
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
malvxubuntu should fix the practically unselectable 1pixel borders01:12
malvwill donate $1 to the xubuntu team to get rid of this madness01:14
bazhangmalv, file a bug01:16
bazhangmalv, complaining will get nothing01:16
malvit's not really a bug01:16
bazhang!bug | malv01:16
ubottumalv: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.01:16
malvthey'll close it and say it's not a bug01:16
bazhangmalv, wishlist bug is a bug01:16
bazhangmalv, this is not the complaints channel01:17
babbleif you mark it as a feature request, they'll treat it as such01:17
hbchi guys04:56
hbcI use universal usb installer to write the xubuntu 1110 to my usb disk04:57
hbcand when I try to boot it, it will return a kernel panic04:57
hbcit said: "vfs: unable to mount root fs on unknow block"04:57
hbcany suggestions?04:58
Sysitry unetbootin or usb-creator04:59
maoranmaI personally use unetbootin, just remember to format your media before hand04:59
hbcI have tried unetbootin too, the same05:00
hbcI also tried boot from hd, also the same05:00
maoranmaSo I'm getting screen corruption when I resize LibreOffice, anyone else?07:16
knomeyeah, that happens07:16
maoranmaknome: Is there a way to make it...not happen?07:18
knomenot that i know of07:18
knomefix libreoffice? ;)07:19
knomeor java...07:19
* knome gets shivers07:19
Saurabh_123will xubuntu 12.04 be supported for 3 or 5 years?08:22
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)08:24
well_laid_lawndoesn't really answer the question08:25
Saurabh_123yeah, and also Ubuntu 12.04 LTS will be supported for 5 years on the desktop too08:26
Saurabh_123but I was asking about the particular xubuntu release08:26
well_laid_lawnif you look at the 28th April here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule - 12.04 is a lts release08:27
well_laid_lawnxubuntu is ubuntu with xfce - same release and support08:28
Saurabh_123well_laid_lawn, Yeah I already know that08:28
well_laid_lawnwhat're you asking then ?08:28
Saurabh_123But I was asking about xubuntu support rather than ubuntu08:28
Saurabh_123Ubuntu 12.04 will be supported for 5 years08:29
well_laid_lawnthe server will be08:29
well_laid_lawn and 5 years on the server.08:29
Saurabh_123well_laid_lawn, the desktop too08:29
Saurabh_123not just the server08:29
well_laid_lawnwill be supported for 3 years on the desktop,08:29
Saurabh_123no, u r wrong08:29
well_laid_lawn and 5 years on the server.08:29
Saurabh_123well_laid_lawn, check this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubuntu_releases#Ubuntu_12.04_LTS_.28Precise_Pangolin.2908:30
well_laid_lawndid you see the bot reply?08:30
Saurabh_123its 5 years on both desktop and server08:30
well_laid_lawnwho do you believe? the bot or wikipedia ?08:32
Saurabh_123well, I believe Mark shuttleworth08:32
well_laid_lawnI dunno to be honest08:32
Saurabh_123and canonical08:32
grifo74hi exist any package i need to intall to have 3d fuction on intel graphic cards08:33
Saurabh_123well_laid_lawn: , check this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS08:34
Saurabh_123its a reliable source08:34
well_laid_lawn!find intel-dri08:34
ubottuPackage/file intel-dri does not exist in oneiric08:34
CellTechHow can I   make google talk video not crash08:51
CellTechDoes anyone here use pidgin for video chats?09:32
Wizardgood morning10:46
martinphonecan I play mkv files with xubuntu?12:42
=== m00se is now known as SeaHoers
=== SeaHoers is now known as m00se
=== m00se is now known as SeaHoers
=== SeaHoers is now known as SeaHorses
makki dont know command line and xubuntu worked then i upgraded nvidia now bad video driver,. how to restore defaults easily .???14:27
GridCubemakk, can you access the internet from that machine?14:28
GridCubeif yes then you can install mc, its a file manager for the terminal, and you wont have to be so scare against the terminal :)14:29
GridCubeits easy to install you just type:  sudo apt-get install mc14:29
GridCubeonce you have done this you run it as superuser, again: sudo mc14:30
GridCubethen you go to /etc/X11, on both panes, and then you rename xorg.conf, pressing F6, to xorg.conf.old14:31
GridCubeand then you reboot14:31
GridCubethats about it14:31
GridCubemakk, else you can do it all with:   cd /etc/X11 && sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.old && rm xorg.conf14:35
GridCubemmm no, thats wrong14:35
GridCube cd /etc/X11 && sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.old && sudo rm xorg.conf14:35
GridCubethats more like it :D14:35
GridCubeyou could also add an "&& sudo reboot" there if you feel like it :P14:36
makkcan i just copy and paste that in a terminal window14:51
makk[sudo] password for user:  user@user-desktop:/etc/X11$     must be done14:53
GridCubeyes you need to put your password14:57
makkso i made sure i deactivated the proprietary drivers and rebooted, just wondering if i could find a way to do it in the destop interface. video driver issue.15:03
