
mhall1192/w 2602:27
hyperairhmm damn mhr3's gone03:09
thomibschaefer: could I get you to review this please? https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/unity/fix-failing-command-lens-test/+merge/10261803:46
bschaeferthomi, yup!03:46
bschaeferthat was a very small change03:47
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
tsdgeosdidrocks: jenkins broken again?08:11
didrockstsdgeos: sorry, still adding a new option :)08:11
didrockstsdgeos: fixing that :)08:11
didrockstsdgeos: we need a preprod at some point08:11
tsdgeosyep :-)08:11
tsdgeosdidrocks: will you reapprove the unity2d merge that failed?08:12
didrockstsdgeos: sure, no worry, tracking that :)08:12
didrocksif [ ! -z "$pocket" ]; then08:13
didrocksinstead of08:13
didrocksif [ -z "$pocket" ]; then08:13
didrocksof course, intend something and do the contrary :p08:13
didrockstsdgeos: ok, tested the 3 different cases, runs fine, putting the production on back, sorry for the interruption (but now we can have SRU build, different ppas, different releases in // ;))08:24
tsdgeosdidrocks: good stuff :-)08:25
* thumper hands didrocks a beer08:26
thumpera real one in a week or so08:26
* thumper wanders off again08:26
didrocksthumper: \o/08:26
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gordwoo \o/09:00
didrockskamstrup: I was wondering, do you have lucene boards and flags at home? You're such a big fan!10:13
davmor2hey guys outta curiosity when you install an app why when a an app icon appears does it have an empty > on the left hand side of it?10:14
didrockskamstrup: thanks for relaying this post btw, it was really interesting :)10:14
didrocksdavmor2: it's on purpose to make it noticeable AFAIK10:14
didrocks(it's also outlined)10:14
davmor2didrocks: that's what I was assuming but was making sure it wasn't a bug10:14
didrocksno, it's intended ;)10:15
davmor2didrocks: I think you mean it's a feature right :D10:15
didrocksright ;)10:16
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malinmhall119: I missed two packageges yesterday, that is the reason why it wouldn't build yesterday12:10
malinmhall119: I checkd out this yesterday: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/12:12
malinmust my apps be installed to /opt/<package-name>/12:12
malinI cannot use /usr folder?12:12
mhall119malin: for Unity Lenses and Scopes just link to your PPA, the ARB has been handling the packaging for them because it's different than normal apps12:13
malinso they wil edit them to install to /opt instead of /usr ?12:14
malinI can't see in the wizard how to link diectly to ppa12:15
mhall119malin: just put it in the comments12:16
mhall119I think that's all you need to do12:16
malinmhall119: I will try to. But should I test it more before uloading it? I mean, there could be some bugs I haven't noticed yet, etc12:17
mhall119malin: you can upload new versions after it is accepted12:18
malinmhall119: I see :) it is not listed as version 1.0, so it means there might be glitches, bugs, etc12:20
mhall119malin: that's fine12:20
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malinbut mhall119 where exactly do I put in the link? All I can see is a way to upload the package from my computer12:23
mhall119malin: join #ubuntu-arb, and ask wender or ajmitch where best to put that information12:23
mhall119wendar, not wender12:23
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oimonhi guys - if I open a tomboy window by clicking icon->search all notes, then maximise another window (or in my case with 2 monitors, maximise 1 app on each monitor). then click tomboy icon and click search all notes. - it doesn't raise the window - bug in tomboy, compiz, or other?14:02
oimondropbox-preferences does similar results (except it also wiggles the icon in launcher - tomboy does not)14:02
oimoni'm told seb128 might be able to advise which app to file the bug under ;)14:04
seb128oimon, hey14:06
seb128oimon, I can't reproduce that but I would say compiz14:07
oimonok thanks. popey managed to reproduce also14:07
oimoni'll update packages again to be sure14:08
popeywhen oimon says "tomboy icon" he means "indicator" not the tomboy icon in the launcher14:08
oimonyeah, sorry14:08
popeyoimon: i can make the tomboy icon wobble14:11
popeyoimon: but it doesn't raise14:11
