
=== gallth is now known as tgall_foo
Dr_Whourbanape: around ?03:38
mandelmorning all!08:20
mandelbug 96286008:21
ubot5Launchpad bug 962860 in libubuntuone "The prompt for installing MP3 playback support dialogue box does not fit in a 1024x600 display" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96286008:21
JamesTaitMorning all! :)08:35
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gatoxgood morning!11:15
mandelgatox, morning!11:16
mandelgatox, ralsina, briancurtin, happy thrusday: https://jenkins.errormessaging.com/job/ubuntu-sso-client-windows-test/47/testReport/?11:41
gatoxmandel, nice11:47
mandelgatox, we are getting there :)11:48
mandelbriancurtin, gatox, ralsina, it looks like the special folders tests are borken on jenkins because it runs with a user that does not have them.. ain't that fun?12:00
gatoxalways something new :P12:01
mandelgatox, well, we have improved in 1119 tests, so I'm happy :)12:05
mandelgatox, next step, fix or skip those, move to make the .exe for the ubuntuone-windows-installer12:05
gatoxmandel, i'm running the tests for sso in mac.... i'm checking that the number is the same as in linux (because it was too fast)......... also i'm skipping test_is_already_running...... but we have 50 skips, 1 error, 597 success12:06
mandelgatox, hm.. well, it is promising12:07
mandelgatox, looks like we have some small broken tests on ubuntuone-client in jenkins due to the same as the ubuntuone-control-panel, we'll have to talk about that12:08
gatoxmandel, about the special folders?12:08
gatoxmandel, also...... that is clearly an user that couldn't use u1....12:09
mandelgatox, in this case is changing rigths, but is the same issue, u1-client assumes we are admin to change to read only (wrong) which is no usually a problem, but it is when you have a gay username :P12:09
mandelgatox, and yes, it is a user that would have problems with u1..12:09
mandelgatox, but results are comming out nice: https://jenkins.errormessaging.com/job/ubuntuone-client-windows-test/33/console12:10
mandelgatox, I'll make it throw reports for the next build to get a more decent output12:10
gatoxmandel, wow!! that's cool12:11
gatoxmandel, also.... in mac we are ignoring some tests when we run the scripts.... i have confirm that ignoring the same tests in linux, we have the same results (except for the skips)...... so, it seems we are on track12:12
gatoxnow....... to fix the backend :P12:12
mandelgatox, wait, lets think about the parts that we know are broker for sure12:13
mandelgatox, the IPC is, because tcp activation assumes that we have a port stored in the registry when we have nothing of that, I'm got that part :)12:13
mandelgatox, then we know we have not network detection, which we fake to have always as true12:13
mandelgatox, and we do not have a runtests which is a PITA12:14
mandelgatox, with those we should be able to have the tests passing.. that it works, is a diff story :)12:14
mandelgatox, search for u1-darwin in lp12:14
gatoxi've installed some modules in my system..... and it's easy to run tests...... but i did that manually12:14
mandelgatox, here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bugs?field.tag=u1-darwin12:15
alecugluten tag!12:16
mandelalecu, hello!12:16
gatoxalecu, buenasssss12:16
mandelalecu, for you too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bugs?field.tag=u1-darwin12:16
alecumandel, \o/12:16
mandelalecu, good news are, jenkins is back up for windows, bad news are, some tests fails because the jenkins user has no special folders and no admin rights :)12:16
gatoxmandel, the problem with the backend, probably is or it's related to tcpactivation12:17
mandelalecu, sso are the best news: https://jenkins.errormessaging.com/job/ubuntu-sso-client-windows-test/47/testReport/?12:17
* alecu loved urbandictionary's definition of "gluten tag"12:17
mandelalecu, also, I was approach about bug 96286012:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 962860 in libubuntuone "The prompt for installing MP3 playback support dialogue box does not fit in a 1024x600 display" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96286012:17
mandelalecu, and proposed: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/libubuntuone/fat-alert-label/+merge/10267112:18
