
dihi28how do i check/turn on encryption of my user account?01:19
kanliothope that helps i don't use it myself01:24
kokabHi im having some problems with Lubuntu 11.1002:04
kokabthe problems is i did a fresh install at this moment02:04
kokab32 bit alternate cd02:04
icallitverawaht is the problem02:04
kokaband my flash plugin for chromium & opera browser keeps crashing02:04
kokabwhen im watching youtube etc02:04
icallitverawhat did you isntall for the flash?02:05
kokabi tried to manually copy libflashplayer.so to the approriate folder but still no luck02:05
kokabi just did apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-extras02:05
kokabi also tried about:plugins in my chromium and i can confirm that its there02:05
icallitverais it even loading or does it just run a bit and then crash?02:06
kokabit runs a bit then crashes02:06
kokabif i visit example grooveshark.com02:06
kokabicallitvera: do you have any suggestion ?02:08
icallitverado yuo know what it installed for the flash?02:08
kokabicallitvera: no idea i can though confirm that ubuntu-restricted-extras is there02:08
kokabbecause i have 2 libflashplayer.so02:08
icallitveratry reinstalling "flashplugin-installer02:09
icallitverathat is what was installed by ubuntu-restricted-extras as far as i can tell02:10
icallitveraand i've never had to do any copying of files or anything like that02:10
kokabicallitvera: so sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer and then just apt-get intall it ?02:10
icallitverayeah but that not might be the prob02:11
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kuato-ARI need some guidance to setup a home group and share file between lubuntu and windows09:57
kuato-ARi was readyng some tutorials about samba, but i don't fully understand the steps09:59
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user2342112Can't get sound.  Chipset:  VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)14:48
user2342112Where is the audio setup?14:48
user2342112Can't see anything in the menu for setting up audio.  Am I missing something?14:50
bioterrordo you have sound icon in your systray?14:50
user2342112no sound icon.14:54
user2342112I also tested mplayer from the console.  Error:  "Could not open/initialize audio device -> no sound."14:54
user2342112i entered  "sudo alsa reload" and "sudo alsamixer" and turned up the volume.14:55
user2342112still no sound.14:56
user2342112audio driver snd_via82xx is definitely loaded.  I checked "lsmod"14:57
user2342112is there an audio setup gui somewhere? Or is alsa the default (like i already did) ??15:05
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exxtremeI entered "lspci -v" to get a verbose description of my audio chipset. It says;  Capabilities: <access denied>15:27
exxtremeany ideas?  maybe my chipset is fried.  I would have to install windows to test it.15:29
eutheriawhat font is that lubuntu|box?15:36
smile4everhi :)15:51
VivaConAguaHey guys,I tested many distros and WMs the last time, Lubuntu is great, thanks! Now my question. Is it possible to enable a history in "run" (Alt+F2)?16:27
bioterrorVivaConAgua, I'm using gmrum instead of lxpanelctl run16:39
bioterrorVivaConAgua, works a lot better16:39
bioterrorVivaConAgua, I can evan tab complete commands16:39
bioterrorgmrun is also good if you need to kill lxpanel :D16:40
grifo74hi lubuntu 12.04 is roling distro to?16:52
pmatulisgrifo74: beggin' pardon?16:53
valdur55grifo74, lubuntu 12.04 is LTS release16:53
valdur55Long term support16:53
bioterrorgrifo74, ubuntu never rolls16:53
grifo74sorry i wanted to say LTS thanks for the reply17:03
grifo74not roling17:04
VivaConAguaOk, gmrun looks fine, but how do i replace it?17:15
bioterrornano .config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml17:16
bioterror    <keybind key="A-F2">17:16
bioterror      <action name="Execute">17:16
bioterror        <command>lxpanelctl run</command>17:16
bioterror      </action>17:16
bioterror    </keybind>17:16
bioterrorreplace lxpanelctl run with gmrun17:16
VivaConAguabioterror, Thank you17:17
VivaConAgualubuntu-rc.xml is a useful file, i have to keep that in mind :)17:24
grifo74how i share a folder17:38
hosokahello all17:46
hosokawhat is the test room from 12.04 ?17:47
wxlhosoka: you mean the url for the iso tracker?17:47
hosokawxl: the chatroom for the testversion17:48
Unit193If you mean 12.04 support, #ubuntu+117:48
hosokacurrently testing the 12.04 which I love it.17:48
wxldid you get the latest, hosoka ?17:49
