
sinzuiStevenK, I am tempted to write a an enum class that is feature flag aware, but I see your vocab is pretty complicated...have you explored removing the only two asserts in our code? i do not see why the vocabs have to be enums00:55
sinzuiStevenK, I do not see why LaunchpadRadioWidgetWithDescription need to be IEnumeratedType, maybe we can make an exception for the special voab01:00
sinzuiEnumChoiceWidget's might also get an exception to the rule because it passes to vocabulary_to_choice_edit_items which  can take extra functions to render the items.01:02
StevenKsinzui: And here I was thinking the vocab was simple-ish01:11
StevenKsinzui: I hadn't thought about changing itemwidget, TBH.01:12
sinzuiI am thinking with it. I still do not see what it needs...it is not calling any of the four attrs that IEnumeratedType define :(01:15
StevenKsinzui: I'm currently knee-deep in tests for the next pipe, are you trying, or do you want me to dump state and look with you?01:19
sinzuiI am playing with it. Don't loose focus01:20
StevenKwgrant: Can you join #ubuntu-arm on freenode?01:21
StevenKwgrant: Unping01:22
wgrantStevenK: I was there already, just noticed slightly too late :)01:23
StevenKNo ubuntu/member for me :-/01:23
* StevenK stabs official_malone01:24
* StevenK tries to work out how to get the bug that was just filed from the +filebug view01:40
StevenK(In a test, so I have a initialized view)01:40
wgrantStevenK: It should have returned a redirect to it01:44
StevenKOh, I have to call the view01:46
StevenKwgrant: It does indeed.01:53
sinzuiStevenK, Here is your fix in as few lines as possible: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/936319/02:36
sinzuiStevenK, There were three things that needed consideration: 1. Enums are classes that act like instances...they do not need to be instantiated. 2. vocabularies are either instantiated by you, or you register a factory in zcml to do it for you. 3. The test was passing what the user sees, not what the browser posts, so the form always has errors that were not checked02:39
* sinzui tends to children02:39
StevenKsinzui: Thanks, that's awesome02:48
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
StevenKwgrant: Have you seen anything like http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/936341/ ?02:59
wgrantStevenK: data is None03:03
wgrantStevenK, wallyworld: https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bugtaskflat-search-3/+merge/10261503:04
StevenKwgrant: Yeah, looks like zope does not love it when initial_values returns None03:05
* wallyworld looking03:05
wgrantwallyworld: Thanks.03:06
wgrantStevenK: Yeah, should probably return {}03:06
StevenKwallyworld: Thanks, I'm trying to polish off this branch before lunch.03:06
wallyworldwgrant: 'BugTaskFlat.information_type IN (1, 2)' - can we use enum.value here instead03:18
wallyworldwgrant: also, i'm not sure we should turn on the ff if assignees cannot see their bugs. is it intended this will be fixed before we turn this on?03:19
wgrantwallyworld: It's probably a misfeature that has been deliberately used about twice ever.03:20
wgrantI don't consider it to be a significant concern. It's not documented anywhere.03:20
wgrantwallyworld: And yes, I meant to fix that enum thing but forgot.03:21
* wgrant fixes.03:21
wallyworldwgrant: i think assignees should be able to see all the bugs assigned to them. what am i missing?03:21
wgrantwallyworld: Documentation and history says that you can tell who has access to a bug by looking at the subscriber list.03:22
wallyworldwhat do we indent to do when someone assigns a user to a bug but that user cannot see it?03:23
wgrantSame as we did until 6 months ago.03:23
wgrantThey can't see it.03:23
wgrantUntil we make these rules consistent, so assignment requires a grant.03:23
wallyworldthat sucks03:23
wgrantRather than what it does now: exist as a horrible undocumented special case that kills performance03:24
wallyworldwe should automatically create a grant then03:24