DreadKnightcan someone take a look at this usability bug report I've made? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/985675 thanks14:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 985675 in unity "Improved panel accordion effect behavior " [Wishlist,New]14:13
seb128oimon, popey: do you need a fullscreen dialog?14:13
seb128or it's just14:13
seb128open the search notes dialog14:13
seb128focus something else14:13
seb128use the indicator to select search notes again14:14
seb128and rather than being raised it just wobble?14:14
seb128in fact I can reproduce that14:14
seb128just unfocuss the tomboy dialog and try to open it from the indicator menu14:14
popeyi get it when I do: 1. click indicator, search for notes. Tomboy window opens. 2) click on a full screen app, tomboy goes to the back. 3) click indicator -> search for notes. Tomboy icon wobbles and blue triangle appears, but does not get raised14:14
popeyalt-tabbing raises it, just the indicator doesn't14:15
seb128it's yet another of the 3 thousand focus stealing prevention bugs open in launchpad14:15
seb128there are zillion of cases and applications where it happens14:16
oimonah ok14:21
oimonfor some reason i wasn't typing the right words to find those in launchpad14:22
oimonbug #87672314:25
ubot5Launchpad bug 876723 in compiz (Ubuntu) "tomboy window doesn't move to front on activation" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87672314:25
seb128oimon, bug #62719514:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 627195 in unity (Ubuntu) "Window management - Apps raised from indicators sometimes dont have the focus" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62719514:26
oimonah, very good14:28
malinskal teste senere, men nå blir jeg vekke en stund. :)14:31
malinmaybe use a proper language...14:31
malinI will test later, but for now I am leaving for a while :)14:31
malinthought I was in #ubuntu-no :p14:31
oimonthanks for letting me bother you chaps14:31
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rye_seb128: also apps raised from launcher don't get focus for me. Disabling focus prevention helped but now all new windows get focus immediately, even when this is not appropriate15:20
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
seb128rye_, right, that's why we have focus prevention :p15:21
rye_seb128: compiz should get a brainwaves input module to determine whether to prevent focus stealing15:23
rye_but that's definitely not going into Precise15:23
seb128DreadKnight, https://lists.launchpad.net/unity-design/ might be a better media for design discussion than IRC16:30
DreadKnightseb128, thanks; well not very eager to use forums or mailing lists usually xD17:02
seb128DreadKnight, and designers tend to not be very eager to use IRC ;-)17:02
DreadKnightseb128, not even sure atm how to use that mailing list17:06
DreadKnightguess I have to join the team first17:06
DreadKnightseb128, how the heck do I reply to something like this? https://lists.launchpad.net/unity-design/msg08985.html17:10
DreadKnightI'm a member and I'm subscribed to the mailing list; I see no button reply button....17:11
DreadKnightanyone? xD17:11
seb128DreadKnight, usually you reply by email to the message you got, I'm not sure you can reply to messages sent before you subscribed17:12
DreadKnightseb128, epic fail then17:13
DreadKnightwas getting that idea as well17:13
Teestermhall119: ping18:27
mhall119Teester: ping me again in about 30 minutes please18:33
Teestermhall119: Will do.18:33
mhall119Teester: pong18:53
Teestermhall119: You were wondering about the askubuntu lens the other evening.18:55
popeyooh, i was too ☺18:56
mhall119jcastro sent me your direction18:56
TeesterThe version in my ppa is updated for precise.18:57
TeesterThere are no big changes in it apart from it working now.18:57
mhall119awesome, does the ARB know to use your PPA version for precise?18:58
TeesterNo. My branch is based off stgraber's ARB version rather than the trunk.18:59
TeesterNot sure if it can be merged with the trunk in that case.18:59
mhall119Teester: do you have commit access to trunk?18:59
mhall119who does?19:00
TeesterStefano Palazzo19:00
TeesterI think he also uploaded it to ARB.19:01
mhall119for Oneiric, right? but not precise?19:02
TeesterYeah, for oneiric.19:02
mhall119can you propose your Precise changes for merging into his branch, or does it depend on stuff from stgraber's branch?19:03
