
magespawngood morning all07:59
psydroidgood morning magespawn08:07
psydroidhello Menezir08:07
magespawnmorning psydroid08:07
dirka23Hey i have a question09:07
dirka23I am having trouble with my ssh.  I tried to connect and I got connection timeout, but i am on the internet and can access local repositories at Stellenbosch University09:07
dirka23also im timing out when trying to call apt-get update/install09:09
Banlamwhere are you trying to ssh to?09:11
Banlamand where are you connecting from?09:12
BanlamI assume you're not usign any proxy settings?09:13
dirka23Im trying to ssh to a local university server from my dorm room09:13
Banlamto open narga?09:14
BanlamSSHing on the university network is a nightmare09:14
dirka23I am using the university proxy settings09:14
dirka23No into Hydra, one of the CS computers09:14
Banlamdirka23, remove all your proxy settings09:15
Banlamthey're not required09:15
Banlamjoin the IRC server at urpu.sun.ac.za09:16
Banlamsee if anyone there can help you now09:16
Banlamelse Kerbero09:16
Banlamand bakuman 09:16
Banlammight have some insight09:16
BanlamI can't remember where you can/can't SSH to on the network there09:16
Kerberonee hy sal nie kan nie09:23
Kerberodaai server is hoogsonwaarskynlik toegelaat deur ou anneries se koshuisfirewall09:24
Mezenirhaai kerbero09:24
Kerberostuff you should not get me started on:09:25
Kerbero1) Stellenbosch University IT department09:25
Kerbero2) People working for the SUN IT09:25
Mezenir3) the meaning of life ?09:25
Kerberono that is cool09:26
magespawnlater all10:23
Kilosafternoon superfly and others13:47
Kilosgetting ready for the weekend are you13:47
kodezgood day every one.14:34
bakumangood day kodez 14:35
kodezgood day bakuman14:35
sakhiGood day14:36
kodezgood day sakhi14:37
kodezis there anyone who understands what's happening in the linux 3.4-rc1?14:37
magespawnEvening all.16:34
superflyhi magespawn16:35
magespawnWhats up?16:38
magespawnOne of those nights16:40
superflymagespawn: nothing much, just had supper16:48
magespawnAhh me too almost the perfect part of the evening, which would be just after the kids go to bed16:49
magespawnhttp://jerm.co.za/how-i-draw-my-cartoons/ from Allister Otter on Twitter.16:51
Kiloshi superfly magespawn and others17:54
Kiloshi drubin hows things17:55
Kilosgc, coffee on17:58
* gc flips the salt-timer17:58
superflyhi Kilos18:02
Kiloswas begiining to think if i dont shout i dont get heard18:02
gcCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:02
Kilosyo nlsthzn 18:02
Kilosgc ty18:02
gcEnjoy Kilos Just dont make a habit of it ok?18:02
nlsthznHello uncle Kilos 18:02
nlsthznnew bot18:03
Kilosits magespawn s bot he made for those those few weeks maaz was dead18:03
Kilosbut got no manners this bot18:04
Kilosneeds some teaching18:04
superflyKilos: just dealing with family at the moment18:06
Kilosnp superfly 18:06
Kilosyo fukov who gaan dit?18:07
Kiloshi psydroid 18:07
magespawnHi kilos nlsthzn just put fish 2 to bed18:11
* nlsthzn wacthes the bulls18:11
Kilossharks game was very disappointing hey nlsthzn ?18:11
Kilosbulls doing better18:12
nlsthzndidn't see it uncle Kilos 18:12
nlsthznI am more a bulls supporter than a rugby supporter18:13
nlsthznbut I like it when sa does well18:13
nlsthznso I hope the sharks and the stormers can win a few more over there18:13
Kilosthe fly's team are doing great18:13
Kilostop of the log18:14
magespawngc does not have a ups, thats why she goes off every nw and then.18:14
Kilosah is that why?18:14
Kilosits ok old reliable is back again. wonder how long the crash kid gonna be away18:15
superflythe nouveau drivers are pretty decent18:27
superflyKilos: I have a team?18:27
magespawnYup electricity in hluhluwe is not reliable.18:27
Kilostell me about it superfly 18:27
Kilosoh sorry18:28
Kilosthe stormers from the cold country18:29
Kilosno as bad as here magespawn power cuts up 2 5 times a day18:30
Banlam25 times a day!18:31
Kilosup to 5 times a day18:31
Kilossorry head stupid today18:32
Kiloshi Banlam \18:32
Banlami knew what you meant :018:32
Banlamhey kilos18:32
inetprogood evening18:40
Kilosevening inetpro 18:40
inetprosuperfly: nouveau drivers are pretty decent?18:40
inetprowhat did you do that makes you say that?18:40
superflyinetpro: yeah, the latest nVidia drivers slowed mrs_fly's machine down to a crawl18:41
superflyuninstalled them and let X use Nouveau, and now her machine is perfectly usable18:41
superflythe only difference I noticed was the lack of drop shadows18:41
superflybut that's hardly a tragedy18:41
magespawnHandy to have someone around18:51
Kilosnight guys. sleep well18:54
inetprothem Bulls are very lucky to get away with a win18:56
nlsthznsecond game they go all limp at the end!!!!18:59
nlsthznso frustrating18:59
nlsthznback to some 12.04 iso testing19:00
superflyinetpro: you'll be pleased to know I've reverted to the "Windows" layout19:02
inetpro"Windows" layout?19:04
superflymenu button on the bottom left with a task bar and tray19:05
nlsthznboring layout19:06
* nlsthzn hides again :p19:07
nlsthzntesting ISO's are a pity... everytime something changes start again :(19:07
* inetpro wonders where MS got the idea 19:08
magespawnI out of here, night all.20:10
superflyurg, so there seems to be a bug in the nvidia driver, cause I just got that issue too20:15

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