wgrantThat's the intention.03:24
lifelesswallyworld: we should have visibility and assignment matched03:24
wgrantBut it's going to be far far easier to do that once we've made bug visibility not insane.03:25
lifelesswallyworld: however, its better, I think, to special case assignment (force unassigns) than to special case visibility03:25
wallyworldsure. my concern was reverting the existing behaviour ie taking something away that's now there03:25
wgrantIt's existing undocumented inconsistent behaviour.03:26
wgrantThat isn't fully implemented.03:26
lifelesswgrant: you may find http://vimeo.com/2723800 interesting03:26
wallyworldbut there could be people who are working on bugs that all of a sudden they can't see03:26
lifelesstheir supervisors can fix that03:26
wgrantThere's going to be a bit of that at various points throughout the migration.03:27
wgrantIt's unfortunate, but I'm not sure it's worth working around it.03:27
wgrantWe can check how many cases there are.03:27
wgrantMy guess is "not many at all"03:27
wgrantAnd most of the cases that do exist will be unintentional leaks/03:27
wallyworldhmmm. alright. my objections have been raised. we'll see what happens03:28
wallyworldi wouldn't have said anything if the behaviour wasn't there and we weren't removing it all of a sudden03:29
wgrantThis behaviour has an interesting history.03:29
wgrantFor several months it was partially implemented.03:29
wgrantYou could see the bugs in listings.03:29
wgrantBut the bug page would OOPS03:29
wgrantWe had a total of two bugs filed about that.03:29
wallyworldsure, but now it's fixed and people may rely on it03:29
wgrantThen for a while the bug page would render, but had no tasks.03:29
wgrantWe had one bug about that.03:29
lifelesswgrant: you could add grants for all current non-accessible asasignees03:29
wgrantThen a few months ago it was fixed properly and we didn't tell anyone.03:29
wgrantlifeless: I could, but that makes the temporary mirroring triggers slower and more complicated.03:30
lifelesswgrant: nono03:30
lifelesswgrant: so, a) make assigning add a grant if the person doesn't already have access03:30
lifelessb) do a one-off check and add03:30
lifelessc) profit03:30
wgrantThat's the final solution.03:31
wgrantCould add a *subscription* now.03:31
wgrantBut can't add a grant directly.03:31
lifelesswhat stops it being used now ?03:31
lifelessisn't the schema live?03:31
wgrantIt is.03:31
wgrantBut the mirror triggers own all grants related to bugs.03:31
lifelessso what stops that solution being used now ?03:31
wgrantEvery time the bug is touched, they will force the mirrored data into compliance.03:31
wgrantie. delete the manual assignee grants03:31
wgrant(bugtaskflat's triggers are permanent, so they're a bit more selective. but the legacy mirroring stuff is not)03:32
lifelessyay registry03:41
wgrantI might delete 2/3 of the bug search tests, I think03:45
wgrantOr 7/8, even03:45
mwhudsonlifeless: the main lesson from that zed shaw talk is "i'm very glad i work for canonical"04:15
mwhudsonmuch as the main lesson from "release it" is "i'm glad i don't program in java"04:15
nigelbmwhudson: where was this talk? Video or in person?04:23
mwhudsonnigelb: video, lifeless posted a link04:23
lifelessmwhudson: hah04:23
mwhudson<lifeless> wgrant: you may find http://vimeo.com/2723800 interesting04:23
lifelessmwhudson: release spends -maybe- 10% on java disfunction04:23
lifelessmwhudson: as for that talk, the discussion on addressing acls was why I linked it04:24
mwhudsonlifeless: yeah, but all the case studies were "this external service fell over and our thread pool ran out of threads and everything gummed up"04:24
mwhudsonor at least, enough of them were that it made quite an impression04:24
mwhudsonre: acls, yes, i realize04:24
lifelessmwhudson: applies to non-java, applies to non-java04:24
nigelbmwhudson: thanks :)04:26
mwhudsonlifeless: sure, to a large extent04:27