TeesterThe trunk doesn't use /opt/, the precise branch does, like stgraber's.19:04
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TeesterI suppose merging with the trunk would just update everything to the branch's version.19:05
TeesterI'll propose a merge.19:05
TeesterOk. Merge proposed: https://code.launchpad.net/~markjtully/askubuntu-lens/precise/+merge/10274519:09
mhall119Teester: thanks, I'll try and get jcastro to ping Stefano about it19:16
Teestermhall119: Cool.19:19
mhall119thanks for your work on this Teester19:19
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thomiMorning folks20:20
bschaefergood morning thomi20:25
* thomi notices that bschaefer works really odd hours20:25
thomiyou're online when I get on in the morning, and you're online when I finish work... do you ever sleep!??20:25
bschaeferhaha yeah20:26
bschaeferI have tutoring and classes in the middle of the day20:26
bschaeferso I split up work, in the morning and at night haha20:26
thomibschaefer: here's a question for you: Inside Unity, do we get notified when the user initiates ibus?20:34
thomiour ibus tests are failing on jenkins, and I'm wondering if it's because we're not waiting for the ibus initiation to complete before start typing20:35
bschaeferthomi, it gets notified in nux, through text entry. There are bools you can check through the search bar though20:35
bschaefer pango_entry_->im_active()20:35
bschaeferI think there is also a preedit bool check now too20:35
bschaeferalso in IMTextEntry.cpp20:36
bschaeferno problem, I should have mentioned that before...20:36
bschaeferwith the timing problems20:36
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thomibschaefer: still around?21:22
bschaeferthomi, yup21:23
thomibschaefer: I notice that when we deactivate ibus in the autopilot tests the pango_entry_->im_active() doesn't get set to False.21:23
thomiI think this might be causing some of the issues we're seeing in the ibus AP tests. Any ideas?21:24
bschaeferhmm that's odd. Let me look at the code really quick21:24
thomibschaefer: I'm pushing my branch now so you can see what I'm doing...21:24
bschaeferalright cool, im wondering if some signals I changed would effect that21:25
bschaeferbut I changed those a while ago...21:25
thomibschaefer: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/unity/improve-ibus-testing/+merge/10276721:26
thomiin Searchbar.cpp I add the im_entry property21:27
bschaeferalright cool, let me take a look at that21:27
thomiand then in activate_ibus and deactivate_ibus I assert that the im_active property is in the state I expect21:27
thomiWhat happens is that in the very first test, the last assert in deactivate_ibus fails21:28
thomii.e.- pressing Ctrl+Space never turns ibus off21:28
bschaeferhmm that is odd, let me check if it turns it off when using it manually21:28
bschaeferthrough nux21:29
* thomi gets more coffee, brb21:31
bschaeferthomi, hmm nux is getting the signal to set it to False21:31
bschaeferand alright, ill mess around with the ap test21:31
bschaeferand see if unity is doing something funny21:31
thomibschaefer: Thanks!21:33
bschaeferno problem :)21:37
=== jalcine_ is now known as JackyAlcine
bschaeferthomi, hmm that is really odd.21:45
thomioh rly?21:45
bschaeferbecause when ctrl+space is hit to deactivate it doesn't get to nux21:46
bschaeferonly through the ap test though21:47
thomiso it works "in real life" but not in the autopilot test?21:47
bschaeferThat is what it looks like, let me write a separate test to see if I can get an idea of whats really going on21:47
bschaeferthomi, really weird, I just made this test and nux gets the signal21:52
* thomi looks21:53
thomibschaefer: what happens if you add the assertions from my branch to the mix?21:53
thomimaybe the bug is in the text entry class not updating it's member variable?21:54
bschaeferyou mean the addCleanup?21:54
bschaeferbecause im calling what your asserted21:55
bschaeferthe activate and deactive ibus21:55
bschaeferthomi, ugg and now my ibus test don't feel like running. It just opens the dash then the keyboard indicator flashes22:01
bschaeferthomi, ooo what might be happening is how you add to CleanUp22:02
bschaeferyou add ensure hidden first22:02
* bschaefer not sure of the order22:02
