
brycehjeez, mterri gave me a loose strand of yarn from a sweater...00:42
pittiGood morning04:47
pittirobert_ancell: FYI, #u-release wanted an FFE bug for your lightdm upload; it looks good otherwise04:48
pittiSweetshark: pong04:48
robert_ancellpitti, ah, ok04:48
pittiLaney: it already indicates if there are third-party packages installed04:48
pittinot third-party sources, though, I believe04:48
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didrocksgood morning05:22
pittibonjour didrocks05:22
* BigWhale opens one eye.05:22
didrockshey pitti!05:22
didrocksmorning BigWhale05:22
didrocksand a first kernel panic of the day05:27
rickspencer3didrocks, kernel panic? what are you doing?05:30
didrocksrickspencer3: nothing, it's happening to me approximately every 2 days when my disk is writing a lot05:30
didrocksrickspencer3: I pinged apw, but as I have no info on disk after reboot…05:30
RAOFdidrocks: Boo.  That's the one on your nvidia machine, then?06:48
didrocksRAOF: yeah06:48
tjaaltoncould be related to the latest update, which upstream admits is buggy06:49
tjaaltonnvidia blob update that is06:49
RAOFNah; this has been going on for quite some time, right didrocks?06:49
didrocksah? I get it for the past month and half approx, does it make sense?06:49
tjaaltonoh ok, then it's not that06:49
rickspencer3hey didrocks did those last unity regressions get sorted to your satisfaction?06:52
didrocksrickspencer3: it did for me indeed. There are some other perf issues that have a fix pending, but it's only when the dash is opened. The safer at this stage is a SRU IMHO. I plan to get every fixes merges for next Thursday, to push in -proposed by then06:53
rickspencer3didrocks, thanks for the update07:01
didrocksyw :)07:01
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:37
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson, everyone: g'mornin'07:40
pittihey chrisccoulson07:40
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson, Sweetshark07:40
Sweetsharkpitti: bug 984942 is evil.07:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 984942 in libreoffice "LO help appears partially untranslated (dup-of: 957589)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98494207:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 957589 in libreoffice "LibreOffice ignores localized help" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95758907:41
chrisccoulsonhey Sweetshark, pitti, didrocks07:41
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chrisccoulsonhmmm, i'm thinking about tackling a 5-digit bug today!07:46
pittichrisccoulson: go!07:47
pittiSweetshark: urgh, didn't we have a similar issue in Calc the other day?07:47
pittiSweetshark: is the corresponding libo-help-XX actually installed?07:48
pittiGabor confirmed, I think he checked that07:48
Sweetsharkpitti: it only happens when you have libo-help-en-US installed too. If you uninstall -en-US it works fine.07:52
Sweetsharkpitti: I suspect it to be a secret plot by the french in this channel to break the english monopoly.07:53
didrocksdamned, we have to do something else now :)07:54
didrocksjibel: hey, is jenkins down? :)08:05
didrocksah no, it's up again, I think the 404 error was either in my cache from yesterday or a hickup08:05
* pitti hugs seb12808:18
* seb128 hugs pitti08:19
seb128pitti, how are you?08:19
dupondjeplease join a private chan for this ... :)08:19
pittiseb128: quite fine, thanks; feeling my muscles from TKD training :)08:20
pittitoday I'm glad to have a desk job08:21
seb128hehe, I guess it's a good thing, some exercice ;-)08:21
seb128was tkd intense yesterday?08:21
pittiyeah, quite08:21
rickspencer3pitti, so, I just used another login account on my system, when I came back to this account, my trackpad was not working08:27
rickspencer3trackpad works in lightdm and in guest session, though08:27
rickspencer3I plugging in a mouse, also works08:28
rickspencer3pitti, any suggestions on how to get debug info?08:28
seb128rickspencer3, it was working before changing ussers?08:28
seb128rickspencer3, hey btw ;-)08:28
rickspencer3hi seb128 ;)08:29
rickspencer3yes, it wasw working before changing users08:29
rickspencer3seb128, oh, the buttons work, just not the pointing08:29
pittirickspencer3: do you see it in "xinput"?08:29
pittiah, you would then, if the buttons work08:29
RAOFrickspencer3: “synclient -l” lists a bunch of potentially interesting info.08:30