lifelessmwhudson: e.g. blog.launchpad.net failing, and the concurrency limit we hit in one of the twisted services a while back04:27
nigelbbah. 1 hour talk. My connection is being throtled this week :/04:28
mwhudsonnigelb: it's not /amazingly/ interesting, i'd say04:29
lifelessmoderately entertaining04:29
lifelessabout a 1/2 page on how to do scalable things that look a bit like ACLs04:29
lifelesswhich has some relevance to the work purple are doing04:29
nigelbInteresting. I'll queue it up for next week when I'm slated to do some boring stuff.04:29
spmo/ nigelb04:30
lifelessnigelb: moved yet ?04:30
nigelbEvening spm o/04:30
nigelblifeless: Nope. Just send in all the documents to the consultant.04:30
nigelbAnother 8 to 12 weeks at least :(04:30
nigelblifeless: I hear you'll be keynoting at kiwipycon? :)04:31
StevenKSigh. That vimeo video isn't available for download.04:32
mwhudsonnigelb: where are you (trying to?) moving to?04:33
nigelbmwhudson: Near you! (sory of) Auckland.04:33
nigelb*sort of04:33
lifelessnigelb: yes, I should get onto my talk04:33
mwhudsonah heh04:33
mwhudsonnigelb: nice :)04:33
nigelblifeless: \o/ Hopefully, I can make it :)04:34
StevenKwgrant: I'm getting a failure in xx-bug-privacy.txt with - Mark Shuttleworth (Unsubscribe), is that related to jcsackett's change?04:37
wgrantStevenK: Yes04:39
wgrantStevenK: That rev is reverted now04:39
StevenKwgrant: Excellent.04:42
StevenKHmmm, the feature flags don't seem to impact the vocab :-(04:43
* StevenK blames the class-inside-another-class definition04:45
wgrantStevenK: When is the flag evaluated?04:48
StevenKwgrant: In __init__ of the vocab04:58
wgrantThat's where05:01
wgrantWhen is the vocab instantiated?05:01
StevenKwgrant: In the class information_type_schema in BugSecrecyEditView05:02
wgrantIs the class defined directly inside BugSecrecyEditView, not in a method?05:03
StevenKwgrant: Yes05:03
wgrantRemember that the class body is executed immediately.05:03
StevenKI had inside the schema method, and you said it could be outside.05:03
* StevenK moves it back05:03
wgrantNot if you're evaluating the flag in the class definition.05:04
wgrantMy statement yesterday relied on the flag being used to select a class.05:04
StevenKIt's okay, I wrote a test for it.05:04
StevenKwgrant: I'm more comfortable about the vocab use that I have a test for all 3 feature flags.05:06
StevenKwgrant, wallyworld: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/bugs-information_type-ui-secrecy/+merge/10262405:16
StevenKWhat the hell? I've managed to create 3 MPs?05:17
StevenKThis button down thing is idiotic05:17
* wallyworld looks05:27
StevenKwallyworld: Thanks.05:28
wallyworldStevenK: self.assertIn('Private', html) etc - i think that's too generic. can we use BeautifulSoup and search for a tag with content05:36
StevenKwallyworld: Sure, with the slight problem that I think BeautifulSoup is terrible. :-)05:37
wgrantIt can't be terrible!05:37
wallyworldit's all we have though05:37
wgrantWe only have 4 copies of it.05:37
StevenKWhere are the 4?05:37
wgrantlib/, we used to have an egg (possibly not any more), the system one, and one in mechanize.05:38
StevenKWhy it is in lib? :-(05:38
wgrantBecause someone is strange.05:38
StevenKI'm tempted to remove it in a different branch, toss it at ec2 and see what happens.05:42
StevenKwallyworld: Do you have any other comments while I work out HTF to use BeautifulSoup?05:43
wallyworldStevenK: no, looks pretty good. the only other nitpicky thing is i would define a string constant for the ff names but i was going to ignore that05:44
StevenKwallyworld: I'm hoping the flags are short lived.05:45
wallyworldyeah, me too :-)05:45
wallyworldso don't do anything05:45
wgrantAnyone up for reducing some test coverage? :)05:48
StevenK... and doing what?05:49
StevenKwallyworld: Does you approve? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/936472/05:49
* wallyworld looks05:49
wallyworldStevenK: i think you should be able to use find() and compare to None or a single object rather than a list05:50