mandelalecu, apparently we need to be fast with that or it won't be in the iso12:18
alecumandel, "you were approach about bug"? have you grown a Borat moustache too?12:18
mandelalecu, gluten tag => lol12:18
mandelalecu, approached, I having a terrible day..12:19
gatox_macalecu, also: http://ubuntuone.com/0BqdovN6VAkyVrFzaMqX4s (ignoring some tests as the doc mention)12:20
mandelalecu, gatox, briancurtin: we should be happy about : https://jenkins.errormessaging.com/job/ubuntuone-client-windows-test/34/testReport/?12:20
alecugatox: that's just beyond awesome.12:21
gatoxalecu, i needed to skip test_is_already_running to be able to check the rest.... because it was getting stuck there cause of tcpactivation..... but we are getting some results12:22
mandelalecu, I think we could get sso by end next week on darwin, that is ignoring packaging and making it a per user service, but we can ask urbanape about how to do that12:22
alecumandel, how can I tests that fat-alert-label branch?12:23
alecumandel, we surely want it to be a "per user service", right? what is the other option?12:23
gatoxmandel, do you want to have a quick mumble about mac tasks or you are busy with jenkins today?12:24
alecugatox, mandel: I'd like to be in the mumble too, if it's ok with you guys.12:24
alecugatox: and perhaps we should wait till urbanape wakes up12:24
mandelgatox, alecu, lets wait for urbanape12:25
gatoxmandel, alecu, fine by me....12:25
mandelalecu, yes, per user, there is a way, is simple, urbanape should know more12:25
mandelalecu, fat-alert-label => ./autogen.sh && make12:26
mandelalecu, then remove the mp3 plugins from your system (ugly, etc..) and run ./tests/test-music-store12:26
mandelalecu, that will show the aler label, the install button and the store12:27
alecumandel, great, I'll test it on a vm.12:27
ralsinagood morning!12:28
alecuhola jefe!12:28
mandelalecu, I'm not super busy with jenkins, I just ensured that we are in the right track and will talk with briancurtin to add bugs for those failing tests :)12:28
mandelralsina, morning!12:28
ralsinamandel: just for lunch-planning-pursposes: we moved the meeting 30 minutes earlier because brian has to run some errands12:29
mandelralsina, good news, jenkins is back, 100% tests pass for sso, few (less than 10) fail in u1-control-panel and u1-client due to the special user that jenkins uses12:29
ralsinamandel: cool12:29
mandelralsina, I'm going to have lunch now, no problem :)12:29
gatoxralsina, hi12:29
mandelralsina, take a look at the dashboard, tests are not that slow, is just that the jenkins machine did not have qt4reactor installed12:29
mandelralsina, that should be fixed once we use the buildout to run the tests, which i think is the best approach12:30
mandelralsina, one last thing before I go for lunch, we really need to be fast fixing bug 96286012:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 962860 in libubuntuone "The prompt for installing MP3 playback support dialogue box does not fit in a 1024x600 display" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96286012:32
alecumandel, I think we may skip the "test_set_file_readonly" tests when running inside jenkins12:32
mandelralsina, I have proposed a branch that does the correct thing (wrap the label) if we are not quick that wont be in the iso12:32
alecumandel, I'm reviewing that branch right now.12:32
mandelalecu, well, that shows an bug in the implementation since it assumes that we are admin, which aint good :)12:33
mandelalecu, but we can skip them if needed :)12:33
alecumandel, we should have a "@skipIfJenkins" decorator for those 10 tests :-)12:33
mandelalecu, maybe skipIfNotAdmin or something, but yes, is a good plan :)12:33
mandelok, I'm off to have lunch, then I'll need to move to fix u1-dev-tools because they do not build on L12:34
alecumandel, the thing is that those are "integration" tests more than unit tests.12:34
alecumandel, and they require a special setup on the part of the test runner.12:34
mandelalecu, indeed, is a problem, we can chat with briancurtin to see what is the best thing to do, and which is the fastests :)12:34
mandelok, lunch for me12:35
* mandel lunch12:35
alecumandel, and since we may not be able to provide that for the test environ inside jenkins, I think we should skip them instead of forcing jenkins to replicate the setup we need.12:35