GridCubemakk, launch: gksu jockey-gtk15:05
GridCubefrom alt-f215:05
MokuraIf I go into the xubuntu settings manager and try to add a keyboard shortcut, there's no text box for key input (but a box for the command to run).  I've already tried to delete the shortcut settings file, and that didn't seem to do anything.  Any suggestions?15:27
babbleMokura: You need to double click on the right-hand side of the keyboard shortcuts list15:29
babble(where the other keyboard shortcuts are)15:29
babbleclicking on the left side lets you modify the command to be launched15:29
babbleon the right side lets you modify the keyboard shortcut to launch it15:30
MokuraWell I'll be.15:30
babbleit's a little confusing until you've done it a couple of times :)15:30
MokuraThat's a little unintuitive, but it makes a sort of sense.  Thanks!15:30
babbleit makes a kind of sense, yeah. hehe.15:31
MokuraWhat commands would I use to move windows between workspaces?  Is there something in the xfce docs for that?15:31
babbleit might be a gtk theme issue, but it might be a little easier to get, the first time, if they visually separated the columns a little.15:31
babbleyou can set that in Window Manager > Keyboard15:32
MokuraOh wow.  Okay, cool.15:32
babbleKeyboard > Application Shortcuts really is for applications.15:32
Mokurafair enough.15:32
babblethere's a roadmap item to merge all of the keyboard shortcuts settings into one UI, but it would likely be as confusing that way. heh.15:33
Mokuraoh hey, control-left/right to change workspaces.  shoulda just tried it, duh.15:33
Slamd64Hello everyone. I have one simple question: what applet for volume mixer does xubuntu use? I need this applet: http://www.dedoimedo.com/images/computers_years/2011_2/xubuntu-music-integration.jpg15:33
* Mokura has dexpot on a windows box set up like that. dead handy.15:33
babble(I always forget what the defaults are - I have everything to suit me)15:33
Slamd64anyone knows what is the name of this applet? http://www.dedoimedo.com/images/computers_years/2011_2/xubuntu-music-integration.jpg thanks in advance15:49
GridCubeSlamd64, :) you closed the plugin indicator from the panel, add it back again15:54
GridCubethe plugin indicator comes back to life for network and mail, but not for sound15:55
GridCubeyou need to manually reinstate it15:55
GridCubeSlamd64, has it been fixed?16:04
babbleit's just the Sound Menu16:11
babbleadd the Indicators plugin to your panel and stuff that exports to the Ubuntu Sound Menu over dbus will show up in there.16:11
=== SeaHorses is now known as SeaHoers
|Chilled|what is the development channel?17:10
makkthanks guys. i just gave up the video issue. and reinstalled. long story short i had to(after hours of differnt try's) boot only off usb. to reinstall xubuntu and plug in the harddrive after i got it to boot to reinstall xubuntu. wish there was an easier way to unistall video driver updates for nvidia.17:14
Sysihe forgot to purge xorg.conf?17:16
=== Guest31145 is now known as epzil0n
lightahi guys I'm switching hdd, what folder is pidgin data again ? if someone could remind me18:04
GridCubelighta, if im not mistaken is in .purple18:05
lightahmm then I forget something, I saw this one and remplace mine yet, but no change, I'll dig this thx18:06
martinphoneI accidentally deleted a file I need, its not in the bin, can I still find it in lost and found?18:38
bazhangmartinphone, which one? a system package or something else18:43
martinphonebazhang, a movie18:43
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel18:43
martinphonei tried nautilus, but I cannot access it18:43
bazhangsee above martinphone18:44
jerlijoin #lubuntu18:44
martinphoneroot@dexter-M7X0SUN:/lost+found# ls -la18:46
martinphonetotal 2018:46
martinphonedrwx------  2 root root 16384 Apr 12 14:03 .18:46
martinphonedrwxr-xr-x 25 root root  4096 Apr 13 14:33 ..18:46
martinphonewhere are the 20 (files I assume)?18:46
martinphoneyes, why?18:49
martinphoneyou mean me as root, right? I couldnt access that lost and found as regular user18:49
bazhangwhy did you enable the root account?18:50
martinphoneI couldnt access that lost and found as regular user18:50
mongysudo -i puts you as root, even though root does not exist :)18:50
martinphonesudo cd /lost+found???18:50
Artemis3don't bother with lost+found, when you delete something you should umount asap and try recovery software: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery18:51
bazhangyou dont need root to enter a directory18:51
Artemis3eg from a live cd18:51
bazhangmartinphone, you do have backups, right?18:52
martinphonebazhang, not that important, its a movie I got 2 hours ago...18:52
Artemis3ah, then don't bother18:52
martinphoneand I have backups of just a part of all my data18:52
Artemis3let it go18:52
martinphoneseems Ill have to do that Artemis318:53
Artemis3when you delete, if it complains it won't go into the bin...18:53
Artemis3which remings me my bin is disabled somehow ;)18:53
