
HelenBWhy does the Kubuntu installation slideshow say an iPod can be used?00:07
Xabstertake a guess00:09
RobertLaptopQuestion.  My screen keeps blanking on me.  The Screen Saver is disabled I know there is a 2nd screen option but for the life of me I can't find where that is set.00:11
HelenBRobertLaptop, in power management00:12
HelenBXabster, It's false info on the slideshow.00:13
HelenBbecause iPod doesn't even work with Ubuntu!00:13
Xabsterdid you try googling that00:14
HelenBnope but I know it00:14
HelenBIt has worked with Ubuntu in the past.00:14
Xabsterand it does now too00:14
HelenBXabster, iOS 5?00:15
HelenBmy iPhone is running iOS 5. lol00:15
XabsterHelenB, google00:16
HelenBNobody tell me to google00:16
HelenBit's actually quite irritating as I've done that before.00:17
cerrhello test, i'm new, anyone here?00:27
BarkingFishcerr, Yes there is :)00:28
BarkingFishGood morning!00:28
cerrgood evening :)00:28
cerrokay figured it out, thanks... :)00:28
BarkingFishFirst time on IRC? Or just on Kubuntu?00:28
cerr\on IRC, well, I have used it before, but a looong time ago... been using Kubuntu for over 10 years now...00:29
cerrnot new to that :)00:30
RobertLaptopHelenB, Everything in power management is disabled?00:32
tsimpsoncerr: over 10 years?00:34
cerrtsimpson: yep, you've read correctly, well ubuntu first and then in 05 i switched to Kubuntu00:35
tsimpsoncerr: Ubuntu was first released in 200400:35
BarkingFishThat's kinda tricky - our first release was 4.10, released 10/20/2004 - so if you've been on over 10 years, I've been in a coma for a couple :)00:36
cerrOkay yah,... it was SuSE first, then Suse, then Ubuntu & now Kubuntu... I didn't think I need to go that deep into details lol00:37
cerrSuSE 6.4 to be specific, then 7.3, then 8.2., then 10.X (not sure anymore)00:38
tsimpsonjust saying you've used something, that's only existed for 7 years, for over 10 years seemd... odd00:38
cerrI paid for these too!00:38
cerrmy 56k modem wouldn't wanna download this00:39
TimPlaznewbie here...how do you add favorite shortcuts to folder on desktop?01:15
BarkingFishTimPlaz, if you right click on your desktop, the menu there should include "Create new"01:16
BarkingFishif you click on Create new - there is a sublist, some of which are links to places, like applications or other folders01:17
BarkingFishFor example, I see "Link to location (URL), Basic link to file or folder, Link to Application, Link to device"01:18
BarkingFishwhat version of Kubuntu are you running, TimPlaz?01:18
TimPlaz11.10...just installed 5 mins ago01:18
BarkingFishah, it might be slightly different then - you can check though if you follow what I posted above01:19
BarkingFishI'm using the beta version which is up for release in about 8 days time01:19
HelenBHey I installed kubuntu 12.04 Beta 201:23
HelenBno wifi01:23
HelenBso I go to additional drivers01:23
HelenBand I install drivers for the bsm34xx chipset series01:24
HelenBbut it fails to install01:24
HelenBIs this a bug in beta?01:24
BarkingFishHelenB, try using the same line - enter isn't punctuation :)01:24
bkerensaHelenB: You could file a bug if you so chose01:24
BarkingFishbut -01:24
BarkingFish!bcm34 | HelenB01:24
HelenBbkerensa, I could yes01:24
HelenBBarkingFish, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO01:25
HelenBdon't point me to links01:25
HelenBit's annoying01:25
tsimpsonHelenB: you _will_ be expected to read links to information01:25
HelenBI already did what ubuntu.com said for me to do01:25
BarkingFishIt's also helpful if people are asking about something we get a lot of questions about01:25
HelenBI don't want putting in circles.01:25
tsimpsonsupport for the pre-releases of Kubuntu is over in #ubuntu+101:25
DarthFrogtsimpson:  Is that support option going to be available once Kubuntu Precise is released?01:38
tsimpsonDarthFrog: once it's released, support will be in here as normal01:39
DarthFrogOf course.  But I'm wondering about support for 12.10 and going forward.01:39
DarthFrogi.e. #ubuntu+1 and dev releases of kubuntu.01:40
tsimpsonI don't think anything will change, but don't quote me ;)01:40
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icallitverahey guys i was reading about the sponsor ship Kubuntu was getting and wondering what your opinion was of it03:38
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victorj__hi, someone wants to talk about kubuntu me now, I have suggestions ...06:20
SteveRileywhat's on your mind?06:23
victorj__StevenRiley could have a better messenger, in place of Kopé, see firefox natively ... and a series of things about the union of small distros06:26
SteveRileytelepathy-kde, currently under active development, will replace kopete. learn more: http://community.kde.org/Real-Time_Communication_and_Collaboration06:28
SteveRileywhat do you mean by "see firefox natively"?06:28
coder2Hello. How to edit /etc/resolv.conf - it cant'be written even as root. Or dow t alter preferred DNS servers list. Network Manager isn't installed. Thanks06:29
