
Unit193Was in offtopic.00:38
carnauochosi, ping08:18
ochosicarnau: pong08:53
carnauochosi, http://i.imgur.com/raC3e.png08:54
ochosijust as planned08:54
carnaulooks great!08:54
ochosicould you do me a favor and mute?08:55
ochosihow does that look?08:56
carnauicon blinks in blue when sound can't be reproduced08:57
ochosihm, no i mean the volume bar09:01
ochosiit should be insensitive09:01
ochositherefore a different coloring09:01
ochosiok, well in this case that's fine :)09:04
carnaugood :)09:04
ochosii thought the color of the bar just changes when muted09:04
ochosiif you come acress any other oddities with unity feel free to let me know09:05
ochosibut i think now we got most of it covered09:05
ochosioh, one last thing, would you mind to take a few more screenshots of your unity desktop with greybird? i'm planning to write a blogpost so i could use some screeners09:06
carnauyes, tell me what u want09:08
carnauanything in particular? nautilus, ff, rhythmbox?09:09
ochosihmm, first a pic of the desktop with only the dash open maybe?09:11
ochosi(that's kinda the trademark screenshot)09:11
ochosithen maybe rhythmbox with the soundmenu open at the same time (that's the one you sent me the latest screenshots of)09:11
knomejust for the record, i prefer liberation mono as the terminal font09:12
ochosiknome: you mean you prefer it to droid sans mono?09:12
ochosibecause it's more round and terminaly?09:13
ochosiand the zeros have dots inside :)09:13
carnauOk, i take it in mind. Now I have to work a little more. Ping you later :-)09:14
knomeit's just more terminaly, and the bold text works better even in small sizes09:14
knomeastraljava, i've been thinking the same about -testers too, and hold any changes until the end of the release09:14
ochosicarnau: sure, thanks a lot again! (also, if you want to be tributed with your full name for the screenshots, please let me know your full name)09:14
carnaudon't worry, I don't care09:15
ochosiok, you can also remain anonymous09:16
ochosiin that case i'd blue your username in the panel09:16
ochosi(although "carlos" doesn't really give away too much ;))09:16
ochosiknome: yeah, the font looks nice. i haven't played much with terminal fonts so far09:16
knomeastraljava, i wouldn't mind handing you a team leading position, but what would that be? QA lead maybe, which partly would include testing too09:21
knomeUnit193, astraljava: being the testing lead, or QA lead doesn't mean you are the "main tester" though, i don't expect anybody to do most of the tests09:23
knomeit should be a community task09:23
knomepleia2, for the press ^09:32
ochosiknome: i think i agree on the term-font10:22
ochosiknome: maybe put it on the roadmap (review term-font)10:22
knomeochosi, done10:32
knomereview terminal theming meaning we could try to get more feedback about the color scheme10:32
ochosiyeah sounds good10:35
ochosii guess there are certain apps that use a lot of colors potentially (vim,mutt) that should be reviewed more10:36
knomewould you like to start writing a specification for that?10:37
ochosisorry, no time today10:37
ochosiand i'm not a mutt user ;)10:37
knomeok, i will gather those ideas then ;)10:37
ochosii just saw the maximize icon (+) in our xfwm4 theme looks odd when without the minimize or close icon10:38
ochosiit's very rare that it's the only window-icon, but if it happens, it looks weird10:38
ochosimaybe we should go for the two opposing arrows10:38
ochosieven though people might rant because apple (and youtube, and...) use that as well10:38
ochosi(oh wait, youtube changed the fullscreen icon again)10:39
knomepleia2, we need to get together to work with the slides for UDS plenary11:02
knomepleia2, and oh my, there's an old xubuntu logo on your site :P11:03
ochosioh btw, another idea for the roadmap before i go (for today): assemble a list of apps we want to show in the settings-manager11:11
ochosie.g. nvidia-settings, bluetooth-settings, language-support, scim-support etc.11:11
ochosi(12.10 will have xfce4.10's new settings manager, so this'd be feasible)11:12
mr_pouit+1, I was thinking about that yesterday11:43
mr_pouitit uses a menu file, so we can also customize it like we do for the main menu11:44
knomemr_pouit, +1 because you thought about it too?11:45
* knome hides11:45
mr_pouitexactly :p11:51
knomeno, i think that's sensible too11:53
knomemr_pouit, want to be the assignee?11:56
* knome stays in the hideout11:56
mr_pouitno :P11:58
knomeso, who is? :P11:58
knomei can ask edii...11:58
knomethat's relatively trivial though, isn't it?11:58
mr_pouitI'll probably write the menu file anyway, but someone else has to think about what we want in the settings' dialog ;-)11:58
knomeso, probably a low-hanging fruit11:58
* knome is off for lunch-dinner12:01
sladenhttp://design.canonical.com/2012/04/pebble-watch-and-ubuntu/ <-- XFCE people13:48
ochosisladen: yup, to be more exact he seems to be using xubuntu (at least he's using my/our default theme) :)13:57
sladenochosi: thanks, I was going to ask that (but they're on US time).  Happy enough if I tweak it just to say "Xubuntu" ?14:01
ochosisladen: sure sure :)14:01
ochosisladen: and thanks a lot for stopping by for this! i just saw that by accident on the planet14:02
sladenochosi: I held back on it overnight until they'd reached the $5m mark (and also because I put out something else earlier in the day too)14:04
ochosisladen: mm cool, have to say $5m is pretty impressive. and on a sidenote, that seems to be a really cool watch that i'd consider getting (if affordable)14:06
astraljavaknome: Yeah, I'm with you on that one. But let's talk about that when the cycle is over.15:09