StevenKwallyworld: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/936477/05:52
wallyworldStevenK: looks ok, thanks for doing the change05:53
wgranthttps://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/trim-bugtask-search-tests/+merge/102628 is a pretty simple one if someone has a sec05:53
StevenKAt +180/-161 ?05:54
wgrantMostly moved tests05:54
wgrantThe real diff is about 40 lines05:55
wgrantEverything else is just splitting one base class into two.05:55
wgrantWith no code changes.05:55
StevenKwgrant: r=me05:56
wgrantTomorrow I'll cut it by another 60% :)05:57
StevenKwallyworld: Can haz approve?06:00
wallyworlddiff there? let me look06:00
StevenKwallyworld: Yes, it's updated.06:00
wallyworldit's been really slow of late06:01
StevenKIt did the initial diff very quick06:01
StevenKI'm still slightly annoyed that I somehow managed to create 3 MPs06:02
wallyworldi reckon my last few mps have taken aaaaggges06:02
wallyworldr=me anyway06:02
StevenKwallyworld: Are the changes in http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/936490/ actually testable?06:07
wallyworldStevenK: for starters i'd move all the js to a yui module and out of the tal06:08
wallyworldthen you may be able to test something06:09
wallyworldotherwise no06:09
wallyworldwhat i've seen done (/me shudders) is to test that the tal/generated html contains a specific js snippet06:09
wallyworldbut, ew06:10
wgrantThat makes people like me very sad :)06:10
wallyworldyep, me too :-(06:10
StevenKwallyworld: It deserves a large refactor, but I don't want to do it now.06:10
StevenKThe filebug macros template is disgusting06:11
wallyworldStevenK: sure, but at least put the js in a js file06:11
wallyworldeven if no tests are added etc06:11
StevenKwallyworld: Sorry, but I don't want to. Bug:+filebug is a house of cards on a bed of quicksand.06:11
wallyworldok, you're the one doing the work so i can't make you :-)06:12
wallyworldi would have06:12
wallyworldbetter get it done before tomorrow when i'm ocr :-P06:12
wallyworldStevenK: i'm putting up a branch which fixes those DBType JSON errors so hopefully those oops will disappear soon. gotta get the new lazr.json code reviewed also so it won't hit prod till next week06:18
adeuringgood morning07:53
StevenKHmm, where am I supposed to get rabbitmq-server 2.6.1?08:03
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czajkowskimorning all08:24
czajkowskilifeless: the blessed juju charm bug is back - https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/98353008:26
_mup_Bug #983530: "charms" needs branch name consistency <juju:Invalid> <Launchpad itself:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/983530 >08:26
maxbczajkowski: But we've got ~6 months before anyone needs to run branch-distro again, so no rush :-)08:51
maxboh, the version question08:53
StevenKmaxb: Won't we run it for q?08:53
StevenKIn two weeks08:53
maxboh, perhaps I'm extrapolating wrongly08:53
maxbIt seemed that juju only branched for precise recently08:54
maxbIt's still no big deal, I already wrote them a 5 line launchpadlib script to fix things up after branch-distro08:54
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jmlhey ho09:23
jmlmy branch failed buildbot: https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lucid_lp/builds/1994/steps/shell_6/logs/summary09:30
wgrantjml: There was an intermittent failure09:30
jmlI haven't done any serious probing yet, but I've got no idea how that failure is related to my change09:30
wgrantjml: It should be on qastaging now09:30
jmlwgrant: oh. hmm.09:30
wgrantI reverted the problematic revision several hours ago09:30
wgrantWith the minor issue that qastaging appears to be down09:30
wgrantLike, not accepting connections09:30
wgrantIt worked a minute ago..09:30
wgrantThere we are09:31
jmlare you guys going to serialize landings again once parallel testing is up?09:32
* jml is guessing not, but you know, a boy can dream09:32
wgrantNot initially09:32
wgrantIt wouldn't have helped this time, either.09:32
