
Kilosmorning superfly and others07:24
plustwohi Kilos & others07:28
Kiloshi plustwo 07:28
Kilosyou well?07:28
Kilosyo Squirm 07:29
plustwoKilos: yep, never been this better. :)07:29
plustwohow are you doing?07:29
Kiloshehe that sounds good07:29
Kilosok ty 07:30
superflymorning Kilos07:30
Kiloscan one of you please look here and find me the email addy07:32
Kilosi dont have data to browse07:34
superflyKilos: no e-mail address on there07:35
superflyKilos: you can try "customercare@tshwane.gov.za"07:35
Kiloseish ty superfly . power cutting here daily up to 5 times a day07:36
Kilosgreat ty superfly i will mail them and see if i can rock the boat a bit07:36
Kilosthat sounds like the one they just keep passing the buck till it gets to someone that has the energy to do something07:37
Kilosbbl have a good day guys07:56
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
* Squirm prods nuvolari 11:58
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
inetproMaaz: tell Kilos it seems to be happening in my area as well lately, so you're not the only one12:25
Maazinetpro: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode12:25
inetprozeref: hmmmmm?14:28
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
Alphaguyyubuntu-za dead dead15:25
* nlsthzn lurks in the shadows15:26
* Alphaguyy aims his Pistol15:27
Alphaguyycome out15:28
nlsthzn... while you aim at me!?15:28
Alphaguyyso we can see you15:28
Alphaguyyit's quiet here compared to #ubuntu15:30
nlsthznit's nice15:30
Alphaguyyit's very laid back15:31
Alphaguyytypical Za15:31
nlsthznit can get hectic in here...15:33
Alphaguyyyeah i guess so15:34
* Alphaguyy fires some shots15:35
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
superflySome of us have work to do during business hours...16:03
Kerberoanybody experiencing problems with za.archive.ubuntu.com?16:19
Kerberoseems like it is pointing to the wrong IP16:19
Kiloshiya nlsthzn and others16:22
Kiloshi Alphaguyy howzit16:24
Alphaguyygood u16:24
Kilosgood too ty16:24
Kilosso you going to the varsity to get cds burned?16:25
Alphaguyywich one exactly16:25
Kilosi think all of them16:26
Kilosif not for the data use we could google them16:26
Alphaguyylimited to irc16:27
Alphaguyyil get it when its released16:27
Kilosya me to and some pidgin time16:27
Alphaguyyfly like a pidgin cluck like a chikn16:28
nlsthznhi superfly , Kilos etc...16:28
Kilosdont you know pidgin?16:28
Alphaguyyi dont know how im connected tho 16:28
Alphaguyyim using pidgin on 9.0416:28
Alphaguyyconnect via n73 usb n 45cents16:28
Kilosi use xchat16:29
Kiloswhats a n73?16:29
Alphaguyy9.04 comes in handy for pc.s that dont wana boot up16:29
Alphaguyynokian mobile phone16:29
Kilosha ha ha yeah i fix all boot probs with ubntu16:30
Alphaguyywatch hw i time out16:30
Kilosmy son also uses boot-repair in ubuntu to fix drives at his work16:30
Alphaguyyboot repair?16:31
Kilosits a tool in ubuntu16:31
Alphaguyydoes it repair windows boot16:32
Kilosit does mbr and boot sector16:33
Kilosbut there are ways with windows to repair mbr and boot sector from the cd as well16:33
Kiloswith xp you boot to command prompt16:34
Alphaguyythis guys pc has a virus i suspect coz once i log in loads settings and then nothing16:34
Kilosthen type in /fixmbr then /fixboot16:35
Alphaguyyi usn live cd to browse the drive only for backup so i can do fresh install16:35
Kilosthey can be repaired normally16:35
Kilosand run avast antivirus16:36
Kiloshalf of what i hated with windows was all the formatting and new installs needed16:36
Kilosonly use ubuntu now16:37
Alphaguyyyeah i know16:37
Alphaguyywindows faults brings the dollars16:38
nlsthznlooking at how much money red hat makes linux faults can do the same16:39
Alphaguyyim off for now16:40
Alphaguyythanx kilos16:40
Kiloscheers Alphaguyy 16:40
Kilosall good there nlsthzn 16:45