babbleif you're deleting from a second, third partition, look in .Trash-0 at the top of the partition, unless you've done a *delete* instead of move-to-trash18:57
phlhi, anyone upgradet to 12.04 from server and installt xfce4? i get a segmentation fautl when entering options with file open dialog gtk_file_chooser_button_get_type () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.019:01
Artemis3phl, sounds familiar, try making a new user and see if it works...19:01
phlis root also ok?19:02
Artemis3of course not, make another user just for testing19:02
Artemis3make sure it belongs to the proper groups...19:02
Artemis3and see if everything works perfectly19:03
jerlihi gorre...19:03
jerlilong time19:04
xubuntu243Hi !19:35
xubuntu243I'm using Xubuntu 12.04 daily build (today build)19:36
xubuntu243I wanted to know which application to use to set the autostart19:36
xubuntu243of other app, for example wicd19:37
xubuntu243and other question19:38
xubuntu243How I can make applications remain in the tray?19:39
xubuntu243thanks !!19:39
phlwith the new user i have the same error19:44
GridCubewhat error?20:00
douglI installed ubunbtu 11.10 then ccsm and enabled some effects which broke my desktop then installed xubuntu and am booted to that but ccsm effects do not work (desktop cube and wobbly windows) any suggestions?20:07
mongydougl: is compiz running.20:12
mongy'compiz --replace ccp'20:13
phlGridCube: in gtk_file_chooser_button_get_type () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.020:13
phlif you mean me :D20:13
phlits version /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0.2400.10 in my installation20:14
GridCubei dont know gtk sorry20:15
douglmongy, checking20:15
douglmongy, did that command and window decorations bar (and handles?) disappeared... hmmm20:18
mongydougl: it's not running by default unless you use that command...20:19
douglmongy, thanks so much for the help... I will reboot and then it should run by default then?20:20
mongydougl: also, you might need to use a window decorator.  I use emerald (webupd8 ppa has it) or gtk20:20
douglmongy, thanks /me googling emerald and xfce20:21
mongyin the window decorator plugin in ccsm you enter something like gtk-window-decorator --metacity-theme=Ambiance or maybe --use-metacity-theme=    I forget.20:23
mongyOr use emerald.  I prefer it.  Works fine for me.20:24
douglrebooted and still no effects :(20:25
mongyit doesnt run itself20:25
mongyyou have to add startup entry20:25
dougloh - lol, what a bonehead I am = ok20:26
douglquick ? - how to you enable sshd on xubuntu - err start it?20:36
Unit193You'll need to install first.20:37
phli reinstallt libgtk2-0.0 and than it runs20:37
Unit193openssh-server, iirc.20:38
dekkzhi whats ppl favourite theme for xubuntu?20:57
Unit193Because it needs to be GTK2 and 3, Blackbird or modified blackbird.20:57
GridCubedekkz, welp i like the default greybird20:59
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Polls are highly discouraged to be taken on this channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, please ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:59
dekkzyeah thats what i'm using21:00
mongyzukitwo-brave is my fave, dark, bright theme21:00
dekkzjust googled a bit n most aew dark in look like bad beos 90s knockoffs21:01
mongygoes well with the zukitwo xfwm theme.21:01
dekkzk gonna look that one up,21:02
no-name-is it possible to change the size of icons in icon view in thunar?21:10
=== chrissi is now known as joe-cool
mongyno-name-: View/Zoom in - zoom out21:11
dekkzfile manager prefs too21:11
Unit193Ctrl+scroll too.21:11
no-name-dekkz: not in thunar21:12
no-name-another thunar question: in detailed list view, can you make it so all the "free screen space" goes to the column on the far left instead of the column on the far right?21:14
dekkzso thunar isnt the file manager in xubuntu?21:16
mongyno-name-: View - configure columns and disable21:16
mongydisable auto expand.  set your own.21:16
AhixXubuntu or Lubuntu for a very slow computer ?21:32
xubuntu122I am trying to run exe with wine, but there is this blocker which just won't turn off21:56
xubuntu122whenever I click on run as program checkbox, it checks it off a second later21:57
xubuntu122any solution to this?21:57
Unit193You could open a terminal and type  wine program.exe, or check permissions.21:57
xubuntu122can't check the permission21:59
xubuntu122it checks off automatically21:59
xubuntu122and can't install to wine because installers are also getting blocked22:00
mongyxubuntu122: are you running from cd?22:10
xubuntu122flash driv22:10
xubuntu122with casper persistence22:11
mongythe exe is on fat ?22:11
xubuntu122separate ntfs hdd22:12
mongyyou need to remount the tfs the maybe with exec permissions. or use winesetup to run it.22:13
mongybeen a long time since I used wine but there was something you could use to make it execute stuff that don't have +x perms, it was called winesetup.22:14

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