pittirickspencer3: hm, I'm afraid I have no off-hand idea; I don't know how input devices work at that level08:30
pitti... but RAOF would! ;-)08:30
* RAOF wonders why his TouchpadOff variable is 208:30
pittirickspencer3: a low-level test whether the kernel sees events is:08:31
rickspencer3RAOF, http://paste.ubuntu.com/936598/08:31
pitticheck /dev/input/by-id/ for which event number your touchpad is08:31
pittiand then run sudo /lib/udev/keymap -i input/eventX08:31
pitti(with replacing X)08:31
pittiand then move the touchpad and see whether you get some output08:32
pittiI get tons of "(no scan code received)  key code: reserved" with each movement here08:32
rickspencer3pitti, how do I find the "id" of the touchpad?08:32
rickspencer3or just use tab?08:33
pittirickspencer3: as I said, you need to look into /dev/input/by-id/ and guess08:33
pittioh, the touchpad might not be there, hang on08:33
RAOFrickspencer3: You can use “xinput list” to find the id of your trackpad, then “xinput list-props $ID” to list the properties of it; one of which will be it's /dev/input/event? node.08:33
pittirickspencer3: udevadm info --export-db | grep -B3 ID_INPUT_TOUCHPAD08:34
pittiif that e. g. says DEVNAME=/dev/input/event1108:34
pittithen use "keymap -i input/event11"08:34
pittirickspencer3: if you press buttons, you should see "scan code: 0x90001   key code: 110"08:34
pittiand if you move mouse, "no scan code received"08:35
rickspencer3pitti, is "keymap" a program name?08:35
pitti"and then run sudo /lib/udev/keymap -i input/eventX"08:36
pittisorry for abbreviating08:36
rickspencer3pitti, I assume this means I should be using event6 ?08:37
rickspencer3E: DEVPATH=/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input6/event608:37
rickspencer3E: ID_INPUT=108:37
rickspencer3E: ID_INPUT.tags=inspiron_101108:37
rickspencer3E: ID_INPUT_TOUCHPAD=108:37
pittirickspencer3: correct08:37
pittisudo /lib/udev/keymap -i input/event608:37
rickspencer3pitti, ok, it's not registering any events, though the buttons are working08:38
pittirickspencer3: not even for buttons?08:38
rickspencer3so, I presume the buttons are separate from the trackpad08:38
pittithat's weird08:38
RAOFrickspencer3: What does ‘xinput list-props $ID’ (with ID gathered from xinput list) show?08:39
rickspencer3weird, I tried all the #s from 1 and the buttons never showed up08:40
rickspencer3RAOF, sorry, I'm not sure where you want me to find $ID08:42
RAOFrun ‘xinput list’, that'll spit out a list of all the input devices X thinks you have, and their IDs as seen by X.08:42
RAOFFor example, http://paste2.org/p/1985724 is mine.08:43
RAOFAnd my trackpad has ID 12.08:43
RAOF(I could also use “SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad” as the ID, but the number is substantially easier to get past the shell ☺)08:43
rickspencer3RAOF, ok, there is a lot of output, hold on08:43
Laneypitti: Could you take a look at bug #968845 quickly please and see if you think it'd be appropriate to add a quirk to pm-utils for it?08:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 968845 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "bcm5974 touchpad doesn't work after S3 on MacBookAir" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96884508:43
RAOFLaney: Didn't that get fixed in the xserver yet?08:44
rickspencer3RAOF, http://paste.ubuntu.com/936607/08:44
RAOFLaney: Ah, sorry.  Wrong context :)08:44
Laneynein :P08:44
RAOFrickspencer3: Hm.  Nothing seems suspicious there.08:47
* rickspencer3 ponders08:48
rickspencer3RAOF, well, I have that info saved08:48
rickspencer3I haven't updated in days08:48
rickspencer3I'll see if I can make a reproducer for this08:48
rickspencer3if so, I'll log a bug and subscribe you08:48
rickspencer3otherwise, I'll assume this all happened in a dream08:48
pittiLaney: if it's confirmed to work (i. e. the module or X.org don't act up on module removal/readdition), it sounds fine to me08:51
pittiLaney: but it should have a proper upstream kernel bug report, as it's just a workaround08:51
Laneywell, they 'act up' in that some options are reset08:51
Laneyi.e. horizontal scrolling08:51
Laneybut it's better than the alternative which is the primary button being pressed all of the time08:52
LaneyI'm hoping Chase will handle a proper fix at some point :-)08:52
RAOFI'm not sure, but that might be a part of his input fixes on the xorg mailing list at the moment.08:54
brycehrickspencer3, MacbookPro?08:54