victorj__I think that unity is strength, should be discutdo seriously, I see a lot of messengers and nothing to beat mlm, kubuntu should grow each has more now, I see many notebooks relcamoções on kubuntu and kde06:30
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SteveRileyvictorj: unity's goals aren't the same as kde's, so it's unlikely you'll see unity in kubuntu. you can create something similar with third-party launchers or panel rearrangements, if that's sufficient.06:34
SteveRileyvictorj: what's mlm with respect to instant message clients? the only "mlm" i know of is something called mail list manager.06:35
SteveRileyvictorj: and regarding kde on tablets, Plasma Active is the project to follow. http://plasma-active.org/06:36
SteveRileycoder2: please see "man resolvconf" to learn more.06:38
victorj__SteveRipley sorry need to clarify, I mean come along with the firefox versions proxmas understand how many programs for me and kopete rekonq the kubuntu needs to be more customizable, so no need to design programs kde06:38
SteveRileyvictorj: i'm attempting to parse what you're saying, but it's difficult, as i suspect english isn't your native language. my apologies. regarding firefox, are you asking why it doesn't look like other kde applications?06:41
victorj__SteveRipley sorry need to clarify, I mean come along with the firefox next versions understand how many programs for me and kopete rekonq the kubuntu needs to be more customizable, so no need to design programs kde06:41
coder2SteveRiley: Thanks06:43
SteveRileyvictorj: i'm sorry, but repeating yourself won't help. i'm not understanding what you're saying.06:44
victorj__SteveRiley I'm not suggesting that he along with vennha amplicações kde in kubuntu as is done in ubuntu, kubuntu because tenque get stuck all kde applications are not all good for use for example firefox x rekonq amsn (stopped) kopete, the realmete need to merge qt and gtk and improved support for msn, we should pay more attention to msn on linux06:47
victorj__SteveRiley I am suggesting that not only will the kde applications, could give to others as espça ubuntu firefox is in bringing*06:50
SteveRileyi think i understand what you're saying. but it won't happen. qt and gtk are independent projects, with differing goals. personally, i'd not want them to merge anyway.06:51
victorj__ I am suggesting that not only KDE applications in kubuntu, could make room for others like ubuntu firefox is in bringing****06:51
SteveRileyhave you tried the latest version of rekonq from the kde goodies ppa? it's getting very good. i use it daily now, and have removed firefox from my system06:51
victorj__SeveRiley sure ,cool, but I think more should be discussed today in linux and msn. none comes close to windows live, and amsn2 is crawled, BOMs has many programs in linux I think everyone can clash with those of MS, we must promote more msn in linux, what do you think:?06:58
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victorj__SteveRiley pls07:01
SteveRileyi do not use any instant messenger, so i can't offer an opinion of windows live or msn vs. kopete or telepathy, sorry.07:03
AngelForgetlet it be victorj__07:04
AngelForget must promote more msn07:06
AngelForgetkopete in must best program for instant messenger07:06
victorj__AngelForget yes, mad I do not use it and it is far from reaching the per wlm, because I LibreOffice classic mo by holding close to me is the quality of ms office msn have 'promoted recisa be better I can help with translations07:10
victorj__portuguese sure .07:11
victorj__bye good night07:17
victorj__alguem do brasil07:17
victorj__braisilalquem aqui oi07:18
victorj__braisil alquem aqui oi*07:18
victorj__brasil alguem aqui oi*07:19
XayvierHey all08:54
ronskisikamy X went down. oh well, I guess that's what I get for using backported kde 4.809:07
ronskisika[231400.181] 8: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (__libc_start_main+0xed) [0x7f7fe5bb630d]   [231400.197] 9: /usr/bin/X (0x400000+0x235ed) [0x4235ed]   [231400.197] Segmentation fault at address 0x3e109:09
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nikolaj_basherI just installed kubuntu 11.10 on my notebook, and the menu wasn't there it was more a search bar how to make it like a normal kubuntu with at menu?10:55
BluesKajHowdy all11:49
nikolaj_basherisn't anyone who know how to fix the menu12:05
BluesKajnikolaj_basher, fix the menu ? ..what's wrong?12:06
nikolaj_basherBluesKaj, when I install kubuntu I get a menu instead of search bar12:07
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BluesKajnikolaj_basher, can you pastebin a screenshot so we know what you mean12:09
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nikolaj_basherBluesKaj, Is it take a little wild because I installing it again12:10
nikolaj_basherBluesKaj, where can I past picture12:29
BluesKaj!pastebin | nikolaj_basher12:32
