
jribyakster: find -name .AppleDouble -delete00:00
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pyDudehey friends...i know this is offtopic...but i wanna know that...visa classic card has a cvv no at the back side or not...or every visa card debit/credit has the cvv no....bear with me..00:02
starteHey quick question... I can connect to the internet fine and do this but when I try to install packages, it says the internet craps out.00:03
jribpyDude: you know it's offtopic.  Don't ask here.00:03
startecan anyone help?00:03
Ankmanstarte: what is the exact error message?00:04
startetylerthecreator: i doubt its actually you... but put a "/" before join00:04
starteankman: ill check00:04
pyDudedude then tell me where to ask...already my internet connection is sloppy and i've been googling for more than an hour...else email me some help at lordsangram@gmail.com....i need this info..plese...00:04
yaksterjrib thanks00:04
bazhangpyDude, #freenode00:05
jribpyDude: I don't know where you can ask but it's not here.  Please do not discuss it further in this channel00:05
starteankman: "Failed to download package files Check your Internet connection."00:05
pyDudethe challen...not the network...bazhang00:05
Ankmanstarte: what program are you using? synaptics00:05
starteankman: update manager00:05
pyDude*channel i mean...00:06
starteankman: plus im using my internet right now and on firefox... its working fine00:06
bazhangpyDude, stop asking here   ---->  #freenode channel00:06
smrtzis tylerthecreator pming anyone else spamming them to join #dongforce00:06
daxsmrtz: they're gone.00:06
pyDudeok i got it...00:06
bazhangsmrtz, he's gone00:06
Ankmanare you may be using a proxy server which isn't available?00:06
smrtzahh, thanks00:06
starteankman: i doubt it00:06
Ankmansmrtz: me too00:06
Ankmansome op please nuke him00:06
smrtzcool, so not just me, Ankman00:06
starteankman: i haven't used this linux in a while but i haven't set up a proxy.. not that im aware of00:07
smrtzstarte: try a traceroute00:07
startesmrtz: in terminal?00:07
Ankmanis it console based?00:07
yaksterok .AppleDouble is a directory00:07
starteankman: it's wubi on a windows00:07
Ankmanif, see what "echo $http_proxy" says00:07
starteankman: sure00:07
pyDudephp huh..ankman...:)00:07
Ankmando other internet apps work in wubi?00:08
starteankman: yeah00:08
smrtzyeah, point it to google.com or something, see if theres a proxy inbetween you and your target, but Ankmans idea is better, so do that first00:08
AnkmanINIT: version 2.88 reloading... here it goes...00:12
Ankmannah, you can't leave ;-)00:13
delinquentmesuggestions for a smart reinstall of ubuntu?00:15
Ankmandelinquentme: why reinstall?00:16
carroarmato0delinquentme: what do you mean by that?00:16
* Ankman does similar...00:16
delinquentmeactually I just realized I should be able to get away with just killing the old copy of windows00:17
Ankmanjust added some "unstable" sources to otherwise "testing"00:17
ms-daisysmart reinstall- you mean what to do before reinstalling?00:17
carroarmato0I was wandering if it would be ok to go ahead and already install Ubuntu 12.04 on my laptop instead of waiting for it to officially be released in 5days. Would I get into any particular problem?00:19
yaksterok the find delete didnt work…00:19
yaksterI need to recursivly search for an .AppleDouble in all my network location, and eradicare it… .AppleDouble is a directory…00:20
ms-daisy@ carroarmato0 as long as you have good backups of everything and anything important00:20
hemicudams daisy00:20
jribyakster: i told you how :/00:20
hemicudams daisy you are so beautiful00:21
bazhanghemicuda, stop that00:21
yaksteryeah… did that… but .AppleDouble is a directory… it will nto delete00:21
Ankmancarroarmato0: should be no problem. but i would wait. a clean install might be better, just in case00:21
carroarmato0ms-daisy: I do backup everything incrementally on an external drive00:21
hemicudayou again00:21
Ankmanplus, it's more exciting to wait. just like before christmas ;-)00:21
carroarmato0Ankman: yeah, I tend to like clean installs00:21
carroarmato0hehe :D00:21
jribyakster: it should...00:21
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jrib!who | yakster00:21
ubottuyakster: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:21
carroarmato0I'm just impatient for this release :)00:21
yaksterjrib:  didnt work…00:22
jribyakster: if you wish, you can use: find -print0 -name .AppleDouble | xargs -0 rm -r    (do not run this without understanding it and verifying it does what you want.)00:22
yaksterjrib:  directory is nto empty00:22
yaksterunder /media/Goflex/ I want to eradicate all .AppleDouble ont eh nas drive00:23
yaksterthe -r is recursive delete right jrib?00:23
jribyakster: oops, make sure the -print0 comes after the -name or you will delete everything00:23
jribyakster: yes.00:23
yaksterjrib:  ok, "find -name .AppleDouble -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r"00:24
Ankmanjrib: before i use xargs to delete, i replace "rm" with 'ls" to see what would happen00:24
jribyakster: see Ankman's advice00:25
yaksterthx all:00:25
yaksterwhat is the -print000:26
jribyakster: it's to handle whitespace issues00:26
kantlivelonganyone know why rtl8187 usb wifi is soo slow?00:26
yaksterjrib: so "find -name .AppleDouble -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r" is correct00:27
jrib yakster maybe.  I certainly wouldn't run a command given to me on the internet with rm in it if *I* wasn't sure it was correct though00:27
yaksterwell that is why I cam here to ask…00:27
yaksterits just music00:28
jribyakster: run it in some fake directory first...00:28
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edward_should the RC not be out by now?00:46
bazhangedward_, #ubuntu+1 please00:46
MestreLionguys, I need some help to manually install a manpage. What are the steps required? I have a myapp.1 man file here, what should I do? Move it to /usr/local/share/man (or man/man1 ?), and then what?00:47
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edward_MestreLion: yes, then you need to run a trigger.  not sure how that's done as dpkg normally does it for me regarding packages00:52
edward_though if you search for 'man page trigger' or something like that you might get the answer you need00:52
jimiHey guys00:53
CKyle22Is there any way to change the size of the Unity dash? I'd like it a lot more if I could. Right now it's small compared to the rest of my screen and ideally I'd like it to be the size of my monitor's native res.00:53
jimiIs anyone here00:53
MestreLionedward_: yes, I know... but this will be an app installed to /opt, it does not have a .deb package... so I need to "mimic" whatever apt does regarding manpages00:53
bobo37773I have a question and not sure where to ask. About port groups. For example: I have ports 25,110,143,465,585,587,993,995 as email ports. I would like to define the whole 65535 (a lot of dynamic ports). Anyone interested in helping out?00:53
CKyle22I googled around but it only showed how to change the icon sizes and that's not what I want.00:53
booihow do i have the menu bar be visible all the time instead of only when i hover?00:54
optikxsame question as booi for me?00:54
MestreLionedward_: for example, regarding .desktop and icon files I know that there is no need for a trigger.. there is a daemon (gnome's maybe?) that scans for new entries in /usr/share/applications and automatically adds them to the menu... is there such a thing for manpages? What should I do?00:55
bobo37773MestreLion: Man pages? What are you trying to do?00:55
MestreLionbobo37773: to manually install a man page for an app that is installed in /opt00:56
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bobo37773MestreLion: Can't you just throw it in with the rest of the man pages? Is man not finding it?00:57
MestreLionbobo37773: i've crafted a myapp.1 man page, but I don't know what to do besides moving to /usr/share/man00:57
zhxk82where to paste pic?00:57
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:58
cocoa117anyone know how to install kde-config in ubuntu 11.10?00:58
MestreLionbobo37773: I don't know... I don't even know the right place to put it... should I put in /usr/share/man and run a trigger that will gzip and place to ./man1 for me, or should I manually move a gziped one to /usr/share/man/man1 ?00:58
bobo37773MestreLion: There are a lot of subdirectories to /usr/share/man I believe. Also, you will have to apply the correct permissions and tar it up in a (.gz ?) file.00:58
shallwehi guys :)00:59
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:59
shallwesomeone can tell me how i turn off the "alt + click" for move a window?00:59
MestreLionbobo37773: what I know is that in the end it will be /usr/share/man/man1/myapp.gz , like all the others... but I don't know how to get there;;; if I need to move the text file to /usr/share/man/myapp.1 and let a trigger (man-db perhaps?) do the job of zipping and moving to man101:01
red_i'm looking for interrogated graphics that has open drivers thats amd witch is the best preference with out the hassle but at least new age01:01
OerHeksred_, choose from the certified list >> http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/01:03
bobo37773MestreLion: try to just copy it as /usr/share/man/man1/myapp.1.gz Make sure the permissions are correct based on the other man pages there. Then run man myapp. If it doesn't work just rm the file. No big deal. Oh I see what you mean. Try to gz it yourself and dump it in there. Or copy an existing man page and look inside to see if there is any special sytax changes you need to make.01:03
MestreLionok bobo37773 .. I will try it then... I wish there were some official docs about it, so we don't need to trial-and-error01:04
bobo37773MestreLion: What fun would that be? :p01:05
bobo37773MestreLion: Looks like there are a bunch of tutorials online.01:06
MestreLionbobo37773: I couldn't find *any* for manual install. all say either "apt-get install manpages" or "use dh_man"01:07
MestreLionneither one is my case01:07
bobo37773MestreLion: http://www.linuxhowtos.org/System/creatingman.htm01:08
bobo37773MestreLion: yawn. https://encrypted.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=creating+man+pages+linux01:08
bobo37773MestreLion: :p01:09
MestreLionbobo37773: I could not find a single one that says: "move to /usr/share/man/myapp.1 and run man-db, it will gzip it and move to ./man1", or "gzip it and move to /usr/share/man/man1/myapp.1.gz"01:09
chicognuit is possible to load the entire live cd uncompressed in the ram ?01:09
cleatus I noticed that when I installed the latest version of ubuntu 12 beta, that on the desktop, the tab directory on the left does not hide like it used to do on earlier versions, is there a way to fix this problem, thanks.01:09
MestreLionbobo37773: I will read those, but... I don't need to *create* a man page, I already have one, in the format man uses. I only need to *install* it, and not using dpkg01:10
bazhangcleatus, #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 support01:11
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cleatusok, what is #ubuntu+1?01:12
bazhangcleatus, a channel01:13
pangolin!12.04 | cleatus01:13
ubottucleatus: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+101:13
cleatusoh ok, thank01:13
cleatusis that channel here on irc?01:14
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bazhangcleatus, /join #ubuntu+101:14
bobo37773MestreLion: Scroll to the bottom of the first link I sent you. Does that answer your question?01:14
MestreLionyes, I was reading it... it does answer01:15
MestreLionso, no need to run man-db at all? so what is it for?01:15
bobo37773what is man-db?01:16
bobo37773probably some wrapper script or something01:16
cleatusHate to sound stupid but where is channel #ubuntu+101:16
ms-daisyyou join #ubuntu+1 the same way you joined this channel01:16
bobo37773cleatus: Huh? You answered your own question haha01:17
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wyldecleatus: type /join #ubuntu+101:17
bobo37773Its on the interwebz01:17
bobo37773MestreLion: You may want to put it in man7 or something01:18
MestreLionbobo37773: why not man1 ?01:19
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bobo37773MestreLion: Your right. I guess it depends on the nature of your program. You know man too is a wrapper I am pretty sure01:20
MestreLionbobo37773: as for man-db, I also don't know exactly, it seems to be some kind of man pages indexer / cacher of some kind... I do know that it plays a role in man, because every deb you install apt says "processing triggers for man-db"01:20
cleatusgetting no response in that channel01:20
MestreLionwhat do you want cleatus?01:21
bazhangcleatus, you're not in it01:21
MestreLioncleatus: if you want to join #ubuntu+1, just type /j #ubuntu+101:21
cleatusI noticed that when I installed the ubuntu 12.04, the tab directory on the left does not hide like it used to on the earlier version. how do I fix this? thanks.01:22
bazhangcleatus, wrong channel01:22
bobo37773MestreLion: Nevermind. Man is in fact a binary. Oh I see. Just go whereis man-db and investigate it yourself01:22
ms-daisycleatus are you using freenode?01:22
cleatusI joined that channel and I am the only user there. no answers01:22
cleatusyes freenode01:23
bazhangcleatus, its #ubuntu+101:23
MestreLion.. and there are 312 people in there01:23
zschallzHi. Does anyone know of a good multi-threaded command line cpu benchmark?01:23
cleatuswell theres no one but me in that channel01:23
MestreLionare you sure you joined the right room? double-check your spelling01:23
wyldecleatus: then you typed the name wrong /join #ubuntu+101:24
bazhangcleatus, then you are in the wrong place. the channel #ubuntu+1 is there. you are not in it01:24
MestreLionthanks for the help bobo3777301:24
cleatusthen explain why if I typed join #ubuntu+1, why theres no one there but me?01:25
bobo37773MestreLion: Your welcome. Maybe this will help you too --> man mandb :p take care01:25
bazhangcleatus, /join01:25
cleatusyes /join thats what I did01:26
MestreLionbobo37773: I've read that already... that's why I came in here... I don't know IF and how should I use it for manually installed manpages01:26
cleatusand at top of freenode directory it reads #ubuntu+101:26
kantlivelonganyone know what common issue is for pm-suspend to not resume?01:26
ms-daisycleatus click on the freenode tab, then type /join #ubuntu+101:26
cleatusbut theres noboady there but me01:26
kantlivelongcleatus: tons of people there01:27
MestreLionno need to click the freenode tab... you can type directly HERE... in the same line you're chatting with us01:27
cleatusI got it thanks01:27
MestreLioncleatus: /j #ubuntu+101:27
ms-daisycleatus you typed it incorrectly.  Try clicking on the #ubuntu+1 right here01:27
bobo37773MestreLion: Yeah Im not that sure either. The manual way seems fine. I am sure you will figure it out. I gotta go now. Take care everybody01:27
MestreLionthanks bobo3777301:28
bobo37773MestreLion: You're welcome. I'll see you around.01:28
haz3lnutanyone know anything about remastersys? Specifically about making a distribution?  I want to build a distribution inside a virtualbox, and then install that on my main machine.  Think it will work?01:33
mpguttahi i am using rsync with --stats and --progress options, it started shown in verbose info like (xfer#5252005, to-check=16492/11211909), could any one please let me know what does that mean?01:36
Fyodorovnahaz3lnut, I have noticed that remastersys uses a bit of gpu and cpu that may be problem depending on your setup.01:42
kantlivelongim trying to debug pm-suspend. I found "Magic number: 8:146:509" in my dmesg after rebooting.. dont see anything resembling it01:44
haz3lnutFyodorovna: you mean the dist that it backs up will "hardcode" some gpu/cpu info that will prevent it from being installed on another box?01:47
Zyithon the downloads why is the 32 bit recommended?01:48
Zyithand how many people here are using the mubi windows installer?01:50
Zyithis it better to run from a clean install?01:51
xanguathat's all personal choice Zyith01:52
Fyodorovnahaz3lnut, no it just used a lot of those services running on my setup.01:53
ZyithI have only used ubuntu once for a few weeks. I want to get back into it. I have 4 hdd that I could install to. I just was wondering about the speed of running inside windows01:53
mhazslower in windows01:53
gfrederickshow can I avoid typing `xrdb .Xresources` everytime I log in?01:54
haz3lnutZyith: 32 bit recommended because for some reason, some vendors (ahem, adobe, cough) have trouble making 64 bit code.  You can run the 32 bit programs on your 64 bit box, but you actually have to fix it so it will work (ie, install 32 bit libs)01:54
RambytesHi everybody!01:54
mhazhello ram01:55
Zyithcool thanks Haz3lnut01:55
RambytesVery sorry for my english, but I have a little question about Ubuntu 12.04... i'm a "semi-newbie" and I want to install 12.04... but the final release will be available the 26 april. But if I install the 12.04 beta, does i will able to only update from the beta to the final?01:57
xangua!beta | Rambytes01:57
ubottuRambytes: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.01:57
haz3lnutZyith: if you have 4 gb or less of ram, you should run 32 bit. if you want to take advantage of more than 4gb ram run 64 bit.01:58
RambytesThanks alot! :)01:58
ken_oshello guys. do you mind if i ask a question ?:)01:58
ken_osjust tell me how to copy paste files into wine :)01:58
ms-daisyken_os go ahead01:58
haz3lnutken_os: right click copy. right click paste?  ...or ctrl-c copy and ctrl-v paste.  Is that what you mean?02:00
haz3lnutken_os: it should be seamless02:00
ken_osit's not that simple02:01
ms-daisywhere are you copying from & where are you pasting to?02:01
haz3lnutken_os: maybe you got a particular program making it not so simple, but for the most part it is that simple.02:01
ken_osfrom downloads folder on my user on centos into system32 folder02:01
haz3lnutken_os: use drag/drop for whole files.02:02
ken_osi think i tried that but i didn't tried enough02:03
ken_osi will try02:03
haz3lnutcopy/paste is for text, not files...or it should be anyway.02:03
ken_osi just have to put 3 dll files into system3202:03
ken_osi downloaded them on desktop now i have to put them there02:03
delinquentmeSO I thought I had the arduino IDE installed .. is there anyway to search through my ubuntu installation to find out if its hidden somewhere?02:05
leejohnhi good day guys, does anyone know how I can lockdown the preference for google-chrome?02:12
milamberdelinquentme: how did you install it?02:12
haz3lnutken_os: Assuming you have a standard wine install, in a terminal type: cp ~/Desktop/*.dll  ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system3202:12
leejohnin firefox it's too easy /etc/firefox/prefs/firefox.js02:13
ken_osso this will copy/paste everything that is dll02:13
ken_osi get it but wait a sec02:13
underclockQuestion, what if there is any photo editing program for Ubuntu that converts TIFF format into JPG/JPEG format/s? thanks02:17
haz3lnutunderclock: gimp02:18
underclockAh, thanks02:18
ken_oshaz3lnut: yup that is that02:18
haz3lnutken_os: good deal02:18
maheanuuIaOra, good evening or morning to everyone....   Still having hash file errors, and the ISP is claiming it is problems in the USA, is there any way for me to check and see exactly what or where the problem is.....02:18
ken_osi just checked and found those 3 files02:18
gfrederickshow can I avoid running `xrdb .Xresources` every time I log in?02:20
rodayoOnce the final release comes out on th 26th how does the transition from beta2 work? Should I do a clean install or is there gonna be an update option?02:20
maheanuuunderclock, I have been running gimp for about 8 years and have found it is not only a superb editor, but the price is really really reasonable also <grin>02:21
delinquentmehow do I install a .deb from command line?02:21
wyldedelinquentme: dpkg -i filename02:21
maheanuuEnjoying the 4 20 break here in Tahiti02:21
wyldedelinquentme: err sudo dpkg -i filename02:22
leejohnGood day all: is there any specific discussion channel for triple monitor setup/multi monitor setup for 12.04?02:23
joseph_ok, What causes linux to freeze at the time zone on installation? I tried ubuntu and another distro but still freezes after I click next on time zone.02:23
wylde!precise | leejohn02:23
ubottuleejohn: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+102:23
maheanuudelinquentme, did you see that Austin TX just had a statue of Willie Nelson at the Austin City Limits Site, happened at 4 20 at 4:20  Good on Willie02:24
joseph_I guess nobody knows? sweet02:24
ken_oshaz3lnut: to early to celebrate02:24
haz3lnutgfredericks: what is that line supposed to be accomplishing for you?02:24
leejohnwylde: thanks02:24
ken_osi repeated the process . deleted the .dll file and tried again. no luck. still on desktop and not in system3202:25
haz3lnutken_os: can you open a folder window to ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32  and then open a folder window to ~/Desktop?02:27
SuperG1134joined the convo too late for that!!02:27
haz3lnutken_os: and if you can do that, can you drag and drop the files you want to copy?02:27
haz3lnutken_os: and if you can;t do that, do you get an error message?02:28
leejohnI have NVS 240 + triple monitor setup, does xinerama works now with composite extension on precise? no one answer on ubuntu+1 channel so i just try my luck here ?02:28
ken_osi don't it's named like that . when i browse winefile the tree is named c:/windows/system3202:28
ken_osand when i type whereis .wine i can't find it -.-02:28
ken_osi tried to drag and drop but no luck. i will work some more but tell me can i restore files i deleted in winefile ?02:29
ken_oslike is there recycle bin there too?02:29
haz3lnutleejohn: that's a very specific setup, so you should be patient and wait, maybe ask your question every 10 minutes till you find the right expert in ubuntu+102:29
TeligardHi all02:30
TeligardCould someone provide me with a quick route to setting up a different default window manager via command line02:31
ken_osstartxfce4 ?02:31
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haz3lnutken_os: in a terminal type: "nautilus ~/Desktop;  nautilus ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32"  without quotes and 2 windows should pop up.02:31
ken_oshmm did i forgot to say i use centos in this example ? :\02:32
ken_oswow i see those 2 folders02:32
haz3lnutken_os: you;re in the wrong channel.02:32
haz3lnutken_os: I have no clue how to help you.02:32
ken_osso now i just move from one another :D02:32
TeligardI thought I had to change it in a config file02:32
ken_osi know where i am man centos ubuntu it's all basically the same. the problem is these guys on #centos are quiet :D . so i came here to ask :D02:33
ken_osdone man. :D thanks.02:34
haz3lnutken_os: drag/drop should be that simple, but I don;t know if centos uses nautilus, gnome, or what. It could put wine in a different folder, who knows?  I use Ubuntu.02:34
haz3lnutken_os: welcome.02:34
pyromaniac77i am having slight keyboard problems. i use iBus, and when i tried to put korean input on it, it seems to think i use a qwerty keyboard. unfortunately i use dvorak, and i cant find any way to change this.  the checkbox that says "use system layout" is checked, but it still thinks its qwerty. any idea what i should do?02:35
ken_osyeah man but still you said something that i used. and you could have told me to type other filemanager :D. and in the meantime on #centos is quet :D02:35
ken_ostnx very much. and btw i use ubuntu too so i will be back. i have problems with wine on that linux too02:35
geronimo89This is so exciting. (Chatting on android)02:36
haz3lnutken_os: no prop02:38
ken_osi thought you said no prop as in no propaganda XD02:38
klynci set up an nfs share via auto.misc with no special options, but the user/group come out wrong ("4294967294"). anyone know what that's all about and how to fix?02:40
pyromaniac77i am having slight keyboard problems. i use iBus, and when i tried to put korean input on it, it seems to think i use a qwerty keyboard. unfortunately i use dvorak, and i cant find any way to change this.  the checkbox that says "use system layout" is checked, but it still thinks its qwerty. any idea what i should do? (japanese and chinese inputs both function well.)02:41
FernandoCuevacan I store files on ext3 or ext4 fs with caracters of Ñáé02:42
Lint01characters of which?02:43
FernandoCuevathose caracters02:44
klyncFernandoCueva: not sure, but perhaps http://www.google.com/search?q=ext4+character+encoding02:45
klyncFernandoCueva: for me, that shows up as two pyramids with ? in the middle of each - i assume that's unicode characters on my latin1 terminal02:45
FernandoCuevaif I format a partition from fat32 to ntfs will I lose all data?02:46
FernandoCuevahow to change fs without loosing data02:46
klyncbackup -->format --> restore02:47
EvilResistanceyou cant02:47
SuperG1134not possible02:47
EvilResistanceyou have to back up the data, then format, then restore02:47
EvilResistanceno other method02:47
klyncFernandoCueva: that google search suggests the disk doesn't need to know what encoding you're using, so long as your terminal encoding is set correctly. i.e. using `locale` and the control panel in your graphical environment02:48
Wildbatis there any tools for generating colored diff HTML report?02:49
klyncWildbat: whatever php library websvn uses - probably in pecl02:49
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ThadiusBwylde: you around?02:51
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wyldeThadiusB: heya, what's up?02:51
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ThadiusBnot a lot, things are moving along great now, got the cnc machine working on that parallel port02:53
ThadiusBjust wanted to thank you for your help02:53
wyldeThadiusB: glad to hear it. No problem :)02:53
Lint01In gnome you just cannot use soviet encodings, it´s impossible :(02:54
Lint01whichever you do, it will revert to that stupid utf-802:54
ajnr Hi every one ,  Since I removed Ubuntu 11.04 and installed 11.10 , it is a disaster: nearly everyday in  my system I am logged out automatically and all my unsaved documents are lost. after that I upgraded my system 12.04LTS but still the problem exists ! how to solve the matter plz help me  out !02:55
MayazcherquoiJust wondering, is there a difference between gnome-shell and gnome? :S02:57
xanguaajnr: for pangolin support /join #ubuntu+102:58
xanguaMayazcherquoi: well the name says it itself, is just a shell for gnome02:58
Lint01gnome-shell is a desktop environment for gnome 302:58
xanguaMayazcherquoi: as unity is another shell for gnome02:58
MayazcherquoiOh okay. Because I read that GNOME 3.4 has been released, and wasn't quite sure what to do.02:59
Lint01ajnr, does your xserver crash?02:59
trismMayazcherquoi: you could wait until 12.04 comes out next week, which has gnome 3.403:00
Mayazcherquoitrism: Oh okay. Might as-well.03:01
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MayazcherquoiSorry, just that I got confused because all of the reviews for the gnome package have "omg, it's so much better than Unity" in the Ubuntu Software Centre.03:01
ajnrLint01, no it just logout only , i dint see anything more. how to know tht ?03:01
trismMayazcherquoi: they are both available, so try them and see which you like03:02
delinquentmewhats the dmesg command to list all USBs ( and only usbs )03:03
Lint01Mayazcherquoi, I don´t know, it looks and feels exactly like unity03:04
Hebramdelinquentme: dmesg | grep usb03:04
FernandoCuevawhat fs is more compatible in terms of caracter set ntfs or ext303:07
the_real_crimperis there a quick method to create a mount point and mount a disk?03:08
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mewaywhat would be a good linux distro for an xbox? o.O03:10
Lint01good linux distro will not run on 512 MB RAM03:11
mewayLint01: hmm indeed03:12
FernandoCuevawhat fs is more compatible in terms of caracter set ntfs or ext303:12
FernandoCuevahas more character support ext4 or ntfs03:12
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Lint01FernandoCueva, they are invariant03:15
Lint01all filesystems just store bytes which have no meaning03:15
delinquentmewhats the command line command for the current user?03:15
delinquentmeuname isn't giving me what I want03:15
Lint01$USER env var03:18
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delinquentmewhats the command line .. command to get the current user?03:20
klyncdelinquentme: `id`03:20
klyncdelinquentme: or `echo $USER` depending on your purpose03:21
delinquentmethattttsss it03:21
wyldethe_real_crimper: yes 'mkdir /tmp/mymount; sudo mount /dev/whatever /tmp/mymount  -t fstype03:27
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|Anthony|since in ubuntu the root acct is effectively disabled, is there a reason to have PermitRootLogin yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config be the default?03:29
|Anthony|or is that a non issue due to ubuntus root practices?03:30
WilsonBradleyAnyone know what player can play back .av files in Linux?03:32
klync|Anthony|: better to disable that imho. esp if there's more than one person with root privileges03:32
|Anthony|does that setting effect sudoers in any way?03:32
|Anthony|WilsonBradley, vlc03:33
|Anthony|WilsonBradley, do you mean .avi?03:33
WilsonBradleyI tried VLC, doesn't recognize it03:33
WilsonBradleyno .AV03:33
|Anthony|did you encode this file?03:34
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S4Lhey all, doing a fresh install with new hard drives, NTFS isn't an option for formatting my storage drives?03:38
S4Lhey all, doing a fresh install with new HDDs, NTFS isn't an option for formatting my storage drives? this normal, intended?03:38
S4L^sorry that03:38
|Anthony|S4L, is that not an option during install?03:39
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S4LAnthony, no, ext432, several other journaling, and fats, all repeated 4 times (this is Kubuntu disc BTW)03:41
|Anthony|i usually partition my drive before going into the install dialogue03:42
ChogyDanS4L: you may have to install somethhing line ntfsprogs or something03:43
S4Lwas mainly trying to streamline having all of them mount on boot by doing it during install. All the necessary partitions are in place just fine.03:43
|Anthony|S4L, try using the live cd to partition your drive first, then proceed to the install...03:43
the_real_crimperwylde, i was trying to avoid the mkdir part, i.e. something automatic, i suppose i just have to write my own script03:44
|Anthony|S4L,  if you are still unable to select these partitions during install to set mount points, you might need to edit fstab after installation03:44
S4Lwhat I was hoping to avoid :-)03:44
|Anthony|fstab isn't a big deal to edit03:44
S4LI know, but it's annoying when I think there's a quicker, cleaner way and there isn't03:45
S4Lah well, I'll live03:45
|Anthony|maybe something03:45
|Anthony|idk if this will work, but03:45
|Anthony|run the live cd, see if you are able to partition the drives first... there might be a .so or lib file you need to install to manage those partitions.03:46
|Anthony|like ntfsprogs03:47
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ChogyDanannnnd, I clicked that stupid link03:55
c4ptChogyDan laptop for sale just putting it out there03:55
ChogyDanc4pt: you'll probably still get banned if you continue03:57
c4ptChogyDan i wont continue03:57
callmeabchello everyone!04:00
callmeabcI was wondering if someone may be able to help me with an issue i am having launching  a java based game alled "poxnora". I installed ubuntu 11.10 32 bit today04:01
FernandoCuevawhy after creating an ext4 partition on a usb drive It says I have no write permissions to it?04:01
AmdpcHi..I have configured and can connect to wifi using GUI..Now I want to connect to same using terminal..which commands to use ?04:01
ChogyDancallmeabc: make sure to install the sun version of java04:02
ChogyDanAmdpc: never used it, but I think there is a network-manager-cli you can install.  iwconfig is there too, but that is a different beast04:03
callmeabcthank you ChogyDan,04:03
sawjigpours [sauce] on [redacted]04:03
delinquentme_so I'm trying to get my arduino IDE setup to write out the the tty/ACM0 slot ... but it happens that that item doesnt exist in /home/dev/   unless the USB is plugged in04:06
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Biker-Boyany girls in da room? xD04:09
HebramBiker-Boy: Ubottu is cute.04:10
TehCrawI have a feeling that if there were girls in the room - and there very well may be - they wouldn't say so.04:11
drdoWhy do i need to select a driver when adding a remote printer in CUPS?04:12
codemaniachello evryone04:14
delinquentme_what would the class name for these /dev/tty* things be?04:18
delinquentme_USB ports?04:18
jamjamhi guys! how do I reenable NBD compression on 11.10? should I remove this line or just leave it uncommented? >> NO_COMP="-noF -noD -noI -no-exports"04:24
jamjamthis site tells me to uncomment it >> http://www.thefanclub.co.za/how-to/how-create-ubuntu-1104-x64-ltsp-server-32bit-thin-clients04:24
jamjamthis one to delete the line >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/FatClients04:25
ceti331greetings, anyone here know about networking between linux & mac04:25
ceti331i have managed to make my Ubuntu Linux box see my Macintosh through nautilus04:25
jamjamwhich one should be?04:26
ceti331but i can't do the reverse04:26
ceti331when i try to log on in finder to see my linux box, it tells me "it's not allowing more connections"04:26
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ceti331I *CAN* transfer via the commandline "scp"04:26
ceti331but i can't browse using finder04:26
ceti331what do i have to setup to allow this to work ..04:27
ceti331it's nearly there04:27
TehCrawjamjam, you should check the sharing section of  Mac  System Preferences.04:27
ceti331<ok i just found sharing options in nautilus i'll try again..>04:29
jamjam@TehCraw I think your on ceti331's question?04:29
TehCrawYeah, sorry about that04:29
TehCrawWhat, specifically are you trying to set up? SSH?04:30
ceti331i thinkso .. "SFTP" ; i can use scp commandline to move files already04:31
ceti331nautilus can see the mac , it says its SFTP04:31
ceti331when i try the reverse, logging on, the mac tells me "this server will not allow any more connections"04:31
ceti331<might have made a typo on the share name.. trying again, brb>04:32
Guest59436Can anyone help a noobie empty the trash when the Empty Trash button won't do it?04:32
DreamWaveKill it with fire!04:33
vectorGuest59436: you have  to hit that button with a much larger hammer than you're using..... you'll lose a monitor, but the trash will be empty04:33
vectoror at least you won't be able to see that it's not ;)04:33
TehCrawLOL, vector04:33
checkeredskirthi. ubuntu shuts down unexpectedly at random (a proper shutdown out of no where). how can i begin to get to the root of this?04:34
ceti331ok definitely got the share name right now.. its always saying the server (this linux box) isn't allowing more connections. I can't find a panel that controls this04:35