rickspencer3bryceh, dell mini 10v08:55
chrisccoulsonnice: https://twitter.com/#!/hsivonen/status/192898790078943232 :)08:56
brycehrickspencer3, I don't think you're alone, we've had other similar reports (usually correlated to S3 rather than logout/login).  Most reports are MacBookPro.08:59
rickspencer3bryceh, hmmm, sounds kernelly08:59
rickspencer3^incisive technical analysis08:59
rickspencer3bryceh, ok, I'll work on seeing if I can make a reproducer08:59
rickspencer3bryceh, and data I can get you while I still have the issue?08:59
RAOFBut it's only *your* user where it's broken, right?08:59
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mptcyphermox, you're the person to ask about NetworkManager, right?09:00
RAOFI think bryceh is talking about bug #968845 which Laney brought up.09:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 968845 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "bcm5974 touchpad doesn't work after S3 on MacBookAir" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96884509:00
brycehrickspencer3, I've seen the symptom after s3 on one dell laptop but not my 10v09:00
brycehrickspencer3, dmesg and lsmod, although I am doubtful either provide any useful data.09:01
rickspencer3bryceh, this looks like the last mention of my touchpad in dmesg09:03
brycehyeah, no error messages.  you're probably right that it's a kernel bug.  a bisection search might be called for.09:08
pittididrocks: nice response in bug 98325409:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 983254 in nux "Unity use ibus explicitly, make it impossible to use other input method" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98325409:08
pittididrocks: but I have the feeling there's little point in trying to further it..09:08
pittibryceh: sleep well09:08
didrockspitti: thanks! yeah, I agree this won't change anything now on. Hence that's why I told that I made my point and will stop on it :)09:09
seb128didrocks, hey09:19
seb128didrocks, happy friday! ;-)09:19
didrocksseb128: I didn't dare making that joke, but as you do it! Happy Friday! :)09:19
seb128didrocks, you have some way before using that joke as much as I did in the easter week :p09:20
didrocksseb128: yeah, indeed, I'm in debt ;)09:20
seb128pitti, btw mhr3 blames part of the dash opening slowness on you :p09:23
seb128pitti, seems the slowest part for the app lens is gnome-menus reading .desktop files09:23
mhr3yep, it's like 300ms on a warm system, i dont even want to know how much is it for cold start09:24
seb128on you or on vuntz ;-)09:24
didrocksthat's probably why with all my read issues on my hd, it's really aweful09:26
didrocksI don't remember, vuntz didn't like the one file trigger idea, isn't it?09:26
seb128I'm not sure now09:26
didrocksshould we add back a work item for next cycle to reapply what pitti did on the new gnome-menus?09:26
seb128he didn't like the keyfile based file09:26
seb128it was supposed to be redone with gvariant iirc09:27
didrockshum, that would work, mapping it09:27
pittididrocks: s/reapply/rework from scratch/, the old approach doesn't work any more09:27
pittiand not in python-gmenu09:27
didrockspitti: oh, is it that different?09:27
seb128but from the gnome-menus changelog we dropped the patch because it didn't apply with the GNOME3 refactoring09:27
seb128and we judged by then that without menus it was "less useful"09:27
pittiit remains to be seen whether a gvariant is really that much faster than reading a text file, but the implementation doesn't matter much I guess09:28
seb128I don't remember now if vuntz said that would work well with the new gnome-menus for some reason09:28
seb128or if that's just that the patch needed to be refactored09:28
vuntzseb128: the patch would have to live in glib/gio now09:30
seb128vuntz, oh, dropping it on desrt! I see ;-)09:31
vuntzseb128: since gnome-menus now just does "g_desktop_app_info_new_from_filename (path)"  (more or less)09:31
vuntz(and then rely on the GDesktopAppInfo API)09:31
seb128ok, that was probably the reason we dropped it rather than trying to "port it", I didn't remember the details09:31
seb128that's a bit tricky :-(09:31
seb128vuntz, hey btw, how are you? ;-)09:33
vuntzI just had some early lunch (I missed breakfast), so now  things are nearly perfect ;-)09:33
vuntzhow are things in germany? :-)09:33
seb128vuntz, you mean in alsace?09:35
seb128good ;-)09:35
seb128I had a late breakfast rather than an early lunch :p09:35
