
=== jalcine- is now known as JackyAlcine
shadeslayeryofel_: I haz EFI boot00:30
shadeslayerwith 12 W of power usage00:30
shadeslayerneed to figure out how to get backlight control though00:30
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shadeslayerfigured it out00:32
shadeslayerchanging /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/brightness changes brightness00:33
shadeslayeryofel: plus I get SATA features ( used IDE in BIOS Emulation mode )00:35
xubu2hi. I see this kubuntu-active thing but it's only 32-bits.  I see a pkg in 64-bit but it says conflicts with itself?01:01
xubu2How is that?01:01
xubu2Can I install it alongside with kubuntu desktop and will appear in kdm as session choice?01:02
xubu2Package: kubuntu-active ...Conflicts: kubuntu-active???01:05
xubu2ah never mind.  looks like kubuntu-desktop does conflicts with itself too.  nice touch  :)01:09
JontheEchidnaScottK: is there anything I should be looking for wrt usb-creator?01:35
JontheEchidnait seems to prompt me my password for erasing the usb disk01:35
JontheEchidnahmm, it seems to have hung afterwards, but the polkit stuff works fine it would seem01:36
JontheEchidnathe polkit stuff is done in a helper common to both GUIs, so presumably it'll be a problem for both frontends01:37
ScottKJontheEchidna: thanks.  any ideas why it hung then?02:06
ScottKIt worked fine if I ran it with kdesudo.02:06
JontheEchidnaactually, it hangs during the erase for me if I use kdesudo too, so that may be something else entirely02:08
JontheEchidnabut yeah, I get the policykit dialog when not running as root02:08
* ScottK tries again.02:09
ScottKWorked perfect this time (I hit it during bootloader install myself)02:11
ScottK"Stuff happens"tm02:12
ScottKSo what happened to all these people that were going to do ISO testing ...02:30
DarkwingI know a lot of people who use unetbootin02:37
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kamilnadeemHi Everyone02:59
kamilnadeemI have installed Kubuntu 12.04 and it is working fine. I have a few questions so if anyone would be kind enough to provide me the answers to it as I am planning to do a screencast of Kubuntu 12.0403:00
ScottKDarkwing: It's working fine now. I think I had a fluke of some kind.03:01
ScottKkamilnadeem: Ask, and if someone has answers and time, they will answer them.03:01
kamilnadeemI had heard that Calligra would be the default Office suite but why is still LO here?03:01
kamilnadeemScottK: Thanks03:01
ScottKkamilnadeem: Calligra is on the dvd.  It's release came too late for us to really consider it this time.  It's a general Kubuntu policy to ship KDE apps unless there's a strong reason not to.03:03
ScottKKOffice was really never up to it.  We'll have to look at Calligra for next time though.03:03
kamilnadeemScottK: Okay, I know about the Kubuntu philosophy of showcasing the best in KDE. 03:04
kamilnadeemScottK: I have installed Calligra at the moment and if all goes well with it will do a special screencast of that also 03:05
kamilnadeemI am really enjoying Telepathy, I also see that Kopete has also been made available which is a good thing as some people are skeptical about telepathy.03:06
kamilnadeemOne final thing, are there any more design/feature related updates to come in before the final release?03:07
DarkwingThe only issue I have with Calligra is the lack of saving as doc/docx. I still have not figured out how.03:08
kamilnadeemSorry I closed quassel by mistake.03:09
DarkwingThe only issue I have with Calligra is the lack of saving as doc/docx. I still have not figured out how.03:09
ScottKkamilnadeem: In the end we decided to keep Kopete as the default for this release.  We'll switch to KDE Telepathy for the next one.  It is very promising, but in the end we concluded it needed a little more time to bake before we made it default.03:11
kamilnadeemScottK: Okay.03:12
Darkwingwith a lot of schools, doc/docx is a must IMO03:14
kamilnadeemDarkwing: Yes, it is sad but it is the truth. Open Standards would be better but it will change as more and more officially adopt FOSS03:15
DarkwingYes, it will be and it should be.03:15
DarkwingBut, there is a fact that it currently does not. :(03:15
kamilnadeemDarkwing: Also not having the options to save files in M$ office is serous handicap 03:18
kamilnadeemCalligra couldn't have been the default anyway03:18
DarkwingYup. :/03:18