astraljavaI gotta get to the game (well, just the sports bar across the street) :D15:10
pleia2knome: yeah, there is only like 2-3 slides so it should be easy15:55
pleia2(and yeah, updating the logo on my site is on my todo list ;))15:55
olbifinal version of Xubuntu will be updated with newest files from xfce.org?16:46
olbiinclude translations?16:46
baizonwill be 4.816:46
olbiI mean 4.8 files in translations16:47
baizonfreeze already done16:47
baizona ok16:47
olbibecause I have found some bugs letters :P16:47
olbiin polish language :]16:47
olbiand fix it now16:47
olbiXfce 4.10 is even better in translating that 4.8 :P16:48
Unit193And not just that either, but 4.10 won't make it in at all that I  know of.16:49
Unit193Don't think they'd want to back port the entire DE.16:49
olbiI was looking even https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+lang/pl/16:50
olbibut there wasn't theses files, like xfce-session :P which has bugs16:50
olbiwhich files have files from ubiquity installer for xubuntu?16:51
olbiok, got it :D16:54
olbiok, today I think I should update xfce 4.8 - thunnar translations, how long it take to upadate it in xubuntu 11.10 and xubuntu 12.04 LTS?17:25
baizonwhat update?17:26
baizonfrom 11.10 to 12.04 or just the xfce from 4.8 to 4.10?17:26
olbiupdate translations files of xfce in xubuntu 11.10 and 12.04 lts :) after I upload newly translated po file17:29
olbiit means very fast :]17:34
carnauochosi, ping18:52
pleia2trying to duplicate that error seen on list20:14
pleia2(I was "eeek" at that one reply, so figured I'd follow up)20:14
pleia2getting my precise system all updated first though ;)20:14
knomepleia2, how much time was that the plenary again, and how much do you think you will be able to go through in that time?21:08
pleia22.5 minutes21:08
pleia2so not much :)21:08
knomeheh, yeah...21:09
pleia2really just "some interesting plans for Q"21:09
pleia2I figure I'll just use your blog post21:09
knomei'll try to build up something there21:09
knomepleia2, how does that look now?21:18
* pleia2 thumbs up21:19
knomei'll put that in a pdf, or do you rather want some other format? ;)21:20
pleia2we can add some tech notes too, like moving to 4.10 (I assume that'll be in the plans?)21:20
pleia2any format is fine, I'll create some pretty xfce-brand slides in odp21:21
pleia2err, xubuntu21:21
knomedo you have a template?21:21
pleia2the mouse head!21:21
pleia2not yet21:21
knomewell... i do21:21
knomewell, that, with our logo21:22
pleia2oh yes, that's lovely21:22
knomegreat, i'll push the content to that template them21:23
pleia2I love how jorge's email said "talk about what you've decided at UDS ... need your branded slides by say the week before UDS"21:26
pleia2lucky for us we aren't deciding anything at UDS!21:27
knomehaha, lol ;)21:30
Unit193I need to check and see if I care about any sessions...21:33
knomehuh, one can't copy master slides? :/21:38
knomenow i remember why i don't like impress21:55
pleia2guess we'll have to write them in latex21:57
knomenaturally, slideshow measures are in... INCHES??!21:59
knomeyeah, i got this 24" screen, can you make the slideshow 24"? 21:59
knomeah, now i get it22:01
knomeimages original size is not original size22:01
knomethat's so logical22:02
pleia2yeah, why would you think that? :P22:02
knomethe original size is just any size openoffice originally decided to paste the picture in22:02
knomehow was i so dumb22:02
knometo make it easier for the user too, any white elements in svg's are made transparent too22:03
knomebecause who ever wants white22:03
pleia2most applications aren't very good at handling svg22:04
knomeyeah, why handle svg at all then?22:04
knomei mean, that's just stupid22:04
knomethe master slides allow you to apply a style22:05
knomebut GOTCHA!22:05
knomeit's only applied to text areas with bullets22:05
knomethose who do not have bullets fallback to black arial 2222:06
knomebecause it is the only thing you ever wanted22:06
knomeoh right22:06
knomeyou possibly should have known the best way is to set numbering to "none" on bullets22:07
knomeah, i should have known22:09
knomethat's the "subtitle" element22:09
knomewhich is only visible on the "styles and formatting" dock22:09
knomenow one of my existing slides is borked ??22:11
knomei have no idea why, but centered on two master slides look similar, but on actual slides, the slide with other master slide does "different" centering22:21
knomewhich is not centered22:21
knomehah, the font kerning is different in the different master slides now...22:31
* knome beats openoffice with some majestic big band playing on the background22:51
knomepleia2, what was the day again?22:52
knomepleia2, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/q_planning/xubuntu-q-plenary.pdf22:55
pleia2knome: it'll be thursday, so the 10th23:36
pleia2of may23:36
pleia2spiffy :)23:36
Unit193Haha, I *just* checked your idle/away time/status. :P23:36
knomepleia2, file updated for you23:38
pleia2great :)23:39
knomeif you need anything else, just ping me23:39
knomei can even provide you the OO files if you need23:39
pleia2OO would be great in case jorge surprises me with something else he wants in it23:40
knomein the surprise-case... tell him to knock the door to my cave23:40
pleia2ok :)23:40
knomeand i will grumble a bit ;)23:40
knomeno, i'll copy you the oo-file23:40
knomeit's in the same folder23:41
pleia22012-04-19 16:41:19 (171 KB/s) - `xubuntu-q-plenary.odp' saved [221573/221573]23:41
knomegood, it can stay there though23:41
knomeat least before i remove it ;)23:42
knomebut that's probably not very soon23:42
* pleia2 goes to replace ram in laptop23:42
knomegood luck23:42

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