vuntzlate breakfast is a good approach too :-)09:40
Sweetsharkseb128: could you forward me your mail to ubuntu-desktop about libreoffice integration tests, so that I can reply to directly (I am subscribed digest only)?09:43
seb128Sweetshark, I can try, I'm not sure thunderbird do proper "bouncing", if that doesn't work you might want to try pitti, I'm sure mutt does ;-)09:46
pittiyes, can do09:46
pittiSweetshark: you have it09:46
seb128pitti, danke09:48
kenvandinegood morning all!09:55
seb128kenvandine, hey, it's a middle of night ken!10:00
seb128kenvandine, having sleeping troubles?10:00
kenvandinenah, just getting a couple hours of work in before the kids get up :)10:00
seb128kenvandine, isn't like 6am for you?10:01
seb128kenvandine, what a brave man ;-)10:01
seb128kenvandine, thanks for getting the datetime fix in!10:01
kenvandineseb128, thx for testing it!10:01
didrockshey kenvandine, you should grab a coffee :)10:02
kenvandinedidrocks, on my second cup :)10:03
didrocksheh ;)10:03
Sweetsharkpitti, seb128: thanks a lot10:25
jasoncwarner_hey didrocks I was just about to go to bed when I saw this... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/98553910:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 985539 in unity "Awkward graphic glitches in Compiz" [Undecided,New]10:39
didrocksjasoncwarner_: you saw it, you mean, you reproduce the issue?10:40
jasoncwarner_didrocks: no, sorry, saw the bug report10:40
didrocksor just saw the bug?10:40
jasoncwarner_wasn't sure if real or if others were seeing for some reason...10:40
didrocksjasoncwarner_: well, we didn't hear anything like that lately, so it seems to be an isolated issue.10:41
didrocksjasoncwarner_: we can still poke the opengl guys on it10:41
jasoncwarner_didrocks: that is what I was hoping for10:41
didrocksjasoncwarner_: but at least, it's not a widespread issue10:41
jasoncwarner_(both of those, thanks)10:41
jasoncwarner_yes, good.. :)10:41
didrocksyou can go to bed :)10:41
kklimondaseb128: wrt bug 951000 it seems to be some weird issue with apparmor - there are a lot of appamor messages in dmesg when I login as guest.. unfortunately by disabling apparmor *once* I've apparently fixed the issue and now I can't debug it any further :(10:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 951000 in lightdm "disable guest session screen lock using gsettings" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95100010:42
kklimondadbus-daemon gets a lot of denied_mask="r" on /proc/[pid]/cmdline10:43
seb128kklimonda, weird10:44
seb128kklimonda, did you try to reboot to see if it still happens after restart?10:44
kklimondaseb128: yeah, it doesn't10:44
seb128ok, weird, I guess you can close the bug10:44
seb128not a lot we can do if it stopped happening10:44
kklimondaseb128: it's like disabling apparmor let lightdm write something somewhere which has fixed the issue10:45
seb128I will try on a new install later today when I do iso testing10:45
kklimondaunfortunately there is nothing in the audit.. really weird10:45
kklimonda(nothing that would suggest that apparmor is denying writing to files)10:45
kklimondaseb128: actually now that I checked "gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.screensaver lock-enabled" returns true but the "lock session" menu entry is gone, ctrl+alt+L doesn't work and the related "Lock & Brightness" options are disabled..10:47
kklimondaswitching between guest and "user" session doesn't look the screen so it seems to be working fine10:48
rickspencer3jasoncwarner_, hey, still around? I heard something about a new sound theme earlier this cycle, did anything come of that?10:49
seb128rickspencer3, I can reply to that if you want ;-)10:50
rickspencer3seb128, yes please10:50
seb128rickspencer3, it was too late for precise10:51
rickspencer3thanks seb12810:54
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didrockshum thunder and rain, I'm sure it's seb128's fault :)12:23
seb128didrocks, no rain here! ;-)12:24
didrocksseb128: see, your fault, you send it to me! :)12:24
seb128didrocks, I like to share!12:24
didrocksyeah, sometimes you can keep that for you :p12:24
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seb128does anyone know about at-spi-bus-launcher and what it's useful for?13:02
seb128dunno about at-spi but I opened bug #985640 and assigned to TheMuso13:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 985640 in unity-greeter "use wrong path for at-spi-bus-launcher command" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98564013:08
