
=== ahmd is now known as ahmdrefat
ashamsthelinuxer, ding15:15
thelinuxerashams: it's ping15:15
ashamsI expected a "dong", though15:16
thelinuxerdong 3ashan 7'atrak15:16
ashamsso, should we launch the Jazari thing ba2a?15:16
thelinuxeru never told me what  jazari is aslan15:16
thelinuxerI found it by chance on your blog or launchpad profile .. can't remember which15:17
ashamsthelinuxer, it's good that we chat throughirc, cuz if it was physical you would be dead by now15:17
ashamsI told you 2 times15:17
ashamsone sec15:18
ashamsthelinuxer, just found it: "2nd thing": https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-eg-council/msg00246.html15:21
thelinuxerok,  feen kelmet jazari fel email ?15:22
ashamsoh, that was here on irc, I told you: "btw, I've just registered Al-Jazari" :P15:23
ashamsanyway ya 3am15:23
ashamsshould we launch it ba2a?15:23
ashamssetting ueg-dev as aintainer will give upload rights to whomever joins15:24
ashamswe need code to be reviewed before submitted15:24
thelinuxerashams: mashy ya 3am enta etkabast 7'alas ok15:24
thelinuxerashams: sure what do u need ?15:24
ashamsin case you don't know about registering it: pad.lv/p/al-jazari15:25
ashamsthere's a problem15:25
thelinuxerman can we talk about this later15:25
thelinuxerI am doing some stuff right now15:25
ashamsalrighty then15:25
ashamsI'll be waiting for Wazery, Ayn Anta ya Wazery15:26
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