DreamWaveIs it a notebook?04:35
checkeredskirtDreamWave: me?04:36
checkeredskirtyes it is04:36
DreamWaveIs it hot as hell?04:36
checkeredskirtnonono.. it properly shuts down on its own04:36
checkeredskirtit goes through an actual shutdown04:36
nastasafter update to 11.10 mouse an keyboard doesn't work. any idea?04:37
checkeredskirtjust... at random04:37
TehCrawceti331: You may have to try Googling this one. I dunno what the problem is here. :S04:37
ceti331ok its strange. GUI works read/write one way (nautilus), scp works from both 2ways04:37
ceti331the linux box actually feeling slicker than the mac at the minute04:38
ceti331Let me see if I can go linux to linux..04:39
asimSorry, installation of this driver failed.04:39
asimPlease have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log04:39
ceti331is SFTP the right option for a home LAN ?04:40
asimdoes any one know how to fix it ? ?04:40
asimSorry, installation of this driver failed.04:40
asimPlease have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log04:40
ceti331up till now i've only used USB sticks, dropbox , and sometimes BZR (bzr server)  to move between  machines04:40
TehCrawceti331: Assuming you're password protected, on both the computers and network, I dont see a problem with it. WEP networks are easy to crack though, so use at your own risk.04:41
jasoncinciceti331: SFTP is fine; scp might be easier on a LAN04:41
ceti331i'm a complete networking n00b04:42
jasoncinciasim: use pastbin to show us some of the log. The error is pretty generic you are reporting04:42
TehCrawWEP is a type of network password04:42
ceti331i've only used windows machines at work with a lan all setup by someone else04:42
ceti331ok the WEP keys for wireless .. i've used that04:42
ceti331iedally i would like each machine setup READ ONLY04:42
ceti331.. but able to copy on one from anywhere else in my home04:43
TehCrawMight try bluetooth file transfer, too. It can be pretty slick, although a little slow.04:43
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ceti331its a bit sad when one finds Dropbox over the internet easier then a lan for 2 computers next to eachother :)04:44
ceti331although thats possibly a comment on how good dropbox etc are04:44
TehCrawLOL. Yah, but I use dropbox too.04:44
jasoncinciceti331: it's a comment on something for sure.04:44
ceti331ubuntu one is supposed to do the same job ? and apple has 'airdrop'?04:44
TehCrawJust uploaded a screenshot of the chat software I"m making to dropbox a second ago04:45
TehCrawNever heard of airdrop before...04:45
kantlivelonganyone know why pm_trace wouldnt work>?04:46
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pappadjhey all... just a simple question. seems the current release of Ubuntu doesn't have support for either the latest amd a6 cpu or ati M65xx  gpu drivers....  Anyone know if 12.04 will fix it and is there a Ubuntu for Windows verson?04:46
ZeloZelosi need to add tcp/ip port forwarding from public port 86 to port 86...i have a motorola surfboard cable modem and have some knowledge of it if someone could tell me which settngs to change04:46
jasoncincikantlivelong: doesn't that require the dev kernel?04:46
fagjucan someone tell me how to turn off the preview pictures in nautilus?04:46
TehCrawI gotta go. It's getting late here, and I'm getting up early tomorrow. See ya.04:47
ZeloZelosoops shoulda been offtopic :(04:47
kantlivelongjasoncinci: unsure?04:47
jasoncincikantlivelong: you using sudo?04:47
kantlivelongjasoncinci: yes.04:47
kantlivelongjasoncinci: it doesnt seem to drastically change the time like its supposed to04:48
jasoncincikantlivelong: what is the error? Just nothing?04:48
kantlivelongno signal04:48
Rurd2dipostmap: fatal: /etc/postfix/main.cf, line 1: missing '=' after attribute name: "Add: [smtp.gmail.com]:587"04:48
jasoncinciZeloZelos: not sure what you want to do. Firewall in Ubuntu or looking for how to change the router?04:49
kantlivelongunsure why :/04:49
fagjuI'd like to turn off the picture preview in the listview mode in nautilus. can someone help me with that? thx04:49
ceti331for some reason I got further setting up BZR and GIT servers than general file browsing04:49
jasoncincikantlivelong: You need to check if you have the dev kernel, libraries installed. Quick Google search will point you in the right direction.04:49
nastasafter update to 11.10 mouse an keyboard doesn't work04:49
ceti331there was a point where i could quite happily push/pull between my macbook, linux04:49
nastasany idea?04:49
jasoncincifagju: use gconf-editor04:50
vectornastas: they dont' work in X or does the keyboard also not work in console mode (like.. in recovery or whatever)04:50
fagjujasoncinci: can you give me a hint where to look?04:51
kantlivelongjasoncinci: i dont think thats the prob.. i have /sys/power/pm_trace...04:51
jasoncincifagju: a quick google search will. check apps > pref04:51
kantlivelongso pm_trace is there..04:51
nastasvector: in console mode it works or recovery. it just stop working in login screen04:52
jasoncincikantlivelong: possibly, but without the dev kernel, pm_trace has no library to collect data you are looking for on driver, etc.04:52
vectornastas: I'm assuming you've rebooted since the upgrade?04:52
nastasvector: yes.04:52
kantlivelongjasoncinci: all its supposed to do is store the pciid in the RTC. shouldnt need any libs04:52
vectornastas: you can look for hints as to why kb/mouse isn't liked in X by looking in /var/log/Xorg.o.log04:53
jasoncincikantlivelong: sorry i couldn't be more help! Good luck in your quest!04:54
Rurd2diany one help with my issue04:54
kantlivelongjasoncinci: its np.. i think it might be usb304:54
Rurd2dijust an issue with a line of script04:54
jasoncincinastas: are they usb devices? if so have you tried PS2 if available / possible?04:54
nastasvector: paste.ubuntu.com/93716804:54
nastasjasoncinci: i have try both ps2 and usb04:55
fagjujasoncinci: when i change /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_image_thumbnails then I wont have any previews, even in symbol view.04:55
Rurd2dipostmap: fatal: /etc/postfix/main.cf, line 1: missing '=' after attribute name: "Add: [smtp.gmail.com]:587"04:57
jasoncincifagju: sorry thought you wanted them always gone.04:57
Rurd2diwtf does this mean04:57
nastasjasoncinci: vector while on boot screen i can switch to console with REI and ctrl+alt+F104:57
fagjujasoncinci: :D I'll try some googling04:57
vectornastas: by boot screen do you actually mean the "ubuntu" screen while it's booting or do you mean the login screen?04:58
jasoncincinastas: did you change your keyboard layout or something on the login screen?04:58
nastasvector: i mean the screen that my password is reguested04:58
nastasjasoncinci: no i didn't04:58
jasoncincinastas: also does the mouse work on that screen?04:59
vectordamn.. that was my next question :(04:59
nastasjasoncinci: no. mouse is also "dead"04:59
jasoncincinastas: on the login screen? or X session or both.04:59
vectorjasoncinci: kb works on his console04:59
vectorbut not X05:00
nastasthat's right05:00
vectoror.. at least at the login screen he can ctrl-alt-F1 to get to the console... but (and I'm assuming this one) can't type in a password on the login screen (?)05:00
nastasvector: that's excactly what is happening05:01
vectorthis is going to sound stupid.. but have you tried unplugging the keyboard and plugging it back in on another usb port?05:02
jasoncincinastas: something in your xorg.conf possibly. Use the console to login, and remove it (rename not delete probs) and X should recreate on restart / login05:02
nastasvector: i can't type my pass but i can takeover my keyboard using alt+sysrq05:02
nastasjasoncinci: i have already try that05:03
vectorwell yes, we know the kernel sees your keyboard.. I was hoping to make X see it with a hotplug05:03
vectornot a huge chance that will work.. but it's something to try :)05:03
jasoncincinastas: hmm.05:03
zschallzHow can I see the current configuration of my ubuntu box's kernel?05:03
zschallzI need to see if something was enabled as a module.05:04
vectorzschallz: /boot/config.gz   or something like that?05:04
jasoncincinasta: are they usb wireless or wired?05:04
vectorah ... /boot/config-`uname -r`05:04
MZIGGAi have a hardware question; my MOBO doesnt have raid 5 would ubuntu handle a pci-e raid controller05:04
vectorMZIGGA: yes05:05
zschallzvector: Thanks for that-- but it doesn't seem to be there05:05
vectorin fact, I'm running one right now05:05
zschallzI wonder if me using Linode happens to be one of the reasons why05:05
zschallzmaybe they use a special kernel05:05
nastasjasoncinci: wired05:05
vectorI'm sure they do05:05
zschallzyup. 3.0.18-linode4305:05
vectorI think the kernel has to have that config option turned on for the config.gz to be there.. and it looks like ubuntu just dumps that file there... so it's probably not enabled on many VPS providers05:06
srdhlinuxhi, i have installed kubuntu, try it for a month, then install gnome-shell package, remove KDE package, but when i look at the boot log message, the  K display manager still running, i have removed the KDM package.05:06
jasoncincinastas: have you checked /etc/default/console-setup for kb layout, etc.05:06
nastasjasoncinci: give me 1 min05:07
zschallzvector: I believe you're right. Thanks05:07
jasoncincinastas: look at the XKBMODEL & XKBLAYOUT specifially.05:07
zschallzIf something is not enabled as a module in the kernel I am running, it has to be recompiled, right?05:08
zschallzhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile says "You merely need to compile a special driver. For this, you only need to install the linux-headers packages." but I'm not sure what this means.05:08
vectorMZIGGA: make sure you check to make sure there's a linux driver for your controller though... nothing sucks more than spending money on a controller to find out there isn't any linux support (either from manufacturer or from the community)05:08
vectorzschallz: if the currently running kernel has been built with the abililty to load modules, you can simply build the module that you need for that kernel version.  however, if you are looking to build a kernel for a linode machine you might run into problems with the module not loading because they have their own patches they apply to the kernel I'm sure... so if you don't have access to the source tree they use to build that version of the05:11
vectorkernel you will likely find it very difficult to build a module that inserts properly05:11
nastasjasoncinci: XKBMODEL=ps105 and XKBLAYOUT=us seems normal tome05:11
vectorthat being said.. I'm not a kernel expert... just a 18 year "power user", all of that info is of the "as far as I know" variety :)05:12
nastasjasoncinci: *pc105 not ps10505:13
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jasoncincinastas: sorry for delay was afk. Mine is just "pc105"05:16
nastasmine too05:16
jasoncincinastas: did this ever work? Or did something change that led to it?05:18
nastasjasoncinci just made an upgrade to 11.10 from 11.04. on 11.04 it was working just fine05:19
jasoncincinastas: can you select old kernel during boot and see if it works?05:19
nastasjasoncinci: the same in every kernel i have05:20
jasoncincinastas: sorry, at the brick wall for me. :(05:21
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Rurd2di#contents of sasl_passwd05:21
nastasjasoncinci: :) don't worry thanks for your time05:21
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banseljajhey guys05:24
banseljajwhat would be the best way to use a guest ubuntu install as a server over multiple laptops, including the one runnong it05:26
banseljajbasically, I have set up a DHCP server on my lpatop05:28
banseljajand a server installed as a guest OS on my laptop.05:28
banseljajI want my laptop to act as a gateway to the guest OS05:29
hbc_hi everyone05:29
captinehi all.  please let me know if my question should be taken elsewhere.  been googling for hours.05:29
hbc_but when I try to boot it, always return kernel panic05:30
captinetrying to figure if aser as4755 i7 which comes with linux is a good buy... worried about the optimus issues?05:30
captineanyone here use aser?05:30
jiltdilDard E disco :P05:31
captinesorry "acer"05:32
banseljajjiltdil: WTF? Wrong channel05:32
jiltdilbanseljaj,  right channel :P dico comes from package mono-devel05:33
jiltdildar from package dar05:33
jiltdilbanseljaj, You indian?05:34
banseljajjiltdil: across the border.05:34
goddardhow can i download a website for offline ?05:34
jiltdilbanseljaj, hm so you understood this. srk song ;)05:34
bobweaver!info wget | goddard05:35
ubottugoddard: wget (source: wget): retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.12-3.1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 262 kB, installed size 580 kB05:35
ceti331Networking: I was able to go linux <-> linux no problem05:35
ceti331both machines can see eachother fine05:35
goddardbobweaver: wget will download a page but what about the whole thing?05:35
bobweavergoddard,  there is a -r option that you can use to copy recurcivly05:35
bobweaverwget -r somesite.com05:36
scar3crow(canital -R)05:36
ceti331.. just not frmo the mac05:36
goddardoh ok cool05:36
bobweaverbut it maintains the robots.txt goddard  but there are workarounds for that.05:36
banseljajjiltdil: yes.. yes i did. :D05:37
goddardbobweaver: yeah didn't work to well only managed to get a few pages05:40
bobweavergoddard, join #wget ?05:40
goddardgood idea05:41
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gmachine_24Greetings. I have zipped music files that I want to unzip into a separate folder. I want to know if there's a command that will allow me to unzip a zipped file into a new folder that is being created as part of the same command05:47
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t0m5k1man tar05:49
captineTrying to install ubuntu on lenovo X201 (dual boot with win7).  Anyone had issues with partitions not being read correctly?05:53
captinegparted doesnt read correctly.  shows !'s next to partitions05:53
captinedoesnt show an unallocated space which shows in windows.  I am guessing windows 7  has not recorded partitions correctly or something, and that i need to reinstall the windows and ubuntu os's05:54
captineif I can get the dual boot working, i can save buying a new machine05:55
kcurtisHello, don't know if this helps, but I've used gparted  adozen times for dual boots and never had a problem- are you making a simple misatke? Those are the ones that always screw things up! :)05:57
kcurtisScrewed up like my spelling for instance...05:58
captinethanks kcurtis.  Also used it many times.  i think the IT guys at the office used Win7 to change partition sizes etc, after installing win705:58
captinesuspect that is causing an issue.  Gparted lists the labels on the incorrect partitions etc, so something is wack :)05:59
scar3crowcaptine:  try out a wubi install?05:59
captinethanks scar3crow.  i will look into wubi.  key is, i am kind of using a work machine for this, which means i cannot leave a "trace" :)05:59
captinedoes wubi run it from inside windows?06:00
scar3crowfdisk /mbr ;)06:00
scar3crower, no06:00
scar3crowbut is very easily removed06:00
scar3crowand portable ;)06:01
kcurtisThen you have a mystery- I've tended to trust the linux based programs over windows, just from experience...:)06:01
captinethanks all.  let me look into fdisk more.  best i create a recovery disk for windows first :)  just in case06:02
benhelpsHey all, on tab so slow typer. Trying to setup a wpa2 wifi connection via cli on a new offline ubuntu 11.10 install06:03
HebramAnd backup your data =P06:03
captinedata backed up... thnks :)06:03
* scar3crow lost 750 GB the other day... :/06:03
shapeIs anyone running ubuntu on Asus EEE PC ? I see from the official website that you need to tweak it quite a lot?06:04
lotuspsychjeshape: some eee pc have ubuntu netboox remix as default06:04
benhelpsShape from memoty I was- ubuntu netbook06:04
captinemaybe i should just go buy a cheap laptop for my ubuntu play...  just would like something to run other distro's in for "fun"...06:04
captineso need a bit more power.06:04
jiltdilcaptaine: I suggest you to check you cylinders  by fdisk, may be it is in wrong may , it also causes problems06:04
zeroblockubuntu 11.04 is too hard for EEEPC06:04
captinethanks jiltdil.06:05
lotuspsychjei got acer netbook and ubuntu runs fine06:05
scar3crowcaptine: bah, make the switch ;) lol06:05
captinelet me sort out my recovery for windows first, then fiddle more06:05
shapelotuspsychje: Do you happen to know what is the best netbook that Ubuntu runs out of the box? (apart from acer aspire) looking for 10", 1Ghz CPU06:05
benhelpsThink I had 10.04 on my 4gb eee06:05
zeroblockmy 1000H run 11.04 I have to overclock a little bit to make unity works no-lag06:05
lotuspsychjeshape: i got an acer aspire one, running ocelot 64 with ssd drive06:06
captinescar3crow -- really keen to switch.  am in the Philippines andthere is a local brand laptop that comes with ubuntu (neo) with great specs.06:06
captinejust the nvidia optimus that concerns me06:06
lotuspsychje!hardware | shape06:06
ubottushape: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:06
lotuspsychjehmm there is a hardware channel somewhere here06:06
shapeI'm on that exact page and I can see the Asus ones take some tweaking ;)06:06
shapeAnd yes, I know the aspire works well06:07
benhelpsShape my old old eee runs 10.04 without things not working06:07
scar3crowcaptine: so what are you waiting for? with the release of 12.04 later this month... i'm pushing it @ work :D06:07
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benhelpsSo anyone good with cli wpa2 wifi setup?06:07
lotuspsychjeshape: u might wanna try precise when it comes out06:07
shapelotuspsychje: I haven't gotten a netbook yet. That's why I'm looking into issues first, before I buy one. But I heard Ubuntu dropped Ubuntu Netbook because precise will apparently run on netbooks no problem.06:08
FloodBot1jeregon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:09
jeregonok sorry06:09
tdhz77How do you set the path for an external HD in smb.conf?06:11
FernandoCuevaI have a question06:14
FernandoCuevaif I have ubuntu 9 server can I upgrade to ubuntu 10 or 11 from the command line or do I have to install the new os from scratch06:15
scar3crowFernandoCueva: yep06:18
scar3croweither or06:18
FernandoCuevaI have to install from scratch?06:19
tdhz77how do you enter spaces in the terminal?06:19
scar3crowtdhz77: \(space)06:20
scar3crowas in: Doom\ III06:20
tdhz77 /media/THE\ GREAT/Movies = /media/THE GREAT/Movies06:21
tdhz77Can you not mount an external hard drive and share with samba?06:21
tdhz77Does this look right for a smb.conf file? path = /media/THE\ GREAT/Movies06:22
scar3crowseems ok...06:23
tdhz77I can access my home directory fine, just not external using XBMC.06:23
tdhz77Where can I find docs about xbmc and samba? I've tried several things, but nothing seems to be working.06:25
scar3crowtdhz77: is that program any good?06:25
tdhz77scar3crow, amazing!06:25
scar3crowpost a screenie?06:25
tdhz77I don't have one, but check out xbmc.org! Some beautiful skins there.06:26
scar3crowis there .deb packages there?06:26
tdhz77if your own 12.04 - sudo apt-get install xbmc06:27
FernandoCuevais there a difference between boot loader and boot manager06:31
leo_Hey. During the install I accidentally clicked the "High Contrast" button... Now, it installed the sytem and all my icons/cursor are giant and stuff is in "high contrast" mode. How do I turn that stuff off?06:32
leo_Talk about trying to be too smart >_<06:34
CellTechAny way to replace the Xubuntu orange clock with something different?06:35
ShadowFiosim on ubuntu 8.0406:38
ShadowFiosim trying to find which scsi device my usb is mapped to06:38
ShadowFiosto make it bootable06:38
ShadowFiosso i can update06:38
arianithi I'm trying to upgrade to 12.04 via update-manager -d, but no update option is offered in the launched update manager. see some errors here http://pastie.org/382692906:39
ShadowFioshow do i find which scsi device my usb drive is mapped to06:39
FernandoCuevaI want to update ubuntu server 9.04 but it doesn't work06:43
leo_shade34321, what?06:43
leo_ShadowFios, what?06:43
bazhang!eolupgrades | FernandoCueva06:44
ubottuFernandoCueva: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:44
ShadowFioshow does one find the scsi device the usb drive is mapped to06:44
leo_ShadowFios, I don't even know wtf that means, dude.06:44
ShadowFiosin /dev/ there is 3 files: sba,sbb,sbc (i think)06:45
ShadowFiosi need to know which is my usb drive06:46
ShadowFiosand their unreadable files06:46
leo_Can't you just mount and see which one makes your USB drive blink? :)06:46
phibxrShadowFios, if your USB-drive has a filesystem you should be able to see it in Nautilus.06:46
phibxrShadowFios, after clicking it there, open a terminal and type mount.06:46
zykotick9ShadowFios: "sudo fdisk -l" or "sudo blkid" or "dmesg"... i suggest you look for size perhaps?06:47
ShadowFiosok just a sec06:49
ShadowFiosfirst of all what is nautalis i have no idea im a complete newb at ubuntu06:50
leo_ShadowFios, file manager06:50
leo_.oO( man, there are way too many people in here with names starting with 'Sh' )06:51
ShadowFioszykotick9: leo_ : thank you so much it worked like a charm06:53
* leo_ offered no real help06:53
ShadowFiosleo_: you were more help than dell phone support06:54
leo_"5GB to be downloaded. After installation 10GB will be used"... That should be enough apps for my dad :D07:00
gluonmanThe following textfile is broken up into multiple lines per field.  The beginning of a line should always be finalNE_B.fits, and each instance of " \ " should be removed and the following line appended to the first line.  How can I do this in vim in one command so I don't have to do it 214 times (which will take me like 4 hours)?07:04
gluonmanI'm sorry, I forgot to post the pastebin.: http://paste.ubuntu.com/939310/07:05
leo_gluonman, maybe you'll have better luck in #vim?07:08
gluonmanThanks, leo_07:08
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leo_gluonman, if you want to just fix that, not necessarily with vim, you could run this perl code:     perl -pi -e 's/\\\n/ /g;' out.txt07:11
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leo_gluonman, out.txt is your file with that text (back it up, I haven't tested that code)07:11
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gluonmanI'll give that a try, leo_ thanks07:12
BoohbahLamda: welcome back07:12
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fistoloCiao a tutti07:21
ubottufistolo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:21
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ShadowFiosso im trying to install a new image for ubuntu off a usb drive07:23
ShadowFiosso i went to the gparted and then to my device07:24
ShadowFiosits properties were fat3207:24
ShadowFiosand its flags were lba07:25
ShadowFiosi want to make it a bootable usb drive07:25
ZoffixShadowFios, unetbootin07:25
* scar3crow nods07:25
auronandace!usb | ShadowFios07:25
ubottuShadowFios: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:25
szalno need for unetbootin w/ *buntu live media07:25
* Zoffix &07:26
FORCEGCunetbootin i prefer07:26
auronandaceShadowFios: if you are using 11.10 you can simply dd the iso to the stick07:26
ShadowFiosim using 8.0407:27
ShadowFiostrying to get a newer image07:27
ShadowFiosbut i have tried multiple times prior to changing the flags07:27
ShadowFiosand it saysw invalid partition chart07:28
ShadowFiosdo i have to make my usb drive bootable?07:29
srinivasaraounable to connect with 3g hsupa modem in ubuntu 11.1007:31
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ShadowFiosZoffix: it says in the web page that i need usb creator07:32
ShadowFiosZoffix: i do not have usb creator as i am on 8.0407:32
ShadowFiosis anyone there?07:33
kj_hello nadeem i m kj07:35
psycho_oreosShadowFios, unetbootin07:36
user1what is MCELOG in ubuntu 10.0407:36
user1pls help me....07:36
psycho_oreoswhere exactly did you see that showing up?07:37
meganerduser1: aptitude show mcelog07:38
meganerduser1: psycho_oreos it merely copies the machine check exceptions events into the syslog, if you remove the package those events do not show up in syslog07:39
psycho_oreosmeganerd, ahh I see thanks07:40
meganerdyou probably don't need it unless you are testing kernels and are filling out useful bug reports07:40
user1meganerd - how can check h/w failures using mcelog07:42
LipuHi all07:42
Lipugood morning07:42
meganerduser1: I can't really help you with that since I don't have it installed on any of my machines07:42
meganerduser1: it has been a few years since I owned any problematic hardware07:42
meganerduser1: from looking at the package description, all mcelog does is copy MCE events into the syslog07:43
LipuI need help, I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and my machine cannot resolve the DNS configuration means resolv.conf remain blank07:43
Lipuany one can help me07:44
LipuI am using office wireless network07:44
akash1990I edited /etc/ssh/sshd_config and addeda line saying  "MaxStartpus 100" since the default number of 10 connections was low for my usage. Now when I tried restarting sshd it gives an error "/etc/ssh/sshd_config line 70: Illegal MaxStartups spec."07:44
mathews!DNS | Lipu07:44
ubottuLipu: To set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns.html07:44
jribakash1990: look at what you typed07:45
meganerdLipu: you should be able to write "nameserver" to the /etc/resolve.conf07:45
Lipuubottu: I am in client machine and when I connect with my office wireless network resolv.conf remain blank07:46
ubottuLipu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:46
meganerdLipu: chances are there is something wrong with DHCP, or you have done some customizing (either in Network Manager or dhclient.conf), or you are not in fact successfully connected.07:46
meganerdLipu: easy test is to ping or trace to (one of Google's DNS servers that you can use)07:47
Lipuubottu: it is possible to manually configure the resolv.conf and then it works well07:47
kamilnadeemon a freinds UBuntu 11.10 net isn;t working07:47
kamilnadeemalthough on his windows laptop it is for some reason?07:48
meganerdkamilnadeem: there could be many reasons07:48
Lipumeganerd: it cannot ping any name server(eg. google.com) but works when I use the IP Address(eg. office network IP)07:49
meganerdcan you ping or mtr to
kamilnadeemmeganerd how do I help him07:50
meganerdkamilnadeem: can you be more specific?  Wifi or lan is a good start07:50
meganerdkamilnadeem: just a heads up, I am only here for a few more minutes.07:51
meganerdkamilnadeem: probably poorly or unsupported hardware07:51
kamilnadeemI havb ehim on call any info you want I can ask him07:51
meganerdkamilnadeem: so a laptop?07:51
Lipumeganerd: yes I can ping but not google.com07:51
Lipumeganerd: ping google.com07:52
Lipuping: unknown host google.com07:52
meganerdLipu: then put "nameserver" without the quotes into your /etc/resolv.conf07:52
LipuIf I manually write the nameserver and search and domain then it works well07:52
meganerdLipu: if that works you need to figure out why it is not working automatically which depends on how you are connecting (wicd, Network Manager, some random script etc.)07:53
Lipubut my question  is it should automatically resolve07:53
meganerdkamilnadeem: lspci |grep -i net07:53
meganerdLipu: see my previous response07:54
SSShvbhello i am trying to control my work station from my house.  What way ( or what kind of program ) i can use to reach this target ?07:54
Lipumeganerd: I am using /etc/network/interfaces as like auto eth007:54
Lipuiface eth0 inet dhcp07:54
Lipuauto wlan007:54
Lipuiface wlan0 inet dhcp07:54
meganerdSSShvb: ssh, nx, vnc07:54
kamilnadeemasking him07:54
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meganerdLipu: is this wireless?07:55
SSShvbhow can i setup ssh   ?07:55
Lipumeganerd: yes07:55
meganerdLipu: you probably have an error in there somewhere07:55
meganerdLipu: you can always manually specify DNS settings in the interfaces file (dns-nameservers and dns-search options)07:56
meganerdLipu: otherwise figure out what is going wrong with your dhcp client (dhclient, network manager, pump etc.)07:57
meganerdSSShvb: install openssh-server and then read up on it07:58
Lipumeganerd: I am actually need to know the cause for that problem. And it is not a fact for me to use the manual conf07:58
SSShvbthanks a lot07:58
meganerdLipu: well knowing which dhcp client is a good start, also check /var/log/syslog07:59
kamilnadeemhis call has disconnected07:59
kamilnadeemwill check later thanks for help07:59
meganerdkamilnadeem: np, it is probably a broadcom based wifi card, they can be a pain07:59
kamilnadeemI have told him to check on the irc later here08:00
kamilnadeemif it not a hardware issue then he find a fix08:00
meganerdkamilnadeem: probably a driver problem08:00
S4Lif anyone's free: fresh install of 11.10 (kubuntu), colors on YouTube videos are all wrong. Smurfs everywhere. I haven't the foggiest. Vimeo works fine, though.08:01
kamilnadeemRight click on the youtube video08:01
kamilnadeemenable hardware accelaration08:02
kamilnadeemflash is messy08:02
S4Lhot damn, tried that earlier but forgot to refresh08:02
S4Lthanks kamil08:02
pungi_mancan any one give me /usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 ..... My file is corrupt. I am using ubuntu natty....I get a error that this file exited with status 3251208:03
kamilnadeemhis internet has started to work now :)08:04
MechanisMhi how to remove hud? I see it processes and it's eats around 50mb ram while I'm not using it at all. I don't need it08:05
MechanisMI'm tried to serch via synaptic to locate package with hud in name but no results08:06
Lipumeganerd: this is /var/log/syslog nameserver
Lipusearch smartitengineering.net08:06
Lipudomain smartitengineering.net08:06
Lipusorry this is not right08:06
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Liputail -f /var/log/syslog08:07
LipuApr 21 13:59:35 lipu-laptop NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (wlan0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) started...08:07
LipuApr 21 13:59:35 lipu-laptop avahi-daemon[1179]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface wlan0.IPv4 with address
LipuApr 21 13:59:35 lipu-laptop avahi-daemon[1179]: New relevant interface wlan0.IPv4 for mDNS.08:07
LipuApr 21 13:59:35 lipu-laptop avahi-daemon[1179]: Registering new address record for on wlan0.IPv4.08:07
LipuApr 21 13:59:36 lipu-laptop NetworkManager: <info>  (wlan0): device state change: 7 -> 8 (reason 0)08:07
FloodBot1Lipu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:07
LipuFloodBot1: sorry I am new in IRC08:08
pungi_mancan any one give me /usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 ..... My file is corrupt. I am using ubuntu natty....I get a error that this file exited with status 3251208:09
Lipumeganerd: http://paste.ubuntu.com/939361/08:09
MechanisMhow to remove HUD?08:10
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icerootMechanisM: #ubuntu+108:12
puloHi people08:13
pungi_mancan any one give me /usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 ..... My file is corrupt. I am using ubuntu natty....I get a error that this file exited with status 3251208:14
jribpungi_man: that's in libgconf2-4.  Why do you think it's corrupt though?08:15
pungi_manduring boot up a dialog come up with /usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 32512 and updates are not getting installed08:16
pungi_manjrib:during boot up a dialog come up with /usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 32512 and updates are not getting installed08:16
jribpungi_man: I don't see why that implies there's something wrong with the file, but you can use debsums or just reinstall the package I told you if you wish08:17
pungi_manwhich package???08:17
jribpungi_man: that's in libgconf2-4.08:17
pungi_manjrib : by synaptic or terminal08:18
jribpungi_man: doesn't matter08:18
pungi_manjrib : can u give the command for that!!!08:18
jribpungi_man: sudo apt-get reinstall libgconf2-4.  Like I said though, this will likely not fix your issue.08:19
kaervosanyone else seeing gnome shell integration not working in firefox?08:19
pungi_manjrib : Its coming as invalid operation reinstall08:19
jribpungi_man: sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgconf2-4.08:20
kaervoswell the gnome shell integration partially works08:20
hplci am also thinking of those gconf-cleaner and that orphan cleaner, are those safe to use?08:20
kaervosI get a prompt to install/download the extension I turn on in the website08:21
kaervosbut nothing happens08:21
kaervosnothing reported in looking glass, and no installed extension08:21
pungi_manjrib : Thanks for your help!!!08:21
texanyone know how I can dl the latest version of wine from the terminal?08:22
jrib!wine | tex08:22
ubottutex: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu08:22
hplcgconf-cleaner and that orphan cleaner, are those safe to use?08:24
nemo_hi, i installed ubuntu a while ago but cant rember my login passwd i think i know sudo passwd i can only login as guest08:25
nemo_is there a way to reset the passwd for my normal user?08:25
Ghost_Berryhi room08:26
jrib!password | nemo_08:26
ubottunemo_: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords08:26
ShadowFiosim on ubuntu 8.04 and there is no usb disk creator and i want to install a new image08:26
nemo_jrib: thanks08:26
Ghost_Berryis there a way to remove the side bar from ubuntu 11.1008:27
jribShadowFios: if you are on desktop, you should upgrade since 8.04 is no longer supported on the desktop08:27
ShadowFiosim on notebook08:27
jribShadowFios: I meant desktop version of ubuntu08:27
jrib!upgrade | ShadowFios08:28
ubottuShadowFios: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade08:28
ShadowFiosjrib: im trying to update to a new version with usb but i have tried and fialed to get startup diskcreator on my comp08:28
ShadowFiosjrib:  so therefore i cant really boot my comp off my usb drive08:29
jribShadowFios: why don't you just upgrade using update-manager?08:29
ShadowFiosjrib: it only checks for updates within 8.0.408:30
jribShadowFios: no it doesn't; you can use it to upgrade releases.  See ubottu.08:30
ShadowFiosbrb screenshot08:30
Ghost_Berryis there a way to remove the side bar from ubuntu 11.1008:31
hplcgconf-cleaner and that orphan cleaner, are those safe to use or can it cause any damage?08:31
nemo_i want to reset my passwd but i dont get grub prompt at booting, i just goes straight to ubuntu gui08:31
nemo_any suggestions?08:31
jribnemo_: hold shift while booting08:31
nemo_ok ill give it another try08:31
nemo_i think i just tried it with esc08:31
ShadowFiosjrib: http://i.imgur.com/ACPS8.jpg08:32
jribShadowFios: did you read the link ubottu gave you?08:32
texyeah the ubuntu sidebar is damn annoying how do I move it?08:34
Ghost_Berrytex: I am glad to see I am not the only one .. lol08:34
texlol. i mean aren't there alternative desktop configs?08:35
hplcgconf-cleaner and that orphan cleaner, are those safe to use or can it cause any damage?08:35