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cyphermoxmpt: yes, I'm the perso to ask about NetworkManager, how can I help you?14:15
mptcyphermox, did awe ask you about WEP recently?14:17
cyphermoxhe asked about WEP passphrases or something like that14:17
cyphermoxor do you mean WPS?14:17
mptWEP passphrases, yes14:17
cyphermoxthat should work fine14:18
cyphermoxit's a little weird looking though14:18
cyphermoxI think the problem lies in the detection of what a user might want to fill in based on the configuration of the AP, I think in all cases it turns out asking you to enter a WEP hex key, rather than a passphrase when you could enter the passphrase; but both are available in UI14:19
cyphermoxmpt: unfortunately I don't have a spare AP here in the office but I can muck with this some more later tonight14:20
cyphermoxI opted to not bring a wireless router today ;)14:20
cyphermoxnevermind that, there was one in the lab14:21
mptcyphermox, ok, if he asked about it then I don't need to :-)14:21
cyphermoxmpt: that weird WEP thing I noticed a few weeks ago, it's my mistake to not think more about it and file a bug, but I was helping a friend fix her wifi :)14:24
chrisccoulsonhmmm, bug 945987 sucks :(14:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 945987 in rhythmbox "No Settings are available in "Preferred format", only preset defaults are used" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94598714:32
cyphermoxmpt: right, the detection is probably broken, but creating the wifi network manually works. just tested here and I can totally reproduce that issue14:33
seb128chrisccoulson, yeah, ronoc is looking at it14:50
ronocseb128, the line input bug or the encoding profile  ?14:53
ronocwell i'm on both today14:53
seb128ronoc, the profile one14:56
seb128chrisccoulson, how did you notice?14:56
chrisccoulsonseb128, i just tried ripping a CD with rhythmbox ;)14:58
seb128chrisccoulson, like do you do encoding? or did that got some user ranting on forums or twitter?14:58
seb128chrisccoulson, oh, ok14:58
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seb128so bug #973491 wth15:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 973491 in nautilus "nautilus popup menu highlighting using copy and paste incorrect" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97349115:34
seb128does anyone has a clue what component could be buggy there?15:35
seb128nautilus context menu items like "paste" are sometime displayed as unactive but yet still active, if they are rendered as unactive but you can select them and they work15:36
seb128kenvandine, desrt, mterry: ^ any clue?15:36
seb128same happen without appmenu, ie unset UBUNTU_MENUPROXY15:36
seb128demo on https://launchpadlibrarian.net/100170099/nautilus_bug.ogv15:37
mterryseb128, maybe an issue with the new 'unfocused window' support in compiz/light-themes?15:37
mterrybut that would be the whole popup15:37
mterrynot just one item15:37
seb128right, I somewhat doubt it15:38
seb128the first report is also from february and I think that compiz,theme change landed after that15:38
seb128let me check the timing15:38
kenvandineit was late15:38
kenvandineso it looks like the new window getting focus after having the copy in the clipboard works15:38
bdrunghi, some indicators crashed with an update. can someone tell me how to launch them again?15:39
mterrySeems like theme has to be involved somewhere though...  nautilus isn't doing custom popup drawing.  (is it?!)15:39
kenvandineso maybe it is a signal getting lost15:39
seb128kenvandine, well, the menu is active, you can select it15:39
seb128mterry, I'm not sure...15:39
kenvandineseb128, try changing the theme15:39
seb128bdrung, unity? which indicators?15:39
kenvandineor without compiz15:40
kenvandineto rule those out15:40
seb128kenvandine, one report says it happens with unity2d15:40
bdrungseb128: unity + compiz. the indicators for messages and system15:40
seb128bdrung, try restarting unity-panel-service15:40
seb128but it's weird, they should autoreload on issues15:40
kenvandinei just reproduced it with adwaita15:41
mterryI don't get the paste bug myself.  :-/15:41
mterrykenvandine, nice15:41
seb128mterry, I get it every second try15:41
seb128nautilus --quit and do what is on the video is enough for me15:41
bdrungseb128: http://paste.debian.net/163824/15:42