nlsthznaan hoy bek hou uncle Kilos 16:46
nlsthzn... and there in Za land?16:46
Kilosdont forget moed hou16:46
Kilosgetting cold again16:46
Kilossigh too16:46
nlsthzngetting hot here :'(16:46
Kiloswanna swop16:47
nlsthzn:) to be honest, if I have to be outside a lot in the coming months I would 16:48
Kilosha ha ha16:48
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
Kiloslo superfly and others18:28
Kiloshi nicom 18:28
Kilosinetpro, dis sleg van hulle ne18:29
nicomhi kilos18:29
Kilosnlsthzn, why you up so late?18:30
nlsthzntwo guess uncle Kilos 18:30
nlsthznnight shift18:31
nicomI cant get in from xchat it bannes me every time18:31
Kilosspose if you dont work you dont eat hey18:31
nicomis there a secret to that?18:31
Kilosnicom, what seems to be the prob18:31
Kilosyou have to set it up18:32
nicomi am on web page 18:32
nicomxchat no work18:32
Kilosdo you have xchat installed nicom ?18:32
Kilosyou are on ubuntu hey?18:32
nicomyes 12:0418:32
Kilosok lets do it step for step18:33
Kilosi gotta open and look what to do18:33
Banlamnicom, what is the exact message you get when you try connect?18:33
Kilosok. the first little window you open18:33
nicom1 min18:33
nicom* Closing Link: iburst-41-213-52-59.iburst.co.za (*** Banned )18:34
Banlamand that's when you try connect to the server18:34
Kilosscroll to freenode18:34
Banlamnot to achannel?18:34
Kilostick on freenode and then tick edit on the right18:35
nicom* Connected. Now logging in... * *** Looking up your hostname... * *** Checking Ident * *** Found your hostname * *** No Ident response * You are banned from this server- Your host is an open proxy (HTTP CONNECT (Mikrotik-style) (8080)).  Email proxyscan@freenode.net when corrected. (2012/4/19 19.52) * Closing Link: iburst-41-213-52-59.iburst.co.za (*** Banned ) * Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).18:35
Kilosoh im running ahead sorry18:36
nicomit starts automatically18:36
nicomfreenode is selected18:36
Kilosyou gotta make it open to that first window first18:36
nlsthznseems like a banned account18:36
Banlamis this relavent: http://askubuntu.com/questions/14845/unable-to-connect-to-freenode-because-of-open-proxy18:37
Kilosit mustnt start auto till you have it set up18:37
Kilosah could be Banlam 18:37
nicomhow do I unstart it18:38
Kilosmost likely need to tell it to go irc.freenode.net/800118:39
nicomok what password do you use?18:39
Kilosyou need to uninstall and also remove the settings etc in home18:39
nicomI got it to not start automatically18:40
Kilosyou register your nic and set password at irc18:40
nicomnow edit it18:40
Kilosthen tick freenode once18:40
Kilosthen edit18:40
Kilosyou too fast for me18:41
nicomhow register18:41
nicomhow register ? url ?18:41
Banlamyou have to be connected to the server18:41
Banlamvia an irc client18:41
Banlamto register an account18:41
Banlambut that's not necessary18:41
Banlamdid you have a look at that link I jsut posted?18:41
Banlamthat may be your problem18:42
Kilosbut you should get here with xchat before you even register18:42
nicomconnecting to freenode banns me18:42
KilosBanlam, is it a 12.04 prob you think?18:43
Banlamerr.. couldn't say18:43
nicomconnecting to freenode baned me18:43
Banlamthe post is from nov 2010...18:43
Kilosdont just connect18:43
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
Kiloswhat have you got in the channel box18:44
nicomI am using miktotik18:44
nicomI am using miktotik router18:44
Kilosand untick the connect automatically tick box18:44
Banlamnicom, what client are you currently using?18:44
Banlamnicom, can you open a terminal, and type the following "  rpm -q squid   " and tell me what output you get?18:45
Banlamnicom, no, what i mean is how are you chatting to us now, if you can't get xchat to connect to freenode?18:47