ShadowFiosjrib: what does it mean by live cd?08:36
jribShadowFios: what are you reading exactly?  You don't need a live cd08:37
Ghost_BerryI wish I knew, I am a total newb :(08:37
ShadowFiosjrib: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:37
jribShadowFios: the install disk is a live cd.  So you can try a version before upgrading to it using the install disk08:38
ShadowFiosjrib: i have Ubuntu 8.04 - the Hardy Heron i just want a simpple how to on updating to the newest supported ubuntu08:41
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jribShadowFios: yes, no that page, it gives you instructions on updating 8.04 to 10.04.  Do that.  Then wait for 12.04 to be released this week and upgrade to it08:41
JermBobyo hows it going people08:42
hplcgconf-cleaner and that orphan cleaner, are those safe to use or can it cause any damage?08:42
Ghost_Berryjermbob: peaceful08:42
JermBobjust wondering how i can findout the usage % wise or whatever of a hard disk in terminal ?08:42
JermBobGhost_Berry: very good08:42
JermBobGhost_Berry: are you enjoying the peace ?08:43
Ghost_BerryJermbob: lol yes08:43
ServerCrashhi how do we change the plymouth background ?08:44
ServerCrashthe background that we see when ubuntu boots08:44
jrib!plymouth | ServerCrash08:44
ubottuServerCrash: Plymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »08:44
CellTechWhy does the gmail video constantly crash? I'm about to ditch linux if thigns don't start working right08:45
[deXter]CellTech, What the heck is GMail Video? you send and receive videos instead of text?08:47
CellTechGmail has a 'talk' feature where you can video chat08:47
[deXter]oh you mean video chat08:47
CellTechI have the plug in installed but it crashes constantly08:47
[deXter]which browser?08:48
hplcgconf-cleaner and that orphan cleaner, are those safe to use or can it cause any damage?08:49
traubisodahi all08:52
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lisaweinfurtnerhi guys, i have a kind of situation here: i have a working internet connection (ethernet and wlan). i have tested this connection with mac and windows. now i have installed a ubuntu 11 and neither wlan nor ethernet are working with those connections. i am new with linux. can someone halp me please?08:58
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lokeijoare u like anime <why ur name gogeta?>08:58
lisaweinfurtnerthe computer on which ubuntu is running is a hp laptop so perhaps something is wrong with the drivers...08:58
gogetalisaweinfurtner: well are they even showing up on the list08:59
bazhang!ot | lokeijo08:59
ubottulokeijo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:59
gogetalisaweinfurtner: gotta see if the cards working or simply not talking to the roughter some modems need to be reset with a new os install09:00
bazhanglisaweinfurtner, what does ifconfig show09:00
bazhanglisaweinfurtner, please pastebin if more than a single line09:00
bazhang!pastebin | lisaweinfurtner09:01
ubottulisaweinfurtner: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:01
lisaweinfurtnerslowly please :)09:01
bazhanglisaweinfurtner, the output from lspci to pastebin also please09:01
lisaweinfurtnerifconfig in terminal?09:01
lisaweinfurtnerok just a moment please09:02
ShadowFiosok im back09:02
Prodiqhello tout le monde09:02
lisaweinfurtnerhow can i get the output in a file to save it on a stick?09:02
livtyler!pastebinit | lisaweinfurtner09:03
ubottulisaweinfurtner: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com09:03
lisaweinfurtnerthe computer which runs with linux dosnt have a working internet connection...09:04
ShadowFiosso im trying to get the latest ubuntu os on my comp i currenly have hardy installed and i have tried eol and it didnt do anything09:04
bazhanglisaweinfurtner, do you see eth0 wlan0 lo  or what09:05
lisaweinfurtnereth0 and lo shows up at ifconfig09:05
bazhangShadowFios, you changed the mirrors in accordance with eolupgrades?09:06
bazhangShadowFios, then you need to sudo apt-get update09:06
bazhanglisaweinfurtner, also in lspci what is the ethernet controller and the wireless network card09:06
Flexahey guys - how could I moitor my system over night for exmple or long periods of time. I need to be able to go back to yesterday for example and see exactly what was running and when. possibly to output htop to a file for logging or something?09:07
ShadowFiosbazhang: i tried the eolupgrades and they didnt do anthing i still had hardy after doing it09:07
lisaweinfurtnerEthernet Controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8042 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (rev 10)09:08
ShadowFiosbazhang: just so you know im a complte newb at ubuntu09:08
lisaweinfurtnercant find a wlan controller...09:09
bazhangShadowFios, hardy to what09:09
bazhanglisaweinfurtner, is it usb then09:09
bazhanglisaweinfurtner, if yes then check lsusb09:09
lisaweinfurtnerdo you mean weather it is a external card?09:10
Flexaanyone?? ^^^09:10
bazhanglisaweinfurtner, yes09:10
lisaweinfurtnerno it isnt09:10
bazhangFlexa, patience09:10
gcbirzanlisaweinfurtner: use a pastebin and post your lspci09:11
bazhanglisaweinfurtner, well we'd need to see the output of lspci, copy paste, put on usb stick then bring to this computer and pastebin it09:11
gcbirzanoh, no internet, duh09:12
bazhangvamadir, ubuntu support question?09:12
ShadowFiosbazhang: if by mirriors you mean sources.list i cant change those even though im admin09:13
bazhangShadowFios, you wish to upgrade from Hardy to what09:13
lisaweinfurtnercan anyone give me the url to the pastbin site?09:13
ShadowFiosin the end i want the latest09:13
bazhangpaste.ubuntu.com lisaweinfurtner09:13
livtylerFlexa: http://www.nagios.com/solutions/linux-process-monitoring09:13
vamadirbazhang, only testing my phone09:13
bazhangvamadir, try #test for that09:14
ShadowFiosbazhang: but with eol right now im trying for intrepid09:14
vamadirbazhang , stop troling09:14
bazhangShadowFios, theres no point in that, intrepid is eol09:15
bazhangvamadir, wrong channel to test, that language is unnecessary as well09:15
MonkeyDustvamadir  you're in the wrong channel for testing, better use #test09:15
vamadirI understand09:15
jribShadowFios: I told you to upgrade to 10.0409:15
ShadowFioseolwants me to do it step by step and that was what you linked me to09:16
jribShadowFios: the wiki page has instructions for upgrading from 8.04 to 10.04 (they are both LTS)09:17
bazhangShadowFios, 8.04---->10.04---in a few days---can ---> 112.0409:17
jribbazhang: future man09:17
bazhangjrib, heh09:17
ShadowFiosjrib: bazhang : can you link me09:17
Flexalivtyler i alredy have nagios runnig09:17
gvoall the way to 112.04, nice.  ;)09:17
Flexai dont wan the total number of procs running09:17
Flexai need likt htop dumped to a file or something...?09:18
livtylerFlexa: then look for the correct template, there are hundreds of them09:19
bazhang!eolupgrades | ShadowFios09:19
ubottuShadowFios: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:19
Flexaproblem with nagios is i dont want to DOS the box but checking every 5 seconds may miss the precise error i am seeing in a log file09:19
JermBobhey how can i speed up transferrs over samba to windows ?09:20
lisaweinfurtnerok i have the output of lspci on this computer where can i paste it in?09:20
bazhangpaste.ubuntu.com lisaweinfurtner09:20
Nikki_Only 5 days until releasing Ubuntu LTS 12.04!!!09:20
livtylerFlexa: you could try #nagios09:20
JermBob5 daysssssssssss09:21
ShadowFiosok i found the right page09:21
ShadowFiosthx guys09:21
lizzini can't seem to find a good doc for getting 12.04 to recognize my tv connected via the mini display port on a mbp. what is the trick to getting this to work?09:21
Flexais there no way to dump htop to a file?09:21
bazhangNikki_, yes, no need to paste that09:21
ubottulizzin: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+109:21
CellTechHow come nothing ever works right in linux?09:21
bazhanglizzin, 12.04 in #ubuntu+109:21
bazhangCellTech, ask a real question09:21
livtylerFlexa: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/output-of-htop-in-a-file-874872/09:22
CellTechThat is a real question. I'm trying to get one of these useless messengers to activate the video chat features and they all either crash. Or do not work at all09:22
bazhangCellTech, that wont get any support.09:22
bazhang!work | CellTech09:22
ubottuCellTech: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.09:22
jribCellTech: think of it this way: If you want actual help, ask an actual question09:22
gcbirzanI sit on IRC all day and want more money09:23
lizzinbazhang: happen to know how this would work in 11.10?09:23
CellTechThen how do I ask? How much more clear can I possibly say "No video chat features work".09:23
icerootCellTech: usefull details09:23
jribCellTech: you can be more specific...09:23
CellTechI have installed google talk video plug in. It crashes constantly. IT refuses to work at all in linux09:23
CellTechI have tried to instal the plug ins for pidgin, they do not work at all, they don't even show up09:24
ShadowFiosjrib: ok i read the right upgrade page09:24
icerootCellTech: and what does linux have to do with that?09:24
livtylerCellTech: what's the name of  your internet provider?09:24
gvoCellTech: google's support forum has helped me in the past with linux issues.09:24
CellTechIt would work flawlessly with windows but nothing like that ever works in linux09:25
icerootCellTech: linux is just a kernel09:25
CellTechAnd I can't stand forums because all their full of is people arguing about things09:25
ShadowFiosjrib: and it says that under softwae sources there is suppposed to be a "Show new distribution releases:" prompt when there isnt09:25
lisaweinfurtnerdoes it work? http://paste.ubuntu.com/939411/09:25
ShadowFiosjrib: you there?09:27
jribShadowFios: there are two things you need to do first: 1) Make sure your options are set to check for LTS updates and 2) Make sure you are already up to date on your current release.  Did you do these thing?09:27
ShadowFios1) there isnt an option to only check for LTS releases 2) yes09:28
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jribShadowFios: where are you checking (1) exactly?09:28
icerootCellTech: the main problem is that you are coming in this channel, flaming our system which we like and some spent a lot of time in it to improve it, instead of asking a usefull questions you are saying "in wi9ndows everything is fine, in linux its never working". do you really think that most of us spent then our time to help you? its always a good idea to post usefull questions, not flaming everything and then you will get use09:29
ShadowFiosjrib: system->administration->software sources.update09:29
livtylerlisaweinfurtner: I don't see any wireless card there, however ethernel could be configured via Network Manager09:29
jribShadowFios: what's the output of lsb_release -c09:30
livtyler!networkmanager | lisaweinfurtner09:30
ubottulisaweinfurtner: networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager09:30
CellTechK. I get it. I'll switch back to windows. Thanks for trying but 90% of updates do nothing but slow things down.09:30
ShadowFiosjrib: hardy09:30
jribShadowFios: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list and the contents of every file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/09:31
JermBobhey whats apache2s default index.htm folder ?09:31
JermBobthe it works one ?09:31
ShadowFiosubuntu pastebin or pastebin.com?09:31
jribJermBob: default document root is /var/www09:31
icerootJermBob: /var/www/09:31
jribShadowFios: doesn't matter09:31
JermBobthats the one09:31
gvolisaweinfurtner: 11.10?09:31
lisaweinfurtnerso there is quoted that the conection had been used 40 minutes ago but i cant connenct with the internet..09:31
JermBobthank you09:32
lisaweinfurtnerthink so..09:32
gvolisaweinfurtner: Is there a wireless adapter in that computer?09:33
lisaweinfurtnergvo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/939411/09:33
lisaweinfurtnergvo nice to see you again btw :)09:33
gvolikewise lisaweinfurtner09:33
gvolisaweinfurtner: I saw it, but no wireless card is present.09:34
lisaweinfurtnerah alright: yeah wireless worked just fine with windows on this machine09:35
simonpwhat makes that only the 3 latest kernels are kept. Each times there's a new one, the older one get removed.09:35
simonpwhen you do yum update, that is09:35
gvolisaweinfurtner: It may be a usb card.  Can you get us the output of lshw as root?09:35
bazhangsimonp, yum is in fedora09:35
lisaweinfurtnerjsut a minute09:35
bazhanglisaweinfurtner, sudo lshw09:36
simonpbazhang: i know ; ) but where does the policy of 3 latest kernels comes from and where is it enforced?09:36
linuxuz3rhow do i install opengl dev in 11.1009:37
gvolisaweinfurtner: Do you have an ethernet cable plugged in to the laptop?09:37
simonpbazhang: i would have expected to see something in /etc/yum.conf or /etc/yum/09:37
simonpbazhang: doh, wrong window! ; )09:37
bazhangsimonp, try #fedora for yum09:37
gogetayum lol09:38
lisaweinfurtnerhere we go http://paste.ubuntu.com/939418/09:38
gvolisaweinfurtner: Also what's the laptop model?09:38
gogetalisaweinfurtner: so the cards present and trying to connect just failing09:38
lisaweinfurtnergvo yes it is plugged in09:38
gogetalisaweinfurtner: if you have mac filters on it may be locking you09:39
lisaweinfurtnerhp compaq 6735s09:39
gogetablocking jeez09:39
lisaweinfurtnerno mac filters configured in the router09:39
ShadowFiosjrib: http://pastebin.com/fEb9NbDJ09:40
jribShadowFios: do you have ~/.update-manager-core/ ?09:40
gvobazhang: Turn off autoneg and set half duplex for lisaweinfurtner ??09:41
jribShadowFios: my guess is that this is because you are using hardy-dell-mini instead of "hardy"09:41
livtylerlinuxuz3r: try Mesa3D09:41
bazhanggvo, I dont see wireless nic there09:42
ShadowFiosjrib: its hidden and empty but yes09:42
gogetagvo: humm the card seems to be respondig its just not getting a ip from the sounds of it09:42
gvogogeta: strange.09:43
gvobazhang: I don't either.09:43
gogetagvo: for wired it is odd09:43
jribShadowFios: here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/103814/how-can-i-upgrade-my-dell-mini-from-version-8-0409:43
ShadowFiosjrib: im on an inspirion mini09:43
sarujihello room, question, what do you guys think is/was the best chipset ever made for ubuntu was (compatibility wise)09:43
gogetasaruji: intel lol09:44
sarujigogeta: which which variation?09:44
gogetasaruji: all of them09:44
livtyler!best | saruji09:44
ubottusaruji: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:44
gogetasaruji: they activly make oss drivers09:44
gvolisaweinfurtner: I'm still researching...09:45
lisaweinfurtneryeah thanks09:45
Flexaanyoe know a good tool to monitor process' overnight for example? need to know an htop like output for a prolonged period of time, not nagios.09:46
sarujiI am asking about chipset compatibility here, but ok gogeta, so you think all of them equally?  thinking about getting a 775 motherboard, so hands down best idea would be an x48?09:46
bazhangsaruji, no polling here, thanks09:46
sarujiwowza ok09:46
bazhang!hcl | saruji09:46
ubottusaruji: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:46
gogetasaruji: lol relly any cpu chipset is going to work well09:46
sarujialright, hostile ubuntu room09:47
ShadowFiosjrib: dell sucks they didnt even tell me it was custom09:47
lisaweinfurtnerhow can i send a message to somewone that his name shows up in front of my message like you guys do all the time?09:47
jribShadowFios: yeah I don't know what exactly is custom09:47
icerootlisaweinfurtner: enter the first letters of the name and press TAB09:47
gogetalisaweinfurtner: just are name and tab dont even need to type all of it09:47
lisaweinfurtnergogeta: thanks :)09:47
gvolisaweinfurtner: you have a wireless button, is it on?  Lit?09:48
ShadowFiosjrib: well now im going to do all that stuff they said in the forum after what is it 7 hours straight of trying to update and failing09:48
jribShadowFios: essentially it amounts to backing up, creating a usb disk using unetbootin, and then doing a fresh install09:49
lisaweinfurtnergvo: i think its off. it lid yellow and normaly it was blue. if i pres it, nothing happens09:49
gogetaShadowFios: at that point why not just fresh install it :)09:49
jribShadowFios: good luck :)09:49
ShadowFiosjrib: thx09:49
gvolisaweinfurtner: During boot did it flash?09:50
lisaweinfurtnergvo: i try it out09:50
gvolisaweinfurtner: Are you dual booting?09:50
vageeshhi can anyone suggest how to increase battery life in Ubuntu? I am using version 10.10  on a dell xps laptop09:50
lisaweinfurtnergvo: no i dont. ubuntu is the only os on the maschine09:50
gvolisaweinfurtner: OK09:51
fidelvageesh: got an xps aswell - disabling a active gfx saved me some battery09:51
gogetavega-: just your standerd tatics low britness wifi off09:51
lisaweinfurtnergvo: no the wireless button didnt lid during the boot process09:51
vageeshfidel : can you tell me how you did that?09:51
fidelonly partly unfortunalty - i first installed the humbleblee drivers which are made for optimus09:52
livtylerlisaweinfurtner: sudo rfkill list09:52
vageeshfidel: ok09:53
fidelthen i checked the boot-process and tinkered around until the nv-chip wasnt used anymore- that second step is not really good in my memories09:53
fidelbut it was a remarkable battery saver09:53
gogetavega-: the next ubuntu does have better power magment thers a bug in older kernels that use 30% more power then they should in some cases09:53
gvolisaweinfurtner: Hm09:53
vageeshgogeta: ok09:53
fidelvageesh: this makes for sure only sense if you dont need the nv-gfx power in linux09:53
williamdoorsI am running a webmin on on my ubuntu box - I would like to use webmin to point to another server which is on a private IP (same subnet) sitting right next to the ubuntu server. Whats the best way to do this?09:54
vageeshfidel:  i hardly use it so i guess i will try that09:54
lisaweinfurtnerwireless lan: soft block: yes, hard block: yes09:54
gvolisaweinfurtner: Run sudo lshw again, and look for Broadcom or wireless in the output.  You don't need to paste it.  If you don't see it, then press the wireless button and repeat.09:55
MonkeyDust!webmin| williamdoors09:55
ubottuwilliamdoors: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.09:55
livtylerlisaweinfurtner: sudo rfkill unblock all09:55
fidelvageesh: i messed around with powertop aswell afaik09:55
williamdoorsit works fine for me, all i want to know is how to point to the machine beside it09:55
lisaweinfurtnerlivtyler: did it, and now?09:55
lisaweinfurtnergvo: i try it09:55
livtylerlisaweinfurtner: the wifi is on?09:56
diverdudeHello, i have a camcorder which produces MTL files. How do i convert those to normal viewable videofiles?09:56
gogetavega-: or do what i did09:56
gogetavega-: bigger battery lol09:56
gvolivtyler: Probably doesn't have rfkill installed.09:56
lisaweinfurtnerlivtyler: oh yes it is!09:56
MonkeyDustdiverdude  try devede, it can handle most video files09:56
gogetavega-: i got a massiv 8 cell in this little netbook i get like 8 hrs09:56
gvolivtyler: Her wireless card doesn't show up in lspci or lshw.09:56
vageeshgogeta: lol .. true09:56
diverdudeMonkeyDust: thx, ill try it09:57
williamdoorsno one knows?09:57
gvolisaweinfurtner: What kind of system are you connecting with?  Win or Mac?09:57
gogetavageesh: remeber when dell used to let you use a extra battery in place of the dvd drive i wuld get like 5 hrs ff my dual battery c61009:58
lisaweinfurtnergvo: my system here is macos09:58
gogetavageesh: for the day that was alot09:58
gvolisaweinfurtner: So did you find a wireless card?09:59
vageeshgogeta: 5 hours.. that is huge09:59
lisaweinfurtnergvo: still looking...09:59
gogetavageesh: i wonde if the xps has a dual battery option10:00
fidelgogeta: but the c610 is a completly different machine - isnt it pretty old? which makes comparing it to an xps pretty hard or am i wrong?10:00
gogetafidel: the power useage is around the same10:00
vageeshgogeta: that option is still there10:00
=== mrJack is now known as mrjack
fidelvageesh: not using the nv-chip and adding some other tricks gave me around 4,5 hr with the xps15z and the default battery10:01
oCeanfidel, gogeta, please use ##hardware for hardware discussions, this channel is for ubuntu support only10:01
gogetavageesh: there ya go toss 2 massiv battterys in there10:01
lisaweinfurtnergvo: no there is nothing10:01
lisaweinfurtnergvo: maybe it would be a good idea to get the ethernet running before looking after the wlan card, dont you think?10:02
gvolisaweinfurtner: OK well let's try to get the hardwired port working.  Do an sudo ifconfig -a and look at the line after eth0      Link encap.....10:03
gcbirzanIt's definitely easier.10:03
gvolisaweinfurtner: does that second line begin with inet addr: ...10:03
lisaweinfurtnergvo: no it dosnt10:04
oCean!rootirc > root10:04
ubotturoot, please see my private message10:04
lisaweinfurtnergvo: UP packets:0....10:04
=== root is now known as Guest2485
lisaweinfurtnergvo: but the second line of lo starts with a inet addr:127.....10:04
gvolisaweinfurtner: Don't worry about lo, it's always there.    on your mac bring up a terminal window and type ifconfig -a10:05
gvolisaweinfurtner: bear with me, I don't know much about macs.  I'm guessing ifconfig is there.10:06
Flexaanyone know how to dump/record output of htop? :/10:06
gcbirzanWhat does it matter what IP the mac has?10:06
gvoI'm trying to figure out what her network address is so I can set an ip address on her eth0 port.10:07
lisaweinfurtnergvo: it is10:07
lisaweinfurtnergvo: so what information do you need from that?10:07
gcbirzanIt should work with DHCP, doubt the mac has a static IP10:07
gvolisaweinfurtner: OK do you know what ip range the DHCP is using?10:07
gcbirzanlisaweinfurtner: You have a router, yes? And your mac and Ubuntu computers are connected to it10:08
lisaweinfurtnerno the mac connects automatically and at the moments its just connected via wlan because i just have one wire10:08
gcbirzanand your wire is in the ubuntu computer?10:08
lisaweinfurtneryes but its not needed there at the moment10:08
lisaweinfurtneri can change it to the mac10:08
gvolisaweinfurtner: I need the IP adress10:08
lisaweinfurtnergvo: ok10:08
gvogcbirzan: Obviously she isn't getting dhcp, so I want to try to get her connected to the lan.10:09
gcbirzanwell, no. the point was to get the Ubuntu computer running on the wired network, so it is needed on the ubuntu machine. just do sudo ifdown eth0; ifup eth0, with the cable plugged in, it should most likely get you an IP address10:09
gvoIt it doesn't come up at boot time, that won't do squat, most likely.10:10
gvoI agree it should but it isn't.10:10
fredrik_I just unpacked a tgz file that contained a bunch of php files. After eatch filename there is a asterix-star. The file name is green and the star is white... What does the star meen?10:10
gvolisaweinfurtner: Give gcbirzan10:10
gcbirzanunless you plug in the cable after it booted. because dhclient is crap10:10
lisaweinfurtneren0: flags=8863<UP,BROADCAST,SMART,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 150010:11
lisaweinfurtnerether 58:b0:35:f4:6f:d910:11
lisaweinfurtnerinet6 fe80::5ab0:35ff:fef4:6fd9%en0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x410:11
lisaweinfurtnerinet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
lisaweinfurtnermedia: autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex,flow-control>)10:11
lisaweinfurtnerstatus: active10:11
lisaweinfurtnersorry for that10:11
FloodBot1lisaweinfurtner: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:11
gvolisaweinfurtner: Oh no!10:11
gvolisaweinfurtner: Use pastebin.10:11
Flexalisaweinfurtner - apt-get install pastebinit10:11
Flexabrilliant too for uploadig to pastebin10:11
gvoShe has been using it.10:12
gogetaso wired is working?10:12
livtyler"status: active"10:13
fredrik_I just unpacked a tgz file that contained a bunch of php files. After eatch filename there is a asterix-star. The file name is green and the star is white... What does the star mean?10:13
lisaweinfurtnergvo: still there?10:13
gvolisaweinfurtner: Try this    sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask up10:14
mosdef100200Hi there has anyone got Chrome in Linux?10:14
gcbirzanI do, mosdef100200.10:14
gogetamosdef100200: dont we all10:14
mosdef100200could you test something for me?10:14
mosdef100200I dont know many linuxusers10:14
gogetaumm checks what irc im in yep 1573 linux users10:15
oCean!lol | gogeta10:15
ubottugogeta: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.10:15
mosdef100200Recently updated chrome in linux and all my layers have gone in flash10:15
ryanyeahas someone who wants to back up content between drives, is a viable option to use rsync rather than setting up a RAID?10:16
oCeanryanyeah: raid is not a backup10:16
lisaweinfurtnernet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
gogetaoCean: depends on the raid10:16
oCeangogeta: no10:17
gcbirzanwell, depends on what you want the backup for.10:17
gvolisaweinfurtner: now do sudo ifconfig -a10:17
gogetaoCean: some raid do full copys10:17
lisaweinfurtnergvo: on the mac or ubuntu?10:17
gcbirzangogeta: That only protects you from drive failure, though10:17
ryanyeahoCean: ok... by backup i mean keep 2 copies of the same thing (no interest in having access to previous files). and i assume it'd be raid110:17
gvoSee if you have an ip addr l line  on ubuntu10:17
lisaweinfurtnergvo: no there is no such line10:18
gogetagcbirzan: just depends on witch you use i think 11 is the all out backup style10:18
oCeanryanyeah: rsync is a utility to create copies/backups. Raid is for redundant setup of your disks. RAID0 is a stripe, RAID1 is a mirror, but there are several setups10:18
gcbirzangogeta: Again, RAID only protects you against drive failure. Human error (quite common), app problems, driver problems and OS problems will still screw you up.10:18
gvolisaweinfurtner: Did you get a message back from ubuntu when you entered that ifconfig eth0 192... command?10:18
Flexaffs people -10:19
Flexaanyone know how to dump/record output of htop? :/10:19
lisaweinfurtnergvo: i entered no such command should I?10:19
jribFlexa: no need for the "ffs people -"10:19
oCeangogeta: RAID setup itself will not give you access to previous versions of your files, backups will10:19
jribFlexa: in any case, why don't you use top?10:19
gvolisaweinfurtner: Yes I said that a few messages ag10:20
Flexajribbeause htop is a better tool10:20
lisaweinfurtnergvo: sorry maybe i didn't get that because i disconected a few times for changing the wire10:20
Flexatop would do though -10:20
gvolisaweinfurtner: Try this sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask up10:20
gvolisaweinfurtner: On ubuntu with the wire connected.10:21
jribFlexa: so much better that you can't grab it's output :)  I agree that htop is better for interactive use but if you just want to save something to text I don't see what the benefit of using htop would be10:21
gogetaoCean: thats what snapshotting is for10:21
tokkI'm looking for a solution for pdf annotations. Okular pretty much does what I want, but stores the annotations in ~ instead of in the pdf. Google says evince supports annotations, but I don't see how (there is no "Add text annotation" button where it is supposed to be). Alternatives?10:21
shivaiam using ubuntu 10.04 thru Virtual machine but iam not getting my all other drives???10:21
ryanyeahoCean: raid1 would make 2 copies of the file. if i had 2 hard drives and rsync content over to another drive each night, wouldn't that be a similar solution? could also mean i could choose with directories to create a copy of10:21
oCeanryanyeah: yep, raid will do a full mirror, rsync provides more flexibility10:21
gvolisaweinfurtner: brb10:22
gogetaryanyeah: lots of ways raids lvm rsync10:22
oCeanryanyeah: but, between rsync runs, you are not mirroring, whereas a raid1 is constantly mirroring10:22
bekksraid does NOT protect you from logical errors.10:22
bekksAccidentally deleting a file will delete it on both disks, using a RAID.10:23
FloodBot1shiva: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:23
lisaweinfurtnergvo: ok i didn't get a return message but ifconfig shows now the inet line. though inet is still not working10:23
gogetagood point10:23
ryanyeahoCean: i see what you mean. i guess the purpose of this for me personally, would be to back up photos, large person files etc. and there wouldn't really be a problem if one copy was up to 24 hours out of date, as i don't create lots of content in a day10:23
gcbirzanlisaweinfurtner: If you run ip li sh dev eth0, does that line contain NO-CARRIER?10:24
bekksryanyeah: For a home based backup, you better off using rsync.10:24
oCean!backup | ryanyeah there are several ways to backup, but in this case rsync might be your solution10:24
gcbirzanlisaweinfurtner: (on the Ubuntu machine)10:24
ubotturyanyeah there are several ways to backup, but in this case rsync might be your solution: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:24
lisaweinfurtnergvo: yes10:24
gvolisaweinfurtner: Try ping
gogetabekks: i had good luck with lvm on my servers :) bt even if the blew up i had another machine that could take over10:25
lisaweinfurtnergvo: ... Host Unreachable10:25
shivaIam using ubuntu 10.xx through virtual machine but my other drives are not mounted pls help me ???10:25
gvolisaweinfurtner: gcbirzan has the answer.10:25
bekksgogeta: LVM implements a logical mirror, so logical error will be propagated onto all mirror disks.10:25
bekksgogeta: Thats all, but not a backup.10:26
gvolisaweinfurtner: I assume he was the one you answered with "yes"10:26
amanATdeskhi, I'm using Gnome 3 with Ubuntu 11.10 and I've recently begun to experience memory allocation problems when running multiple apps.10:26
gogetabekks: backuop box boots a non lvm10:26
gogetabekks: so i could repair the error10:27
lisaweinfurtnergvo: ah sorry10:27
guest_hi. i installed x3 in wine. it started. next i closed it. now how can i start it again? where is the "installed icon" and the files in wine?10:27
amanATdeskI'm wondering if anyone's got tips on how to clear out cache and to generally make more efficient use of memory10:27
shivapls help me ?10:27
amanATdeskI have 4gb of RAM10:27
lisaweinfurtnergcbirzan: yes it shows nocarrier10:27
gcbirzanlisaweinfurtner: Is the cable plugged in?10:28
MonkeyDustamanATdesk  try sudo apt-get autormeove; sudo apt-get clean10:28
lisaweinfurtnergcbirzan: yes it is10:28
MonkeyDustamanATdesk  try sudo apt-get autoremove; sudo apt-get clean10:28
gcbirzanamanATdesk: Why would you want to clear the cache?10:28
ryanyeahubotto: thanks for the link. although quick question: if one directory's files hasn't changed since the last time rsync was run, does it still copy anything over? and is it incremental if only some files are changed10:28
amanATdeskMonkeyDust, what does that 'autoremove'?10:28
gogetagcbirzan: we have been trying to figure out her issue for a wile now card works no ip both wired and wireless10:28
gcbirzanlisaweinfurtner: Where is it plugged in, on the other side?10:28
gcbirzanother end, rather10:28
livtylertokk: I like Xournal10:28
MonkeyDustamanATdesk  remove useless packages or dependencies10:28
amanATdeskgcbirzan, just thinking that there might be files in cache that are no longer necessary (happens a lot with windows)10:28
lisaweinfurtnergcbirzan: in the router. the caple works with my mac...10:29
gcbirzanamanATdesk: What kind of cache are you talking about?10:29
oCeanamanATdesk: no, Linux handles memory usage very efficient.10:29
amanATdeskMonkeyDust, would that result in freeing up more memory?10:29
oCean!ram | amanATdesk10:29
ubottuamanATdesk: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html10:29
gvolisaweinfurtner: sudo ip link set dev eth0 up10:29
gcbirzanlisaweinfurtner: When you plug it into the router, does the LED there light up?10:29
MonkeyDustamanATdesk  also, you can boot in recovery mode and free memory10:30
oCeanMonkeyDust: what?10:30
lisaweinfurtnergcbirzan: no...10:30
gcbirzanThat won't matter, no-carrier means there's no carrier. if you set the interface down, it won't change that10:30
gcbirzanlisaweinfurtner: And it does when you do it for the mac, I assume?10:30
amanATdeskgcbirzan, I'm thinking for applications like nautilus and browsers etc... nautilus seems to slow down quite a bit and become unstable (if I open 7-8 directories/network locations simultaneously, it often falls over)...10:30
lisaweinfurtnergcbirzan: yes10:31
lisaweinfurtnergvo: doesnt work, still.10:31
gvolisaweinfurtner: gcbirzan wow.  I'm confused.10:31
gcbirzanamanATdesk: That might be a nautilus thing10:31
oCeanamanATdesk: using "top" you can sort programs by memory usage.10:31
gcbirzanlisaweinfurtner: Hm. What model of network card do you have, and what kernel? (uname -a for the kernel version)10:31
elspuddyhi, any one know how i can zip/rar a folder say every 3-5 hours ?10:31
bekksBy using a cron job.10:32
gcbirzanlisaweinfurtner: uname -a is going to say something like "Linux cristi-pc 3.3.0-rc6-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Mar 5 20:53:11 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux", I just need the 3.3.0-rc6-amd64 part10:32
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto10:32
gogetagcbirzan: card works under windows10:32
amanATdeskoCean, I tried that and I see little actual usage of RAM at the moment, though sometimes it does show a lot being used10:32
gvogcbirzan: 88E8042 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller Marvel10:32
gcbirzangogeta: Yes, but if the driver doesn't work, some cards won't detect the Link10:32
elspuddythanks :10:32
oCeanamanATdesk: probably filesystem cache, as explained in the link ubottu send you10:32
gcbirzanhappened to my realtek one on this very computer10:32
gogetagcbirzan: mmaybe but shes failing on both styes10:32
gogetawireless to10:33
lisaweinfurtnergcbirzan: linux laptop 3.0.0-12-generic 20-ubuntu smp fri oct 7 14:56:25 utc 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/LINUX10:33
gvoCan't even see the wireless card.10:33
amanATdeskI am worried about RAM because I occasionally get "Cannot Allocate Memory" errors when trying to launch apps when other things are running... I know I have a lot of stuff running on my system, but I have always had Linux running this heavy in the past without such issues.10:33
gogetagvo: ah10:33
amanATdeskoCean, I'll look into that thanks/10:34
gogetaamanATdesk: you forget swap10:34
gogetaamanATdesk: and i never had that issue even with 1gb ram no swap10:34
amanATdeskgogeta, ? do you mean that I forgot to allocate swap?10:34
gogetaamanATdesk: maybe10:34
gogetaamanATdesk: just a error i never saw even with little ram10:35
dr_willisyou can always make a swap file. if you dident make a swap partition.10:35
gvolisaweinfurtner: try this: lsmod | grep sky210:37
gcbirzanIt should be sk98lin I thought10:37
gcbirzanoh, sky2 is an alternative driver10:37
gvoI think that's been replaced10:37
gogetadr_willis: the dam servers hear keep melting lol10:37
gcbirzanDunno, it's been a while since I had to use a marvel card :P10:38