seb128933744 states "this seems to happen on occasion in both unity (3d) & unity-2d"15:42
seb128bdrung, is it one running?15:42
seb128"(unity-panel-service:4640): Indicator-Appmenu-CRITICAL **: Unable to claim the name com.canonical.AppMenu.Registrar"15:42
seb128suggests there is15:42
bdrungyes, it's running, but killall told me it's not.15:43
mterryNope, quiting nautilus doesn't give it to me...15:43
seb128bdrung, kill -9 id15:43
ogra_or pkill15:44
bdrungyes, kill -9 helped. it automatically relaunched it.15:44
bdrungthanks. all indicators are back.15:44
kenvandinei reproduced it in unity 2d as well15:45
kenvandineso not theme or compiz15:45
seb128mterry, I need to open the context menu first15:45
* kenvandine has to head out to lunch now, i get to have lunch with my son today :)15:45
seb128mterry, like nautilus; click on an empty part of the background to open the menu, then right click on an icon, copy, and try to paste15:45
seb128kenvandine, have fun, ttyl ;-)15:45
mterryseb128, yup, did that several times15:46
seb128mterry, ok, you got lucky then :p or it's a timing thing ...15:46
mterryi didn't do the pointless right click on empty first15:46
mterryI always went straight for the copy15:46
seb128mterry, that's the key part!15:46
mterrylike the first context menu is 'locking in' the gray status for paste or something15:47
mterryI wonder if nautilus does do custom menu items15:47
* seb128 does a build from upstream tarball without patch 15:47
seb128mterry, what do you mean "custom menu items"?15:48
seb128they use gtkuimanager I think15:48
mterryseb128, bummer.  Like if they used menu items that had custom draw methods or something15:48
seb128I doubt it15:48
* mterry never underestimates the nautilus developers' love of writing code15:49
seb128it happens with the upstream tarball15:50
seb128so not a local patch15:50
mterryrickspencer3, didrocks: quickly minus pygame just landed in precise15:50
didrocksmterry: awesome \o/15:50
rickspencer3mterry, does this mean I can uninstall desktopcouch now?15:50
mterryrickspencer3, quickly doesn't need it anymore, yeah15:50
rickspencer3thanks mterry15:51
rickspencer3I still think my pygame sprite library is pretty sweet15:51
rickspencer3I'll put it in another package15:51
rickspencer3and it can continue to get zero usage from there15:51
* mterry pats rickspencer3 on the back15:51
seb128kenvandine, mterry: nothing like pinging upstream ;-) cosimoc has the issue on fedora and thinks it might be16:08
ubot2Gnome bug 672046 in GtkStyleContext "Text-shadow in breadcrumbs needs attention" [Minor,New]16:08
mterryseb128, nice16:09
didrockssee you guys, have a good Friday and week-end! (tomorrow is off for me)17:16
pittigodo nighth everyone17:18
pitti(erk typing)17:18
seb128pitti, iz beer'o'clock?17:21
chrisccoulsonyou don't need to realize a widget in gtk3 for it to have a GtkStyleContext, do you?17:30
seb128chrisccoulson, good question for #gtk+ on irc.gnome.org17:36
seb128chrisccoulson, what are you looking at?17:36
chrisccoulsonseb128, it's ok. i think i figured it out already17:37
chrisccoulsoni'm reviewing the theme integration part of the gtk3 port of firefox17:37
kenvandineyay... gtk3 port of firefox!17:38
seb128when does it land? :p17:38
* kenvandine leaks to omg17:38
kenvandinewait 3 minutes for them to post an article :)17:38
seb128kenvandine, he said we would have firefox on gtk3 in precise right? ;-)17:39
kenvandinethat is what i told omg17:39
chrisccoulsonit's nothing to get excited about ;)17:40
chrisccoulsonthe patches have been there on bugzilla for ages now, and i've been assigned reviews to some of them for quite a while now17:40
chrisccoulsonjust taking the opportunity to clear those :)17:41
seb128chrisccoulson, oh, that means you clear backlog, soon you will look at g-s-d start time issues ;-)17:43
seb128chrisccoulson, don't forget to email the desktop list about your chromium by default topic for UDS ;-)17:44
kenvandinewhich will get ported to gtk3 first... firefox or chromium17:44
kenvandineit's a race!17:44
* kenvandine is actually kind of liking epiphany again, epiphany by default!17:46
seb128kenvandine, I'm waiting for somebody to suggest midori now17:47
cyphermoxwell, of course we should be using midori by default17:49
seb128cyphermox, hey ;-) how are you?17:50
cyphermoxnot too bad17:50
cyphermoxand you?17:50
seb128cyphermox, I'm good thanks17:50
kenvandinethe security team would love that17:50
