
duck_im very happy about lubuntu, i love it    its working like a charm there is only one thing:02:45
duck_the machine is hot02:45
duck_even if i dont do anything, process at 1%, fan loud, machine hot02:46
Unit193May be dusty.02:46
duck_battery is fast empty02:47
duck_on my windows partition everything is silent and cold02:47
duck_i found this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1943476&page=402:47
Unit19311.10 heated up faster, IIRC.02:48
Unit193If you wait about a week or so, 12.04 will be out and that's supposed to be better with that.02:48
duck_im having exactly the same prob as this guy there02:48
duck_yeah 5 days ?  :)02:49
duck_in ubuntu and xubuntu its cool too02:49
Unit193Did you follow what htat said to do?02:49
Unit193That's a bit odd.02:49
duck_ubuntu and xubuntu using the same kernel + settings?02:50
duck_as lubuntu?02:50
Unit193Same kernel, but as it is using a different DE.02:50
duck_might be also a bios problem? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/27253002:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272530 in Gentoo Linux "64-bit Intrepid automatic permanent reboot loop related to having exactly 4GB of memory" [Undecided,New]02:51
duck_as in the forum posted it might be a bios bug acpi support02:52
duck_i dont know about kernel backports ... is this one (3.3) a lack of security?02:54
duck_is it the kernel for precise?02:54
Unit193Should be.02:54
duck_when i do #sensors02:54
duck_with configurating it before i get only cpu core temp 1 and 202:55
duck_i know my machine has more sensors like acceleration sensors02:56
duck_is this a hint for the wrong kernel and or bios?02:56
duck_which kernel version will precise be using?02:57
Unit193!info linux-image-generic precise02:58
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB02:58
Unit193Could just be that program doesn't search for what you are looking for.02:58
duck_so just to understand, please correct me if im wrong: kernel is same for all u/k/x/lubuntus, only difference is the gui, processor, power, fan controlling is ONLY a kernel-job so on the same machine with different ubuntu distributions should be more or less the same03:03
duck_are there jobs running to controll processor out of the kernel?03:04
duck_will i still get security updates for the kernel when installing an backport?03:14
duck_is it better to use an older version of lubuntu (like 11.04) or always the newest 12.04? is    newer = less bugs? or   older = less bugs?03:17
duck_is it possible to know this?03:18
Unit193Generally the newer one is more updated, and there may be a bit different.03:18
duck_ok thank you ( i imagine you all busy typing for the release soon :)03:21
Unit193Heh, I'm testing out something else and listening to pandora while I do it.03:22
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NQTropichi Blutkoete13:45
Yorvykgilir: Correcting your English14:34
Yorvykgilir:  Don't understand 'Default 32 bits images support more hardware than the Ubuntu image...'14:35
gilirYorvyk, we use non-PAE, so it's working on more hardware than Ubuntu, which use PAE by default14:37
gilirand thanks for the corrections :)14:37
JohnDoe_71Rusin nautilus there is a badge for shutdown network share. Pcmanf of it isn't present14:38
Yorvykgilir: OK,  I'll reword it so it makes more sense.  I f that's OK.14:39
MrChrisDruifYorvyk; sure, go right ahead ^_^14:40
duck_soon soon soon14:53
MrChrisDruifduck_; soon what?14:53
duck_:)  the relaease14:53
duck_i have a little question14:54
MrChrisDruifSoon you're brave enough to start using 12.04? ;-)14:54
duck_my machine is hot and loud and consuming lots of power14:54
duck_:) yes ur right14:54
duck_i tryed a lot of things14:54
MrChrisDruifWhich version are you currently running? 11.04?14:55
duck_as far as i know now it might be kernel or a bios problem14:55
MrChrisDruif(p.s. it's tried* not tryed (only wanting to help))14:55
MrChrisDruifAh, right 11.10 is the latest stable14:55
duck_:) thx14:55
duck_yes thats it14:56
duck_so before updating my bios i'd like to give this a try: https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/11/10/46714:56
duck_its a kernel patch14:57
