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ockhami'm currently packaging screenwriting app trelby, and i was wondering if there's any chance to still get it into precise at this stage; mostly because i'm pretty sure there isn't any screenwriting app packaged for ubuntu yet.10:46
StevenKockham: Precise is releasing in 5 days, not a chance, sorry.10:51
ockhamStevenK: ok, just making sure. more time for packaging, then.10:52
arandBackports is your option, likely.10:58
ockhamand what about ocropus 0.4, whose dependency iulib will likely be fixed this weekend (both in debian experimental)? 0.3 was removed from precise due to conflicts with tesseract 3.x...11:01
StevenKAny changes to Precise at this point are incredibly unlikely unless it fixes a tracked Critical bug.11:02
ockhamStevenK: ok.11:03
jtaylormh python-envisagecore does not install and I have no idea why :/13:39
jtaylordebian is not affected13:39
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tumbleweedjtaylor: urgh, .pth files15:48
tumbleweedjtaylor: it doesn't actually fail for me, just produces an ugly error15:52
ScottKStevenK: For Universe stuff it's less unlikely than that.16:12
ScottK(if it's a sync from Debian and as in this case fixes a regression)16:12
ScottKockham: ^^^16:12
ockhamScottK: cool! (you mean the ocropus/iulib case, right? not the trelby one...)16:13
ockhamso maybe i should go ping jwilk then...16:14
ScottKPossible.  No promises.16:14
ockhamis it a problem that this stuff lives in experimental currently? (unstable still has 0.3 AFAIK)16:15
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Gaming4JCI thought this bug was fixed on oneric? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ia32-libs/+bug/82110021:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 821100 in ia32-libs (Ubuntu Natty) "ia32-libs does not install /usr/lib32/libGL.so.1" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:50
Gaming4JCapparently not because I still have it :P21:51
Gaming4JCnvm fixed with lglu :D22:21
bobweaverHello everybody hope you are all having a great weekend. I am trying to rap my head around the rules file under /debian and was wondering what         %:        dh  $@     || is $@ like the #? inbash where it is calling the last call ? or is it like a wildcard where it attaches itself to dh ? thanks22:55
jtaylorbobweaver: its a makefile macro, in this case the name of the target22:57
jtaylorand the target is a wildcard (%) so its basically whatever you give the file as an argument22:58
bobweaverThanks !22:59
bobweaverI get it so it is going to each file ?23:00
bobweaverone by one $@ aka like a while loop ?23:00
jtaylordebian/rules is called with certain defined targets23:00
jtaylore.g. build, build-arch, build-indep, binary etc23:00
jtaylorthe dh program reads those and acts appropriatly23:01
bobweaverso the dh aka debhelper is running at the /debian directory ? because dh knows too do this ? if this is correct how does it know ?23:02
jtaylorthe dh program is just a scheduler for other commands23:03
jtaylorit calls other (debhelper) scripts in a certain order23:04
jtayloryou could also write it all out explicitly in debian/rules23:04
jtaylorthats how it was done before dh-723:04
bobweaveryes that is how I have made all my simple packages by altering rules23:05
bobweaverrules file *23:05
bobweaverJust tying to wrap my head around the bigger picture so to say and understanding why all these things are going on when they are.23:06
jtaylorif you open /usr/bin/dh around line 350 the standard sequences are defined23:06
bobweaverThanks !23:06
jtaylorline 420 it defines the targets that must be exposed23:06
jtaylorthe sequences can be altered by scripts in /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/23:07
jtaylore.g. for special handling of python packages23:07
jtaylorwhich would add e.g. dh_python2 to the install sequence23:07
jtaylordebhelper is all quite readable for perl23:08
bobweaverjtaylor,  you are awesome !23:08
bobweaverI see where the compat files are getting called also now.23:09
jtaylorhere are the makefile targets that must or can be defined: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-debianrules23:09
bobweaverI have read that manual so many times :D could not understand it for the life of me for the 1 week. It is starting to come together Just going to take me some time. I have had great Help :)23:12
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