cyphermoxI think we should switch default browsers every release to really make the security team love us17:50
dobeyathena ftw17:52
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, it won't be chromium. they're dropping gtk entirely ;)17:53
chrisccoulsonand moving to their new aura toolkit across all platforms17:54
cyphermoxI'm keeping suggesting w3m as default browser for the W release17:54
kenvandinechrisccoulson, ugh... lets make it look more foreign17:57
kklimondachrisccoulson: so they can be as poorly integrated with Linux as Firefox? ;)18:09
jbichaepiphany-browser ftw18:13
jbichaor just use epiphany18:14
kenvandinejbicha, i just realized, as annoying as it is to have the name clash, i've never actually even looked at what epiphany is18:15
kenvandinejust bitch and moan about having to install epiphany-browser18:15
kenvandineoh, that is chromium isn't it?18:15
kklimondakenvandine: a boulder dash clone ;)18:15
kklimondawhich I've discovered by installing it by accident - probably the way everyone else does ;)18:16
dobeychrisccoulson: so chrome then. clearly we need another widget set in the default install.18:18
kenvandinedobey, yeah, we don't have enough yet18:18
jbichacan't we just use a Dash lens to browse the web?18:19
* dobey ports ubuntuone to fltk18:19
kklimondadobey: you've already portet it to Qt, stop the madness before it's too late ;)18:22
bcurtiswxoh thunderbird why must you lie to me and show 2 unanswered emails when I'm pretty sure i've read them all :(18:26
kenvandinebcurtiswx, is that for a gmail account?18:28
bcurtiswxkenvandine, IDK it just shows 2 on the unity dock icon nothing in the app itself though18:28
kenvandinei think that is a gmail problem... i can't ever have zero unread messages in my gmail, even in the web ui18:28
bcurtiswxthe web UI shows 0 for me..18:29
kenvandineif i mark all as read, gmail still says there are 2 unread18:29
kenvandinebeen that way for years18:29
kenvandinedrives me nuts18:29
kenvandineand if you filter on unread it finds none18:29
kenvandinethat is probably chrisccoulson's fault then :)18:29
bcurtiswxso I should hire a team of people with pitchforms and firesticks to march towards his home?18:30
kenvandinebcurtiswx, you would get pretty wet18:30
bcurtiswxkenvandine, ferry's aren't _THAT_ expensive...18:30
bcurtiswxOK, gotta head out then bowling later, nite all18:32
kenvandinehave fun18:32
chrisccoulsondobey, you don't want another widget set in the default install? everybody loves chrome, don't they? ;)19:12
dobeychrisccoulson: i'm trying to diversify our profile. i'll make sure we use at least 5 in u1 for 12.10 :)19:13
chrisccoulsonmmm, beer19:14
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kenvandinechrisccoulson, i'll have a tasty one tonight in your honor :)19:50
Ursinhahey guys, I was wondering if I was on crack when I saw some unity configuration options in All Settings->Appearance20:02
kenvandineUrsinha, not on crack :)20:03
Ursinhabecause I can't see it anymore20:03
Ursinhamaybe I'm on crack now? :)20:03
kenvandinei still see them20:03
kenvandinebottom of the panel on the "Look" tab there is launcher icon size20:04
kenvandinea slider20:04
kenvandineand on the "Behavior" tab20:04
kenvandinethere is autohide20:04
Ursinhathat on Appearance, right?20:04
kenvandinenot seeing that?20:05
UrsinhaI saw that when I installed20:05
Ursinhabut now -- after a couple of unity --replace s -- it's not there anymore20:05
kenvandinemaybe those are only displayed when you are running unity and it doesn't realize you are running unity now?20:06
kenvandineUrsinha, try a logout and back in and see20:06
kenvandinecould be a bug there20:06
Ursinhayes, I think it's a bug20:06
Ursinhawill do that, a moment20:07
kenvandinei guess it would make sense for them to only be displayed in unity, so it must be that20:07
Ursinhakenvandine, there you go, logged in with another user and a fresh logged unity displayed the options there20:08
Ursinhabut once I unity --replace, it's still unity, right?20:08
kenvandineUrsinha, i would think it should be20:09
kenvandinei just confirmed it isn't there in a gnome classic session20:09
UrsinhaI'll file a bug20:09
kenvandineand the launcher size slider isn't there in unity-2d20:09
UrsinhaI'll file a bug then20:09
Ursinhathanks for your help kenvandine !20:09
kenvandinethx for finding bugs!20:10
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