alecumandel, bye12:35
mandelalecu, I agree, and I'm not here as of now (I eat fast)12:35
centohi to all13:00
centohow to sync thunderbird contacts and ubuntuone, on 12.04 (new UbuntuOne client don't have old options)13:00
centoold ubuntuone client allow it13:00
centobut in 12.04?13:00
mandelcento, the couchdb package was discontinued.. I don't know we support that anymore until u1-db is done, rye_ can you confirm this?13:34
rye_joshuahoover: ^ ?13:37
beunowe don't support it anymore13:37
dobeyugh, got connection drop apparently13:42
dobeycan have review on https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-dev-tools/fix-bat-3-0/+merge/10259513:43
dobeywell, desktopcouch sync still generally works, though we have announced that we will be closing it at some point, and we are producing a better alternative for our use case called u1db13:44
mandeldobey, on it13:45
mandeldobey, I think that can be approved with a single review, right?13:45
mandeldobey, sorted13:48
urbanapemorning, all13:50
ralsinaalecu: quick 1-1? I can call you on the phone13:52
urbanapehey, Dr_Who. I'm around now13:53
alecuralsina, sure13:54
Dr_Whohey ya urbanape13:54
Dr_Whonothing pressing was debugging away last night and wanted to ask you about something or other… no worries13:55
Dr_Whourbanape: had you had a chance to look at the various patches and such I'd have for the files app ?13:57
Dr_Whos/have/had posted/13:57
gatoxurbanape, hi13:57
urbanapeDr_Who: I haven't. Have you proposed any branches?13:57
urbanapegatox: howdy13:57
gatoxurbanape, i'm running the tests without problems now.... i need to change a couple of things, because dev-tools wasn't up to date and some problems with the ptyhonpath in my case..... but everything working :D13:58
Dr_WhoI'd attached them to the bugs proper.  For some reason launch pad will only allow me to push bar branches for the files and music app if I keep them under +junk13:58
Dr_Whogranted what i have pushed up in bazaar was pushed with --fixes lp:xxxxxx which should still be picked up14:00
Dr_Whoregardless if it's most helpful to you to go via the propose process, I'll sure follow it14:00
urbanapeawesome, I'll take a look at the branches, thanks.14:00
dobeyDr_Who: how are you pushing a branch such that bzr won't let you create them outside +junk?14:01
Dr_Whodobey: could have been some sort of lp hiccup but the error message was something to the effect of ubuntuone-ios-music is a private project and I wasn't allowed to push something to the tune of bzr push lp:~tom-gall/ubuntuone-ios-music/ubuntuone-ios-music14:04
Dr_Whochange to +junk and things were fine14:04
facundobatistadobey, alecu, ralsina: how is the proper "./autogen.sh" call in ubuntuone-client in Precise?14:05
alecufacundobatista, for me it is: "gnome-autogen.sh && make"14:05
facundobatistaalecu, you don't use the ./autogen.sh of the project?14:05
gatoxmandel, alecu, hey..... urbanape is already here..... so we can have a quick mumble whenever you want14:06
dobeyfacundobatista: just ./autogen.sh14:06
urbanapeyup, I'm available.14:06
mandelgatox, I think ralsina is chattin with alecu, we can do it when they are done14:07
facundobatistadobey, gracias, I was missing a sudo apt-get build-dep ubuntuone-client (trying now...)14:07
dobeyfacundobatista: ah yes. you'll want the deb-src url for the nightlies ppa in your sources lists, to get the proper build deps14:08
ralsinamandel: I finihed with alecu, do what when we are done doing what?14:08
alecuralsina, we're about to have a mumble re the mac tasks14:08
mandelralsina, just a sync mumble about mac since gatox is helping too14:09
ralsinaalecu: remember you have 20 minutes14:09
alecuralsina, you are welcome to join14:09
ralsinalet's do it, I will listen in14:09
* alecu goes to fetch the mumbling laptop14:09
mandeldobey, the two was proposed by design, we can remove it :)14:09
mandelralsina, cotilla!14:12
ralsinamandel: MANAGER! ;-)14:12
mandelralsina, suuure..14:12
ralsinaI am not leading that call, so start talking people ;-)14:14
mandelralsina, we need alecu :)14:14
alecumandel, coming!14:14
mandelalecu, you are leading :)14:15
briancurtinralsina: i'm now being told i have to leave at 9:45, so 15 minutes into the meeting :/ can i request to do my part of the call first? (sorry for having this change yet again)14:15
