
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
cheakoHello, I'm attempting to sign the CoC.  There is 1 error.\n(7, 9, u'No public key')05:14
cheakoShould gpg have put the public key in the asc also?  I've already provided that to launchpad.05:15
cheakoAhh, IC they key used was one of my sub keys.05:17
cheakoK, this is strange.  I've put my (main key ID CB0E195E) into launchpad, but regardless of what I do the signature is always created with 4096-bit RSA key, ID 8EDCAB8A.  I believe that's what I'd normally want.05:20
cheakoSub-keys don't have fingerprints.05:22
jelmerhey Noldorin13:53
Noldorinhey jelmer14:00
Noldorinwhat's up?14:03
jelmernot much, how are you?14:04
Noldorinpretty good thanks14:04
vibhavhow to I register a branch in https://code.launchpad.net/landscape-client?14:04
Noldorinnot a great deal either. working on a few of my pet projects14:04
vibhavI cant see any "Register A Branch"14:04
jelmervibhav: just push a branch14:04
jelmervibhav: bzr push lp:~vibhav/landscape-client/branchname14:05
jelmerNoldorin: same here, trying to focus on doing a few things well rather than working on lots of things14:06
Noldorinah right14:06
Noldorinwhat sort of things? :-)14:06
vibhav/j/window 914:07
vibhavoops :)14:07
jelmerNoldorin: samba/openchange/bitlbee14:07
Noldorinah right14:07
nigelbjelmer: I keep forgetting that you're a bitlbee dev :)14:09
jelmernigelb: well, I haven't actually contributed much to it in the last couple of years, distracted by other things14:09
nigelbHeh. But still. So cool. :D14:10
cheakoHello, still looking for help signing the CoC.15:20
exarkunWhy did bzr decide to tell me this?15:36
exarkunThis transport does not update the working tree of: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~twisted-dev/twisted-trac-integration/port-diffresource-to-frack/. See 'bzr help working-trees' for more information.15:36
exarkundoes any transport ever update any working tree of any branch on launchpad?15:37
jelmerexarkun: branches on launchpad don't have a working tree15:37
jelmerexarkun: it only tells you this if the remote branch has one15:37
exarkunif branches on launchpad don't have a working tree, and it only tells me that when a remote branch has a working tree, why did it tell me that?15:38
exarkunThe branch didn't exist on launchpad before that "bzr push" command, it was a new branch15:38
jelmerexarkun: normally they don't, perhaps you somehow managed to create one15:38
* jelmer looks15:38
jelmerhmm, no, that one doesn't appear to have a working tree either15:39
cheakoI've dput packages to a new ppa and I havn't got a reply or any changes to my ppa for more then 8 hours.16:11
cheakoIt's because I havn't signed the CoC?16:11
cheakoHow can I get any form of debugging?16:12
vibhavcheako: check you mail account, It might have been rejected16:35
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
fidelhi - assuming i do have a launchpad-account - is there an option to "bookmark" projects inside a profile? not seeing any option like that right now20:11
cheakovibhav: I've been checking.  No emails about my uploads and still zero pkgs in the PPA, where else can I get information?  This is my first attempt at using launchpad PPA, though I have used mentors.debian20:33
=== jussi is now known as android
dobeyfidel: no21:50
dobeycheako: have you not signed the CoC?21:51
dobeycheako: you have to sign the code of conduct to have a PPA. not sure why you didn't get a rejection e-mail telling you that though21:54
=== ajmitch_ is now known as ajmitch
idnarcan anyone give me the SSL key fingerprint for Launchpad? I think I have a Firefox Nightly bug here, but I'd like to rule out the possibility of an MITM attack23:58
idnaror, hmm. I guess there may be multiple SSL certs in use, so that might not help me23:59

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