
=== zmoylan1 is now known as zmoylan
airurandoI've created the release party event on the LTP.06:46
airurandoPlease promote it people!06:50
airurandoAlso please sign up for it.06:50
airurandoThat is, of course, if you are planning on attending06:55
shanemtdr112: I'm going07:17
* slashtommy too, it's a good pub08:09
slashtommythough there is no pangolin on the menu08:11
slashtommywas anyone planning on sending an email to the list with details of the release party?16:18
=== airurando changed the topic of #ubuntu-ie to: Welcome to Ubuntu Ireland! || http://www.ubuntu-ie.org/ || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam || This channel is logged - logs at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ || Next IRC Meeting: Wednesday 16 May 12 @ 9pm. Meeting details: http://tin.ie/2U || Stay tuned for details of the next Ubuntu Hour!
airurandoevening czajkowski20:53
czajkowskiairurando: ello we had 4 tonight turn up :)20:53
airurandowho were they?20:54
airurandoread you comments in ubuntu-uk20:54
airurandosounds real interesting20:54
czajkowskimike from recyle limerick20:56
czajkowskiand one from limerick city council20:56
airurandowas the guy from the council the fella who has been getting the CDs?20:58
czajkowskinot sure tbh20:58
airurandonot important20:58
airurandoafter the meeting last night our team reports popped into my head20:59
airurandoor should I say lack of team reports :(20:59
airurandonone done for feb or March21:00
airurandoI forgot21:00
airurandothey are up now at least21:00
airurandoneed to get someone to take the Team Reports on.21:00
airurandoczajkowski that has got to be the quickest retweet ever!21:07
airurandoI sent that tweet to the identi.ca a/c this morning but it didn't forward to the twitter a/c for some strange reason.21:09
czajkowskiah no worries21:11

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