wgrantThe first two test runs passed.09:32
wgrantBut my 6 ec2 runs hit various combinations of the two flaky tests failing.09:33
jmlwgrant: right. intermittent failures are the devil.09:33
wgrantjml: qastaging's apidoc says createPPA has a commercial argument, so it looks to be there09:33
jmloh hey, I wrote a script09:33
wgrantNo idea how these are happening; need to poke jcsackett.09:34
jmlas best as I can tell, createPPA() returns a dict of the attributes of the person that the ppa is being created on09:38
jmlwhich, uhh, is weird09:38
wgrantjml: You can't say lp.me.foomethod09:39
wgrantBecause lp.me is a redirect09:39
wgrantAnd POSTs aren't allowed to follow redirects09:39
wgrantSo lp.me is reasonably useless.09:39
jmlbut only marginally more so than the rest of lazr.rest*09:39
jmljml is not allowed to make commercial PPAs09:41
wgrantOh, I thought you were already a commercial-admin09:41
jmlok. now I need to go away before I start thinking too hard about createPPA's brokenness09:42
wgrantWhat's borked?09:44
jmlYou had to ask.09:44
jml            role = IPersonRoles(person)09:45
jml            if not (role.in_admin or role.in_commercial_admin):09:45
jmldoes that work if 'person' is a team?09:45
jmlIf 'person' is in admin but the team they are creating the ppa for is not then presumably that check won't pass09:46
wgrantIt should always be checking on the current user, not the person who is being operated on.09:46
jmlas validatePPA() is called by createPPA with the person being operated on09:46
wgrantNow, it probably isn't, because a lot of our code is fucking moronic.09:46
wgrantBut it *should* be.09:46
jmlwgrant: yeah, that's the brokenness I was talking about09:46
jmlwgrant: and, uhh, well put.09:46
jmlanother part of the problem is that there are all of these rules, but they are expressed imperatively (not great), spread out in a bunch of different places (worse), and often partially and imperfectly duplicate one another (rotten, but a natural consequence of the first two)09:48
wgrantBeing imperative isn't the problem. Being inconsistent and distributed and buggy and otherwise generally horrid is.09:49
jmlit's not *the* problem, no.  but if you could express your permission rules as data, I'm pretty sure a lot of other things would fall into place09:50
wgrantThat's true.09:50
jmlwe were talking a bit about this when we did one of these recent branches09:51
jmlzcml security has no way of expressing "passing in private as True to this method is restricted"09:51
wgrantThat has plagued us forever.09:52
jmland even if you kludged around it by having a createPrivate method, that wouldn't be enough09:52
wgrantAnd then there are things like "privilege X must be held on this argument"09:52
jmlbecause you would need a new permission09:52
wgrantTraditional Zope security is pretty much useless for anything.09:53
wgrantCounterproductive, even.09:53
jmle.g. I can create branches in ~jml/+junk, but no one else can. I cannot create private branches.09:53
wgrantBecause it is based entirely on the (object, attrname)09:53
jmlit's a good type checker? maybe?09:53
* jml doesn't really believe that.09:53
jmlwgrant: can I get commercial-admin on qastaging?09:55
wgrantwebops: please add jml to commercial-admins on qastaging09:56
jml(although, huh, what a colossal waste of their time when they could be deploying my software)09:56
mthaddonjml, wgrant: done09:56
wgrantmthaddon: Thanks09:56
jmlmthaddon: thanks.09:56
jmland there was much rejoicing.09:59
jmlwgrant: did you watch the "Simple made easy" talk that Gary shopped around?10:00
wgrantjml: No. Should I?10:01
jmlwgrant: I think so.10:02
wgrantI think I recall the email10:02
jmlwgrant: although reading my blog post about it is probably an almost acceptable alternative.10:02
wgrantYour blog posts are often quite acceptable indeed.10:03
jmlpersonally I'd rather digest things as text rather than audio10:03
jmlwgrant: thank you :)10:03
jmlbut it is a pretty good talk.10:03