ralsinabriancurtin: sure14:15
mandelbriancurtin, while I'm chatting about mac stuff, can you take a look at jenkins, there are some errors related to the fact that the user used by jenkins is funny :)14:16
dobeywe can do the call now14:16
briancurtinmandel: yeah i saw that, i'll see if i can find why14:16
dobeyif everyone is around14:16
ralsinadobey: we are on another call first, the weekly call will be short anyway14:16
ralsinadobey: below 30' for sure14:17
dobeyi wasn't suggesting it for my sake :)14:17
Dr_Whomandel: working on a mac client by chance ?14:19
mandelDr_Who, yep14:19
Dr_Whovery cool14:19
briancurtinthisfred: mumble meeting?14:32
thisfredah si14:32
dobeyralsina: can you turn down the gain or move the mic a little further away or something?14:36
dobeyralsina: you dropped off14:40
ralsinaLost power :-/14:41
mandelalecu, bug #98557614:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 985576 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "Proxy started when not needed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98557614:45
mandelalecu, it should be a simple one to fix, yet, I wonder in how many places we do that, probably 2, web client and the tunner14:47
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thisfredralsina: so for UI for the demo app, should I look at pyside + QML (Note: It's going to be example code, not a real application, so what I'm looking for in the UI is to get out of the way and contribute the least amount of logic possible to the whole application, so the developer does not get distracted by things that have nothing to do with u1db)15:16
ralsinathisfred: then no :-)15:16
ralsinathisfred: QML is funny, addictive, but I have never heard ayone describe it as "out of the way" :-)15:17
ralsinathisfred: yes, PyQt15:17
thisfredralsina: this didn't look to bad, and close to what I want to do, http://qt-project.org/wiki/Multi-selection_lists_in_Python_with_QML but pyQT is fine wit15:18
thisfredh me also15:18
ralsinathisfred: looking...15:18
ralsinathisfred: actually, you are right15:19
ralsinathisfred: but please, PyQt15:19
ralsinathisfred: :-)15:19
thisfredok :)15:20
ralsinathisfred: because what you want is a QListWidget with its items set to checkable15:20
ralsinathisfred: it's literally no code if you go that way15:20
thisfredno code is better than code15:21
* thisfred claps with one hand15:21
* ralsina actually has a video of him clapping with one hand somewhere15:21
ralsinait has a very quiet noise15:22
gatoxralsina, i've playing with qml these days... and yes, it's addictive, and i found out how to embed qt widgets inside qml stuff.....15:22
thisfredThe Bart Simpson method15:22
ralsinagatox: I did some experiments a while ago, and yes, it works, but it tends to look strange15:22
gatoxralsina, yes15:22
ralsinagatox: and I am guessing thisfred doesn't want to spend a week polishing the round corners of the todo app15:22
gatoxjejejee no..... i don't think this is the case where qml it's needed :PPP15:23
* gatox lunch!15:24
ralsinaoh, lunch, what a novel idea15:25
mandeldobey, any idea of why the button does that in libubuntuone15:27
dobeymandel: gtk+ bug maybe. i need to get lunch but i'll poke at it more after. it might be faster for me to just reject your branch and make a branch myself. but will see after lunch15:30
mandeldobey, ok, as you wish :)15:31
dobeyok. lunch. bbiab15:32
joshuahooverralsina, briancurtin: fyi, added another user to the list of those impacted by bug #98440715:34
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 984407 could not be found15:34
joshuahooverralsina, briancurtin: that's the "please don't run syncdaemon as root" bug15:35
DamienCassourye_: hi. I just wanted to let you know that the tutorial at https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/GettingStarted does not work as expected. pbuilder can't build wikkid_0.2+69+61.dsc due to a python error15:35
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rye_DamienCassou: i am afraid i was only the last to edit, adding an option to builddeb. Are you referring to pbuilder trying to build precise package from oneiric or earler?15:37
DamienCassourye_: I'm trying to build wikkid package using pbuilder locally on my ubuntu 11.1015:39