Kilosin the top block do you see irc.freenode.net/800118:47
nicomThe program 'rpm' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install rpm18:47
Banlamnicom, ok, nvrmdn18:47
nicomi am using the web page form18:48
Banlamnicom, ok18:48
Banlamgtg, good luck, hope Kilos can help18:49
Kilostoods Banlam 18:49
Kilosok nicom you got the first window open still/18:49
nicomdid you need something special to work IRC?18:49
nicomdid you need something special to work IRC? settings , password18:50
Kilosno xchat goes straight in if setup right18:50
Kilosnope i came on here before i registered anything18:50
nicomok I may need to open port 808118:50
nicomok I may need to open port 8081 in mikrotik18:50
Kilosyou can add the passwords later once you got this working18:50
nicombut how did it respond to me?18:51
Kilosi dunno what went wrong there. need a clever guy to figure that out18:52
nlsthznmy two cents worth... it isn't a ports issue because the client is able to connect to the server... the error account banned needs some investigating and fixing... carry on...18:52
nicomok i will uninstall it and try again18:52
Kilosdont forget to remove any xchat files in home18:52
Kilosor it will keep doing the same thing18:52
Kilosnlsthzn, im dom with the ports bit. do we use different ports?18:53
Kilosmine shows 800118:53
nlsthznit isn't a ports issue but I use 666718:54
Kilosoh my18:54
Kilosnicom, what else do you see in the top servers for freenode block?18:55
Kilosnlsthzn, what decides what port is used18:56
Kilosfor interests sake18:56
nlsthznwell for me port 8001 isn't open (ISP blocked it I think)... but the IRC server decides what ports it will use... for freenode it is 8001 and 6667 AFAIK18:57
Kilosit should be done automatically hey?18:57
nicomI uninstalled it and its still there18:57
nlsthzndid you guys check the link that Banlam_ posted earlier?18:58
nicomI get the option to install but its there18:58
Kilosnicom, did you remove the xchat folder in home?18:58
Kilosnicom, do you have aptitude installed?18:58
nicomnow its removing18:58
nicomaptitude ?19:00
Kiloslike apt-get but better19:00
nicomdont know doe ubuntu come with it19:00
Kilossudo apt-get install aptitude19:01
nicomis it needed?19:01
Kilosit works great for installing and uninstalling etc19:01
Kilosand more user friendly19:02
nicomI ma gettint the same problem19:02
nicomI re-installed19:03
nicomshould i try xchant gnome19:03
Kiloshave you got aptitude now19:03
Kilosthe gnome one sucks imo19:03
Kilosyou havent got rif of the config files i think19:04
nicomadding it19:04
nlsthznproblem is with using open proxy and freenode not accepting it... nothing wrong with xchat19:04
Kilosah can you help nlsthzn ?19:04
nicomis apttude a gui?19:04
Kilosno its command line/terminal19:05
nicom nlsrn?19:05
nlsthznnicom: are you running any type of proxy software?19:06
nicomI like GUI as my memory is weak too many commands to remember19:06
nicomno I have a mikrotik router connected to my  iBurst via PPPOE19:07
Kilosyeah but at times cli works better methinks19:07
nlsthznit seems the problem is with the router....19:08
nicomcli ?19:08
Kiloscommand line interface19:08
nicomok I will google it19:08
Kilosnicom, one sec first19:09
Kiloswhen you removed xchat did you remove the folder in home before installing again19:09
nlsthznhttp://www.experts-exchange.com/Networking/Misc/Q_27500503.html seems to have the answer but I am not subscribed there so it won't show it to me :/19:09
nlsthzn... however seeing as you all seem hell bent on re-installing a working client I will leave you to it ;)19:10
nicomwhick folder19:10
Kilosnlsthzn, you help i know niks about routers19:10
Kilosin your home directory19:10
Kilosscroll down you will see something with xchat19:11
Kilosmaybe 2xchat19:11
Kilosi go see19:11