ubottunikolaj_basher: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:32
nikolaj_basherBluesKaj, When I use virtuelbox then there is no problem, I will try to install it again when I come home. If I see the problem then I write to you12:35
HelenBerm my netbook was updating13:17
HelenBwhen it crashed13:17
HelenBso I had to power it off13:17
HelenBnow my cursor wont move. :(13:17
BluesKajHelenB, please finish your thoughts in one sentence13:18
BluesKajleavge the enter key alone for a while13:18
HelenBMy netbook was updating when it crashed so I had to do a hard shutdown and now the cursor wont move.13:19
BluesKajcan you get to a tty , ctl+alt+F1 , then update/upgrade again13:20
HelenBBluesKaj, Why is Linux the only system that's as solid as a rock? :o13:21
BluesKajHelenB, i assume that question is rhetorical :)13:23
BluesKajin other words you already know the answer or don't expect one13:25
OxymoronDo anybody know what is missing if my system wines over that AF_INET flag, address family for sockets is not supported? What packages do I need to have isntalled for it to work?13:25
HelenBBluesKaj, I heard that using dist-upgrade can break Ubuntu.13:25
HelenBIs there a way to stop it?13:26
HelenBThis is my prefered way of upgrading a linux system. lol13:26
BluesKajI use it all the time ..it's a method of upgrading kde packages and desktop13:26
HelenBoh :o13:27
BluesKajit doesn't upgrade to a new release13:27
HelenBBluesKaj, And it doesn't break your system?13:27
HelenBdamn :(13:27
HelenBI wish it did13:27
HelenBHow do I use it to upgrade to a new release?13:27
HelenBI used it to upgrade from 10 to 1113:27
HelenBbut then it broke my system13:27
HelenBand someone else told me that Ubuntu's dist-upgrade is buggy.13:28
BluesKajsudo do-release-upgrade for a released OS , and sudo do-release-upgrade -d for an alpha or beta ..the -d means it's a development release13:29
HelenBoh :o13:29
HelenBBluesKaj, Will it break my system?13:29
BluesKajwhat will ?13:29
HelenBupgrading that way.13:30
OxymoronDo anybody know what is missing if my system wines over that AF_INET flag, address family for sockets is not supported? What packages do I need to have isntalled for it to work?13:30
BluesKajHelenB, be more specific , are you upgrading fom one release to the next or just upgrading an existing install?13:31
HelenBupgrading from one release to the next.13:32
BluesKajOxymoron, what are you trying to do ?13:32
OxymoronBluesKaj: I am trying to connect client with server, using AF_INET. It complains that my system do not support the adress family ...13:33
vadraoHi, does anybody know how to use divide function in libreoffice spreadsheet. I need to do inverse of (1/X) of a set of numbers.13:33
BluesKajAF_INET. It..what's that, some kind internet protocol , because I've never heard of it13:34
* HelenB cuddles BluesKaj tight in her arm13:35
HelenBthank you! :313:36
BluesKajHelenB, then update and upgrade your install first , then sudo do-release-upgrade -d13:37
OxymoronBluesKaj: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AF_INET13:37
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OxymoronBluesKaj: UDP ipv4 in other words13:38
DemonWitchHow can i mount a bin/cue image in ubuntu?13:39
BluesKajOxymoron, you're restricting your connection to IPv4 , when most routers/modems now accomodate both IPv4 and IPv6 which is the default13:39
BluesKajDemonWitch, what media is the image on13:40
DemonWitchBluesKaj: my hdd13:41
BluesKajDemonWitch, what kind of image ?13:42
georgeHello. After not being able to upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 beta 2, I've downloaded an alternate cd and tried to upgrade from it. Lots of unmet dependencies later and sudo apt-get -f install later,  when I run sudo apt-get upgrade to finally install the remained packages, this is happening: http://paste.kde.org/459914/ .Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.13:42
DemonWitchBluesKaj: binary13:43
BluesKajDemonWitch, it's an image ready for burning but if it's videao or audio then VLC can do it13:45
HelenBBluesKaj, Wifi wont work.13:45
HelenBit's annoying.13:45
HelenBI keep getting this problem.13:45
HelenBI have a broadcom bsm431213:46
georgeBluesKaj: I've decided to upgrade from an alternate cd and I'm having lots of trouble, as I posted up there.13:46
HelenBJockey failed to install/activate it13:46
HelenBit was working before I had to hard shutdown my system.13:46
BluesKajgeorge, a clean install ?13:46
georgeno, upgrade from 11.10 to 12.0413:47
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HelenBI checked the jockey log but it's all jibberish.13:47
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BluesKajHelenB, look in system>additional drivers13:47
georgeBluesKaj:no, upgrade from 11.10 to 12.0413:48
HelenBBluesKaj, That's jockey.13:48
BluesKajgeorge, a seprate /home partition?13:48
BluesKajHelenB, if you braodcom wifi driver didn't install then it may be listed in additional drivers as an option13:49
HelenBBluesKaj, no13:49