rye_DamienCassou: for precise? what's the distro pbuilder is configured with?15:40
* rye_ needs to check whether pbuilder is working15:40
DamienCassourye_: http://pastebin.com/A7xrievB15:40
DamienCassourye_: I just followed the tutorial and didn't specify any distro15:41
rye_DamienCassou: hm, i guess wikkid trunk is somewhat broken15:44
rye_DamienCassou: that tutorial is not exactly about wikkid but about the recipes15:45
rye_DamienCassou: but i understand your concern15:45
* rye_ tries building too15:45
DamienCassourye_: thank you. Will try to replace wikkid by emacs and see if it works better (I'm writing a recipe to build emacs-snapshot versions)15:46
alecuI'm on a crappy 2g connection.16:03
mandelall, EOD for me here :)16:10
mandelI need to walk the dog etc.. I might be mack if I have some time16:11
alecubye mandel!16:14
DamienCassourye_: any news?16:18
rye_DamienCassou: i am having problems building a pbuilder16:25
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DamienCassourye_: I have to leave now, sorry16:38
ScuniziLogging in to the web interface I don't seem to have access to my Tomboy notes.. I haven't tried this in a while so I don't know if this is an issue on my end or there was a change to the online sytem.  Please advise.16:38
rye_Scunizi: http://voices.canonical.com/ubuntuone/2012/02/05/an-important-note-about-notes/16:50
* briancurtin back16:53
dobeyralsina, briancurtin: seen bug #985343 ?18:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 985343 in Ubuntu One Client "LoadLibrary(pythondll) failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98534318:08
briancurtindobey: no, but looking18:09
ralsinadobey: happened once before was a aborted install18:09
ralsinaas in "for some unknown reason it failed to copy that file entirely"18:09
ralsinadobey: the user reinstalled and it worked, right?18:09
dobeyi don't know18:09
dobeyi was just pointing you at the bug :)18:10
dobeyfeel free to ask user to reinstall and try :)18:10
ralsinadobey: hehe18:10
ralsinadobey: he already did it18:10
ralsinadobey: and it worked ;-)18:10
dobeyah ok18:10
dobeywell there you go :)18:10
ralsinaSo, briancurtin, dobey: this seems to be something that happens very very very rarely18:10
ralsinaOh, and dobey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC79kolQ7p818:11
* dobey blames ntfs18:11
briancurtinyeah i hadn't seen that through any of my installer testing and runs18:11
ralsinawe also had one that complained that a corrupted library.zip failed ungracefully18:11
dobeyralsina: oh, i got mine like 10 days ago18:11
ralsinawhich is understandable since our code is IN THERE18:11
ralsinadobey: he, but mine traveled much farther18:11
briancurtinthere should be some type of integrity check after the installer finishes :/18:11
ralsinabriancurtin: I *think* installbuilder supports that18:12
dobeyralsina: and i have yet to get a "cool shirt" response from anyone in this area. even at the Yuri's Night party. :(18:12
ralsinadobey: maybe everyone agrees18:13
ralsinadobey: and we are now mainstream18:13
dobeyi am so mainstream that i'm not mainstream18:13
ralsinadobey: my most successful cool shirt is by far the rock-paper-scissors one from Malki18:13
ralsinafollowed by the QR-code ones, which did cause a queue at DisneyWorld18:14
ralsinashort queue, but a queue18:14
dobeyi should start making troll qr codes to put on things18:15
dobey"I don't even see QR codes any more, it's just blonde, brunette, Rick Astley."18:16
urbanapepushed the changes that mandel had asked about (well, apart from header changes, still tracking those - is it the desktop policy to still track authors? We gave up on that in web & mobile)19:16
dobeytrack authors?19:16
dobeyyou mean "AUTHORS: " in the license header in code?19:17
urbanapeAuthors: Alejandro J. Cura …19:19
ralsinaurbanape: we are deleting the AUTHORS as we modify each file19:20
dobeyyeah, drop that noise19:21
ralsinadobey: how jip hop that sounds.19:22
ralsinadobey: http://www12.zippyshare.com/v/9403906/file.html19:23
ralsinaThere, I probably just commited a crime19:23
alecu_ralsina, that's no hip hop... sounds like a weird kind of house.19:28
ralsinaalecu_: I saw the title, why would I *listen* to it?19:28
dobeyanyone care to review https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/libubuntuone/alertbar-align/+merge/102749 please?19:29