gogetadr_willis: setting off the fire alam quite annoying10:38
gcbirzanShe can try both, I guess.10:38
lisaweinfurtnerhow can i write this dash between lsmod and grep?10:38
gcbirzanlisaweinfurtner: it's generally shift + \10:38
gcbirzanthough, depends on your mapping10:38
dr_willislisaweinfurtner:  the | ? thats above my return key10:38
lisaweinfurtnerhm i have a german keyboard here10:39
amanATdeskgogeta, well until recently (a month ago), I'd never had a single "cannot allocate memory" error either, though I've always run ubuntu with 4gb RAM, I run it with maybe 6-8 browser tabs in Chrome, 10-14 in Firefox, Gedit with 6-7 files open, 2-3 instances of terminal, banshee, inkscape and 5-6 directories ... all running on-top of whatever system processes are on-going (including Apache, MySQL Server and PHP5)10:39
bekkslisaweinfurtner: the | is the key right of the left shift key.10:39
amanATdeskthis is the first time I've experienced memory issues with any kind of Linux.10:39
gogetaamanATdesk: bug maybe10:40
The_Outsiderlisaweinfurtner: Alt Gr+the key where you have < and > signs10:40
dr_willismight be worth running a memtest for a few hrs also.10:40
amanATdeskdr_willis, I'll give that a go.10:41
lisaweinfurtnerhm nothing works10:41
lisaweinfurtnerah ok got it10:41
bekksamanATdesk: Sounds more like a memory leak in some app.10:41
lisaweinfurtneralt gr not alt + gr10:41
osseI decided I'd give zsh a chance. To that end I moved my .bashrc and .profile out of the way. Then I found my launchers I made in ~/.local/usr/applications won't work because my ~/bin wasn't in my $PATH. I guess there are other stuff that source ~/.profile other than shells? OR what is going on?10:41
dr_willislinux - helping you use all those keys - that you never knew what they were for,10:41
bekksosse: You dont have to touch .bashrc and .profile when using another shell.10:42
amanATdeskbekks, hmm, if that's the case then wouldn't it show up in 'top' when I order by memory usage?10:42
lisaweinfurtnerlsmod returns sky2 (in red) 58674   010:42
effchen_boneneed help, i ve got a thinkpad x121e and wlan is not working with ubuntu10:42
ossebekks, yeah I moved .profile back into place to set my $PATH straight.10:42
delusrGood day does anyone know of a good full disk encryption guide using LVM LUKS that explains how to go placing the /boot partition onto a USB? I use to use an app at lfde.org but that site has gone.10:42
effchen_bonewhat to do???10:42
ossebekks, whas just wondering what sourced it in the first place10:43
gogetadelusr: would just be a matter of puting gub2 on usb10:43
gcbirzanlisaweinfurtner: If you run modprobe sk98lin, do you get an error?10:43
gogetadelusr: alng with /boot10:43
lisaweinfurtnergcbirzan: yes, FATA: Module sk98lin not found10:44
lisaweinfurtnergcbirzan: *FATAL10:44
gogetadelusr: the installer can do that by defult now10:44
bekksThe sk98lin was removed from kernel in 2.6.23, wasnt it?10:45
oCeanamanATdesk: you should definitely see the results of stopping/starting applications in both top and the "free" command.10:45
gogetadelusr: then just do your standerd lvm setup10:45
gcbirzanSo much for that idea.10:45
oCeanamanATdesk: what is the output of the free command? (don't paste here please)10:46
amanATdeskoCean, I'm going to check that out by killing the process and running top and free -m, before and afterwards10:46
oCeanamanATdesk: yep, that is the way to go10:46
oCeanamanATdesk: but if this suddenly started, a memtest is a good idea too10:46
amanATdeskoCean, k, I'll read up on memtest and run it too10:47
effchen_bonehelp anyone?10:47
delusrgogeta: the alternative installer will allow me to place grub onto a USB what about the crypto keys?10:47
gogetaoCean: man dunno there my c610 has its ram held in by tape and it only works half the time and i never saw that error10:47
amanATdeskthanks all for your help, I'll go see if I can trace it to an app or if memtest gives me some indication of what's really going on.10:48
amanATdeskthanks :)10:48
gogetadelusr: i knoe grub i dunno abought the keys10:48
delusrThats what I need a guide for there use to be a step by step guide at lfde.org and thats gone10:49
gogetadelusr: well i knoe ahveing boot and grub on usb pulling the stick wowuld make the machine not boot10:50
lisaweinfurtnerso is ubuntu just not running on my system or what is the problem?10:51
gogetalisaweinfurtner: sounds like a driver issue10:51
gcbirzanlisaweinfurtner: Oh. Another thing. Do you happen to have a button on your laptop for enabling/disabling the wired network?10:51
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
lisaweinfurtnergogeta: cant i download/install another driver manually?10:51
gcbirzanlisaweinfurtner: Or, maybe in your BIOS10:51
gogetalisaweinfurtner: for the wifi maybe10:51
hplccan someone help me understand what this means and what to do about it?   WARNING: CK Error: Could not get owner of name 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit': no such name10:52
lisaweinfurtnergcbirzan: yes i have such a button10:52
gcbirzanlisaweinfurtner: Press it. :P10:52
lisaweinfurtnergcbirzan: we tried that before :)10:52
gcbirzanlisaweinfurtner: For the _wired_ network. The one _with_ a wire.10:52
gvogcbirzan: She doesn't have a button for the wired network.10:53
lisaweinfurtnergcbirzan: ah got it. no there is no button. mybe in the bios, dont know10:53
gvolisaweinfurtner: Did you get my suggestion about burning a 10.04 lived cd and running from it to see if a different version might help?10:53
effchen_bonenow help me! :-)10:53
gogetanaa help is tiring10:54
oCeangogeta: enough with the silly messages, don't do that here10:54
ryanyeahbtw how do you ubuntu people deal with the concept of linux as a primary OS? do people tend to have a windows partition they boot into occasionally?10:54
bekksryanyeah: I have only one OS ;)10:55
gogetaryanyeah: other the games you can run linux full time10:55
gvoryanyeah: that and running windows in a VM10:55
lisaweinfurtnergvo: i actually installed a 10.4 version for that reason a week ago. same thing there10:55
gogetaryanyeah: during the windows vista rain all my machines where linux10:55
oCeanthedoors: ?10:55
gvolisaweinfurtner: So no joy on 10.04 as I recall.  At least we saw the wireless card then.10:56
thedoorshow can i redirect a virtual hosted website by IP?10:56
ryanyeahgvo: windows in a VM is viable for gaming???10:56
gvolisaweinfurtner: good luck, I have to catch an airplane.10:56
gogetagvo: may get away with using nids if she knoes the wireless card make and model10:56
gvoryanyeah: depends on the game but most likely not.10:56
oCeanthedoors: how is that an Ubuntu question? Please provide more details10:56
ryanyeahthedoors: can't you just change the virtualhost to be ip-based?10:57
thedoorsI have 2 machines sitting side by side on the same IP - I want to host on both but I am using my ubuntu server for virtual host & i want to redirect to my other ubuntu machine beside it10:57
gogetathedoors: hua10:57
thedoorsoCean they are both ubuntu servers10:57
hplcoCean: did i paste too little information?, i seem to get no answers what so ever : /10:57
piglitif i use a console i find it hard to see where the command started is there a way to make my typed command a different color than the output txt?10:58
gogetathedoors: wouldent you use 2 ips and some sort of load balance to redirect10:58
thedoorsi have no idea thats why i am asking10:58
thedoorsgogeta the 2nd machine is on an internal IP10:59
oCeanhplc: sometimes answers are not readily available. Have patience and try again in 10-15 minutes. Make sure you give details and use a single line (that's easier for others to follow)10:59
=== vijeshm_ is now known as vijeshm
CamChi does anyone here know anything about mcrypt.so ? I get apache error at startup cannot find mcrypt.so11:00
CamChave tried to install and system says it is already installed11:00
CamCubuntu 10.4 php 5.2.1011:00
CamCsorry php 5.2.911:01
theadminCamC: Is your Apache setup configured to load mcrypt correctly?11:03
CamCnot sure, what should I be looking for?11:03
theadminCamC: Eh, never mind, seems it's a PHP-only thing, nothing to do with apache. Then I don't know, never mind.11:04
CamCafter checking on google I was told to add "/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini"11:04
CamCit has something to do with apache11:04
CamCanyway, I added this line "extension=php_mcrypt.so" to php.ini and now I get 2 errors at apache startup11:05
CamCphp_mycrypt.so cannot be located anywhere on my system11:06
CamCI only have libmcrypt.so.411:06
bekksCamC: How do you search it?11:06
MayazcherquoiHey guys. I'm in Ubuntu and trying to use a torrent client to download the complete Debian package, but whenever I click on the "start download" button, Ubuntu disconnects my entire internet. How can I stop this? :S (using both Transmission and qBittorrent btw).11:07
CamCsudo locate11:07
MayazcherquoiIn Windows I never had this problem.11:07
CamCbekks I use sudo locate mcrypt.so11:07
bekksCamC: sudo find / -name php_mcrypt.so11:08
bekkslocate uses a search index which can be out of date and resulting in wrong search results.11:08
CamCI use updatedb before running locate11:08
theadminbekks: But that's solved by a simple "sudo updatedb"11:08
kwtmWhat package do we install to handle 7zip files?  Is it  apt-get install "p7zip"  ?   (I couldn't find a package that starts with the characters "7z".)   Using Kubuntu 10.04.  Thx11:09
bekkstheadmin: updatedb doesnt solve the default configuration of not including really everything when search for something ;)11:09
CamCsudo find / -name php_mcrypt.so returned no results11:09
theadmin!find /usr/bin/7z | kwtm11:09
ubottukwtm: File /usr/bin/7z found in p7zip, p7zip-full11:09
linuxuz3rhow do i make my fat32 partition so that i have execute access to it11:10
kwtmtheadmin: Thanks.11:10
theadminlinuxuz3r: sudo mount -o umask=0000 /dev/sdz1 /mnt # Or somesuch.11:11
theadminlinuxuz3r: Please note that this will give execute permissions to ALL the files, which might not be what you want. FAT and NTFS do not hold Unix permissions properly.11:11
linuxuz3r  theadmin how do i do it automatically11:11
linuxuz3rautomatically as in every time i plugin the usb drive11:12
airtonixanyone got a working Marvell 88SE6145 SATA II PCI-E controller with ubuntu 11.10 or 12.04  ?11:12
theadminlinuxuz3r: Add this to /etc/fstab: UUID=your_drives_uuid /mnt vfat defaults,umask=0000 0 011:12
theadminlinuxuz3r: To find the UUID, "sudo blkid"11:12
theadminlinuxuz3r: I also suggest creating a directory like /media/usb and using that instead of /mnt, but that's up to you.11:13
linuxuz3ri have /media usb11:13
linuxuz3rill try to fix this tommorow11:15
linuxuz3rgood night guys11:15
MonkeyDust1pm here11:15
MICADO01que tal11:18
theadmin!es | MICADO0111:18
ubottuMICADO01: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:18
=== root is now known as Guest57156
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:22
Guest57156who knows how create inird.img in ubuntu11:22
Guest57156please help11:22
=== enchilad1 is now known as enchilado
theadminGuest57156: mkinitrd11:23
Guest57156not work11:23
theadminGuest57156: http://linux.die.net/man/8/mkinitrd11:24
nigroidIs the Ubuntu kernel Xen enabled. Normally I am on Debian GNU/Linux 3.2.0 and have no issues with it.11:26
yeats!xen | nigroid11:28
ubottunigroid: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen11:28
nigroidBack with 2.6.26 I could compile the kernel ie make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --initrd --revision=XXX --added-patches xen kernel_image11:28
Guest57156theadmin thank's11:30
nigroidyeats yeah I know that. I am setting up bare metal hypervisor for slices with full pass though on 4 RAID 1 0 domUs11:31
nigroidaka VT-D11:31
nigroidNormally I am using Debian but this is a clients server.11:32
rabbi1my rhythmbox icon missing from "notification area" how to add back ?11:34
theadminrabbi1: http://www.howtogeek.com/68119/how-to-bring-app-icons-back-into-unitys-system-tray/11:37
rabbi1theadmin: sorry, i got 10.04 with gnome not unity11:38
theadminrabbi1: Oh, huh. Then I don't see why it'd be gone... Should be there, weird. Something to do with rhythmbox settings I guess11:38
theadminrabbi1: I never used rhythmbox so I wouldn't know11:38
nigroidIs IOMMU (privided by VT-d) with PV (Paravirtualized) guests using pass-through supported by default in the Ubuntu Kernel. Some disto's it is.11:39
arianithi I'm trying to upgrade to 12.04 via update-manager -d, but no update option is offered in the launched update manager. see some errors here http://pastie.org/382692911:40
theadminarianit: Precise is not supported here, see #ubuntu+111:41
nigroidIn a headless Ubuntu server. Is Ubuntu that distro with the "Mac" GUI ?11:41
theadminnigroid: Pretty much yes, lol.11:42
nigroidtheadmin OK Ill just make life easy here. Going to install BSD or Debian. Thx for the feedback.11:44
theadminnigroid: Sure, if you're used to something and it works for you, use that.11:44
thyssup dudes11:46
traubisodai'm looking for a CPU benchmark tool which i can run from terminal. any suggestions?11:49
thysso I am considering updating from ubuntu 11.04 but I frequently use the "Connect to Server..." function in places, gnome2. Is there a equally easy method  in current version of Ubuntu?11:49
=== zigger1_2000 is now known as G8HCB
m91jhi all11:50
BlouBlouhi m91j11:50
abhisinghalapt-get install privoxy11:50
abhisinghalReading package lists... Done11:50
abhisinghalBuilding dependency tree11:50
abhisinghalReading state information... Done11:50
abhisinghalprivoxy is already the newest version.11:50
abhisinghal0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.11:50
FloodBot1abhisinghal: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:50
abhisinghal2 not fully installed or removed.11:50
theadminthys: You can just type the location in the Nautilus address bar, and then add it to your bookmarks. (might be an easier way somewhere, not sure)11:51
=== RobinJ1995 is now known as RobinJ
traubisodaanyone? I'm looking for a non-gui CPU benchmark tool. pls help :)11:54
bekkstraubisoda: To benchmark what exactly?11:55
traubisodabekks, i'd like to do a generic cpu benchmark, if that's possible11:55
abhisinghalanyone can help11:56
Psytonictrying to install java and keep getting errors from apt-get until I get down to... tzdata-java: Depends: tzdata (= 2010i-1) but 2012b-0ubuntu0.10.04 is to be installed <<< whats that mean?12:00
bekksPsytonic: Nopaste the full output please, using a pastebin.12:01
Psytonichttp://paste.ubuntu.com/939537/ <<< but theres not much else12:01
abhisinghalpls see this12:02
Psytonic/usr/bin/update-monodoc: line 9: monodoc: command not found <<< is it in your path?12:03
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Psytonicbekks: ???12:04
yzhdanyone here ?12:07
yzhdor are you all afk ? :P12:07
MrElendigyzhd: noone here12:07
shnatselHello everybody12:07
yzhdMrElendig, norsk ? :)12:08
Psytonichttp://paste.ubuntu.com/939537/ <<< whats that error mean?12:08
gfrederickshow can I avoid typing `xrdb .Xresources` every time I log in?12:08
MrElendiggfredericks: tell your wm to execute it insteae12:08
MrElendiggfredericks: or if you are using startx, you can trow it in .xinitrc12:08
shnatselI'm working on prioritizing processes on Ubuntu desktop. I'm trying to find out what does oneconf-service do to assign it a priority for resource allocation (niceness). Any leads?12:08
bobweaverPsytonic, sudo apt-get -f install        it is a dependence truoublr12:09
gfredericksMrElendig: okay, I'll ask #xmonad, thanks12:09
MrElendiggfredericks: how are you starting xmonad?12:09
yzhdMy issue is : something happened to my .. what is it called? the thing on the left of the screen. Task thing, launcher... I have 6 apps in "keep in launcher", then I have to scroll all the way down to find trash and workspace switcher. I can't move them up. + when I open dropbox, or other programs, the icon won't appear in the "launcher".12:09
jiltdili comes from?12:09
gfredericksMrElendig: I have a file in /usr/share/gnome-session and /usr/share/xsessions12:11
gfredericksand so I choose xmonad from the login screen12:11
MrElendigyou can either use startupHook or a wrapper around xmonad then12:11
gfredericksMrElendig: okay cool, thanks12:11
Psytonicbobweaver: didn't seem to do anything, same problem12:12
bobweaverwhat is package that you are installing ?  nm I am looking up tzdata-java12:12
bobweavertime zone data ?12:13
Psytonicits required for ..12:13
jiltdilOnly *nix can have these type of commands ..(all are commands)......12:13
jiltdilat top fuser look pinky cal bc mc beep ... say nice size curves ass...cut phone..... see view find open ziploak and start finger touch suck dig chvt last fsck ........... :P :P :P :P :P12:13
yzhdanyone ?12:13
jiltdilread it like setntance to feel12:14
bobweaverPsytonic,  have you tried to install via dpkg ?   http://packages.debian.org/sid/all/tzdata/download12:14
bobweaverPsytonic, also when was the last time you upgraded software ?12:16
Psytonicbobweaver: nope and...like never12:16
Psytonicits a newish VM intsall12:16
Psytonicinstall even12:16
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Psytonicmind you...apparently theres nothing to upgrade - apt-get upgrade installed nothing12:17
bobweaverPsytonic,  upadate and upgrade see if you get same eror    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --yes upgrade12:18
Psytonicyeah, no change - qq12:19
bobweaverPsytonic,  what version of ubuntu is this ?12:19
Psytonic10. whatever12:19
Psytonic2 ticks12:19
bobweaverinstall with dpkg12:20
yzhdMy issue is : something happened to my .. what is it called? the thing on the left of the screen. Task thing, launcher... I have 6 apps in "keep in launcher", but I have to scroll all the way down to find trash and workspace switcher. I can't move them up. + when I open dropbox, or other programs, the icon won't appear in the "launcher".12:20
Psytonicyup, doing that now12:20
bobweaverPsytonic,  cool let us know how it goes12:21
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Psytonicbobweaver: same problem - looks like it needs an older version, is that right? >>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/939537/12:24
elspuddyis there a way of searching for a program to install useing apt-get ?12:25
theadminelspuddy: Yes, apt-cache search KEYWORD12:27
theadminelspuddy: Well, you can't search using apt-get directly, though, but that's the way it's done.12:28
SeedGameHow can i do disk quota in ubuntu?12:28
sambagirlis there any solution for a 2.5.1 codec incompatability?12:29
SeedGameWoho sambagirl12:29
elspuddythanks theadmin :12:30
theadmin!pm | abhisinghal12:31
ubottuabhisinghal: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:31
Psytonicbobweaver: looks like it <might> be working now12:31
Psytonicbobweaver: thanks :D12:31
abhisinghalhelp me please12:32
Psytonicpretty sure I already replied to that12:32
Psytonic/usr/bin/update-monodoc: line 3: [: argument expected <<< have you looked in that file12:33
Psytonicand /usr/bin/update-monodoc: line 9: monodoc: command not found <<< is monodoc in your path?12:33
JacoHi all.12:34
somersb3Hello. My CPU is loaded on a scrolling in XFCE4-terminal ! Fresh install. 11.10. what is the problem ?12:34
JacoI install 12.04 beta 2 today,but it's running slowly.12:34
monohedronabhisinghal, did you try "apt-get -f install"12:34
MonkeyDustJaco  better ask in #ubuntu+112:34
PsytonicJaco: read the topic12:34
abhisinghalmonohedron nopes12:35
monohedronjust try and then run the install again12:36
theadminsomersb3: Have you tried other terminals? (sakura is the one I use, really lightweight). Might be a bug in vte2 or xfce4-terminal itself for all I can guess.12:36
abhisinghali have uninstalled monodoc-base12:36
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somersb3theadmin, I have tried lxterminal also. the symptoms are the same12:37
elspuddywhy do i get permission denied when i run the command sudo apt-cache search rar | ~/output.txt ?12:37
Psytonicelspuddy: you probably dont have permission :D12:37
MonkeyDustelspuddy  no sudo needed for apt-cache12:38
somersb3theadmin, the process that gets 90% CPU is Xorg12:38
Zoffixelspuddy, shouldn't that be "> outout" and not the "| output" ? You're trying to execute ~/output.txt12:38
elspuddyMonkeyDust, same error with out sudo12:38
elspuddyPsytonic, XD12:38
Zoffixs/outout/output/; // need coffee!12:38
elspuddythanks Zoffix12:39
theadminelspuddy: You need either > output.txt (or >! output.txt if you're using zsh), or | tee output.txt12:39
abhisinghalmonohederon ssame error again12:39
elspuddythanks theadmin  :12:39
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theadmin(well, if you're using zsh and have noclobber set, that is)12:40
theadminsomersb3: Both lxterminal and xfce4-terminal are based on the same library, vte2. Now, sakura is based on vte3 so it might have the bug resolved. roxterm is also worth a shot.12:42
theadmin...Though, roxterm is vte2 as well12:42
somersb3theadmin, tried sakura - no luck. same defect12:45
theadminsomersb3: Really weird. Does every X app cause this effect, or just terminals?12:45
shreddingHey guys.12:47
* Zoffix waves12:47
shreddingI'm trying to get used to vim and am trying to connect to ftp.12:47
shreddingThis is the error i got:12:47
shredding(netrw) cannot determine method (format: protocol://[user@]hostname[:port]/[path])12:47
Triestedoes anybody know what kernel version does 11.04 have?12:47
mkultra_im pretty sure that 11.04 is 3 series of kernels12:48
shreddingI'm really new to ubuntu/linux/vim so: Am I doing something wrong or have i to install something?12:48
mkultra_it might be a 2.6, 10.10 is 2.612:48
Triestemkultra_: how come?12:48
Zoffixshredding, you might have better luck in #vim12:48
mkultra_they switched kernels12:48
MonkeyDustTrieste  type uname -a to find out12:48
somersb3theadmin, well, scrolling  in   a terminal takes more CPU than moving  windows of xchat over the screen very quickly12:48
* Zoffix wonders why vim people come in here...12:49
shreddingThx, Zoffix12:49
somersb3theadmin, i did not notice any latency with other applications. only terminal. got damn it12:49
sambagirlwhat are vim people zoffix?12:49
rabbi1my rhythmbox icon missing from "notification area" how to add back ?12:49
Zoffixsambagirl, people who ask vim questions I mean.12:49
oCeanZoffix, no need for the /me messages here, thanks12:49
MonkeyDustZoffix  what's wrong with vim?12:50
sambagirlwhat is vim though zoffix?12:50
ZoffixMonkeyDust, I used it maybe twice. Don't really know what's wrong with it...TBH12:50
Zoffixsambagirl, an editor12:50
mkultra_its a command line text editor12:50
mkultra_like pico / nano12:51
sambagirlnevermind it's a text editor12:51
sambagirllike vi i suppose12:51
sambagirllooked at wiki12:51
abhisinghalwhat does mandb do??12:51
MonkeyDustabhisinghal  manual database, maybe12:51
sambagirlrun it and see12:52
abhisinghalit has removed old database entries sambagirl12:52
sambagirlvim looks a lot like vi except it has colors12:53
bekksvi can have colors too, iirc.12:53
MonkeyDustsambagirl  vim = vi improved12:53
abhisinghalsambagirl i have some kind of dependencies problems with monodoc-base12:53
rabbi1my rhythmbox icon missing from "notification area" how to add back ?12:53
MonkeyDustrabbi1  you can't, i tried it too12:54
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rabbi1MonkeyDust: reinstalling rhythmbox will do ?12:55
MonkeyDustrabbi1  no, tried that too12:55
ZoffixSo, I'll reask my last night's question: during installation, being bored, I clicked "High contrast" (on the icon, top right). After that it apparently crashed and I sat through the rest of my install with giant fonts and icons. Now, I am on the installed system, but Ubuntu decided to try to be smart and enabled "high contrast" theme by default it seems. After playing with settings I got my fonts normal, but my cursors are still giant. I can't f12:56
Zoffixind where to change the cursors. Any help?12:56
somersb3theadmin, it is OK with xterm  :)12:56
theadminsomersb3: Hm, so it IS a vte bug, but in both versions... Well, I suggest you try something like, uh, rxvt then12:56
rabbi1MonkeyDust: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=227261 check the reply from leadgolem\12:58
MonkeyDustrabbi1  that's fedora13:00
rabbi1MonkeyDust: yeah, but i was able to get the icon, but not staying at the place, its much to do with rhythmbox i guess13:00
MonkeyDustrabbi1  maybe it's solved in 12.0413:01
somersb3theadmin, is there any way to find all terminal packages in  xbuntu that do not depend on vte ?13:01
rabbi1MonkeyDust: again, its with Fedora also, so not much to do with OS. I had no problem before, but i started my system after a long time. caught up with this13:02
theadminsomersb3: I don't think there is a sane way to do so, sorry13:02
rabbi1MonkeyDust: that solution in the post is working13:03
rabbi1MonkeyDust: after some regular updates, something is screwing the status plugin of rhythmbox, just got to reset it ,.....13:04
=== mefrio|afk is now known as mefrio
kwtmIf I have a package such as abcde, how can I see whether there are source files for that package?  something like  "apt-cache policy-source abcde" or something?13:05
kwtmI want to see if 7zip is an open source package, or just a zero-cost one.13:05
slikts_oh my godddd, it's so hard to resize windows now, the grippy area is just 1px wide!13:06
slikts_what are they thinking13:06
ZoffixThey aren't13:06
slikts_I use unity 2d and 11.10, and they ARE13:06
ZoffixI'm installing a box for my dad, and have to switch to KDE probably... There's no way a Windows n00b can't get around Unity.13:06
slikts_what's the point of telling me something that I see13:06
theadminkwtm: 7zip is opensource: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sevenzip/7z920.tar.bz213:07
kwtmtheadmin: Thanks!  In general, though, how do I find the source?13:07
Zoffixslikts_, I meant they aren't thinkin' haha13:07
theadminkwtm: Well, "apt-get source PACKAGE" downloads the source-code for PACKAGE into the current directory, if available.13:07
theadminkwtm: (given you have the deb-src repos enabled)13:08
kwtmtheadmin: Ah, I see.  Thx.  I wonder if there is a "don't really do it --I just want to check if it would work" flag?13:08
slikts_simpy W T F canonical, the window resizing been grating my gears for a few days now13:08
slikts_is it a canonical or a gnome screwup?13:08
theadminkwtm: --dry-run13:08
oCeanslikts_: control your language here, please13:08
kwtmtheadmin: Thanks!13:08
n3ur0tixeasy now... I just downloaded the anarchism package from the repos, but have no idea how to actually use it, it looks like theres a load of stuff in the docs folders, but how do I browse this resource?13:09
MonkeyDustrabbi1  don't have the status plugin13:09
somersb3theadmin. thank you anyway, boss13:09
GhostWolfubuntu12.04LTS is coming!13:09
kwtmslikts_: I'm sure "W T F" stands for "Why That's Fantastic!" :)   Yeah, I agree, Canonical has been going downhill.  They think they're the most popular Linux distro now so they get to tell users what they want.  Fail!  Canonical != Microsoft13:09
rabbi1MonkeyDust: that can't be, may be its lost, get that plugin13:09
oCeanGhostWolf: yes, discussion for that in #ubuntu+1, not here13:09
mkultra_n3ur0tix, id look for the bin file13:10
mkultra_then copy and paste the path into a terminal13:10
kwtmI'm still using Kubuntu 10.04.  I might upgrade to the next LTS but that won't be till about 4 months after release, to get the bugs ironed out.13:10
Zoffixkwtm, don't :D13:10
rabbi1just wondering what 12.04 has to offer, anyway thinking of Fedora shortly ....13:10
mkultra_like /usr/bin/anarchism straight into a terminal13:10
saulotoledosimple question: how can I have dia diagram editor in one window at Ubuntu? oO'13:10
n3ur0tixmkultra_, yeah, nothing :/13:10
Zoffixkwtm, I've made a mistake of upgrading my work box 10.04... long story short, I'm using Bodhi linux on it now :)13:10
oCeanrabbi1: it is offtopic for this channel, /join #ubuntu+1 for 12.0413:11
kwtmZoffix: :(  Are you on KDE?  I'm thinking of Mint.13:11
slikts_kwtm: it was really bad when 11.04 came out, what with severe, sever bugs in the most basic functionality like window switching, but I thought  they had learned and that it had gotten better... BUT NOW THEY BREAK BASIC WINDOW RESIZING muhaha13:11
oCeanslikts_: do you have an actual support question, or did you just came to rant?13:11
mkultra_its way broken for me13:11
kwtmslikts_: I'm hoping that they'll be a bit more conservative with LTS additions, but you probably know that they're not treating KDE people nicely.  But, hey, they're not biased, now they're giving the same crummy treatment to GNOME users!  ha ha ha13:12
mkultra_i have mint xfce debian edition on a flash key if it gets worse13:12
slikts_oCean: stuff it wannabe irc cop, it's a support issue that I can't resize the windows13:12
auronandace!attitude | slikts13:12
ubottuslikts: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:12
mkultra_LOL kwtm13:12
oCeanslikts_: then ask a actual question. Continue the rants and you'll find yourself outside the channel13:12
Zoffixkwtm, I was on Gnome in 10.04, but they did all the stupid changes, like moving the back/forward buttons in nautilus to the RIGHT and removing the "Up" button altogether. Why make such change? I have no idea.13:12
slikts_oCean: *an actual13:13
AngrySpamOk so i need hellp watching youtube lol.13:13
Zoffixkwtm, and with KDE I was unable to use dual monitor setup, it doesn't seem to be able to handle that.13:13
deb0I can't resize the windows at all anymore in beta. Only the title area works for that.13:13
oCeandeb0: beta is offtopic anyway for this channel13:13
mkultra_my glx gears speed is 6 fps, but i can watch youtube fine13:13
kwtmZoffix: KDE can do dual, but it takes a lot of fiddling around, and I agree, not worthwhile.  How's Bodhi?  Debian based or something else?13:13
AngrySpamIt(the computer) says i have that adobe flash thing, and i have gnash swf player installed(so it says) but i cant watch any videos13:13
slikts_deb0: I tried beta, saw the resizing problems and went with "stable"… only to find the same issue13:13
n3ur0tixmkultra_, looks like I have to navigate the docs folder and open the index.html file... sucks that this is not packaged up as an app13:14
ken_oshello anyone willing to explain winetricks here? :)13:14
slikts_ken_os: it's too tricky13:14
mkultra_just install it and run it13:14
MonkeyDust!anyone| ken_os13:14
ubottuken_os: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:14
mkultra_wine tricks is an easy way to install wine fonts and run msi files in wine13:14
oCeanken_os: http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks13:14
ken_ostnx for the info but i am doing it13:15
oCeanken_os: /join #winehq for support with using wine13:15
ken_osi just need this sh winetricks corefonts gdiplus msls31 msxml3 riched20 riched32 tahoma13:15
n3ur0tixmkultra_, 6fps? ouch13:15
ken_osand i get unknow arg riched32 :)13:15
Zoffixkwtm, Bodhi's based on Ubuntu 10.04, with Bodhi 2.0 coming out shortly after Ubuntu's 12.04 (and will be based on 12.04). It's basically your regular Ubuntu with most packages not installed by default, and with Enlightenment window manager. Enlightenment is still pre-release though, so it might not be as stable; but I haven't had any major issues with it though. Anyway, I'm sure oCean will yell at me now, so just join #bodhilinux if you want to13:15
Zoffixknow more :)13:15
n3ur0tix2629.710 FPS13:15
mkultra_yeah 6 fps13:15
mkultra_what was that about?13:16
ken_osoCean: I did join there . No help there man13:23
yooozyguys is it safe to upgrade kernel to 3.3 for precise?13:29
MonkeyDustyooozy  better ask in #ubuntu+113:30
yooozyMonkeyDust, ok thanks13:30
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urbannhi all, I tried to boot ubuntu from a usb stick from my MacBook13:38
urbanndownloaded the 34bit ubuntu version but didn't get it to run13:38
MonkeyDust!mac| urbann13:38
ubottuurbann: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages13:38
theadminThat's something new.13:39
urbannsorry 32BIts13:39
urbanndo I need to use the 64 Bits version instead?13:39
theadminurbann: Look at the link MonkeyDust gave13:40
KevQuirkQuiet in here considering there are so many people around!13:40
MonkeyDusttheadmin  2^5 + 1^2 = 34 - makes sense ;-)13:40
dN0tWe got a date for 12.04?13:46
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that dN0t13:46
MonkeyDustdN0t  next week13:51
boumacan someone help me with a misalignment issue13:51
boumaive used ubunbu 10.04, fdisk followed by mkfs to create a partition13:51
boumawhen i look at it in 'disk utility' it warns that the alignment is off by 512 bytes re performance13:52
pr0ph3thi all13:54
pr0ph3thow can I remotely control my dad's ubuntu machine, considering he doesn't know much about computers? What's the easiest way? We are both behind routers and he wouldn't know how to forward a port13:55
pr0ph3t obviously I can try and explain to him step by step what to do13:55
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)13:55
coviHi all. I have a simple script, say called s.sh, which contains several echo statements. If I directly type into my gnome-terminal "s.sh", the script will be executed and after all content is outputed, I am free to type some new commands in that same gnome-terminal window. However, if I run 'gnome-terminal -x s.sh', after the content is outputed the gnome terminal window is not "freed", and I can't input any new commands. Any getaround?13:56
pete34hi, i'm trying to mount external space with davfs with sudo mount -t davfs https://webdav.mediencenter.t-online.de /media/cloud. there is no error when I mount but when i try to copy with sudo cp i get "Cannot create regular file '..': Invalid argument" what is wrong there?13:58
boumahow do i calculate what start cylinder to use?13:59
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boumaeach cyl is 16065 * 512 sectors apparently.. so how can it be off by 512 bytes?13:59
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pyxorgHi, my father wants to try ubuntu on a LiveUSB but he can't boot the stick. I try to boot it on my computer and it worked. Does anyone know what it is due to ?14:07
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delinquentmedoes anyone else have a ~/build directory ?? im not sure what its for :D14:14
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ubottuBatta: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:17
geirhadelinquentme: It's not there by default; it's not a standard dir. You'll sometimes see a build directory inside a source tree after you've built it.14:18
duncan-nz12.04: I can't work out how to set my interface language as different from my locale setting. I want en_dk14:18
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geirha!precise | duncan-nz14:19
ubottuduncan-nz: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+114:19
duncan-nzgeirha, thanks14:19
provabenvenuti al sud14:20
crazydiamondHi. I've created my own keyboard layout, adding data to files in /symbols/ru and /rules/evdev.xml and  /rules/base.xml14:20