HelenBit's listed there13:49
HelenBbut when I attempt to activate it13:50
HelenBit doesn't download/install it.13:50
HelenBit fails and asks me to check logs for errors13:50
HelenBbut the logs are like jibberish to me13:50
BluesKajgeorge, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade13:52
HelenBBluesKaj, Kubuntu doesn't like my wlan card and it's annoying.13:53
georgeBluesKaj:Same error. Short version: http://paste.kde.org/459926/13:53
HelenBI shouldn't have to download/install it every now and again it should only have to be downloaded/installed once.13:54
BluesKajgeorge, remove streamtuner , then update upgrade again...you can always install it later13:58
sebastian_hi, I've a problem with the network manager: I didn't get any error message13:59
sebastian_my situation was: here is an invisible wifi network, so i configured it and nothing happend14:00
sebastian_it felt like I'm configuring a black hole14:00
sebastian_is this a known problemß14:01
SunTsusebastian_: did you look into log files?14:01
georgeBluesKaj:But it's NOT installed!14:02
sebastian_it wites a log file? where?14:02
SunTsusebastian_: it uses syslog, so it's in the usual places14:02
sebastian_SunTsu: so the nm gui doesn't have any user feedback?14:04
SunTsusebastian_: only the basic stuff, details are hard to show. That's what log files are for14:04
BluesKajgeorge, I suggest you reinstall to a formatted clean partition... an alternate install into a existig broken system isn't a good idea14:06
sebastian_SunTsu: the reason for my problem was: the wifi was not reachable on my position, so I would expect something like: "there is no wifi with that SSID"14:06
georgeBluesKaj:System was not broken before the upgrade. I'll try to install streamtuner and see what happens14:07
SunTsusebastian_: how would nm know? Maybe there is but the ap doesn't answer14:07
BluesKajgeorge, you had dependency probs if I recall14:08
georgeBluesKaj:Yes, AFTER the failed upgrade...14:08
BluesKajwell ,it's still broken14:08
sebastian_SunTsu: giving no error is the answer? it felt like a bug14:08
skDnhttp://signup.wazzub.info/?lrRef=96db7679  Sing up and earn MONEY only by inviting friends14:09
skDnhttp://signup.wazzub.info/?lrRef=96db7679  Sing up and earn MONEY only by inviting friends14:09
sebastian_SunTsu:  at least a "nope didn't worked" would be helpful14:10
SunTsusebastian_: it's not the best way to handle it, I agree, but I can't think of a better way of giving feedback. It's not clear to nm why it doesn't work - and that it didn't work is clear from the fact that you don't see a connection happen14:10
georgeBluesKaj:What happens if I remove streamtuner package from /var/lib/dpkg/available?14:11
georgeBluesKaj:Probably a broken system. But since you've said is already broken...14:12
sebastian_SunTsu: and what about a distiction between connection error / password wrong? would this be possible?14:12
georgeBluesKaj:Can't be removed...14:14
BluesKajgeorge, back up your data , then do a clean install from the altrnate cd , altho a normal live cd is better in some ways if your pc is less then 3 yrs old14:14
SunTsusebastian_: That probably would be possible, but I don't see a way for nm to show that via applet - therefore it either is syslog or showing it via kde notifications. But as nm is using wpa_supplicant, which already does syslog...14:15
sebastian_SunTsu: than please make it clear, that the user has to look at the syslog to search for errors. this is not obvious for a gui app to just write errors to syslog14:18
SunTsusebastian_: You might want to tell that to the developes14:18
SunTsudevelopers even14:18
tsimpsonthe GUI does not write to syslog, NetowrkManager does14:19
SunTsuyeah, the gui part is only an applet that shows NetworkManager's status14:20
sebastian_felt like a bug14:20
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SunTsulots of things feel like a bug untl you know how it works14:21
tsimpsonI would agree, but I'd say the bug is in NetworkManager, it should report better errors back to the "client" (GUI)14:21
HelenBDolphin isn't showing my drives and partitions. :(14:29
HelenBidk why14:29
HelenBbut when I do this14:29
HelenBBut when I try to mount it I get the following14:29
HelenBhelen@helen-Aspire-M1640:~$ sudo mount /mnt/sda1 /media/DATA14:29
HelenBmount: special device /mnt/sda1 does not exist14:29
HelenBIt's really annoying me.14:29
HelenBAll I want to do is play some music. lol14:29
SunTsuHelenB: as is using return instead of punctuation ;)14:30
HelenBI meant sda3 not sda1.14:30
SunTsuHelenB: Are you sure that sda3 exists? does dmesg show it?14:30
HelenBI'm positive it exists.14:31
SunTsuHelenB: please no-paste dmesg showing it14:31
tsimpsonHelenB: /mnt is not /dev14:32
tsimpsondevices live in /dev14:32
SunTsuer, yes, right14:33
HelenBtsimpson, I know devices live in /dev14:33
HelenBthat's why I'm trying to mount /dev/sda3 to /mnt/DATA14:33
SunTsuHelenB: but you try to mount /mnt/sd..14:33
HelenBmedia even14:33
