
SpamapSmarcoceppi: you can't change the internal IP of the zookeeper node. Bad things happen.21:01
marcoceppiSpamapS: Oh, for the zk node21:01
marcoceppiI thought it was any instance21:01
SpamapSflepied: bug #95557621:01
_mup_Bug #955576: 'local:' services not started on reboot <juju:New> <juju (Ubuntu):Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/955576 >21:01
marcoceppiI guess I need to test my newest charm against precise now21:02
marcoceppiSpamapS: did you see sabdfl's keynote?21:08
imbrandonis there video >21:18
SpamapSimbrandon: eventually21:24
SpamapSmarcoceppi: yes, it was awesome21:24
SpamapSnot AWSome.. but Awesome :)21:24
SpamapSm_3: http://charmtests.markmims.com/ ... can I get some precise up in here?21:25
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marcoceppiIs it just me, or should make be a part of build-essential?21:51
marcoceppicharm-upgrade didn't quite do what I expected, nvm21:53
SpamapSmarcoceppi: agreed, I'm shocked that make isn't part of build-essential21:53
* SpamapS tried to write a charm using make the other day. If there had been a puppy around I'd have kicked it21:54
marcoceppiI just kicked the jr. dev over here instead, and by kicked I mean shot with nerf guns21:54
marcoceppiIn other news, I think the shelr.tv charm is ready to be reviewed, and it uses mongodb!21:55
marcoceppijust waiting for this last test to finish21:55
marcoceppiSpamapS:  should I make a bug for these: 2012-04-19 21:55:11,412:14468(0x7f66884a5700):ZOO_WARN@zookeeper_interest@1461: Exceeded deadline by 86ms they seem exceisve21:56
imbrandonwhy can no one build a fskin sane php ppa ? fskin grumbles and goes off to do it himself possibly21:57
hazmatmarcoceppi, there is one extant21:57
marcoceppihazmat: cool, thanks21:57
hazmatmarcoceppi, its unfortunate they chose to do log that as a warning, cause its really not meaningful21:57
marcoceppiyeah, I always scratch my head at it like "oh, okay?"22:01
imbrandonSpamapS: you know after a couple of days of looking re: ssh key server, their really isnt a universal one, or one peroid etc except LP, and me being the way I am I think I'm just gonna write one ... in Go ... public , secure , and indep not tied to github sf.net lp etc ( but will likely make use of them for imports or syncing )22:02
imbrandonkinda like a gpg keyserv22:03
imbrandonbad idea ? i'm kinda on the fence about it22:04
SpamapSimbrandon: lol22:06
SpamapSimbrandon: glad you did the due dilligence22:06
imbrandoni figured if nothing else it will give me a "project" to learn Go with22:10
imbrandonSpamapS: i tend to retain more that way , and maybe later i can get my hands dirty with juju go easier22:10
m_3SpamapS: yup... working on getting charmtests up to precise... charmrunner's gotta take environment params first22:11
m_3SpamapS: congrats... I hear the talk went well today!22:11
marcoceppiDoes juju run with the locale env?22:18
hazmatmarcoceppi, i think not in the local provider22:19
marcoceppiI'm wondering if that's why I'm getting this error, the command fails from the install hook, but not from the terminal22:20
hazmatthe fix22:20
marcoceppihum, doesn't appear to have LANG set, I just tried to echo it from the install hook22:22
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marcoceppiI guess the easy way would be to just set it?22:22
marcoceppiSo two things, A) That fixed it B) what, if any ENV variables are included during execution?22:27
imbrandonmarcoceppi: jsut evho env22:28
imbrandonfrom the install hook and and it should show22:28
imbrandonerr run env22:28
imbrandonnot echo22:28
marcoceppieh, I will if I have to push an update22:28
marcoceppibefore I submit a patch for this, can someone confirm that this is a bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/mongodb/+bug/98593922:48
_mup_Bug #985939: Mongodb charm does not expose the port on relation-joined <mongodb (Juju Charms Collection):New> <mongodb (Charms Oneiric):New> <mongodb (Charms Precise):New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/985939 >22:48
imbrandonjcastro / m_3 : Juju on OSX updated , run "brew update && brew upgrade juju" if you have it installed to get juju-0.5+bzr531 :)23:05
m_3imbrandon: cool23:06
imbrandonmarcoceppi: when you get a moment can you pass me the two curent stanza's we're using ?23:13
marcoceppishelr.tv charm \o/ http://ec2-50-19-40-77.compute-1.amazonaws.com/records/4f909d76c2183956b100000223:19
marcoceppiimbrandon: there's nothing in the new stanzas23:19
marcoceppieveryting's back on the old setup23:19
imbrandonahh ok, is thre a current staging ? or not right now ?23:20
marcoceppithere's no staging23:20
m_3marcoceppi: shelr's cool23:22
marcoceppiyeah, I love the work they've been doing23:22
marcoceppiand it's another charm we can add to the list that uses mongo23:23
marcoceppineed to clean up a few things and add a copyright, then it'll be up for review23:24
imbrandonyea i did your charm juju install of omg playback via the shell on osx23:29
imbrandonthat is soooooooo cool23:29
imbrandonmarcoceppi: ^^23:29
imbrandonalot smoother that way too23:29

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