urbanapecool. I'll make mention in my MP that that stuff is updated.19:30
ralsinadobey: sure19:30
alecu_dobey, reviewing too19:30
ralsinadobey: these are easiest with screenshots19:31
gatoxurbanape, the mp is ready for review?? or are you talking about something else?19:31
ralsinadobey: but it's OK!19:31
urbanapegatox: I think I've hit on all the Needs Fixing that mandel identified.19:32
urbanapejust running tests locally to be sure.19:32
gatoxurbanape, great, let me know and i'll run the tests on linux, win, mac and review it :D19:32
dobeyi can make a screenshot19:32
dobeyfits on a phone!19:32
ralsinadobey: he19:33
ralsinadobey: +1 from me but it was just a code review19:38
ralsinaAnd I have to run to my son's birthday party19:39
ralsinaI will do some more work tonight as usual so if anyone needs anything, mail me19:39
alecu_ralsina, all: remember that tomorrow I'm taking a conference day.19:42
ralsinaalecu_: ack19:43
dobeykids these days.19:43
ralsinaalecu_: and we should have mentioned it on the channel earlier :-)19:43
alecu_ralsina, right: I should have mentioned that on the team meeting.19:44
alecu_sorry about that, all.19:44
gatoxalecu_, which conference? if i may ask19:44
alecu_gatox: https://eventos.mozilla-hispano.org/13/mozilla-mdn-hack-day-en-buenos-aires-2012/19:45
gatoxalecu_, ahhhhh i read about that.... cool!19:45
alecu_dobey, I approved the branch, but I got a question.19:49
alecu_dobey, when I shrink the window, it looks nice.19:49
alecu_dobey, but when I grow it so only one line is needed, the text looks a bit off the center of the icon.19:50
alecu_dobey, should I get a screenshot?19:50
dobeyno, i know it does19:50
alecu_dobey, ok then.19:51
dobeyand there is basically no way to make it line up19:51
dobeyalso the button looks a little off as well19:51
dobeyand basically no good way to fix it19:51
urbanapeugh something happened with my buildout.19:52
urbanapegatox: if you want to try it, I've pushed to lp:~urbanape/ubuntu-sso-client/initial-darwin-port19:52
urbanapeI've got to go pick up Lex19:52
gatoxurbanape, ok! no problem..... i'll try that and let you know19:53
urbanapethx. back in a while19:53
gatoxurbanape, the tests are ok in mac, but in linux i'm getting this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/937410/  and in windows i'm getting a lot of failures: http://paste.ubuntu.com/937423/20:26
alecu_gatox, urbanape: sorry I missed the second part of the meeting. My internet has been working awfully today.20:32
gatoxalecu_, no problem..... been there :P20:32
alecu_gatox, so what did you guys discussed in the second part of the meeting?20:35
alecu_gatox: can you give me a small summary?20:35
alecu_hmmm... quick is better than small in this matters.20:35
gatoxalecu_, we are going to focus today and tomorrow on landing urbanape branch, i'm looking at the tests (if we can create some kind of runtests for mac... kind of tricky by now because of all the paths and everything that we have to put manually)...... and look at what is failing in u1-cp to try to get some things working......20:36
alecu_gatox: great20:37
gatoxalecu_, and mandel is going to start with tcpactivation.... so we can start to have some working..... or close...... and ralsina told us that we are getting some assignments on monday that you are going to discuss with him20:37
gatoxalecu_, i think that's all20:37
alecu_gatox: perfect20:39
alecu_gatox: yes, we are meeting with ralsina on monday, so he can take home the mini I have, and to discuss the pending bugs we have in the queue.20:40
gatoxok..... soooo, eod for me now...... urbanape i'll be around anyway, so let me know if you need me to run the tests again or something, or i'll do it first time tomorrow if you want too20:41
gatoxbye all!20:41
=== JamesMR is now known as HamishMR
=== HamishMR is now known as JamesMR
thisfredralsina, would appreciate QT (or other) feedback on this: https://code.launchpad.net/~thisfred/u1db/u1todo-2/+merge/10277021:31
thisfredif you're not past EOD already that is.21:31
thisfredit's not urgent21:31
thisfredand with that, *I* am EOD21:33
dobeylater all21:36
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
=== zumbi is now known as Guest70849

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