
bkerensahi twirm02:31
twirmI just joined after reading about a loco in pdx02:32
bkerensaWelcome to Ubuntu Oregon Channel :)02:32
twirmI had no idea02:32
bkerensatwirm: we have a release party for 12.04 coming up next sunday... free soda, beer and pizza02:32
twirmyeah I just saw that02:32
twirmis there just going to be a tutorial of stuff new to 12.04?02:33
bkerensatwirm: this is more of a social party to celebrate but we might do a tutorial at a Ubuntu Hour soon02:35
bkerensaI owe blkperl a talk at PSU so maybe me and nathwill could do a intro to 12.0402:36
twirmwhat do you usually do at Ubuntu Hours?02:38
blkperlbkerensa: going to Beaver Bar Camp on saturday?02:44
cy1twirm: exchange public key fingerprints!02:45
cy1lol I dunno02:45
cy1my keyring is all screwed up by retroshare anyway.02:46
twirmcy1: I'm not very good at IRC, how do / why would I do that?02:48
cy1twirm: It's not an IRC thing, but there are these things called public keys and by getting mine you can verify my digital signatures, and craft private messages to send to me.02:49
twirmcy1, is that the same thing as my ssh public key?02:50
cy1Yeah, that works.02:50
cy1Any public key I'm OK with really.02:50
cy1SSH, PGP, OTR, i2p, etc.02:50
cy1long as the crypto is strong02:50
cy1twirm: The trick is how am I going to send you my public key. If some all powerful authority controls every aspect of your reality, of course they could just substitute in their key, and you'd never know they were reading everything you sent only to me.02:51
cy1But of course, those authorities don't exist, if such a thing is even possible.02:52
cy1hehe butt02:52
cy1But if I send it to you over just this IRC here, then the guy running the server could have hacked it to do just that. Maybe it searches for key fingerprints in everyone's messages or something.02:52
cy1If I send it to you over this IRC and email though, assuming the one guy doesn't control both, or isn't savvy enough to catch it, he can't get in the middle.02:53
cy1And if I hand it to you in person...02:53
cy1Well, there are only a handful of people powerful enough to imprison me and take my place in person.02:54
twirmso my id_rsa.pub is what you're looking for?02:54
cy1So generally in-person is always an opportunity to exchange keys, just to make it hard as possible to fuck things up.02:54
cy1Give it to me here and I'll set you up with a shell account even.02:54
cy1Over IRC I can always just 83B7 C191 7DA4 87CA BC27 put some random words in the middle F7BF 5D5E 711A 4CCD C172 and nobody's going to have filtering software sophisticated enough to detect my key fingerprint and switch theirs in.02:56
cy1That's Steganography at its finest. ,302:56
cy1And then if I actually just paste the fingerprint like 83B7 C191 7DA4 87CA BC27  F7BF 5D5E 711A 4CCD C172, and it's different, then you can even detect that the IRC server is doing shenanigans!02:57
bkerensablkperl: Beaver Bar Camp? Is that where beavers go to talk about tech?03:12
bkerensanope I will be busy prepping for my trip to UDS/Release Party and working on a talk for Yahoo03:13
bkerensacy1: You use Kubuntu right?03:13
blkperlbkerensa: see topic of #osu-lug03:16
bkerensablkperl: Ahh yeah I can't make that... I really wish... In fact I wanted to go out to OSU for some the lug was having last weekend but was really busy03:17
cy1bkerensa: allofmyhate.jpg03:36
bkerensacy1: why?03:36
cy1Well, yesterday I was trying a program called mudlet.03:36
cy1A fancy telnet client, basically.03:36
cy1So, I was waiting for it to compile...03:36
cy1and waiting...03:36
cy1and waiting...03:36
cy1and then I noticed, oh of course.03:37
cy1It's written in C++ and Qt.03:37
bkerensacy1: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/04/kubuntu-they-have-invested-millions-in-it/03:37
cy1And sure enough, right at the end of the compilation it errored out, because Qt's header files are inconsistent between versions, again.03:37
cy1So I went and hacked kildclient so it would compile again, and now all is happy.03:38
cy1But... yeah, the whole Trolltech thing is just an effort to divide the efforts of the open source community. It makes absolutely no sense why there would be two completely separate GUI toolkits.03:38
cy1Especially when the latter is buggy, broken, and takes forever to compile.03:38
* bkerensa buzzes off for food03:39
cy1And you can't input Unicode characters in Qt.03:39
cy1And rant rant rant gnarr gnash rarr03:39
cy1To summarize, no. I do not run Kubuntu.03:39
=== jParker is now known as jPiroshky
* bkerensa zips to the bank16:21
bkerensawendar is having a early meeting :)17:33
tgm4883How did I not know about this http://www.ubuntu.com/tour20:46
bkerensatgm4883: no idea :D20:50
keesI like opening the browser in the tour and going to ubuntu.com/tour in it ;)20:51
tgm4883TIL kees is Snackadoodlepop on reddit http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/shv4o/i_cant_go_deeper/20:53
Brian_Hbkerensa: thanks for lunch :) it was fun20:57
bkerensaBrian_H: Yeah enjoyed lunch... thanks for the beer chalice and usb drive :)20:57
Brian_H:) np what was that app again? I forgot21:01
Brian_Hthe one for getting the punches or w/e21:05
bkerensa|mobileblkperl:  your desk has massive swag and cd's on it... they didnt want cd's at desk for some reason22:19
keesnathwill: https://github.com/marineam/hackabot/commit/3aa42b8bd5e3f3eb18e8dbbca226b45ff9bd2df422:21
orebuntu_kees's tiny URL is http://tinyurl.com/848zjje22:21
blkperlbkerensa: ok I'll hit them with a hammar22:26
nathwillkees: you are the man :) changes have been pulled22:28
nathwilldo you remember how we crashed it last time?22:28
nathwillack... pc playtime is over. time to go do laundry. catch y'all later!22:29
TRAVISgI am pretty excited for the 29th22:47
TRAVISgI am planning on bringing my pc it is a small tower I think I need to bring my monitors as well....22:47
TRAVISgcan't think of another way to show what is happening to me with 12.0422:48
blkperlbkerensa: your brought more than cds? :D22:53
Brian_Hbkerensa: what was that one punch app you mentioned at lunch? I spaced it had to ask some people to move thier vehicles so I could get out of the parking lot23:13

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