
=== jalcine- is now known as JackyAlcine
MATH22hi i would like to know how to install my radeon hd 3850 in lubuntu00:35
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=== jalcine- is now known as JackyAlcine
FernandoCuevaI want to install a game what is the preferred wey? to uncompress as user or root05:07
MrChrisDruifInstall from the repositories I'd say05:08
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lvladihi, can someone help me? I'm using lubuntu, and want to add some more workspaces. Thank you.13:15
holsteinlvladi: http://linuxlibrary.org/desktop/lxde-desktop-workspaces/13:32
drlabanSoo, I'm trying out Lubuntu on my old HP dc7700p box. I'm surprised by the swiftness of it and am enjoying it more by the minute. I do have a problem with keyboard delay in 11.10.14:57
drlabanI have been told that the configuration file for delay and repeat interval is stored in file ~/.config/lxsession/$DESKTOP_SESSION/desktop.conf14:58
drlabanHowever, I have tried fidgetting with this file and path for a while now and I can't come up with a way of getting this to work.14:59
drlabanIf I use the Input Device Preferences GUI, the file is never created. If I create it myself I get a file that contains only default mouse and keyboard settings. Also, through some digging I've concluded that settings related to the window manager (openbox) is missing when I do this.15:01
drlabanThis means that when the file exists, it breaks openbox on quite a few places. When I delete it, openbox returns to normal.15:02
drlabanI'd appreciate any suggestions as to how I could make this work. All I wanted out of this was to change the Repeat delay but it seems a hard road to get there.15:04
smilebye :)15:51
drlabanI'm using Vim. I can't seem to figure out if or how it's possible to have the cursor change shape when I switch modes. It seems as if colours is configurable but not cursor shape.15:53
* MrChrisDruif has no experience with vim15:53
drlabanOh, and I'm using lxterminal. That's probably pretty important.15:54
drlabanMrChrisDruif: Any experience with desktop.conf?15:56
MrChrisDruifNot really, why?15:57
drlabanMrChrisDruif: _Totally_ different question. :)15:57
drlabanWell, I'm having problems with getting repeat delay to work15:57
drlabanI'm trying to adjust my keyboard settings but Lubuntu doesn't agree with me.15:57
* MrChrisDruif is back in a jiffy, but I don't think I know how to help you as I'm currently not running lubuntu. But maybe you could paste your desktop.conf with the section you're referring to then I might have a look15:59
AmberJ_Anyone uses a hp printer (with hplip) here?17:56
AmberJ_Since last couple of days my printer (inkjet model hp 910) was behaving weird. After one print session, it's head would stuck in opposite direction to what it is supposed to be..17:57
AmberJ_I tried a couple of things. Then I thought of reinstalling it. So, I did 'sudo apt-get purge hplip'..17:58
AmberJ_Then, I did 'sudo apt-get install hplip' to install it again.17:58
AmberJ_But now when I run 'sudo hp-setup' it won't detect my printer..17:58
AmberJ_Nevermind. I ran 'system-config-printer' and "Add"ed my printer from the list it generated automatically18:07
AmberJ_The problem is solved now.18:07
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kanliotsome reason on my precise box, unity just got installed after an apt-get upgrade19:40
kanliot?  i guess i have to ask why.19:40
kanliot4 some reason19:40
Yorvykkanliot: How long since you did an update as this was a problem some time back and was solved.20:04
kanliota few days20:07
kanliot@ orvyk20:07
kanlioti really am not that good at package managment20:08
Yorvykkanliot: have you added any packages?20:11
kanliotof course i've installed software20:12
kanliotbeen running precise for months20:12
YorvykWhat have you installed?20:13
kanliotman i install lots of stuff20:14
kanlioteverything from gedit to eclipse20:14
kanlioti did install nautilus20:15
kanliotthat might have been it20:15
YorvykI'm wondering if one or more of them has some sort of dependency on Unity20:15
Yorvykor maybe recommends it.20:16
YorvykThat's the only thing I can think of.20:18
kanlioti don't know how to check recommends20:18
YorvykI right click on the package in Synaptic20:19
kanlioton unity?20:19
YorvykYou could start there.  But I'd try Nautilus first to see if it recommends or suggests unity20:21
YorvykThis sort of thing can be very hard to find20:21
kanliotsounds impossible20:21
kanliotbut thank you yorvyk20:21
kanliotwell not impossible20:21
kanliotif i had a few hours maybe20:21
YorvykYou could just remove unity if you don't want it20:22
kanlioti have20:22
kanliotthanks agin20:23
kanliotactually i may have found a way, but it doesn't work20:24
kanliotsynaptic has a20:25
kanliot'missing recommends' filter20:25
kanliotuse that somehow?20:25
kanliotbut it's not working donno hy20:25
kanliotapologies if hy is in this channel20:25
YorvykIt is working as no package has any of it's recommended packages missing20:27
kanliotthat would be true if the package that recommended the unity package was fixed already20:28
kanliotbut where is the smoking gun?20:29
kanliotit's a conspiracy and ubuntu is trying to get me to change distributions20:29
bioterrorI usually check my update/upgrades20:30
bioterrorI see what's installing20:30
kanliotnot a big deal really20:30
bioterrorpurge unity20:31
kanlioti just dont want to reboot into unity20:31
kanliotwell i removed package, do i need to purge also?20:31
kanliotand which purge command do i use?20:31
bioterrorif you dont need it, why would you keep the configs?20:31
kanliotapt-get purge unity20:31
bioterrorcan you explain it20:31
kanliotor apt-get --purge unity20:31
kanliotit made sense when i did it 20 mins ago20:32
MrChrisDruifkanliot; issue is fixed? (Unity got installed somehow?)21:12
kanliotwell i did apt-get remove21:23
kanliotso it's fixed kinda in a way21:23
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MrChrisDruifDid you figure out which package brought it in?21:25
kanlioti did not figure it out21:26
kanlioti do have this awful story about high school though21:26
kanlioti guess i'll see if more people have the problem21:26
kanliotmuch like ubuiqity crashing21:27
kanliotand locking up21:27
kanliotjust wait for more people to report it21:27
MrChrisDruifkanliot; unity rdepends: xserver-xorg-core:i386 unity-services:i386 unity:i386 libxfixes3:i386 libunity9:i386 libnux-2.0-0:i386 libbamf3-0:i386 libbamf0:i386 compiz-core:i386 myunity xserver-xorg-core unity-services unity-common unity-common ubuntu-desktop netbook-launcher libxfixes3 libunity9 libnux-2.0-0 libbamf3-0 libbamf0 |indicator-printers |gnome-session compiz-core21:47
kanliotthanks but i'm in the middle of something else now21:51

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