tsimpsonpastebin the output of "ls /dev/sda*"14:34
HelenBhelen@helen-Aspire-M1640:~$ sudo mount /media/DATA /dev/sda314:34
HelenBmount: /media/DATA is not a block device14:34
tsimpsonHelenB: you're doing it backwards14:34
tsimpsonmount <device> <mount point>14:34
SunTsuHelenB: now you are trying to mount the mountpoint onto the device...14:34
HelenBYou just told me I did it backwards earlier.14:35
HelenBmake your mind up please.14:35
HelenB/dev/sda  /dev/sda1  /dev/sda3  /dev/sda5  /dev/sda614:35
tsimpsonI said to use /dev not /mnt14:35
SunTsuHelenB: No, you did mount /MNT/sda3 /mnt/DATA14:35
HelenBI meant /dev/sda314:35
tsimpsonsda3 is there, so try just "sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/DATA"14:36
tsimpsonmake sure that /mnt/DATA exists14:36
tsimpsonthen you should see the data14:36
HelenBtsimpson, It showing nothing in there.14:36
HelenBbut there is stuff in there.14:36
tsimpsondoes "mount" show it mounted on /mnt/DATA?14:37
sebastian_SunTsu: tsimpson: ty guys.14:37
HelenBDolphin is showing it mounted14:37
HelenBtsimpson, Yes it does.14:40
tsimpsonthen you should be able to see whatever is there14:40
HelenBtsimpson, But I can't.14:43
tsimpsonHelenB: how do you know there are files there?14:45
HelenBtsimpson, Why wouldn't there be?14:45
HelenBI've always known files to be in sda3.14:46
HelenBall my music collection is in there.14:46
HelenBmy documents are in there14:46
tsimpsonwhat filesystem does it use?14:46
BluesKajHelenB, what file system format ?14:46
OxymoronHow do I make this bahs work http://www.pastie.org/3817063 ? I want to have each client and server process and separate tabs as new processes. Now I got new tabs, but the processes do not start in each tab.14:47
tsimpsonHelenB: what does mount say it's filesystem is?14:48
HelenBtsimpson, mount doesn't have a parameter for reading a drives filesystem.14:49
tsimpsontype "mount | grep sda3", paste that line here14:50
HelenB/dev/sda3 on /media/DATA type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096)14:51
Oxymorontsimpson: ?14:51
HelenBBluesKaj, How do I apt-get the drivers for b43 wifi drivers?14:51
HelenBI don't want to use additional drivers it's not working.14:52
HelenBI really need wifi.14:52
liudasHelenB: did read here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:53
liudasthere are few possible ways described14:53
liudasbut b34 as for me worked OTB from ubuntu 11.1014:54
HelenBliudas, Yes.14:54
SunTsuHelenB: well, ntfs is a proprietary file system, not too well documented, not native to linux, it could be that you are running into an error there and you don't see your stuff because of that14:56
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:56
HelenBbut it's been working for me since 201014:56
tsimpsonHelenB: try un-mounting it, then add "-t ntfs-3g" to the mount command14:56
tsimpsonit should be using -3g anyway, but who knows14:57
SunTsuntfs isn't one of the simplest filesystems around it has multiple streams and much more complicated stuff14:57
macoSunTsu: and it's different depending on which version of windows did the formatting!14:58
HelenBtsimpson, still not working. lol15:00
SunTsumaco: yeah, lots of different versions. I'd do the hell and use linux to mount it rw, too much ways that can fail fundamentally15:00
HelenBjust stuff it15:02
HelenBcan't be bothered.15:02
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* BluesKaj uses NTFS on an external HDD containing the media files ...no problems with mounting the files, just had to make an entry in fstab15:13
Luddi87guten tag15:14
iEatChildreni have a weird issue with any videos i watch online. the people always appear blue15:20
iEatChildrenlike blue man group blue15:20
bazhangiEatChildren, flash video?15:21
bazhangiEatChildren, full screen the flash, then disable hw acceleration15:21
iEatChildrenthat fixed it15:23
iEatChildrenthat is odd...do you know why that happens?15:23
bazhangno, just the fix. adobe issues are hard to know why15:25
iEatChildrenindeed. thanks for the fix15:26
BluesKajglad that sicko left15:35
bazhangBluesKaj, pardon?15:36
BluesKajneeds no expalnation15:36
HelenBBluesKaj, What sicko?15:48
HelenBoh yeah15:48
HelenBhis nick15:48
HelenBsorry lol15:49
FloodBotK1HelenB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:49
HelenBI'll stop fpamming now15:49
bazhang!ot | HelenB15:49
ubottuHelenB: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!15:49
=== HelenB is now known as IAmNotThatGirl
schlitzer|freihehey there i have new lenovo w510 notebook with 1920x1080 resolution, the problem is that fonts are ugly large...16:03
schlitzer|freihei guess the dpi information is reportes wrong by the monitor...16:04
schlitzer|freiheis there a way to adjust this?16:04
=== IAmNotThatGirl is now known as HelenB
=== HelenB is now known as IAmNotThatGirl
georgeBluesKaj: After lots of package configs, reboots and fixing missing dependencies, I believe I did "unbroke" my system. Answer was typing dpkg --clear-avail at first place.16:46