bschaeferbut if the dash gets hidden then you hit ctrl+space that could cause problems22:03
thomibschaefer: hmmm22:06
thomibschaefer: no, it's a stack22:07
thomiso ibus should be deactivated before the dash is hidden22:07
* thomi verifies this22:07
bschaeferyeah, ugg my ibus test just stoped working, let me restart really quick as things started acting funny22:08
thominow im_active is always True, and I can't turn it off :(22:11
bschaefer thomi yeah, with your test you pushed activate_ibus fails to work22:13
bschaeferfor me at lease22:13
bschaeferthomi, could you try to deactive ibus without adding to clean up? After you do a keyboard.type?22:13
bschaeferbecause when I call the activate/deactive they seem to work on there own22:15
bschaeferit's when I call do_dash_engine... function it seems to fail22:15
bschaeferthomi, yeah it is stuck on for me too :(22:18
bschaeferwhen im printing im_active, when it is clearly off it is still 122:18
bschaeferso I wonder if the object isn't getting updated22:18
thomiok, so that's indicative of a bug in Unity, right?22:18
thomibschaefer: I'd be very surprised if the update issue is in autopilot. More likely there's some edge-case in Unity we're hitting that's casuing that variable to not update22:19
bschaeferthomi, yeah, im trying to think of the edge case though. As you just press Ctrl+space when the dash is open22:20
bschaeferand Ctrl+space to deactive it22:20
thomiA timing issue perhaps?22:20
bschaeferthomi, wired,if I comment out the asserts it works fine22:21
bschaeferand the signals start working again22:21
bschaeferthe asserts in activate and de22:22
thomi...... O.022:22
bschaeferwait but not when I print it...22:23
bschaeferugg one sec22:23
andyrockAlanBell, ping22:24
bschaeferthomi, ooooo I think whats happening is when you change the engine list it reset the im active22:24
bschaeferso if you comment out the deactivate ibus22:25
bschaeferit is still getting deactivated22:25
bschaeferthomi, I think you have found an edge case though22:29
bschaeferI think when the engine gets reset to active, the ime_active isn't getting reset22:29
bschaeferso this could be an easy fix in nux22:29
thomibschaefer: so I shouldn't bother deactivating ibus?22:30
bschaeferI think the problem is in nux, because when it the context gets destroyed it doesn't reset the ime_active22:32
bschaeferthomi, well if the problem is in nux, the way you have should work22:33
thomibschaefer: so if I comment out the call to deactivate_ibus then everything seems to work22:34
thomibschaefer: is the fix in nux trivial?22:35
bschaeferthomi, it seems to work, but the asserts should still fail22:35
bschaefersince it gets stuck as always true22:35
thomibschaefer: well, I commented those out as well... the asserts in Activate_ibus work though22:35
bschaeferthomi, Im testing that right now22:35
thomiI guess because when the dash gets closed ibus is deactivated22:35
bschaeferthomi, no, I don't get a signal back from nux when that happens, I think it is this line of code that does it: self.activate_input_engine_or_skip(engine_name)22:36
bschaeferwhich sets the engine each time, which in a sense kills the ibus context22:36
bschaeferwhich ill test that in a sec, want to add some print statments22:37
thomiI guess we should check what the current engine is and only change it if we need to22:38
bschaeferthomi, oo confirmed bug in nux :)22:40
bschaeferit does create a context each test22:40
bschaeferand i didn't reset ime_active, so when it get activated and then it would reset the engine leaving ime_active always true22:41
bschaeferthomi, now with the branch you gave me works perfectly :)22:42
bschaeferthough destroying the context each time around seems costly for each pinyin text22:42
bschaeferit did catch a few crashes and bugs doing it though haha22:42
thomibschaefer: I'll fix that in my branch22:43
thomiyou got a MP for the nux branch for me to look at?22:43
bschaeferyeah let me remove some print statements and ill push it22:44
bschaeferthomi, just want to go through and make sure we don't need to reset anything else22:44
thomifair enough :)22:44
AlanBellhi andyrock22:46
andyrockAlanBell, hey I've a quick question about unity and accessibility22:47
andyrockwhen I move the mouse on a launcher icon22:47
AlanBellblind folk tend not to use the mouse22:47
andyrockok so we just need to re-activate the screen reader during the launcher key navigation right?22:48