kamilnadeemThanks for the helpl, I will be going now. Best of Luck for the release friends. Looking forward to a good future of Kubuntu(I don't want the name to be chnaged :D). Take Care.03:21
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jussiagateau: ping?07:42
jussianyone on 12.04 about to test something for me? 08:50
kamilnadeemHi Everyone.11:06
BluesKajHey all12:46
kamilnadeemBluesKaj: Hi12:48
kamilnadeemLong time :)12:48
BluesKajhi kamilnadeem12:52
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jussishadeslayer: are you actually here? 17:54
jussior anyone else for that matter? 17:55
yofeljussi: me, somewhat17:57
jussiyofel: can you do a quick test for me? (on 12.04)17:57
yofelfor what?17:57
skfinyofel: You were supposed to be quiet17:58
* shadeslayer is setting up cowbuilder and stuff17:58
skfinWhen somebody asks if someone is here, we shall remain quiet17:58
jussiyofel: with icon only task manager, try making libreoffic (any of them) "show an launcher when not running"17:58
jussihi shadeslayer17:58
shadeslayerhey ho17:58
yofelhm, intresting failure17:59
shadeslayerturns out they're restarting the N9/N950 Device program17:59
jussishadeslayer: what???17:59
jussiyofel: so you got the pick a program dialog?17:59
yofelshadeslayer: can't be hard to do better with that than with that lumia thing hrhr18:00
yofeljussi: yup18:00
jussiyofel: good, at least it isnt me18:00
* yofel wonders when that started18:00
jussiyofel: I only noticed it today18:01
yofelor was it only the default task manager that simply didn't show that option?18:01
shadeslayeryofel: jussi http://maemo.org/community/maemo-community/n9_device_seeding_activity/18:01
jussidefault task manager has that option too iirc18:01
yofeljussi: right, but for libreoffice entries it was never there18:01
yofelit disabled it when it couldn't parse the desktop file18:01
* shadeslayer wrestles with his test18:02
yofelor whatever18:02
jussiyofel: also, do you have an icon for  LO present (or whatever the damn thing is called)?18:03
yofellibreoffice writer does show the proper icon (a while ago it only showed the X symbol)18:03
jussifinally, anyone know how I can get oxygen application style again?  its missing from my drop down in system settings -> application appearance18:04
jussiyofel: yes, writer and spreadsheet are fine, present is not here18:04
yofelwriter, calc, impress and draw all have the proper icons18:05
jussiso, any clues on the style thing? 18:07
yofelnot really, not sure where that's in. Is kubuntu-desktop still installed? (shooting into the blue)18:09
yofeljussi: or more likely, is kde-style-oxygen still installed?18:11
jussiyofel: yes18:12
jussiyofel: I just found this... got to look at if it works yet : https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=13725718:12
shadeslayerjussi: make sure kde-style-oxygen is installed?18:20
jussishadeslayer: that arch forums thing had the answer - delete ~/.config/Trolltech.conf and resart kde18:21
shadeslayeroh my18:21
shadeslayerisn't that file important?18:21
shadeslayeror does it get regenerated everytime?18:23
tsimpsonit's mostly just the users default style and plugin cache18:24
yofeljussi: do you have a self built kde version around? esp. the oxygen libs are usually binary incompatible between kde releases18:30
jussiyofel: nope, but this was an upgrade from oneiric18:31
yofelshould've worked then...18:31
ScottKISO testing please....  There's lots to go.18:37
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BluesKajScottK, I would, but my test pc needs a working mobo atm , been searching the e-stores for a replacement and as soon as I find one that doesn't double the asking price with their phony shipping quotes I'll be back in business18:43
sneleScottK: when I finish testing, I should check what I tested (for ex. "live session") and then click on "passed with no bugs". Is that all?18:56
ScottKsnele: Assuming there we no bugs, yes.  If you have any relevant comments (perhaps additional testing you did beyond the test case) you can add those too.18:57
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danttihi, amarok is leaking a lot these days does someone knows if a there's a fix already?21:31
ScottKMamarok: ^^^ ?21:38
Mamarokdantti: which version? Leaking what exactly? I use 2.5-git on Precise and haven't seen a leak recently21:39
danttiMamarok: I'm using the precise version21:40