nlsthznKilos: I don't either in this case... but that is where the issue is19:11
nlsthznmight want to try #freenode19:12
Kilos.xchat2 its called19:12
Kilosxchat doesnt often give issues19:12
Kilosnlsthzn, is 12.04 same as maverick when it comes to home?19:13
nlsthznstill gnome... even if it is a new one19:14
Kiloswas worried there for a bit19:14
nicomI will ask my coleague quintin beukes he kknows ubuntu and mikrotik I might fotgut somthin19:15
nicomthanks all for help19:15
Kilosnicom, lets work through it slowly19:15
nicomI hope to see some of U at ubuttu launch party pretoris19:16
nicomI hope to see some of U at ubuttu launch party pretoria19:16
nicomok kilos19:16
Kiloshave you found the folder in home19:17
nicomoh in home19:17
Kerberonicom: do you have winbox?19:18
Kilossome times you have to tell it to show hidden folders19:18
inetpronicom: Your host is an open proxy 19:18
inetprothat is the problem19:18
Kiloshi inetpro you are just in time19:18
inetprolooks to me like a microtik misconfiguration19:18
Kerberothe webproxy on the mikrotik is just running19:19
Kerberoand not denying external ip's19:19
nicomsudo rm .chat219:19
nicom? ok to19:19
Kilossec nicom here what inetpro and Kerbero say19:20
Kilosinetpro, can you help him sort it19:20
nicomI seem to remembet I had to open port 808019:20
nicommaybe i need 800119:20
nicomI worked irc before with older ubunu19:21
inetproMake sure that your proxy is NOT a Open Proxy19:21
Kerberothere is absolutely no reason to open ports for outgoing connections19:21
Kerberonicom: Winbox19:21
inetproeg: Your host is an open proxy (HTTP CONNECT (Mikrotik-style) (8080))19:22
inetprooops 19:22
inetproeg: http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/How_to_Block_Websites_%26_Stop_Downloading_Using_Proxy19:22
nicomI dont set proxy server I have raw internet via firewl in mikrotik19:22
inetproI don't know Mikrotik stuff so can't realy help19:22
Kerberoek kan nie mense help as hulle nie wil luister nie19:22
inetprobut you certainly don't want an open proxy 19:23
Kerberoek ken mikrotik redelik goed, maar as hy nie eers weet wat winbox is nie is daar nie veel hoop nie19:23
inetproit will be exploited!19:23
Kilospatience Kerbero we were all chatting together19:23
Kilosits kinda stressfull at times19:23
Kerberonicom: how do you configure you router?19:24
nicomI need my windows laptop to winbox19:24
nicomthis is ubuntu19:24
Kerberoyou can do it via wine too19:24
Kerberobut ok19:24
Kerberodo you have your windows laptop at hand?19:24
nicomI did it a year ago19:25
Kerberolet's see19:25
nicomfrom my windows  laptop  I had a lot of problems and sent files to mikrotik19:25
Kerberoyou do know the login details of your router?19:25
nicomthey sent me commands to do19:26
inetproWhat is an open proxy? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_proxy19:26
Kerberonicom: ok i'll try the most common one quickly19:26
Kerberoin a terminal type:19:26
nicomI used my windows compouter19:27
nlsthznthanks to inetpro and Kerbero for coming to the rescue with their 1337 skills 19:27
Kerberodoes anything happen?19:27
nicommy network is 19:27
Kerberook use that ip then19:27
* Kilos agrees with nlsthzn 19:27
nicomlet me tryu19:27
Kiloshorses for courses19:28
inetproRunning an open proxy is a high risk for the server operator; providing an anonymous proxy server can cause real legal troubles to the owner.19:30
nicomI cant remember paswd19:30
inetproSuch services are frequently used to break into foreign computer systems...19:30
inetproetc, etc,19:31
nicomI feel guilty I have wasted your time19:31
nicomI will shut down this laptop19:31
nicomopem windows laptop and setup mikrotik19:31
inetprohmm... 19:31
Kerberoif you do manage to log in19:31
inetpronicom: don't feel guilty19:31
nicomwhat port to open ?19:32
Kilosno nicom fix it and listen to inetpro and Kerbero 19:32