crazydiamondHi. I've created my own keyboard layout, adding data to files in /symbols/ru and /rules/evdev.xml and  /rules/base.xml but I've got an error http://pastebin.com/iUszZhD514:22
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urbannI am still confused about this with 32 vs 64 bits support, my macbook run Lion 64 bits, Is it ok to download ubuntu 32  desktop CD ?14:24
meldronhi everybody, I have a problem with hdmi sound output. There is no option to select the hdmi sound output device. If I run aplay -l, the hdmi sound device is displayed. How can I add it to pulseaudio?14:25
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pyxorgDoes anyone know how to make ubuntu LiveUSB persistent ?14:31
ms-daisypyxorg see this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:32
rafiksonAnyone Can Help With Audio Problem?14:34
pyxorgthank you ms-daisy i'll check it out14:35
nannesHi. Is there a method to view what's behind asterisks in GNOME? (for wxample I need to read my password in pidgin)14:35
rafiksonHawe You Any Nice Idea Abuout Problems With Sound?14:35
pyxorgDepends on your problem ^^14:37
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duncan-nzrafikson just describe the problem14:38
Guest57745I screwed up my home partition.. please help!!!14:39
rafiksonHi. Is Here Anyone Who Can Help Me With Sound Problem?14:39
duncan-nznannes, I don't think so but there is sure to be a way to do it if you look deep enough into the system.14:39
duncan-nzGuest57745, what do you need help with?14:39
ms-daisyrafikson - not until you say exactly what the problem is.14:40
duncan-nzrafikson, just explain your problem, don't keep asking.14:40
rafiksonI Dont Have Sound On My System.. Tried Talk With Friend On Skype But Microphone Doesnt Work Too14:40
Guest57745I was reducing the size of home partition of my ubuntu install ext4, with live cd of kubuntu partition manager..14:40
Guest57745it hanged in the middle.. and now the 250 gb home partition is showing no filesystem.. it is not accessible at all14:41
duncan-nzrafikson, have you tried with a different mic or a different program to find out what exactly is not working?14:41
ms-daisyrafikson- those are likely two different problems.14:41
rafiksonYeap Doesnt Work To14:41
rafiksonBtw.. System Doesnt Have Sound14:41
duncan-nzGuest57745, that sounds bad. What state is it in now?14:41
rafiksonnot Only Programs14:41
duncan-nzrafikson, what so you mean by system doesn't have sound?14:41
duncan-nzrafikson, it makes no sounds or it has no speakers...14:42
Guest57745it shows only sda1 and unknown format14:42
rafiksonI Got Speakers And Microphone But I Dont Have Sound..14:42
rafiksonI Cant Listen Music and Doesnt Having Sound When Turning On Pc etc..14:42
Guest57745duncan-nz: in partition manager, it shows only delete optio.. i have 250 gb of valuable data..14:42
sum11231231is this a ubuntu support channel ?14:45
ms-daisysum11231231 yes, just ask a question.14:45
Guest57745any idea to recover my data.. plz help14:45
mephisto_Now this should be interesting14:45
rafiksonWhat i should do to get back sound on my ubunt?:(14:46
Guest57745I was reducing the size of home partition of my ubuntu install ext4, with live cd of kubuntu partition manager..14:46
Guest57745it hanged in the middle.. and now the 250 gb home partition is showing no filesystem.. it is not accessible at all14:46
mephisto_format the partition and you can do a recov afterwards14:46
oCeanmephisto_: how could one recover after formatting?14:47
mephisto_Well it really depends are you dual booting windows?14:48
oCeanmephisto_: how could one recover after formatting?14:48
mephisto_or are you on a completely linux based drive?14:48
oCeanmephisto_: how does that matter14:48
gregLGuest57745 Try a program called testdisk14:49
Guest57745gregL: ok gonna try this14:49
sum11231231I have a apache-server with userdir homepages turned on. My question is how to set up my firewall so that it only allows access to my apache-server for my LAN?14:49
mephisto_Theres a program called recuva that you can use in windows to acess the files from a formatted drive or a dead drive but its windows based only14:49
crazydiamondHi. I've created my own keyboard layout, adding data to files in /symbols/ru and /rules/evdev.xml and  /rules/base.xml but I've got an error http://pastebin.com/iUszZhD514:50
Guest57745mephisto_ it was an ext4 sda114:50
rafiksonThen.. Anyone can help me with sound problems?(no sound on pc)14:50
duncan-nzrafikson, (back again) what have you tried so far?14:50
rafiksonI Tried Changing Software On Sound Propethies14:51
mephisto_In that case try this link14:51
oCeanGuest57745: you were shrinking it while it was running? And is it currently still mounted?14:51
oCeanGuest57745: what is the output of  fdisk -l ?14:51
oCeanGuest57745: err,  sudo fdisk -l14:52
Guest57745oCean: it is not mounted .. in partition manager it is showing /dev/sda1 type:unknown14:52
rafiksonTried Reinstalling pulseaudio14:52
Guest57745mephisto thanks14:52
sec^ndI have a jailbroken ipod touch running IOS 5.1, how do I add music to it from ubuntu ?14:53
auronandace!ipod | sec^nd14:53
ubottusec^nd: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod14:53
rafiksonduncan-nz, changing software on sound propethies maked my friend hear himself only reinstalling pulseaudio maked nothing14:53
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!14:54
duncan-nzrafikson, if you still have a live cd you could check it the default settings work. I find that there are so many settings so many different places that it can be a jungle finding the cause of a problem.14:56
vectorso .... is it possible to have network devices not managed by network-manager, yet still use network-manager to connect to a vpn?14:57
rafiksonduncan-nz, then only livecd can make it work?14:57
duncan-nzrafikson, remember that Skype is not really a supported program - it's up to Skype to make it work. Maybe you should start by tring the built in applications like Sound Recorder.14:57
rafiksonduncan-nz, i know:P but wanted test other programs too (with this sound problem)14:57
duncan-nzrafikson, I mean that maybe you've changed so many settings that it couls be good to see what the default settings were. But try Sound Recorder.14:57
rafiksonduncan-nz, so i will try livecd thanks for your help14:58
rafiksonduncan-nz, and have a nice day14:58
Guest57745oCean: sorry to be late..14:59
Guest57745the output is14:59
Guest57745Disk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes14:59
Guest57745255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders, total 625142448 sectors14:59
Guest57745Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes14:59
Guest57745Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes14:59
FloodBot1Guest57745: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:59
Guest57745I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes14:59
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Guest57745the output is http://paste.ubuntu.com/939759/15:00
Guest57745oCean:  the output is http://paste.ubuntu.com/939759/15:00
klyncGuest57745: what's the problem?15:02
klync(apart from the fact that you probably want the "bootable" flag on sda1 not sda2)15:02
Guest57745I was reducing the size of home partition of my ubuntu install ext4, with live cd of kubuntu partition manager.. It hanged and now showing unknown format..15:03
Guest57745result of sudo fdisk -l is  http://paste.ubuntu.com/939759/15:03
klyncGuest57745: oh. so is this partition table the way you want it? it's probably just the ext4 filesystem that's screwed up now.... did you follow a guide? *reducing* is very risky, afaik15:04
Guest57745klync: /dev/sda1 is not showing any filesystem.. in sda2 i installed kubuntu from which i am talking..15:06
Guest57745sda1 was ext4 before the partitioning with live cd.. now it is showing no filesystem15:06
crazyandi86Hi! is there a way to change permissions of /dev/tty0 to 660 permanently?15:08
gregLGuest57745: Use the program I told you about.. If it isn't damaged beyond repair, it will be able to recover the lost partition..15:08
Guest57745gregL: ok15:08
gregLGuest57745: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EncqYP1ijFg15:09
Guest57745gregL: thanks15:10
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NurseDadhas anyone else experienced the jock the ati/amd proprietary FGLRX drives (post -release updates)??15:18
webslyCan someone help me with a keyboard problem ? :/15:20
webslyI now get ¨ instead of "15:20
webslyhow do I get "" back?15:20
realsilverscreenreleases ought to be renamed to 12.0515:20
webslynot I have to hold ALT GR to get ""15:21
oCeanrealsilverscreen: do you have a support question?15:21
webslyif I dont, I het ¨¨15:21
Guest57745websly: try numlock.. maybe u typed that15:21
jose97Hay españoles?15:22
webslyIm sure sure my keyboard has numlick15:22
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:22
Saphirhi, I just installed Ubuntu and I'd like to know how I can remove thunderbird from the top bar ? :)15:22
webslymaby go into software manager and look it up15:23
webslythen you can remove it15:23
webslysoftware center*15:23
jose97how can I install minecraft on this OS15:24
MonkeyDust!details| Saphir15:24
ubottuSaphir: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:24
webslynot sure of linux supports minecraft15:24
ubottuPepe: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:25
Saphirok then, I tried to uncheck the thunderbird-globalmenu in the ubuntu software center, but it did nothing ; I also tried to remove this package manually via the terminal, but it is still present within the mail icon15:26
MonkeyDustSaphir  try removing globalmenu itself15:27
duncan-nzwebsly, I think it does via wine. Otherwise there's the OSS Minetest15:27
webslyI have a problem with my keyboard... I get ¨ instead of ".   atm I have to hold ALT GR to get "15:28
webslyanyone know how to fix this?15:28
NaughHello ^^15:30
webslyI have a problem with my keyboard... I get ¨ instead of ".   atm I have to hold ALT GR to get "15:30
NaughCheck your keyboard language settings15:30
webslyshould it be USA setting?15:30
webslyk ill try that15:30
webslyit now set to ¨15:31
websly¨English(USA with ...)¨15:32
SaphirI can't find any "globalmenu" package, I removed thunderbird using the software center, but it is still present when i click on the mail icon15:33
n0wjeSaphir did you logoff and log back in?15:34
matixHello everyone15:34
ImTheDudewht did they do with rythembox ? i can't get magnatune to work or the radio?15:34
SaphirYes, I even tried to restart the computer15:34
webslyThx! I fixed it15:34
MonkeyDustSaphir  maybe you have to delete some hidden folder15:34
Saphirerr, not after having uninstalled thunderbird completely though, I'm gonna try it out15:34
webslyIt was set to English(US, with dead keys) instead of English(US)15:35
NurseDadis there something similar to "places" in ubuntu 12.0415:35
Naugh@Saphir /usr/lib/thunderbird-11.x.x is present?15:35
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Saphir@Naugh : no15:37
MonkeyDustNurseDad  better ask in #ubuntu+115:37
webslyAnother small question... How do I set myself to root user? Im used to a distro where you're root by default. I tried "su", but I dont have the password15:37
ikonia!sudo | websly15:37
ubottuwebsly: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:37
bindiwebsly: sudo -i15:38
naftilos76hi everyone, is there a filename filtel for nautilus for current dir that can show only files/dirs that include the keyword typed?15:38
ikonia!root | websly15:38
ubottuwebsly: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:38
bindiwebsly: but you probably don't want to hang around as root all the time, check the above links15:38
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webslyI know the sudo command, but I want to be the super user15:39
bindiwhat for?15:39
wondermanhi, is it possible to close a window with unity, when it shows all windows within an application, is there a shortcut to close each window? otherwise it takes ages15:39
NaughBeing root is unsecure... ^^15:39
webslyto explore this operating system15:39
ikoniawebsly: then read the documentation of sudo, and listen to what people just told you "sudo -i"15:39
ikoniawebsly: you don't need root for that15:39
william0hi all, i have forgotten my irc passwd, how can i find it?15:41
ikoniawilliam0: talk to the guys in #freenode15:42
william0ok, thanks15:42
Saphir_-can't understand :s- it didn't disappeard when I restarted the computer, but it did when I logged out and in again, thank you for your help though ;)15:42
ririnoragazzi help15:44
MonkeyDustririno  with what?15:45
coviHi all. Any cmus user out there?15:46
ikoniacovi: cmus ?15:47
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coviikonia: yep15:48
MonkeyDust!nfo cmus15:48
ikoniawhat is a cmu ?15:48
MonkeyDust!info cmus15:48
ubottucmus (source: cmus): lightweight ncurses audio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.2-1 (oneiric), package size 208 kB, installed size 620 kB15:48
ikoniaoooh the application15:48
coviMonkeyDust: r u using cmus?15:48
MonkeyDustcovi  no, but why don't you just ask your question15:49
coviIt seems that all last.fm scrobblers written for cmus do not work on my Ubuntu. Really bothering.15:49
wondermanikonia: is there a simple answer to my question? ive looked up shortcuts etc15:51
Ghost_Berryis there a way to remove the side bar from ubuntu 11.1015:52
pangolin!notunity | Ghost_Berry15:52
ubottuGhost_Berry: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:52
MonkeyDustwonderman  try alt-f415:52
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wondermanhoho ?15:52
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wondermanit would need to be a middle mouse click or something15:53
wondermanim sure GNOME has this ?15:53
adamSsHey There, has anybody found a good guid for getting dual monitors to work in ubuntu? nvidia config detects both, but one is stuck as being blank white15:57
Ghost_Berrypangolin: thanks ?I am busy checking it out, will let you know if it helps15:57
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rredd4I have 2 users that login to ubuntu.  is it possible to have a user sign in and leave programs running and switch users?16:08
rredd4kinda like windows, that has a switch users option, which leaves programs active16:09
dwescottrredd4, there should be a switch user option16:09
rredd4how do i find it dwescott?16:10
rredd4all i c is logout16:10
thysupdated to 11.10, trying to login into Gnome or Xcef. Black screen immediatly. Only  Unity works - any ideas?16:12
streblolast night i was messing around with a machine i have and i wound up in a situation where i cant boot and im always dropped into initramfs16:13
strebloi made a usb stick with unetbootin16:13
streblobut i cant boot that either16:13
escottstreblo: "messing around"16:13
auronandacestreblo: a dedicated test machine or a vm is better to mess around in16:13
streblowhen i say messing around, i mean i was doing nothing that should have caused my machine to not be able to boot16:14
strebloi think i opened bios settings, then closed them without saving16:14
streblothats all i did16:14
Artemis3thys, try moving all the data of your user home into a sub folder (kind of backup) (eg: mv /home/user into /home/user/user_bkp or similar) or you could try making a new user and login with that just to test16:15
escottrredd4, im afraid i dont run unity so i'm not sure where it would be there. it is present in gnome316:16
thyscommencing new user test, brb. thanks16:16
ramoncorreiado you user ubuntu?16:19
acid_markconnect to wpa connection via terminal16:19
douglcan I have compiz effects with 11.10?16:19
purplefoolwhat is the best program to use for mounting an .iso files16:19
auronandacedougl: compiz is used by unity by default for 11.1016:20
auronandace!iso | purplefool16:20
ubottupurplefool: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.16:20
purplefoolkk, thx for the info you 2!16:21
anddamhello, I'm on 11.10 using LXDE, is there a way to let the system remember wifi password without using networkmanager for gnome or kde?16:21
auronandace!ccsm | dougl16:21
ubottudougl: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz16:21
ramoncorreiasomeone help-me!16:21
Artemis3rredd4, that used to be in the panel, by clicking the user name (actions or something) forgot what that was called, top right16:21
douglauronandace, thanks :)16:21
auronandaceramoncorreia: to help you we need to know whats wrong16:21
Artemis3rredd4, should show you the other user name, you click and it switches ;)16:22
rredd4Artemis3 hmmm?16:22
anddamI mean what's a "system way" to store wifi password, regardless of desktop environment?16:22
wildman330Anyone know how to get seahorse to stop caching gpg passphrases?16:22
ramoncorreiai want to be a developer ubuntu16:22
rredd4Artemis3 ok, gnome3 only?16:22
Artemis3rredd4, isn't it there in unity?16:22
anddamramoncorreia: like not an ubuntu's developer but a "developer ubuntu"?16:23
auronandace!dev | ramoncorreia16:23
ubotturamoncorreia: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment16:23
Artemis3rredd4, it was also in gnome2... gnome3's shell is alien for me sorry~16:23
ramoncorreiatank you16:24
rredd4Artemis3 not sure what unity is?. my gf is using the compute now, I just wanted to be able to tell her how to switch users16:24
rredd4Artemis3  compute= computer16:24
Artemis3rredd4, Unity is the default Ubuntu desktop interface16:24
auronandacerredd4: unity is the default desktop environment since 11.0416:24
johnbeewhat is the official release date for 12.04 LTS?16:25
Belial`the 26th16:25
auronandacerredd4: in 11.04 unity is built on top of gnome2 but in 11.10 it is on top of gnome316:25
Artemis3rredd4, iirc you can see your user name in the top right, you can click there and the other users should show16:25
xworld_hai guys anyone know how to find which ip is using my wifi router?16:26
rredd4Artemis3  auronanadce  ty, I found it!16:26
auronandacexworld_: consult your routers documentation/settings16:26
Artemis3rredd4, good to know :)16:27
anddamxworld_: if your router is routing yuo to the internet check some service like checkip.dyndns.org16:27
ramoncorreiasomeone of the brazin in chat?16:28
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anddamany hint about the wifi password thing?16:28
jrib!away > ladder316:28
ubottuladder3, please see my private message16:28
acid_markis there a way to monitor traffic in secured network16:29
auronandaceanddam: isn't wpa_supplicant used no matter what desktop environment you're on?16:29
anddamauronandace: idk, last time I used wifi in linux I was on WEP16:29
ramoncorreiado you used ubuntu how much time?16:30
auronandaceanddam: if i were you i'd change to wpa16:30
auronandace!wep | anddam16:30
ubottuanddam: WEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:30
thysI could login to gnome with another user but going back to unity it froze again.. leading me to believe the problem is the switching16:30
anddamauronandace: I know, that network doesn't exists anymore since it was several years ago16:31
auronandaceramoncorreia: what do you mean?16:31
auronandaceanddam: good16:31
anddamauronandace: the point is I'm not used to ubuntu and I'd like to avoid typing password each time this user (non admin) logs on this 11.1016:32
anddamauronandace: I'm going to search wpa_supplicant for starter16:32
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bobo37773anddam: Huh? Whats going on?16:32
auronandaceanddam: sounds like a keyring issue to me16:33
ramoncorreiai dont know how to read in english very well16:33
anddamcould be, IIRC keyring are handled on a per-desktop environment basis16:33
PhillipHey guys i want to install xubuntu on my netbook but it currently has ubuntu on and no cd drive, how can I install xubuntu on it?16:33
auronandaceramoncorreia: what is your first language?16:34
bobo37773anddam: Thats true. But you can eval keyrings on other desktops as well16:34
auronandace!usb | Phillip16:34
ubottuPhillip: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:34
anddambobo37773: the user I'm talking about is using lxde16:34
Phillip Hey guys i want to install xubuntu on my netbook but it currently has16:34
anddambobo37773: gnome is installed on the system, tho'16:34
auronandace!portuguese | ramoncorreia16:34
ubotturamoncorreia: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:34
PhillipI dont have any flash drives is there any way i can make wubi work inside of ubuntu?16:35
bobo37773anddam: You named your user lxde? Or you mean the desktop environment?16:35
plouffePhillip, you can install xubuntu-desktop16:35
anddamI meant the DE16:35
bobo37773oh okay16:35
ramoncorreiatank you16:35
plouffethen you should be able to boot into both16:35
auronandacephillip: no, wubi is for windows16:35
bobo37773anddam: and what is the issue? I logged in just now and didn't see16:35
douglI installed ccsm, enabled desktop cube and wobbly windows and when I rebooted I have no bar on the left of my screen... and I really dont know my way around unity - crap, I hope someone feels sorry for me and helps me out - lol16:35
LaxIm on 11.10 and trying to allow myself to run the make command, When I try to type the following command I get the error "sudo: aptitude: command not found"  The command Im running is "sudo aptitude install build-essential"16:36
anddambobo37773: every time the user logs in wifi password is asked, I'd like the password to be stored instead.16:36
bobo37773anddam: Are you using networkmanager or wicd etc..?16:36
thysswitching user completely hangs the system every time, what is up with this?16:36
auronandacedougl: i don't know if unity works with the desktop cube16:36
MonkeyDustanddam  password or wpa key?16:36
johnbeetry nm-applet16:36
anddamWPA key16:36
anddambobo37773: idk, how do I check that?16:37
auronandaceanddam: networkmanager is default16:37
douglauronandace, well desktop cube has 2 sides to it and I can rotate it but no bar... hmm, I guess that qualifys as not working tho...16:38
milen8204Hello all my gedit cant read bulgarian language what should I do to make bulgarian language readable ?16:38
douglmaybe I will switch to gnome16:38
auronandacedougl: i imagine gnome3 wouldn't work with the desktop cube either (because of the way workspaves are managed in gnome3)16:39
bobo37773anddam: Yeah your probably using networkmanager if I had to guess. Try something like this --> http://pastie.org/382910316:39
anddamauronandace: that doesn't answer how to check if I'm using it, tho'16:39
douglauronandace, ok - thanks for the info... is there a older version of gnome I could use?16:40
auronandaceanddam: the logic is if you didn't change the network manager you are using then you're likely using the one that is default16:40
bobo37773anddam: You need to eval the keyring in openbox / lxde or whatever. Just use htop to see if you are running networkmanger16:40
douglI want my 11.10 install to behave like my 10.10 install on my other machine... is this possible?16:41
auronandacedougl: no, gnome2 is no longer supported16:41
auronandacedougl: compiz works on xfce too though16:41
bobo37773anddam: Install htop and then run htop in terminal. After that press "f3" to search and type in networkmanager or nm-applet or whatever16:41
DaemonFCthere's still the GNOME 3 Fallback desktop that's kind of sort of set up like GNOME 216:41
MonkeyDustdougl  i use ubuntu classic, it's much like gnome2, but it is gnome316:41
DaemonFCthat was cast out into Universe, but it works16:41
auronandaceMonkeyDust: isn't that called fallback mode?16:42
anddambobo37773: why htop rather than top?16:42
MonkeyDustauronandace  yes, guess so16:42
milen8204Could I get some help please16:42
anddambobo37773: to filter?16:42
douglauronandace, ok... thanks !xfce | dougl16:42
captinehi all.  made teh jump.  bought acer laptop with not OS.  now, if only the philippines had faster update mirror.  killing me trying to update 11.1016:42
douglMonkeyDust, thanks16:42
auronandaceMonkeyDust: just clarifying, because 11.04 has classic and that is gnome216:43
dougl!xfce | dougl16:43
ubottudougl, please see my private message16:43
anddamatm I'm in a GNOME session, I need to switch to LXDE to check but I'm upgrading the system and I think I have to wait it completes16:44
auronandacemilen8204: what do you need help with?16:44
auronandacePapa-Smurf: greetings16:45
douglerr - how do I get a command prompt with no sidebar or command bar?16:45
milen8204auronandace, My system cant read a txt files on my language16:45
douglerr - or enable sshd?16:45
escottdougl, ctrl-alt-f116:45
Papa-Smurfauronandace, thanks16:45
milen8204I have installed my language on language support16:45
auronandacemilen8204: which language? what program are you opening the text file with?16:45
douglescott, oh yah - thanks16:45
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anddambobo37773: both NetworkManager and nm-applet are running but this could be due to the GNOME session, the issue is with the lxde session (not my user)16:46
PhillipI just installed xubuntu on my laptop and my internet isnt working on the wireless or on wired please help16:46
milen8204auronandace, the language is Bulgarian (Cyrillic ) like Russian and the gedit see only symbols16:47
auronandaceanddam: i think lxde uses networkmanager by default too16:47
anddamin that case how do I say NetworkManger to remember the wifi pasword?16:47
milen8204auronandace, like this Äèøàé, äúëáîêî è áàâíî16:47
LaxAnyone here use gcc or make?16:47
AngrySpamhello can anybody help me with an error?16:47
bobo37773anddam: I already told you how to do this. Did you look at the script I sent you?16:48
anddamI understand why high traffic channels can be stressing16:48
PhillipI just installed xubuntu on my laptop and my internet isnt working on the wireless or on wired please help16:48
auronandacemilen8204: those don't appear as symbols to me (but i'm on pcbsd9 at the mo)16:48
anddambobo37773: I did16:48
milen8204auronandace, they are symbols for me what should I do ?16:49
AngrySpamhello can anybody help me with an error?16:49
bobo37773anddam: So run that at boot with lxde and test it out. Did it not work?16:49
anddambobo37773: as I wrote I have to wait the upgrade finish16:49
wyldemilen8204: is it just gedit that is having a problem?16:49
escott!anyone | AngrySpam16:49
ubottuAngrySpam: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:49
AngrySpamAlright, im getting an error when i try to install things from Software Center but i get this error:16:50
douglescott, oh yah - thanks ... err how do I get back to my unity? ctrl+alt+F7 does not work16:50
auronandacemilen8204: i'm guessing here but you could look for language packs in synaptic, any bulgarian cyrillic one you haven't installed?16:50
MonkeyDustdougl  ctrl + arrow left16:50
Armadillogeddonhow to handle an unhandlable error? Anybody?16:50
anddambobo37773: gnome-keyring-daemon isn't setting GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET, is that expected?16:51
Naughit works well for me16:51
PhillipI just installed xubuntu on my laptop and my internet isnt working on the wireless or on wired please help16:51
anddambobo37773: I'm asking as you explicitly export it16:51
escottdougl, "does not work" =  ?16:51
NaughWeird char...16:51
ArmadillogeddonAngrySpam: I have deduced that nobody cares. All 1658 of em.16:51
douglMonkeyDust, thanks.16:51
Naughbut it works >_<16:51
bobo37773anddam: Maybe not in lxde. You will have to test it and see16:51
escottAngrySpam, those details might be helpful16:51
milen8204wylde, and notepad, I had set up the Libre offic writer on cyrillic and the words has appeared16:51
anddambobo37773: I'm in GNOME now, tho'16:51
wyldemilen8204: have you checked the setting in gedit under the Tools --> Set Language16:51
plouffePhillip, run nm-applet, it will show up in your panel. You can select a network16:51
wyldemilen8204: ahh ok16:51
AngrySpamescott: what details?16:51
AngrySpamoh fail :P16:52
bobo37773anddam: So how is anyone suppose to help you with your problem if you cannot test different solutions16:52
milen8204wylde, I made Language Bulgarian16:52
anddambobo37773: that's untrue, I can test different solutions, I just have to wait a few minutes16:52
milen8204auronandace, I will see what is going to happen in Synaptic16:52
douglescott, sorry... slow computer was/is having rendering issues while xfce is installing in tty1 - thot something was broken. thanks for your attention16:52
anddambobo37773: back to the point should gnome-keyring-daemon set GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET when in a GNOME session?16:53
captineis there a way to test the different mirror to see which is fastest?16:53
captinefor updates16:53
bobo37773anddam: lxde is not a gnome session.16:54
anddambobo37773: that's correct but why did you point that out?16:54
boumawhere does 17.4kb come from when parted starts there when you tell it to create a partition16:54
AngrySpamescott: http://pastebin.com/RRhKJ1Jp16:55
dooma09with download speed of 933 kbps, is that good enough to watch youtube without buffering constant buffering?16:55
Armadillogeddondooma09: no16:56
escottAngrySpam, you installing or removing?16:56
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anddambobo37773: https://gist.github.com/2438367  is this a sane output?16:56
AngrySpamescott: installing...16:57
auronandacedooma09: not really a ubuntu support question16:57
justdavedoes flash suck worse in precise than it did in oneiric, or do I have something else wrong on my system?16:58
BronzeHi, I'm running 12.04 LTS as Virtual machine, hosted by my ISP but I cant install some perl modules, have the repos been moved? (the repos for 12.04)16:58
MonkeyDustBronze  #ubuntu+1 for you16:58
jrib!12.04 | justdave, Bronze16:58
ubottujustdave, Bronze: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+116:58
auronandacejustdave: flash sucks wherever you are16:58
AngrySpamescott: am i still beng helped? -.-16:58
justdavemeh, I hotkeyed the wrong channel, sorry. :)  (I'm in there already)16:58
bobo37773anddam: Looks normal to me. But probably won't work unless you try the script I gave you. Maybe it will. But I doubt it. I am assuming you are still not in lxde?16:58
JammsCan anyone tell me why the first time I run killall unity-2d-shell it restarts it but the second time I run it it kills process but doesn't restart? (12.04) James16:58
escottAngrySpam, im trying to see what you might be able to do16:59
Armadillogeddonuhhhh hi17:00
auronandacechiiiiiz: greetings17:00
escottAngrySpam, are you using a wine ppa or the vanilla package17:00
chiiiiizdoes anyone know how to connecT Firefox 11 and Jack, to have the output of flash through jack?17:01
milen8204auronandace, nothing happen still see symbols17:01
AngrySpamescott: how do i figure this out 0.o17:02
escottAngrySpam, you would know if you enabled a ppa17:02
chiiiiizI am using Tangostudio as distro for music recording , there is only jack installed... and I want to listen to titles on grooveshark...17:02
auronandacemilen8204: did you install anything from synaptic? any more language packs?17:02
AngrySpamescott: well seeming how i know NOTHING about this, i dont know what the fudge that is.17:02
escottAngrySpam, i would try opening a terminal and typing "sudo apt-get install wine"17:02
escottAngrySpam, that might give something more detailed17:03
milen8204yes and some multilanguage pack17:03
Armadillogeddonwait, does ubuntu have the tty terminals from alt+f1-f4 keys?17:04
auronandacemilen8204: and you restarted afterwards i guess?17:04
milen8204auronandace, I am trying to set subtitles  on my VLC17:04
escottArmadillogeddon, yes17:04
milen8204auronandace, yes i did17:04
auronandace!tty | Armadillogeddon17:05
ubottuArmadillogeddon: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.17:05
echo083I opened firefox on a website which made it crash now everytime I start firefox it tries to restore the session and is freezing what can I do ? :(17:05
Armadillogeddonnifty bot17:05
auronandacemilen8204: hmm, most perplexing.. not sure what to suggest next sorry17:05
milen8204auronandace, ok thanks for try17:06
echo083no idea ? :(17:06
anddambobo37773 left, anyway I'm in LXDE and NetworkManager and nm-applet are running, I re-setted the network's wifi password in the applet and it seems to be stored now17:06
PRabyte1i noticed something today, i have in /etc   group, and group- what is that latter for? is that something is on most linux? or specific to ubuntu? i don't remember seeing that before. what is it for?17:07
anddamout of curiosity how's a wifi password stored without a graphical environment?17:07
wyldemilen8204: I didn't catch what version of Ubuntu you were on?17:07
milen8204Ubuntu 11.1017:08
PRabyte1anddam: i believe you can hand type wireless info into your wlan0 or interfaces under /etc/network/17:08
anddamI mean all the cases I saw on linux systems were using helpers/applets when a user logs into a graphic DE but how would it be set for a terminal only system17:08
anddamwhere would I check this on official documentation?17:08
escottPRabyte1, i think its the backup17:08
anddamI couldn't find this topic, maybe it was my fault when searching (I did search)17:09
auronandaceanddam: in the manpages to wpa_supplicant17:09
PRabyte1escott: ok17:09
wyldemilen8204: in system setings > Language Support on the Language tab you have the right one set? And possibly on the Regional Formats tab as well?17:09
PRabyte1anddam: the settings are in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/17:10
PRabyte1anddam: i dont remember path for wicd17:10
Ghost_Berryis there a way to remove the side bar from ubuntu 11.1017:10
wyldemilen8204: if those are correct then it might be good to check the Keyboard Layout as well.17:10
auronandaceGhost_Berry: yes, choose a different desktop instead of unity17:11
inboxhow to update ubuntu11.417:11
milen8204wylde, I can write on Bulgarian. Аз съм българче, обичам.17:11
fl1bbl3which is good advice in any case imo17:11
anddamok, I'll check17:11
wyldemilen8204: so it's fixed?17:11
MonkeyDust!nounity| Ghost_Berry17:11
ubottuGhost_Berry: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:11
auronandaceinbox: update or upgrade?17:11
AngrySpamhey i have wine now, i think17:12
AngrySpamyea.. :D17:12
anddamthanks, bye17:12
auronandace!upgrade | inbox17:12
ubottuinbox: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:12
milen8204wylde, no I can read files written in Bulgarian :D17:13
PRabyte1escott: i can do a less on it, but not on group- less show it in binary format i think, but not clear text, strings shows something17:13
wyldemilen8204: well thats some progress at least :)17:13
milen8204wylde, yea :D17:13
wyldemilen8204: did you check your Keyboard Layout?17:14
inboxhow to connect nokia phne on ubuntu17:14
wyldemilen8204: is it set properly for Bulgarian? ... I only have 1 entry in there myself so I'm "flying blind" here. lol17:15
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milen8204wylde, What do you mean set properly for Bulgarian ? :D17:16
wyldemilen8204: ok at this point you can only read Bulgarian? Or can you type AND read Bulgarian right now?17:17
escottPRabyte1, im not sure what the rational is for having group- having 600 permissions, but it does17:17