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=== burkhardt is now known as tangle
akSeyahi folks16:53
akSeyai'm using a virtualbox machine with windows in seamless mode (it does not shows the window borders nor the guest background). The Start menu and taskbar are in the bottom of the monitor.. when I maximize a window from kubuntu, it gets over the start menu and taskbar. My question is: is there a way to limit the maximized window space so that it does not maximize over the taskbar?16:55
robotdevilwow the sign the petition for firefox2qt isnt going that well :-/16:55
robotdevilmaybe it should be added to channel topic?16:56
akSeyai know kubuntu can't know where the windows taskbar is, so i just want to tell kde to not use that ~50pixels from the bottom of the monitor16:56
akSeyamaybe i could add a kde widget in that space, but only in a small corner... leme try16:57
akSeyadidn't work.. the virtualbox window skip the panel too16:58
akSeyaany ideas?16:58
=== mck182 is now known as mck182|afk
IAmNotThatGirlWhy is Kubuntu soo CPU insensive on my netbook? I play a youtube vid and it uses up my CPU. I play some music it uses up my CPU. I do many things and they use up my CPU.16:59
IAmNotThatGirlI only have an Intel Atom.16:59
liudasakSeya: you could use let's say http://snag.gy/ to paste your printscreen17:03
liudasit could save you a lot of words17:04
akSeyaliudas, niiiiice :)17:05
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BluesKajakSeya, or pastebinit17:06
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com17:07
akSeyawell.. it's still not that easy to explain http://snag.gy/kAHci.jpg17:09
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:09
akSeyai want to "simulate" a panel over the Windows taskbar so that KDE does not maximizes a window over it17:10
akSeyaother words.. i would like that Windows taskbar were always on top17:10
IAmNotThatGirlakSeya: Windows is offtopic here and KDE doesn't work with Windows. lol17:10
akSeyaor at least on top of maximized kde windows17:10
akSeyaIAmNotThatGirl, i know that ^^17:11
akSeyathat's why i asked to simulate a kde panel over that place17:11
akSeyaor something on KDE that I could do so that maximized windows don't maximize over a specific area17:12
akSeyasince virtualbox is in seamless mode, i don't know how to do a "always on top" on virtualbox window17:13
liudaswin is vb guest?17:13
avihay<IAmNotThatGirl> akSeya: Windows is offtopic here and KDE doesn't work with Windows. lol   <- KDE runs on many OSs, includeing windows17:15
macoakSeya: for kde on windows, try #kde instead17:15
akSeyamaco, it's not kde on Windows.. it's windows on virtualbox =/17:16
macoyou could make an additional (but empty) kde panel and put it where itd line up with one end of the windows one17:16
avihaywhat akSeya is looking for is a way to ask kwin to reserve some screenspace for the windows guest taskbar17:16
macoregular widgets would be covered over17:17
akSeyaavihay.. exactly!! thanks god someone can use words better than me :P17:17
avihayI guess it can be done with kwin scripting17:17
avihayI also think I ran into a program that does that while looking in the repositories a few years ago17:18
avihaywell, I can't find it :-<17:22
georgeBluesKaj: But now, when I run sudo apt-get autoremove, I get this: http://paste.kde.org/460118/  It doesn't make sense.17:24
BluesKajwhat doesn't make sense ?17:27
BluesKajit's in portugese17:28
akSeyawell.. by clicking on vbox taskbar icon on KDE i got it to be always on top.. it's not real thing as maximized windows will have a hidden part under the windows taskbar17:28
akSeyait's a temp solution..17:28
georgeBluesKaj: Why remove libreoffice, ubufox? Or those are not going to be removed? Is it safe to run sudo apt-get autoremove, since it's going to remove the packages listed on paste?17:30
liudasakSeya: u maximized vbox window?17:31
akSeyaliudas, it is in seamless mode17:31
BluesKajwhenn you run updates the older packages are replaced with new ones when you upgrade17:31
liudasso what's wrong? i tshould be this way17:31
akSeyait's a mode where it does not show vbox background, just the windows in it17:31
liudasi guess17:31
liudasakSeya: i got that17:32
georgeBluesKaj: Ok...17:32
BluesKajold dependencies are also remocved with autoremove17:32
liudasakSeya: it should be as it is in your case17:32
georgeBluesKaj: Thanks for your time.17:33
akSeyahold on.. i got another good printscreen17:33
liudasakSeya: you need vbox window above kde panel?17:33
BluesKajgeorge, np , I hope you get it cleaned up ok17:33
akSeyaliudas, nope.. vbox window is in another monitor17:34
georgeBluesKaj: I'm just glad that I was able to fix my system, although I really disliked the new gray boot splash. :(17:35
liudasakSeya: ok rogger that17:35
BluesKajyeah , it's ugly17:35
liudasakSeya: what is your goal?17:35
akSeyasomething like this http://snag.gy/0Zbtt.jpg17:35