MrChrisDruifThe 3.0 kernel had a power bug in it afaik. I don't know if it's fixed in 3.2 (which is the kernel in 12.0414:57
duck_yes i heard about that ...  the thing is that im quite happy with 11.10, not buggy at all here only this heat is bothering me14:58
MrChrisDruif12.04 is really stable afaict14:58
duck_as far as i know there is a fix in precise 3.3 (its emulating a windows to keep cool running with bios bugs)14:59
duck_ok that sounds nice15:00
duck_...  to give the mentiond patch ( <--link) a try how can i do?15:01
duck_do u have a hint for me?15:01
* MrChrisDruif doesn't alter kernels15:01
MrChrisDruifSorry, can't help you there15:01
duck_do you know if its possible to use a precise kernel in 11.10 artwork?15:03
MrChrisDruifYou don't like the 12.04 artwork? O_O15:03
MrChrisDruifBut if you're wondering if you can get a precise kernel in a oneiric install, then I think the simple answer is no15:05
JohnDoe_71Rusi use ubuntu 10.04 and kernel 3.1.215:05
sagacior just install precise to get the precise kernel you're looking for15:05
sagacino pun intended15:05
MrChrisDruifMaybe JohnDoe_71Rus can help you with installing a different release kernel duck_ ?15:06
duck_@JohnDoe_71Rus   how did you do ?15:07
duck_in my updates i cant see kernel versions to install15:07
JohnDoe_71Rusdownload then  sudo apt-get install *.deb15:08
duck_do you know if there is a known limit? eg   can i go further then 3.1.2?  and do you get security updates for your kernel?15:10
JohnDoe_71Ruskernel is the kernel15:10
duck_tHAnK yOU VERY mUcH !!!!!!15:12
duck_i'll give this a try15:12
JohnDoe_71Rusif you need  security updates from 3.1.2 you install 3.1.215:12
JohnDoe_71Rusif you need 3.2.1 install 3.2.115:13
MrChrisDruifduck_; your <Shift> key seems wonky15:14
duck_ok e.g.  security update is an update of the kernel means newer versions have fixes included ...15:15
duck_i understand   thank you! it's nice to learn and run deep into the shit15:16
duck_i'll give it a try ...  where can i report my fail / success? what is the common way to let the comunity know? to give a bit back what of what they helped me?15:18
duck_i have one more question:  is it even possible to downgrade the kernel? if i installed 3.2  go back to 3.0 ?? do you know?15:29
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Papa-SmurfMy wireless card is detected as ethernet???16:35
bioterrorpapa smurf!16:35
bioterrorPapa-Smurf, sometimes that happens16:35
Papa-Smurfhow can i solve it?16:35
Papa-Smurfbioterror, yes?16:35
bioterroris that a problem then?16:35
bioterrorit doesnt work?16:35
Papa-Smurfthey seems to use the same controler16:35
Papa-Smurfit does not work16:35
Papa-Smurfthey wired card works fine but the system does not recognize any wireless card16:36
bioterrorcan you pastebin: lspci |grep ethernet16:36
bioterror|grep Ethernet16:36
Papa-Smurfand one supposes to be wireless16:36
bioterrorwith the capital E16:37
bioterrorthat's kinda weird as it's shown twice the same16:39
Papa-Smurfyes :(16:39
Papa-Smurfboth are PCI cards16:39
Papa-Smurfthe wireless card has a led on16:40
Papa-Smurfis it possible that the wireless card has not been recognized at all?16:41
bioterroryou know the card?16:41
Papa-Smurfno idea16:41
Papa-Smurflet me show you a lspci -v16:43
bioterroryour pastebin can be found from google :D16:45
bioterrorZyXEL FN312 is a ethernet card16:47
bioterrorseems like they are both recognized as a ethernet cards?16:48
Papa-Smurfbut it isn't16:50
Papa-Smurfmaybe ZyXEL is the ethernet16:51
Papa-Smurfand Realtek the wifi16:51
bioterroryou tell us16:51
bioterroropen case and look ;)16:51
bioterrorand write up the chipsets16:51
bioterrorit helps a lot16:51
Papa-Smurfyes bioterror it is the only thing i can do :)16:54
Papa-Smurfwell see you back16:54
BlutkoeteIs there a reason that obconf isn't included in Lubuntu 12.04 Beta? Something I should know like "makes your Netbook explode" or "has been replaced by something better"? I want to change the number of workspaces, just want to make sure obconf doesn't break anything if I install it.17:34
bioterrorBlutkoete, reported17:36
bioterrorit has been reported17:37