milen8204wylde,  I have done it thanks17:18
wyldemilen8204: ahh ok, glad you got sorted out :)17:18
milen8204wylde, thanks a lot17:18
=== Andsim-AFK is now known as Andsim
Andsimhi ineed help on 10.04 lts17:22
=== raphael is now known as xubuntu`fan
xubuntu`fani would like to know if anyone use a ppa to get xfce4.10 on xubuntu17:23
carlociao ciao17:23
Andsimi am having this issue http://pastebin.com/yJAUtD3617:23
ubottucarlo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:23
escottAndsim, what did you do to your path? Check /root/.bashrc17:25
Andsimthat is all17:27
Andsimthere other in that file but i copy first 4 line17:28
escottAndsim, that should be ok, although generally you want to put your additions to path at the end (unless you intend to override system binaries)17:29
The-_-ProGood morning, i have a problem with jolio cloud 1.2 not picking up my wireless and wondering if anyone is able to help out with this matter.17:29
theadminThe-_-Pro: jolios isn't supported here.17:30
PRabyte1escott: seems that root would have read write access for changes, and no one else. makes sense17:30
MrUnagiis there a way to auto recconect on loss of ssh?17:30
The-_-Proi tried to find there channel and can not locate them17:31
escottPRabyte1, im just saying there is no obvious reason why a non-priv users should not be able to read the old version of the groups file17:31
douglI have installed xubuntu but my machine still boots into ubuntu (that is not functioning) automatically - how do I make ubuntu boot into xbuntu automatically? All I have is a gui (unity) and a command prompt.17:31
Andsimi try to upgrade the system wont work due the those error'17:31
theadminThe-_-Pro: They don't even have one it'd seem17:32
escottAndsim, its going to be some file in /root/ the bashrc looks ok, but check that you dont have a /root/.profile or /root/.login etc17:32
ms-daisyMrUnagi - what caused the ssh to drop?17:33
Andsimk brb17:33
escottAndsim, you can also just remove those files and it should start working17:33
The-_-Proweird it stats on their website that the channel is on this server.17:33
ilyakhi *17:33
The-_-Prothank-you for your help.17:33
PRabyte1escott: i cant understand why there is a bak up and placed right next to it.... vs somewhere else17:33
Andsimi dont see .login files17:33
ilyakHow's persuading pedobear going along?17:34
douglhow to I log out of unity when unity is all messed up?17:34
escottdougl, have you tried: "export DISPLAY=:0; unity --replace17:35
douglescott, no - let me try to get a command prompt and try that - thanks17:35
ms-daisyilyak - wtf?17:35
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:35
darthrHi guys, is there any *buntu distro which is fully customizable as installed on hdd, but run from usb flash and can run on more than one system? thanks17:36
escottdougl, there is also a unity --reset command if unity doesnt come back17:36
ms-daisysorry ubuntu bot ;)17:36
douglescott, what is the command to open a terminal in X ?17:36
The-_-ProIs ubuntu going to get back to a netbook version?17:37
wyldedarthr: ummm all of them? Depends what you "specifically" need.17:37
douglescott, I only have access to point and click in my filesystem17:37
* dougl is getting pissed off with the new and improved ubuntu17:37
escottdougl, ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a terminal, ctrl-alt-f7 to get back17:37
wyldedougl: ctrl+alt+t17:38
douglwylde, - bless you!!!! you are a good soul - thanks17:38
theadmindougl: "/usr/bin/gnome-terminal" is what it runs, by the way.17:39
wyldeThe-_-Pro: the netbook version has been incorporated in ubuntu proper as I understand it.17:39
Andsimi donbt what i am going still not experences17:40
dougltheadmin, thanks...17:41
escottAndsim, can you paste the output of "sudo env"17:42
Andsimok one3 secx17:42
escottAndsim, that might be different from a normal root login shell so also try "sudo -i; bash --login; env"17:43
Andsimnope i am on root17:43
douglHey guys and gals... thanks for the help - I am getting frustrated and starting to use foul language so I better take a break and come back to my ubuntu issues later with a cooler head. Thanks again for the help and sorry for the language.17:44
Andsimescott: http://pastebin.com/XDK8N2AV17:46
=== Armadillogeddon is now known as Arm[Pretzel]
escottAndsim, and which ldconfig does not list the path to ldconfig17:47
Andsimyeah same othewr 3 program17:48
Papa-SmurfI get SIOCSIFFLAGS: Input/output error when trying ifconfig wlan0 up ¿? does anyone knows a cause?17:48
escottAndsim, so ls -l /sbin/ldconfig shows what?17:48
Andsimlet me see17:49
=== Arm[Pretzel] is now known as Armadillogeddon
Ghost_BerryI cannot recall who all helped me out with the side bars  which I ultimately needed to change the desktop as was pointed out17:50
Ghost_Berrybut I would just like to say thank you for helping to make my ubuntu experince a good one17:51
Ghost_BerryThank you!!17:51
Andsimescott: http://pastebin.com/AuEThGrW17:52
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=== aristidesfl_ is now known as aristidesfl
PRabytethanks all17:53
n3ur0tixtrying to think of a cli id3 tagger available for ubuntu, beet-something?! I'm at a loss!17:53
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escottAndsim, i have no idea what is going on. the path in env looks fine. see if "echo $PATH" prints the correct path17:53
Andsimok let try that17:54
Xtremeguys i have a gnome terminal question.. how can i set its transparency to look at the windows behind it?17:55
escottXtreme, right click on the terminal and go to the profile17:56
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Andsimhmm no sbin the path17:56
n3ur0tixXtreme, in the background settings17:56
escottAndsim, ? but env showed a path with /sbin17:56
Guest94472ablais español??17:56
n3ur0tixXtreme, as escott said , in the profile17:56
mirko2Xtreme:  you need a compositing window manager like compiz (or fake one with xcompmgr)17:56
Xtremewhen i do it that way, i can see my wallpaper..17:56
bekks! es | Guest9447217:56
ubottuGuest94472: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:56
escottXtreme, its actually preferences the profiles17:56
n3ur0tixXtreme, what OS version, compositor?17:57
escottXtreme, it will be fake transparency unless you have a compositor runnign17:57
Andsimhold let me paste bin17:57
=== i is now known as Guest52
Qazjap11Hi, can somebody help me to recover a file from ext4 filesystem? I had been trying to do that in the past week, but I couldn't succeed. Thanks.17:57
Xtrememirko2, means? coz maybe that is my problem.. when i set the transparency though profile.. i see my wallpaper.. escott, yes its fake one..17:57
n3ur0tixQazjap11, what you used so far?17:57
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edwardd12#join linuxdistrocommunity17:57
Andsimescott: http://pastebin.com/qMYXJZpy17:58
Xtremedoes gnome has a buildin compositor?17:58
escottXtreme, you have to run a compositor to have true transparency17:58
Qazjap11n3ur0tix, debugfs, extundelete17:58
n3ur0tixQazjap11, take a look at photorec or testdisk17:58
escottAndsim, what does "env" say without the sudo?17:58
Xtremeescott, can you tell me how to?17:58
Andsimhold on17:58
n3ur0tixQazjap11, good luck, I had mixed results... I hope it wasn't anything massively important! :)17:58
escott!undelete | Qazjap11 probably long since gone17:58
ubottuQazjap11 probably long since gone: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel17:58
escottXtreme, if you are running 11.04 or up then a compositor will start if your graphics card supports it17:59
Andsimsame path as in poastebin i just put in few sec18:00
escottXtreme, you could try and run jockey-gtk and install drivers for your graphics card18:00
n3ur0tixXtreme, which gnome version?18:00
Andsimpastebin coming18:00
Qazjap11n3ur0tix, photorec is not good, as I try to recover my wrapped-passphrase.. I'll try testdisk, hopefully It can locate such files.18:01
Xtremen3ur0tix, how to check? sorry new to gnome.. gnome terminal is 2.318:01
n3ur0tixQazjap11, photorec is not just for photos, FYI18:01
Andsimescott: http://pastebin.com/tEy5ey7218:01
Qazjap11escott, I have already been at ubuntu help, but couldn't find something usefull. I'll try the other links, thanks.18:01
Xtremen3ur0tix, yes its 2.318:02
douglescott, FYI - did those suggestions to restore unity and it is still not functional... how do I make my ubuntu install boot to xfce?18:02
n3ur0tixXtreme, sudo apt-cache show gnome18:02
mirko2Xtreme: the more interesting question is which ubuntu version. the (older) standard ubuntu windowmanager metacity doesn not do real alpha-channel transparency. either you need to use compiz (that thing with the cool 3D cube) or install xcompmgr (a command line program) and run it.18:02
Qazjap11n3ur0tix, It's written it is used to search for known formats. I don't think the wrapped-passphrase of ecryptfs has some format. Thanks anyway :)18:02
n3ur0tixXtreme, gnome-terminal is not gnome ;)18:02
n3ur0tixQazjap11, ah... that could be tricky18:03
escottAndsim, this path is different from the sudo env path. sudo is doing something that is fixing the path. i'm not clear why this path is messed up18:03
Andsimyeah i didnt setup the server company did for mee when i brought the server18:04
august1914?After disabling root login (11.10), what do I need to do to enable scp to same box?  I get "Permission denied" for scp with my username/password, which is valid for ssh login.18:05
douglCan anyone help me boot my machine to xubuntu?18:05
escottAndsim, you could check /etc/profile but that doesn't seem a likely source of the problem18:05
escottdougl, do you have it set to autologin?18:05
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douglescott, thanks =- yes18:05
escottdougl, you'll need to disable that. check /etc/lightdm there might be a file you can modify there18:06
douglescott, ccsm changes broke my unity and now I try to ccsm and change options back and get seg faults... will do thanks18:07
Andsimescott: http://pastebin.com/Wkf2rjQj18:07
IgramulHi, is there currently any issue with the package servers? I get the following error from a "sudo apt-get udpate": Failed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch18:09
mirko2august1914:  doesn't sound like an scp problem (as you can ssh into it) but a normal file permisson problem. can you give your user read permission on the files you want to copy?18:10
mirko2august1914: and read/execute permission for the directories18:10
escottIgramul, there are often intermittent issues with particular servers. give it 24hrs and if its still a problem you could try a different mirror18:11
august1914mirko2: checking...18:11
Igramulescott, ok - thanks.18:11
upsetThings keep telling me they have dependencies that WON'T be installed. Why is my terminal being so obstinate?18:12
douglescott, thanks - I have a functioning xfce desktop now, you gonna be around later...18:13
douglwill be back later to tweak my xfce interface and sing praises for escott  - thanks all :)18:13
escottdougl, i didnt do much, just pointed you where to look.18:14
mirko2upset: it isn't the terminal but the package manager, pastebin the command you use and the full output18:15
upsetOh my God, I went through a chain of dependencies, finally found one that would install, and it's removing a ton of other stuff18:15
delinquentmeso what happens when a /dev/ttyACM0  dissappears and turns into /dev/ttyACM118:15
august1914mirko2: yes, the problem is user's rights on scp target.18:15
delinquentmei've been using the ACM0 .. and I'd love to get that back as the default *THING* that my computer is writing to my arduino with18:15
Andsimany suggestion?18:16
upsetScrew this, I'm doing a clean install in a week anyway.18:16
=== ubuntu__ is now known as bhiv
xian__anyone here?18:17
ms-daisylots of folks.  Ask your question.18:18
mirko2august1914: so is it solved then?18:18
ms-daisythat's your question?18:18
xian__made some changes to fstab and left some junk by mistake at end of file18:18
mirko2delinquentme: i fear you have to write custom udev rule18:19
xian__now computer does not boot18:19
jovinboot from livecd18:19
xian__won't let be copy a backup of fstab as file system is in Read Only18:19
robde_hello, somehow the <<END … END syntax does not work in shell scripts :/18:19
xian__When I boot from live cd the one on the hard disk takes over18:19
thyshow do I see how much space i have left on hdd in ubuntu classic?18:19
robde_only if I put it like that: my_result=`mycommand<<END … END`18:20
mirko2robde_: pastebin your script18:20
xian__can't get live cd to prevail when you point to it from boot menu with bios?18:20
august1914mirko2: not yet - need to grant rights to directory to user, still researching to make sure I understand what I'm doing18:20
Mkmanon the ubuntu 12.04 it recognize my monitor as a laptop and it cuts a bit of my screen, how do i fix that?18:21
bazhang12.04 in #ubuntu+1 Mkman18:21
mirko2august1914: hint: group rights ;-)18:21
escottrobde_, you mean it doesn't work if you have it in one line? thats normal18:22
robde_escott: it’s multiple lines18:23
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mirko2robde_:  from man bash: Here Documents - This type of redirection instructs the shell to read input from the current source until a line containing only delimiter (with no trailing blanks) is seen.18:23
escottrobde_, paste exactly what you have in the script18:23
escottrobde_, but i would suspect that having that inside a ` ` would not work18:24
Chr|sIf I have ubuntu and want to change distro also im dual booting with win7, will I be able to just delete ubuntu installation and reinstall ?18:24
robde_it does :/18:24
=== UnununiumWapiti is now known as etotheipi
escottrobde_, i think you want to use $( command << EOF\n inputs\n EOF\n )18:24
august1914mirko2: I'm in, thanks!18:25
NullNDoes ubuntu have a educational childrens distro anymore? I thought they did but I cant remember the name18:25
xian__ can't get live cd to prevail when you point to it from boot menu with bios?18:25
ubottuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org18:26
bazhangNullN, edubuntu?18:26
NullNthats it! thanks18:26
bazhang!info edubuntu-desktop18:26
ubottuedubuntu-desktop (source: edubuntu-meta): educational desktop for Ubuntu. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.95 (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 48 kB18:26
bazhangNullN, ^18:26
=== bodnast is now known as bodnast[SF]
zaraxhere's a surprise for you folks, i'm looking for some help with oneiric on a netbook18:27
hollywordsim running mint 12 on a netbook just fine`18:28
pangolinzarax, exactly what help?18:28
zaraxtruth be told, i'm having issues with my soundcard18:29
pangolinhollywords, how is running mint relevant to this channel?18:29
zaraxon an acer aspire one zg518:29
DrMaxI'm running ubuntu on an overclocked i7 2600K but it reports only cpufreq upto 3.4GHz ... how do I get the turbo-mode clock rates displayed?18:29
delinquentmequick way to kill any arduino process on ubuntu?18:29
zaraxone sec18:30
DrMaxdelinquentme : killall -9 <nameoftheprocess>18:30
hollywordsits just a name. the operating system itself is quite similar.18:30
=== NullN is now known as wifioregon
hollywordsin fact. its the same.18:30
hollywordsmint, ubuntu, et al.18:30
pangolinhollywords, in fact it isn't. Also why it is not supported here18:30
pangolinand off topic18:30
hollywordshow is that? whi is it of topic and not similar if not the same?18:30
mirko2DrMax: DON't use -9 unless you have no other chance! killall ardunio (or however the process is named) is usually enough.18:31
oCean!derivatives | hollywords18:31
ubottuhollywords: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition18:31
DrMaxmirko2 : you're right18:31
wylde!mint | hollywords18:31
ubottuhollywords: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:31
hollywordsIm not looking for support, I was just commenting on someone.18:32
pangolinand your comment was off topic18:32
hollywordsstuf you18:32
pangolinzarax, Please ask your questions in the channel so that others can offer help. I probably can't help with your sound issue18:33
zaraxso, my soundcard is simply not being detected by alsa18:34
escottzarax, what kind of soundcard is it18:34
zaraxi forget18:35
zaraxhold on18:35
zaraxRealtek Audio v.
airlynxI'm having a serious problem on a fresh install of 12.04, everytime I plug in my USB mouse gnome quits and goes to a black terminal screen18:35
pangolinairlynx, #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 help18:36
airlynxpangolin, thanks18:36
escottzarax, is that intel HDA? sudo lshw -C sound18:36
BoreeasIs it possible to upload an iso for 11.10 to a remote server and use it to reinstall the OS that is currently running?18:37
zaraxshould be18:37
ChloopI have a problem with fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10 when switching users. after switching between users the window manager menus are unreadable (graphical glitches). I have tried this with the default Unity, Gnome 3, and Cinnamon, all behave the same. my graphics card is a nVidia 7900 GT and I have the latest stable nVidia driver installed18:37
Hans_Zer0hi I want to connect to a sftp server with the "files" application using a rsa keyfile ... is this possible or is it only possible using a password (it works without a problem on another server with a password but for this server I can only use a keyfile) (I got filezilla and it works I'ld just find it handy to have it as a bookmark in the file manager)18:37
zaraxone second18:37
zaraxN10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller18:38
zarax"*-multimedia UNCLAIMED"18:38
escottzarax, are the intel hda drivers loaded? lsmod | grep hda18:38
zaraxit's not responding18:40
zaraxlsmod shows no such value18:40
Hans_Zer0anyone any idea if I could get this to work?18:41
mirko2Boreeas: perhaps you want  a custom apt repository? something like http://www.hiddentao.com/archives/2011/06/27/setting-up-a-simple-ubuntu-apt-repository/18:41
escottHans_Zer0, not sure what the "files" application is, but sftp uses ssh auth_keys18:41
Hans_Zer0so I can just put my rsa key file ... somewhere... and then ubuntu magically does the rest?18:42
Boreeasmirko2: No, that isn't really what I'm looking for. Backstory: I'm trying to upgrade a remote vserver, the only option being ssh. do-dist-upgrade broke a bunch of dependencies and I can't seem go go back or forth.18:42
Hans_Zer0"files" is the standard file manager for ubuntu I dunno what it actually is but it is named "files" in the dash (or whatever that thing is called)18:43
escottHans_Zer0, in your $HOME on the server you put the public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (and set the correct permissions on that file) and then it should "just work"18:43
Hans_Zer0the server part works fine !18:43
shnatselHans_Zer0: it's called Nautilus18:43
Hans_Zer0I'm just talking about the client part18:43
BoreeasSo I was planning on uploading an iso to the server and then reinstalling, but I'm afraid that at some point it will overwrite stuff that is needed for keeping the iso mounted18:43
Hans_Zer0ok can nautilus use a rsa keyfile to establish a ssh/sftp connection ?18:43
zaraxit seems i don't have hda18:44
bekkszarax: BEcause you should have sda18:44
escottbekks, ? he is talking about hda audio not sda drives18:44
trismHans_Zer0: it works here, but I have my servers set up in ~/.ssh/config (so I give the Host name in File/Connect to Server...)18:44
bekksescott: ah k :)18:45
zaraxi actually beleive it more likely to be sda, seeing as i'm talking about an old netbook18:45
trismHans_Zer0: I don't know if it will work otherwise (it may)18:45
Hans_Zer0so I put my ssh config stuff with the keyfile in there and then it can connect ?18:45
escottzarax, have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto18:45
trismHans_Zer0: yes18:46
Hans_Zer0that's the answer I needed I can start from there thank you18:46
=== Hans_Zer0 is now known as Hans_zero
zaraxi believe i have, but i'll take another look at it18:46
escottzarax, you could just try sudo modprobe. or sudo modprobe -l "snd_hda_*"18:47
zaraxescott: was it supposed to return anything?18:48
escottzarax, the second one should. the first should not, but it might intelligently insert the modules for the devicer18:48
zarax-l or -i?18:48
escottzarax, l as in lima18:48
zaraxnope. no reply18:49
burhanwhy is it that the trackpad works correctly under KDE and not under gnome :/18:49
mirko2Boreeas: can't help with vservers, but you might want to look at http://marc.herbert.free.fr/linux/win2linstall.html18:49
escottburhan, likely different settings for syndaemon. is it the same user?18:49
burhanin fact, there is only one user on the system.18:50
burhanand ONLY under gnome (well, unity) does the trackpad act strange.18:50
burhanxfce and kde are fine.18:50
zaraxescott any clue as to other possibe solutions? i'm practically on a fresh install of ubuntu (directly from windows xp)18:53
escottburhan, i would compare the output of synclient under kde and gnome18:53
burhanescott: hmm, I'll give it a shot.18:53
Boreeasmirko2: Ah, thanks18:55
escottzarax, i would try "sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel" but its also likely you will need "sudo modprobe snd_hda_codec_realtek" or some variant. you might try "sudo modprobe snd_hda_*" and see if it picks up the right modules.18:55
zaraxescott, the first command returned only a warning: "WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, it will be ignored in a future release."18:56
zaraxsame for the scond command18:57
escottzarax, what version of ubuntu is this?18:57
Zaitzevsomeone should uninvent flash. any takers?18:58
zarax_(pfft, i need to learn how to use irssi before i start fooling around with commands)18:58
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jerlihi there...18:59
=== Arm[Syn3h] is now known as Arm[CMRRAWME]
zarax_escott, the third command returned the same warning and it couldn't anything else18:59
Chloopok, I am now trying to clean install my nVidia driver. booted into recovery, dropped into root shell.. when trying 'apt-get remove' I get error: unable to write to /var/cache/apt/18:59
escottChloop, its probably not mounting / as read-write19:00
Chloopescott: I need to choose a different option in the recovery menu?19:01
mirko2zarax_: notice that modprobe doesn't ouput anything if it runned successfull, and since you only got a warning, not an error, see if alsa now sees your soundcard (remember to unmute it)19:01
escottChloop, do you have a livecd19:01
ChloopI haven't booted into recovery in years..19:01
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Chloopescott: no, Ubuntu is installed on HD19:01
escottChloop, you can try "sudo mount -o remount,rw /19:02
zarax(pfft, no more windows shortcuts for me)19:02
=== testerdude is now known as Guest79567
ChloopI'm at the recovery menu again. which should I choose to get to the shell without loading X?19:05
zaraxescott, Did I miss any more advice on your part after the 3 commands?19:06
wifioregonHi, my frriend  has a netbook and no usb flash drives but wants Ubuntu..is there any way he could do a network install...?19:06
wifioregonor any way around installing without a USB?19:06
wifioregonhe wants to get rid of windows and put on edubuntu for his son19:06
theadminChloop: "root shell" or something like that is there, methinks it's the last option19:06
escottzarax, if you ran the modprobe commands see what is listed in lsmod and check lshw again to see if the device is claimed19:06
Chlooptheadmin: tried that before but it mounts filesystem as read-only?19:07
Artemis3wifioregon, you must at least obtain an usb stick or cdrom drive; unless you set up a PXE server and the machine can boot from lan19:07
theadminwifioregon: There is one way, but it's freaky -- you can mount the physical drive via Virtualbox (preparing an empty partition for Ubuntu beforehand) and install that way, then boot it from real hardware and remove Windows...19:07
theadminChloop: Is that a problem whatsoever? mount -o remount,rw /19:07
mirko2wifioregon: or use the method I just posted some minutes ago: http://marc.herbert.free.fr/linux/win2linstall.html ;-)19:08
zaraxescott, i have snd_hda of the sorts listed in lsmod19:08
AngrySpamHello, when i start ubuntu 11.10 (from startup) i get the grub thing, no matter what its automatically there.  How do i just boot up to desktop from there?19:08
zaraxescott, i'm being warned by lshw to run as super user19:09
escottzarax, so run with sudo19:10
MonkeyDustAngrySpam  you could set the timeout to 019:10
zaraxwait, should i specify which lshw?19:10
AngrySpami dont even know what that is -.-19:10
jahaHey all having troubles setting up a x11vnc reverse tunnel through a gateway server, assuming I have the tunnel setup properly from my client to the gateway (forwarding port 5900 to localhost), what is the command for the x11vnc server machine to properly connect it to the gateway?19:10
escottzarax, sudo lshw -C sound19:10
jahaoh, and can I use a stored ssh config hostname?19:11
MonkeyDustAngrySpam  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:11
zaraxhold up, the sound settings show an internal soundcard19:11
zaraxescott: and lshw does not say it's claimed19:12
mirko2AngrySpam: open a terminal and run the command "gksudo gedit /etc/defaults/grub" (without the quotes), find the "GRUB_TIMEOUT" line and set the number to 2 (don't set it to zero, you might want to enter the recovery mode). save and exit then run the command "sudo update-grub" (again without the quotes)19:12
AngrySpamnot found, MonkeyDust19:12
=== Andsim is now known as Andsim-AFK
Ankmanmay be /etc/default/grub19:12
MonkeyDustAngrySpam  just click the link, it's there19:12
Ankmanno "s"19:12
mirko2AngrySpam:  sorry, typo, should be "gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub"19:12
hwildewhy are the colors all jacked up in my videos ??19:13
AngrySpami dont have trminal19:13
AngrySpami strt uubuntu and there is a black screen prompting me with grub>19:14
MonkeyDustAngrySpam  ctrl-alt t to open the terminal19:14
escottAngrySpam, its best to boot a livecd and work from a chroot for these things19:14
AngrySpami cant open fucking terminal if i dont have desktop up19:14
mirko2AngrySpam: if you can't boot into Ubuntu and only see "grub>" then your installation is broken19:14
wylde!language | AngrySpam19:14
ubottuAngrySpam: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:14
hwildewhy are the colors all jacked up in my videos ??19:14
bazhangAngrySpam, no cursing, calm down19:14
hwildethe colors used to be fine19:14
zaraxescott: it seems to work19:14
=== advanxer_ is now known as advanxer
hwildesome recent update has broken the colors in the videos19:15
bazhanghwilde, blue faces in flash?19:15
zaraxat least when i test the speakers in the sound thingamadoodle19:15
mirko2AngrySpam: what have you done just recently or where you never able to boot ubuntu?19:15
AngrySpam0_0 maybe if i could get an answer19:15
hwildebazhang, various issues with colors being wrong19:15
bazhangAngrySpam, not the way it works.19:15
escottzarax, not sure why your sound drivers are not being loaded. perhaps the hardware is coming up late? but you could add the modules to /etc/modules19:15
bazhanghwilde, for blue faces in flash, full screen then disable hw acceleration19:15
hwildebazhang, it used to be fine now it's broken what broke it19:16
hwildeI don't want a work around19:16
hwildeput it back the way it was before19:16
bazhanghwilde, flash issue19:16
* hwilde holds down ctrl+z19:16
bazhanghwilde, thats the fix.19:16
AngrySpamso can i have help other than saying "open terminal" seeming how I CANT OPEN TERMINAL19:16
hwildedude it used to work19:16
jahai need a ctrl+z in life19:16
hwildeit's a bug19:16
MonkeyDusthwilde  http://www.my-guides.net/en/guides/linux/324-how-to-fix-the-blue-tint-on-youtube-videos-problem-flash-and-nvidia19:17
bazhang!bug > hwilde19:17
hwildeeverytime nvidia starts working it gets messed up man19:17
ubottuhwilde, please see my private message19:17
escottAngrySpam, do you have an install cd/dvd you can boot19:17
zaraxescott: it works19:18
Qazjap11can anybody with an ecrypfs encrypted home folder tell me what is the size of ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase? Thanks :)19:18
escottQazjap11, probably on the order of 4000bits19:19
zaraxescott: thank you very much!19:19
Qazjap11escott, do you mean exactly 4000 bits?19:20
Qazjap11or it depends on password length?19:20
zaraxof course, now flash crashes everytime i open the youtube video i'm looking for19:20
escottQazjap11, no. im just guessing. its likely to be reported as the min file size on your system which is probably 4kb.19:20
dlentzescott, that's 4096 bytes19:21
jahaanyone know why i cant send to the #linux channel?19:22
shysoftIf I intall the beta of ubuntu 12, how difficult would it be to upgrade to the release? Will I have to reinstall?19:23
bazhangjaha, ask in #freenode19:23
dlentz!final | shysoft19:23
ubottushysoft: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.19:23
bazhang!infal | shysoft19:23
wyldejaha: have you registered and identified with your nick? /msg nickserv help19:23
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=== eddie is now known as Guest46651
Qazjap11escott, thanks19:25
shysoftwhen does precise come out?19:26
MonkeyDustshysoft  next week thursday19:27
lucas-argneed help with kworld ub405-a usb tv stick... cant get it working...!!19:27
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=== Guest85089 is now known as cbx33
Gnealucas-arg: try plugging it in19:27
lucas-argGnea: ur funny19:27
Gnea!tv | lucas-arg19:28
ubottulucas-arg: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out and !UbuntuTV19:28
=== nikolja is now known as nikolja|odsutan
physically_fitwho here uses twitter? recommend me a good twitter client, besides Gwibber. i need a good interface for Direct Messages. thanks.19:33
theadminphysically_fit: If you're a fan of IRC, try bitlbee.19:34
slikts_can running in vmware screw with ntp time?19:35
ikoniaslikts_: very much so19:35
slikts_I've installed ntpd, but I've found the being incorrect several times now, and when I check ntp is not running19:35
slikts_*found the time being19:35
physically_fittheadmin, thanks, but it sounds complicated.19:35
slikts_like completely incorrect, 12h difference19:35
theadminphysically_fit: Not really, you can just connect to a public server (I use testing.bitlbee.org myself)19:36
=== Jeruvy_Rules is now known as Jeruvy
slikts_ntpdate fixes it, but I'd like it to stay correct19:36
slikts_physically_fit: I like twitter.com as a twitter client19:36
ikoniaslikts_: it's a common bug19:36
slikts_I'll google then19:37
Cloud__hey all19:37
physically_fitslikts, but when you use DM, direct messages, the window is so small. i don't like it.19:37
theadminphysically_fit: There's this hootsuite thing19:37
=== Nain is now known as Nain`
physically_fittheadmin, thanks again. will ckeck it out.19:38
slikts_ikonia: thanks, googling helped, turns out I can tweak settings of vmware to fix this19:38
ikoniaslikts_: be aware the vmware tools that can be used to rectify this can also cause problems19:39
slikts_maybe I should just set ntpdate in crontab19:39
slikts_precise time isn't that important in this virtual machine19:39
slikts_I only use it for work >>19:40
ikoniaslikts_: I wouldn't recommend that, there are example configs for ntpd on the web oh how to do it and what vmware config you need19:40
slikts_hmm okay19:40
ikoniaslikts_: the problem is fixed in ESX, are you using ESX or the home player thing ?19:40
slikts_I have vmware workstation19:40
ikoniaslikts_: yeah, you'll have a lot of problems with time on it19:40
slikts_also with clipboards19:41
ikoniaslikts_: vmware enterprise tools are solid, the home stuff is sloppy19:41
slikts_unbelievably the clipboard sharing is broken19:41
ikoniaslikts_: not a surprise19:41
slikts_in a better world it should be a surprise for $200 software and a very common OS19:41
ikoniaslikts_: annoying as it sounds it's not actually a vmware problem (as I recall) it's how certain PC's hardware clocks interface19:42
Chloopugh I didn't have so much trouble with 10.0419:44
zykotick9ikonia: interesting that other virtualization software (kvm) recommend against using ntpd in VMs... seems virtualization and ntpd don't co-operate19:44
ikoniazykotick9: yes, I did work with Redhat and if you use RHEL 5.4 -> later, you'll have no problems with it. Redhat have put a good patch into their kernel to give solid time19:44
tjfer, hi. I'm trying to download the 12.04 image with bittorrent and Transmission says "Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker"19:46
ikoniatjf: 12.04 is not released yet19:46
theadmintjf: #ubuntu+1 for precise19:46
grithello, i have an fujitsu A1650G an activate the b43 wireless driver, so now i can't anymore activate my wireless network, what can i do for activate?19:46
* zykotick9 doesn't think 12.04 is available as a torrent from ubuntu/canonical19:46
theadminzykotick9: wget -q -O - http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/ | grep -F '.torrent'19:47
=== Arm[SoggyPretzel is now known as Arm[ChEeZ]
theadminzykotick9: Basically speaking, there are torrents.19:48
zykotick9theadmin: my bad.  I downloaded the daily last night, didn't see a torrent there.19:48
gritcan anyone help me please, i only would use my wireless connection :(19:50
Diamondcitegrit: Wireless as in Wi-Fi? How is it not working?19:52
gritDiamondcite, yes it is wi-fi ... i have install ubuntu and try to connect with wifi to my router but i became no connection. so after that i activate the b43 driver and now i can not activate the wireless connection over the symbol in the tray (sorry for y bad nglish ...)19:54
DiamondciteAh a broadcom card, b43 and STA are two different drivers.. but it seems you have already figured it out..19:55
ubottuxmarco69: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:56
ryzzanalgum brasileiro?19:56
ubotturyzzan: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:56
bshow to find out my download speed19:56
bsubuntu 11.1019:56
griti not realy figured out something, this was the only driver that have ubuntu show in the preferences.19:56
zozybs: speedtest.net ;)19:56
KM0201bs: there's tons of online speed testers, check speedtest.net19:57
bszozy, i mean life while i'm downloading file how can i find out my speed?19:57
gritif i type iwconfig in the terminal my card will display19:57
gritbut i can't activate19:57
Diamondcitegrit: Did you try to restart after activating the driver? If you did restart, what did nm-tool'19:58
Diamondciteerr 'nm-tool' say for available networks19:58
bswhile i'm downloading file how can i find out my speed?19:58
zozybs: usually it shows up in the browser19:58
zozywhyile youre downloading19:59
=== FTW is now known as renode
Gneabs: what browser do you use?19:59
KM0201bs: what browser are you using?19:59
DiamondciteFirefox should have a download window which shows current speed19:59
KM0201Chrome/Chromium, shows it on a tab... i believe Opera does as well.19:59
bsi'm downloading updating so i want to find out the download speed19:59