danttieach new track leaks a bit more21:40
Mamarokdantti: which is 2.5, and again, what leak? CPU, RAM?21:40
danttiso if this thing runs the whole day it's eating 500mb as of now :P21:40
Mamarokcould you answer my question?21:41
danttimemory leak21:41
Mamaroklet me check if we have reports for that21:42
Mamarokdantti: there are several reports, you should run valgrind to check where it is leaking, as the reports are not on the same parts:21:44
Mamarokbug 284087 for example21:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 284087 in XBMC Media Center "XBMC don't allow to use in fullscreen mode" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28408721:44
Mamarokgah, wrong bug, sorry: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28408721:45
ubottuKDE bug 284087 in Services/Magnatune "Memory leak in updating Magnatune database" [Major,New: ]21:45
danttiMamarok: do I need to use a compiled version so you can know the line numbers?21:45
Mamarokdantti: you need the *-dbg package installed21:45
Mamarokdo you know how to run valgrind?21:45
Mamarokdantti: http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tools/Valgrind21:46
dantti--leak-check=full an track origns is enough right?21:46
Mamarokyes, certainly21:47
danttiMamarok: http://pastebin.com/H7tEqcG6  it seems that it has two mem checks (maybe because of the kunique fork.. dunno)22:01
Mamarokdantti: could you try the phonon-backend-vlc instead of the gstreamer one?22:03
danttiMamarok: can I use xine one?22:04
Mamarokand install the debugging symbols for all dependencies22:04
Mamarokdantti: no, there is no more xine backend in precise, it is deprecated since quite some time22:04
danttiwell it's listed on phonon backens...22:04
danttiwell on my machine it didn't get removed... anyways dbg of vlc?22:05
Mamarokcertainly not from the Phonon devs, as they communicated the deprecation more than a year ago22:05
Mamarokit is up to the distros to remove deprecated packages, so it should have been removed already, even Debian did it :)22:06
Mamarokdantti: -dbg of all dependencies, kdelibs included22:06
danttimaybe the upgrade process forgot to remove the obsoletes..22:06
danttithe kdelibs and qt is already included as it's requided from amarok dbg22:07
Mamarokand you need the -dbg of the phonon backend, not of vlc22:09
danttiyes it still leaks, let me run valgrind22:12
danttiMamarok: http://privatepaste.com/45263f7f3922:25
danttias you can see no matter the backend it's leaking a lot22:25
Mamarokdantti: do you use any external scripts?22:30
danttiMamarok: prety much just what came with it22:31
danttiI didn't installed any 3rd party ones22:31
MamarokOK, just to rule that out22:31
Mamarokand you get the same leak with the vlc backend?22:31
danttijust press next and the mem usage keeps getting higher22:32
danttiabout 2mb per track.. i think22:32
Mamarokcould you please get a vlagrind output with the vlc backend as well?22:32
danttiMamarok: the last one I did using it22:33
Mamarokthat is still the gstreamer one22:33
danttiI selected that on the phonon kcm22:33
Mamarokyou need to restart KDE, else the backend will not change22:33
danttiMamarok: hmm i didn't change the preference... the kcm should use some smartness, does changeing the prefes can avoid a logout?22:34
Mamarokno, as it will only take effect when Phono is restarted22:35
danttiMamarok: http://privatepaste.com/e0b912973a22:48
Mamarokdantti: and the memory usage is the same? This valgrind output is quite different though22:49
danttiMamarok: well it still leaks, tho looking at memory usage seems to be increasing 200kb each 2~3 seconds, and a bit more when I skip the track22:53
Mamarokdantti: could you please make a bug report with the valgrind output? https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=amarok22:54
danttiwith both valgrind outputs?22:55
Mamarokwell, the last is not complete, it lacks the end22:58
danttiMamarok: done https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29862723:01
ubottuKDE bug 298627 in general "Amarok memory leak when changing tracks" [Normal,New: ]23:01
danttiMamarok: full version http://privatepaste.com/dccae94e3423:04
danttii think valgrind didn't have finished writting...23:04
Mamarokdantti: thanks for the report23:04
danttiyw, hope it helps this issue getting fixed :)23:05

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