AlanBelltouchscreens yes, mouse no22:48
bschaeferthomi, ok just pushed it, I also added ResetPreedit on Destroy just to be safe22:49
AlanBellalt+f1 puts focus on the launcher and in unity2d it reads it22:49
AlanBellunity3d is silent I think, are you working on that?22:49
* AlanBell boots into unity3d with orca22:50
bschaeferthomi, branch above ^22:50
thomibschaefer: you want to propose it for merging?22:50
andyrockAlanBell, I'll work on it22:50
bschaeferyeah doing right now!22:51
* thomi is too impatient22:51
* thomi gets some breakfast22:51
AlanBellandyrock: that would be great. Generally for orca testing you can throw the mouse away, any time you use it you are cheating :)22:51
andyrockAlanBell, it's a high priority bug and we need to fix before the SRG22:51
thomierr... brunch now I guess22:51
AlanBellkeyboard all the way22:51
AlanBellyeah, launcher and quicklists are silent22:51
andyrockAlanBell, i think the dash is silent too...22:52
AlanBellHUD is silent in 3d (the hud options are silent in 2d as well)22:52
andyrockbut the panel accessibility is separate, so it should work22:52
AlanBellyeah, dash is silent22:52
andyrockHUD has not accessibility support22:52
bschaeferthomi, haha sorry, I have to do the problem, the fix and say what test coverage was22:53
bschaeferim debating if I should put the reset in both Destroy and Create22:53
bschaeferor in Create or in just Destroy22:53
AlanBellI was pestering gord about HUD accessibility from the moment of release, I thought at one time it was reading the options out in unity2d22:53
bschaeferthomi, mp done22:54
AlanBellglobal menu is working OK andyrock, but most of the indicators are a bit busted still22:54
thomibschaefer: trailing whitespace makes me sad22:54
bschaeferthomi, and break feast? isn't it around brunch lunchtime?22:54
bschaeferreally? it's in ther?22:54
thomidiff line 1822:55
bschaeferuug, I set vi to only to it to .py files22:55
* bschaefer fixes22:55
thomibschaefer: yeah, it's too late for breakfast, and I'm having lunch with friends in town, so I can't eat too much either...22:55
bschaeferhaha nice, and working?22:56
thomi(I'm sure you wanted that much detail about my eating habits)22:56
bschaeferalways, I love details22:56
AlanBellI posted some videos of using unity with orca http://www.youtube.com/user/alanbelltolc22:56
bschaeferthomi, hmm I think that fixed more whitespace problems22:57
bschaeferor it added more...22:58
andyrockAlanBell, is alt+tab silent right=22:58
AlanBellandyrock: yeah, that is broken too22:59
thomibschaefer: approved from me, I've asked jay to look at it also23:00
AlanBellat least it got fixed for sighted users a couple of days ago23:00
bschaeferthomi, sweet, hmm I should talk with him about it a little23:00
bschaeferthomi, I almost feel like I should add the reset to both CreateContext and DestroyContext hmm23:01
bschaeferthanks though! and nice ap test, good catch haha23:02
thomiwell, that branch should get merged soon23:02
bschaeferyeah, it'll be good, as if you destroy it and want to use ibus you have to create23:02
bschaeferso it looks good to me :)23:03
AlanBellandyrock: this stuff should work (quite a bit doesn't) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g4K_nZ5zzQKrKExENU0OvfKja0L4UCBgLpFBsemoQF8/edit23:07
andyrockAlanBell, first we need to un-mute unity 3d then we can add new "features"23:07
andyrockAlanBell, btw alt+f1 and super+tab...23:08
AlanBelllate here, if you have more questions andyrock then Pendulum might be able to help23:14
AlanBellreally really pleased to see someone helping to make this work again :)23:14
andyrockAlanBell, i'll work on it tomorrow (1:14 AM here and I'm still working :/ )23:15
AlanBellyou are an hour later than me then23:15
thomibschaefer: could I get you to review this pelase? https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/unity/improve-ibus-testing/+merge/10276723:38
bschaeferthomi, yup, was just about to run the ibus test one more time to make sure23:38
bschaeferthomi, also sometimes the Ctrl+a you press at the beginning of the test is to fast23:39
bschaeferthomi, sometimes an 'a' just appears23:39
thomiok, I gotta go to lunch...23:42
bschaeferthomi, alright...I got some failures, not sure if you got any23:48

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