wgrantYeah, reading is a tad faster than listening to an hour of waffling..10:03
wgrantI wish everything came with transcripts :)10:03
wgrantjml: Care to leave commercial-admins now you're done?10:04
wgrantIt's a reasonably powerful team, so the fewer unneeded members the better.10:04
jmlwgrant: sure.10:04
jmlthe whole point of this exercise is to reduce the need to be a member.10:04
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jmlI think I've just isolated this bug.11:58
benjijml: would that be the tag leakage?11:59
jmlgary_poster: hi11:59
jmlbenji: yes indeed.12:00
gary_posterhey jml12:00
gary_postersounds like you have addressed both of y concerns from last night :-) thank you12:00
jmlwell, the tag filtering thing is still wip12:00
benjiI'm a little jealous, it looked like a fun one to tackle.  The downside of multi-timzone cooperation, I guess. ;)12:00
jmlI have to page it back in and remember what needs to be done for that.12:01
jmllp:~jml/testrepository/tag-leakage/ has my steps to isolation12:01
jmlgoing to knock up a patch to testtools now12:01
jmlbenji: I probably should have left it. :\12:01
gary_posterjml, for tag filtering, we're happy to help, as you'd expect.  I'd love to see if we can get a rough version in our PPA though, if it works12:01
jmlgary_poster: cool.12:01
benjijml: do you think your branch is suitable for us to play with in our PPA12:11
jmlbenji: no idea, I'm afraid.12:11
jmlbenji: I didn't deliberately put any remote root exploits in it.12:11
benjijml: do you want us to pick up the torch on the tag leakage or are you just about done?12:17
jmlbenji: just finishing up.12:17
jmlam going to merge without review.12:18
jmlmerge and pushed12:21
jmlok, I think filter-tags will need a little bit of work.12:25
jmlthe ideal thing to do is release testtools and then burn subunit.TestResultDecorator12:26
jmlbut that would mean a lock-step upgrade and we don't like those12:26
gary_posterthough doable12:27
jmlI'm not sure if it makes sense for you guys to pick up on it, tbh.12:27
jmlI'd like to spend a bit more time paging all of this in so I'm clearer on the release/dependency issues12:27
gary_posterok, understood.  it's blocking us, which I hate to admit. um.12:28
jmlgary_poster: sure. I'll get to it post food then.12:30
gary_posterjml, wow, thank you.  I was contemplating nasty hacks.12:31
gary_posterthat would be fabulous.12:31
jmlgary_poster: my pleasure.12:31
jmlgary_poster: somewhat relatedly, I'm sure my manager always enjoys hearing nice things about me.12:31
gary_posterjml, lol, can do12:31
jmlleaving this cafe for another one with better food.12:32
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deryckMorning, everyone.13:04
benjijml: am I reading your comment at https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/testrepository/add-worker-id-tagging/+merge/102574/comments/221132 correctly in that without the ExtendedToOriginalDecorator you get correctly-tagged output?  I'm trying to figure out if ExtendedToOriginalDecorator is needed, and it doesn't look like it.13:29
=== jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: jcsackett | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 4*10^2
jmlbenji: I get that test failure without it. Because addSuccess() is passed details but LoggingResult doesn't implement it.13:30
benjijml: right, I've fixed the test failure (I had hacked the testtools I was using, but I now have a test fix that doesn't require that hack).  I'm now interested in whether or not I'll need the ExtendedToOriginalDecorator to get correct output.  I don't think we do.13:31
jmlbenji: basically only use it if you don't control the result that goes in.13:34
benjijml: right, that's what I was thinking; since we control the entire stack of results there, we should be good13:34
jmlbenji: ok.13:36
jmlbenji: if the tests pass.13:36
benjiindeed they do13:36
=== rick_h changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: jcsackett, rick_h* | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 4*10^2