inetprowe've all been there19:32
Kerberogo to the ip in your browser19:32
Kerberoand click on download winbox19:32
Kilosthey will steer you right19:32
Kerberothen log in with winbox19:32
Kerberowrite this down19:32
inetprojust don't expect to learn everything in one day19:32
nicomi cant log in kant rememeber passwwowrd19:32
Kerberogo to "IP" in the menu19:33
Kerberothen "Web Proxy"19:33
inetproand don't be afraid to make mistakes, see it as a lesson19:33
Kerberoclick on "Web Proxy Settings"19:33
Kerberoand deselect "enabled"19:33
Kerberoif stuff breaks, just go and enable it again19:33
Kerberoif you really can't remember the password, you will need to reset the router19:34
Kerberoand set everyting up again19:34
nicomok will do unenambled prodxy19:34
Kerberogood luck19:34
nicomthanks 19:34
nicomok no I swop machines19:34
nicomthanks for help19:34
Kilosnicom, is xchat not working on win and ubuntu?19:35
Kilos2 machines?19:35
Kiloshi magespawn 19:35
nicomIits license expired on windows19:36
Kiloswhat licence19:36
inetproKilos: let him just fix one thing at a time, I think it is more important to get the open proxy sorted first19:36
nicomok see U later19:36
Kilosya inetpro 19:36
inetpronicom: you're welcome19:36
nicomdo I ask iBurst to open the prooxy?19:37
nicomok C U later19:37
inetproeish! Hope he comes right.19:38
Kilosshame, i think he is getting flustered19:38
inetproI don't know how he uses mikrotik with iburst19:38
Kilossorry if i interfered 19:38
inetproKilos: np19:38
Kilosi dont even know what mikrotik is19:38
Kerberoi guess the mikrotik is his NAT19:39
magespawnHowdy all19:40
nlsthznmikrotik router19:40
inetproas far as I'm aware mikrotik devices are typically used for big wireless networks 19:41
Kerberogenerally yes19:41
Kerberobut routerOS is quite good for non-wireless stuff too19:41
Kerberomikrotik is top of the range consumer class19:41
Kerberoi put cisco right above it19:42
Kerberothe cheapest ciscos19:42
* inetpro wonders why they built it so that you can only administer with a windows technology (winbox)19:45
Kerberoas i said it works perfectly in wine19:45
nlsthznat least my cisco only needs a broweser19:45
Kerberoand it is only a gui for exactly what one can do via telnet/ssh19:46
Kerberonlsthzn: that is not a good thing19:46
inetproKerbero: true, I can't say I've never tried it19:46
Kerbero*not necessarily 19:46
inetprobut they should build a gui linux client19:46
nlsthznnot sure about good but it is easy19:46
Kerberolinux users would just use the cli19:47
Kerberoas it is easier to script and put the settings on 100's of routers19:47
inetproas much as I hate to say this, sometimes a gui can be better19:47
magespawnEasier for noobs too19:48
Kerberoi do configure my mikrotik's with the gui19:48
inetproI have seen the winbox interface and it seems fairly easy to use, and effective on top of that19:48
Kerberoi normally say that if there is a routing rule you can think of, routeros(mikrotik) can do it19:48
Kerberoi have done some routing on mine that is impossible with iptables19:49
inetproKerbero: ahh, I guess the scripting solution answers the question19:49
Kerberoanyway, enough of mikrotik19:49
Kerberojust remember to buy mikrotik for all your wifi :P19:50
Kerberothe entire ctwug and ptwug runs on them afaik19:50
Kilosthanks for coming in to help guys19:50
inetproKerbero: so what else do you have up your sleeves this evening if you don't want to talk about mikrotik?19:51
Kerberoi'm tired of sitting in front of my computer19:51
Kilosbedtime for ballies19:52
Kilosnight all sleep tight19:52
inetproKilos: good night19:52
magespawnNight Kilos19:52
magespawnNight all21:50
zerefanybody using 12.04?22:32
nlsthzna little22:33
nlsthznhave tested a thing or two in it22:33

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