bioterror!bug #96734817:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 967348 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "obconf is in the seed, but not in the ISO" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96734817:37
BlutkoeteAh, thank you, I see it now.17:37
BlutkoeteGoogle first, ask later. Sorry.17:37
bioterrortap that it affects you too ,)17:38
BlutkoeteI'll do that :)17:38
bioterroroh well17:38
bioterrorgilir has fixed it already17:38
bioterrorwrote on 2012-04-13: #317:38
bioterrorIt seems to be fixed today, it appears now in the manifest : http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/current/precise-desktop-i386.manifest and in the installed system of the daily-live ISO.17:38
BlutkoeteThat's good news17:38
BlutkoeteIt's great that the Lubuntu team fixes my problems even before I notice them :)17:41
Papa-SmurfI get "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Input/output error" when trying ifconfig wlan0 up ¿? does anyone knows a cause?17:48
jerlihi there...18:40
ramiroechi people19:44
ramiroecjust a question19:44
ramiroecwhere i can get a newer version than Lubuntu_12.04 beta 2?19:44
ramiroecsomething like current or Relace Candidate19:45
ramiroecany suggestion ;)19:47
bioterrorfor example19:47
ramiroecgreat! thanks19:48
bioterrorthose are alternatives then19:48
bioterrortext based installers19:48
ramiroecI just want to test, and report bugs19:49
bioterrorhttp://cdimages.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/ these are desktop ones19:50
ramiroeclets see, the new lubutu will have: abiword_2.9.2+svn2012021319:51
ramiroeci think its ok19:51
KM0201libreoffice ftw!20:04
KM0201i don't like abiword.. it jacks up the formatting on documents i've made in LO or OO.20:05
KM0201if the documents are made in abiword, they seem to be ok20:06
bioterrorKM0201, mostly I open documents made by ms office ;)20:07
bioterrorand even libreoffice has problems with them20:07
KM0201bioterror: yeah, i agree.. most of the time when I open Office documents though, they usually are pretty good.20:07
bioterrorformattings other small things gets ruined20:08
raphaelleHi all, is there a way to set system volume above 100% in lubuntu, as it is possible in Ubuntu ?20:38
KM0201raphaelle: above 100%?20:39
bioterrorsorry, but lubuntu does not go to the eleven ;)20:40
bioterrorbut you can open alsamixer (right click the volume icon ,)20:40
bioterrorand check if you have pcm and master topped20:41
KM0201bioterror: i know pulseaudio will let you go to like 150-200%,20:43
KM0201but i'm not sure how to do that w/ alsa20:44
bioterrorhard to understand how something can go 150-200% :D20:44
bioterrorbut maybe it has a logic somewhere20:44
Unit193Simple, overclip like crazy!!20:44
raphaellebtw it is simple on ubuntu : the sound icon let choose up to 200%, like on VLC player : very handy for poor laptop sound cards !20:48
Unit193Yeah, but when you do it in VLC, it's clipped and you can tell. (But no other way to do it)20:49
ramiroecubuntu have this for volume over 100%:20:51
raphaellethanks ramiroec : this is exactly what I meant, and what I would like to find in lubunut...20:52
raphaellelubuntu :/20:53
anotherchatzillahey all tough situation...  i am running an old PPC g5/leopard.  i just installed vpc 7, and i tried to boot the newest lubuntu.  no dice, but the last lts 10.04 boots.  only prob is that after i select install it brings me to a destop with an icon in the upper right to install lubuntu.  i guess i'm supposed to click it.  only problem is that i can't seem to move the mouse inisde this...23:13
anotherchatzilla...virtual machine.  the keyboard works and i can bring up the run command with contrl f2...   is there a run command i can use to kick the lubuntu installer open>?23:13
anotherchatzillaor a way to use the keyboard to move the mouse?23:13
anotherchatzillaall i need to do apparently is use the keyboard to select the desktop icon "install Lubuntu 10.04" and open it...can't move teh mouse23:16
Unit193You can hit Ctrl+esc and nav the Application Menu.23:16
Unit193You can also open a terminal and type ubiquity to start the installer, should be anyway.23:17
anotherchatzillawow looks liek i got the installer open...lets see how this goes23:20

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