Gneabs: then answer the question so we can help you find out the speed, please20:00
Diamondcitebs: There are also other apps which monitor transfer speeds.. like 'bwm-ng'(command line tool) or gkrellm(old gtk tool)20:00
KM0201bs: if you're updating w/ update manager, .. click details on the update manager, and it should show the speed things are being downloaded as different servers are accessed20:00
Chloopokay, progress, I finally got two user sessions to look alright when choosing Unity 2D as desktop.20:01
gritDiamondcite, yes i have restart. nm-tool says http://pastebin.com/yjdK1nDs20:01
zozyKM0201: doesnt it only shows the xkb of y kb thingy?20:01
KM0201zozy: i thougth next to it it showed the actual speed as well.20:01
=== Arm[ChEeZ] is now known as Armadillogeddon
bsDiamondcite, how to download that bwm thing20:01
zozydunno, but i'll check at the next update KM020120:02
Diamondcitegrit: Does your device have a hardware wifi kill switch? Or maybe you cna try activating the STA driver instead of b4320:02
KM0201zozy: updating now.. i'll check.. :)20:02
The-_-Prowhat does it mean when wireless is unclaimed?20:02
KM0201bs: nope, you're right.. it doesn't show the speed20:02
Diamondcitebs: bwm-ng is an app, so you should be able to find it in software center or 'apt-get install bwm-ng'20:02
Chloopso kinda back to square one. is there something I can do to improve switching between two user sessions? I get extreme graphical glitches.20:03
KM0201sorry  zozy you're right, it doesn't show the speed20:03
KM0201i thought it did.20:03
KM0201i think if you update via command line, it does.20:03
Diamondcitegrit: I am away from the keyboard, eating.20:03
zozyKM0201: maybe theres a room for improvement (although i dont see any justification for that feature)20:04
ChloopI am eating on the keyboard :D but its just salad20:04
zozyKM0201: yup, apt show its speed20:04
KM0201zozy: me either.. most likely if there's a bottleneck when downloading updates, it's on the server end, rather than the client.20:04
KM0201zozy: so there's the answer... "sudo apt-get upgrade".. ;)20:04
gritDiamondcite, yes i have that kill switch, i think yu mean the button to activate the wifi card on my laptop but it's on, my windows have the connection to the router over wlan. ok, i will wait :)20:05
zozyKM0201: yeahh, i hope bs is reading it too :D20:05
KM0201zozy: i doubt it..lol20:05
grithow and where can i activate the sta driver??20:06
douglI installed ubunbtu 11.10 then ccsm and enabled some effects which broke my desktop then installed xubuntu and am booted to that but ccsm effects do not work (desktop cube and wobbly windows) any suggestions?20:06
mirko2zozy, KM0201: not everybody in the world has a multi-MBit/s DSL flatrate. some have only GPRS/EDGE and even some others have a time or transfer limit. showing the speed, time and amount *is* very important to some people.20:06
KM0201grit:  search unity for "Additional Drivers"20:07
KM0201mirko2: if its that important, then use the command line.20:07
mirko2KM0201: I do (even with a fast, unlimted connection), but isn't Ubuntu aimed at newcomers ;-)=20:08
KM0201dougl: you mean ccsm doesn't work on xubuntu?20:08
KM0201or it just still doesn't work on ubuntu20:08
griti use ubuntu 10.04 KM020120:09
KM0201mirko2: ubuntu isn't designed to be all things for all people... so the fact it's "for newcomers" means nothing20:09
KM0201grit: system/admin/additional drivers20:09
KM0201grit: if it's a really new broadcom, there may not be support in the 10.04 kernel for it yet.20:09
douglKM0201, the compiz effects dont work on xubuntu... ccsm works to enable and disable them - but effects do not work regardless of enable/disable them20:10
gritits an old laptop A1650G Fujitsu20:10
gritso i think that must work :/20:10
zozymirko2: it shows x% of...i think that is enough for dispolaying information20:11
dekelafor some reason my default desktop is unity-2d, I am running the nvidia driver how, can I switch to 3d?20:11
KM0201dougl: i'm not sure how to enable compiz on xubuntu... xubuntu (by design) is for pc's that have a little less horsepower, so it makes sense that enabling desktop effects, etc.. would require some hooop jumping20:11
gritand under additional driver for me is only the b43 avaible, no sta driver20:11
KM0201grit: which broadcom do you have?20:11
grithow can i see that?20:12
KM0201grit: open a terminal and type   lspci  and hit enter, find your wireless device in the output20:12
douglKM0201, very good then - I had the misunderstanding compiz worked with xfce that is why I installed it.20:12
mirko2KM0201: all I'm saying is that info like speed and time to completion is very important and almost standard info, just the gnome/ubuntu oversimplification kicks in again. anyway, not a gnome/ubuntu design forum. :-)20:12
douglKM0201, google is my friend - lol20:12
ELQEYNNin using ubuntu. does one have to use gnome?20:12
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douglELQEYNN, no20:13
GneaELQEYNN: no20:13
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KM0201dougl: i'm not saying it "doesn't work"... i'm just saying i have no idea how to do it... to me it would go against the goals of xubuntu, which is to work on PC's with limited resources (even though I think xubuntu lost its way a couple years ago, thats irrelevant)20:13
ELQEYNNOne can just as easily use kde? or icewm?20:13
mirko2xubuntu and compiz work fine together. all you need to do is to replace xfwm4 with compiz.20:13
gritKM0201, Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)20:13
KM0201mirko2: i didn't say it "couldn't" be important, of course it could be.. but i'd say to a majority of people, it's not20:13
dougl!kubuntu | ELQEYNN20:13
ubottuELQEYNN: Kubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde20:13
GneaELQEYNN: yes20:13
dougl!xubuntu | ELQEYNN20:14
ubottuELQEYNN: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels20:14
dekelahow to login into a unity-3d session? for some reason I am on Unity-2d20:14
KM0201grit: the 4318 takes the b43 driver...  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:14
GneaELQEYNN: you can just do an apt-get install kubuntu-desktop  then choose at login20:14
douglKM0201, lol on irrelevance... xfce+compiz thot it was too good to be true.20:15
ELQEYNNI have never herad of compiz.20:15
mirko2dougl: again, Xfce and Compiz work fine together. what problem do you have (sorry didn't read your previous posts)20:16
ELQEYNNKM201 has both xdce and compiz?20:16
KM0201dougl: sad but true.. i used to really like xfce.. now, no way.  thankfully lxde has become really really good, and I love it.. and use it even on my fast PC's20:16
gritok KM0201, the driver is activat, but i can not activate the card over the symbol in the tray, it is diabled http://i44.tinypic.com/riz1op.png20:16
KM0201grit: did you activate the driver?20:17
dipperhope some can help20:17
dipperI built my own kernel20:18
dipperbut my system is installed using WUBI20:18
KM0201you need to check your kernel, it's making you hit enter constantly20:18
KM0201lmao.. you built your own kernel, then used wubi?20:18
douglKM0201, googling lxde20:18
dippermy system is installed using WUBI20:18
KM0201that might be the funniest thing i've ever read here.20:18
bekksKM0201: Thats a good one :D20:19
grityes, of course KM0201 http://i42.tinypic.com/23moun7.png20:19
GneaKM0201: uhm, I use wubi and I compiled my own kernel on it. what's so funny?20:19
dipperso the problem is that my own kernel is stuck in initramfs20:19
dipperI can still boot using others20:19
Gneadipper: did you generate an initrd.img?20:19
KM0201Gnea: just strikes me as totally ridiculous.20:19
dipperwhat's the different20:19
dipperI did20:19
FloodBot1dipper: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:19
GneaKM0201: your attitude it what's rediculous. help or get out.20:19
KM0201Gnea: get bent,.. i've been helping.. if you don't like it leave yourself20:20
Gneadipper: okay, using make-kpkg? and what version of ubuntu?20:20
GneaKM0201: careful now.. just because you've been helping doesn't give you the right to laugh at someone elses problem.20:20
KM0201grit: try this20:20
KM0201Gnea: whatever, if you don't like it /IGNORE20:20
Chloopanyone recommend a modern gui util for comparing binary files? not diff based (for text files)20:20
GneaKM0201: no.20:20
bazhangKM0201, thats enough20:20
gritwhat should i try??20:20
bazhangGnea, lets move on please20:20
KM0201grit: did you restart after activating the driver?20:21
dipperGnea: i generated my kernel as Ubuntu documentation describes, I got deb packages, REASON says = ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/ not found20:21
grityes of course but i will try it again20:21
KM0201grit: no, thats ok20:21
KM0201if you already restarted, restarting again isn't gonna do anything20:22
KM0201grit: open a terminal20:22
gritok done20:22
Xtremeguys which was the command to set default browser, update-default something?20:22
Gneadipper: okay, well as of 10.04, the initrd files have to be copied manually and mkinitrd ran on its own after make-kpkg is done and the packages are installed... did you go through these steps in that order?20:22
KM0201grit: on that link i gave you, scroll down to where it says "step 3".. and shows the two terminal commands for "temporary use with live cd's"... .. put those command sin the terminal one at a time.. and see if it activates your browser20:23
DiamondciteKM0201: grit: I wonder what 'rfkill list' would show.20:23
dipperGnea: I am not sure20:23
KM0201Diamondcite: i dunno, we'll see in a second20:23
KM0201i've had problems with the b43 driver working properly when using additional drivers, but.. who knows.20:23
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Gneadipper: well, what version are you on? lsb_release -r20:23
zykotick9Xtreme: "sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser" perhaps?20:24
dipperGnea: I am on and I built 3.0.22, but I actually wanted to modify the same version20:24
zykotick9Xtreme: PS there is also "update-alternatives --config gnome-www-browser"20:25
bekksGnea: Using the "standard" procedure for building an own kernel, you dont have to mess with the initrd/initramfs manually.20:25
MrokiiHello. Since a few days ago I have a problem with Flash. Whenever I start a Flash-movie in any browser the plugin either seems to crash after a few seconds or stalls the brwoser(s) for some seconds. It's impossible to watch any Flash movie anymore in Browsers because they all lag every few seconds, if they don't crash.20:25
Gneadipper: I'm talking about ubuntu version, not kernel version20:25
KM0201Mrokii: what browser, and what version of flash?20:25
dipperbekks: what could be the reason of /dev/disk/by-uuid not found20:25
dipperGnea: 11.1020:25
bekksdipper: Almost everything, a missing controller driver, a missing filesystem driver, etc.20:26
zoellner122Hello, i am wondering, if i would install 10.04 with its kernel, and update ubuntu can i skip its kernel update or is that required?20:26
Gneabekks: it's just better to use initrd, particularly when the system complains about it during bootup.20:26
Gneadipper: okay, and which documentation are you using?20:26
bekkszoellner122: The kernel updates do have a reason too, mostly bug fixes and security updates.20:26
gritDiamondcite, i have try to activate with sudo rfkill unblock all but that dont work rfkill list say: http://pastebin.com/aCk93xnu20:26
zykotick9zoellner122: do you mean update to a new version of ubuntu?  or update to 10.04's kernel?20:27
zoellner122to the newer version of ubuntu20:27
gritKM0201, i will try20:27
zykotick9zoellner122: you can't skip the kernel! it's a requirement.20:27
ravihello !!20:28
zoellner122a fresh install of natty does not support my screenlight, and some people say booting in the old kernel helps20:28
dipperGnea: let me go back and read about ram disk20:28
dipperI read "Alternative method"20:28
Gneadipper: okay20:28
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)20:28
ravimy tochpad stops working several times.20:28
Mrokiikhaard: Opera, Firefox and Chrome. Flash Version is 11.2.202 I think.20:29
Mrokiioops wrong nick.20:29
irenicus09Hi...is kubuntu officially supported by ubuntu?20:29
KM0201Mrokii: try installing flash manually20:29
KM0201irenicus09: in #kubuntu20:29
irenicus09sry was just curious :p20:30
KM0201irenicus09: i'm pretty sure it is recognized by canonical20:30
irenicus09KM0201: k20:30
irenicus09KM0201: but I read some where that it's no longer officially funded by ubuntu but by some other corp.20:31
zykotick9irenicus09: the news (a little while ago) was canonical is no longer paying anyone to work on kubuntu - it's community now.20:31
blendedbychrisafter installing ntpd how do i force it to update the date?20:31
gritKM0201, i have type in the terminal sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb and then sudo modprobe b43 but nothing changed20:31
KM0201irenicus09: ah ok, i wasn't aware of that20:31
MrokiiKM0201: I'll try, though I think I already did that. Do you know if I have to restart the system or should Flash be detected automatically?20:31
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irenicus09zykotick9: k thnx20:32
KM0201Mrokii: i would think automatically detected, i've never had a problem with it being auto detected20:32
KM0201Mrokii: how did you try to install it manually?20:32
squidToday I figured out a problem that is affecting a lot of users out there using ubuntu 11.1020:33
KM0201grit: i really don't know.. usually i install the b43 driver "manually".. and it works fine.. obviously something is fubar...20:33
KM0201squid: how to change unity back to gnome 2.x?20:34
MrokiiKM0201: I think I tried Synaptic, removing and reinstalling it. And then a Firefox-extension named "Flash Aid" that is supposed to install the correct version. Didn't help.20:34
grithmm, ok thank you for now, i think i have to try by myself20:34
squidit seems as if when you try to configure an IP address static....the /etc/resolv.conf file gets overriden by the network-manager20:34
KM0201Mrokii: thats not really installing manually20:34
MrokiiKM0201: So what exactly do you mean?20:34
squidthe solution is to use nameserver in front of the dns server addresses....20:34
KM0201Mrokii: what version of ubuntu are you using again?20:34
MrokiiKM0201: 11.10 x6420:35
irenicus09squid: use "lschatt +i /etc/resolv.conf" to make it immutable and it wont get overwritten20:35
zykotick9Mrokii: i'm not really following - but if you have more then one version of flash installed from the repos, it can cause issues.20:35
squidthe command to fix it is like this.... echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf20:35
KM0201Mrokii: go to http://www.adobe.com  then click downloads then "get flash player"20:35
irenicus09squid: "lschattr*"20:35
Mrokiizykotick9: I think that is what Flash Aid was supposed to repair, removing conflicting versions.20:36
KM0201Mrokii: once on that page,  where it says "Select version to Download"... choose ".tar.gz for linux"20:36
squidirenicus09: i tried that and it didn't work....i actually google extensibly and that was one of the first things i tried.20:36
escottirenicus09, will chattr prevent uid 0 from doin whateverit wants20:37
zykotick9Mrokii: flashaid is firefox limited probably, i'm talking about ubuntu's repository stuff - flash flash-nonfree gnash (all that sorta stuff)20:37
irenicus09squid: I got the perfect solution for you- "http://forum.sabayon.org/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=26845"20:38
Mrokiizykotick9: Nope, Flash Aid created a bash script that deinstalled my version and installed another one.20:38
KM0201Mrokii: if you do what i told you, this will resolve in about 10 seconds20:39
squidKM0201: here is how you do it...20:39
MrokiiKM0201: Just download and extracted the archive.20:40
KM0201Mrokii: right click the "libflashplayer.so" file   and click copy20:40
mrsuchyPLwhat kind of problem do u have with libflashplayer ?20:40
KM0201Mrokii: then go to /home/username/.mozilla  (you might need to click "View/Show hidden files/directories" too see this directory)20:40
squidKM0201: it's very simple...just watch this short video with the instructions. http://paste.ubuntu.com/940193/20:41
MrokiiKM0201: Then into "plugins" I asssume?20:41
KM0201squid: i don't even remember what you rproblem was20:41
KM0201Mrokii: affirmative20:41
Waltersanyone knows any touchscreen driver for ubuntu 11.10 ?20:42
KM0201Mrokii: now, close any instance of a browser running20:42
squidKM0201: you said you wanted to change unity to gnome20:42
Random832hey how do you turn a set of images into a pdf20:42
KM0201and restart your browser20:42
Ammar_I have recently installed ubuntu on my laptop. I am using unity2D as it lags less. the problem is that when I click on dash home, it opens up but it is not full screen. is there a way I can make it full screen?20:42
Waltersanyone knows any touchscreen driver for ubuntu 11.10 ? guyssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss help me out20:42
squidAmmar: are you using a VM?20:42
blnkI need a little help getting my microphone working. When I first installed, I had nothing. I went into alsamixer and changed the input source to "Internal Mic" and it works, except theres an enormous amount of static. I reinstalled the realtek drivers and I've also tried lowering the capture volume. But I can't get rid of the static. I've already tried googling it and can't seem to find a solution20:42
KM0201squid: lmao, that was a joke. (cuz you said you figured out how to fix a major problem with 11.10... i know how to install gnome 2.x in 11.10)20:42
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squidKM0201: lol..20:43
Ammar_no I installed it using the CD20:43
squidjust trying to help some newbies out....20:43
Ammar_replaced my windows with it20:43
ELQEYNNHave any of you been to Computer renaissance?20:43
squidhi Walters.20:43
escottirenicus09, i doubt chattr would work. although resolv.conf will be immutable its more likely that any application will replace resolv.conf with a new copy, and chattr on the file won't prevent a removal/move of the file20:43
Waltershey dude20:44
Waltershow u doin20:44
trismRandom832: install imagemagick, then: convert image1 image2 ... imagen output.pdf;20:44
KM0201Ammar_: you nuked windows right out of the gate?  i hope you've got restore cd's20:44
Walterssquid do u know any thing about touchscreen in ubuntu ?20:44
GneaWalters: touchscreen drivers come with ubuntu already.20:44
Random832trism: can i crop at the same time? i don't know the magic rules for imagemagick - and how do i tell it the images are 200dpi?20:45
Ammar_Yes I did create a restore CD and a full backup20:45
WaltersGnea , i have a T1005 Gigabyte netbook and touchscreen doesnt work20:45
squidWalters: nope20:45
mrsuchyPLomg some many problem in the same time :)20:45
mirko2escott: a file with immutable set cannot be modified or deleted, not even as root. there may be other reasons (filesystem doesn't support extended attributes or such)20:45
blnkI need a little help getting my microphone working properly. When I first installed, I had nothing. I went into alsamixer and changed the input source to "Internal Mic" and it works, except theres an enormous amount of static. I reinstalled the realtek drivers and I've also tried lowering the capture volume. But I can't get rid of the static. I've already tried googling it and can't seem to find a solution.20:45
Waltersok thanks quid20:46
trismRandom832: yes you can do all of that, I never remember the proper switches though, you would have to look it up20:46
Walterssquid * sry20:46
guntbert!repeat | blnk20:46
ubottublnk: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:46
OerHeksWalters, there is an #Ubuntu-touch irc channel here on Freenode.20:46
mrsuchyPL@blink don't paste the same problem20:46
squidWalters: touchscreen in ubuntu is like getting rid of the shell altogether...20:46
Gneasquid: ever use an android device?20:46
guntbertmrsuchyPL: no @ is needed :-)20:46
Waltersi dont follow :S20:47
MrokiiKM0201: Nope, didn't help. Flash in FX still stalls the whole browser every few seconds.20:47
squidWalters: lol...that was my next quest.20:47
mrsuchyPLsry I dont know this software i mean xchat20:47
escottmirko2, try it. i absolutely can delete an immutable file. i can't modify it in place, but i can delete it20:47
Gneasquid: that statement made no sense. android devices run linux, they are fully touchscreen, and they have commandlines. :)20:47
KM0201Mrokii: dunno, when i had the problem you were having, thats what i done, and it works fine.. is it working in other browsers? (chrome for example?)20:47
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GneamrsuchyPL: xchat is the program you are using right now to talk with us.20:48
mrsuchyPLMrokii: I delete llibflashplayer.so and I dont have any problem with FF20:48
squidGnea: follow the chat from the begg20:48
escottmirko2, unless i typoed somewhere20:48
squidWalters: what device do you have?20:49
escottmirko2, nevermind, must have put a -i when i meant a +i when i was testing20:49
Gneasquid: 15:45 < Walters> Gnea , i have a T1005 Gigabyte netbook and touchscreen doesnt work20:49
MrokiiKM0201: Nope, doesn't work in other browsers either. Thanks anyway.20:49
Random832...it made all but one page of it super small20:50
MrokiimrsuchyPL: It isn't only FX but every browser I have tried, so it must be a system-problem.20:50
Random832i think it can't figure out what the dpi is of the source image, and -density command line option doesn't work20:50
GneaWalters: also, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GigabyteT100520:50
mrsuchyPLMrokii if u use flash oly for lookin movie in youtube Yuo cany delete it bcs u can watch movie in html520:51
mrsuchyPLdo you know that ?20:51
squidGnea: what lsbrelease u using?20:51
Gneasquid: 10.04 on this system, 11.04 on another20:52
MrokiimrsuchyPL: I heard about it, but I sometimes need Flash-support for other things.20:52
mrsuchyPLI see20:52
squidGnea: I found this on the Ubuntu Docs http://paste.ubuntu.com/940209/20:53
mrsuchyPLI heard that libflashplayer.so is stable in chrome webbroswer20:53
Random832ok, i just loaded it in gimp20:53
Random832and apparently my stupid scanner saved the metadata as 8.5x11 _centimeters_20:53
Random832how do i change the metadata dpi of a png without changing anthing else?20:54
squidmrsuchyPL: I amusing chromium and it works fine with flashplyer20:55
trismRandom832: make sure you have the switches in the correct order, if I were converting a pdf to images: convert test.pdf -density 200 output.jpg; will give me tiny images, but: convert -density 200 test.pdf output.jpg; gives me large ones20:56
trismRandom832: I imagine it would be the same the other way around20:57
mrsuchyPLsquid, maybe I wrong but chromiom and chrome are difrent web browser20:57
squidchromium is open source...20:57
squidsorry i thought you were talking bout chromium20:58
squidgo to the software center and install the flash plugin from there it should work20:58
pcI have a issue. not sure on where to ask. Laptop Dv9810us. Dual op sys. Stripped down xp pro and ubuntu beta. wanted to reinstall both OS's. Deleted the Ubuntu partitions (followed a online page for this as i couldnt find an uninstall option). deleted two partitions from xp disk manager  for ubuntu. Now "error partion not found" "Grub rescue> message>  Cannot change anything in bios menu it...20:59
pc...all says disabled no option to boot from disc or usb. what can i do? I do not have an adapter to connect the hard drive like an external harddrive to another pc20:59
bronzdragonHey, Im having a problem with LightDM acting up on boot.21:00
bronzdragonWhen I boot up, LightDM doesnt start. Running LightDM restart lets me launch gnome.21:00
bronzdragonAny guesses as to why LightDM fails on boot, but without changing anything, a restart fixes it? Im assuming its reading from some other config when being run by me than when being run on boot? Would that make sense?21:00
OerHekspc, repair your MBR with your windows disc21:00
joethetreehey guys, how can i make an application show up in my software center? i installed it buy copying contents from a tar.gz file to /opt/ but it doesnt seem to be "in the registry" (if you allow my to speak windows language)21:01
mirko2pc: the boot manager (grub) is still installed. get your windows installation cd, go to a recovery mode and run the command fixmbr21:01
pcit wont run my windows disc or hirens21:01
pcno option except for HD21:01
joethetreeor the same question asked differently: what happens when i install an application with ./configure and make install, that adds the application to the ubuntu software center?21:02
Mrokiisquid: I tried installing Flash via Software Center and it didn't help either.21:02
jribjoethetree: what application is this?  You have to install a .deb for software manager to know about it21:02
pcif i go to boot options or order all that comes up is notebook hard drive now21:02
bobweaverjoethetree,  no that is compiling21:03
zykotick9joethetree: things you install from source are not going to be known by apt.  see "/msg ubottu checkinstall" for something that creates DEBs from source packages.21:03
joethetreejrib: its an old version of firefox21:03
jribjoethetree: why? :/21:03
mirko2joethetree: if you compile/install from source and the software apears in the software center, then the building actually created a .deb file and installed that21:03
zykotick9joethetree: mixing firefox versions isn't going to make apt happy - so disregard what i said.21:04
OerHeksjoethetree,  if you make uninstall too, that would be nice21:04
DarkAngelDoes anyone know why my sound would end up being so low...21:04
bobweaverthat is cool as all cool can be with the checkinstall.How does it know about the control file and postinst and what not ?21:04
joethetreejrib: i just need the old firefox  because i've got a selenium script which only works with that version of firefox. but now it cannot find the browser application because ive just unpacked it and not "installed" properly21:04
jribbobweaver: it doesn't; it creates a super stupid package.  You shouldn't use it.  Instead, create a proper package if you're sure you need to (i.e. one doesn't already exist).  /msg ubottu packaging21:05
bobweaverjrib, thanks I am building a package and wanted to make sure that I was not missing something that is so easy21:05
dlentzDarkAngel, have you tried adjusting volume in alsamixer21:06
zykotick9jrib: do to the uninstall - i think checkinstall is a huge improvement over just install directly from source.21:06
joethetreezykotick9: i am not mixing, just replacing21:06
zykotick9jrib: s/do/due/21:06
jribjoethetree: well either point the script to the version of firefox in /opt or link the version of firefox that's sitting in /opt somewhere in your $PATH.  But really, I'd advise against running old versions of web browsers....21:06
joethetreejrib: i am running this in a sandboxed test environment, the browser is not used for anything else21:06
pccould i run ubuntu from this working pc take out my gf's hard drive and put mine in then reformat mine from there without losing her hard drive data?21:07
DarkAngeldelntz I forgot how to get into alsmixer.. the voulme was fine last night and now it is so low you can not hear it unless you turn off everything in the room21:07
dlentzDarkAngel, just go to terminal and enter 'alsamixer'21:07
DarkAngeloh ok thank you21:07
joethetreejrib: ok, i think the path was what i was aiming for, cannot adjust the script cause i dont have the source21:08
bshow do i get notification from yahoo users while my pidgin is closed?21:09
ELQEYNNpc why not? Do your HDD or hers put anything in teh BIOS?21:10
Lintback to yesterdays discussion21:11
bazhangLint, pardon?21:11
Lintubuntu cannot access the files on a shared partition claiming they owned by user 50021:11
mystMani installed a few programs how do i run them?  I am new to ubuntu desktop21:12
Lintother distro can, but it has no user or group called 50021:12
jribLint: what is the path to such a file?21:12
hallofick=P lol so many nicks xd21:12
Lintin particular user 1000, the same uid as in ubuntu, can.21:12
halloficki use fedora but i like it channel21:13
mirko2Lint: windows or linux partition?21:13
Lintext3 partition21:13
IntuitiveNippleLint: on the other other distro, from a terminal try this: grep 500 /etc/passwd21:13
jribLint: pastebin the output of: ls -ld /pub /pub/Videos /pub/Videos/something.flv21:13
IntuitiveNippleLint: "500" will be the numerical ID, not the user-name21:13
LintI checked, the other distro has no such user or group21:13
Lintwhat do you want to see there? I could but it will take much time21:14
jrib!who| Lint21:15
ubottuLint: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:15
IntuitiveNippleOK, then some program or script simply did a "chown 500 /path/to/file"21:15
IntuitiveNippleLint: the user-id attached to a dentry doesn't have to exist on the system :s21:15
LintI don´t know why do you want me to perform destructive activity of my files, while I can access them normally as uid 1000, but not in ubuntu21:16
IntuitiveNippleLint: you can likely fix it with "sudo chown $USER /path/to/file"21:16
jribLint: no one asked you to perform anything to your files...21:16
mirko2mystMan: from the menu? what programs are those?21:16
mystManlike netbeans21:17
jribLint: can you pastebin the information asked of you?  And can you also answer mirko2's question?21:17
IntuitiveNippleLint: "grep 500 /etc/passwd" would search the file /etc/passwd for the text string "500" and show you any lines that contained it21:17
LintIntuitiveNipple, I checked specially, there´s no user 500. it show 500 500 on both systems21:18
Lintbut in fedora, I can access them, in ubuntu not21:18
mirko2Lint: user 500 does not exist on your trouble cause distro, either you create one and match up the user IDs, or better, you use group permissions21:18
ravenwitch is better ubuntu alternate or ubuntu desktop21:18
IntuitiveNippleLint: maybe Fedora uses 500 for some special sharing purpose21:18
Lintraven, they are the same, only installer is different21:19
ravenno the arent21:19
rodayoIs there some known performance issue in precise with flash?21:20
jribraven: end result should basically be the same21:20
ravenalternate youses les memory21:20
Ahixrodayo, what's the problem ?21:20
jribraven: this isn't true...21:20
IntuitiveNippleLint: according to a Google search I just did, Fedora uses 500 for NFS shares... you might want to look at it, and do more related searches: http://ask.fedoraproject.org/question/96/how-to-change-userid-to-500-from-100021:20
ravenmost text files21:20
jribraven: maybe you're thinking of server or minimal?21:20
ravenno no21:20
rodayoAhix, since I installed precise yesterday i noticed that this flash game i play started lagging very noticeably21:20
IntuitiveNipplerodayo: I've not noticed any issues with Flash on Precise amd6421:20
jribraven: well the alternate desktop install and the regular desktop install will leave you with basically the same system after install.  What is your question?21:21
IntuitiveNipplerodayo: Could it be the system isn't using 3D hardware-accelerated video drivers such as nvidia?21:21
Ahixrodayo, which flash version are you running ?21:21
rodayoFunny you should IntuitiveNipple, I had to install a 3D accelerated gfx card too...but maybe that installation didn't go as I planned?21:22
IntuitiveNipplerodayo: worth checking - usually easy to sort out (*touches wood)21:22
IntuitiveNippleLint: I also read "New UID and GID ranges" for Fedora 16, seems they used to uses 500 as the mimium user account IDs (http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/16/html/Release_Notes/sect-Release_Notes-Changes_for_Sysadmin.html)21:23
rodayoIntuitiveNipple, I doubt that might be the problem...I'm looking at the ATI catalyst control center program and highperformance GPU is enabled...21:24
Lintbut my fedora´s account is 1000, it is evident from my home folder permissions, just like in ubuntu21:24
Ahixrodayo, are the others flash apps running normaly. youtube for example21:25
IntuitiveNipplerodayo: OK... so maybe look on the web for some Flash performance testing applications, see if you can compare that system's performance with other peoples results to see if its in the right area, or lagging behind generally?21:25
rodayoAhix, yep nothing wrong there but I've only been trying everything out since yesterday21:25
bobweaverI thought that youtube is now pushing something that is not flash at all ?21:25
osseAre there other processes or shells that a normal user doesn't see that source ~/.profile? When I renamed it, my own launchers wouldn't work because they relied on scripts in ~/bin21:25
rodayoplus I think the youtube team makes a really effecient flash player21:25
wifioregonHow do I upgrade to 12.04 beta without having to download and put on a disc? I'm using 11.1021:25
MrUnagimy thumnails seem to all be banners, any way to change them all to poster?21:26
IntuitiveNippleLint: I can't explain it, but you could solve it on Ubuntu by creating a user ID for 50021:26
jrib!12.04 | wifioregon21:26
ubottuwifioregon: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+121:26
BusbyHi can someone please help me with a connection problem with proftpd if I use normal FTP I can connect but when the SSL option is turned on I keep getting the following error "GnuTLS error -12: A TLS fatal alert has been received."21:26
wifioregonk I'll try there thanks21:26
hypn0bobweaver, ystrdy they seemed to change filters, then changed them back :-/21:26
Ahixbobweaver, nah u can still have troubles on youtube because of flash :/21:26
bobweaverahh cool I was just reading this http://www.youtube.com/html521:27
bobweaverthanks !21:27
enajdsome one here pls?21:28
enajdyou can help me?21:28
Ahixenajd, no21:28
wylde!help | enajd21:28
hallofickwhat help you need?21:28
ubottuenajd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:28
hallofickis true21:29
hallofickthe topic XD21:29
enajdi must doa little script21:29
enajdthat send AT command at ttyUSB3.. and21:29
enajdcontrol his answers21:29
enajdi ve doing a script but i dont know how control your answer21:30
enajdfor example : send AT -> the answer must be OK21:30
enajdelse print "ERROR AT number 1" and resend AT and if21:30
enajdresponse is still different from OK then Print "ERROR AT21:30
enajdnumber 2" and exit from script.21:30
FloodBot1enajd: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:30
wifioregonIs anyone else having a problem with flash player in 11.10 all of a sudden?  ITs saying I need to upgrade21:32
EvilResistancewifioregon:  updates/upgrades need to be done because of exploits21:33
EvilResistanceso your IT people are saying upgrade because of those holes21:33
EvilResistancethe only way to do *that* is to install from the Adobe flash precompiled installer, if one exists21:33
dlentzEvilResistance, flashplugin-installer package should update automatically with other oneiric updates21:34
OrpheonI need some help21:36
Orpheonsecond option21:36
Orpheonwhat do I do?21:36
enajdthere is someone expert of shell script pls?21:37
