
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
jo-erlendStill can't play Severed Fifth in Rhythmbox on 64bit Ubuntu 12.04. Neither Rhythmbox or Totem are able to install necessary plugins for anything. I find it a little disturbing that things like that are still broken less than a week before release.07:12
jo-erlendI haven't been able to find anyone who knows why this is the case. Perhaps someone here does?07:13
popeyjo-erlend: can mplayer play it?08:02
jo-erlendpopey, I haven't the foggiest. I know vlc can, for instance, and both Totem and Rhythmbox can if I install ubuntu-restricted-extras. But they cannot install required codecs the way they're supposed to.09:18
jo-erlendyou get a dependency error.09:19
jo-erlendsometimes, when I put myself in the role of a new user, Ubuntu seems utterly untested. It still isn't possible to "Open With > Other" with Firefox, for instance. It only allows you to choose files, not applications. Completely obvious things that still isn't working five days before release.. Makes me more than a little nervous.09:22
popeyok ok, putting the rant to one side lets diagnose the issue09:26
popeyjo-erlend: pastebin what happens when you "mplayer track.mp3"09:27
jo-erlendpopey, why mplayer? Totem and  Rhythmbox both use GStreamer, don't they?09:28
popeybecause mplaye produces readable output09:29
jo-erlendok. Wait a moment, and I'll paste the results I get when trying to play an mp3 the way someone who didn't know anything would.09:29
popeyok, you clearly don't want any help but just want to rant about how this doesn't work09:30
popeyI'll stop.09:31
jo-erlendhmm? I told you, I can easily play music and video. A beginner will not be able to. That's the issue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/93941709:32
popeyI know, you've mentioned it 3 times now09:32
jo-erlendyes, but you seem to think it's just ranting or that I'm complaining on my own behalf. That's not the case.09:45
popeyi am just asking you to provide some info so I can help debug it09:45
popeyyou're focussing on what I'm asking you to do, as if I am expecting all users to install mplayer as a fix, which I am not09:46
popeyI just asked you to run mplayer because it produces more useful output than totem09:46
jo-erlendyes, mplayer plays it.09:55
popeycan you pastebin the output?09:55
jo-erlendseems less useful than the deb information though? http://paste.ubuntu.com/93941709:57
popey"Requested audio codec family [mpg123] (afm=mpg123) not available." is interesting09:58
popeybut other mp3s seem to do that too09:59
popeywhy do you have the i386 package of gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly installed?09:59
jo-erlendpopey, probably came with ffmpeg?10:02
popeyi dont have it on my system10:02
jo-erlendI don'ẗ know. I don't think I've installed it intentionally.10:02
popeywhat gets removed if you remove it?10:02
jo-erlendbut on a 64bit 12.04 install does prefer gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly:i38610:03
popeyi have the native version on my amd64 system10:03
popeynot i38610:03
jo-erlendright, but that's not what Totem and Rhythmbox wants to install.10:04
jo-erlendthey both want to install the i38610:04
popeytotem plays mp3s fine here10:04
popeyand they haven't installed i386 packages10:04
jo-erlendit does here too, after I installed ubuntu-restricted-extras. But if I'm going to ask the media to test and write about Ubuntu, I can't tell them to do things like that. It makes Ubuntu still look like a thing for very technical users. And this is supposed to be very easy. Has been the last few releass.10:05
jo-erlendpopey, I have confirmed this on about fifty installs, during the entire cycle.10:06
popeybug number?10:06
jo-erlendI'm not entirely sure I've even looked for it. Playing music and video seems like something so obvious, I was sure someone else had it under control.10:08
popeyyet you've seen it on 50 machines?10:08
popeyok, get it filed10:09
jo-erlendand you know.. To me personally, it's never been a problem anyway, so I just figured it'd go away by itself and forgot all about it. It's only a few days since I made a reinstall. I was absolutely sure this had been fixed a long time ago.10:09
jo-erlendpopey, not fifty machines. Installs.10:09
popeysame thing10:09
popeyok, lets get it filed then.10:10
jo-erlendno, it most definitely is not the same. I've  reinstalled on my laptop many times during this cycle. It's still the same machine.10:10
popeydo you need help filing the bug?10:10
popeyI can certainly try to confirm it in a VM, let me know the bug number once it's filed10:11
popeysorry for the misunderstanding.10:12
jo-erlendwhile I'm reporting it, confirm it anyway. In a fresh install, without installing codecs with ubiquity, click on an mp3 file and accept the defaults.10:12
jo-erlenddo the same with any kind of video or audio. The result is the same.10:12
popeywill do10:16
popeyusing latest daily of precise?10:16
jo-erlendsure. Any will do.10:16
jo-erlendbut I have to say; if something like playing music and video can slip through the cracks, then we have serious problems.10:23
popeylets see what the problem is first10:23
jo-erlenda package dependency issue.. Didn't you look at the paste? http://paste.ubuntu.com/939417/10:27
popeyyes, i looked at it10:29
popeyi also couldn't read it10:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 986520 in sessioninstaller "On 64bit systems :i386 codec packages cannot be installed. Media cannot be played. " [Undecided,New]10:31
* popey subscribes10:31
popeyjust downloading iso now10:32
jo-erlendpopey, oh, I'm sorry. I forgot it's in Norwegian.10:32
* popey installs10:33
popeynp ☺10:33
popeymy Norwegian isn't too hot ;)10:33
popey\o/ virtualbox installing ubuntu10:35
jo-erlendI don't even see Norwegian in text like that, because I know what the static text message says :)10:35
jo-erlendyes, Windows 7 broke my MD RAID the other day, and I lost 1.8TB of data. Among that was my entire collection of ISOs. I didn't back those up, so I need to download again. That'll take a while. :)10:36
* popey has just setup his first btrfs array at home10:39
jo-erlendright. That's what I did too. I went from an MD/LVM solution to a pure btrfs solution. It's wonderful :)10:39
jo-erlendso wonderful, I didn't really feel that bad about having to restore from backup :)10:40
jo-erlendand boot time went from 1m30s to about 35 seconds. :)10:41
* popey updates bug 98652010:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 986520 in sessioninstaller "On 64bit systems :i386 codec packages cannot be installed. Media cannot be played. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98652010:58
popeyits a dupe of bug 89900110:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 899001 in sessioninstaller "gst-install wants to install i386-version of codec packages on amd64" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89900110:59
popeyand it's fix-committed \o/11:00
popeythanks for reporting it jo-erlend11:02
jo-erlendhope it lands in time for me to finish the videos. I thought I'd have a couple of weeks.11:02
jo-erlendthe last time Ubuntu was mentioned in Norwegian media was back in 2008, so it would be really great if we could impress some journalists with this one – preferably before release, so they have time to write about it when that happens.11:08
=== Guest94473 is now known as JackyAlcine
JoseeAntonioRjono: Hello! Do you have a second?22:19
jonoJoseeAntonioR, sure22:19
JoseeAntonioRjono: Well, I don't know if you remember, I told you if you could please take a look at a blueprint last week. The link has changed, it is totally revamped and much more specific about the topics. It is here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-q-ubuntu-youth22:20
jonoJoseeAntonioR, cool22:21
jonocan you mail me about this so I can take a look?22:21
jonojust send the URL to jono@ubuntu.com22:21
jonoI will take a look when I get a second22:21
JoseeAntonioRjono: Yep, great. Thank you!22:22
jonothanks JoseeAntonioR!22:22
JoseeAntonioRThanks to you for your time :)22:22
cjohnstonI may have found a bug22:53
cjohnstonuggh.. wrong window22:53

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