akSeyayou see.. now if I maximize a window on the second monitor, it will not use that space on the bottom17:36
akSeyathat KDE panel is over the Windows taskbar17:36
akSeyai want all to be like that, but want to view the Windows taskbar17:37
liudasakSeya: ok - kde panel "area" covers vbox full screen mode? yes?17:38
akSeyathat panel is ther just to save that screenspace17:39
akSeyaif i remove it, a KDE window will be maximized on the whole screen17:39
akSeyaliudas, any idea?! =/17:46
liudasakSeya: well i don't know solution. u could try - click right edge of the panel - more settings - and try "windows can cover" / "win can go under"17:46
akSeyai tried that already.. but then the other windows will do that too17:47
akSeyait's like i want that vbox window ONLY do that17:47
liudasakSeya: not sure whether i translated correctly back to en17:47
robotdevilWow, just fired up a computer with 9.10 on it. Forgot how different it looks.17:47
liudasakSeya: just tested my vbox with XP everything rocks no problem17:49
akSeyareally!? if you maximize a window in kde, it does not get over the windows taskbar!??!17:50
liudasakSeya: did you install guest additions in win?17:50
liudasakSeya: how do you maximize?17:50
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akSeyait's the seamless mode17:50
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liudastry rctr + f17:51
akSeyaoh. .it's different.. rctrl+f makes vbox on top of all windows17:51
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akSeyado you fell the difference?!17:53
liudasakSeya: haha i tryed rctr+l. how do i get back? but win panel is above kde pan17:53
akSeyarctrl+l again17:53
akSeyabut a windows window must be acrive17:53
liudasakSeya: DOESNT WORK :d17:53
akSeyayou must be inside vbox17:53
akSeyavbox window must be active17:54
akSeyadamn.. i am having a hard time to choose the words today17:54
akSeyathe right words17:54
akSeyaliudas, got it?17:58
akSeyayou can also find the vbox titlebar17:58
akSeyait is hidden on the bottom of the scrren usually17:58
liudasakSeya: yep im good. found how17:58
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david___i need to know how do i restore my boot on my hdd18:14
david___i got the GRUB and BURG install on usb with kde18:15
david___now after a bit setting the super boot manager when the usb is not in it keep saying needs grub why18:15
david___so sorry i brb18:18
david___ok i am back18:25
david___how i restore my windows boot?18:25
david___is it possible to install grub on my hdd?18:26
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=== jalcine is now known as Guest31570
POQDavidanyone here know about GRUB??19:51
ChrisGagnonPOQDavid: just ask your question, if someone knows the answer they will respond19:52
POQDavidi installed Kubuntu on USB driver but the pc was still fine after a bit playing with BURG and Super Boot manager my windows wont boot and it go to GRUB rescue mode19:54
POQDavidUSB Drive*19:55
POQDavidsorry my wifi failed for a sec19:55
POQDavidi am really sorry after i asked about my problem my lan failed 2 times19:57
POQDavidi really need to get the windows's boot back plz19:59
POQDavidsorry i founf out how to fix it20:04
Bauldrickwhats the default network manager now-a-days ?20:12
=== trojan is now known as Angel
=== Angel is now known as AS2012
BarkingFish!info nm-applet20:21
ubottuPackage nm-applet does not exist in oneiric20:21
AS2012I am new. Can someone please help me with installing Ubuntu to hard drive?20:23
SunTsuAS2012: the documentation can20:23
avihay!info plasma-widget-networkmanagement20:24
ubottuplasma-widget-networkmanagement (source: networkmanagement): Network Management widget for KDE Plasma workspaces. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9~svngit.nm09.20110610.0c83d8-0ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 847 kB, installed size 3592 kB20:24
AS2012SunTsu: Where do I find that?20:24
SunTsuAS2012: ubuntu.org? ;)20:25
AS2012I used GParted to create a GPT & partition/format a 1TB drive to ext3. Afterward, why does it say that there is already 14.81GB on it?20:25
AS2012Is that normal?20:26
AS2012I have no idea where the 14.81GB came from, since I haven't installed Ubuntu nor written to the drive yet20:26
SunTsuAS2012: well, there's much overhead, there's reserved space and such20:29
BluesKajAS2012, yes , same hre ..i just formatted my external drive to ext4 and there was 14G used without adding any files ...whatgives?20:30
BluesKajSunTsu, for an exrnal drive without an OS?20:30
AS2012Just from creating a GPT table and then the formatting? I haven't installed Ubuntu yet20:31
AS2012BluesKaj: did you have a Windows 7 drive hooked up to the Mobo, by chance? I did, but I wouldn't think it could do anything to my ext3 drive, right?20:32
SunTsuBluesKaj: inodes already exist, and depending on there size that can be quite an overhead with 1TB - not to forget 5% reserved space as default20:32