rick_hjcsackett: bah, sorry completely missed it was thurs13:51
jcsackettrick_h: all good. :-)13:52
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sinzuijcsackett, do you have a few minutes to talk?14:27
jcsackettsinzui: sure. lemme go find my phone and i'll get on G+.14:27
jcsackettsinzui: ready when you are.14:30
deryckabentley, hi.  chat time now ok?14:30
abentleyderyck: sure.14:30
sinzuijcsackett, I an in the g messenger hangout14:31
jcsacketthuh. so am i. i'll quit and come back in.14:32
deryckabentley, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/d030c97575c1cc09b3ba584164c3d8e5baf17a0e14:32
sinzuijcsackett, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/936950/14:35
sinzuijcsackett, r=me for the privacy adapter branch14:54
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benjijml: any hints on running the subunit tests?  runtests.py gives me an import error and I don't see anything in the README about any neccesary setup16:35
jelmerbenji: have you tried 'make check' ?16:42
benjijelmer: yep, not a make target16:43
benjithere is a Makefile.am and configure.ac that look tantalizing, if I knew what they wanted me to do with them16:45
jelmerbenji: autoreconf -i && ./configure && make && make check16:45
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benjijelmer: ah, autoreconf16:52
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bachas launchpad-developer-dependencies gone away?17:33
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bacnm, i see it is built as part of launchpad-dependencies in the ppa17:40
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sinzuirick_h, do you have time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/project-notify-5/+merge/10273418:05
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
rick_hsinzui: sure thing18:10
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
rick_hsinzui: ping, question for you18:33
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
sinzuihi rick_h18:33
rick_hsinzui: so shuoldn't there be some code that creates these jobs?18:33
rick_hor is that a follow up?18:34
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
rick_hI would imagine there's something that queries for upcoming expiring projects to deactivate via a query somewhere?18:34
sinzuiper the cover letter, I ran out of room and time18:34
sinzuiMy next branch will deal with that18:34
rick_hah gotcha, sorry. Read that but thuoght of it as something different18:35
* deryck heads home now20:09
=== danhg_ is now known as danhg
sinzuiInstead of fixing a trivial bug that affects a few users, I found a non-trivial bug that indicates our sprites will break in all browsers in the future.20:29
sinzuiI am going to look for something to delete instead20:30
=== jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 4*10^2
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
lifelesssinzui: sounds fun ?22:15
lifelesssinzui: you found a dupe23:13
sinzuiwell. I pleased to have accomplished something23:23
lifelesssinzui: \o/23:23
sinzuiThis issue is not about asymeteric packing though. It really is about the size of the image. I agree it can be a dupe because one fix is needed.23:24
wgrantStevenK, wallyworld: A quick one if someone has a sec: https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bugtaskflat-join-removal/+merge/10278023:49
wgrant39 lines (+8/-7) 1 file modified23:49
wgrantMorning nigelb.23:51
nigelb0430 is awfully early to be awake :/23:52
* wallyworld looks23:54
wallyworldwgrant: all the tests pass?23:55
wgrantwallyworld: Yes.23:57
wallyworldwgrant: was flat_bug_join already defined?23:58
wgrantwallyworld: Yeah, it's used in the sorts higher up.23:58
wgrantflat_bug_join = (Bug, Join(Bug, Bug.id == BugTaskFlat.bug_id))23:58
wgrantflat_bugtask_join = ( BugTask, Join(BugTask, BugTask.id == BugTaskFlat.bugtask_id))23:58
wallyworldok, r=me23:59

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