bekksOrpheon: Right click on that flash video, and disable hardware acceleration.21:37
dlentzOrpheon, that guide is outdated. the common workaround is to right-click and disable hardware accel21:38
bazhangenajd, try #bash21:38
* dlentz wishes he could type faster21:38
linux_is_my_her1what do i do if i can't remember my irc account password?21:38
Orpheonand uhh21:38
wifioregonCan Edubuntu be installed via USB?21:38
dlentzlinux_is_my_her1, #freenode21:38
linux_is_my_her1thanks :-)21:38
wifioregonif so, can it be setup from windows?21:38
kasiihi alll21:38
Orpheonhow do I disable hardware acceleration on vids?21:39
simonHello guys.21:39
bekksOrpheon: We told you.21:39
=== Armadillogeddon is now known as Arm[TAP]
gr33n7007henajd, #bash21:39
simonbekks tell me the german channel name please.21:39
bekkssimon: #ubuntu-de21:39
Orpheonthere isn't any option with "hardware accerleration" in the right-click menu21:39
bekksOrpheon: Then click on properties.21:40
Orpheondoesn't exist either21:40
Orpheononly Settings and Global Settings21:40
bekksThen click it...21:40
Orpheonand infos21:40
=== Arm[TAP] is now known as Armadillogeddon
dlentzclick the icon on the far left21:41
linux_is_my_her1dlentz: that place is rediculous.  any other ideas?21:42
linux_is_my_her1dlentz: all i got was harrassment21:42
Orpheonit doesn't react to any clicking21:42
Orpheonboth left and right21:42
MarcWeberwhich was the service providing virtual dekstops to work with you can connect to?21:43
Orpheonand the video crashed21:43
MarcWeberI saw it some time ago on the ubuntu page.21:43
kasiimy linux fail to connect modem21:43
kasiimy linux fail to connect modem21:44
kasiimy linux fail to connect modem what to do21:44
ELQEYNNYours doesn't connect to the cable TV modem?21:46
kasiimy linux fail to connect modem what to do21:46
bazhang!repeat | kasii21:47
ubottukasii: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:47
rawrHello, I have just finished installing 12.04 beta 32bit. I can loging and use the system no problem, however, my mouse cursur and terminal blinks seemingly randomly21:48
kasiibazhang,  it fauls to connect the modem21:48
jrib!12.04 | rawr21:48
ubotturawr: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+121:48
mirko2MarcWeber: I don't understand your question. what do you mean with "virtual desktop ... connect to"?21:48
bazhangrawr, #ubuntu+1 for that please21:48
kasiibazhang,  it fails to connect the modem21:48
Gaming4JCOk I installed Oneric just so I didn't have this bug - and I still have it.  - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ia32-libs/+bug/82110021:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 821100 in ia32-libs (Ubuntu Natty) "ia32-libs does not install /usr/lib32/libGL.so.1" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:48
wylde!details | kasii21:48
ubottukasii: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:48
bazhangkasii, yes. stop asking every five seconds21:48
Gaming4JCHow can I play any 3d games without libGL.so.1? :(21:48
kasiibazhang,  os is linux mint debian21:49
Gaming4JCkasii: you may want to try support in #linuxmint as well21:50
bazhangkasii, get mintsupport then its not supported here21:50
bobweaver!mint | kasii21:50
ubottukasii: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:50
bazhang!mintsupport | kasii21:50
MarcWebermirko2 I had in mind there was a service you can sign up getting access to a VNC like virtual ubuntu running in the cloud you can customize without having too much administration work.21:50
kasiibazhang, when i click connect after creating access point it load for a while tell me disconnected21:51
bazhangkasii, MINT Is not supported here. please stop asking.21:51
kasiihaya bwana21:52
wyldeMarcWeber: are you referring to http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/ ?21:54
david_I just got a tablet but the drivers are for windows and mac, any idea where i could get drivers for it on ubuntu?21:54
david_*drawing tablet21:54
mirko2MarcWeber: locally or remote?, really in the "cloud" (OMG, I hate that term!) ? if it isn't any of the VNC, RDP protocols, I have no idea21:54
ELQEYNNdavid, try the XFREE web site.21:54
trismGaming4JC: does: sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx:i386; work?21:54
MarcWebermirko2: really in the cloud. And tehre is some cloud management service.. But I had something similar but different in mind. MAybe I'm mistaken or they dropped the idea again.21:55
_d4viddownload mp3s from vkontakte http://pastebin.com/fLy7vgG521:55
Gaming4JCtrism: afraid not, it's already installed :(21:55
MarcWebermaybe it was https://try.cloud.ubuntu.com/21:55
bazhang_d4vid, dont do that here21:56
david_it wasnt me :|21:57
david_what is the xfree website? what address?21:57
=== mirko2 is now known as MirkoKa
david_yeah someone told me to go to the xfree website for drivers for my drawing tablet21:58
escottdavid_, freedesktop.org is probably what you want21:58
Random832i thought drawing tablets had to be supported in the kernel21:58
Random832and the x server just uses /dev/input21:59
trismGaming4JC: then you have libGL.so.1 in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.121:59
escottdavid_, you probably dont want to be installing drivers manually. are the wacom drivers not in apt21:59
Random832david_: lsusb, what device is it21:59
Random832anywy, xfree86 hasn't been in common use for years21:59
david_digipro 4x3 drawing tablet21:59
everythingWorksyou are awesome.21:59
kasiiwanfiki nyie mnaringa na hii21:59
david_I dont know anything about what im suppose to do22:00
david_i just want my drawing tablet to work22:00
Gaming4JCtrism: actually I get this back from the "file" command: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1: symbolic link to `libGL.so.1.2'22:00
trismGaming4JC: yes, it would be22:00
houseofbeanI'm running Ubuntu 11.10 and I'm trying to upgrade to 12.04 beta.  I haven't figured out if my wifi is possessed or if my update manager is messed up.   Web and email are fine.  But upgrade to 12.04  shows a network error and hangs with gtk errors in terminal.  Restarting update-manager -d no longer shows 12.04.  And I have to reboot to get 12.04 to show up again.     Just wondering if anyone has tried updating to 12.04 beta22:00
Gaming4JCtrism: ok, so why is it when I run my programs I get... error while loading shared libraries: libGLU.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory?22:01
escott!precise | Gaming4JC22:01
ubottuGaming4JC: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+122:01
Gaming4JCescott: I don't have Precise, thanks though.22:01
escottGaming4JC, sorry meant for houseofbean22:01
david_you need static linked libraries, ones that compile with the program22:01
wyldehouseofbean: 12.04 isn't actually released yet, I wouldn't reccomend using the update method before release. But that's just my opinion.22:02
david_i had the same problem22:02
trismGaming4JC: because libGLU.so.1 is a different library?22:02
david_i dont know what i'm looking for, how can i get the software to run my drawing tablet?22:02
escottGaming4JC, follow the symlink what is /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1.222:02
trismGaming4JC: libglu1-mesa:i38622:02
hypn0why dont you do a countdown to 12.04, so many people think its released :-)22:02
deadbeefhello guys i just installed ubuntu 12 but the default wm suck cocks is there any decent one and which is it?22:03
escottdavid_, identify what driver it is supported by (probably a wacom driver variant), and try and install those through apt.22:03
EvilResistance!12.04 | deadbeef22:03
ubottudeadbeef: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+122:03
Gaming4JCtrism: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1.2: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.4.20, stripped22:03
bazhangdeadbeef, watch the language and attitude22:03
deadbeefthanks david_ i'm giving it a try22:03
deadbeefhoping that it's decent22:03
wylde!nounity | deadbeef22:04
ubottudeadbeef: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:04
deadbeefyay thanks i'm totally trying it22:04
deadbeefbecause this unity thing acts homosexually (i'm moderating my language i indeed want to mean another thing)22:05
houseofbeanThanks everyone for the info and advice.  I'm kind of a dare devil sometimes.  I've been using Ubuntu since 9.04 and I love it.22:05
=== X_ is now known as XDESIGN
Gaming4JCtrism: Perhaps I need another symlink created so it can find this "libGLU.so.1" ? ...22:07
trismGaming4JC: no, sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa:i386;22:08
Gaming4JCtrism: ahhh you're right I didn't have that one installed. Commonly confused with lbgl1 :P22:08
* Gaming4JC installls :)22:09
Gaming4JCtrism: it works!! :D22:09
trismGaming4JC: success!22:09
Gaming4JCtrism: thanks a ton mate :)22:09
wrostekAnyone know how to turn wifi power management off?  Cant do it through iwconfig22:11
yzhdMy PC won't suspend when I turn off my screen anymore. Any ideas how to fix this ?22:11
david_I'm gonna switch back to windows22:14
Gaming4JCdavid_: what? noooo - switch to anything but Windows.22:15
david_i just want my stupid drawing tablet to work22:15
Gaming4JCWindows is evil :P22:15
Gaming4JCdavid_: what tablet is it?22:15
david_a digipro 4x3 drawing tablet22:15
=== chris_ is now known as Guest72936
Gaming4JCdavid_: have you ran libusb and googled the vendor code?22:16
Gaming4JCmight be others who know about a working driver22:16
david_i didnt know i was suppose to22:16
david_libusb command not found22:16
Gaming4JC... strange...22:16
bazhangdavid_, its lsusb22:17
Gaming4JCah right :P22:17
david_got it22:17
Gaming4JCdavid_: pastebin the output and link it in the channel, someone can probably help out22:17
Gaming4JC!pastebin | david_22:17
ubottudavid_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:17
=== jack is now known as Guest77937
david_apparently i need the wizard pen driver22:20
Guest77937how do I upgrade javaJDK to 7? my repo is only showing 622:20
Gaming4JCdavid_: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cure.nom.fr%2Fblog%2Farchives%2F161-Tablette-graphique-UC-Logic-WP4030U-et-Debian-Etch.html22:20
Gaming4JCdavid_: see also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TabletSetupWizardpenHardy17322:20
=== Armadillogeddon is now known as Arm[Gpa]
david_404 not found22:21
Xchat-userwhich channel is the support channel please22:21
david_i keep getting these errors everywhere i go22:21
meduserHello...can anyone help me get my monitors/ displays figured out?22:22
david_sigh ._.22:23
squidmeduser: what's the issue again?22:23
medusertrying to set up dual monitors in Ubuntu 12.04, display says one large monitor(3280X1040), I have 2 20 monitors22:24
=== malik_ is now known as malik__
meduserdisplay says it is a laptop display. My pc is a desktop22:24
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: Are you using an nvidia graphics card?22:24
meduseryes, 9800 I believe22:24
=== Nisstyre is now known as nisstyre
=== nisstyre is now known as Nisstyre
Gaming4JCdavid_: 404 on what?22:25
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: I'm guessing your system will be using the proprietary Nvidia driver. You can't use the standard system display app to configure the displays, instead you need to use "nvidia-settings"22:25
meduserI tried setting up the nvidia, as dual monitor with twinview, but display still showed laptop 3280 x 104022:25
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: hmm, nvidia-settings shows it as one display?!22:26
meduserIt seems like I lose one of the two monitors if I activate any nvidia22:26
djskiddHi, I need to dual-boot Windows XP and Ubuntu 12.0422:26
malik__hi all , I am facing a strange problem with ubuntu 10.04.  my system intermittently refuses to accept password, i cant even  unlock the screen after a screensaver.. although i am sure i used the correct and same password that i used to login for the first time when i switched ON the PC.22:26
djskiddI have Ubuntu 12.04 installed now, need to install Windows XP22:26
jackdackcan you only get package via apt-get that are in the repository22:26
Gaming4JCdavid_: *duck duck goes for a mirror of  wizardpen-* :)22:26
medusernvidia x server shows it as 2, the right sizes and all, display in Ubuntu shows as one large display22:26
bazhangjackdack, packages.ubuntu.com you mean?22:27
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: Ignore what the Ubuntu app shows, alwyas use nvidia-settings.22:27
meduserhoe do I direct the chat toward one person?22:27
bazhang!tab | meduser22:27
ubottumeduser: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:27
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: nvidia doesn't provide the correct interfaces from its software for the Xrandr display app to show the information22:27
root12pse guys i have a problem with skype...in particular...the mic does not work...how can i do with my ubuntu 10.4??22:28
jackdackbazhang, yeah I've go an outdated package that i need to upgrade and I don't think the repo has it22:28
meduserIntuitiveNipple:  have nothing activated with nvidia22:28
djskiddroot12: check alsamixer22:28
Gaming4JCdavid_: and there you are - http://digitalbluewave.blogspot.com/2008/10/genius-wizardpen-with-intrepid-ibex.html22:28
Gaming4JChave fun :D22:28
meduserIntuitiveNipple:  if I activate I lose a monitor, and nothing seems right..22:29
malik__Can anyone please help me ??????22:29
root12ok...but i don't know the procedure22:29
Xchat-userare there any themes compatible with 12.0422:29
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: hmmm, sounds weird. I use multi monitors on Nvidia, never had a problem unless one of the monitors doesn't tell the graphics card its capabilities using EDID22:29
meduserI have tried numerous times on two different pcs, and always seem to have the same issue..lol...It has to be me22:30
root12where can i set alsa mixer???22:30
djskiddroot12: in terminal, alsamixer22:30
meduserIntuitiveNipple: that was at you..lol22:30
djskiddjust type alsamixer22:30
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: it's you :p22:30
root12ok just 1 moment....i try it22:30
djskiddHas anyone tested VirtualDJ LE in WINE?22:30
meduserIntuitiveNipple: thats what I thought..lol22:31
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: it's almost impossible for me to diagnose the issue without being telepathic I'm afraid, it sounds like you're almost there but need to master nvidia-settings22:31
MirkoKamalik__: you're going to hate me for this, but make your caps-lock of. does your password work elsewhere (like with sudo commands?)22:31
meduserIntuitiveNipple: I am running NVIDIA driver version 295.40...at the bottom of system info, it says screens:1, but in the GPU-0(geforce 9600gt) settings it shows DFP-0-(Acer X203w), DFP-1-(Acer X203h)22:33
malik__MirkoKa, i am not hating you... because I am messing withthis problem for last three days. No caps locks issue. and as i said at one time it works and at another it does not. For example: The session i am currently working in I need to try a dozen times before i could login22:33
amaroksHello how can I add mouse click sound to my ubuntu ? just like in mac?22:33
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: "screens" usually refers to a logical concept of "screens" for the X server. Do no confuse those with the "monitors"22:34
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: I'm using Twinview with 2 monitors (one above the other) on one X screen22:34
root12ok...the alsamixer pannel is opened...an then???22:34
fellayaboyi have this problem i want to get rid of these ptp from ifconfig...i see i have as0t0-00 all the way to as0t3-00 how do i reset ll that or remove them22:35
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: think of X "screens" as virtual displays ... more than one monitor can be combined to form one screen22:36
fellayaboyrest all of them*22:36
meduserIntuitiveNipple: both of mine say twinview..is that wrong?22:36
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: no, that's correct. Are both monitors active and displaying content?22:36
meduseryes they are, and I can move windows from screen to screen..it seems right22:37
MirkoKamalik__: ok, so does your password work with sudo commands in a terminal window? this is just a very wild guess, but perhaps it's an input device problem. have never seen anything like this.22:38
meduserIntuitiveNipple: they seem normal, but I thought the display from Ubuntu reading as one large dispaly meant there was an error22:38
IntuitiveNippleSounds like it's working properly. As I said, because the Nvidia driver doesn't communicate with Xrandr (X resolution and rate) the open-source apps can't know about the multiple monitors22:39
gettonshi all22:39
meduserIntuitiveNipple: is there a way to make sure 3d graphics are on?22:39
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: Mine is telling me I have a Laptop monitor 1920x1880 !22:39
meduserIntuitiveNipple: ok..just when I was on Kubuntu, the displays always seemed to be right in KDE..22:40
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: from a terminal try "glxinfo | egrep 'vendor|render|version'  " and look for "direct rendering: Yes" and "OpenGL vendor string:NVIDIA Corporation"22:41
ELQEYNNI like the notepad-type editors better in kde.22:41
sentrizUbuntu vs Windows 7 anyone?22:41
bassymy linux wont pick up my wireless network .. Its a netgear it can pick up everyone elses .. and no my networks not hidden22:42
ELQEYNNsentriz,... I can discuss it with you.22:42
john_doe_jris there a group on free node that discusses nzbs?22:42
medusersentriz: prefer Ubuntu 10 -122:42
gettonshi bassy. what type of encryption are you using ?22:43
sentrizmeduser, why?22:43
medusersentriz: I like the freedom. I have everything pretty much set up nbetter than I have ever had it in any Windows, and everything works. I prefer the terminal, and like the OSS philosophy22:44
amarokssentriz: get terminal in windows if you can :D22:44
sentrizuh, CMD?22:45
meduserIntuitiveNipple: not getting any response..just dropped a line and gave me an >22:45
amaroksCMD for what? lol22:45
sentrizyeah, i think ill dual boot! :)22:45
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: I think you missed a closing single quote mark22:45
sentrizbut not with wubi, right?22:45
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: press Ctrl+C to break out22:45
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: try again: glxinfo | egrep 'vendor|render|version'22:46
medusersentriz: cmd works ok, but the way windows is set up, it seems to take a lot more knowledge to handle the cmd compared to the terminal. I just like the layout, feel, and community that Ubuntu brings22:46
sentrizi see22:47
amarokssentriz: can you do ssh root@xxx in windows?22:47
sentrizamaroks, well, what does that do lol22:47
meduserIntuitiveNipple: yeah, missing the closing '....done know says::~$ glxinfo | egrep 'vendor|render|version' direct rendering: Yes server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation server glx version string: 1.4 client glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation client glx version string: 1.4 GLX version: 1.4 OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation OpenGL renderer string: GeForce 9600 GT/PCIe/SSE2/3DNOW! OpenGL version string: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 295.4022:47
bassygettons: sorry about the delay in response .. its 64bit22:47
amaroksthat lets you ssh to any server22:47
ghostnik11hi i am trying to get gnome shell extension to work properly and give me the customized options in gnome tweak tool in ubuntu 11.10 but for some reason i can't see things like dock extension22:47
meduserIntuitiveNipple: so yes, looks like 3d is running22:47
sentrizamaroks, ssh?22:48
amarokswhile in damn windows it needs putty , open putty , type IP , click open22:48
shlomocan you guys run this java applet with your browser on ubuntu?22:48
ghostnik11does anyone know how to get gnome tweak tool to show the gnome shell extension option22:48
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: all that looks perfect22:48
ca_budI've set up my first ubuntu server and it was hell.  I'm thinking of using puppet to speed up deployment when I do this in the future.  thoughts?22:48
amaroksI have been all my life a windows , I tried ubuntu for sometime  and then back to windows but missed terminal....22:48
shlomoi use chromium and firefox btw22:49
sentrizI'm currently reading 'Rebel Code' by Glyn Moody22:49
shlomobut i can't get that java link running22:49
shlomoit shows a grey box22:49
amaroksnow if I ever login to windows is because of need for Adobe CS522:49
sentrizah yeah22:49
sentrizcouldnt you use wine?22:49
amarokswine won't run anything sentriz22:49
meduserIntuitiveNipple:  so    UNity shouldbe able to run properly then right?22:49
ghostnik11amaroks, wine can run cs22:50
amaroksCS2 I think22:51
ELQEYNNsentriz are you still there?22:51
amaroksI couldn't run 3 , 4 522:51
ghostnik11amaroks, it runs adobe digital editions for me and lets me read drm books from librarys around the world22:51
IntuitiveNipplemeduser: yes. it should22:51
ghostnik11amaroks, oh22:51
sentriz<ELQEYNN> i am22:51
ca_budpuppet vs chef? any thoughts?22:52
ghostnik11amaroks, not a wine expert so can't help, but have you contacted the wine authors because they might be able to help u22:52
MirkoKashlomo: works for me with epiphany, doesn't work with FF (since the Java plugin i disablef)22:52
shlomois epiphany a browser?22:52
amaroksghostnik11: yeah it just can't run it yet22:52
amaroksprobably in the near future22:52
ghostnik11amaroks, oh sorry bro, adobe should just allow there products to run on linux22:52
shlomoMirkoKa, thx, i'll try it with the other browser22:53
MirkoKashlomo: yes, it's the default gnome browser.22:53
amaroksthey will not for at least the next10 years22:53
bassycan someone help me .. my wireless wont show up in linux .. its not a hidden network and its 64bit encryption22:54
wrostekAnyone know if having power save enabled on your wifi card affects signal strength?22:56
bassysometimes .. depends on your battery settings22:56
wrostekits a desktop pc22:56
bassythen no22:56
escottwrostek, should not affect signal strength. some routers have a hard time with wireless cards that turn off at times (although those should be rarer these days)22:57
wrostekI have 56% signal in same room, 3 feet away, the only thing I can see wrong is the wifi card has power save on22:57
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bassysomeone wanna help me now?22:58
bassymy wifi wont connect22:58
rikstationubuntu 12.04, first time trying ubuntu - long time fan of linux mint, would be perfect if i could have this on my android device as like the recently announced ubuntu for android22:58
wrostekI wanted to test setting power save off on the wifi card, but iwconfig wlan0 power off   - results in Error for wireless request "Set Power Management" (8B2C)22:59
wrostekIs there another way to disable it?22:59
escottwrostek, those percentages aren't that meaningful. without knowing what dB the signal is coming out of the router how do you know? 56% of what? maximum fcc allowable? only thing that matters is if packets get dropped22:59
amarokswhere is sound preference in ubuntu 11.04?23:00
wrosteksignal is -55 and noise is -7023:00
amaroksold versions had that and where I can enable mouse click sound23:00
wrostekI mean, the ubuntu box with the wifi card is the AP, and I have a router in repeater mode, and a macbook both three feet away in the same room, and they both claim the AP has signal of -55 and noise of -7023:02
escottwrostek, so signal is 31.6 times as strong as the noise. sounds good.23:02
ELQEYNNDoes anyone here use the arbitrary-precision calculator bc?23:02
escottELQEYNN, yes23:03
wrostekthe SNR is 1523:03
IntuitiveNippleELQEYNN: sometimes, yes23:03
wrostekthats not good23:03
wrostekAnyone know how to disable power save on a wifi card without using iwconfig?23:03
ELQEYNNThat's one thing one can access only via shell commands.23:04
MirkoKaELQEYNN: not anymore, i use ipython, what's your question anyway23:04
ELQEYNNDoes ipython give you any precision of calculations that you want?23:04
escottELQEYNN, there will be gmp libraries for pythong23:05
shlomoMirkoKa, it doesn't work with "epiphany", it says missing plugin. The thing is, it used to work with FF but the website says there is a new java version. Is this new java version also available for ubuntu browsers?23:06
MirkoKaELQEYNN: not as automatic as bc does, but with round() yes.23:06
IntuitiveNipplewrostek: Maybe accessing it via the /sys/interface? e.g. manipulating /sys/class/net/wlan0/phy80211/device/tx_power23:06
ELQEYNNI don't like perl.23:07
jayarwhy does my IP keep getting set by DHCP when i have static set in /interfaces?23:07
jayarit just started happening all of a sudden23:08
ELQEYNNDoesn't your router have SHCP wired into it?23:08
jayari dunno, never heard of that23:08
MirkoKashlomo: since I have never manually installed the FF java browser plugin on this box, I guess yes. maybe you should do and apt-get upgrade23:08
wrostekintuitiveNipple, how would I do that? echo off > /sys/class/net/wlan0/phy80211/device/power/control23:08
ELQEYNNDoesn't your router have DHCP wired into it?23:08
rikstationhow to get startup manager on ubuntu 12.0423:09
jayaryea, but i use dhcp for wireless devices23:09
IntuitiveNipplewrostek: From looking at it, it looks to be an integer value. Do some Googling, see if it can be used that way23:09
jayarservers and workstation are all set static23:09
ELQEYNNIn Perl, what's "323" +  "1279J" ?23:09
MirkoKaELQEYNN: this is Python ;-) but anyway, aside from trying math programs like octave, what is your actual problem please23:09
nosoundpleasehelI installed Ubuntu minimal yesterday and there is no sound. I have looked at all the alsa drivers and such and they are all installed. Is there something I am missing?23:10
IntuitiveNipplerikstation: click the gear icon top-right, choose "Startup Applications..."23:10
ELQEYNNAs I said, MiokoKa, arbitrary-precision calculation.23:10
jayaroooooh i just found address reservation in dhcp settings... didnt see that before... hope this works :)23:11
rikstationIntuitiveNipple, thanks for your reply, but i wish to have startup-manager not startup applications, i wish to control grub effectivly using it23:11
MirkoKaELQEYNN: and you're unhappy with bc?23:12
IntuitiveNipplerikstation: Ahhh! you mean the GUI application to manage the boot loader?23:12
rikstationIntuitiveNipple, yes thats correct, in linux mint i just downloaded startup-manger but it doesnt seem to be in the repos here23:13
rikstationIntuitiveNipple, first day using ubuntu23:13
IntuitiveNipplerikstation: It is, as "startupmanager" BUT I'm reading it hasn't been keeping pace with GRUB2. see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StartUpManager23:14
IntuitiveNipplerikstation: And welcome to Ubuntu!23:14
zykotick9!info startupmanager23:14
ubottustartupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub, Usplash and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.13-5 (oneiric), package size 114 kB, installed size 1360 kB23:14
zykotick9!info startupmanager precise23:14
ubottuPackage startupmanager does not exist in precise23:14
zykotick9rikstation: ^^ ask in #ubuntu+123:14
rikstationIntuitiveNipple, ubottu, i appreciate your help, thank you23:14
knytmarecan anyone send me a link for a 10.4 ubuntu manual on how to make a GUI login23:16
nosoundpleasehelI installed Ubuntu minimal yesterday and there is no sound. I have looked at all the alsa drivers and such and they are all installed. Is there something I am missing?23:17
escottnosoundpleasehel, probably need to load the modules. on top of which the minimal probably won't have things like pulseaudio so you might want that23:17
zykotick9!sound | nosoundpleasehel have to looked at this stuff?23:18
ubottunosoundpleasehel have to looked at this stuff?: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:18
jeremiah_what is the command for finding what drivers you have?23:19
aggrav8dHi, Ubuntu.  I just updated ubuntu and now i'm getting "client denied by server configuration" in my apache error log.  I can't seem to access my sites.  anyone know what's changed that could be causing the problem?23:19
dirkledoes anyone know the best way to go about dual booting Win7 and Ubuntu 11.10 with UEFI? I've look around on the forums and Google and can't find anything that looks like a sure method23:19
MirkoKajeremiah_: lsmod23:20
escottdirkle, you will need the grub-efi bootloader instead of the grub-pc bootloader23:20
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boxbeatsyhi, i have a database of 11 million records, each record having 4 columns of data.  i want to create an api that allows you to search the database of records by a varchar column.  does anyone know if there's a more effective way to store the data than in mysql and querying with a fulltext index?23:31
aggrav8dboxbeatsy - what are you searching for?23:32
dj_segfaultboxbeatsy: How often does the data change?23:32
boxbeatsythe data never changes23:32
boxbeatsydj_segfault: the data never changes23:32
cfeddeone big table of data in a flat file seems like a reasonable choice.  why not use grep?23:33
MirkoKaboxbeatsy: ask in a (my)sql group23:33
dj_segfaultYou want them to search for the value of a SPECIFIC field or all fields?23:33
boxbeatsyaggrav8d: each row has a 'keyword' column and i'ms earching for the ten closest matches to the keyword along with the corresponding data23:33
aggrav8dboxbeatsy - I'd sort them alphabetically.23:33
dj_segfaultboxbeatsy:  Are there multiple keywords in the keyword field delimited by something?23:34
aggrav8ddo that once and build an index for the first few letters.23:34
boxbeatsydj_segfault: yea, keywords can be phrases and search queries can also be phrases23:34
aggrav8dah, so you're matching any part of the keyword, or the entire keyword?23:34
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dj_segfaultboxbeatsy:  If that's the case, a database index won't do you any good, and you might as well use grep as others have said.  That way you can even allow regular expressions23:35
boxbeatsyya, i'm matching any part of the keyword.  so alphabetizing might not help.23:35
aggrav8dno, bubblebuddy, I will not join #dongforce.  wtf.23:35
dj_segfaultI got that too.23:36
dj_segfaultCan someone kick dongforce?23:36
cfeddealso 11 million records is not all that big.  maybe a gig or two.  How fast do you need the searches to be?23:36
aggrav8dI just updated ubuntu and now i'm getting "client denied by server configuration" in my apache error log.  I can't seem to access my sites.  anyone know what's causing the problem?  Google hasn't helped.23:36
boxbeatsycfedde: less than 100ms is my goal23:36
dj_segfaultaggrav8d: Without more information I would say your apache config is now set to respond to localhost only23:37
boxbeatsywhen you say use grep, are you suggesting i set up a simple paste webserver and then grep a text file with all the data for a keyword and then sorting in programming logic?23:37
aggrav8ddj_segfault - how might i confirm that?23:37
dj_segfaultTry going to http://localhost on a browser on the server23:38
aggrav8dour forces combine, activate floodbot!23:38
dj_segfaultWonderpowers ACTIVATE!23:38
cfeddeboxbeatsy: you did not say anyting up front about a web front end. But sure.  a text field to collect the string and then grep agains the data seems like a simple approach.23:38
robdehello, "|" in the command-line forwards the output to the following command. is there a way to forward each line seperately to the subsequent command?23:38
aggrav8ddj_segfault - yeah, looks like you were right.  please: how do i fix it?23:39
aggrav8dI'm very ignorant about running a server.23:39
* aggrav8d really should just run a virtual lamp stack in on his home machine.23:39
cfedderobde: generator command | while read l; do stuff with $l; done23:39
wylderobde: #bash  would likely be a better place for info of that nature. :)23:40
dj_segfaultaggrav8d: gimme a sec to look it up23:40
MirkoKahow often do you need to search? does the pattern change? id the search needed on multiple systesm, do you even have a plain text "print-out" of the database? etc, greping on databases is absurd not to say  ridiculous, ask an SQL forum for the real way :-)23:40
cfedderobde: and if "do stuff" is simple enough then try xargs23:40
conor_irelandon 11.10 and when i go into workspace switcher it keep displaying 4 desktops really small in a row and not a 2x2 grid no matter what settings i change, anyone know hwy?23:40
aggrav8ddj_segfault - when i go to "is ___ down or is it just me?" the site says just me.23:40
boxbeatsyhmmm ok i wil give that a try.  thank you everyone for your help!23:41
aggrav8ddj_segfault: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/reverb-marketing.com23:41
dj_segfaultaggrav8d: You should see a block at the top of the conf file that says something (probably localhost) then ":80" Change the thing before the colon to "*" and restart the server23:42
Sefid_ParIs it formal that sometimes downloading packages from "main server" become unreachable? I can not install from Main Server by that error !23:43
dj_segfaultaggrav8d: Are you using virtualhosts?23:43
conor_irelandI have compiz set as a 2x2 workspace grid, why are the workspaces not showing as 2x2?23:44
Sefid_ParBy the error: WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!23:44
aggrav8ddj_segfault: NameVirtualHost *:80, <VirtualHost *:80> are the first two lines.23:44
BlouBlouDoes anyone know the features of kubuntu 12.04 lts?23:44
aggrav8dyes, i am using virtual hosts.23:44
dj_segfaultaggrav8d: Ah i think this is what you need  http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mpm_common.html#listen23:44
dj_segfaultBlouBlou: Yes, the website does23:45
dj_segfaultaggrav8d: On my system the Listen directive is in ports.conf23:47
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conor_irelandHow do I get borders to be displayed between workspaces when in the switcher?23:52
dj_segfaultaggrav8d: Did that help?23:52
spammeranyone help me pls23:53
spammeri wanna smtp23:53
dj_segfaultSo you log on with the nickname "spammer" and you want us to help you set up your mail server????!?!??!?!23:54
aggrav8ddj_segfault: I've got Listen 80 and Listen 443 (for SSL)23:55
dj_segfaultaggrav8d:  And did it work after you restarted?23:55
nosoundpleasehelspammer, hahaha no23:55
alexisdhello, how I can install gnome-boxes in 12.04 plz?23:56
KlikiniWhy does the screen sometimes get fuzzy (turn to lines) on 11.10?23:57
aggrav8ddj_segfault: it was there alreayd.23:57
aggrav8dI wonder if spammer can help me set up my troll bot.  probably not.23:58
dj_segfaultaggrav8d: What's the URL?  I can try it from here23:58
ca_budcan someone please recommend a good tutorial for puppet?23:58
* dj_segfault resists the urge to say "Sesame Street". Oh, wait, I guess I didn't ;)23:59
KlikiniI'm asking for someone else who has the lines issue.23:59
dj_segfaultSorry, ca_bud I just got off working a three-day conference and I'm a little punchy23:59

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