AS2012Huh? What is Inodes? Do you mean that GParted creates overhead on the hard drive... is this only for ext3, because I don't get any space taken when I format via Windows20:34
BluesKajas no i had an external drive with NTFS , with no OS , just for media storage, but I thougt (mistakenly) that reformatting it to ext4 would make transfer speeds faster20:34
SunTsuAS2012: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inode20:36
SunTsuAS2012: you probably want to switch to ext4, it has defaults better suited to large filesystems20:37
AS2012oh really? OK. Will I see the same phenomenon, a 14GB space taken?20:38
BluesKajAS2012, yes20:39
SunTsunot as much, though20:39
SunTsuext uses larger inode sizes, less superblocks etc. as default20:39
SunTsuext4 even20:39
BluesKajSunTsu, well, my external ext4 gobbled 14G without ant files added to the drive or any OS installed20:40
SunTsuBluesKaj: then lower the percentage reserved for root20:42
BluesKajwell, i sure hope ext4 is worth the change from NTFS20:43
BluesKajnot impressed by the transfer speeds so far tho20:43
BluesKajSunTsu, a bit late for that .. i wasn't aware I coud do that20:46
SunTsuBluesKaj: er, no. You can change that anytime you like20:47
avihayBluesKaj: your speed bottleneck is probably the USB interface20:47
SunTsutune2fs is what you want. tune2fs -m 0% $device20:48
SunTsuyeah, usb is quite a hell for storage20:48
BluesKajavihay, nope it's esata to sata20:48
BluesKajor sata to esata actually20:49
BluesKaji purposely avoided USB altho it's an option20:49
azadpakihi all21:14
BluesKajSunTsu, which is best to adjust the 14G or data partition21:15
SunTsuBluesKaj: I don't understand the question21:15
azadpakiI guess Data Partition for Kubuntu21:16
BluesKajSunTsu, the external drive autogenerated the 14G partition when I reformatted the external drive to ext421:17
BluesKajwell actaully ext4 generated it I suppose21:17
azadpakiI use int_ua script to install Kubuntu on N900 it automatically make ext3 and swap partition21:18
SunTsuBluesKaj: er, what 14g partition are you talking about? I thought you said that you have a 1TB partition which shows 14GB usage21:18
BluesKajyes and I'd like to use some of that 14G , since I'm already filling it up quite quickly21:19
AS2012I'm back. So is the 14GB due to using GParted or ext format... because that is assuming you are going to need a root?21:20
SunTsuBluesKaj: well, if you only see one partition the choice is easy - because there is none21:20
BluesKajyeah , thought so ... bunmmer21:21
AS2012Is it calculated as a percentage of the total drive? So if I installed Linux onto an 240GB drive, the space taken would be proportionately smaller, correct?21:22
SunTsuAS2012: right21:23
SunTsuAS2012: but it doesn't have anything to do with installing something, it's filesystem properties we're talking about21:24
BluesKajwell, i hope this change to ext4 is worth the effort21:25
AS2012oh yea, right, thanks. In that case, it won't affect the size of the installation, nor image... can I create one in Linux?21:25
SunTsuAS2012: image? Sure, ss is your friend21:26
SunTsuer, dd, fingers were on the wrong key21:27
AS2012how large of a flash drive do I need to put an image onto it? Just the basics: OS, applications, and a few office documents21:27
BluesKaj8g should be enough21:28
AS2012dd... is that an application on Kubuntu, or something I need to download?21:29
SunTsuAS2012: coreutils, should be installed anyway21:30
AS2012BluesKaj, thanks, that's good it doesn't take up 40GB+ like Windows does21:30
BluesKajAS2012, I use a / partition for the OS , and 10G is plenty , still have 3 left for headroom21:31
AS2012it's not good to run from a flash drive, though, correct?  Too slow, and lots of read/writing21:32
AS2012SunTsu: I searched my programs for coreutils... it's not here...?21:32
BluesKajAS2012, not as a rule , best to have a proper / OS partition on the HDD21:34
SunTsuAS2012: it is21:34
AS2012BluesKaj, that's my understanding. Is is still nice to be able to carry around the flash drive image to use on any computer (can re-install from it to HD, as needed, correct?21:37
AS2012SunTsu: it is on Kubuntu? how do I find it?21:37
SunTsuAS2012: it IS there.21:38
BluesKajAS2012, on newer pcs that can boot from a USB , yes21:38
AS2012did you create the 10GB partition first, then install OS?21:39
BluesKajyes AS2012 , I always partition the drive first then use manual partitoning options to install the OS...but that's my fav methof21:41
BluesKajI also create a /home partition21:41
BluesKajsome ppl think  a /home is unecessary , but I feel more secure with my data on a separate partition21:43
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BluesKajStuff to do21:56
avihaybahh, kwin crashed on me and I couldn't get to a graphical terminal it to kwin --replace it :-<21:59
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avihayanyone know how to use that $DISPLAY thingy?22:10
DarthFrogavihay_:  What's your issue with the $DISPLAY variable?22:24
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