hosokaaudio support on previous version is this Alsa or Pulse audio17:49
hosokawxl: upgraded since 10.10 and now 12.04 driving :-)17:49
hosokahad the 10.10 as backup on a cd17:49
hosokagot this audio issue with Skype, speakers are doing fine only the mic now.17:50
wxlwe need help with the final testing today hosoka http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/214/builds17:50
grifo74i install 1.10 in one machine is easy to uptate to 12.0417:51
grifo74when is out17:51
hosokawxl: let me check. Not at my pc now just checking on audio issues with Skype currently.17:51
hosokais there no lubuntu chatroom with the test ?17:54
wxlwell not exactly17:55
hosokawhich audio does lubuntu 12.04 provides ? Pulseaudio or Alsa ?17:55
wxlyour best bet is here i guess, though more likely you're getting testers in #lubuntu-offtopic17:55
wxlheck we still see people using 10.04 in here :O17:55
wxlhold on lemme double check that17:56
hosokawxl: tanks17:56
milen8204hello all17:56
wxl^ hosoka17:57
wxlyou SHOULD be able to install pa but i haven't tried17:57
wxli had pa running fine in 11.1017:57
wxlwell, still do17:57
hosokathen I certainly need to configure the alsa for skype as it recognized Pulseaudio by default. Just got off from the skype site for support.17:58
bioterrorgrifo74, install samba17:58
bioterrorgrifo74, and edit /etc/smb.conf ;)17:58
hosokawould it be not nice to have a gui with the audio settings to have microfoon enable.17:59
grifo74ok thanks i go try17:59
bioterrorgrifo74, I could share my smb.conf with file sharings17:59
milen8204any ideas how can I make my wallpaper change automatically ? I had googled the question and installed some applications but hey did not work at all17:59
bioterrorgrifo74, without asking any passwords17:59
bioterrormilen8204, install windows 7 :D18:00
hosokalooking from Skype site it is more based from Ubuntu: https://support.skype.com/en-us/faq/FA10964/Can-I-change-the-sound-system-used-by-Skype-for-Linux18:00
bioterrorskype is propietary18:00
milen8204bioterror, thanks for the help18:00
hosokabioterror> I have already Skype installed from the Skype site directly. Speakers working fine only the mic still no audio.18:01
hosokaI remembered before needed to install this whole Alsa mixer issue.18:01
hosokajust to have the mic working fine.18:01
milen8204bioterror, do you have more ideas :D, that one did not work18:03
bioterrormilen8204, how often do you sit on the front of your computer and stare the wallpaper?-)18:03
milen8204bioterror, I know that is pointless but I want it :)18:04
hosokaleaving now. Bye18:04
bioterrormilen8204, http://www.pclinuxos.com/forum/index.php?topic=87784.018:06
bioterrorI would place that script into /usr/local/bin/18:08
milen8204bioterror, thanks i have tried whit similar script but nothing happen18:08
bioterrorthen make a .desktop file into .config/autostart18:08
bioterrorand it will be run18:08
VivaConAguamilen8204, does it?18:21
milen8204VivaConAgua, i am trying :D , I am doing it slow to prevent mistakes :D18:22
milen8204VivaConAgua, i can make .desctop file18:29
milen8204VivaConAgua, I can't make .desctop file18:29
smile4everbye! :)18:33
VivaConAguamilen8204, what do you mean make it? just editor ~/.config/autostart/wallpaper.desktop18:34
milen8204VivaConAgua, ok I made it.18:37
milen8204VivaConAgua, does not start on PCC restart18:40
VivaConAguamilen8204, whats the content of the file? you should add something like Exec=/path/to/script18:41
milen8204VivaConAgua, my .desctop file ?18:42
bioterrord e s k t o p18:43
milen8204bioterror, forgive my spellchecker :D18:44
milen8204bioterror, [Desktop Entry]18:58
milen8204is it ok18:58
bioterrorI can bet two euros that he did not chmod +x the WallpaperChanger19:01
bioterrormilen8204, did I win or did I loose?19:02
milen8204you lose :D19:02
milen8204give me my money19:02
milen8204it works19:02
milen8204when I restart19:02
milen8204thanks a lot19:02
bioterrorwanst that hard19:02
milen8204my dream comes true :D19:02
bioterrornow you can grab your favourite drink, minimize all the applications and stare the computer display and wait 10 minutes for it to change the wallpaper19:03
milen8204yes but first I should get more than two wallpapers in the wallpapers folder :D19:04
milen8204bioterror, VivaConAgua  thanks one more time :D19:12
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neyderhi there22:30
neyderwhere can i find the minimal specs for Lubuntu 11.10 or 12.04 ?22:30

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